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Thursday, November 6th, 2014, 00:03 UTC
[00:03:12] rsiebert (rsiebert! has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
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[01:12:04] kisak: I did it again ... I joined an irc channel, then fixed my problem before I finished typing the question ... stay classy #mythtv-users
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[15:23:29] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:34:33] RedPenguin: anybody still having issues with mythfilldatabase and SD?
[15:43:51] gregL: RedPenguin, Mine is working fine.. Have you updated to the latest fixes?
[15:44:03] Kwisher_wrk: mine is good also
[15:45:18] RedPenguin: as far as I can tell
[15:45:24] RedPenguin: I'm using the MythTV repo
[15:45:30] RedPenguin: I just keep getting "Download Error"
[15:46:03] RedPenguin: MythTV Version : v0.27.4-6-ge0b0027
[15:47:44] gregL: RedPenguin, try running mythfilldatabase --dd-grab-all in a terminal and see if it runs there..
[15:47:59] RedPenguin: I've tried that and normal mythfilldatabase
[15:48:41] RedPenguin: I did a tcpdump/Wireshark and it keeps getting "Can't prove Authorization" or similar
[15:48:52] RedPenguin: Though I have verified my user/pass many times now
[15:49:22] gregL: RedPenguin, Have yo tried to log into the SD web site?
[15:49:37] RedPenguin: yea I get in there easily
[15:49:55] RedPenguin: I even tried changing the password
[15:50:31] RedPenguin: Also account isn't expired, says Feb 2015
[15:50:43] RedPenguin: It randomly stopped working like 5PM yesterday
[15:51:11] Kwisher_wrk: there is a mythfilldatabase log
[15:51:23] gregL: RedPenguin, Let me run it from a terminal here and see if it works for me...
[15:52:34] RedPenguin: Kwisher_wrk: for some reason even though I just ran it, the log shows only stuff from 4:55PM yesterday
[15:53:10] Kwisher_wrk: are you running it as the mythtv user?
[15:53:57] Kwisher_wrk: i had the same issue before the SD change because i was manually running it as my user
[15:54:09] RedPenguin: in the schdulesdirect config, do you select MythTV under the MythTV section or as MythTV/XMLTV?
[15:54:25] RedPenguin: Kwisher_wrk: oh wait, hold on, I am running it as my user, I just noticed
[15:54:49] Kwisher_wrk: do – su mythtv
[15:55:06] Kwisher_wrk: you get a funny prompt but it still works
[15:55:44] RedPenguin: same errror for me
[15:55:51] RedPenguin: even though it gives mroe info this time
[15:56:22] RedPenguin: only thing that really says anything is "DataDirect: Failed to get data: Download error"
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[19:34:01] bill6502: RedPenguin: bullet 9, If memory serves, you get 10 attempts per hour 'til fail2ban locks anyone out for 24 hours. I'd suggest making no attempts for that long and then try again. if that fails, the folks at SD have been very responsive on their site/fourm.
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[19:57:55] RedPenguin: oh thanks bill6502
[19:57:59] RedPenguin: that maty have actually been it
[19:58:09] RedPenguin: my buddy and I are having issues trying to get a HVR-950Q to work
[19:58:35] RedPenguin: We have a CGMS issue with a single ClearQAM channel, and for some reason we are having issues trying to tell mythtv only use the CQAM tuner for that channel not the PRIME
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[21:12:54] RedPenguin: If you want a single ClearQAM tuner to be used for a single channel, do you need an acftual second lineuop?
[21:13:42] RedPenguin: The new SchedulesDirect seems to no longer permit me to say NickToons for one linupe and the other lineup for the other
[21:13:51] RedPenguin: It deslects many chnanels that in both
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[21:28:54] RedPenguin: bill6502: do you know if it's by IP or username?
[21:35:10] bill6502: RedPenguin: sorry, I don't know
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[21:41:58] smee: Hi, I have compiled from source mythtv fixes/0.27 but I am finding the tv metadata lookup is failing. If I run -v I get an error complaining it can't find module MythTV.ttvdb.tvdb_ui. Any idea how I can point it at it?
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[22:01:32] bill6502: smee: it happened on the -users mailing list, the solution was: export PYTHONPATH="/mythtv/local64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/" (his build was in /mythtv/local64 obviously). May be similar to your issue if your bindings aren't in the path
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[22:03:59] bill6502: smee: . . . reply;so=ASC
[22:04:19] bill6502: afk
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[23:07:48] RedPenguin: thanks bill6502, looks like my SD is workin again so I guess I accidentally triggered the ban
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[23:59:49] natanojl (natanojl!~jonatan@mythtv/developer/natanojl) has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)

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