:: #mythtv-users

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Current users (128):

adante, aloril, amessina, andreaz, AndyCap, B34N, benc_, BillK, BLZbubba, brfransen, caelor, Casper0082, CCFL_Man, ChanServ, clever, croccydile, Cubber, dahlSTROM, Dave123, DaveQB, deathadder, dekarl, dkeith, dually, enyc, epinephrine, esperegu, EvilGuru, eye69, fetzerch, Floppe, Freejack, G, Gibby, gigem, gregL, GreyFoxx, grumpydevil, Guest62829, haux, Heliwr, Hoochster, Hydr0p0nX, ikevin, infinite, J-e-f-f-A, jams, jarle, Jay2k1, jbrett, jedix, Jinx, jm|laptop, johnsu01, joki, jst, justdave, justinh, jya, kormoc, kurre2, LedHed, len_, loganrun, lotia, maseck, materdaddy, mengoshmink, Metoer, MilkBoy, mishehu, MissionCritical, moparisthebest, Moscherkobold, Muzer, MythLogBot, mzb, nephyrin, nikgod, niska, nutron, Oleg_, pigeon, pmmd, purserj, pyrodex, RagingComputer, RagingMind, RedPenguin, rhpot1991, rsiebert, Scopeuk, Seeker`, seld, Shadow__X, ShapeShifter499, Sharky112065, sid3windr, simcop2387, skd5aner, sl1ce, sphery, squidly, sressot, StevenR, stuartm, Sulx, superm1, swebb, taknev, terr1, tgm4883, tonsofpcs, tris, troyt, trumee, ubIx, unforgiven512, wagner__, wallzero, Warped, wsuetholz, XDS2010, xris, zoktar, [mrx], _abbenormal, _charly_
Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014, 00:07 UTC
[00:07:00] skd5aner (skd5aner! has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:06:50] CCFL_Man: does anyone here utilize s-video output?
[06:18:37] CCFL_Man: <--i like this board for a tivo replacement
[06:23:08] CCFL_Man: what do you think?
[06:23:32] CCFL_Man: and i'll get a video card with s-video and dvi for digital output
[06:24:02] kusznir (kusznir!~kusznir@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[06:31:12] CCFL_Man: oh, it does have hdmi
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[06:52:10] Shadow__X is now known as Shadow__away
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[14:47:08] Cubber (Cubber! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[14:55:11] haux: CCFL_Man: I'm buying ASRock Q2900 mini ITX
[14:55:16] haux: looks good
[14:55:29] haux: you'll use it as Backend+FE ?
[14:56:11] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[18:18:48] molofson: having problems with video source setup and schedules direct: two lineups (OTA and CableDigital), but 'Retrieve Lineups' only shows one lineup-->OTA. Any troubleshooting steps would be helpful.
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[18:45:35] molofson: suspect my issue is related to SchedulesDirect's service change and me running 0.27.2?
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[19:06:20] Shadow__away is now known as Shadow__X
[19:07:47] molofson: moving to 0.27.4 fixed my lineup issue.
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[19:57:38] CCFL_Man: are there atsc tuner cards that are small form factor?
[20:08:19] dekarl1 is now known as dekarl
[20:10:11] dekarl: CCFL_Man: something like these? . . . e_Mini_Cards
[20:20:53] CCFL_Man: dekarl: the ones that are normal size but their bracket is smaller
[20:21:05] CCFL_Man: to fit in those htpc cases
[20:22:02] dekarl: the low profile ones at . . . _PCIe_Cards: should be the correct ones
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[20:28:15] CCFL_Man: dekarl: the cards fit, but i might have to modify the bracket
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[20:29:20] dekarl: CCFL_Man: I don't understand. Do these low profile cards only ship with full profile brackets?
[20:29:46] CCFL_Man: dekarl: the hauppage ones seem to
[20:29:52] gregL (gregL!~greg@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[20:29:54] dekarl: I remember opening boxes of cards that contain two brackets. One low profile and one full profile
[20:30:18] dekarl: But that doesn't help you as these were DVB cards ;)
[20:30:58] CCFL_Man: oh, that's right
[20:31:03] CCFL_Man: i see it
[20:33:30] CCFL_Man: Full height and half height brackets included for use in full height and low profile chassis
[20:34:55] CCFL_Man: thank you sir!
[20:36:27] CCFL_Man: the hauppage one is single tuner
[20:38:00] dekarl: yw, there are always network attached tuners with nice features, like the hdhr plus :)
[20:38:38] dekarl: Gets you the option to move it very close to the antenna for a better analogue signal
[20:38:52] kusznir (kusznir!~kusznir@ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[20:39:06] CCFL_Man: i have one, but i wanted the cards
[20:39:24] CCFL_Man: the wintv cards have the microtune tuners
[20:42:40] CCFL_Man: how well are dual tuners supported in mythtv? do they just show up as two devices?
[20:42:45] dekarl: ok, I'm considering moving the opposite direction to avoid bad drivers
[20:43:37] dekarl: usually yes, but there may be locking issues with shared ressources, e.g. when the I2C bus is shared between tuners. There is a thread on the -users list about that atm
[20:45:04] CCFL_Man: maybe it's better to use single tuner models then
[20:45:09] Tobbe5178 (Tobbe5178! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[20:49:14] CCFL_Man: the motherboard has one small pcie and two regular pci
[20:49:34] CCFL_Man: so maybe i'll get two regular pcu tuner cards
[20:49:37] CCFL_Man: pci
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[21:00:42] croccydile (croccydile! has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[21:01:25] CCFL_Man: hard to find one that has a low profile bracket
[21:10:26] tdub (tdub! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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