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Friday, October 17th, 2014, 00:13 UTC
[00:13:40] sl1ce (sl1ce! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[16:42:08] disputin (disputin!~sean@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:43:18] dashs (dashs! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:46:04] dashs: Moving my web server am getting the dreaded "PHP Fatal error: Class 'MythBase' not found in" message.
[16:46:17] dashs: Any help appreciated.
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[17:10:36] dashs: Hmmm, mebbe mythtv python bindings
[17:19:36] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:31:04] stuartm: it would be the php bindings
[17:32:58] vontrapp (vontrapp! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:33:58] vontrapp: I've just reinstalled my mythtv server and I'm using cent6.5 now instead of ubuntu 10.12 (yeah it was old)
[17:34:14] vontrapp: and I'm running into a strange problem that I can't seem to google fu well enough
[17:35:11] vontrapp: certain things just oddly fail, like "Setup Wizard" and the scan for metadata sources both just give me a "+" looking cursor and do nothing else until I click, wait for the + to come back, click, about 4 times and then it moves on
[17:36:09] vontrapp: this is fine enough, but also, and I don't know if it's related, livetv fails (I don't even see the tuner turn on) and watching the same show that is currently recording also fails. In each case nothing happens, it just hangs and i have to kill mythfrontend
[17:36:42] vontrapp: watching a *different* recording while another show is recording works just fine :/
[17:37:22] vontrapp: hold on, brb
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[17:37:30] stuartm: CentOS 6.5 is not exactly new either
[17:38:57] vontrapp (vontrapp! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:39:02] stuartm: in fact it's as old as Ubuntu 10.12
[17:39:08] vontrapp: battery was dying
[17:39:22] vontrapp: what's as old?
[17:41:30] stuartm: CentOS 6.5 is older than Ubuntu 10.10 (There was no 10.12)
[17:41:56] vontrapp: centos 6.5 came out just a few months ago
[17:42:01] stuartm: CentOS 6.x is based on RHEL 6 which was released in 2010
[17:42:13] stuartm: vontrapp: yes, but it uses versions of software from 2010
[17:42:20] vontrapp: well, yes, the rhel baseline is old, but there's still updates
[17:42:42] stuartm: 'updates' as in periodic bug and security fixes
[17:42:50] vontrapp: mythtv-backend-0.26.1–296.el6.x86_64
[17:43:09] disputin (disputin!~sean@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[17:43:18] stuartm: vontrapp: 0.26 is EOL
[17:43:55] stuartm: 0.27.0 was released before CentOS 6.5, we're currently on 0.27.4
[17:44:16] stuartm: and if you're in North America you really need to be running 0.27.4
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[17:45:35] stuartm: I'm not saying any of this is the cause of your problems, but when the core packages are so far out of sync which MythTV was developed against, it's a reasonable suspicion
[17:46:26] vontrapp: i think it was 10.04 then, ubuntu
[17:46:28] stuartm: CentOS 6.5 used kernel 2.6.32, which was released in 2009!
[17:48:46] stuartm: MythTV is a media application, it tends to take advantage of the latest technology provided by the operating system and the libraries on the system, so IMHO using CentOS with MythTV is like putting a Cart wheels on a Ferrari, it's a bad match
[17:50:20] vontrapp: ok, i went with cent because of the long term support, and cent7 is still lacking in a lot of things (from my experience with it)
[17:50:59] vontrapp: what's the preferred distro for mythtv?
[17:52:13] disputin (disputin!~sean@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[17:52:45] Jay2k1: i prefer ubuntu with long term support, actually i'm using mythbuntu
[17:52:54] disputin (disputin!~sean@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:55:22] tgm4883: mythbuntu!
[17:59:11] stuartm: vontrapp: Ubuntu LTS releases get 3 years of support, usually by the time that runs out you'll either want or need to upgrade to something newer, Ubuntu LTS releases occur every 2 years and they are just as stable as CentOS etc
[18:00:15] stuartm: I'm not an ubuntu user myself, but it's what most people go with, there is a far larger community offering support for Ubuntu and MythTV on ubuntu than there is for CentOS which is aimed at Enterprise users running servers (not desktop users)
[18:01:00] stuartm: in fact CentOS is what the mythtv server runs, and it crashes once a week
[18:01:21] stuartm: 'stability' by running ancient code is a myth
[18:01:53] tgm4883: stuartm: 5 years now
[18:02:44] stuartm: tgm4883: for the desktop version?
[18:02:48] tgm4883: yep
[18:02:52] tgm4883: all versions are teh same
[18:03:00] tgm4883: desktop/server
[18:03:06] stuartm: says the 5 years only applies to the Server version here –
[18:03:50] tgm4883: stuartm: read further "Starting with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, both versions will receive 5 years support. "
[18:04:04] stuartm: ah, didn't read on to the bit which says "Starting with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, both versions will receive 5 years support."
[18:04:51] stuartm: so 14.04 will receive support until 2019, which is just one year short of CentOS 6.5 which is supported until 2020
[18:04:58] tgm4883: yep
[18:05:40] stuartm: but unlike CentOS 6.5 which is already 5 years old, Ubuntu 14.04 is just 6 months old
[18:05:59] tgm4883: yep, plus we have our mythtv updates repo, so you can get newer versions
[18:13:51] dashs: stuartm: yes saw the others then figured that the web server did not have the php bindings.. Voila
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[21:18:17] swegian: hello
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[21:18:56] swegian: anybody home?
[21:21:48] stuartm: that depends what you want from us
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[22:14:03] vontrapp: alright thanks erryone, I'll probably switch to ubuntu tomorrow after tonights shows record. ;)
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[23:55:00] moparisthebest (moparisthebest!~quassel@gateway/tor-sasl/moparisthebest) has joined #mythtv-users

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