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Saturday, September 20th, 2014, 09:12 UTC
[09:12:15] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v MythLogBot
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[12:02:47] damiaan (damiaan!4de7d9fd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[12:04:32] damiaan: Hi folks; I have a remote machine running mythtv, its at about 2000 km away from me physically so i am hesistant to make big configuration changes. I'd like to avoid having to restart the machine (it now goes to sleep and waits for a wake-up-from-lan from my router)
[12:05:14] damiaan: anyway: a while ago i updated mythweb. But now none of the links on the mythweb main page work. The main page itself loads fine.
[12:07:33] damiaan: I access the main page as in http://xxxx/mythweb/ and this works fine. If i hover my mouse over a link chrome informs me the link would lead me to http://xxxx/mythweb/music
[12:09:05] damiaan: but if i click the link; i get The requested URL /mythweb/mythweb.php/music was not found on this server... I am puzzled how the mythweb.php part got in between there... but direcly typing http://xxx/mythweb/music in my browser neither works. Nor does http://xxxx/mythweb/modules/music work.
[12:10:05] damiaan: I read but this does not solve my problem. after all the main page gets found
[12:15:55] damiaan: Ah... solved it using
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[13:40:17] dekarl1 is now known as dekarl
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[17:03:30] Kwisher: bill6502: looks like i was just being impatient with mythfilldatabase, it's working as it should
[17:05:35] stuartm: bill6502: logs are back, thanks for bringing it to our attention
[17:05:51] haux (haux!~haux@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:16:29] bill6502: stuartm: thank you
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[19:54:13] slickrick (slickrick! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:57:43] slickrick: hi. i want to clean up my mythtv capture cards as i have two old pvr-500 cards i want to remove from my setup that aren't used anymore.
[19:57:53] slickrick: if i delete all capture cards and then redefine them, do i have to worry at all that this will screw up my recording schedules?
[19:58:08] slickrick: i've made detailed notes of how the ones I want to keep are configured within mythtv-setup. (two hdhomeruns and one hdpvr)
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[20:36:12] stuartm: slickrick: no, deleting all capture cards won't affect your recording schedules, unless you happen to have configured those rules to only use a particular card
[20:36:53] stuartm: it's not necessary to delete all if you only want to remove a single card (or two), just hit D with that card selected in the Capture Card screen
[20:37:11] slickrick: stuartm: thanks thats what i figured, and what i read seemed to agree. just wanted to make sure before i did it.
[20:37:42] stuartm: I'd suggest just deleting the cards you don't want any more, seems overkill to remove them all then re-configure
[20:38:31] slickrick: stuartm: i have some other tuner weirdness, like in mythweb backend status shows way more inputs than i have. i think there must be a lot of left of junk from updrading over the years.
[20:39:06] slickrick: so i wanted to clean it up as well as getting rid of those old cards, which now are only useful as drink coasters.
[20:44:20] stuartm: slickrick: digital tuners?
[20:45:23] stuartm: that's normal, it's called multi-rec, MythTV can record multiple programmes from each frequency on digital tuners (US 1–3 channels, elsewhere 5–8)
[20:46:13] stuartm: it represents this through the use of 'virtual tuners', with a default of 2 virtual tuners per physical device
[20:50:48] slickrick: stuartm: oh, i didn't realize that. perhaps i mistook the virtual tuners for a problem.
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[22:27:17] kusznir: Hi all: I'm trying to rip some DVDs of a TV show and store them in MythVideo. What do I need to do so that myth will correctly identify the right listing for metadata import?
[22:28:09] [R]: the wiki explains it
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