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Wednesday, September 17th, 2014, 00:12 UTC
[00:12:16] gregL (gregL! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[04:12:58] fmcd: does anyone use an ATT Uverse remote with linux / myth ?
[04:48:56] SmallwoodDR82 (SmallwoodDR82!~Smallwood@unaffiliated/smallwooddr82) has quit (Quit: and I'm out...)
[04:49:15] fmcd (fmcd!~fmcd@pdpc/supporter/active/phpgus) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[04:52:26] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v dekarl
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[05:41:05] Ben64 (Ben64!~Ben64@unaffiliated/ben64) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:41:24] Ben64: the backend keeps crashing when my PS3 tries to find media servers
[05:43:31] [R]: doctor it hurts whne i do this
[05:43:33] [R]: so don't do that...
[05:47:36] Ben64: i fail to see how that is relevant
[05:49:16] [R]: lol
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[06:17:42] dekarl: Ben64: some more information would be helpful, like what does mythbackend --version output?
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[06:18:14] Ben64: dekarl:
[06:18:26] Ben64: i just updated to a newer version, but it still crashes too
[06:18:53] dekarl: Ben64: ok, do you have a backtrace?
[06:19:08] dekarl:
[06:19:55] Ben64: so i can't do that on this version
[06:20:11] dekarl: maybe you are on Ubuntu and apport has already collected all information for you
[06:20:21] Ben64: yeah apport popped up a bunch
[06:20:37] Ben64: everything is a fresh install, no idea why its doing this
[06:20:51] Ben64: worked with absolutely no problems on 12.04
[06:21:07] dekarl: changed defaults?
[06:21:11] Ben64: nope
[06:21:44] stuartm (stuartm!~stuartm@mythtv/developer/stuartm) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[06:22:08] dekarl: apport can open a bugreport with crashdump for you on launchpad so a dev can take a look why its crashing (it shouldn't!)
[06:23:45] dekarl: doesn't show anything obvious
[06:26:02] Ben64: #8 looks similar
[06:26:02] ** MythLogBot **
[06:26:39] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[06:29:07] Ben64: any of this helpful?
[06:30:50] dekarl: Ben64: how many backends do you run? looks like BackendServerIP and MasterBackendServerIP may contain different values?
[06:31:21] Ben64: exactly one backend. the mythtv site said to put an external ip in order to use upnp
[06:31:39] dekarl: or is the backend running twice? or something else on that port?
[06:31:44] Ben64: nope and nope
[06:31:50] dekarl: Sep 16 23:17:47 ben64 mythbackend: mythbackend[26533]: E MythSocketThread(-1) mythsocket.cpp:721 (ConnectToHostReal) MythSocket(10457c0:-1): Failed to connect to ( Connection refused
[06:32:03] dekarl: Sep 16 23:18:50 ben64 mythbackend: mythbackend[26533]: E CoreContext mainserver.cpp:6305 (reconnectTimeout) MainServer: Failed to open master server socket, timeout
[06:32:11] Ben64: yeah i'm not sure why that happens, it seems to have trouble connecting sometimes, but other times it works
[06:32:48] Ben64: netstat shows nothing at all using *:6543 or 6544 until mythbackend is running
[06:33:51] dekarl: I have to run for work. Assuming you are on the daily updates of fixes/0.27 (you enabled the mythbuntu repository and updated) opening a ticket with a backtrace appears to be the quickest way forward.
[06:34:20] Ben64: well i'll be around. unless i read incorrectly, i have to install a different version to enable backtraces?
[06:35:21] Ben64: oh and if you're not gone yet, which mythbuntu daily repo? i found one that is one version behind
[06:37:20] dekarl: basically open mythbuntu-control-centre, go to repos, refresh, pick fixes/0.27, go
[06:37:35] dekarl: ^- can be used on all flavours of ubuntu
[06:37:42] Ben64: ok, thats the one i'm currently on
[06:38:05] dekarl: it should install the mythtv-dbg package with the symbols for the backtrace
[07:45:24] stuartm (stuartm!~stuartm@mythtv/developer/stuartm) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:45:24] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v stuartm
[07:45:39] stuartm: Ben64: can you file a bug report please?
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[11:42:04] Esteban_: a recent update has broken my myth
[11:42:15] Esteban_: it wont play tv now, i just get a blue screen
[11:42:25] Esteban_: working perfectly for two years until now
[11:42:30] Esteban_: mad wife
[11:43:56] stuartm: did you update the video drivers?
[11:44:09] Esteban_: not that I'm awaare of
[11:44:25] Esteban_: I did an aptitude update and upgrade remotely
[11:44:53] Esteban_: it's on multiple machines
[11:45:03] Esteban_: with different video cards i believe
[11:45:15] Esteban_: same happens for live tv or videos or recordings
[11:45:24] Esteban_: so it's something to do with the video for sure
[11:46:39] stuartm: which version of MythTV?
[11:47:10] Esteban_: 0.27.? one sec
[11:47:30] Esteban_: mythfrontend --version
[11:47:30] Esteban_: Please attach all output as a file in bug reports.
[11:47:31] Esteban_: MythTV Version : v0.27.3
[11:47:35] Esteban_: MythTV Branch :
[11:47:36] Esteban_: Network Protocol : 77
[11:47:36] Esteban_: Library API : 0.27.20140719–1
[11:47:42] Esteban_: QT Version : 4.8.6
[11:47:42] Esteban_: Options compiled in:
[11:47:44] Esteban_: linux profile use_hidesyms using_alsa using_jack using_oss using_pulse using_pulseoutput usingbackend using_bindings_perl using_bindings_python using_bindings_php using_crystalhd using_dvb using_firewire using_frontend using_hdhomerun using_ceton using_hdpvr using_ivtv using_joystick_menu using_libcec using_libcrypto using_libdns_sd using_libfftw3 using_libxml2 using_lirc usiing_mheg using_opengl using_opengl_video using_qtwebkit u
[11:48:52] Esteban_: output on at least the backend machine is ffmpeg & XVideo
[11:49:09] stuartm: that version output is broken :/
[11:49:21] Esteban_: ffmpeg version 2.3.3 Copyright (c) 2000–2014 the FFmpeg developers
[11:49:27] stuartm: should contain the branch and commit
[11:49:41] Esteban_: hmmm ok
[11:49:43] stuartm: Esteban_: we don't use the system ffmpeg
[11:49:48] Esteban_: i wonder how I go back or forward
[11:49:56] Esteban_: ok
[11:49:58] stuartm: wait, is this debian?
[11:50:07] Esteban_: yup
[11:50:16] Esteban_: sorry should have mentioned that
[11:51:00] Esteban_: thing is I didnt see any mythtv upgrades, otherwise I wouldnt have let it upgrade
[11:51:00] stuartm: some of the Debian packages are completely broken, we've debated requiring them to stop using the MythTV trademark because what they ship isn't MythTV
[11:51:19] Esteban_: bummer
[11:51:46] Esteban_: I'vee kinda been using it since the 90s and I'm too stubborn to change!
[11:52:00] stuartm: Esteban_: well it could be something outside MythTV, especially since they insist on linking incompatible system libraries instead of our forked copies
[11:52:13] Esteban_: I guess I couldbuild it from source but it's been working so beautifully for the last two years!
[11:52:17] stuartm: Esteban_: you could build from source, it's really not that difficult
[11:53:04] stuartm: there may also be 'good' packages for Debian from an unofficial source, I'm afraid I don't know for certain though, I'm not a debian user
[11:53:41] Esteban_: I've been using deb-multimedia for the best part of those two years :-)
[11:53:49] Esteban_: or whatever it's called now
[11:54:36] Esteban_: i was right
[11:54:58] stuartm: it's a bit early in the morning for our US devs to chime in, one of them would know more than I do
[11:55:30] stuartm: tgm4883: do you know what the current story is with official/unofficial debian packages?
[11:55:52] Esteban_: yeah it's a bit past my bedtime here, been working 16 hours already
[11:57:02] Esteban_: things that have recently changed include : libx265–31 libavutil54 libswscale3 libexiv2–13 libavformat56 libavcodec56
[11:57:10] Esteban_: I'm going to try downgrading them
[11:58:01] DaveQB (DaveQB! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[12:00:51] stuartm: none of those would directly affect playback on MythTV if it's been packaged correctly, but it could/would break the 'bad' packages
[12:04:40] Esteban_: removing the normal ffmpeg and downgrading avcodec avdevice avformat avutil etc didnt seem to help
[12:05:03] Esteban_: although I didnt restart the backend ... clutching at straws here
[12:06:31] stuartm: does the theme you are using usually have a blue background?
[12:07:17] Esteban_: yeah but it's a different blue when I try and play a video
[12:07:21] Esteban_: monochromatic blue
[12:07:48] Esteban_: i get the please wait, white on black, then bright blue nothing
[12:08:08] Esteban_: i may even get sound but as I'm not in front of the machine and the wife has gone to bed in disgust I dont know !
[12:09:09] stuartm: ok, that suggests it's either a window manager issue, or an XVideo/driver issue
[12:09:22] Esteban_: indeed
[12:10:48] stuartm: XVideo uses a blue background on which to render the video, so driver issues would be the most likely
[12:10:53] stuartm: no clues from the frontend log?
[12:11:23] Esteban_: I'm not looking at the log, but I can see the frontend terminal output and ...
[12:13:07] Esteban_: 2014-09–17 20:12:02.543274 I VideoOutputXv: XVideo Adaptor Name: 'Intel(R) Video Overlay'
[12:13:10] Esteban_: 2014-09–17 20:12:02.543287 I VideoOutput: CalcHueBase(Intel(R) Video Overlay): Unknown adaptor, hue may be wrong.
[12:13:13] Esteban_: 2014-09–17 20:12:02.543293 I VideoOutput: Please open a ticket if you need to adjust the hue.
[12:13:16] Esteban_: greedyhdeint: size changed from 0 x 0 -> 720 x 576
[12:14:40] stuartm: that's not immediately of concern, if you had a picture but the colours were off then that might be the reason, but it doesn't explain a completely blank screen
[12:15:23] Esteban_: sorry fighting the tyrrany of distance and poor internet atm trying to determine exactly what packages chaned and when
[12:15:25] stuartm: have you tried opengl video output instead?
[12:15:49] stuartm: obviously not something you can test remotely
[12:17:38] stuartm: XVideo really is the most temperamental and oldest technology, we've even discussed dropping it entirely in future releases because it's been superseded by more modern rendering methods such as OpenGL, VAAPI and VDPAU
[12:18:39] stuartm: for a little context, XVideo was created in 1991
[12:20:42] Dave123_ (Dave123_! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[12:25:26] Esteban_: yeah the tv machine uses vaapi and it's broken too
[12:25:33] Esteban_: iirc
[12:25:37] _abbenormal (_abbenormal! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[12:31:17] stuartm: hmm, wonder if it's not the video itself then, are you capturing or recording?
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[12:34:15] stuartm: set-top box, or direct from an aerial/satellite dish
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[12:37:38] Esteban_: my mistake, the tv machine is using opengl and it has the same blue screen no video output problem
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[12:37:55] Esteban_: yes it took 12 minutes for me to get a VNC session to it :P
[12:39:24] Esteban_: ok the wife fed me bullshit
[12:39:39] Esteban_: i can view recordings on the tv machine with open gl
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[12:48:22] Esteban_: I reathanks for the help stuart
[12:48:37] Esteban_: gaah interweb has gone bork now even more impossible
[12:48:47] Esteban_: mining camps blow
[12:49:12] sl1ce (sl1ce! has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[12:53:32] wsuetholz (wsuetholz! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[12:54:11] Esteban_: also in other news I put the backend machine on opengl and it works too
[12:54:13] Esteban_: so perhaps the two faults were unrelated
[12:54:16] Esteban_: seeing as the tv machine is new and it's always been on opengl
[12:54:41] Esteban_: I will definately look into compiling myth from source though stuart
[12:55:24] Esteban_: I wonder if I can try it in a VM first with proper video
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[14:54:38] fmcd: is the myth backend able to switch the transcode profile on a HDhumerun plus tuner based on the client watching Live TV ?
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[14:58:05] fmcd: e.g. the lviing room tv with gigabit ethernet can handle native, but a wifi tablet would want a highly compressed profile
[15:07:23] dekarl: fmcd: we don't support the plus yet
[15:07:52] dekarl: so it only works in the "transparently trancode everything" mode where it works just like a non-plus
[15:10:09] dekarl: With the developer focus mainly on non-LiveTV modes of usage I wouldn't hold my breath to see dynamic profile switching appearing soon.
[15:10:38] dekarl: I'm having a hard time understanding the needed switching logic. What profile should be used for recordings that either client might want to watch?
[15:11:13] dekarl: And what should happen when you switch from, say, non Transcoding LiveTV for the gigabit client to transcoding recording so it'll work on the mobile device, too
[15:11:31] dekarl: Can that switch be done transparently?
[15:12:57] dekarl: fmcd: If you like to try out some concepts you could just run event scripts that reconfigure the HDHR
[15:13:15] dekarl: if that works out well its a good starting point for adding proper support
[15:16:11] tgm4883: stuartm: Esteban_ I don't know the status of mythtv debian packages. While we've done work to make our builds compatible with debian, we haven't done the legwork to get it into debian. So unless someone else did, IDK
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[15:17:30] tgm4883: I would just roll back the last set of package upgrades, which IIRC is an easy, but not simple task
[15:19:50] tgm4883: dekarl: with backends getting more powerful, I think it would make more sense to have a frontend specific setting that caused the backend to transcode on the fly to that frontend
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[15:21:40] dekarl: tgm4883: there are strong opinions about how to run an energy efficient backend, especially around transcoding. But otoh even the Raspberry Pi appears to be able to transcode bluray mpeg-2 to h.264 in hardware
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[15:22:01] dekarl: fun times ahead :)
[15:22:24] stuartm: tgm4883: well we've got the HLS stream, which needs some work but is probably what should be used for tablets
[15:22:44] stuartm: DASH support is on my todo list
[15:23:02] tgm4883: stuartm: yep, I'm saying it should be used for certain frontends as well
[15:23:40] stuartm: frontends capable of running a full frontend but not powerful enough to decode video?
[15:24:11] tgm4883: stuartm: I was more thinking bad/low bandwidth situations
[15:24:14] tgm4883: eg. wifi
[15:26:43] stuartm: tbh, unless your wifi is ancient, it should have more than enough bandwidth for broadcast video – I can stream to my phone/tablet in the garden (30–40ft through 3 brick walls) with no trouble
[15:27:05] stuartm: on-demand transcoding is more relevant for streaming over the internet
[15:27:28] fmcd: dekarl: thanks for the info.. yeah.. i see your point. i suppose i would want to record native always and do a transcode job to have a lower rate version of the recording available also for wifi clients.. the only real time i'd want to leverage the hdh transcode on the fly would be for livetv streaming to the wifi device
[15:30:22] dekarl: stuartm, on demand transcoding is important if someone wants to get his client into the ios store. they hint it is for exactly the "internet over gsm networks" reason. So its H.264 or not App approval
[15:34:25] fmcd: stuartm: isnt broadcast native around 23mb/sec .. maintaining that bandwidth in reality over a typical wifi connection is a tall order
[15:41:10] stuartm: dekarl: never said it wasn't important, I wouldn't be wasting my time on it otherwise
[15:41:20] stuartm: fmcd: less than half that
[15:42:23] stuartm: well, depends where you live I guess
[15:42:52] stuartm: in the US where they use mpeg2 for HD it's just below that figure
[15:44:31] fmcd: thats where i'm referring to sorry
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[16:43:37] stuartm: that's still not high for 802.11n which will yield average speeds of ~50Mbps
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[20:22:32] kusznir: Hi all: Is there an "easy" way for me to edit metadata for recordings? For example, I have a coule seasons of a series recorded, but there's no season or episode data in the db...I'd like to hand-enter that and then use an exporting script to archive those recordings.
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[20:23:45] kusznir: I also managed to get some bad info in there somewhere (I ran the "retrieve metadata" job, and now when I run the export, it thinks its some wierd indian movie, not the american TV show it is...)
[20:24:21] kusznir: I don't see the bad data in the mythweb recordings listing or through the TV's UI, though (although mythweb's listing does show that there is no season/episode info)
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[20:42:55] dekarl: kusznir: just remote the inetref, set the episode title and search for metadata. You do have the inetref set on the recording rule, right? (something like ttvdb.py_xxxxx)
[20:43:00] dekarl: s/remote/remove/
[20:44:50] kusznir: dekarl: I've never set anything explicit on the recording rule...Just a generic "record any on any". I manually ran the "retrieve metadata" job on one recording, which is where the bad info is set. I haven't found where I can set good info...
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[21:09:14] dekarl: kusznir: you can set it in the recording rule editor once and for all
[21:09:28] dekarl: and you can set it in the recordings metadata editor for that one recording
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[21:18:39] kusznir: dekarl: where is the metadata editor for recordings? I've never found it before...
[21:23:39] dekarl: select the recording in the list, hit menu, then recording options, then edit metadata (or similar, had to translate back to english)
[21:24:06] dekarl: there you can remove the wrong match, add the episode title and then safe
[21:24:36] dekarl: then back out one menu level and select jobs, start metadata search
[21:26:58] dekarl: Got it, its Menu -> REcording Options -> Change Recording Metadata
[21:27:20] dekarl: and Menu -> Job Options -> Begin MEtadata Lookup
[21:28:11] dekarl: kusznir: you know this page? . . . adata_Lookup
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[21:30:37] Kwisher: anybody else seeing mythfilldatabase not running automatically?
[21:44:05] kusznir: dekarl: Cool, that helped a lot. I am curious, though, as to why when in mythvideo, a "metadata results" page kept popping up with nothing even remotely relevant to the tv show at hand.
[21:44:25] kusznir: Also, I think I may be running .24....I see this applies specifically to .25
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[21:46:15] kusznir: Well, some stuff for me to play with...Still, that helped a lot, and I am starting to get good exports now!
[21:46:17] dekarl: kusznir: oh, you may want to update to 0.27.3 or the latest fixes/0.27
[21:47:05] kusznir: that's sounding familiar...So I probably am close to that...I'll need to pay attention next time I log in. I'm running LinHES (follow-on to knoppmyth), so its an "integrated system", and there haven't been any updates for my install for a while.
[21:47:24] kusznir: (my myth system is a dedicated system that only runs myth and lives in my entertainment center....)
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[21:57:22] dekarl: this mentions 0.27 so its out there somewhere
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