Tuesday, September 9th, 2014, 00:03 UTC | ||
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[19:46:27] | justinh: | oo look! A new thing! Hail the shiny! |
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[20:06:11] | sphery: | allegedly new, that is |
[20:16:07] | AndyCap: | new thing? |
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[20:31:11] | justinh: | it's on the BBC news homepage so must be 'important' |
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[20:54:44] | AndyCap: | they found an old ship in the arctic? |
[20:55:18] | AndyCap: | oh, apple, bah |
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[22:08:33] | stuartm: | the discovery of the Franklin expedition ship is very cool, shame that it's under the water though and not still trapped in the ice |
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