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Saturday, August 2nd, 2014, 00:10 UTC
[00:10:29] superm1 (superm1!uid4318@ubuntu/member/superm1) has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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[01:43:57] kichigai: Hello, I was wondering if anyone here has ever stored their recordings on a NAS before.
[01:44:16] kichigai: I'm trying to find the most efficient settings for such a configuration.
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[01:57:05] BobLfoot (BobLfoot!~Bob@fedora/BobLfoot) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:58:29] BobLfoot: I just started getting my 0.27.1 running on centos7 and keep getting this when I try to run the backup script could use suggestions
[01:59:24] BobLfoot: nevermind I see it now I think
[02:01:09] SmallwoodDR82 (SmallwoodDR82!~Smallwood@unaffiliated/smallwooddr82) has quit (Quit: and I'm out...)
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[02:03:00] BobLfoot: yep be thorough in config and it works
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[02:31:17] kichigai: No one's ever flown with NAS storage here?
[02:33:51] Hydr0p0nX: I haven't
[02:34:02] Hydr0p0nX: I have 8tb dedicated to storage on the server
[02:35:06] wagnerrp: i fly with my laptop, and an external hard drive, but i wouldn't consider that a NAS
[02:37:49] kichigai: I'm just trying to determine the data path for NAS-mounted storage.
[02:38:15] kichigai: Trying to figure out if I need to upgrade my rather meager backend's NIC to gigabit.
[02:38:29] wagnerrp: the only value of a NAS is it's redundancy you don't have to manage yourself
[02:38:49] wagnerrp: otherwise, you're better off just sticking the storage on your backend and doing software RAID
[02:38:51] kichigai: Well, that and I don't have HDDs on hand to give to my backend device.
[02:38:55] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:39:01] wagnerrp: you have all the ones in your NAS
[02:39:40] kichigai: They're all internal drives.
[02:39:49] kichigai: My backend is an old laptop.
[02:40:06] wagnerrp: well that would be difficult...
[02:40:40] kichigai: The drive I had for my dedicated backend died.
[02:40:46] Kwisher (Kwisher! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[02:41:02] kichigai: come ce, come ca
[02:41:14] kichigai: I'm just trying to figure out how data is passed around.
[02:41:26] wagnerrp: usually over NFS or CIFS
[02:41:37] kichigai: Via the NAS, or via my backend?
[02:41:59] wagnerrp: the NAS will run NFS and CIFS servers, and your backend will mount those shares
[02:42:55] kichigai: Right, but is there a more direct route I can provide my frontend?
[02:43:08] wagnerrp: i'm not sure what you mean
[02:43:48] wagnerrp: are you asking is there's a way to have your frontend access the NAS directly, rather than bouncing content through your backend?
[02:43:50] kichigai: Well, how is data passing to my front end? Is it NAS -> Backend -> Frontend?
[02:43:58] kichigai: Basically.
[02:44:09] wagnerrp: if you mount the shares in the same location on your frontend as they are on the backend
[02:44:18] kichigai: I see.
[02:44:21] kichigai: That's doable.
[02:44:22] wagnerrp: the frontend will search those paths first, before trying to stream content from the abckend
[02:44:23] djbeirut (djbeirut! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:44:41] kichigai: That's immensely helpful.
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[18:50:51] kichigai: Hello all. I just tried switching all my storage directories (DB backups, recordings, streaming, etc) to my NAS, except upon reboot I can no longer connect to my master backend. The network is fine (I'm SSH'd in right now) but MythWeb is down, as are remote front ends.
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[18:57:01] wagnerrp: is the backend booting up before the network?
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[19:02:16] kichigai: Negatory.
[19:02:20] kichigai: I've tried restarting the backend.
[19:02:24] kichigai: The daemon I mean.
[19:02:25] kichigai: No go.
[19:02:49] wagnerrp: could i see the logs from the first ~10 seconds or so after you started the backend?
[19:03:24] kichigai: Well, I feel like an idiot right now, actually, because I just shut it down. I noticed it's in desperate need of cleaning.
[19:03:31] kichigai: However I believe that's unrelated.
[19:10:29] kichigai: One moment, I'm trying to mount the backend's HDD to a VM on my Windows box right now.
[19:10:53] wagnerrp: why not just boot the backend?
[19:15:37] kichigai: That's what I'm going to do right now. VirtualBox is being annoying and refusing access to the USB drive. I was hoping to have a chance to do a more thorough cleaning while using the HDD externally.
[19:15:55] kichigai: Also to transfer a bunch of files using my desktop's gigabit connection instead of the backend's 100M connection.
[19:17:43] ** wagnerrp goes out to buy some replacement conduit, and possible a terminal screwdriver since he forgot his tool at work **
[19:22:06] stuartm: wagnerrp: the value of a NAS for me was that I'd run out of physical space in my backend :)
[19:23:05] kichigai: stuartm, the value of a NAS for me was that my backend is an old laptop.
[19:23:24] stuartm: as it turns out I was overly optimistic about how much I'd use the NAS, considering I'd pushed all my blurays and archived stuff there it spends 99.9% of the time idling
[19:24:22] kichigai: Similar story for me, except I use it also as backup destinations for my machines.
[19:25:28] kichigai: Well screw me sideways and call me Xenu, I guess my backend just needed a good cleaning!
[19:25:50] kichigai: System performance has jumped, backend is running properly, and I'm getting *dramatically* improved network throughput!
[19:25:51] stuartm: my backups go to portable usb drives that I can store in a fireproof safe when I'm not home, or grab before I jump out of the window in the middle of the night ;)
[19:26:05] kichigai: I'm going to setup Crashplan on my NAS and use that for off-site.
[19:28:07] kichigai: And nothing underscores how slow your backend system really is quite like enabling compression on rsync and watching performanec plummet.
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[19:34:06] stuartm: I'm ashamed to say it took me a long time to question why I was using compression in a script to backup mp3s onto a different disk in the same machine, typing rsync -avz was second nature
[19:36:45] kichigai: I tend to use -vrPhat
[19:37:03] kichigai: Then again, I use rsync at work to archive a lot of stuff and I get a little paranoid.
[19:53:25] kichigai: Anyhow, thanks for the help!
[19:53:28] kichigai (kichigai! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[23:04:18] wagnerrp: well i'm an idiot
[23:04:53] wagnerrp: for some reason, when i configured my current firewall like 6 years ago, i decided to give inbound access to my NTP server
[23:05:15] wagnerrp: seems someone found it, and started using it for a relay attack
[23:05:34] wagnerrp: the firewall held up just fine, but my router ate itself on all the packets
[23:07:47] croppa (croppa! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:14:49] stuartm: NTP amplification DOS, yay
[23:15:32] wagnerrp: i don't think that was even a thing when i configured my firewall
[23:16:57] stuartm: it wasn't, the possibility existed but no-one had figured it out
[23:17:10] stuartm: by the start of this year though it was all the rage
[23:18:17] stuartm: worth checking that you're running a patched version of ntpd, won't stop amateurs who don't know any better trying to use your server but it won't actually contribute to a larger attack directed at someone else
[23:18:23] wagnerrp: i'm not
[23:18:43] stuartm: oops
[23:18:46] wagnerrp: its an old FreeBSD 7.something box
[23:19:10] stuartm:
[23:19:28] wagnerrp: i'm halfway between trying to rebuild it with a modern os, or replacing it with something more modern
[23:19:38] wagnerrp: it's a little 500MHz Geode with a CF card
[23:20:13] stuartm: I'd forgotten all about the Geode
[23:20:47] wagnerrp: came with minipci slots for wireless cards that i never got around to installing
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