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Monday, May 26th, 2014, 00:02 UTC
[00:02:19] mengo (mengo! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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[01:37:58] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:38:20] Oleg_: guys, please tell how to delay srt subs
[01:38:32] Oleg_: *me
[01:39:42] cocoa117 (cocoa117! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:39:55] Oleg_: oh, never mind
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[14:26:36] Quantum` (Quantum`!~quassel@gateway/tor-sasl/quantum/x-07081428) has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:45:32] Hydr0p0nX: anyone point me to documentation on getting myth to see a dlna capable device?
[16:45:53] [R]: "see"?
[16:46:33] Hydr0p0nX: I've got a dlna server on my phone and want to play a movie from it through myth
[16:47:15] [R]: myth doesnt have a dlna client in it...
[16:48:26] Hydr0p0nX: wiki said it was added in 0.20 ,
[16:49:50] Muzer (Muzer! has quit (Excess Flood)
[16:50:15] [R]: and as the very first sentence says
[16:50:16] [R]: "MythTV can act as a UPnP server"
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[16:55:59] amessina_ is now known as amessina
[16:58:13] _abbenormal (_abbenormal! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[16:58:59] Hydr0p0nX: was hoping there was some additional support, have to change optical inputs when I use the TV to stream directly
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[17:37:42] dekarl1: Hydr0p0nX: if you feel adventurous you can try this . . . e3d63df70eb5
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[18:20:02] Quantum`: dekarl: Is that 27.1?
[18:20:33] dekarl: Quantum`: its an unfinished beta. its in 0.25+
[18:20:56] dekarl: I have never heard of it working, but feel free to give it a try :)
[18:21:19] Quantum`: Nah, I'm on 0.27. I thought 27.1 was out.
[18:21:43] dekarl: define "out"
[18:22:03] dekarl: its been tagged today, give the packagers some time until updates come down the pipe
[18:22:53] Quantum`: I almost made a rude joke...
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[19:52:24] stuartm: anyone here have a Ceton Infinitv and want to help another user?
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[21:05:17] adonaros: I cannot get a lock with DVB card
[21:05:29] adonaros: it says TLM_C partial lock, i know it can "See" the channel
[21:05:49] adonaros: when i put it on a clear channel, i just TLM
[21:20:26] Yotson (Yotson!~Yotson@2001:980:6ac8:1:fdb6:b07c:70c0:cd0c) has quit (Quit: -)
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[21:32:29] BillK (BillK! has joined #mythtv-users
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[21:36:51] Jay2k1: how does myth decide whether to use tvdb or tmdb for metadata lookup?
[21:37:26] [R]: magic
[21:38:41] adonaros: lol
[21:39:28] Jay2k1: i recorded a few of the new BBC Sherlock films
[21:40:01] Jay2k1: apparently they're listed in thetvdb as series with three seasons with three episodes each
[21:40:27] Jay2k1: however when i try to do metadata lookup, i can see in the mythmetadatalookup log that it tries to query tmdb (and fails)
[21:41:15] [R]: and its on tmdb?
[21:44:57] Jay2k1: oh i see
[21:46:49] Jay2k1: apparently it is on both
[21:47:38] Jay2k1: however it didn't find metadata so i manually set the inetref, season and episode (using tvdb inetref) which didn't help because it looked on tmdb... now i changed the inetref to the one from tmdb but it still fails
[21:49:28] Jay2k1:
[21:49:51] Jay2k1: tried running /usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Movie/ -l de -a DE -D 19885
[21:50:00] Jay2k1: says MythTV.tmdb3.tmdb_exceptions.TMDBRequestInvalid: Invalid id – The pre-requisite id is invalid or not found.
[21:52:55] Jay2k1: this is probably because it's listed under "tv shows" which apparently have different IDs
[21:54:22] Jay2k1: ok, in the database it says "movie" in the category column, i guess this is what you call "magic", [R]
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[22:16:32] Jay2k1: ok, no matter what i do, myth keeps using the wrong grabber
[22:18:15] cocoa117 (cocoa117! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[22:18:23] [R]: i think there was discussion on the ml recently about that
[22:18:59] dekarl: Jay2k1: we use tmdb for movies only
[22:19:16] Jay2k1: why does mythtv think it is a movie then
[22:19:34] dekarl: should work with title+subtitle+category_type=series or title+season+episode or a mix of both
[22:20:09] dekarl: what is the subtitle and category_type?
[22:20:55] Jay2k1: trying title+season+episode was the first thing i did, log said Unable to match this title, too many possible matches. You may wish to manually set the season, episode, and inetref in the 'Watch Recordings' screen.
[22:21:21] Jay2k1: so i set the inetref and there my trouble began
[22:21:59] Jay2k1: the title was originally "Sherlock – Der Reichenbachfall", subtitle was something like "Spielfilm UK 2008" (example)
[22:22:18] Jay2k1: so i cleared the subtitle and moved "Der Reichenbachfall" to it, leaving only "Sherlock" in the title
[22:22:40] Jay2k1: what do you mean by category_type?
[22:23:12] dekarl: we have category (genre) and category_type (movie/tvshow/sports/series)
[22:24:34] Jay2k1: where would i find the category_type?
[22:24:37] dekarl: 19885 is wrong (its the seriesid at themoviedb, which does not matter)
[22:25:02] Jay2k1: yes, a movie query on tmdb with that id fails, i noticed that
[22:25:02] dekarl: you want 176941
[22:25:09] Jay2k1: that's what i tried first
[22:25:22] Jay2k1: which failed too because myth only used the tmdb grabber
[22:25:26] dekarl: series title is "Sherlock", so that looks good
[22:25:41] dekarl: gtg, I can look at it the other day
[22:25:44] Jay2k1: i can't find a category_tyle column in the recordings table
[22:25:51] Jay2k1: ok, thanks anyway
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[22:52:30] Jay2k1: meh, in the programfor the record: i found two of the five sherlock recordings in the "recordedprogram" table (the two season 2 ones, season 1 is not there (anymore)) and they had category_type movie
[22:52:50] Jay2k1: after i changed that to series, the correct grabber was chosen
[22:54:17] Jay2k1: i found a few other recordings where the same happened, essentially series in movie format (example: "Under the dome")
[22:54:27] Jay2k1: so i guess it's time to file a bug
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