:: #mythtv-users

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Current users (146):

aberrios_, adante, adonaros, aloril, amessina_, amizraa, andreaz, AndroidLoverInSF, AndyCap, aramus, Azelphur, bedo1979, benc_, biff2, BillK, BLZbubba, brfransen, brooss, caelor, Captain_Murdoch, ChanServ, clever, croccydile, croppa_, ctmjr, Cubber_, dahlSTROM, Dave123, davidbrooke, disputin, dj_beirut, dkeith_______, dually, EvilGuru, eye69, felipe`, fetzerch, Floppe, frankste1, Freejack, G, Geoff_, ghoti, Gibby, gregL, GreyFoxx, grumpydevil, haux, haux_, Heliwr, Hoochster, Hydr0p0nX, ikevin, infinite, infojunky, i_is_cat, J-e-f-f-A, jams, jarle, jarryd, Jay2k1, jbrett, jduggan, jedix, Jinx, jmusits, jm|laptop, johnsu01, joki, jpabq, jst, justdave, justinh, k-man, kartouch, kc, kormoc, Korny, kurre2, Kwisher, kwmonroe, laga_, lapion, LedHed, lotia, materdaddy, mengo, meredith, Metoer, MissionCritical, MMlosh, moparisthebest, Moscherkobold, Muzer, MythLogBot, mzb, nephyrin, neufeld, NightMonkey, niska, nneul, pigeon, pmmd, purserj, RagingComputer, RagingMind, robink, rsiebert_, ryan_turner|MTW, Scopeuk_, Seeker`, seld, ServerSage, Shadow__X, ShapeShifter499, Sharky-112065, sid3windr, simcop2387, skd5aner, sl1ce, sphery, squidly, sraue, StevenR, sulx, taknev, tgm4883, Tobbe5178, toeb, tonsofpcs, toorima, tris, troyt, trumee, ubIx_, unforgiven512, wagnerrp, wahrhaft, wseltzer1, XDS2010_, xris, zoktar, zombor, [mrx], _abbenormal, _charly_
Friday, May 16th, 2014, 00:09 UTC
[00:09:10] AndroidLoverInSF (AndroidLoverInSF!~AndroidLo@ has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
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[03:59:40] somethinginteres: try to troubleshoot a db connection issue. How can I ask mythfrontend to use a different configuration directory?
[04:00:18] wagnerrp: set $HOME or $MYTHCONFDIR
[04:01:55] somethinginteres: wagnerrp: thanks
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[07:01:16] justinh: great. The backend crashed (hung) at about 3.30 this morning
[07:01:50] justinh: last thing in the syslog was abotu 15 messages saying mythbackend was forcing something to autoexpire
[07:02:00] justinh: but that wouldn't have caused the system to hang
[07:03:02] justinh: I bet this has to do with changing performance settings of the nvidia card from 'on demand'
[07:08:59] justinh: see also: This is what you get when you mess with a system that's been working FINE – aka updating the kernel to tinker with a new tuner etc
[07:11:51] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:13:07] justinh: if all else fails I'll revert to the stock kernel... bleh
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[07:21:30] mzb- is now known as mzb
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[08:38:56] k-man: wagnerrp, could you give me a few clues as to how to call that fromFilename method? i don't really know much about python
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[10:42:28] wagnerrp: k-man: vid = Video.fromFilename('relative/path/to/video.avi'); vid.title, vid.subtitle, vid.season, vid.episode
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[13:33:00] aramus: Hi I have been trying for a long time to get my recordings to autotranscode and remove commercials but I can never understand how to get this to work on my backend, any help?
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[13:33:37] aramus: Using myth .26
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[16:18:02] GEE: Hello folks, Will 0.27 run on Description: Ubuntu 12.10 – XBMCbuntu Release: 12.10 Codename: quantal
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[17:04:54] caelor: evening – a configuration based question.. due to unexpected circumstances I'm going to need to move my master backend to a box without any tuners, and make the boxes with tuners on-demand slaves
[17:05:18] caelor: given that tunerless backend isn't supported, would the recommended approach be an IPTV tuner on the master backend?
[17:08:12] caelor: e.g. something like the HLS tuner ( . . . ng_Recorder)
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[18:32:27] justinh: aramus: even if you got auto transcoding & commflagging working, you shouldn't rely on it for fully automatic cutting. It's not infallible
[18:33:02] justinh: disk space has never been cheaper. Make manual cuts, then transcode later. FWIW I use projectx & handbrake
[18:34:21] justinh: commercial flagging is only really intended for watching. That is, if it skips too far or not enough it's easy to correct it while the extra video is still present in the recording
[18:34:38] justinh: once it's gone, it's *gone*
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[20:26:17] justinh: arghh. found the droning noise of the backend box isn't fans, or a fan, or the PSU.. it's the root hard disk
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[20:41:33] Jay2k1: time for a new hard disk then
[20:41:40] Jay2k1: or maybe decoupling works
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[21:02:55] SteveGoodey: SSD surely.
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[21:19:50] justinh: rahhh. Bloody crap UHF connectors
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[21:48:39] justinh: yeah maybe siting the first TV tuner right below a fanless nvidia card wasn't my greatest ever idea
[21:49:47] justinh: I was yanking cables left & right, stopping the backend, running signal monitoring programs.. swapping cables over.. turned out that the tuner was getting intermittent locks even when the cabling was steady.. felt the tuner can.. YOUCH!
[21:49:54] justinh: so now it's moved.
[21:57:29] justinh: hmmm is this tuner set to be used on demand or something? Is that why femon is showing it as not locked ?
[21:58:33] justinh: nnnope
[22:05:09] justinh: it's all gone to shit
[22:10:44] justinh: moved a fan to above the tuners so it's blowing across em.. and now it's solid
[22:11:51] justinh: I think my tuners have had it. If they need a fan going across em.. they're done
[22:14:20] justinh: sigh. Oh well. I've had these LR6650 cards since um... hmm. The beginning.
[22:14:44] justinh: oh, and I have a spare PCI tuner in the garage somewhere. Silicon, so cooler
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[22:22:29] Jay2k1: heh
[22:23:00] Jay2k1: i still have two analog cards, one of them having an mpeg2 chip
[22:23:10] Jay2k1: a hauppauge pvr-250
[22:23:46] Jay2k1: great card with great connectivity, just completely useless now
[22:26:14] wsuetholz (wsuetholz! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[22:26:42] EvilGuru: Jay2k1: Still useful if you want to covert old Hi8 camcorder recordings to digital
[22:26:53] justinh: I couldn't dream of moaning about these cards going wonky – they've been on 24/7 for the best part of 10 years
[22:27:19] justinh: and all of them were 2nd hand!
[22:27:30] Jay2k1: EvilGuru: yeah the video in is why i still keep it
[22:28:32] justinh: I kept hold of a framegrabber for digitising old video
[22:28:44] justinh: my pVR150 went on ebay years ago
[22:29:06] justinh: one of my spare digital tuners in the garage is a dual tuner job I think
[22:29:23] justinh: one is USB, the other some SAA71xxx thing
[22:29:37] justinh: k-world maybe? It's been a long time since I used that last too
[22:29:54] justinh: lugradiolive in wolverhampton IIRC
[22:31:38] justinh: I think I should consider rationalising the storage in this box too. 5HDDs is a bit much
[22:31:57] EvilGuru: And probably expensive
[22:32:11] justinh: expensive? In terms of electrickery?
[22:32:29] EvilGuru: Yeah
[22:32:52] justinh: meh. it costs less than Sky, plus Sky's STB to run
[22:32:58] JimBaxter (JimBaxter! has quit (Quit: Quiting)
[22:33:25] justinh: like way less :-D
[22:34:03] justinh: I doubt the box would've lasted as long as it has if it was always up & down
[22:34:32] EvilGuru: I switched my box over to a single 3TB drive a while back from an array of who knows what
[22:34:54] justinh: I could likely get away with 2x 3TB drives
[22:35:04] justinh: plus a small SSD for / & the DB
[22:35:15] EvilGuru: HDD development really does seem to have slowed over the past three years
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[22:37:06] justinh: though what kind of wear the DB would impose on an SSD...
[22:37:06] justinh: EvilGuru: they had quite a big setback losing all that production a few years back
[22:37:47] EvilGuru: justinh: I would not worry about the wear; Windows users have been putting swap files on SSDs for years without issues
[22:38:11] Warped (Warped! has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 29.0.1/20140506152807])
[22:39:15] justinh: and with a good DB backup regime, nowt will ever get lost.. or very little anyway
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[22:40:44] justinh: which reminds me.. I need to get that DB of mine backed up every night again
[22:42:44] Jay2k1: good plan
[22:43:06] Jay2k1: mine does this and has a daily job to rsync all but /mythstorage to my root server in a datacenter
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[22:52:42] justinh: there now. Makes a backup of the DB, tars it up, deletes the source sql, removes anything older than 14 days, then uploads the latest to my VPS
[22:55:27] Jay2k1: source sql? why not mysqldump | gzip > backup.sql.gz
[22:55:38] justinh: duh
[22:56:34] justinh: this is why linux isn't my day job ;-)
[22:58:13] Jay2k1: well, it is mine
[22:58:14] Jay2k1: ;)
[22:59:23] MilkBoy (MilkBoy! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:59:44] justinh: it used to be mostly my day job, looking after a fricking awful PHP/python/bash web app but supporting clueless customers got a little (A LOT) grating
[23:00:07] justinh: unfortunately I was the nearest the company had to any sort of expert
[23:04:43] MilkBoy (MilkBoy! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[23:05:13] justinh: damn, aitch dee, you is lookin FINE
[23:08:45] natanojl (natanojl!~jonatan@mythtv/developer/natanojl) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[23:15:59] justinh: oh yeah. Simon's Cat in HD on Youtube in mythfrontend. And NO tearing. AT LAST
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[23:20:17] Jay2k1: lol
[23:20:30] Jay2k1: youtube in mythfrontend?
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[23:22:08] justinh: mythnetvision
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[23:26:11] Jay2k1: oh that actually works?
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[23:28:42] justinh: kind of
[23:29:00] justinh: in manage RSS feeds I'm trying to add a youtube feed but it doesn't seem to be working
[23:30:03] nneul: Hey – is there any way to use a listings source twice, but as different sources? I have both a HDHR and a HDHR-Prime, CableCard to be delivered tomorrow – obviously the digital channels available on the prime will be more extensive than on HDHR, but are from the same source
[23:30:16] superm1 (superm1!uid4318@ubuntu/member/superm1) has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[23:30:39] nneul: using schedulesdirect fyi.
[23:33:00] nneul: I was thinking I could run a post-update to duplicate the listing data with a different sourceid after each run of filldatabase, but is there any less hackish way to do it?
[23:37:16] nneul: ah, never mind, I see that internally, it looks like they are all coming from the same feed at schedules direct, even though I have two defined.
[23:38:04] Jay2k1: i have two identical DVB cards
[23:38:23] Jay2k1: there is a howto on the wiki how to use one data source for multiple cards
[23:38:26] Jay2k1: worked for me
[23:38:58] jya (jya!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[23:39:00] Jay2k1: not sure if it's what you need though
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[23:52:06] nneul: I realized after what you said, and looking at the DB, that I was just getting confused by the fact that I named the sources the same as SD.
[23:52:28] nneul: It looks like it's all pulling from a single "source" at SD, even though I have it as multiple on that site.
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[23:54:04] nneul: so looks like I just need to duplicate the channels... going to see if that works
[23:55:41] Jay2k1: found this
[23:56:24] nneul: cool. yeah, that looks like exactly what I've set up.
[23:57:18] nneul: I actually have that in a way already – cause I also have a PVR-350 for analog... which is soon to become obsolete cause my cable provider is going all digital... hence the purchase of the prime.
[23:59:02] nneul: now if I can just get them to stop moving the channels around forcing me to re-figure out the ATSC->Channel mappings.......
[23:59:39] nneul: tried to get a listing from the provider, and, well, they already looked at me like I had three heads when I asked for a cablecard.......

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