:: #mythtv-users

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aberrios_, adante, adonaros, aloril, amessina, amizraa4, andreaz, AndyCap, Azelphur, bedo1979, benc-, Bhaal, biff2, BillK, blassey, BLZbubba, brfransen, caelor, Captain_Murdoch, ChanServ, clever, croccydile, ctmjr, Cubber, dahlSTROM, Dave123, Dave123_, dkeith__, drake3, dually, eye69, felipe`, fetzerch, Floppe, Freejack, Geoff___, ghoti, Gibby, gregL, GreyFoxx, grumpydevil, haux, haux_, Heliwr, Hoochster, hpeter, Hydr0p0nX, infinite, infojunky, i_is_cat, J-e-f-f-A, jams, jarle, jarryd, Jay2k1, jbrett, jduggan, jmusits, jm|laptop, johnsu01, joki, jpabq, jst, justdave, justinh, jya, k-man, kartouch, kc, kormoc, Korny, kurre2, Kwisher, kwmonroe, laga, lapion, LedHed, materdaddy, mengoshmink, Metoer, MilkBoy_, MissionCritical, monkeypet, moparisthebest, Moscherkobold, Muzer, MythLogBot, mzb, nephyrin, neufeld, nikgod, niobos, niska, nyloc, pigeon, pmmd, purserj, quicksilver, RagingComputer, RagingMind, robink, root________, rsiebert_, ryan_turner|MTW, sabhain, Scopeuk, seld, Shadow__X, ShapeShifter499, Sharky112065, shubes, sid3windr, simcop2387, skd5aner, sl1ce, sphery, squidly, sraue, sulx, superm1, taknev, tgm4883, Tobbe5178, toeb_, tonsofpcs, toorima, tris, troyt, trumee, Twiggy2cents, TWWOC, ubIx_, unforgiven512, wagnerrp, wahrhaft, wseltzer1, XDS2010, xris, zoktar, [mrx], _abbenormal, _charly_
Tuesday, April 29th, 2014, 00:11 UTC
[00:11:15] biff2 (biff2! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:41:24] wagnerrp: tgm4883: hah
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[03:27:23] wahrhaft: I've done some reading up but the appropriate wiki page was from 2009... If I'm moving and I add the channel lineup for my new city to SD, will everything get taken care of properly if I simply switch the channel lineup ID in mythtv-setup?
[03:28:09] mikenick (mikenick! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[03:28:30] wahrhaft: I assume the old channels stick around in the database so that my existing recordings don't get broken, but does that cause any issues with extra channels?
[03:29:13] wahrhaft: and I assume I would have to update any recording rules that were tied to a channel?
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[19:47:11] justinh: anybody here ever made a decor bezel to mount on top of a flat TV bezel?
[19:50:00] Jordack (Jordack! has joined #mythtv-users
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[20:09:42] justinh: ruh? Hitachi Teevees with 42 inches, smart features, HD tuner.. for under £290 ?!
[20:10:08] justinh: I don't really care if it's a load of crap picture-wise. I don't watch much
[20:13:45] bedo1979 (bedo1979! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:15:43] justinh: and as for the sound aspect, my 5.1 system is coming out of retirement for that – then with the always on HTPC, we get full control of it too, so telly turns off, AV amp goes off. <3 discrete codes
[20:19:18] disputin1 (disputin1!~sean@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:19:53] justinh: how come the fad is for ever thinner TVs & pixels you can't discern from proper viewing distances, yet everybody is pushing these 'soundbar' efforts? Why not just make a teevee with decent ish audio? Is this why I've never worked in marketing?
[20:20:48] justinh: I mean the big victory in TV tech was getting a screen size where the depth wasn't anything like as great as the depth measurement
[20:21:09] justinh: ruh? you know what I mean. Hum
[20:45:09] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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[22:10:09] ServerSage: So MythVideo is showing .tbn files in the list. Is there a way to tell it to only show videos?
[22:11:19] wagnerrp: unknown file types should be excluded by default
[22:12:19] mikenick: Under Media Setting -> Video Settings -> File Types you can tell it to ignore file types that you don't want to see
[22:14:48] ServerSage: Cool, that'll work.
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