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Friday, April 25th, 2014, 00:22 UTC
[00:22:18] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[00:55:20] justinh: oh bugger. my lirc receiver isn't supported by this kernel, that's what it is
[00:55:36] justinh: oh well. we'll have to use our droids
[00:55:50] justinh: til I update the OS anyway. hey ho
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[03:14:32] ShapeShifter499 (ShapeShifter499!~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:18:17] [mrx] ([mrx]!~mrx]@2607:8b00:2::3fd5:8321) has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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[03:27:49] runelind (runelind!~ircguy@unaffiliated/runelind) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:28:11] runelind: I'm having issues with skip forward/skip backward while watching recordings
[03:28:46] runelind: after skipping forward a few times while watching a recording, it will just not work anymore, and only skip 1 second forward
[03:29:07] runelind: happens with multiple front ends across multiple OSes
[03:29:18] runelind: backend is running 0.27 from FreeBSD ports.
[03:29:35] AndroidLoverInSF (AndroidLoverInSF!~AndroidLo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:31:58] runelind: mythfrontend doesn't generate any log entries when I skip forward or backward
[03:33:51] runelind: not sure, but the same thing doesn't seem to happen if I'm not actively recording whatever I'm watching.
[03:34:48] AndroidLoverInSF (AndroidLoverInSF!~AndroidLo@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[03:34:54] runelind: yeah, that seems to be the case.
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[12:56:01] justinh: ah what the hell. I'm gonna install mythbuntu on the box. All distros change stuff around, or different distros have assorted methods of doing things. I'm damned whatever I do
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[13:29:49] justinh: yay I found the DVD-R discs
[13:31:05] justinh: I'll be amazed if the disc burns without any errors. Damn toddlers
[13:36:50] justinh: time to shut this thing down. Again
[13:41:45] Jordack (Jordack! has joined #mythtv-users
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[18:44:39] tgm4883: If you use Myth_Service to send a notification, does it send it to all frontends?
[18:48:33] justinh: wow, I've had something of a headache today, and it's not over yet
[18:49:12] justinh: too many HDDs for one thing. I need to get round to amalgamating at least two
[18:53:40] justinh: I might actually come around to the ways of mythbuntu. Beats building everything yourself – and my gripes – not that there are many – would be the same no matter which distro I used. e.g. mceusb now being in the kernel, yada yada
[18:57:12] justinh: BTW if I want to get a real overscan slider in nvidia settings again which version of the drivrs do I need?
[19:04:49] justinh: oh metamodes? How is that better than a nice slider you can grab? Resize, check, repeat. Deep joy. Roll on HDTV
[19:43:40] Merlin83b (Merlin83b! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[19:52:47] JimBaxter (JimBaxter! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:54:46] tgm4883: justinh: what are your gripes with Mythbuntu
[19:55:10] justinh: tgm4883: no more or less than I'd have with other distros really. I'm just a big fat grump
[19:55:26] justinh: I really should keep my mouth shut more often
[19:56:10] justinh: minor issues I saw today were fitting dialogs onscreen – even running at 1024x768 buttons were missing from stuff outside of mythtv
[19:57:33] justinh: and the other things I've found annoying are what the general linux works calls 'progress'. grub2, yada yada
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[20:06:34] justinh: SteveGoodey: 40.2Mbits/sec, tuned, locked, streaming to VLC :-D
[20:07:54] SteveGoodey: justinh: You got it sorted, well done. A new skill gained.
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[20:08:42] justinh: I didn't. Might have given some potentially useful info at some point but nah, I don't have much of a clue
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[20:10:46] SteveGoodey: So how did it get sorted in the end?
[20:11:37] justinh: a group effort, but mostly crazycat
[20:18:56] justinh: 0x0000 0x4484: pmt_pid 0x19c8 (null) — BBC ONE HD (running)
[20:20:57] justinh: seems to turn out that the linux driver was sorted for the 290e etc, but the windows driver for this leaves some registers at default powerup settings, and sets up other registers the linux driver doesn't touch. Simples. If I'd managed to capture the actual init with a USB sniffer I'd have spotted it myself. Maybe. Heh
[20:23:23] SteveGoodey: So you're using VLC, is it usable as T2 in mythtv? Or is that a different ball game?
[20:23:55] justinh: I'm gonna try that next. mythtv scanning as a test method is just too painful
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[20:30:55] justinh: wow this laptop sucks under linux
[20:32:40] justinh: can't play back any video smoothly to save its life
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[20:40:06] SteveGoodey: justinh: Thanks for the link. I see on page 1 a link on how to build the device drivers. Looks like an adventure to the command line. Shudder!
[20:40:51] justinh: it'll be in the kernel soon enough
[20:41:05] justinh: then 'all' you need to do is build your own kernel. Hahaha
[20:41:20] justinh: proper 292e support isn't far off either
[20:41:36] justinh: very clever guys, those linuxtv people
[20:41:49] justinh: and maybe gals.. let's not be sexist
[20:42:25] SteveGoodey: Screw that for a game of soldiers. At my age I need it as simple as possible. Brains the size of planets. Makes me feel stupid, sigh.
[20:42:28] justinh: it took a lot more than just people updating their distro & saying "help, it no worky" though that's for sure
[20:42:57] justinh: yeah I got to feeling way too long in the tooth for this game & I'm only 41
[20:43:31] justinh: especially the part where I get a slightly lower BER in tzap, look at the time (2am) & think "oh soddit, just another half an hour"
[20:43:57] SteveGoodey: On a different subject anyone watched Orphan Black?
[20:44:42] justinh: or has anybody *heard* The Jamaica Inn ? LOL
[20:45:04] justinh: natualistic dialog my BUM
[20:45:58] neohaux (neohaux!~haux@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[20:46:37] SteveGoodey: Time for HIGNFY.
[20:47:02] justinh: time to fix this laptop's mythtv installation. It's totally hosed
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[21:10:09] justinh: mysql timezone support is missing? Nope.
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[21:34:40] justinh: wow this is a doozy
[21:41:13] justinh: and nope, this wiki page says all is well but mythtv-setup says otherwise. Hum
[21:41:21] justinh:
[21:52:44] Tobbe5178 (Tobbe5178! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[22:50:36] justinh: nope mythtv-setup just will not run at all
[23:00:57] bill6502: justinh: and you're getting the "MySQL time zone support check failed" error message?
[23:03:13] justinh: bill6502: yup. every time
[23:05:02] bill6502: hmmm, I wrote that Wiki, so I'm interested why the test didn't work. What distribution, mythtv version? Guessing Mythbuntu/0.7 from the backlog.
[23:05:22] justinh: mythbuntu 14.04
[23:05:42] justinh: actually xubuntu 14.04 with (now) mythbuntu-desktop on top
[23:06:11] justinh: it was working last week
[23:07:17] bill6502: OK, could you do: mythtv-setup --logpath=/tmp and then pastebinit /tmp/mythtv-setup.2014whatever.log
[23:07:19] justinh: I did something destructive to stop mythtv-backend starting up.. oh wait.. disabled the service? ahh
[23:10:36] justinh:
[23:11:30] justinh: ah but I've uninstalled myth & back again since then
[23:14:03] bill6502: mythtv-setup should run with the backend stopped (and if it's running should ask if you want to stop it or continue.)
[23:14:09] justinh: wait a sec.. what criteria is mythtv-setup using to determine if a TZ is there?
[23:14:22] bill6502: SELECT CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), 'SYSTEM', 'Etc/UTC')
[23:14:41] justinh: 2014-04–25 23:14:32
[23:14:51] justinh: so that's ok yes?
[23:15:36] bill6502: yes
[23:16:27] bill6502: the test doesn't look at the time returned, just if the query failed, which seems to be the case here
[23:17:07] justinh: oh the *query* failed? db credentials issue then?
[23:17:56] justinh: I changed the mythconverg db password. I hate all that autogenerated crap
[23:18:16] justinh: but I altered /etc/mythtv/config.xml accordingly so I thought that should be it
[23:19:06] bill6502: haven't seen that failure, so, it could be. the test is also for a NULL response or no response from the query
[23:19:24] justinh: the db pw is mythtv
[23:19:24] bill6502: are you running mythtv-setup as the mythtv user or yourself?
[23:19:29] justinh: as me
[23:19:36] amizraa4 (amizraa4!~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:19:45] bill6502: then did you change ~/.mythtv/config.xml?
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[23:20:09] justinh: it's symlinked to /etc/mythtv/config.xml
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[23:20:28] justinh: oh crap no it isn't
[23:21:11] justinh: ruh? but the password was the same
[23:21:20] justinh: that's working now. Weird
[23:21:56] justinh: oh the one in my home dir had a 'unique identifier'. I remember
[23:22:35] justinh: this is the kind of hassle hiding things (install pain?) from users causes. Heh
[23:24:09] bill6502: you're running the backend and frontend with different profiles (hostname vs. <LocalHostName>my-unique-identifier-goes-here</LocalHostName>)?
[23:24:59] justinh: not AFAIK
[23:25:27] justinh: anyway I just copied /etc/mythtv/config.xml to my ~/.mythtv/ dir & it's ok now
[23:25:40] justinh: I thought they were symlinked for some reason
[23:26:00] bill6502: OK. I didn't understand you comment: " oh the one in my home dir had a 'unique identifier'. I remember", but if they're the same, then good.
[23:26:51] bill6502: the earlier pastebin shows: testmachine
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[23:28:09] justinh: it did have a unique ID.. once I copied the xml file across it was called localhost
[23:30:00] hipitihop_: I have two issues, myth told me there was a new version of mythstream theme available an dafter switching I can can't get into to the advanced setup, says advanced.xml missing. Is there a CLI command to reset theme ?
[23:31:40] hipitihop_: second issue, is recently (about two weeks) my audio output stopped working. I Have nivida atom based system using hdmi to tv, video playback is fine but no sound. mixer seems to have all audio enabled not muted
[23:31:50] justinh: awesome... I have all the freeviewHD channels now :-D
[23:34:38] bill6502: hipitihop_: mythfrontend --override-setting Theme=Terra would cause the Terra theme to be used for example.
[23:36:08] hipitihop_: bill6502, thanks trying...
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[23:38:42] hipitihop_: bill6502, ok theme override worked but still get missing advanced.xml so must be a menu setting. Is there equivalent for menu override
[23:40:10] bill6502: Don't know. So this file: /usr/share/mythtv/themes/mediacentermenu/advanced.xml is missing?
[23:41:01] hipitihop_: no thats there
[23:44:56] bill6502: How do you access that menu (e.g. from the Setup menu?) I haven't found it in the Steppes theme.
[23:46:20] hipitihop_: it is normally from top level i.e. same level as watch recordings, plugins
[23:47:27] hipitihop_: but I have modified the top level menu moons ago to add a netflix section. is that interfering now ? it all worked before I swapped to updated theme and then matching menu
[23:48:13] hipitihop_: and it was for example through advanced, I get to appearance and themes
[23:48:53] BillK (BillK! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[23:54:44] bill6502: Sorry, I can't display that menu. I tried changing my Menu theme from Default to Media Center Menu Theme and still don't see it. If you want to tell me what Menu Theme you're using, I'll look for it.
[23:56:14] hipitihop_: well when frontend started up it said new 2.81 of mythstream theme was available
[23:56:24] bill6502: The advanced.xml file is present in the /usr/share/mythtv/themes/mediacentermenu/mainmenu.xml file (see the very bottom.)
[23:57:18] justinh: interesting how some themes can look appealing in screenshots & then produce feelings of revulsion when using one for the first time
[23:57:20] hipitihop_: so I used my existing theme, went via theme chooser and picked the 2.81 Redux, which in turn said it is best to use matching menu
[23:59:34] hipitihop_: bill6502, yes advanced.xml is in dir and mentioned at bottom of mediacentermenu
[23:59:46] bill6502: Loading 28.1 now (very slowly.)
[23:59:46] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has joined #mythtv-users

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