:: #mythtv-users

Daily chat history

Current users (141):

aarcane, aberrios, adante, aloril, amessina, amizraa, andreaz, AndroidLoverInSF, Azelphur, Beirdo, benc-, berglh, Bhaal, biffhero, BillK, blinky42, Blue1, BLZbubba, brfransen, buu, cesman, ChanServ, clever, CookieJar, cougar_s, croccydile, Cubber, dahlSTROM, Dave123, devinheitmueller, disputin, dkeith__, dougl, eye69, fetzerch, Floppe, Freejack, G, ghoti, Gibby, gregL, GreyFoxx, grumpydevil, Heliwr, Hoochster, Hydr0p0nX, infinite, infojunky, i_is_cat, J-e-f-f-A, jams, jarle, jarryd, Jay2k1, jbrett, jduggan, Jinx, jmusits, jm|laptop, johnsu01, joki, jst, justdave, justinh, k-man, kartouch, kc, knightr, Korny, kurre2, Kwisher, kwmonroe, laga, LedHed, len_, lotia, materdaddy, mengoshmink, Metoer, MilkBoy, MissionCritical, monkeypet, moparisthebest, Moscherkobold, Muzer, MythLogBot, mzb, nameless`, nephyrin, neufeld, NightMonkey, nikgod, niska, nutron, nyloc, plut0, purserj, quicksilver, RagingComputer, RagingMind, robink, rsiebert, ryan_turner|MTW, Scopeuk, Seeker`, seld, ServerSage, Shadow__X, Sharky112065, shubes, sid3windr, simcop2387, skd5aner, sphery, squidly, sraue, SteveGoodey, StevenR, sulx, superm1, taknev, tgm4883, toeb, tonsofpcs, toorima, tris, troyt, trumee, Twiggy2cents, ubIx, unforgiven512, wagnerrp, wahrhaft, Warped, wseltzer1, XDS2010_, xris, zoktar, [mrx]_, _abbenormal, _charly_
Tuesday, April 8th, 2014, 00:21 UTC
[00:21:38] aural (aural!~aural@unaffiliated/necrodearia) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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[00:31:33] aural (aural!~aural@unaffiliated/necrodearia) has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)
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[10:13:30] sphery: jm|laptop: "this channel" rules already uses callsign, so if you have a new channel with the same callsign, it will record regardless of Video Source
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[10:17:33] jm|laptop: oh. Cool.
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[11:07:53] jm|laptop: so transmitter update /has/ changed the callsigns >.<
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[11:55:31] justinh: jm|laptop: we get a lot of that in here. I hate it
[11:55:46] justinh: breaks all your 'this channel' rules
[11:55:57] jm|laptop: justinh: how did that Dongle work out for you? The wiki suggests it's not supported
[11:56:14] jm|laptop: COM7 just came online here
[11:56:21] justinh: I've not tried it onproper linux yet. It was gash in the VM
[11:56:21] jm|laptop: so I have two HD plexes too
[11:56:40] jm|laptop: gladly, I have two 290es, but I can envisage problems with conflicts
[11:56:58] justinh: there doesn't seem to be any solution for dvb-t2 in the UK since you can never be sure what somebody is gonna send if you order a pctv 290e
[11:57:10] jm|laptop: I kinda want a TBS 6285
[11:57:14] justinh: and frankly I think they're too bloody expensive
[11:57:52] justinh: I had DVB-T scanning well on the VM, but tzapp & trying to cat dvr0 to a file resulted in junk
[11:58:18] justinh: so I need to try it on a real linux machine & have been preparing a disk for my laptop to use
[11:58:58] justinh: if there are errors as people are saying, with dvb-t2 they shouldn't be insurmountable since the chips are the same as those used in devices already supported
[11:59:09] justinh: same dvb-t2 demod chip as the pctv 290e for example :-)
[11:59:33] jm|laptop: hmm
[12:00:17] justinh: I can't see it being much work to get it operational – and these August things are a little over half what the PCTV 290e/292e cost
[12:01:34] justinh: I've looked at the source which allegedly brought support to the kernel.. and it doesn't seem to make any sense to me. There's a LNA on the RF frontend chip, but can't glean how to turn it on or off
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[12:02:14] justinh: the signal levels tzap returned when I tried it on dvb-t looked very suspect – either like it was overdriven or it was just junk
[12:02:34] justinh: so then I tested it on windows 7, and it was all fine level wise – but that doesn't mean the driver works properly
[12:02:38] justinh: (in linux)
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[12:07:55] justinh: tuner is NXP TDA18271. Dmod is Sony CXD2820R .. or maybe the issue is the Cypress micro on the board
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[12:09:27] justinh: apparently the PCB/chipset & USB IDs are identical to the Geniatech board – but that doesn't mean they have the same firmware
[12:13:05] jm|laptop: ITV1 HD has become ITV HD
[12:13:16] jm|laptop: amongst other things
[12:13:31] justinh: anyway I'm gonna give it a damn good go
[12:13:49] justinh: pulled the latest V4L media tree down this morning & built it all up
[12:14:00] justinh: ready for a test drive tonight
[12:16:32] stuartm: now why have they renamed ITV 1 HD back to ITV HD?
[12:16:53] justinh: because they're cretins who can leave nothing alone
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[12:18:57] stuartm: I had noticed that ITV 1 HD and STV HD were no longer tunable a couple of weeks ago, just disabled them as I didn't have time to do a rescan
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[12:29:34] jm|laptop: hmm
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[13:22:06] ryan_turner|MTW: any recommendations on cheaper digital tv tuner cards that are pci-x? Im considering the hvr-1800
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[15:14:22] justinh: meh. Did some more looking up & the tuner on that cheaper USB stick isn't optimal for DVB-T2
[15:14:28] justinh: I might yet be sending it back
[15:17:22] justinh: oh wait.. *same* tuner as the PCTV 290e? AHH
[15:25:09] Seeker`: justinh: would you like someone else to have a conversation with?
[15:25:15] Seeker`: Or are you ok on your own? :P
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[15:28:41] stuartm: all users are reminded that a trout is available for their use upon request
[15:30:44] justinh: Seeker`: I'm not the only person interested in a successful outcome on this August USB DVB-T2 tuner :-P
[15:32:44] Seeker`: :P
[15:32:55] justinh: besides, knowing this channel lately the chances of an actual conversation are pretty slim
[15:33:44] Seeker`: :(]
[15:33:55] Seeker`: Are the 290e's not as reliable as they used to be?
[15:35:32] justinh: no they are, it's just that you stand as much chance as receiving a completely unsupported 292e when you order one
[15:35:57] Seeker`: ah, that sucks
[15:36:11] justinh: sure you can return it, but it's a load of hassle
[15:36:13] Seeker`: I've not looked at the state of tuners for a while. I figure that 3 is enough
[15:36:57] justinh: I've already got 3 tuners but none can receive HD
[15:37:26] Seeker`: I've got a nova-t 500, a TBS DVB-S2 and a 290e
[15:37:54] justinh: and I have no spare slots for a pci-e card so the new tuner had to be USB
[15:38:22] justinh: 3 dvb-t tuners in a 5 PCI slot motherboard. Unwise to put cx88 cards too close together, sse
[15:41:05] Seeker`: why?
[15:41:12] justinh: heat!
[15:43:05] justinh: I used to have them in adjacent slots, and got corrupt recordings on a regular basis
[15:43:36] justinh: since moving em.. no such issues :-)
[15:44:04] justinh: and I know it was heat because without the case side on, they were fine
[15:44:46] Seeker`: i got round to cleaning out the dust from my backend at the weekend
[15:44:53] Seeker`: there is actually airflow inside the case now
[15:44:56] justinh: pity there's no hack to turn a Humax freeview HD box into a networked tuner
[15:46:42] Seeker`: I have some quite serious overheating issues on my frontend though. I can't put the side back on the case without it dying
[15:50:04] justinh: my frontend is going in the bin (Ebay) soon
[15:51:02] justinh: the backend will be the main frontend
[15:51:21] justinh: I'll be using a Pi with (COUGH) in the kitchen
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[15:58:20] stuartm: :(
[15:58:40] tesla_dv: I have comcast for a cable provider, Comcast has 2 channels for each HD station, for instance IFC has channel #164 and #906. 906 is 1080p and 164 is 720p. When scheduling a recording and selecting "Record only this showing" it always defaults to the lower channel number. Any combination of tick-boxes for filters does nothing. I noticed that multiple options have since been removed for scheduling recordings weekly.... Is there another ch
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[15:58:40] tesla_dv: ange that I am missing?
[15:59:07] tesla_dv: Running .27-fixes...
[16:00:11] tesla_dv: The recording filter "This Channel" does not honor the specific channel #, but appears to honor the channel calltag, is there a way to workaround this behavior?
[16:00:30] disputin: can you delete the lower channel?
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[16:01:21] tesla_dv: disputin, I'd prefer not to as I have a TV that only supports 720p resolution and I'd never had issues before .27 (before the additional options were removed)
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[16:01:46] Seeker`: justinh: thats a nasty cough you've got there
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[16:02:25] Seeker`: tesla_dv: change the channel tags in the backend?
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[16:04:52] tesla_dv: Seeker`: A possibility, a lot of manual work for 300+ channels and now incorrect tags :) Are there any known issues that a ticket hasn't been created for (reviewed open tickets) having to do with any of the filter options not being honored? There's a definite change in behaviro between .26 and .27
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[16:14:15] sphery: tesla_dv: "this channel" is defined to mean "all channels with same call sign" (and always has been)
[16:15:26] sphery: and there's nothing you can do with older versions of mythtv that you can't with current--as a matter of fact, you have more capability with current
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[16:16:51] sphery: you can set (negative) priorities on the 720p channels (and with 0.27+, they'll actually do what you think they will), you can delete the unwanted copies of the channels, you can mark unwanted copies as not visible, you can change call signs of channels to make them different so that "this channel" filter works
[16:17:18] sphery: basically, all the same solutions that have always been there, plus now channel priorities actually do what you want
[16:17:23] tesla_dv: sphery: negative priorities, perfect
[16:17:44] sphery: tesla_dv: you can even use Custom Priorities to create a "dynamic" priority
[16:17:59] sphery: i.e. "any channel whose number is < 500" or whatever
[16:18:32] sphery: custom priorities in frontend settings under Video Settings, IIRC
[16:18:59] tesla_dv: Is there a way to perform this within mythweb? Not an issue if there is not, just not at home...
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[16:23:29] tesla_dv: NM found it.... thanks sphery for the suggestions.
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[17:00:13] justinh: stuartm: I CBA running HDMI through walls. Or shelling out for a whole PC just for a frontend :-)
[17:01:04] justinh: a Pi running XBMC, NOT using the cmyth client is very usable. With the cmyth client, it's just frustratingly slow
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[19:22:20] justinh: wonder what the android FE is like on one of those scrappy Android TV boxes
[19:22:56] justinh: can't be any worse than it is on my phone. That's the poorest excuse for a user experience since the facebook app
[19:23:23] justinh: because my phone only has 2 cores, not running at 3GHz
[19:26:05] justinh: on the other hand it might be because my backend is still on 0.25
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[19:32:35] justinh: time to fetch the linux disk & do some proper tuner testing
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[19:53:17] justinh: dvb-t first... not seeing anything like the garbage I got last time with the VM
[19:55:13] justinh: no HD stations found, but dvb-t actually works this time. Yay for not doing stuff in a silly VM
[19:59:51] justinh: so here goes w_scan then. God, I hate not being able to enter my own frequencies
[20:01:19] justinh: there we go... garbage data when it's on a dvb-t2 mux
[20:08:22] justinh: oh wait.. it wasn't on a local mux. it's still going
[20:08:57] justinh: 570Mhz, no garbage data :-)
[20:09:23] justinh: now to wait for it to reach 698Mhz where BBCHD is
[20:11:16] justinh: nah bad CRC errors
[20:11:17] justinh: boo!
[20:21:08] stuartm: justinh: I seem to remember something about w_scan or at least one of those tools not supporting T2
[20:21:55] stuartm: of course this was also a while back, so it's equally possible that's no longer the case
[20:22:40] stuartm: ah, "DVB-T2 support requires a w_scan version >= 20120111"
[20:22:45] justinh: oh
[20:22:45] stuartm: so it is now supported
[20:22:58] stuartm: if you've got a recent enough version of w_scan
[20:23:52] justinh: I might have, I might not. As per usual it's one of those apps that outputs its help to stderr
[20:24:50] robink (robink!~quassel@unaffilated/robink) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:25:36] justinh: darnit.. doesn't seem to want to report which version it is!
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[20:26:15] justinh: aha! Install: w-scan:amd64 (20130331–1)
[20:26:25] justinh: DOH. so it's really dirty CRC errors then
[20:28:07] justinh: and oh bugger, I just realised I threw out my aerial attenuator pads last week
[20:29:04] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:29:54] justinh: I doubt it's signal overload though- it works fine in the windows
[20:34:25] devinheitmueller: justinh: Regarding the LNA, I’m pretty sure there was a modprobe option at one point for controlling it. But I think at some point they introduced a DVBv5 command to do it.
[20:35:54] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:36:19] justinh: devinheitmueller: so how do I do a DVBv5 command? ;-)
[20:36:29] devinheitmueller: Your app would need to use the DVBv5 API.
[20:36:55] devinheitmueller: In short, you’d probably have to write some C code. I’m not sure any apps actually expose the LNA property today.
[20:37:19] justinh: and having looked at so much of the source, this isn't going to be a walk in the park. you don't just poke a dvb demodulator & get a stream out of it
[20:37:20] devinheitmueller: You know, because it’s always an awesome idea to add new API extensions and then not expose them in any applications.
[20:37:34] justinh: that's up to the apps though
[20:37:45] devinheitmueller: In this case you probably would just have to open up the frontend device node, send a set property command, and then close it.
[20:38:16] justinh: I've seen the stats for the HD muxes around here – maybe it *does* need the LNA enabled if it's not
[20:38:30] justinh: dvb-t works fine but it's like 20x the power of the t2 muxes
[20:38:46] devinheitmueller: Pretty sure Anitti turned off the LNA by default.
[20:39:12] justinh: might be easier for me to hack the driver & recompile it first
[20:39:25] justinh: I've got the media tree here :-)
[20:39:30] justinh: let's have a peek
[20:39:36] devinheitmueller: Oh, if you’re prepared to recompile the kernel then yeah should be a one line change in the demod driver.
[20:40:15] justinh: devinheitmueller: I'm prepared to go to all kinds of lengths :-)
[20:40:44] devinheitmueller: Setting it from userland should be like 20 lines of C code in userland though. Your call which is easier.
[20:40:49] justinh: anything I can do to help open the door to this tuner being of real use. same tuner & demod as the 290e, so it *should* (in theory) work as well
[20:41:45] devinheitmueller: You are absolutely incorrect. Two designs having the same tuner and demod is absolutely no guarantee that they will work equally well.
[20:42:18] justinh: well yeah, the electronics in this thing might be gash.. noisy or whatever
[20:42:31] devinheitmueller: Good RF design is a black art.
[20:42:59] justinh: it works great in windows, so I know the signal is OK – the only trip up was the playback software being awful at doing the video decoding
[20:43:20] devinheitmueller: Is this the “August” tuner you were referring to a few days ago?
[20:43:36] justinh: BBC channels look like crap occasionally – bands in the picture where the video is darker
[20:43:39] justinh: devinheitmueller: yeah
[20:44:45] devinheitmueller: Entirely possible that the board configuration is wrong too. Just because it has the same tuner and demod doesn’t mean that it should be configured the same way. You might need different GPIOs, different IF configuration, etc. Oh, and the LNA is supported on the 290e because we knew exactly what GPIO controls it. Absolutely no guarantee that information applies to the August design.
[20:45:18] justinh: aye.. ok you're convincing me this might be a longer shot than I first thought
[20:45:26] devinheitmueller: I thought you were talking about the LNA on the 290e. We don’t even know if the August design *has* an LNA, let along how it’s controlled.
[20:46:04] devinheitmueller: These things are much simpler when the hardware vendor just tells you how the board is designed, as was the case with PCTV and the 290e.
[20:46:11] justinh: heh
[20:46:26] justinh: last time I believe anything I see on a wiki ;-)
[20:46:27] devinheitmueller: (or in my case, I probably had the schematic at one point)
[20:46:39] devinheitmueller: Is there a wiki page on the August device?
[20:46:40] stuartm: devinheitmueller: they did add a command to the v5 api, but since so few drivers implement support for it I've not really had much motivation to support it in MythTV – would just add to the confusion if we had an "Enable LNB" option that doesn't actually toggle the LNB
[20:46:52] justinh: after I placed the order somebody edited the wiki to mention & link to a report about there being CRC errors
[20:47:08] justinh: devinheitmueller: it's on the main dvb-t2 usb page
[20:47:09] devinheitmueller: stuartm: I think you can query for whether the LNA is present, and use that to drive whether the user is offered the option.
[20:47:17] devinheitmueller: justinh: got a link?
[20:47:43] justinh:
[20:47:49] stuartm: devinheitmueller: ah, but the issue isn't that the LNA isn't present, just that only a couple of drivers actually support toggling it via the API :)
[20:48:14] stuartm: e.g. Nova-T 500 driver does not, which makes it harder to test too
[20:48:29] stuartm: since I don't have other devices with an onboard LNA
[20:48:31] devinheitmueller: stuartm: Yeah, that will improve. I’m just saying the Myth GUI could offer it as an option if the API says it’s present, and over time it will grow as drivers get fixed.
[20:48:54] stuartm: devinheitmueller: sure, which is why it's on my TODO list, just not right at the top
[20:49:04] devinheitmueller: stuartm: well, no pressure from my end.  :-)
[20:49:26] justinh: I saw mention of errors from dvb-t2 devices on the Pi, then a bit of info about the Pi's USB stack being a bit borked – which were later fixed
[20:49:26] devinheitmueller: Hmm, I wonder if those are *really* CRC errors.
[20:49:37] stuartm: as these things go, it's a fairly trivial patch
[20:49:40] devinheitmueller: Yeah, don’t trust *anything* you see about people testing on the Pi.
[20:49:57] justinh: w_scan reports CRC errors when it's tuned to a DVB-T2 mux
[20:50:04] devinheitmueller: Some people use the term “CRC error” as a catch-all for any sort of decoding problem.
[20:50:16] justinh: I've got the scan log here somewhere
[20:50:24] devinheitmueller: This is the point where I would point out that w_scan is garbage, but I’ll hold my tongue.
[20:50:47] stuartm: justinh: iirc early pis had power issues on usb, that would potentially explain 'flaky' behaviour
[20:51:14] justinh: heh. I was reluctant to try it but I can't find a file with specs to use to do my own probing
[20:51:17] devinheitmueller: stuartm: It’s more than that. the USB host controller implementation is completely borked. You’ll likely get all sorts of packet loss at higher bitrates.
[20:51:44] stuartm: devinheitmueller: ouch
[20:51:58] devinheitmueller: And ISOC barely works at all.
[20:52:07] devinheitmueller: It generates a single interrupt for every microframe. Do the math on that one.
[20:53:21] devinheitmueller: The problem isn’t exclusive to the Pi though. There are *many* embedded SOCs with the same POC dwc_otg IP core.
[20:53:29] devinheitmueller: (it’s popular in router designs, for example)
[20:53:44] justinh: so is there a dvb-t2 example scan file I can try?
[20:54:49] justinh: or can I just pass parameters to scan directly?
[20:56:07] justinh: gah this scan initial file is well out of date. EVerything is still in 2k
[20:56:59] stuartm: my pi has been sitting on a shelf gathering dust since I got it (one from the very first batch), finally ordered a couple of XRF radios to play with although I'm still not entirely sure where the Pi will fit in . Early plans for wireless home security fell apart when I realised that an off the shelf system is cheaper even if it's not actually so capable or cool
[20:57:23] amizraa (amizraa!~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:57:40] justinh: hmmm what are the parameters for tuning since the analogue switchoff?
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[20:58:11] stuartm: justinh: winterhill?
[20:58:20] justinh: PontopPike these days :-)
[20:58:46] stuartm: oh yeah, you've moved :)
[20:59:20] stuartm:
[20:59:30] stuartm: tuning info is down the page a bit
[21:00:30] justinh: duh of course
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[21:02:41] justinh: whoah. WHOAH. scan found 6 services when I fudged up an initial tuning file
[21:03:03] justinh: warnings about some pids etc.. but there are 6 HD channels on that mux
[21:03:12] justinh: so... output that to a file aaaaaaaand zap!
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[21:08:30] justinh: devinheitmueller: managed to tzap a channel on the T2 mux. Signal level is reported FFFF, low BER.. it didn't grab audio or video PIDs though
[21:09:34] justinh: I'm suspicious of that signal level. Lemme try a dvb-t tune instead
[21:10:32] justinh: could be my tzap isn't new enough. I'm not averse to building it myself
[21:11:20] Pr0f (Pr0f! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:11:55] justinh: yeah dvb-t tzap produces more believable numbers. Much more work required
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[21:28:21] justinh: usblyzer installed.. 3.8MB download? LOL
[21:31:25] streeter (streeter!streeter@nat/redhat/x-mvhfnbgcrcslzlof) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:34:24] justinh: and here am I, blazing a trail again. After the last time I said 'never again' LOL
[21:35:15] justinh: I thought my bus analysing days were over when I left my last job
[21:35:53] justinh: somebody asked me the real reason I left there today. "iMX6" said I. Pile of steaming junk
[21:37:28] justinh: the system on chip with 'gig-E networking' – except it can't even crack 100Mb/sec. To which the manufacturer put up their hands and said they knew. And the company I worked for had just designed it into a load of products. Time to leave
[21:41:42] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:42:25] stuartm: justinh: funny you should mention the iMX6, dekarl was talking about it earlier in #mythtv
[21:45:35] justinh: it'd be ok for home networking & small NAS stuff, but not enterprise level serving ;-)
[21:46:22] stuartm: <dekarl> thinking about it, the i.MX6 devices could make for nice mythtranscode "cut and convert MPEG-2 to H.264" devices
[21:46:24] justinh: they were looking to use it as an AoE-iSCSI bridge for hundreds of cameras at up to 5Mb/sec each
[21:46:42] stuartm: hundreds? whoa
[21:47:02] justinh: more than a hundred, less than 300
[21:47:42] justinh: mostly non-moving h264 video, so actual bitrates would be much lower
[21:49:52] justinh: man, this usblyzer isn't grabbing anywhere near enough data
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[21:54:03] stuartm: still, you'd want the full bandwidth available if it were needed – no good if the system starts dropping data when you most need it to be working (thinking security or safety scenario where there's lots of movement throughout a building/complex)
[21:54:49] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:56:26] justinh: I rigged up a test system to do a bunch of rsyncs at a controlled rate with a variety of test files. initial data rate with one pipe was about 25MB/sec – open another & the total speed dropped to under 15MB/sec.. a third & it sunk again.. rinse & repeat
[21:57:07] justinh: the designer repeatedly said I was doing it wrong. The CEO got involved & put a real developer on the case & it turned out to be a serious kernel issue
[21:57:41] justinh: then I found out they'd designed the SoC into all the upcoming products...
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[22:00:06] justinh: stuartm: so for the little media thingy job it'd likely be more than fine, just not for heavy lifting of network streams
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[22:01:10] justinh: with an updated kernel it got better – up to about 60MB/sec – it might be capable of more but it was as fast as my nasty iSCSI array could reach ;-)
[22:01:50] justinh: but with concurrent network pipes it was still awful as hell. the aggregate speed was much less than the total divided by the number of pipes
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[22:09:24] plut0 (plut0! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:09:46] plut0: is it possible to use mythweb with apache authnz_ldap ?
[22:13:28] devinheitmueller: IMX6 is fun stuff.
[22:13:41] devinheitmueller: Love feeding the decoder streams that crash the whole hardware block requiring a reboot.
[22:16:28] justinh: there's a lot of junk out there in SoC land
[22:17:06] justinh: stuartm: do you by any chance have any info about service IDs on freeview HD? I want to check the output of that scan I ran earlier
[22:17:12] plut0: getting http 500 error
[22:17:51] stuartm: justinh: SD ids I can supply, I don't have HD ids handy but I might know where to find them
[22:18:23] stuartm: they should be in the services channel icon database
[22:18:38] justinh: stuartm: it'll give me an idea whether or not the data coming from the tuner is all junk or not ;-)
[22:18:55] justinh: but it *did* say there were 6 TV services on that mux
[22:19:16] justinh: ah BUM.. and the file is on the linux disk I'm no longer running off.
[22:19:42] justinh: shoulda installed dropbox & synced everything off
[22:21:50] justinh: aha! I can mount the disk on the backend
[22:27:04] justinh: stuartm: for BBC1 HD I've got a serviceid of 17472
[22:27:30] justinh: scan didn't get the audio & video PIDs out.. but it might be too old or whatever, which'd be why tzap didn't work either
[22:28:29] stuartm: one moment, just checking ...
[22:30:03] justinh: oh wait it might not be BBC1 HD.. it could be anything. scan didn't get the names either
[22:30:23] justinh: I'm guessing scan doesn't quite know how to parse them for this format
[22:31:02] stuartm: well keeping in mind that the serviceids vary regionally, it's close to those that have been submitted but not an exact match to any – they range from 17540–17598
[22:31:09] justinh: is the output of the scan of the mux BBC1 HD is on
[22:31:18] stuartm: justinh: let me check the other channels on that mux
[22:31:59] justinh: I edited the first line to make the name 'HD1' just to make it simpler to zap
[22:32:54] justinh: wonder if my dvb-t2 STB can tell me serviceids
[22:33:01] justinh: worth a shot!
[22:34:05] stuartm: 523278802|16573|9018|17472|BBC TWO HD|39572
[22:34:24] stuartm: there you are, it's BBC Two HD
[22:34:34] stuartm: queried the DB directly
[22:34:48] justinh: whoah
[22:35:05] stuartm: ignore the first number, that's just an id
[22:35:16] justinh: how likely is it that the serviceid was pulled out okay if the driver was borked? Not much I think
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[22:36:04] stuartm: that's service 17472 on transport 16573, network 9018 (Freeview)
[22:36:37] stuartm: justinh: if you could point mythtv-setup at it I suspect it would work
[22:37:26] justinh: how did we get to the state where stuff like mythtv is more advanced than the commandline utils we all cut our teeth with? ;-)
[22:38:11] justinh: that'd be so funny.. the people saying there are 'errors' are just victims of w_scan – when actually the driver is fine
[22:38:20] stuartm: 17597 is BBC One HD
[22:38:43] justinh: sod it I'm putting the disk back on the laptop & going to linux.. and installing mythtv
[22:38:55] justinh: it was supposed to be bedtime .. HA
[22:39:49] stuartm: we should probably organise this data into a useful form and make it available to users
[22:39:51] justinh: stuartm: thanks a great big load for that info :-D
[22:40:33] justinh: and WTH is this film on BBC1 where there's a blok with half a face?
[22:40:53] stuartm: "The Box"
[22:41:10] justinh: brb. reboot time
[22:43:36] justinh: time to install mythtv!
[22:44:01] justinh: sigh. 417MB additional downloads
[22:44:23] justinh: btw, I've been pleasantly surprised by BT broadband thus far
[22:44:35] justinh: dns resolution times are *much* better than on VM
[22:45:00] justinh: and I can watch iplayer/youtube etc without any buffering it seems – and I'm on a *slower* service than before I moved!
[22:45:21] justinh: we skyped my parents tonight too – even that was better, although general download speeds are slower
[22:46:46] justinh: oh and my laptop can wake up & connect to the wifi first time *every* time with the homehub thingy – it *never* did that with my linksys or my dad's talktalk box
[22:52:20] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:52:55] justinh: scanning :-)
[22:53:30] justinh: mind, the first installation of mythtv managed to mangle the database setup & all I did was try to set my own root password for mysql
[22:54:37] justinh: if this scan works, gets all channels, named & numbered correctly it'll be a pretty safe bet that everything'll work
[22:54:43] justinh: ish
[22:55:24] justinh: stuartm: btw did you catch my comment the other day about not needing offsets for scanning anymore? pretty sure that's the case now
[22:55:54] justinh: they were originally offset to minimise the risk of interfering with analogue
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[23:01:32] justinh: no matter what I seem to do I can never get a tuned scan to work these days
[23:02:03] justinh: so a full scan it had to be, with 3 channels & offsets to go
[23:04:50] caelor (caelor! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[23:05:37] justinh: so much for this tuner being junk.. it's pulling in Bilsdale as well as Pontop Pike
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[23:17:55] justinh: stuartm: nah, can't scan the HD muxes here
[23:18:13] justinh: this is on 0.27 btw
[23:19:58] stuartm: strange
[23:20:17] ** stuartm is calling it a night **
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[23:20:48] justinh: yeah me too, right after I turn up the scanner verbosity
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[23:27:03] plut0: anyone use mythnetvision?
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[23:42:13] justinh: devinheitmueller: any clues on how to make the scan util accept 32k as a modulation type?
[23:42:29] devinheitmueller: Hmm, not really.
[23:42:40] devinheitmueller: I don’t play much with the DVB modulations anymore.
[23:42:53] justinh: I pulled the latest from hg & it still gives me an error for 32k.. bad enum
[23:42:57] devinheitmueller: I’ve got a generator here but haven’t needed to do any DVB work in almost two years.
[23:43:18] devinheitmueller: justinh: hg? As in Mercurial? You’re probably reading some very old repository as everything moved to Git years ago.
[23:43:31] justinh: the wiki said to use hg heh
[23:43:38] justinh: I did wonder about that
[23:43:39] devinheitmueller: Which project are you trying to get? dvb-apps?
[23:43:43] justinh: yeah
[23:44:04] devinheitmueller: Should be here:
[23:44:25] devinheitmueller: Uh, where is dvb-apps?
[23:44:27] devinheitmueller: :-/
[23:45:24] justinh: maybe it got left behind
[23:45:39] devinheitmueller: Not impossible. Surprising though.
[23:46:15] justinh: now I'm thinking maybe the mixed-modeyness of dvb-t2 means there's a bunch of stuff you can demod with dvb-t on a dvb-t2 mux & that's what got me the serviceids
[23:46:20] justinh: could all be a red herring
[23:46:35] stuartm (stuartm!~stuartm@mythtv/developer/stuartm) has left #mythtv-users ("Gone")
[23:46:53] justinh: kinda like some sort of placeholder thingy
[23:47:06] devinheitmueller: . . . /013225.html
[23:47:22] devinheitmueller: This is weird. Who the f**k decided that dvb-apps constitues “legacy"?
[23:47:31] devinheitmueller: It’s the only thing that works *reliably*.
[23:47:49] justinh: the only thing I've ever trusted when I've tested DVB hardware
[23:47:58] justinh: it's been like the gospel to me
[23:48:00] devinheitmueller: dvbv5-scan and dvbv5-zap are *barely* tested.
[23:48:34] justinh: oh well.. I'll see what comes out of a couple of emails I sent tonight
[23:48:47] devinheitmueller: I think there might be some poltiics here. In *theory* dvbv5-scan and dvbv5-zap were intended to replace scan and [atc]zap, but in reality they have barely gotten any testing.
[23:49:06] devinheitmueller: btw, you can find those tools here:
[23:49:20] justinh: and somehow w_scan is everybody's flavour of the month.. well not *everybody* ;-)
[23:50:04] devinheitmueller: I understand *why* people think w_scan is better (and in theory they would be correct). In practice I found so many bugs in it that I gave up after a couple of hours looking at the code.
[23:50:18] justinh: devinheitmueller: thanks anyway :-)
[23:50:22] devinheitmueller: np
[23:50:54] justinh: it's been sort of fun fiddling with this stuff.. I've kinda missed it
[23:51:23] justinh: if we – that's me & other folks can get this tuner to work properly it'll be all kinds of good :-)
[23:51:56] justinh: I'll try to track down this 'crazycat' fella tomorrow – he submitted the original patch IIRC
[23:52:46] justinh: devinheitmueller: the other thing I get is that although these tuners are allegedly identical they have a micro on the USB side, so there could be different firmware at play too
[23:53:35] justinh: I think I've got a couple of good USB traces, but how they relate to what's really going on I dunno. More research will be needed

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