:: #mythtv-users

Daily chat history

Current users (140):

aberrios, adante, aloril, amessina, amizraa, AndyCap, arescorpio, Azelphur, benc_, Bhaal, biff2, BillK_, blinky42, Blue1, Blue11, BLZbubba, brfransen, buu, caelor, Captain_Murdoch, Casper0082, ChanServ, clever, CookieJar, cougar_st, croccydile, ctmjr, Cubber_, dahlSTROM, devinheitmueller, disputin1, esperegu, etmonkeyp, eye69, felipe`, fetzerch, Floppe, G, ghoti, Gibby, gregL, gregL_, GreyFoxx, grumpydevil, Heliwr, Hoochster, Hydr0p0nx, infinite`, infojunky, jafa, jams_, jarle, jarryd, Jay2k1, jbrett, jduggan, Jinx, jmusits, jm|laptop, johnsu01, joki, jst_, justdave_, jya, jya_, k-man, kartouch, Korny, kurre2, kwmonroe, laga, lapion, lotia_, LtHummus, mad_enz, MartinT, materdaddy, mattwj2002, mengoshmink, Metoer, MilkBoy, MissionCritical, moparisthebest, Moscherkobold, Muzer, MythLogBot, mzb, nameless`, neufeld, nikgod, niska, purserj, RagingComputer, RagingMind, rhpot1991, robink, rsiebert, Scopeuk, Seeker`, seld, Sharky112065, shubes, sid3windr, simcop2387, simcop2387_, sl1ce, SmallwoodDR82, sphery, squidly, sraue, StevenR, sulx, superm1, taknev_, tgm4883, tlhiv_work__, Tobbe5178, toeb, tonsofpcs, toorima, tris, troyt, trumee, Twiggy2cents, ubIx_, wagnerrp, wahrhaft, Warped, wesbos, wseltzer1, wsuetholz, XDS2010, xris, zoktar, zombor, zombor_, [mrx]_, _abbenormal, _charly_, _nyloc_
Sunday, March 16th, 2014, 00:06 UTC
[00:06:44] natanojl (natanojl!~jonatan@mythtv/developer/natanojl) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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[13:34:02] unknown_owner: Can anyone help me? I'm getting a Signal 100% | (TL__) Partial Lock in Mythtv no matter what distro I use (Ubuntu with Mythtv installed, Mythbuntu, and LinHES). It works fine in Windows Media Center
[13:34:15] quicksilver (quicksilver! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:34:28] unknown_owner: I get that PArtial Lock message when trying to watch Live TV
[13:34:31] slysir (slysir! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:36:17] unknown_owner: I'm using a Ceton Infinitv 4 PCIe with Fios cabel
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[21:59:46] mattwj2002: hi people :D
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[22:18:51] mad_enz: hey
[22:19:16] mattwj2002: howdy mad_enz
[22:19:18] mattwj2002: what is up?
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[22:19:50] mad_enz: not much...just hanging
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[22:20:18] mattwj2002: sweet mad_enz
[22:20:24] mattwj2002: do you have a mythtv box?
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[22:22:05] mad_enz: myth boxes
[22:23:16] mattwj2002: nice dude
[22:23:39] mad_enz: u?
[22:25:08] mattwj2002: I have one
[22:25:15] mattwj2002: nothing fancy
[22:25:33] mattwj2002: about 1.2 to 1.3 TB of storage
[22:25:38] mattwj2002: crappy CPU
[22:25:39] mad_enz: what's not so fancy?
[22:25:51] mattwj2002: it plays HD though
[22:25:56] mad_enz: that's good
[22:25:58] mad_enz: what's ur stats?
[22:26:00] mattwj2002: yup
[22:26:13] mattwj2002: I do have 4 physical tuners connected to it
[22:26:48] mad_enz: HD recording?
[22:27:08] mattwj2002: yup
[22:27:11] mattwj2002: SD and HD
[22:27:18] mattwj2002: I just record off of clearqam
[22:27:26] mattwj2002: I get like 20 some channels :)
[22:27:51] mad_enz: k...u're lucky us still have clearqam. the cable guys have outlawed that in my area
[22:28:06] mattwj2002: what is your area?
[22:28:16] mad_enz: i get the same amount OTA...Toronto
[22:28:33] mattwj2002: oh okay cool
[22:28:52] mattwj2002: mad_enz: I am in Minneapolis (close to Canada)
[22:29:03] mattwj2002: 6 hours to the border I believe
[22:29:26] mattwj2002: mad_enz: I have cablecard as an option as well
[22:29:50] mattwj2002: but I only have basic cable so it would be pointless cablecard and clearqam would have the same coverage
[22:30:00] mattwj2002: :)
[22:31:32] mattwj2002: mad_enz: you want to hear something cool I have done with mythtv?
[22:31:48] mattwj2002: have you heard of plex?
[22:32:15] mad_enz: yep, close to north western Ontario
[22:32:47] mattwj2002: well I run as a crontab script
[22:33:00] mattwj2002: I share the folder using samba
[22:33:19] mattwj2002: and use plex....I can stream my recordings using plex! :D
[22:33:58] mad_enz: No cable card here in Canada. Cable guys outlawed that too. i have heard of plex. I don't use it tho
[22:34:28] mad_enz: stream within ur lan or over the net?
[22:37:47] SmallwoodDR82: mattwj2002: does that work with livetv? or only fully recorded tv episodes?
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[22:54:32] MavBlue: hello
[22:54:36] MavBlue: anyone around?
[22:56:46] mattwj2002: hi MavBlue
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[22:56:59] MavBlue: hello
[22:57:25] MavBlue: ever had experience installing the mythtv backend on ubuntu server?
[22:57:58] mad_enz: MavBlue: what prob are you having?
[22:58:01] wagnerrp: should be little different than on ubuntu
[22:58:05] wagnerrp: just install the mythbuntu package
[22:58:06] MavBlue: kinda stuck at the install for my frontend because I can't find the name of the packages I need anywhere
[22:58:16] MavBlue: well for my frontend I have an iso
[22:58:38] wagnerrp: mythbuntu makes a full customized OS, as well as just packages to install on top of ubuntu
[22:58:52] MavBlue: right
[23:00:01] MavBlue: I'm installing mythbuntu, and trying to select frontend only as I see no point in installing the backend since all my media resides on an existing ubuntu server, but I can't find the name of the packages I need to install on my server
[23:00:57] wagnerrp: to be fair, there's really no reason to not install the backend
[23:01:02] wagnerrp: except a slightly cleaner filesystem
[23:01:13] MavBlue: that's reason enough for me  :)
[23:01:43] MavBlue: it's a pretty old pc I'm using for my frontend, trying to keep things as minimal as possible
[23:02:01] wagnerrp: just because it's installed doesn't mean it actually runs
[23:02:24] MavBlue: but why would I want to install it if I'm not going to use it?
[23:02:34] MavBlue: either way, I still need the backend on my server
[23:03:24] wagnerrp: it's just something that has been a point of contention between source and packages
[23:03:37] wagnerrp: since the source installs everything. there is no separate frontend and backend installation in source
[23:06:22] MavBlue: so is there a package name for the backend?
[23:06:57] wagnerrp: i don't use ubuntu, so i don't know their package names off hand
[23:07:52] mattwj2002: hi MavBlue
[23:07:58] mattwj2002: I believe it is just mythtv-backend
[23:08:05] mattwj2002:
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[23:15:41] MavBlue: finally a useful answer
[23:17:20] MavBlue: why does that want to install sound themes, x11, gtk and the frontend tho?
[23:17:30] MavBlue: my server doesn't have a video card...
[23:18:49] [R]: because of dependencies
[23:18:58] wagnerrp: the backend configuration (mythtv-setup) runs on X
[23:19:17] wagnerrp: as for gtk, that's something from mythbuntu. mythtv does not use gtk for anything
[23:20:35] MavBlue: that's funny, because apt-get install mythtv-backend wants those, and 135 other packages...
[23:21:18] mattwj2002: does X server depend on gtk?
[23:21:23] Kwisher: MavBlue: as i told you on the other channel, if you have no tuners you really don't need mythtv
[23:21:25] MavBlue: apparently
[23:21:39] wagnerrp: no, but mythbuntu wraps the executables in some script that calls a gtk popup application
[23:22:11] MavBlue: yeah, looks like I'm going to have to roll my own media center from scratch
[23:22:44] wagnerrp: mythtv requires at minimum the x11 shared libraries, everywhere
[23:22:50] mattwj2002: MavBlue: what are you trying to do?
[23:22:59] wagnerrp: even if you don't have the X server, you still need the shared libraries
[23:23:23] MavBlue: I'm simply trying to convert an old pc into a media centre
[23:23:36] wagnerrp: so let all that crap be installed
[23:23:38] MavBlue: but the ready made distro's are overbloated for this old box
[23:23:42] mattwj2002: so if you don't have any tv turners why are you using mythtv?
[23:23:43] wagnerrp: if it's not running, it's not using any resources
[23:23:46] wagnerrp: only disk space
[23:24:12] wagnerrp: and unless you're booting off a RAMdisk, boot disk space really isn't that big of an issue
[23:24:19] MavBlue: because mythbuntu repeatedly comes up on numerous websites as a good media center distro
[23:25:16] wagnerrp: so you were never going to install the backend anywhere?
[23:25:23] wagnerrp: the frontend requires a backend to connect to
[23:25:35] wagnerrp: and the backend requires at least one tuner (or a fake tuner)
[23:26:13] mattwj2002: I am not ripping on mythtv or anything but if you just want to serve up media may want to look at xbmc
[23:26:32] mattwj2002: I believe there is even a xbmc distro out there
[23:27:07] mattwj2002:
[23:27:18] mattwj2002:
[23:28:53] MavBlue: yeah, that's the route I'm going to have to go it seems
[23:29:21] mattwj2002: mythtv is great if you want to record tv shows
[23:29:30] mattwj2002: and it does play media files
[23:29:43] MavBlue: I'm just interested in playing media/dvd's
[23:29:45] mattwj2002: but typically I think of it as more of a dvr option
[23:29:48] MavBlue: possibly web browsing
[23:31:44] mattwj2002: guys I am totally digging this mythtv recording with plex
[23:31:45] mattwj2002: :)
[23:31:50] mattwj2002: *recordings
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