:: #mythtv-users

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Thursday, March 6th, 2014, 00:04 UTC
[00:04:25] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:24:56] Nigel_ is now known as G
[00:57:18] gregL (gregL! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[01:02:43] _abbenormal (_abbenormal! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:48:07] zombor_ (zombor_!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:51:55] slyski (slyski! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:05:46] slyski: mythweb broken with apache-2.4.7. Has anyone found a cure?
[02:08:50] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:17:42] Hydr0p0nX: broken how?
[02:20:17] slyski: updated to trusty tahr and got everything configured but the web page won't load. Just the apache test page.
[02:21:18] Hydr0p0nX: try adding /mythweb ?
[02:21:41] slyski: i did. same result
[02:22:05] Hydr0p0nX: what's the logs say ?
[02:22:19] slyski: forgot to tell you that i put all the stuff on xubuntu
[02:22:51] slyski: logs have no errors. just loads the test page
[02:24:08] Hydr0p0nX: set loglevel to debug and restart apache
[02:24:16] Hydr0p0nX: you did install mythweb right ?
[02:25:03] slyski: i just found the latest builds for mythbuntu on trusty-tahr. will try that in to see if they have the issue corrected.
[02:26:08] SmallwoodDR82 (SmallwoodDR82!~Smallwood@unaffiliated/smallwooddr82) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:26:16] Hydr0p0nX: other thing to take in account ...
[02:26:33] Hydr0p0nX: there were a number of syntax changes in apache 2.4
[02:26:53] Hydr0p0nX: might take a look at
[02:27:30] slyski: i've googled the problem and there are other people having the same issue with 13.10 using apache 2.4
[02:27:54] Hydr0p0nX: probably due to the syntax changes in the conf files
[02:29:30] slyski: tried some configuring already but started to get over my head. didn't want to keep going so to break more stuff. i got as far as getting the test page not loading :/
[02:32:51] Hydr0p0nX: what version of myth are you using ?
[02:33:12] slyski: .27
[02:34:08] jmusits (jmusits! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:34:32] MilkBoy (MilkBoy! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:35:39] Hydr0p0nX:
[02:35:42] Hydr0p0nX: take a look at that
[02:35:57] Hydr0p0nX: also, try setting loglevel to debug
[02:36:06] slyski: i'm going to try the new daily build of mythbuntu 14.04 to see if the devs got the configs figured out
[02:36:08] amizraa (amizraa!~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[02:37:14] MilkBoy_ (MilkBoy_! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[02:37:14] Hydr0p0nX: i'm on 12.04.4 and working fine
[02:37:58] Hydr0p0nX: few random crashes that don't impact watching or recording tv
[02:39:03] slyski: yes, i read that list already and did the -A delete and apache started but still didn't load mythweb
[02:39:52] Kwisher (Kwisher! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[02:44:35] Azelphur (Azelphur! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:54:50] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:02:29] ShapeShifter499 (ShapeShifter499!~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499) has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:27:42] Hilikus (Hilikus!~hilikus@unaffiliated/hilikus) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:28:48] Hilikus: if i configure mythtv to go to the last live channel when i go into live tv, where is the channel number stored?
[03:30:28] [R]: in the database
[03:31:38] Hilikus: that's what i thought. any idea where?
[03:31:53] [R]: cardinput possibly
[03:33:45] Hilikus: mmm no. there "startchan" has 2, but the starting channel i get is 606
[03:34:31] [R]: thats the chanid
[03:34:33] [R]: not the channel number
[03:34:38] [R]: oh no... its the channel number
[03:34:51] [R]: well... maybe its the chanid, im not sure
[03:34:55] [R]: do you have a chanid of 2?
[03:34:57] Hilikus: yes, i checked. it's not the chanid
[03:34:59] Hilikus: no
[03:35:08] [R]: and you checked all the inputs?
[03:35:33] Hilikus: i only have 1
[03:36:16] [R]: hrm
[03:36:19] [R]: maybe inuseprograms?
[03:36:42] Hilikus: that's empty on my side
[03:36:52] [R]: should have been the cardinput
[03:38:12] Hilikus: i think that's for when you have a fixed start channel. but my setting is to use the last use used
[03:38:24] Hilikus: last one* used
[03:39:51] [R]: well you could search the code for waht it does with that setting
[03:40:39] Hilikus: uff. i wouldn't know where to start. i've never seen the source code. any pointers?
[03:41:26] [R]: grep
[03:41:56] Hilikus: grep for what??
[03:43:01] [R]: i dunno
[03:43:04] [R]: the setting
[03:44:00] jafa (jafa! has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[03:45:21] Hilikus: that's not gonna work. i have no idea where to start. thank you [R]
[03:49:22] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has quit (Quit: devinheitmueller)
[03:53:37] amizraa (amizraa!~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:54:21] jafa (jafa! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:58:34] Flain (Flain! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:03:05] Flain: Quick question, if I'm on .25 should I upgrade to .27?
[04:03:20] [R]: of course
[04:04:17] Flain: I have a single channel that the recordings always stutter no matter what device I play them back on do you think .27 will fix that?
[04:07:32] [R]: what type of tuner/capture device do you have?
[04:07:50] Flain: pctv hd-5500
[04:08:35] [R]: well its just going to dump whatever the card is outputting
[04:09:30] Flain: yeah I've had that card for 7 years so it may be time to upgrade, any suggestions?
[04:11:00] [R]: what makes you think there is antying wrong with it?
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[04:21:09] Flain: Other than the issue with the one channel there's nothing wrong with it so if it just dumps the input then it's either the input or the card
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[04:35:48] Hilikus: so the startchan setting doesn't seem to have any effect
[04:38:53] Flain: I've never used startchan, google here I come
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[05:57:36] SmallwoodDR82 (SmallwoodDR82!~Smallwood@unaffiliated/smallwooddr82) has quit (Quit: and I'm out...)
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[14:50:19] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:58:49] devinheitmueller: Anybody interested in buying some spare used HDPVR 1212s to put on a shelf until you need them?
[15:15:24] Kwisher_wrk: those are dual ATSC, correct?
[15:15:57] devinheitmueller: No, the HD-PVR is the HD component capture device.
[15:16:20] devinheitmueller:
[15:18:05] Kwisher_wrk: so you cannot connect an antennae to it?
[15:19:02] andreaz (andreaz! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:19:03] devinheitmueller: No, it's for capturing HD component out of a satellite receiver or cable box.
[15:19:14] devinheitmueller: It doesn't have a tuner.
[15:19:39] Kwisher_wrk: darn
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[16:22:48] runelind (runelind!~my_cool_u@unaffiliated/runelind) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:25:53] runelind: what's the recommended way of running mythfilldatabase against SD? Crontab each night or something like that?
[16:26:05] wagnerrp: let mythbackend do it automatically
[16:28:28] runelind: mythbackend doesn't seem to do it automatically :-/
[16:28:44] wagnerrp: did you disable that functionality? it should do it by default
[16:29:02] runelind: I logged into mythweb this morning and didn't have any listings. They only showed up after I manually ran mythfilldatabase
[16:29:07] runelind: I did not disable it as far as I know ;p
[16:29:23] wagnerrp: then check your logs and see if it is failing for some reasons
[16:32:02] runelind: wagnerrp: it seems sort of unhappy
[16:32:33] wagnerrp: this is when run automatically?
[16:32:38] runelind: yeah
[16:32:53] runelind: when I run it manually it seems to work just fine.
[16:33:55] runelind: backend is running on FreeBSD 10
[16:34:30] wagnerrp: i don't see anything out of the ordinary
[16:34:38] wagnerrp: other than you should be running --dd-grab-all
[16:34:45] wagnerrp: rather than pulling individual days
[16:35:00] runelind: I don't recall making any changes to the default settings
[16:35:05] runelind: where would those settings be stored?
[16:35:25] wagnerrp: in mythtv-setup, general, there will be field to set additional arguments to be passed to mythfilldatabase
[16:43:52] runelind: found it
[16:50:43] doev (doev! has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:57:37] hashbang (hashbang! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[16:58:13] sphery: runelind: it really takes 1 1/2 hrs to run?
[16:58:29] sphery: if so, your system is likely way to slow to handle --dd-grab-all
[16:59:03] sphery: See and . . . 49416#449416 for details about --dd-grab-all .
[16:59:15] wagnerrp: s/--dd-grab-all/mythtv/
[16:59:30] sphery: (if it's 90-minutes without dd-grab-all, it's likely unworkable with)
[16:59:39] sphery: and, yeah, that may be a more accurate description :)
[17:00:39] sphery: or you may have some serious mysql misconfiguration slowing things down a lot (in which case the system--when configured to allow required performance--may be usable for mythtv and possibly even mythfilldatabase --dd-grab-all)
[17:00:52] sphery: wagnerrp: did you, by any chance, see the discussion of changes to
[17:02:09] jafa (jafa! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[17:02:14] wagnerrp: were they in here, or the mailing list?
[17:02:20] sphery: here
[17:02:23] wagnerrp: nope
[17:02:24] sphery:
[17:02:39] sphery: looking for the problematic part, but that gives a description of the changes
[17:02:54] sphery: the problem is at 17:42
[17:03:23] sphery: seems that using Python bindings to call delete() on a recording results in the backend deleting from the DB even if the file doesn't exist?
[17:03:54] wagnerrp: that is the intended behavior
[17:04:04] wagnerrp: oh, delete_recordings... not find_orphans...
[17:04:07] sphery: doesn't it require force for that?
[17:04:12] sphery: right
[17:04:34] sphery: yeah, the idea is to separate out the non-interactive mode and the forced backend delete when file is missing
[17:05:32] sphery: so that the script can be safely used as a delete mechanism in, for example, quick user bash scripts with, for example, --non-interactive --basename=1234_201403052000.mpg
[17:05:48] sphery: hehe, 2x for example...
[17:06:48] sphery: I haven't tested it, yet, but thought you might know whether it's by design or user/script error or ...
[17:06:51] wagnerrp: ugh... lousy modem keeps dropping DNS traffic
[17:07:14] wagnerrp: since i can't pull up cgit, the answer is no
[17:07:32] wagnerrp: the default behavior of both Program.delete() and Recorded.delete() is to not force a delete
[17:08:01] sphery: yeah, that's what I had assured moparisthebest before he separated them out...
[17:08:23] sphery: so likely it's either a small problem in the script changes or testing procedure or something
[17:08:56] moparisthebest:
[17:09:14] moparisthebest: that's the "new" script btw, really superficial changes, just introducing 2 new booleans
[17:09:23] moparisthebest: and changing the definition of 'force'
[17:09:26] wagnerrp: why did i manually parse out the command line rather than let python do it?
[17:09:36] moparisthebest: so it didn't work as you expected sphery?
[17:10:06] sphery: moparisthebest: is it still giving the same behavior you noticed before, deleting even if file is missing when used without force?
[17:10:27] moparisthebest: I think it did yes
[17:10:58] moparisthebest: are there any docs for Recording.delete() I only found them for Program.delete()
[17:11:14] moparisthebest: or better yet, is the source code in a repo anywhere? :P
[17:11:28] sphery: source code is in the repo
[17:11:29] wagnerrp: . . .
[17:11:35] wagnerrp: . . .
[17:11:42] wagnerrp: . . .
[17:11:50] wagnerrp: that force flag just gets passed right down the chain
[17:12:41] wagnerrp: and defaults to false
[17:13:15] moparisthebest: my python's rusty, but rec.delete(force=force, rerecord=rerecord) would be the way to pass in my own force and rerecord variables right?
[17:13:29] wagnerrp: yes
[17:13:32] moparisthebest: because with my force being false, it still went ahead and deleted a recording even though the file wasn't there
[17:13:52] sphery: looks weird with "force=force"... strange snake speak--hard to tell what's a variable
[17:13:56] moparisthebest: maybe I'll record something I don't want just so I have something to try this on
[17:14:04] moparisthebest: agreed sphery :)
[17:14:08] sphery: and not very c-like--with = not == :)
[17:14:17] moparisthebest: oh sorry brb in about an hour
[17:14:24] wagnerrp: force= is the input argument, =force is the variable being fed to the argument
[17:14:49] sphery: guess it makes sense
[17:15:01] sphery: same name makes it more confusing, too
[17:15:35] sphery: anyway, thanks for looking wagnerrp
[17:15:36] wagnerrp: rather than C where you are required to define all arguments to the left of the last one with a default you want to supply
[17:15:56] wagnerrp: python lets you name the arguments you want to supply, and skip any others with defaults
[17:16:19] sphery: maybe I'll be able to test it out some one of these days
[17:17:11] wagnerrp: oh, this takes arbitrary arguments
[17:17:13] wagnerrp: that's why i couldn't use a canned argument parser
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[17:17:17] wagnerrp: now i remember
[17:17:51] sphery: hehe
[17:19:19] wagnerrp: don't lie. you know it takes you a while to remember why you wrote years old code as you did
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[17:55:03] dashs: New 26.1 setup here does not see alsa for audio, only oss. How can I get it to recognize alsa. Debian 7 — probably due to removing pulseaudio from the system.
[17:55:24] dashs: I do get alsa sound from vlc, mpg123 etc.
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[18:16:07] Tobbe5178: dashs: perhaps it was compiled without alsa?
[18:16:32] Tobbe5178: or there is some missing libraries
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[18:21:10] dashs: Tobbe5178: perhaps — need to check more
[18:24:48] dashs: Tobbe5178: this AMD64 sys, previous was i386 — same package list (64 bit plus some :386 variants)
[18:26:13] dashs: Thought someone would know the criteria for modes being entered in the 'rescan' audio list.
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[19:37:06] esperegu: anyone experience with unicable / scr / DIN EN 50494 ?
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