:: #mythtv-users

Daily chat history

Current users (134):

aberrios, aloril, amessina, andreaz, AndroidLoverInSF, AndyCap, Azelphur, benc-, Bhaal, BillK, blinky42, Blue11, BLZbubba_, brfransen, buu, caelor, Captain_Murdoch, Casper0082, ChanServ, clever, croccydile, Cubber, dahlSTROM, Dave123, disputin, dmz, eye69_, felipe`, Floppe, G, ghoti, Gibby_, gregL, GreyFoxx, grumpydevil, Guest36186, Heliwr, Hoochster, Hydr0p0nx, ikevin, imhouse, infinite, infojunky, intok, J-e-f-f-A, jafa2, jams_, jarle, jarryd, Jay2k1, jduggan_, Jinx, jm|laptop, jnylen, johanbr, johnsu01, joki, jst, justdave, justinh, jya, knightr_, Korny, kurre2, kwmonroe, laga, lapion, lotia, MartinT, materdaddy, mengo, MilkBoy, MissionCritical, monkeypet, Moscherkobold, Muzer, MythLogBot, mzb, nameless`, nephyrin, neufeld, NightMonkey, nikgod, niska, nordle_, nyloc, purserj, quicksilver, RagingComputer, RagingMind, rhollan, rhollan_, robink, root________, rsiebert_, Scopeuk, scott0070, Seeker`_, seld, ServerSage, Shadow__X, Sharky112065, shubes, sid3windr, simcop2387, skd5aner, sl1ce_2g, sphery, squidly, sraue, SteveGoodey, StevenR, sulx, superm1, taknev_, tgm4883, Tobbe5178, toeb, tonsofpcs, toorima, tris, troyt, trumee, ubIx_, wagnerrp, wahrhaft, Warped, wseltzer_, XDS2010, xris, zoktar, zombor, [mrx], _charly_
Thursday, February 27th, 2014, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:11] nameless` (nameless`! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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[03:10:07] disputin (disputin!~sean@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[03:33:38] NightMonkey_ is now known as NightMonkey
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[03:37:15] wagnerrp: seems the new board i bought for my backend only does SATA2.0
[03:37:26] wagnerrp: that's slightly annoying
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[13:41:48] ShapeShifter499 (ShapeShifter499!~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499) has joined #mythtv-users
[13:41:51] ShapeShifter499: hi
[13:42:25] ShapeShifter499: anyone here have a good guide on setting up headless live tv streaming?
[13:43:47] BillK (BillK! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[13:46:12] ShapeShifter499: the server will be running debian wheezy arm
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[14:00:13] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:04:28] ShapeShifter499: anyone?
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[16:57:19] jKlaus (jKlaus!~jklaus@2600:1004:b017:5159:5043:18a2:c6f5:32cd) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:57:26] jKlaus: Hey guys
[16:57:36] jKlaus: Anyone here using mythbuntu
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[17:05:33] Ghosts_0n (Ghosts_0n!~FFSjustF0@ has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[17:08:26] Kwisher_wrk: jKlaus: kind of, i just add the mythbuntu packages to xubuntu
[17:18:24] jKlaus: Kwisher_wrk – yeah I just can't decide what to do
[17:18:36] jKlaus: I have been pretty happy with Mythbuntu 12.04
[17:18:55] jKlaus: had some issues but most of that was caused by me not moving my dev stuff to a VM
[17:19:09] jKlaus: I like what I see out of Ubuntu 14.04
[17:19:31] jKlaus: so Mythbuntu 14.04 will probably be good.. but I kind of like the idea of debians stability
[17:19:46] jKlaus: the only issue is, I typically want the new features lol
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[17:19:52] Kwisher_wrk: i'm moving to manjaro this summer after the heavy recording schedule is over
[17:19:56] jKlaus: but then I'm not happy when shit breaks lol
[17:20:14] jKlaus: do what?
[17:20:31] Kwisher_wrk: yep, tired of ubuntu's
[17:20:43] jKlaus: what release drove you off?
[17:20:55] jKlaus: B/c I hated 13.*
[17:21:11] jKlaus: 14.04 is winning me back, though I dislike all of their amazon shit
[17:21:11] Kwisher_wrk: i just don't like cannatical's philosophy
[17:21:17] jKlaus: hopefully that won't be in mythbuntu
[17:21:48] jKlaus: Yeah.. but if mythbuntu is 'uneffected' by it..
[17:21:50] jKlaus: lol
[17:22:12] jKlaus: What don't you like about cannatical though
[17:23:18] Kwisher_wrk: just don't
[17:23:41] Kwisher_wrk: i'm moving to a more rolling release distro
[17:24:49] jKlaus: That's why I used Arch before.. lol
[17:25:02] jKlaus: Though.. that one rolls a little too fast for me
[17:25:21] jKlaus: I had an install get bricked.. really I just didn't have the time to fix it
[17:25:28] jKlaus: after that I went to Mythbuntu
[17:25:50] jKlaus: I think that was right around the first release of Mythbuntu
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[19:41:56] rhollan_: Grr. GRRR. GRRRR!!!! I am ticked off. So, I added Comcast residential internet on top of my unbetered business class to get OnDemand (throught their residential service) on my XBOX. Their residential service is metered (EXCEPT for OnDemand traffic)but their businesss class service effectively isn't. So, I figure I can get the ports/addresses their OnDemand service uses and segregate other XBOX traffic to my business class connection. But, NOOOOO.
[19:42:12] rhollan_: They claim the ports/addresses are dynamically assigned.
[19:42:29] rhollan_: So, it looks like my idea of dropping an STB goes out the window.
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[19:43:10] rhollan_: MythTV-wise, this means I'll probably drop the residential internet, keep the STB, and try to use the firewire port for OnDemand content, assuming the "free" stuff is not protected.
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[19:44:19] rhollan_: Crap. Can't do that: my Myth FE does not have a firewire port.
[19:45:43] rhollan_: I guess I could capture via the component ports.
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[20:18:31] rhollan_: Hmmm. It appears that XFinity OnDemand traffic has differ4ent DiffServ IP field values. I can route on this. Trouble is i bet the requests don't.
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[20:49:10] intok: What card do I need for Dish Network?
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[22:13:49] justinh: intok: a Hauppauge HDPVR. The USB one. And a Dish set top box.. and an IR blaster
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[22:51:28] nordle: Hello. Is it possible to mix/match channels with transmitters? My external aerial points to one transmitter, but I get broken signal on some channels. If I choose a different transmitter for those stations, they are fine, but others break up. It's not a problem I've been faced with before. Thanks for any info!
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[23:06:21] justinh: nordle: you should speak to an aerial installer bloke. You *could* mix & match muxes & transmitters but it'd be a PITA – and you can't do it by scanning alone. With freeview shuffling things around so much it'd be a pain in the nuts
[23:06:50] justinh: wish they'd hurry up & implement SFNs over here
[23:06:58] justinh: single frequency networks :-)
[23:07:34] justinh: i.e. one region MUX A on the same frequency as an adjacent region's MUX A
[23:08:11] justinh: nordle: the fix for you might be as simple as replacing crappy 50% screened coax (the crap old brown stuff) with CT100 or better
[23:08:41] justinh: oh and NOT using crappy patch cables either. The screening on those are usually rubbish too
[23:13:21] intok: justinh so I shouldn't go with an internal pcie card?
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[23:19:03] nordle: justinh: Thanks mate. Possibly its my crappy nova-t PCI cards from 2002 or whenever I bought them. The aerial is new (15 mths ago) as is the aerial cable from the aerial to the booster in the lounge. My TV gets no breakup and picks stuff up like Channel 4 on 674000000. But I get no picture at all on Nova-T cards on 674000000. But if I tell mythtv to use Crystal Palace (instead of Guildford), then bingo, I get channe
[23:19:04] nordle: l4. But crap everything else.
[23:24:15] nordle: Does anyone import their channels from a channels.conf? If so, was it created via scan and therefore lacking in channel numbers?
[23:25:47] nordle: Reason I ask, I cant believe my TV gets perfect reception on channel4 on 674000000, but mythtv gets nothing. So I'm thinking of trying a channels.conf import instead.......I could just produce the conf then get vlc to play a channel to test it first, thats probably I good idea :)
[23:30:10] justinh: nordle: is it actually 67400000 though? No offset?
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[23:40:16] nordle_: justinh: I don't know :) Getting information (if you don't know where to look) is hard. I got it from here:
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[23:43:04] nordle_: justinh: My word, I appear to have failed to grasp the "Find" in a browser. That link appears to imply an offset of + 167. DOH!
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[23:43:41] nordle_: shit, no it doesn't, that was 2012.
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