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Sunday, February 9th, 2014, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:02] Korny: You just can't depend on it, thats not that hard to understand
[00:04:15] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:06:42] Korny: ---=
[00:06:46] Korny: whoops
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[04:51:05] kjj: stuartm: you around?
[04:55:37] wagnerrp: it's ~5AM there
[04:55:52] skd5aner: kjj: it's like 5 AM his time, most likely not going to be back for a while
[04:56:04] skd5aner: wagnerrp: since you're here...
[04:56:23] skd5aner: just noticed that ALL of my artwork had been retrieved...
[04:56:31] skd5aner: so, it was due to the fact that there was a hostname in that field
[04:56:42] skd5aner: nulling it out fixed it
[04:56:57] skd5aner: didn't even required a restart of mythbackend
[04:57:47] skd5aner: wagnerrp: that said, it did overwrite a lot of artwork I manually retrieved – I don't really mind, but I'm wondering if there's anyway to prevent the housekeeper from overwriting artwork if a user manually selected it via the UI
[04:57:51] skd5aner: anyway – good night
[04:57:53] wagnerrp: yeah. settings are flushed semi-regularly
[04:57:57] wagnerrp: i think on the order of an hour
[04:58:17] skd5aner: cool
[04:58:43] wagnerrp: someone needs to make liion cells in a 1.5v format
[04:58:44] skd5aner: so, I don't know... but it might make sense to blank tha field out if there's no sense in it ever being filled, or at least ignoring if it is
[04:59:11] skd5aner: not sure if you'd want to do that via a schema update or just tell it to ignore the hostname field in the code
[04:59:22] ** skd5aner going to bed **
[04:59:32] wagnerrp: it seems silly to have a whole schema update just for that
[04:59:39] wagnerrp: but that's probably what will end up happening
[04:59:59] skd5aner: well, it definitely breaks without...
[05:00:10] skd5aner: well, I mean, it breaks if it's populated
[05:00:32] skd5aner: and I don't ever recall populating that field at all, do you know how it would have got populated to begin with?
[05:00:58] wagnerrp: because the setting wasn't explicitly told to store it as a global setting
[05:01:00] skd5aner: it was filled my the hostname of the slave backend
[05:01:38] skd5aner: yea... I wonder how many people have a "broken" setup like I did
[05:01:58] skd5aner: because, this works perfect now – it's like a whole new experience
[05:02:14] ** skd5aner goes to bed... for real **
[05:02:36] wagnerrp: it works fine if you defined that setting on the master backend where the housekeeper runs
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[05:55:56] kjj: well, if anyone is familiar with my sync issue, I just noticed tha it is 3 or 6 (or more) years old
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[14:05:35] stuartm: Forum beta test:
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[16:28:45] kjj: so, I had a failed transcode job, and now my system thinks the recording is 20 minutes long instead of 150
[16:32:50] wagnerrp: did the transcoder get 20 minutes into the file, and then replace the original with the failed output?
[16:33:02] wagnerrp: how did you run this transcoder?
[16:33:34] kjj: (modified a bit)
[16:33:43] wagnerrp: got a link?
[16:33:53] kjj: the original 14 gig file is still there.
[16:34:04] kjj: <-- the original script I started with
[16:34:57] kjj: I think the cutlist is messed up. I'm looking at the table now and I see a two 0 marks and one 1 mark.
[16:40:08] wagnerrp: the only thing i see is the bit where it grabs the commercial detection list, dumps it into a cutlist, and then has mythtv apply the cutlist permanently
[16:41:06] wagnerrp: we require a multiple step process because the commercial detection is not sufficiently accurate to permanently apply to a recording
[16:41:19] wagnerrp: so we want to make it explicitly clear to the user that they're doing something they probably shouldn't
[16:41:50] wagnerrp: but if the original is still 14GB, then it sounds like it hasnt been touched
[16:41:52] kjj: that's one of the things I changed
[16:42:21] kjj: I marked my cuts using the normal editor and skipped over the --gencutlist line
[16:42:38] wagnerrp: so the cutlist was applied?
[16:43:22] kjj: I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that. the transcode line was making a x.mpg.tmp file
[16:43:58] wagnerrp: right, and normally if that is successful, it replaces the original with the tmp file, and deletes the original
[16:44:53] kjj: it never got far enough to replace the original file
[16:45:14] kjj: x.mpg still has a mtime of 4:30 AM, when the recording ended
[16:53:05] kjj: but when I try to play it (tried in 2 frontends now), it claims it is only 18:38 long, but keeps playing after the end
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[16:53:36] wagnerrp: i'd try rebuilding the seek table
[16:53:48] wagnerrp: mythcommflag --rebuild --chanid ... --starttime ...
[16:59:15] kjj: that seems to have done the trick.
[16:59:38] kjj: but there was an error at the end. unknown error 541478725
[17:00:51] kjj: there are some other oddities. like this recording, and a bunch of others, claim to be 1920x1088 instead of 1080
[17:01:13] wagnerrp: that's correct. 1920x1080 is not a valid resolution
[17:02:42] kjj: well, I have plenty that claim to be 1920x1080 too...
[17:03:10] wagnerrp: MPEG2 requires video be divisible by 16
[17:03:37] wagnerrp: so you do 1920x1080, and then pad an extra 8 rows to satisfy that condition
[17:04:58] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has quit (Quit: devinheitmueller)
[17:06:48] kjj: am I overlooking some good documentation on transcoding?
[17:07:20] wagnerrp: all that should be done automatically by any application
[17:12:49] kjj: ok, but I'm looking to export a file with the commercials stripped out, and all of the documentation I'm finding is out of date or incomplete
[17:13:18] wagnerrp: make a cutlist, run mythtranscode with a "lossless" profile
[17:16:42] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:18:56] Kwisher: how hard would it be to demote my master b/e – f/e combo to f/e only and then make my slave b/e the master?
[17:19:43] wagnerrp: all you have to do is change the IP address of the master backend
[17:21:47] SmallwoodDR82 (SmallwoodDR82!~Smallwood@unaffiliated/smallwooddr82) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:23:07] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:25:21] kjj: ok, I made a profile with the lossless box checked, and I'm running the transcode. 2 errors.
[17:25:28] kjj: E SampleRate: Attempted to add a rate 32000 Hz, which is not in the list of allowed rates.
[17:25:34] kjj: E Unknown video codec: H.264
[17:34:40] sphery: Kwisher: though any recordings made by the master b/e-f/e combo would become unavailable
[17:35:06] sphery: you'd have to fix the host name so it will look for them in the right place
[17:35:09] wagnerrp: ah, missed that
[17:35:16] wagnerrp: i thought he was just swapping master and slave backends
[17:35:24] wagnerrp: didn't notice he was dropping the master entirely
[17:35:33] sphery: yeah, swapping is easier
[17:35:50] wagnerrp: plus, you will likely want to move your database, since it is probably on the current master
[17:35:58] sphery: but if there aren't any tuners for the previously-master, then getting rid of it is fine
[17:36:18] sphery: Kwisher: you'd need to basically do the "Update your database to tell mythbackend that a new host now owns the recordings from the to-be-retired backend host" part at . . . _old_backend
[17:36:37] sphery: Kwisher: and, since you /are/ retiring a backend you *really* should do the other 2 steps
[17:37:14] sphery: Kwisher: and, ideally, before you get rid of your master backend, using the "If you still have access to the to-be-retired backend system:" instructions
[17:38:03] Kwisher: sphery: thx for the info
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[22:07:26] gnac: playnig recorded video works fine when running under kde, but when logging directly into it, video playback is choppy/skips.
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[22:58:27] tallnerd1985: good afternoon everyone
[23:02:12] tallnerd1985: anybody here available to help me troubleshoot a mythtv and xbmc issue
[23:03:05] [R]: xbmcs "integration" with myth is generally broke and crap
[23:03:54] tallnerd1985: yeah, I can see two completely seperate programs having that issue but in the past, it always worked pretty good
[23:04:23] tallnerd1985: my issue stems from what seems to be mythtv-backend not listening in on port 6543
[23:04:43] [R]: then you screwed up the mythtv-setup
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[23:06:01] tallnerd1985: I can launch the mythtv-frontend just fine on the server but not on another machine
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[23:08:26] [R]: sounds like you didnt follow the instrucinos about not having it listen on localhost then
[23:10:20] tallnerd1985: I did during the initial setup but the only error I get with the mythtv logs is "** (zenity:4224): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-FZiFoInSJX: Connection refused"
[23:10:52] jarle (jarle! has joined #mythtv-users
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[23:14:16] paul-h (paul-h!~Paul@ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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[23:42:16] [R]:
[23:42:17] [R]: haha
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