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Friday, December 20th, 2013, 00:03 UTC
[00:03:47] Dave123 (Dave123!~Dave123@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:21:34] ctmjr: tgm4883: did you try putting MODULES="lirc_dev mceusb" in the hardware.conf changing it from lirc_mceusb2 fixed it for me, hope it helps
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[00:27:15] parann0yed: exit
[00:27:25] parann0yed: woops:)
[00:32:25] ralfp (ralfp! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:15:05] tgm4883: ctmjr, I don't recall trying that, but I can try it now
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[01:16:28] tgm4883: ctmjr, actually, both are already loaded
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[01:29:41] arescorpio (arescorpio! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:34:56] Toast (Toast! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:02:31] andyman53 (andyman53!6c2ee2fb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[02:03:10] andyman53: Hey all, getting an all tuners are busy error message. Checked the logs don't see anything jumping out at me, directory is mythtv:mythtv
[02:03:40] andyman53: i have an infinitv 4, i can set the tuner to a channel and capture the video with mplayer as stated in the wiki
[02:03:48] andyman53: i deleted all the tuners and re-created them several times
[02:04:00] andyman53: there was a selinux perms issue, i fixed that
[02:05:46] andyman53: not sure what to do next
[02:36:32] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:15:49] SmallwoodDR82 (SmallwoodDR82!~Smallwood@unaffiliated/smallwooddr82) has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:24:48] dashs (dashs! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:28:14] dashs: What does mythfrontend do when it's sitting at the main screen ?-- it does use a bit more cpu than I would imagine.
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[03:47:48] fluvvell: having a bit of trouble with a hauppauge 4400, not tuning the the LNB. Tested our cables on skybox, these are fine. are currently trying a manual tune with w_scan, and reading the logs wondering why the firmware we have loaded into /lib/firmware is "not run"
[03:48:06] fluvvell: am posting on ubuntu-mythtv also
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[06:53:13] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Quit: Body blow! Body blow!)
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[11:22:21] justinh: fluvvell: permissions? If you can't get the firmware loaded, forget all about even trying to scan or tune anything
[11:24:31] daguz2 (daguz2! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[11:30:02] justinh: regarding tablet/phone remote apps btw, I think everybody's missing a trick – there's not an alphanumberic keypad option in any of the apps I've used – XBMC or mythtv remotes
[11:38:57] justinh: I might even have some time to try & upgrade to 0.27 when I'm off work next week. Still considering adding more PID filtering options to the DVB recorder if they're not already available – i.e. don't record AD streams or subtitles if we don't want em
[11:42:23] Kwisher_wrk (Kwisher_wrk!~kevin@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[17:37:00] wagnerrp_ is now known as wagnerrp
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[18:19:58] tom_ (tom_!c773ce5f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[18:20:33] tom_: Can someone help me w/ metadata lookup in videos?
[18:22:54] tom_: I've got a mythbuntu set up w/ 0.27 running. I try to retrieve metadata for anything in Videos and it fails. TV shows and movies from DVDs I own... they seem to be the right naming scheme..
[18:28:33] tom_: I've scanned through all the docs I can find and can't seem to make metadata work for videos.
[18:34:15] wagnerrp: give me an example of something you're trying to look up
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[18:39:27] tom_: I've got the file /var/lib/mythtv/videos/Sopranos/SOPRANOS_s04e07.mp4
[18:39:56] tom_: For instance.
[18:40:09] wagnerrp: it may not like the difference in capitalization
[18:40:17] wagnerrp: but that should still work
[18:41:01] tom_: There's a command line script that lets you feed in the file name ... can't remember what it is.
[18:41:21] tom_: That seemed to find some metadata but didn't update anything in the system.
[18:41:23] wagnerrp: mythpython, Video.fromFilename()
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[18:41:38] wagnerrp: tells you how the video library will process the filename
[18:42:45] tom_: Video.fromFilename("/var/lib/mythtv/videos/Sopranos/SOPRANOS_s04e07.mp4&quo t;) <Uninitialized Video at 0xb67adc8cL>
[18:43:08] wagnerrp: right... save that to something, and then you've got .title, .subtitle, .season, and .episode
[18:43:12] wagnerrp: it processes correctly
[18:43:31] wagnerrp: a = Video.fromFilename(...); a.title
[18:45:02] tom_: it parses.
[18:45:28] wagnerrp: and picks up data for it
[18:45:28] tom_: a.title .. a.season etc are right.
[18:45:44] wagnerrp: the only potential problem i see is that capitalization does not match
[18:46:14] tom_: I'll rename it.
[18:46:46] wagnerrp: note that you will need to reset the metadata in the video library for it to re-parse the name
[18:46:58] wagnerrp: or, move everything out of the video library, scan, move it back in, and scan again
[18:47:33] tom_: What's the easiest way to reset stuff?
[18:47:43] knightr_ (knightr_! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:47:47] wagnerrp: the video library tracks files specifically such that you can move them around and not lose the metadata, but in cases like this, it becomes a hassle
[18:48:04] wagnerrp: move the content somewhere outside the defined video library paths, and rescan
[18:48:44] tom_: ok.
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[18:49:24] connelly (connelly! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:50:04] connelly: was the UserJob1 setting removed in 0.27? I don't see it in my mythweb settings list (though I do see JobAllowUserJob1)
[18:50:28] wagnerrp: it's where it has always been, in mythtv-setup, general
[18:50:52] connelly: yeah, I didn't want to have to run mythtv-setup, the wiki says it's in the mythweb settings too
[18:51:22] wagnerrp: changing settings such as that through mythweb is very dangerous
[18:51:36] tom_: I renamed it. rescanned the videos. went to manually request retrieving details on the file. and I get "Failed to retrieve details for ..."
[18:51:39] wagnerrp: as there are no sanity checks or limits
[18:51:39] connelly: really? why?
[18:51:44] connelly: ah.. I see
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[18:54:29] tom_: OK... now I moved the file out of the videos directory. scanned for changes. moved it back. and tried to retrieve details on it. Still no go.
[18:54:53] wagnerrp: could you check through the frontend logs?
[18:55:23] tom_: yeah... macos frontend.
[18:55:28] tom_: where are they?
[18:55:49] wagnerrp: if you've not specified, they will be from the terminal you ran mythfrontend in
[18:56:24] tom_: I can rerun the frontend from a terminal. been clicking on the icon.
[18:56:54] wagnerrp: just a thought, metadata grabbers may not work on macos
[18:57:00] wagnerrp: not without considerable effort
[18:57:20] wagnerrp: considering osx likes everything to be encapsulated into a module
[18:57:42] wagnerrp: while mythtv is built off the standard posix behavior where it spreads throughout the filesystem
[18:57:49] tom_: is there a simple command line to run on the backend ?
[18:58:21] wagnerrp: for me? /usr/local/share/mythtv/metadata/Television/
[19:04:01] tom_: hmmm... on the file or even just on Sopranos doesn't return any output
[19:04:30] wagnerrp: what about "-M Sopranos" ?
[19:04:47] tom_: ok... got that.
[19:06:06] tom_: should the script actually update the database?
[19:06:55] wagnerrp: no. it just returns this...
[19:07:10] wagnerrp: the frontend is supposed to parse that response, and update the database itself
[19:08:06] tom_: That's what I figured. So... all that stuff is actually done by frontends. I'll try vnc'ing to the backend (and run a frontend there ) and see if it updates anything.
[19:11:34] connelly: I'm writing a userjob script to cut commercials, transcode to h264 and rename using the database's metadata into the directory I use for plex
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[19:38:31] TimeWolf__: can I ask if anyone knows anything about atsc in a metropolitan area?
[19:40:17] wagnerrp: in reference to multipath issues?
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[20:58:27] Gumby: hi all. there used to be an option (at least I think there was) to scan for new music automatically when opening the music player, has this feature been removed? I haven't used the music player in a long time so this feature might have been removed ages ago (or I just simply can't find it)
[21:20:23] stuartm: Gumby: never existed to my knowledge
[21:20:44] stuartm: but I'm not infallible
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[21:27:54] Gumby: hrm, perhaps I am thinking of something else then
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[21:41:47] mengo: any advise on a noob (to suse not linux) who is trying to install mythtv-frontend 0.26.1 to 13.1?
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[23:47:36] wagnerrp: ugh... my company is going to start instituting "strong" password rules
[23:49:37] johnsu01: wagnerrp: is your company Target? lol
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[23:50:18] clever: lol
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[23:59:26] wagnerrp: the issue is they're instituting something they clearly don't understand
[23:59:49] wagnerrp: they gave an example of a good password, which was the company name, combined with common character substitutions

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