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Friday, November 1st, 2013, 00:10 UTC
[00:10:03] JimBaxter (JimBaxter! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:18:26] buu (buu!~buu@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:19:57] Heliwr (Heliwr!~Heliwr@pdpc/supporter/student/heliwr) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[00:21:18] buu (buu!~buu@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:46:10] Kwisher (Kwisher! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[00:51:49] dahlSTROM is now known as dahlSTROM|sleep
[00:52:18] mzb is now known as mzb-
[00:54:14] buu: THIS. IS. SATANISM.
[00:58:24] sailerboy (sailerboy!~sailerboy@2605:6400:2:fed5:22:3e62:d2e8:e4e1) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:58:24] Heliwr (Heliwr!~Heliwr@pdpc/supporter/student/heliwr) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:00:50] Sharky112065: When I choose watch recordings --> all recordings on my front end computer (seperate computer than backend), and press down arrow on my remote to go through the list of recordings it is really slow now. Nothing has changed on that computer and it used to be fast. any ideas? I have optimized the database. Note: the frontend on the backend computer is fine.
[01:06:01] Sharky112065: I have googled and googled and googled...
[01:11:41] wagnerrp: how many recordings? what is the frontend computer?
[01:12:11] buu: Can anyone suggest a reason why live tv would stop working after 15 seconds and go to a black screen?
[01:12:26] wagnerrp: what graphics card?
[01:24:41] buu: Ok so the console is spewing "E decoding error" "eno: Operation not permitted (1)"
[01:35:11] buu: fileringbuf file IO problem in safe_read()
[01:44:39] JimBaxter (JimBaxter! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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[02:02:22] Sharky112065: wagnerrp: probably about 200 recordings. core 2 duo Nvidia GT430
[02:02:33] Sharky112065: 4 GB RAM
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[02:07:18] duffrecords (duffrecords! has left #mythtv-users ()
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[02:17:10] buu: GODDAMN IT
[02:18:29] andreaz (andreaz! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:40:02] buu: Why is mythfrontend giving me failures to decode error
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[04:11:19] ubIx (ubIx! has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:23:10] mzb- is now known as mzb
[05:40:47] buu: Ok
[05:40:49] buu: I've learned things
[05:41:00] buu: Apparently mythfrontend shits itself when the bandwidth is low
[06:41:30] Blue1 (Blue1! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[07:27:13] mengoshmink (mengoshmink! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[10:21:51] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
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[10:43:21] buu: Is there someway to get livetv to compress itself?
[10:45:55] wagnerrp: compress itself?
[10:46:26] buu: wagnerrp: I want to reduce the bandwidth livetv takes
[10:46:41] buu: In otherwords when watching live or semi-live across a network
[10:46:47] buu: I want to reduce the bandwidth of the stream
[10:46:52] wagnerrp: you can only control the bandwidth when using analog tuners
[10:46:57] wagnerrp: digital is pre-compressed
[10:47:23] wagnerrp: and if you can't handle the 2MB/s that you might see for HD digital, you need a better network
[10:48:42] buu: wagnerrp: It should be that low but my tests are showing it at considerably higher
[10:50:14] wagnerrp: what type of network?
[10:55:05] buu: wireless n/ac
[10:55:21] wagnerrp: yeah, wireless is nothing but a barrel of trouble
[10:55:40] wagnerrp: too unreliable, even if bulk throughput seems to be high enough
[10:55:41] buu: Sure but the network does *minimum* 20MB/s
[10:55:54] buu: And I can stream encoded files perfectly
[10:56:01] buu: Its just livetv that hiccups
[10:56:14] wagnerrp: live tv is encoded...
[10:56:26] buu: As what? mpeg2?
[10:56:38] wagnerrp: if thats what your broadcaster is sending
[10:56:56] buu: Why can't myth transcode that?
[10:57:33] wagnerrp: why should it? it's already highly compressed, and converting mpeg2 to something higher compression in software is non-trivial
[10:58:04] buu: Obviously its trivial to invoke a library and as for cpu power.. this is 2013..
[10:58:26] wagnerrp: yes, which means a modern dual core *might* be able to handle a single stream in real time
[10:58:38] buu: Your definition of modern is .. odd.
[10:59:35] wagnerrp: modern being a 3GHz+ i3
[11:00:13] buu: And you think a single core 3ghz i3 can't encode a mpeg2 stream at greater than 30fps or whatever its sent at?
[11:01:08] wagnerrp: i think a dual core 3GHz i3 would struggle recompressing mpeg2 to h264 in real time at full resolution with decent quality settings
[11:01:29] wagnerrp: HLS does just that, but it only works because you're typically transcoding to mobile devices at reduced resolution
[11:02:09] buu: I'm going to go test transcoding speed on an i3 tomorrow
[11:02:20] buu: But I don't actually care because I'm not using crappy hardware
[11:02:25] buu: I just want it to stream without hiccups =[
[11:02:49] wagnerrp: and that's trivial with a decent network
[11:03:24] wagnerrp: that's trivial even with 15yr old 100mbps gear
[11:03:33] wagnerrp: because it has reliable throughput
[11:04:27] buu: =[
[11:04:32] buu: Wires are hard man.
[11:04:48] wagnerrp: even though 802.11AC might best it in average throughput, you have dropouts
[11:04:59] wagnerrp: with dropouts, you need buffering to weather them
[11:05:04] buu: And interference and so on
[11:05:13] buu: But why doesn't mythtv buffer it then?
[11:05:18] wagnerrp: so either people complain about having dropouts and poor playback on unreliable networks
[11:05:21] buu: Or can I increase the buffer size?
[11:05:31] wagnerrp: or they complain about livetv being delayed, and it taking so long to change channels
[11:05:51] wagnerrp: (and they already complain about that anyway)
[11:07:28] buu: Hey, maybe I can do ethernet over coa
[11:07:29] buu: coax
[11:08:19] wagnerrp: if you're going to spend the money on moca gear, why not just spend it on a box of cat6 and a crimp tool?
[11:09:35] buu: Because I don't want to fucking cut a hole in my wall to install cat6
[11:10:00] wagnerrp: please watch the language
[11:10:11] wagnerrp: and obviously the hole is already cut, since there is coax there
[11:11:04] buu: This is true
[11:11:36] buu: Do they make faceplates with coax and ethernet jacks?
[11:11:50] buu: and hdmi apparently
[11:11:54] buu: Thanks homedepot
[11:12:20] wagnerrp: they even make modular ones, to which you can mix and match whatever jacks you want
[11:13:05] buu: nifty
[11:13:33] ** wagnerrp goes to work **
[11:22:11] sphery: 3TB HDD for $99.99, again: . . . landing.html
[11:22:17] sphery: in case anyone is looking
[11:23:09] sphery: someone should post on the list about problems transcoding so I can give the right solution :)
[11:23:18] wagnerrp: the retail ones seem to be fine, but those Toshiba drives sold OEM seem to have a high chance of DOA
[11:23:40] sphery: yeah, I saw a lot of those remarks in there, but I got one
[11:23:47] sphery: it works fine... don't know if I'm lucky
[11:24:04] wagnerrp: (i've got two spare ones sitting around since i didn't want to wait for replacements when building my array)
[11:24:14] sphery: but I have a feeling that some of the problem is "tech level: high" users who don't understand things like DOS partition limitations
[11:24:47] sphery: and/or other mistakes
[11:25:07] wagnerrp: nah, this is actual DOA
[11:25:19] wagnerrp: drive cannot be recognized, and it clicks
[11:25:24] sphery: yeah, main reason I bought mine is because $99.99 is cheaper/GB than the $69.99 2TB and I figure I'm due for a failure
[11:25:37] sphery: ah, yeah, sounds like an issue
[11:26:05] sphery: anyway, mine seems fine, and hope it stays that way for many years :)
[11:26:10] wagnerrp: had to RMA one, and rather than wait three weeks for a replacement before i could start on my array, i just bought two more
[11:26:20] wagnerrp: one as an immediate replacement, and one as a spare in case it was bad
[11:26:58] sphery: hehe, but with MythTV, there's always a use for more storage :)
[11:27:16] wagnerrp: i'm set for a couple months
[11:27:24] wagnerrp: or at least until i start buying bluray again
[11:28:18] wagnerrp: four free on the array, and another four on scratch drives
[11:28:33] sphery: nice
[11:29:11] wagnerrp: although once i archive the content on the scratch drives, the array will nearly be full, and needing of an upgrade
[11:30:04] sphery: hehe
[11:30:10] sphery: neverending cycle
[11:30:20] ** wagnerrp actually goes to work this time **
[11:30:24] sphery: enjoy
[11:40:55] kwmonroe (kwmonroe!~kwmonroe@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[12:28:58] stuartm: sphery: nice price, about 25% cheaper than can be found here
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[12:53:34] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[12:53:36] sphery: stuartm: from what I've seen of UK prices, I'm surprised it's only 25% cheaper.  :)
[12:54:20] stuartm: well dollar is currently weak, so the exchange rate is much better
[12:55:26] stuartm: won't last
[12:56:31] stuartm: part of the discrepancy between UK/US prices is the way that Sales tax (VAT) is applied, in the US it's at the till, in the UK it's on the list price
[12:57:27] stuartm: and with VAT at 20% (up from 17.5 a couple of years ago ...), that's a healthy chunk of money
[13:03:17] dahlSTROM|sleep is now known as dahlSTROM
[13:15:00] Heliwr (Heliwr!~Heliwr@pdpc/supporter/student/heliwr) has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[13:15:35] sailerboy (sailerboy!~sailerboy@2605:6400:2:fed5:22:3e62:d2e8:e4e1) has quit (Ping timeout: 262 seconds)
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[13:25:52] sphery: Wow, 20%... And here I complain about the 6% sales tax when I buy local instead of from Internet companies.
[13:26:40] sphery: On that $99.99 HDD with free shipping, I wouldn't even be charged my 6% sales tax since it's a not-in-the-state Internet retailer.
[13:27:29] sphery: (generally, we're only charged sales tax from Internet retailers if they have brick-and-mortar facilities--including warehouses or distribution centers--in the same state as the purchaser)
[13:27:49] sphery: though they're trying to change that "to help the Mom & Pop" retailers...
[13:30:07] sphery: (where these politicians don't realize that doing so just means that instead of the Mom & Pop retailer competing against Amazon, they'll be paying Amazon for all of their online sales because computing sales tax is a nightmare in the US--where purchases can have up to 9 different taxes applied, based on where the purchaser lives (everything from state to regional to county to municipal sales taxes, plus various "special" sales taxes in ...
[13:30:13] sphery: ... some areas--some of which depend on the type of item being purchased)
[13:31:06] sphery: so only someone like Amazon could handle computing those taxes for every purchase, so the local retailers would have to pay them (or someone like them) to use the sales tax computation service
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[13:48:38] stuartm: yeah the tax is high here, although somehow that's preferable to the insane levels of bureaucracy prevalent in the US ... I never realised it was quite so messy when it came to governance, but from watching US TV and Film I'd always wondered how a country can have so many independent law enforcement agencies (from half a dozen national organisations at a national level through to state, county and town level)
[13:53:04] stuartm: here we have a dozen regional police forces, one national, but the division is really just administrative, they all cooperate (and operate) more or less as a unified entity, no jurisdictional fighting
[13:55:17] sphery: hehe, here it's all about the fighting (and politicking and "empire-building")
[13:55:21] stuartm: they even share resources to keep costs low, e.g. Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Police share a helicopter
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[16:27:25] bill6502: sphery: This SendKey Services API seems to work: . Is this what you were thinking of? I'm mostly concerned about lines 55–65, though most if it is stolen from networkcontrol.
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[16:54:13] sphery: bill6502: that's beautiful... can you please add to skd5aner's ticket ( #11916 ). Feel free to move the keymap or leave it as is
[16:54:13] ** MythLogBot **
[16:54:23] sphery: and thanks for working on it
[16:59:52] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:03:31] bill6502: tnx, will do. there's an error message I'm looking at (SSDPCacheTask – Removed n stale entries.) could be that it's just becuase I turned on -v upnp in the FE and never noticed it before. I'll do more testing and then add it to 11916.
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[17:17:33] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:26:49] Oleg_: mythtv supports picture-in-picture, right?
[17:34:27] mengoshmink (mengoshmink! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:47:01] ctmjr: yes
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[21:16:47] mengoshmink: hopefully a quick question: if my server (scientific linux) runs mythtv-backend x86_64 0.26.1–296.el6 atrpms and the frontend (korora) runs mythtv-frontend x86_64 0.26.1–4.fc19 rpmfusion-free-updates do you think they will work together?
[21:17:28] mengoshmink: I'm thinking yes because they are bother 0.26.1 but I'm not sure
[21:27:10] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:38:28] stuartm: yes, they will work together
[21:38:45] mengoshmink: thank you
[21:39:09] stuartm: as long as the major version is the same, (26) they will be compatible
[21:39:30] mengoshmink: thats worth remembering, thanks
[21:41:00] mengoshmink: I hope to migrate to 0.27 but for now I just hope to get my recordings back, I had a hd failure, been rescuing the data and finally think I am getting there (after a month or so) but I am tired so I'm going afk to be continued later
[21:41:18] mengoshmink: thanks again :)
[21:48:46] mzb- is now known as mzb
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[22:24:26] blscearce (blscearce!~blscearce@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:27:47] blscearce: What formats does Myth support for playback? I have a cheap video camera that encodes as 1080p H.264, but when I upload it to my Myth box's video directory, it doesn't play. I am happy to convert it with ffmpeg or iMovie or something, but what should I convert it to?
[22:29:01] mengoshmink: hmm if mythtv displays it, it should play it
[22:30:01] wagnerrp: what version are you running?
[22:30:48] wagnerrp: what hardware do you have? GPU, CPU?
[22:34:09] blscearce: I don't have the machine in front of me, not sure. I don't think it's a hardware problem, though, because I've uploaded and played other video files. The file from the new camera shows up in the list of files.
[22:34:48] wagnerrp: if you're attempting to use hardware decoding, it could be in a format your GPU does not support
[22:35:03] wagnerrp: if you're trying to use software decoding, it could be more intensive than other video you have tried
[22:35:24] blscearce: I'll check hardware/versions when I get home. Maybe I do have it set for hardware decoding.
[22:36:35] blscearce: Thanks.
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[23:15:05] wizbit (wizbit!~wizbit@unaffiliated/wizbit) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:15:29] wizbit: i sometimes play mythtv frontend through my tv speakers and sometimes my digital amp
[23:15:56] wizbit: is there a way to select 2x soundcards one digital, one analogue on mythtv?
[23:16:30] wizbit: or maybe playing audio through both at the same time
[23:16:51] wizbit: it saves me unplugging wires everytime i want to change
[23:21:57] jya (jya!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[23:22:49] wagnerrp: no
[23:23:24] blscearce (blscearce!~blscearce@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:23:27] wagnerrp: the closest you can do is use irexec to map a key to something that changes the settings behind mythtv's back, and forces a settings flush
[23:24:01] blscearce (blscearce!~blscearce@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:24:12] wizbit: wagnerrp: in the audio settings there is a option what says: seperate digital output device
[23:24:15] wizbit: what is that used for?
[23:24:36] wagnerrp: there is such an option?
[23:24:37] wagnerrp: no idea
[23:25:54] wizbit: wagnerrp: i guess i could just manually change the card in audio settings
[23:27:34] alex_ (alex_! has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
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[23:33:14] Sharky112065: When I choose watch recordings --> all recordings on my front end computer (seperate computer than backend), and press down arrow on my remote to go through the list of recordings it is really slow now. Nothing has changed on that computer and it used to be fast. any ideas? I have optimized the database. Note: the frontend on the backend computer is fine.
[23:33:33] Sharky112065: I have googled it and found nothing
[23:33:54] Sharky112065: core 2 duo 4GB RAM nvidia 470 video card
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[23:45:28] wizbit: i just stuck in 2x usb turtle beach soundcards on the frontend and i can flick between them in audio settings :-)
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