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Sunday, October 13th, 2013, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:54] doughie: blah, backendmythtv wasnt running
[00:01:58] doughie: so it didn't fill
[00:02:22] wagnerrp: mythbackend doesn't need to be running
[00:02:40] wagnerrp: after mythfilldatabase runs, it will attempt to connect to the backend to order a reschedule
[00:02:49] doughie: ah
[00:02:55] wagnerrp: if it's not running, the backend will run the scheduler when it starts up anyway, so it's not an issue
[00:03:03] doughie: still doesn't show listings
[00:03:07] doughie: only like 5 shows
[00:03:14] doughie: from home shopping network
[00:03:51] wagnerrp: no idea about that
[00:04:10] wagnerrp: in the mysql shell, run 'select count(1) from channel;'
[00:05:13] doughie: im on phpmyadmin
[00:05:16] doughie: did search for that
[00:05:18] doughie: didn't find anything
[00:06:49] wagnerrp: never did much understand the purpose of phpmyadmin
[00:06:58] wagnerrp: unless it's intended for virtual hosts where you don't have terminal access
[00:07:13] doughie: (:
[00:08:42] doughie: amazing how slow schedulesdirect website is.
[00:09:24] doughie: could it be the line-up I added @ schedulesdirect?
[00:09:35] doughie: i selected ... comcast – digital.
[00:09:52] wagnerrp: if you de-select channels in the lineup on SD, those will not be downloaded when you pull it to mythtv
[00:10:16] doughie: ill try that next.
[00:10:31] Hydr0p0nX: wagnerrp, the only time i really use it is if i'm a.) on a virtual host b.) building a database (just because it's easier than hand coding)
[00:11:18] Hydr0p0nX: time to rebewt again
[00:11:20] wagnerrp: but how is it easier?
[00:11:49] wagnerrp: seems like you're just building tables by selecting options, rather than typing in those same options
[00:11:54] Hydr0p0nX: yea
[00:11:59] Hydr0p0nX: less prone to typos
[00:12:45] Hydr0p0nX: that's the main thing for me at least
[00:13:11] wagnerrp: i need to figure out why one of my machines is not responding
[00:13:23] Hydr0p0nX: i had that problem with my printer earlier
[00:13:32] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:13:39] Hydr0p0nX: seems it was angry that i was toying with the router, trying to get better throughput
[00:14:06] doughie: humph ... so i cleaned out the channels ... tried to rebuild the channels step by step as you mentioned wagnerrp, now it says No TV Configured.
[00:14:07] Hydr0p0nX: the multifunction one dealt with it just fine, the laser didn't
[00:14:22] Hydr0p0nX: back in a few
[00:14:26] Hydr0p0nX (Hydr0p0nX! has quit ()
[00:19:42] JimBaxter (JimBaxter! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:20:36] wagnerrp: devinheitmueller: who owns the HDPVR driver?
[00:20:57] devinheitmueller: nobody really at this point.
[00:21:10] devinheitmueller: janneg wrote it, but I don't think he has contributed in years.
[00:21:13] wagnerrp: any idea if it would work on ARM?
[00:21:32] devinheitmueller: Hans did some work recently to improve v4l2 compliance, but again he did it because he was going through *all* the drivers to do such.
[00:21:34] devinheitmueller: Yeah, it should.
[00:21:41] [R]: wagnerrp: i thought you hate arm
[00:21:58] wagnerrp: i hate atom, not arm
[00:22:01] devinheitmueller: I'm not sure if it's been tested, but I wouldn't imagine too many problems. It's a relatively simple driver, and not too many opportunities for endianness issues.
[00:22:09] wagnerrp: i just hate when people try to use ARMs outside their capabilities
[00:22:28] devinheitmueller: Of course the ARM platform has to have a USB controller which can handle the throughput, which many embedded ARM EHCI controllers cannot.
[00:22:58] wagnerrp: it only needs ~25Mbps, doesn't it?
[00:23:09] devinheitmueller: In other words, in theory it should work, but depending on the actual hardware will dictate whether it actually works (for example, the USB controller on the Pi is absolute crap)
[00:23:21] wagnerrp: i was actually thinking of a beaglebone
[00:23:26] devinheitmueller: Yeah, on that order. Many host controllers cannot handle sustained throughput at that rate, especially with no retries.
[00:23:27] wagnerrp: (stripped down beagleboard)
[00:23:36] devinheitmueller: Yeah, I'm familiar with the Beaglebone.
[00:23:59] devinheitmueller: The various TI SOCs have the musb core, which is pretty awful but will probably work.
[00:24:11] wagnerrp: i've gotten used to having dedicated frontends
[00:24:24] devinheitmueller: I've pushed 24 megabytes/second through it on DM3730 and TI8147.
[00:24:49] devinheitmueller: Note that's MB, not Mb.
[00:24:55] wagnerrp: it would be worth $50 to have a little beaglebone drive the HDPVR as a slave backend, rather than tie it into one of my frontends
[00:24:55] devinheitmueller: (raw analog video)
[00:26:02] devinheitmueller: Steven and I keep talking about doing an HDHR compatible network service which can run on really low end platforms (such as the BeagleBone or even those TPLink routers). Specifically targeted at HDPVR and HDPVR2.
[00:26:56] devinheitmueller: Take TP Link router, reflash it, plug HDPVR into USB port, plug in network, see an HDHR that gives you H.264 video.
[00:27:03] wagnerrp: the implication being that the HDPVR2 may get released into the wild at some point?
[00:27:08] devinheitmueller: Nope.
[00:27:12] wagnerrp: heh
[00:27:20] devinheitmueller: We would port our OSX stuff to libusb and do it all in userland.
[00:28:12] wagnerrp: sounds similar to what they did on freebsd with webcamd
[00:28:22] devinheitmueller: Yeah.
[00:28:54] wagnerrp: that's another option, try to get the HDPVR running directly on my master backend with webcamd
[00:28:58] devinheitmueller: By exposing it as an HDHR device, it would work with existing applications, it would work over the network, and I wouldn't have to deal with the enormous headache that is complying with the V4L2 specification.
[00:34:03] wagnerrp: nice, 80k lines of my graphics card freaking out
[00:34:18] jya (jya!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:36:08] dahlSTROM is now known as dahlSTROM|sleep
[00:46:51] doughie: ugh messed up mythweb
[00:52:30] rsiebert_ (rsiebert_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:12:19] JimBaxter (JimBaxter! has quit (Quit: Quiting)
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[02:54:56] sean__:
[02:56:27] sean__: Basically the required quotations are not getting added.
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[03:00:36] Oloryn_lt2 (Oloryn_lt2! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[03:01:36] wagnerrp: the logs are not an accurate depiction of the command
[03:01:41] wagnerrp: the command is being run properly
[03:02:05] wagnerrp: what film, specifically?
[03:02:14] joki (joki! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[03:03:24] sean__: wagnerrp, Hey, All films that are more than one word. My install is not adding the quotations
[03:03:48] wagnerrp: that's correct, as the quotations are unnecessary in the manner it is calling the grabber
[03:03:52] wagnerrp: what is the film?
[03:04:07] wagnerrp: give me a specific example
[03:04:18] sean__: sure, one second
[03:08:31] sean__: wagnerrp, sorry about that, you are totally right, I just doubled checked and it works fine
[03:08:38] joki (joki! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:09:02] sean__: wagnerrp, Ahhhhhh, I think i know what it is
[03:10:34] ubIx_ (ubIx_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:11:52] sean__: wagnerrp, I added the year of the film to the end of the films filmname ie (<name> <year>.avi). If I manually remove the year in the title, it works
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[03:14:12] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:17:53] sean__: wagnerrp, lol, Nevermind, it was the wrong year, sorry to bother you, have a great night
[03:18:21] wagnerrp: right or wrong year doesn't matter
[03:18:36] wagnerrp: mythtv does not attempt to parse it out, and simply passes it on directly to the grabber and TMDB
[03:18:55] sean__: ahhh, so year should never be in the filename
[03:19:12] wagnerrp: you can put it in parentheses, at which point mythtv will strip it from the name on import
[03:19:54] sean__: Oh that is awesome to know, thank you
[03:21:26] biffhero: wagnerrp: yt?
[03:21:36] wagnerrp: i was two minutes ago
[03:21:51] biffhero: That's good. I wish I had asked you a question then.
[03:22:02] Oloryn_lt2 (Oloryn_lt2! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:22:20] biffhero: ./ $1 What should I use for $1 ? The IP address of the front end I want to control doesn't work.
[03:22:28] biffhero: " does not exist"
[03:22:36] wagnerrp: hostname
[03:22:40] biffhero: thanks
[03:22:41] Oloryn_lt21 (Oloryn_lt21! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[03:24:07] sean__ (sean__! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[03:31:30] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:39:17] biffhero: huh. I obviously have a jacked up system. when I use a hostname entry from /etc/hosts, I get a different error situation than when I just use the IP address. The difference is that it seems like the curses stuff is initialized, the screen is cleared. I still get the error "hostname does not exist", so I presume the problem is that 'hostname' does not match an entry in my database for the frontend name. I checked my database, and every
[03:39:17] biffhero: entry in there that is this frontend, I have added to /etc/hosts , but still the same error.
[03:40:09] Dave123-r (Dave123-r! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[03:50:11] biffhero: I'm stepping through pdb in emacs now, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to understand what happens.
[03:53:26] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:56:28] biffhero: kablooee! db = MythDB()
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[04:00:32] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has quit (Quit: devinheitmueller)
[04:08:14] biffhero: nope, beyond my paygrade. It's blowing up on the logging.
[04:08:49] biffhero: self.log = MythLog(self.logmodule)
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[04:16:31] biffhero: oh, no! I think it is my fault. "Python 2.7 is only supported in combination with the oursql module" My bad.
[04:16:53] biffhero: Now that I have oursql installed, I am back to a non-screen-clearning error.
[04:16:54] wagnerrp: no, it works if your mysqldb package is sufficiently new
[04:17:18] biffhero: python-mysqldb 1.2.3–1ubuntu1
[04:17:29] wagnerrp: should be sufficiently new
[04:19:12] biffhero: It's obvious that curses is getting started, I can see the cursor jump to the top of the screen. I feel like there's a DB lookup that's not being made quite right.
[04:20:14] biffhero: Does the command python2.7-dbg ./ livingroomrevo have a chance of meaning anything?
[04:20:34] wagnerrp: not sure what the dbg thing is
[04:20:47] wagnerrp: oh, that's probably the interpreter
[04:20:54] biffhero: I was hoping that it was going to give me a backtrace better.
[04:22:46] biffhero:
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[06:03:46] croppa (croppa! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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[06:06:09] hank8910 (hank8910! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:06:44] hank8910: hello everyone :)
[06:07:42] hank8910: want to move from windows media center and xbox 360 to mythtv and roku setup for my recorded tv
[06:11:33] hank8910: any suggestions on how to do this
[06:12:36] [R]: huh?
[06:15:26] hank8910: i want to move from windows media center and xbox 360 to mythtv and roku setup for my recorded tv shows any suggestions on how to do this
[06:17:03] [R]: repeating the same thign with slightly differnet words doesnt really change much
[06:17:07] [R]: if you want to... then do it
[06:18:26] hank8910: yes but is there easy with minimal software and configuring
[06:21:18] [R]: nothing with myth is "easy"
[06:21:25] [R]: if you are looking for the "easy way out" your in the wrong place
[06:24:18] hank8910: ah ok
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[06:47:40] caelor: wagnerrp thanks for looking at those backtraces yesterday. I updated the system to the latest 0.27 fixes, and rebooted for good measure. A couple of hours later, mythbackend was spinning at 100% cpu again
[06:48:34] caelor: I took another backtrace, and used htop to check the spinning thread – yet again it was the SSDP thread. I've restarted with -v general,upnp and so far, no spinning.
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[07:01:59] caelor: interesting. It's run all night fine (with only the router & other "service" devices around), and then within about half an hour of me bringing another machine (Win7 laptop) onto the LAN, it's started spinning
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[07:33:46] caelor: I've mythbackend running -v general,upnp – is there a way that I can instruct the running backend to increase upnp verbosity to debug?
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[11:16:03] caelor: I've confirmed again that the 100% cpu on mythbackend for me is due to the SSDP thread, which is always in SSDP::run when I create the backtrace. The weird thing is, I don't see this bit of code changing in the last 2 years, and yet I didn't see this behaviour on 0.26
[11:16:54] caelor: I'm running with --noupnp to confirm, because I don't use upnp at all
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[14:27:09] Kwisher: i need some help with lirc
[14:29:57] Kwisher: basically i need to copy an existing config from my main fe to another fe
[14:30:19] Kwisher: same usb receiver and remote
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[14:56:01] doughie (doughie! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:56:58] doughie: howdy
[14:57:03] doughie: having issues with mythtv-setup
[14:57:27] doughie: it lets me selection, langauge, then fill in database info ... then it just loops those 2 sections
[14:57:52] doughie: then it ends up crashing, saying QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL driver not loaded
[15:02:06] wagnerrp: sounds like you build Qt without mysql support
[15:04:19] doughie: hummm
[15:04:37] doughie: it seems that remove mythtv from the apt-get
[15:04:42] doughie: doesn't really remove it :(
[15:04:54] doughie: errr, it at least doesn't install it again when i try to
[15:05:07] doughie: apt-get remove mythtv* && apt-get purge mythtv*
[15:05:24] doughie: then i do a clean ... and then i go to apt-get install mythtv
[15:05:34] doughie: it shows it does stuff, but the folders/files are all missing
[15:05:38] doughie: doesn't install anything
[15:08:00] Hydr0p0nX: how did you install it ?
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[15:08:30] doughie: originally installed via apt-get
[15:08:45] doughie: then had issues since .24 was older version (lame that its in repo)
[15:08:59] doughie: so i removed .24 via apt-get remove... etc etc
[15:10:23] doughie: then i had to upgrade from debian 6 to debian 7 for the wheezy repo to do a .27 install
[15:10:46] mengoshmink (mengoshmink! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[15:10:58] doughie: # Debian Multimedia Repository
[15:10:58] doughie: deb wheezy main non-free
[15:11:07] doughie: using that as the apt source (which it said to use)
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[15:44:50] skd5aner: doughie: I don't think the packaging of mythtv for debian is that great, at least in the past it wasn't... in ubuntu, it is really good
[15:46:05] skd5aner: you could try for some help maybe in #ubunt-mythtv, those guys know the *.deb and apt system very well
[15:46:17] skd5aner: er, #ubuntu-mythtv
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[15:49:14] Mephisto4: Hello Guys, I have a problem
[15:49:21] zentec (zentec!~zentec@ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[15:49:29] Mephisto4: my mythtv won't record public tv (the government's)
[15:49:38] Mephisto4: everytime they appear in mythweb as 0B
[15:49:48] Mephisto4: no, as " B" and the file is not found on the hdd
[15:49:55] Mephisto4: why?
[15:50:02] wagnerrp: how are you trying to record these channels?
[15:50:14] wagnerrp: and what is "the government's tv"?
[15:50:18] wagnerrp: do you mean like C-SPAN?
[15:50:48] wagnerrp: hmm... german, don't know how they do things over there
[15:51:18] wagnerrp: assuming this is digital television, best guess is that your channel scan is incorrect
[15:51:24] wagnerrp: and mythtv is trying to record a channel that is not there
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[16:40:31] Kwisher: can anyone help with lirc?
[16:40:57] wagnerrp: not until you actually state an issue
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[16:44:59] Kwisher: i'd like to transfer my config from ubuntu fe to an arch fe
[16:45:53] wagnerrp: just copy the lircd.conf and lircrc
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[16:51:04] Kwisher: on the ubuntu pc there is a folder .lirc and a file .lircrc
[16:51:37] wagnerrp: mythtv uses ~/.mythtv/lircrc
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[16:59:19] bill6502: wagnerrp: Is Auto Metadata Lookup intentionally turned off in master (after the -users list broo ha ha?) I like the feature myself. Looks like AutoMetadataLookup must be set to 1 for hostname NULl. Drops core if I set it via sql.
[17:03:23] warped (warped! has joined #mythtv-users
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[17:03:43] wagnerrp: AutoMetadataLookup is only is only ever used for setting the initial recording rule template on upgrade
[17:05:23] wagnerrp: basically, it was just done there, rather than during a schema upgrade, out of convenience
[17:05:24] bill6502: Make that DailyArtworkUpdates, sorry
[17:06:02] wagnerrp: DailyArtworkUpdates, the original "fix" forgot to add in the periodic check
[17:06:12] wagnerrp: meaning the task was being triggered once a minute
[17:06:50] wagnerrp: if the previous run took more than a minute to perform, the next run would stop on it and replace the pointer to its external system call
[17:07:11] wagnerrp: one of them would finish first, clean up the pointer, and then the other one would try to access it and segfualt
[17:08:22] bill6502: Ah, I'm 9 commits behind!
[17:09:16] wagnerrp: *stomp
[17:13:34] Kwisher: wagnerrp: when i ls my /home on the buntu pc i see this: lircrc -> ../.lirc/mythtv
[17:13:55] wagnerrp: ok?
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[17:14:06] Kwisher: is that a symlink?
[17:14:13] wagnerrp: yes
[17:14:53] Kwisher: so it's not just a straight copy from one pc to the other??
[17:15:10] wagnerrp: that depends on the arguments you give you 'cp'
[17:15:36] wagnerrp: or scp, or rcp, or rsync, or whatever you use to copy it
[17:15:47] wagnerrp: you need the actual file, not the symlink
[17:16:07] wagnerrp: you can place it where ever you want, so long as when mythtv opens ~/.mythtv/lircrc, it finds that file
[17:17:14] Kwisher: i scp'd it to ~/.mythtv on the arch system
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[18:35:37] gizmobay: I'm getting my HD OTA. I have two choices for a channel 10–1 and 10–2. Out of the blue I can't connect 10–1 but I can 10–2. Isn'
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[18:35:54] gizmobay: t the antenna the same for both?
[18:36:22] gizmobay: transmit antenna that is
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[18:40:08] wagnerrp: not necessarily
[18:40:26] wagnerrp: the virtual channel and subchannel is arbitrarily defined within the stream
[18:41:13] gizmobay: I see
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[18:41:36] gizmobay: I use to be able to get it. I don't know what happen
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[21:20:11] caelor: hmmm deadlocked mythbackend again
[21:23:44] caelor: attaching gdb for a backtrace appears to have unlocked it
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[21:26:52] caelor: this could be HDPVR poll related – I do seem to have a huge spike in mythbackend cpu usage when recording from the hdpve
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