:: #mythtv-users

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Saturday, October 12th, 2013, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:52] dahlSTROM is now known as dahlSTROM|sleep
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[05:15:11] suzaku_no-miko: :o
[05:16:35] ** suzaku_no-miko looks for signs of life **
[05:16:46] wagnerrp: none found
[05:17:53] ** suzaku_no-miko is sick of WINtv 7 and its BSODs :/ **
[05:18:39] suzaku_no-miko: but..
[05:18:47] suzaku_no-miko: Question is..
[05:19:26] suzaku_no-miko: will myth work with Hauppauge HVR-950q?
[05:19:29] suzaku_no-miko: :o
[05:19:40] wagnerrp: yes
[05:20:02] wagnerrp: although it should really only be used to digital, not analog
[05:20:13] suzaku_no-miko: then I can dump this POS software :/
[05:20:23] wagnerrp: you'll have to run Linux
[05:20:31] suzaku_no-miko: :o
[05:20:33] wagnerrp: so you'll have to dump your whole operating system
[05:20:41] suzaku_no-miko: cant
[05:21:40] suzaku_no-miko: my encoding is all win based ;/
[05:21:51] wagnerrp: not sure what that means
[05:22:04] suzaku_no-miko: I encode video
[05:22:11] wagnerrp: why?
[05:22:22] suzaku_no-miko: Anime
[05:22:26] wagnerrp: unless you're encoding it for some portable device, it's really a waste of time
[05:22:32] suzaku_no-miko: Fansubber
[05:22:40] suzaku_no-miko: nooo
[05:23:04] suzaku_no-miko: the TV thing is just something to keep me entertained
[05:23:06] suzaku_no-miko: :p
[05:23:20] suzaku_no-miko: not related
[05:24:16] suzaku_no-miko: but ALL my tools, filters, and stuff are windows baced
[05:27:23] suzaku_no-miko: thanks for the help anyway :/
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[11:02:30] Darkchaos2: dammit. Some mythTV Recordings just don't work. They have " B" size (MythWEB) and it looks like you deleted the files (when seeing mythbackend). However I did nothing, so it might have had an error writing to disk
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[19:10:03] caelor: is a backtrace useful for a mythbackend which is slow/unresponsive and using 100% cpu?
[19:12:17] wagnerrp: it would tell us where it's stalled
[19:12:23] wagnerrp: however... a backend unresponsive?
[19:12:23] caelor: ok
[19:12:32] wagnerrp: the backend is not interactive for you to notice responsiveness
[19:12:45] caelor: the status page takes upwards of a minute to respond (via mythweb)
[19:16:01] wagnerrp: i don't actually see anything running here
[19:16:19] wagnerrp: everything is either sleeping (nanosleep, pthread_wait), or waiting on IO (select, poll)
[19:19:15] caelor: hmm. is the one from last night
[19:19:31] caelor: where the frontend was reporting no recordings available in the PBB
[19:19:49] wagnerrp: what version is this?
[19:20:18] caelor: v0.27-RC1-94-g84502a1
[19:20:32] caelor: which is interesting, because it was mythbuntu from the day after 0.27 release
[19:20:50] wagnerrp: in this one, i see several threads mutex locked inside the scheduler
[19:25:05] caelor: is a second attempt to get a backtrace of my currently running backend, that's sat using a full core
[19:26:10] caelor: I'm guessing the several threads mutex locked inside the scheduler isn't a good thing...
[19:31:38] caelor: ok, backend at the moment is "responsive" (since the in progress recording finished – maybe the HDPVR kernel driver is having issues). It's still sitting at 100% cpu though.
[19:32:31] caelor: any suggestions on tracking down where it's spinning and using a full core?
[19:34:10] wagnerrp: is it just the one backend, or do you have a slave?
[19:35:19] natanojl: caelor: You might see which thread it is in htop
[19:35:28] caelor: just the master backend. Was previously using mythmediaserver, but have moved the video storage groups back onto the master backend due to #11862
[19:35:28] ** MythLogBot **
[19:39:03] caelor: looks like 28211 (thread 21 in that 6228047 backtrace)
[19:39:35] caelor: if 28072 is the parent thread
[19:41:40] natanojl: caelor: You can display the thread names in htop if you hit F2, and then enable "Show custom thread names" under "Display options"
[19:42:38] natanojl: you might want to enable "Tree view" as well
[19:43:37] caelor: all the threads seem to just have the name "mythbackend"
[19:44:10] caelor: unless I need to add another column...
[19:45:04] caelor: it's definitely PID/TID 28211
[19:45:22] caelor: I'll take another backtrace from the running process and see if it's still SSDP:run
[19:46:35] natanojl: hm, I get the thread names on one machine, but not the others
[19:47:57] caelor: yes, it's thread 16 in that backtrace, but still SSDP::run
[19:48:49] caelor: which is a select, and my reading of the code suggests it should have a 1 sec timeout
[19:49:49] wagnerrp: for some reason, one of my frontends is inserting garbage into the kernel logs
[19:49:56] wagnerrp: less keeps trying to open them as a binary file
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[20:16:25] tgm4883: Is there an easy way to find and test a channel on the hdhomerun outside of mythtv?
[20:16:33] tgm4883: currently, I can't get it to tune 1 channel
[20:19:09] wagnerrp: tgm4883: is there any way to access the ubuntu bug tracker without actually having an ubuntu one account?
[20:19:28] tgm4883: wagnerrp, you mean launchpad?
[20:20:04] wagnerrp: im trying to access... . . . 5ed90a9a7087
[20:20:09] wagnerrp: among others
[20:21:29] skd5aner: tgm4883: yes, in windows it's very easy to test an hdhomerun
[20:21:45] tgm4883: skd5aner, I don't have windows, just ubuntu
[20:21:50] wagnerrp: on Windows, there's a QuickTV application
[20:22:05] wagnerrp: on Linux, you can use their commandline utility to pump video to VLC
[20:22:08] tgm4883: wagnerrp, I think you need a ubuntu one account, and also possibly explicit access
[20:22:14] wagnerrp: that's awful
[20:22:17] tgm4883: I don't think just anyone gets access to
[20:22:21] skd5aner: on linux, I dont know an "easy" way, but I believe you can use their CLI to tune it, and then use another app to view it, or cat out to a file
[20:22:49] wagnerrp: i believe the GUI that comes with the command line utility can launch VLC directly
[20:23:09] skd5aner: there's a GUI that commands with the cli tool in linux now
[20:23:13] skd5aner: ?
[20:23:27] skd5aner: awesome... my question mark key doesn't work reliably now :P
[20:23:27] tgm4883: It's possible I haven't subscribed to this channel, according to the hdhr web interface
[20:23:52] tgm4883: Authorization not-subscribed
[20:23:53] tgm4883: hmm
[20:24:08] wagnerrp: you're talking about a Prime?
[20:24:15] skd5aner: tgm4883: that was going to be my other suggestion – you can go to the web interface and at least see what it's tuned to... what are you using cablecard, qam, atsc
[20:24:22] tgm4883: wagnerrp, sorry, yes
[20:24:28] wagnerrp: i thought there was, maybe not
[20:24:30] tgm4883: cablecard
[20:24:39] skd5aner: tgm4883: what provider
[20:24:42] tgm4883: we're on the phone with comcast right now
[20:24:47] tgm4883: comcast
[20:24:47] skd5aner: ah
[20:25:08] skd5aner: comcast is usually very good, but when I had them, it took a few escalations for them to activate the cable card correctly
[20:25:19] skd5aner: their self-provision tool is usually pretty good
[20:25:34] tgm4883: skd5aner, well I have other channels, and this isn't a new order, but I just moved and upgraded my tv sub
[20:25:45] skd5aner: tgm4883: you can also get help at #hdhomerun
[20:26:07] skd5aner: ah
[20:26:32] skd5aner: I think comcast will still block the premium channels (HBO, Showtime, etc)
[20:26:42] skd5aner: well, at least flag them as copy once
[20:28:10] tgm4883: skd5aner, yea, this isn't a premium. I'm trying to watch the oregon ducks game on Fox Sports 1
[20:28:12] skd5aner: tgm4883: this might also be helpful
[20:28:19] skd5aner: heh :)
[20:28:57] skd5aner: #4 in that list
[20:28:57] ** MythLogBot **
[20:29:45] skd5aner: apparently, there's also this: hdhomerun_config_gui – which I've never tried to use before
[20:30:43] skd5aner: in windows, it'd take you 10 seconds :)
[20:30:46] skd5aner: heh
[20:30:58] Scopeuk is now known as Scopeuk-AFK
[20:54:45] tgm4883: thanks comcast for not actually transfering my cable
[20:55:25] tgm4883: So I found what I'd consider a bug in mythweb. There doesn't seem to be a way to reset a recording that failed from mythweb
[20:56:25] skd5aner: delete + rerecord is in mythweb
[20:57:22] skd5aner: as far as stopping an in progress recording, you're right... no way to simply just stop it that i know of
[20:57:42] skd5aner: but, not a bug as much as a lack of feature
[20:57:49] tgm4883: skd5aner, yep, but if the recording fails, there doesn't seem to be a way to tell it to record again
[20:57:56] skd5aner: and mythweb is next-to abandonware at this point :(
[20:58:08] tgm4883: even if you tell it to delete and rerecord, it still doesn't record because of the previous failure
[20:58:23] skd5aner: that would be a bug
[20:58:30] tgm4883: yea
[20:58:39] tgm4883: I had to go tell it to rerecord on the frontend
[20:58:45] skd5aner: it worked in the past
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[22:12:55] sean__: Hi guys. Using 12.04 with 0.27. When I upgraded I noticed that I stopped being able to retrieve video metadata. On my backend I also noticed that there are internal error of /usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Movie/ Can anyone point me in the right direction
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[22:32:39] sean__: If I run the command from the terminal it seem to return all the corroect output
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[22:33:59] sean__: Running " -l pl -M "Name of Movie"" works
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[22:59:54] natanojl: sean__: Can you pastebin the backend log?
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[23:15:38] doughie (doughie! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:16:26] doughie: howdy
[23:16:57] doughie: hopefully everyone is doing well, wondering if anyone was available to possibly help me out with my new install of MythTV on Debian
[23:17:25] doughie: having issues with it updating the channels & also have an issue with it finding my 3rd tuners on my HDHomeRune Prime device
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[23:44:01] doughie: no one on for support?
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[23:47:59] wagnerrp: sean__: i'm certain that command does not work, because itself no longer works. the interface it used has been shut down.
[23:48:15] wagnerrp: and has been down for nearly a month now
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[23:48:52] wagnerrp: doughie: did you configure the third tuner on your HDHR?
[23:49:27] doughie: wagnerrp: 3rd tuner does work, was able to use it with WMC, and i manually ran a scan on it using hdhomerune_config
[23:49:42] wagnerrp: yes, but did you actually add it as a tuner to mythtv?
[23:49:48] wagnerrp: for that matter, did you even configure the second tuner?
[23:50:05] wagnerrp: i'm guessing you just configured the first, and the first defined two virtual tuners
[23:50:05] doughie: i tried
[23:50:11] doughie: it only allows me to select 2 of them
[23:50:30] wagnerrp: if it only allows you to select two of them, what version of mythtv are you running?
[23:50:41] doughie: .24 from the debian repo
[23:50:55] doughie: can't get .27 to get past ./configure
[23:51:07] doughie: some error about not having qt4.8 installed (it is installed)
[23:51:14] wagnerrp: yeah, 0.24 assumes two tuners for all HDHomeRuns
[23:51:24] doughie: ah okay ...
[23:51:30] doughie: so that would solve that issue then.
[23:51:37] wagnerrp: proper support for one and three tuner HDHomeRuns was not added until 0.25
[23:51:50] doughie: appreciate the info & help on that
[23:52:02] doughie: any idea about the issue with no channels listing?
[23:52:10] doughie: im on cable QEM
[23:52:23] doughie: i signed up & paid for an account with schedules direct
[23:52:25] wagnerrp: unencrypted QAM?
[23:52:36] wagnerrp: meaning a Prime with no cablecard?
[23:52:43] doughie: ugh, not sure about the Prime
[23:52:47] doughie: its comcast
[23:52:53] doughie: digital
[23:52:59] doughie: cablecard, yes i did set it up
[23:53:00] wagnerrp: you have a three-tuner HDHR Prime
[23:53:06] wagnerrp: it has two modes, with or without cablecard
[23:53:12] doughie: with cable card.
[23:53:28] wagnerrp: with a cablecard, it behaves like an analog tuner, in that mythtv only gives it a single virtual channel to tune
[23:53:43] wagnerrp: without a cablecard, mythtv has to give it a physical channel and stream ID to tune
[23:53:55] wagnerrp: in cablecard mode, you should be able to download a lineup from schedules direct
[23:54:14] wagnerrp: in QAM mode, you will need to perform a scan manually, and then match up those channels with XMLTV IDs on schedules direct
[23:54:44] doughie: so i added the video source, gave my account info for scheduldirect ...
[23:54:50] doughie: told it to fetch.
[23:55:01] doughie: it then takes a minute or 2 ...
[23:55:07] wagnerrp: sounds about right
[23:55:21] doughie: the table frequency
[23:55:30] doughie: should that be at cable-hrc?
[23:55:31] wagnerrp: not the frequency table
[23:55:35] wagnerrp: there is no frequency
[23:55:46] wagnerrp: you are feeding a virtual channel to the HDHomeRun Prime
[23:55:57] Mephisto3 (Mephisto3! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[23:55:59] wagnerrp: and it is using the virtual channel tables supplied by your cable company to tune the channel internally
[23:56:06] doughie: k, sorry...getting use to all these terms, just got this all setup today
[23:56:19] wagnerrp: that's the difference between cablecard mode and QAM mode
[23:56:28] doughie: k, so once thats finished fetching.
[23:56:28] wagnerrp: in QAM mode, you actually do need to worry about frequencies
[23:56:31] doughie: and saved ...
[23:56:36] doughie: i go to channel editor?
[23:56:45] doughie: as you mentioned, it needs to be XMLTV?
[23:56:46] wagnerrp: you should not need to do anything in the channel editor
[23:56:55] wagnerrp: again, that's only if you manually scan for QAM mode
[23:56:59] doughie: ah k.
[23:57:08] doughie: so now
[23:57:12] wagnerrp: if you download a lineup for cablecard mode, that should all be populated automatically
[23:57:12] doughie: i should fill the db right?
[23:57:21] wagnerrp: yes
[23:57:31] doughie: mythfilldatabase --dd-grab-all
[23:57:32] doughie: correct?
[23:57:43] wagnerrp: yes
[23:57:58] doughie: if you need any help with Plex, lemee know (: i give support there
[23:58:01] wagnerrp: although i would try to get 0.27 installed before spending too much time on 0.24
[23:58:18] doughie: i agree, would like to use .27
[23:58:24] wagnerrp: since you're starting fresh, better to start fresh on 0.27, then have to go through upgrading your database
[23:58:32] doughie: true
[23:58:45] doughie: unfortunately, its not a fresh OS install though
[23:58:54] doughie: so i can't blow the OS away and start from new
[23:59:02] doughie: and i dont have a clue why qtmake is giving issues
[23:59:11] doughie: and forums didn't mention much

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