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Monday, August 26th, 2013, 00:13 UTC
[00:13:48] andreaz (andreaz! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[00:25:33] Toast (Toast! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:28:27] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:35:55] mattwj2002: does anyone have any good shows to recommend?
[00:38:23] [R]: food truck road trip
[00:38:40] [R]: i geuss its rood truck race
[00:40:20] mattwj2002: [R]: I guess I should be more accurate
[00:40:45] mattwj2002: I have basic tv in the US
[00:40:57] dgeary2 (dgeary2!~debian@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:41:18] [R]: you should probably just slit your wrists
[00:41:22] [R]: nothin good on basic tv
[00:41:26] mattwj2002: :P
[00:44:53] bobp127001: isn't amc basic in the states?
[00:44:59] mattwj2002: nope
[00:45:00] bobp127001: breaking bad! :)
[00:45:08] mattwj2002: no amc
[00:45:10] bobp127001: wow, didn't know that
[00:45:48] mattwj2002: bobp127001: basic cable is basically just over the air channels
[00:46:51] [R]: whats the point!
[00:47:00] mattwj2002: what did you mean?
[00:47:07] bobp127001: why not just put up an antenna?
[00:47:19] [R]: that'
[00:47:21] [R]: s what she said
[00:47:22] mattwj2002: well a couple of reasons
[00:48:11] mattwj2002: it doesn't pay to get cable modem without basic cable
[00:48:23] mattwj2002: it is about the same prices as the access fee
[00:48:40] mattwj2002: plus I don't have to deal ota signal issues
[00:50:43] bobp127001: i think they got the go ahead to encrypt basic cable tho, which will suck
[00:50:59] bobp127001: FCC finally let that one go
[00:51:00] mattwj2002: bobp127001: yeah that would suck
[00:51:18] wagnerrp: which is retarded
[00:51:27] wagnerrp: since "basic cable" is just the local channels retransmitted
[00:51:42] wagnerrp: it's like getting a fancy antenna for free
[00:52:00] wagnerrp: the only thing you're "stealing" is whatever additional power it takes to run their transmitters
[00:52:23] mattwj2002: wagnerrp: I am not stealing anything
[00:52:29] mattwj2002: I am paying for basic cable
[00:52:37] wagnerrp: no, that was their claim for encrypting basic cable
[00:52:39] bobp127001: yeah their argument is it takes a truck roll to disable basic QAM, but with encryption, they can cut people off systematically
[00:52:42] mattwj2002: oh
[00:52:42] wagnerrp: to prevent people from "stealing" it
[00:52:49] bobp127001: which is pretty BS... how many people pay for internet and dont pay for basic
[00:53:16] wagnerrp: bobp127001: it's more for people who have canceled service entirely, or who are in an apartment building with integrated cable lines
[00:53:19] mattwj2002: wagnerrp: I wonder if I could get a cable card with basic if they encrypt it?
[00:53:32] mattwj2002: intergated cable lines?
[00:53:37] wagnerrp: mattwj2002: it's not worth it when you can just get an antenna
[00:53:38] mattwj2002: what do you mean integrated wagnerrp?
[00:53:45] wagnerrp: one run through the walls
[00:53:46] bobp127001: yeah wagnerrp agreed. what i meant by truck roll is if you cancel entirely, they literally can't cut you off without getting a tech out and unplugging you
[00:53:56] mattwj2002: guys
[00:54:04] wagnerrp: bobp127001: right... it's nothing more than a crappy cost saving measure
[00:54:06] mattwj2002: I have a couple nice tv antennas
[00:54:41] mattwj2002: probably is I am really close to a water tower and it is in the direct path of Shoreview where all of the transmissions come from
[00:54:46] mattwj2002: *problem not probably
[00:55:01] bobp127001: whats your tvfool like?
[00:55:08] mattwj2002: signal strenght sucks
[00:55:15] wagnerrp: tvfool doesn't account for things like water towers or trees
[00:55:27] mattwj2002: tvfool?
[00:56:05] mattwj2002: never heard of it
[00:56:27] wagnerrp: they chart the transmit locations of tv stations, and give you estimated signal strength based off your location
[00:56:31] bobp127001: run a report on your address
[00:56:43] mattwj2002: I am
[00:56:51] mattwj2002: loading!
[00:57:13] mattwj2002: I would have to buy a few ota tuners
[00:57:50] bobp127001: with an Antennacraft U-4000 i'm picking up 3 stations in the red very reliably
[00:58:03] bobp127001: so if you're green/yellow i bet a good antenna would work well
[00:58:16] bobp127001: (even with the water tower)
[01:02:12] mattwj2002: would you guys like to see my tv fool results?
[01:02:45] bobp127001: sure
[01:03:18] mattwj2002: . . . aeadf6ed3792
[01:04:09] bobp127001: nice! you the big four + cw no problem
[01:04:50] mattwj2002: yeah
[01:05:20] bobp127001: you'd need a VHF-Hi antenna for nbc and fox
[01:05:21] mattwj2002: but why switch cable unless I have to
[01:05:31] bobp127001: yeah definitely wait until/if they encrypt you
[01:05:49] bobp127001: in canada we've never had clearqam for anything so i went antenna when i cut the cable
[01:06:17] mattwj2002: I heard that TWC in the US encrypted their cable
[01:06:23] mattwj2002: *basic cable
[01:06:34] bobp127001: probably, comcast is also planning on doing it
[01:06:47] mattwj2002: does anyone know if they offere cablecards for basic?
[01:07:08] wagnerrp: no, HD subscriptions only
[01:07:30] bobp127001: is that twc cbs spat over yet?
[01:07:46] bobp127001: seems crazy, been a few weeks now w/o dexter for twc subscribers
[01:07:58] mattwj2002: wagnerrp: can you get an hd subscription with basic?
[01:08:04] mattwj2002: you know like an addon
[01:08:17] wagnerrp: doubtful
[01:08:21] mattwj2002: :(
[01:09:43] mattwj2002: if I had a house
[01:10:17] mattwj2002: I would put up a big tv antenna and an DVB-S satellite KU dish movable
[01:10:26] knightr (knightr!~Nicolas@mythtv/developer/knightr) has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:10:38] mattwj2002: no hacking....just free to air stuff
[01:10:43] wagnerrp: i wouldn't. there's nothing really worth recording on free-to-air
[01:10:57] mattwj2002: free to air satellite?
[01:11:02] wagnerrp: you've got the major networks (which you can get over antenna), and then a bunch of religious and shopping channels
[01:11:16] mattwj2002: I thought you could get local channels from around the country
[01:11:19] bobp127001: and you've got those unreal nbc feeds haha... but yeah there isn't much on fta
[01:13:29] oobe (oobe! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:29:43] [R]: ffs
[01:29:45] [R]: this always happens
[01:29:52] [R]: my myth was perfect, i touched somethign
[01:29:53] [R]: and now its broke
[01:43:24] Dave123-r (Dave123-r! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[02:12:39] wagnerrp: now [R], your mother told you what would happen if you kept touching it
[02:12:53] [R]: lol
[02:13:01] [R]: seriously though, if i use cat on /dev/video0 its fine
[02:13:10] [R]: if i let myth record it croaks and then cat doesnt work
[02:13:21] [R]: and then my mysql lost its brains somehow
[02:15:57] [R]: grr, wtf
[02:30:12] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:39:56] mattwj2002: hey guys
[02:40:12] mattwj2002: what is the best way to archive recordings?
[02:40:31] mattwj2002: bluray?
[02:40:36] mattwj2002: flash drives?
[02:41:32] mattwj2002: a lot of data so hard to hang onto it all
[02:41:33] mattwj2002: :)
[02:42:43] [R]: i blame the cable box
[02:42:48] [R]: atleast im bacvk up and running
[02:42:53] mattwj2002: what is wrong?
[02:43:20] [R]: the spdif crapped out
[02:43:32] [R]: and the hdpvr in its infinite wisdom decided to not throw an error
[02:43:35] [R]: so i had no clue what was going on
[02:43:42] nyloc (nyloc! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:44:01] wagnerrp: mattwj2002: another hard drive
[02:44:17] mattwj2002: wagnerrp.....
[02:44:28] _nyloc_ (_nyloc_! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[02:44:29] mattwj2002: just keep on adding drives indefinitely?
[02:45:17] mattwj2002: sounds expensive
[02:45:54] wagnerrp: think of that next time you spend days swapping DVDs out of your optical drives to recover from archives
[02:46:03] [R]: lol
[02:46:32] mattwj2002: wagnerrp: good point
[02:46:33] mattwj2002: :)
[02:49:06] [R]: so now i need to figure outy if the spdif on my hdpvr died, if its dead on my cable box
[02:49:10] [R]: or if both are dead
[02:54:25] dgeary2 (dgeary2!~debian@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:54:41] wagnerrp: mattwj2002: to be honest, hard drives are comparable to DVDs in price per gigabyte, and better than bluray
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[03:04:43] k-man: are there any remotes with built in keyboards? i seem to recall seeing something that looks like a remote but has a keyboard that slides out of it
[03:05:07] wagnerrp: some people use the PS3 remote, it has a keyboard on the back side i believe
[03:05:37] k-man: ah, that looks interesting thanks
[03:06:48] k-man: one every few months i need a keyboard on my frontend, and usually by then the batteries in the wireless keyboard i use have gone flat
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[03:32:22] clever: wagnerrp: no keyboard on my ps3 bluetooth remote, but there might be other models
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[16:16:30] knightr: wagnerrp, ever heard of getting this error from mythfilldatabase? "DataDirect: Failed to get data: Download error"
[16:17:11] knightr: Looks like I am not even getting a reply from the TWS's web service...
[16:18:22] awalls (awalls! has left #mythtv-users ()
[16:18:29] knightr: (otherwise I would have seen additional logging before this error). This seems to be thrown when MythDownloadManager doesn't get any reply back...
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[16:34:51] DonkeyHotei: how does xbmc as a frontend compare to mythfrontend?
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[17:12:32] bill6502: knightr: Did you check for/delete a stale: /tmp/mythtv_ddp_data file?
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[20:59:00] knightr: bill6502, I don't have any stale file and the place where it seems to be failing is the MythDowloadManager... IIRC it had problems which were fixed recently...
[20:59:43] knightr: maybe there's something in my config which makes it fails on my PC now...
[21:00:11] knightr: gotta go, I only had a few minutes... ttyl
[21:00:25] bill6502: knightr: been looking into it too. my ticket #11195 is still open, but haven't been able to duplicate it.
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[21:01:59] bill6502: And, I haven't found the commit that fixes it. I've got 1 more test to run and if it passes, then I'll update the ticket and suggest closing it.
[21:05:11] knightr: if the issue is download related (which it seems to be but I have to go now so I'll look at it in more detail tonight) you should look into the MythDownloadManager, I know it was modified recently as it was a blocker...
[21:05:56] bill6502: tnx, take care
[21:07:14] knightr: I would find the class, look at it's git log and identify the commit and ask git what was in this commit (either that or you could try looking for it in the mythtv-commits list but that would take more time)...
[21:07:22] knightr: thank you, you too!
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[21:47:29] joltman (joltman!~joltman@unaffiliated/joltman) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:48:03] joltman: i've done a channel scan, and mapped the channels to the correct XMLID on Schedules Direct. however, there are some channels that aren't updating their guide data. I've tried a mythfilldatabase --do-channel-updates. and --only-update-channels. neither of these are showing data for these channels. I've even gone a week into the future to see if there is any data, but there isn't. What am I doing wrong?
[21:48:45] dahlSTROM is now known as dahlSTROM|sleep
[21:50:51] bill6502: i don't really know, however, my backend is set to always use --dd-grab-all
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[22:07:25] sphery: joltman: definitely run a mythfilldatabase --dd-grab-all and note that changes to the lineup on SD website can take hours to make it to the servers (so if you just added something or whatever)
[22:08:36] sphery: bill6502 the mfdb cache was changed to use unique dir name every time
[22:13:20] bill6502: sphery: tnx, 11195 updated and i suggested closing
[22:14:31] sphery: trying to find the commit
[22:16:06] joltman: sphery: I've tried that, and still no go. but i'll try again
[22:16:08] sphery: github is so annoying
[22:16:53] sphery: it's amazing--must take an octo-core running at 4+GHz to get reasonable performance from their garbage web pages
[22:17:15] sphery: or maybe just needs a 32GHz system... never actually seen good performance from it
[22:22:32] StevenR (StevenR! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:29:47] joltman: ok. SO i did a --dd-grab-all and now in 14 days, there is _no_ data in my guide
[22:30:44] joltman: sphery: i think the "hours to make changes to the servers" is exactly what happened to me last night. However, after getting data for 14 days, then running the --dd-grab-all clearing it out, is strange.
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[23:42:27] knightr: bill6502, /tmp/mythtv_ddp_data is used as a fallback if the other one is for some reason passed empty
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