Tuesday, July 16th, 2013, 00:01 UTC | ||
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[03:18:54] | mrguitar__: | anyone here have any good experience w/ ARM based frontends? |
[03:19:57] | [R]: | and how useless they are? |
[03:20:04] | ** [R] summons wagnerrp ** | |
[03:22:04] | mrguitar__: | heh |
[03:22:42] | mrguitar__: | I would love to have arm based frontends and save some $$ on the utilities. |
[03:22:48] | mrguitar__: | maybe I'm dreaming |
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[12:10:12] | somethinginteres: | can't seem to connect to the Myth database if I specify host on the frontend by IP versus by host name (localhost) Can log in to the database fine w/ the u/p in mysql.txt. |
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[16:21:44] | riddlebo1: | hello, when myth is playing my videos back it appears that the resolution is wrong or that the screen is "zoomed" in. I cannot figure out where to change that setting? |
[16:21:46] | riddlebo1: | ahh crap maybe page down/up |
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[19:27:45] | Scopeuk: | evenign all i'm looking to buy a TBS6280 in the uk does anyone have a recomended retailer, my usual goto's arn't helping all that much |
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[20:28:26] | Acaelus: | can someone please tell me if a Windows MythTV backend exists and if a backend can also record / PVR onto a machine the backend is not locally installed? |
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[20:30:47] | Captain_Murdoch: | not sure on existence or functionality of a windows backend, if so it would only support network-based tuners like the HDHomeRun probably. mythbackend can write over NAS (NFS or CIFS) to store recordings. |
[20:31:10] | Acaelus: | thx |
[20:31:26] | Acaelus: | if it's linux as the only viable backend solution might as well keep it on 24/7 |
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