Tuesday, July 9th, 2013, 00:00 UTC | ||
[00:00:29] | rickb: | to record input from bnc and use the existing mythtv setup to do it. |
[00:01:20] | high-rez: | I'm sure you could use an analog capture card to do it, but I guess I don't see why you'd want to capture from a camera into myth. |
[00:01:31] | high-rez: | (If it's for security, use zoneminder) |
[00:03:00] | rickb: | true |
[00:11:02] | rickb: | zoneminder seems kind of nasty |
[00:12:44] | high-rez: | It's awesome. |
[00:13:21] | high-rez: | And security is what it's meant for... If you want to skip back to a certain day and time to see what happened it'll do that. I'm sure you could hack myth up to do this as well, but it would be a lot of work. |
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[00:36:32] | rickb: | yeah but i like hacking high-rez ;) |
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[01:04:19] | jya_: | wagnerrp: hilarious your post about Mr Teo En Ming... |
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[01:14:28] | sig_: | all~ I have mythweb somewhat working. I can view the guide but when I click on a channel i get HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error). Anyone else experience this. Good is not helping atm |
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[01:19:36] | jya_: | sig_: what does the apache log say? (ubuntu is at /var/log/apache2/error.log |
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[01:23:25] | wagnerrp: | jya_: we hadn't seen him in years, i figured we banned the guy |
[01:23:47] | wagnerrp: | of course he's using a different email, so it's entirely possible the old one was banned |
[01:24:47] | wagnerrp: | well... either that, or his "mysterious illness" finally got him |
[01:35:21] | sig_ (sig_!4c6a9b05@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users | |
[01:35:46] | sig_: | sorry all. here is my pastebin http://pastebin.com/2AVtWmdN |
[01:36:13] | sig_: | from var/log/apache2/error.log |
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[01:49:06] | jya_: | PHP Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/includes/sorting.php on line 122, referer: http://serverip/mythweb/tv |
[01:50:15] | louisdk: | Hi. I sometimes download files to my mythtv box mostly youtube clips and things do don't want to watch on my pc. However these things are often download with my normal user louis and I can't be deleted from my frontend because they're not owned my mythtv user or group. Should I join the mythtv user to my normal user group "louis" or would that be a bad solution? |
[01:51:30] | jya_: | louisdk: you could set the sgid bit to the folder your saving into, so files will have the right group permissions. |
[01:51:45] | jya_: | or just set the group permission accordingly on that folder |
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[02:03:01] | louisdk: | jya_: LS output: http://pastebin.com/VmwTRR4P – however when I dump things in the dir owned by normal-user mythtv frontend can't delete them. I don't want to customize my scripts to change permission on the downloaded file, so I guess I should look into sgid. |
[02:03:52] | jya_: | louisdk: change the group ownership of that directory to mythtv then, and add your username to it |
[02:08:27] | louisdk: | jya_: The directory is already owned ny mythtv. Should I add normal-user to the mythtv group to be able to delete content placed by normal-user from my frontend? |
[02:08:43] | jya_: | don't see why not |
[02:09:01] | jya_: | you know your use best |
[02:11:51] | louisdk: | jya_: Okay thanks for help :) |
[02:24:25] | jya_: | louisdk: if that's put you at ease, the mythbuntu default behaviour is to always add the user name to the mythtv group should you start mythfrontend |
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[02:30:30] | k-man: | i'm trying to set up a video file as a video source for mythtv for testing |
[02:31:42] | k-man: | oh- i thought it wasn't working but seems to be working now |
[02:31:54] | louisdk: | jya_: I'm on Mythbuntu 12.04 and as you mention my normal-user in already in the mythtv group. So running "chmod g+s /var/libmythtv/videos" makes all files owned by mythtv group in that dir and accessible both my normal user and mythtv. Problem solved thanks. |
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[02:34:18] | louisdk: | wait. File owned by louis:mythtv placed in video dir can't be deleted from my frontend. This is strange. Rights "-rw-rw-r--" |
[02:39:03] | louisdk: | The log says "Permission denied" by it's owned by the mythtv group. Hmm |
[02:41:48] | k-man: | are these hp mce remotes any good? http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/HP-D4000-Media-Cen . . . 6&_uhb=1 |
[02:42:12] | louisdk: | jya_: Do you have any idea? :) |
[02:42:38] | jya_: | louisdk: to delete a file, it's the directory rights that matter, not the file |
[02:44:38] | louisdk: | jya_: Missing g+r on directory. Thanks |
[02:55:58] | louisdk: | * I meant g+w |
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[07:45:30] | lomion0815: | I have backend and frontend together on a ZOTAC IONITX board and using VDPAU. I still have short stutters every few minutes with a "Video is 3.00307 frames behind audio (too slow), dropping frame to catch up. |
[07:45:40] | lomion0815: | " log. |
[07:45:49] | lomion0815: | Any ideas? |
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[09:10:40] | lux_2: | hi |
[09:10:52] | lux_2: | i have a problem with mythbacken |
[09:10:53] | lux_2: | d |
[09:11:34] | lux_2: | when i start mythtv as root manually it runs fine. but if i start mythtv with "systemctl start mythbackend" i can't watch livetv in mythfrontend |
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[09:12:17] | lux_2: | and /var/log/mythtv/ is empty, is there some way to enable error logs for the mythbackend service? |
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[09:14:27] | lux_2: | oh alright |
[09:14:51] | lux_2: | guess i need to change permissions for the recording folder to allow access for mythtv user,right? |
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[09:15:45] | Mode for #mythtv-users by hobana.freenode.net : +vv wagnerrp sphery | |
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[09:18:31] | lux_2: | nope, still doesn't work :/ |
[09:19:04] | lux_2: | i changed owner/group of my recording folder to mythtv:mythtv, but mythtv still logs "permission denied" |
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[09:30:30] | jya_: | lux_2: the backend need execute access to all folders leading to the recording folder. |
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[09:31:06] | jya_: | so if it's /var/share/mythtv/recordings ; / , /var, /var/share, /var/share/mythtv, and /var/share/mythtv/recordings ; he must have +x to them |
[09:31:19] | jya_: | that could be the reason |
[09:36:09] | jya_: | toeb: are you there? |
[09:40:02] | Moscherkobold (Moscherkobold!quassel358@roath.org) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[09:55:06] | jbaxter (jbaxter!~jbaxter@jimbax.plus.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
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[10:52:47] | smoothifier: | i have a curious thing going on. mythfrontend started and could not connect to the database. my ip of my FE/BE is it would not connect until i changed it to localhost in the frontend setup. i can connect from another machine with a frontend, so it's not the backend setup. any ideas? |
[10:53:48] | smoothifier: | the frontend in question is the FE/BE |
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[10:56:08] | smoothifier: | ok brb gotta try something |
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[12:18:52] | smoothifier: | i hadn't run mysql_sercure_installation (i had no mysql root password). mysqladmin pings with mythtv user were failing. after setting the password, all is working now, i think. :) |
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[12:29:04] | bergqvistjl: | Does mythbrowser still need libflashplugin.so to be placed inside the mythtv plugins directory? |
[12:30:38] | bergqvistjl: | or will it find it for itself in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins ? |
[12:32:50] | bergqvistjl: | and should I be using the 64bit version of flash (i'm on arch 64-bit) or the 32-bit version? |
[12:39:40] | natanojl: | bergqvistjl: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins should be fine |
[12:45:47] | bergqvistjl: | cool |
[12:45:51] | bergqvistjl: | i should update the wiki |
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[13:05:56] | tonsofpcs (tonsofpcs!~tonsofpcs@rivendell/member/tonsofpcs) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
[13:07:59] | sphery: | bergqvistjl: if you're using 64-bit Qt for MythTV, you need 64-bit flash, if you're using 32-bit Qt, you need 32-bit flash |
[13:08:39] | bergqvistjl: | It would be 64-bit Qt for me i think |
[13:09:27] | bergqvistjl: | it crashes a heck of a lot though, especially when watching iplayer |
[13:09:45] | bergqvistjl: | I don't know whether that's normal or not, or maybe i should switch to 32-bit Qt and flash |
[13:12:10] | tonsofpcs (tonsofpcs!~tonsofpcs@cpe-72-230-192-8.stny.res.rr.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[13:15:37] | sphery: | what? Adobe's least-loved build of their least-loved platform for their no-longer-loved Flash crashes a lot? |
[13:15:48] | sphery: | ;) |
[13:16:03] | sphery: | This is why I do everything possible to avoid using Flash |
[13:16:42] | sphery: | I even do Amazon Instant on my XBox 360 because it's (and it's terrible UI/"remote") are a lot better than the problems flash-on-GNU/Linux causes |
[13:18:03] | bergqvistjl: | No, flash doesn't crash, mythbrowser crashes. at random. |
[13:18:06] | sphery: | admittedly, though, that's not a lot of help for you, but IMHO, until web-based video is open, trying to use it on Open systems is a fool's errand |
[13:18:06] | bergqvistjl: | Works fine in Chromium. |
[13:18:19] | sphery: | right, mythbrowser crashes because flash crashes |
[13:18:46] | bergqvistjl: | Actually mythbrowser doesn't even need flash to crash, loading a non-flash page it just randomly makes the entire frontend segfault |
[13:18:53] | sphery: | there are actually workarounds for flash bugs added to browsers because adobe can't be bothered to fix themn |
[13:19:14] | bergqvistjl: | Personally I think you either don't support something at all, or support it fully. |
[13:19:39] | sphery: | well, fwiw, I don't support flash on GNU/Linux |
[13:20:01] | bergqvistjl: | well personally I think mythbrowser should be removed if it's this bad. |
[13:20:27] | sphery: | and, for that matter, I don't understand the need for a browser on a TV when there are much better places to browse (i.e. the computer next to the TV, the laptop in your TV room, the tablet you're holding, the phone in your pocket, ...) |
[13:20:52] | bergqvistjl: | Well I only use mythbrowser to watch on demand tv on websites like BBC iPlayer |
[13:20:53] | sphery: | that said, I'd guess if mythbrowser was really bad, we'd have a lot more bug reports for it |
[13:21:03] | sphery: | and, really, mythbrowser is just Qt/WebKit |
[13:21:16] | sphery: | so if it's crashing, it's almost definitely Qt bugs |
[13:21:24] | sphery: | as we just ask Qt to display a page for us |
[13:21:58] | sphery: | and with all the Web 2.0 – Web 4.0 "do everything that should be done on the server using JavaScript on the client" approach, I'm not surprised it crashes a lot |
[13:22:13] | bergqvistjl: | Surely you shouldn't release buggy software. |
[13:22:16] | bergqvistjl: | *? |
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[13:23:38] | sphery: | anyway, sites that have on-demand video are generally the worst of sites because they go out of their way to "protect" the content from the user of the content |
[13:24:22] | bergqvistjl: | well given that mythbrowser hasn't been updated at all for 0.26, going by the readme, is it safe to assume that it's effectively been depreciated? |
[13:24:30] | bergqvistjl: | or dumped, for lack of a better word? |
[13:25:42] | sphery: | there's nothing to update on it |
[13:25:53] | sphery: | like I said, it's just a wrapper around Qt/WebKit |
[13:26:02] | sphery: | so if you update Qt/WebKit, you update mythbrowser |
[13:26:14] | sphery: | and we use it in core MythTV, so it's not deprecated |
[13:26:26] | sphery: | it's the details page for your recordings, among other things |
[13:26:52] | bergqvistjl: | Well it's not a required plugin though is it? |
[13:27:04] | bergqvistjl: | I can run the frontend fine without mythbrowser installed |
[13:27:14] | bergqvistjl: | I do see what you mean though. |
[13:27:16] | natanojl: | bergqvistjl: Which version of mythtv are you using? |
[13:27:27] | sphery: | the plugin part--where you can set bookmarks and such--isn't required, but the browser is always built and used |
[13:27:33] | bergqvistjl: | latest. 0.26-fixes. |
[13:27:42] | bergqvistjl: | OK. |
[13:27:44] | bergqvistjl: | yeah |
[13:28:53] | sphery: | anyway, sorry I'm not more help |
[13:29:10] | sphery: | if you'd like to get full backtraces, we can tell for sure where the crash is occurring |
[13:29:15] | natanojl: | Beirdo: Ok. Could you get me a backtrace? |
[13:29:19] | sphery: | http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Debugging |
[13:29:50] | sphery: | but my gut feeling is that it's going to be the Qt/WebKit stuff and/or flash causing the problem |
[13:30:07] | bergqvistjl: | probably. |
[13:30:08] | natanojl: | doh, B eirdo is here nowadays ? ;) |
[13:30:38] | bergqvistjl: | If i'm honest, i'll leave it. |
[13:30:52] | bergqvistjl: | it's a production system and i don't want to cock things up by installing a debug version. |
[13:31:05] | bergqvistjl: | *a debug version over what i've already got. |
[13:32:11] | natanojl: | Then we have no chance of fixing the crash |
[13:32:20] | sphery: | when you install debug package, you're not changing the binary--you just put the separate debug data in a separate file that gdb can read |
[13:32:46] | sphery: | it's completely ignored by everything else (and has no memory or resource impact on your system, except when using gdb) |
[13:32:49] | bergqvistjl: | I don't want to risk messing up my system, sorry |
[13:33:17] | bergqvistjl: | and i'm using compiled versions of mythtv anyway |
[13:33:31] | bergqvistjl: | because i'm on arch and there isn't a pre-complied version of -fixes in the repositories |
[13:34:52] | sphery: | well, if self-compiling, you'd end up with in-binary debug info which does slow down mythtv and uses (significantly) more resources (even when using a profile build, but /especially/ when using a debug build--though profile would be good enough for this crash) |
[13:35:14] | sphery: | and it would be up to you to strip out debug information into a separate file and write the object pointers into the binaries |
[13:35:20] | bergqvistjl: | yes |
[13:35:23] | sphery: | so lots of work |
[13:35:25] | bergqvistjl: | i'm not really at that level yet |
[13:35:53] | natanojl: | You could still try and get a backtrace |
[13:36:30] | sphery: | but if you feel like setting up, for example, a "quick" mythbuntu on a separate system (or a separate partition on the same system), you could try to reproduce the crashes and use their debug packages |
[13:37:22] | sphery: | and, yeah, even a backtrace without debug information might let us see the course-grained cause of the issue (i.e. MythTV code versus Qt/WebKit versus Flash) |
[13:37:32] | ||
[13:37:33] | bergqvistjl: | I Can't do that i'm afraid, don't have the resources or the money |
[13:37:50] | bergqvistjl: | like you say it's probably a qt/webkit problem so you won't be able to fix it |
[13:41:15] | natanojl: | Which version of Flash are you using? |
[13:42:57] | bergqvistjl: |–1 |
[13:46:04] | natanojl: | Ok. I'm using and without issues |
[13:46:41] | bergqvistjl: | ok |
[13:46:57] | bergqvistjl: | It's mostly using BBC iplayer that it crashes |
[13:47:01] | bergqvistjl: | although sometimes on youtube too. |
[13:49:21] | bergqvistjl: | Can't wait for 0.27 |
[13:49:31] | bergqvistjl: | looking forward to the scheduling and EPG improvements |
[13:51:06] | natanojl: | I don't have access to BBC iplayer so I can't comment on that one, but youtube works fine |
[13:53:05] | bergqvistjl: | Yes, it think it might be due to BBC iplayer too, or maybe their implementation of flash is a bit temperamental with Qt/webkit. |
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[15:06:07] | RagingMind: | anyone in here using a hvr2250? |
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[16:07:29] | Beirdo: | natanojl: Yeah, I'm here :) |
[16:07:38] | Beirdo: | just :0 |
[16:07:46] | natanojl: | :) |
[16:10:12] | Beirdo: | I'll be around a lot more now, actually |
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[16:28:50] | lux_2: | hi |
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[16:30:00] | lux_2: | when i delete a recording in mythfrontend, the file doesn't get deleted, is that normal? do i have to delete the reocrdings manually from the disk/network share? |
[16:32:48] | tgm4883: | lux_2, no, that isn't normal. Sounds like a permissions issue. Check your backend log. |
[16:37:52] | lux_2: | tgm4883: is there some way to enable logging for the mythbackend service when it's run via 'systemctl start mythbackend'? |
[16:39:16] | lux_2: | ok guess i found the error |
[16:39:41] | lux_2: | Error deleting '/mnt/recordings/11101_20130709113900.mpg': Device or resource busy |
[16:40:01] | lux_2: | /mnt/recordings is a samba share |
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[16:42:38] | lux_2: | hum i get the same error when deleting the file manually as user mythtv |
[16:43:02] | lux_2: | the .png file i can remove |
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[16:46:15] | chronic1: | Is there an app allowing a 360 or ps3 to be an extender for myth? |
[16:47:47] | bill6502: | lux_2: Do you have a line like this: ExecStart=/usr/bin/mythbackend --logpath /var/log/mythtv in a file like: etc/systemd/system/mythbackend.service |
[16:49:25] | lux_2: | bill6502: the service file is not in there |
[16:50:17] | bill6502: | How is the backend started (I'm just commenting on your question, I use Upstart, not systemd.) |
[16:52:26] | bill6502: | This Wiki seems to have good detail and options: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Systemd_mythbackend_Configuration |
[16:53:19] | lux_2: | bill6502: yep log path is in the service file |
[16:53:24] | lux_2: | ExecStart=/usr/bin/mythbackend --logpath /var/log/mythtv |
[16:55:09] | lux_2: | looks like it's a problem with the samba share where i store my recordings :/ |
[16:55:34] | bill6502: | And that directory is owned by mythtv:mythtv with mode drwxrwxr-x (or whatever user runs the backend? |
[16:55:49] | bill6502: | logging directory that is, not recordings. |
[16:56:33] | lux_2: | nope it's owned by root.. |
[16:56:53] | lux_2: | drwxr-xr-x is permissions |
[16:58:07] | bill6502: | If you have a line like: User=mythtv in systemd, the the backend is running as user mythtv, not as root |
[16:58:25] | bill6502: | So the logs can't be written. |
[17:00:01] | lux_2: | i changed owner of the logfile to mythtv:mythtv, but still no logs in there |
[17:00:23] | lux_2: | and yep, the backend runs as user mythtv |
[17:03:13] | bill6502: | Did you restart the backend after the change (of the directory /usr/bin/mythbackend, not a log file?) And, what version are you running? |
[17:03:47] | bill6502: | Oops: /var/log/mythtv |
[17:03:55] | lux_2: | yep i restarted the backend, i'm using 0.26.0 |
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[17:09:04] | bill6502: | Hmm, works for me. If you want to pastebin your whole systemd file I'll take a look, but haven't seen anything wrong yet. |
[17:11:27] | bill6502: | I have seen instances where the backend didn't stop and/or there were multiple backends running. After stopping it, if you do: ps alx | grep mythbackend | grep -v grep the response should be nothing. |
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[17:13:08] | lux_2: | yep it's exited correctly, no backend running |
[17:13:41] | lux_2: | bill6502: that's the service file: http://paste2.org/X3ff9XXn |
[17:18:43] | lux_2: | is there some way to change the naming of the recordings? something like "date-program_name.mpg" |
[17:19:19] | Tobbe5178: | no, not directly but there should be a script to create symlinks to the recordings with better names |
[17:20:09] | bill6502: | lux_2: And were you suggesting that when run from the command line, the backend does create logs? (for me that would be: sudo /usr/bin/mythbackend --user mythtv --logpath /var/log/mythtv) which should log to the screen too. |
[17:21:57] | lux_2: | when i run mythbackend as mythtv user i can see logs, but not when i run it via systemctl start mythbackend |
[17:23:38] | bill6502: | logging on the screen as well as (for example) /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.20130709115710.2735.log ? |
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[18:20:39] | sphery: | lux_2: can't use "date-program_name.mpg" because not all file systems can represent all the characters that are used by all the various guide services around the world to describe program name (not to mention duplicate file name issues and ...) |
[18:21:05] | sphery: | basically, MythTV uses--and will continue to use--an "internal" file name that's meant to be used only by MythTV |
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[18:21:32] | sphery: | if you want "self-managed" (meaning custom-named or custom-organized or self-provided) video, you need to put it into Video Library |
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[18:22:16] | sphery: | and, now that Video Library has excellent metadata support for both movies /and/ TV, it's actually a /good/ thing to take recordings and move them to Video Library because its UI is actually designed for managing large collections of video |
[18:22:42] | sphery: | so, Watch Recordings becomes "temporary" storage for new recordings until you watch and delete them or until you archive them for long-term storage in Video Library |
[18:23:13] | sphery: | and when you archive them, you rename them--and also get the benefit that if you lose your MythTV database, you can /still/ identify all your videos |
[18:23:38] | sphery: | (so you only have to dig through the not-yet-archived recordings files to find what they are) |
[18:24:18] | sphery: | lux_2: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/545690#545690 |
[18:27:50] | sphery: | and, fwiw, we "experimented" with allowing users to change file names in Watch Recordings to use guide data information and it caused no end of problems, so I don't see us going back to that |
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[20:16:36] | lux_2: | where can i check what manual recordings are planned? |
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[20:20:46] | lux_2: | sphery: thanks for the tip, i'll check how to move recordings to video library |
[20:23:20] | lux_2: | how do i move recordings to video library? |
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[20:29:05] | SteveGoodey: | lux_2: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Mythvidexport.py |
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[20:32:24] | lux_2: | SteveGoodey: the script gives me an error when trying to execute it |
[20:32:39] | lux_2: | File "/usr/bin/mythvidexport.py", line 301 |
[20:32:39] | lux_2: | print usagestr |
[20:32:39] | lux_2: | ^ |
[20:32:39] | lux_2: | SyntaxError: invalid syntax |
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[20:55:48] | lux_2: | can someone tell me what's the best mythtv frontend for windows? |
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[23:11:58] | wagnerrp: | lux_2: that error is caused by running Python 2 programs in the Python 3 interpreter |
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