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Tuesday, June 18th, 2013, 00:04 UTC
[00:04:57] npm (npm! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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[02:59:07] jya_: is there any way to make the backend use the symlink I created using udev rather than /dev/dvb/adapterX/frontend0 ?
[02:59:28] jya_: they keep loading in different order, and as one of them is screwy that's no good for me :(
[02:59:42] [R]: so name it statically in udev...
[03:01:11] pvr4me (pvr4me! has quit (Quit: pvr4me)
[03:05:06] jya_: the issue is that as soon as I enter the aliased name in mythtv-setup, the card gets duplicated in the list of added card
[03:05:12] disputin (disputin!~sean@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[03:05:44] jya_: so I can never enter that name… if I ever go back to edit it again, bang! it gets duplicated once again (and shows up with an empty device name)
[03:06:07] jya_: i just can't enter anything but the name provided automatically /dev/dvb/adapterX/frontend0
[03:07:31] [R]: dont use a name...
[03:07:44] [R]: use adapterX
[03:07:50] [R]: and/or try just editign the database
[03:09:30] jya_: what do you mean don't use a name… i have to enter a device ...
[03:09:39] jya_: when is the last time you ran mythtv-setup you?
[03:09:56] [R]: you said you are using a symlink with what ia assume is some random name
[03:10:03] [R]: make it be /dev/dvb/adapter2
[03:10:45] [R]: or try editing the database
[03:16:24] wagnerrp: jya_: try naming it /dev/dvb/adapterNAME/, the library does not seem to care whether it's a number or arbitrary text
[03:16:29] wagnerrp: . . . til.cpp#n295
[03:17:00] wagnerrp: just that it starts with 'adapter'
[03:17:30] ** wagnerrp heads to bed **
[03:17:42] jya_: thanks wagnerrp
[03:26:57] fetzerch (fetzerch!~quassel@unaffiliated/fetzerch) has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[03:27:45] Heliwr (Heliwr!~Heliwr@pdpc/supporter/student/heliwr) has quit (Quit: rebooting sucks...)
[03:28:00] fetzerch (fetzerch!~quassel@unaffiliated/fetzerch) has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:14:36] SteveH0 (SteveH0! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:25:07] SteveH0: I'm not sure what to call the description portion of the show recorded program record, but it is the full text of what the show was about. On my installation of mythbuntu (12.04), the description is often for a different show. Anybody have any ideas how to troubleshoot this, or even how to fix it.
[04:25:42] [R]: what is your listings source
[04:26:25] SteveH0: I will have to look ...
[04:32:37] SteveH0: Sorry ... it is DataDirect. I don't think that it their fault, but I rescanned the channels and I think that I might have boogered it up.
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[07:19:45] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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[07:30:14] SteveH0: I'm not sure what to call the description portion of the show recorded program record, but it is the full text of what the show was about. On my installation of mythbuntu (12.04), the description is often for a different show. Anybody have any ideas how to troubleshoot this, or even how to fix it.
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[07:36:42] esperegu (esperegu! has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[07:44:46] SteveH0: I'm not sure what to call the description portion of the show recorded program record, but it is the full text of what the show was about. On my installation of mythbuntu (12.04), the description is often for a different show. Anybody have any ideas how to troubleshoot this, or even how to fix it.
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[07:52:58] dekarl: SteveH0: the title and episode title (and cast etc) are correct, its just the synopsis that belongs to a different program?
[07:53:47] SteveH0: If the synopsis is the more of less full text about what the episode is about, yes.
[07:54:32] dekarl: yes. I tried to use words that describe the content of an episode of a series instead of any generic program.
[07:54:40] SteveH0: more of == more or
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[07:55:38] dekarl: You don't have EIT scan accidently enabled? I remember a bug in ATSC EIT handling that mentioned something like that
[07:56:31] SteveH0: Not sure what EIT is.
[07:56:57] dekarl: I can't find anything that relates to your problem atm and I got to run. EIT => over the air guide
[07:57:45] SteveH0: Thank for "synopsis" that helps.
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[12:11:03] sphery: FWIW, I'll bet SteveH0's problem is that he's using Schedules Direct for guide data, but also has E
[12:11:06] sphery: IT enabled
[12:11:26] sphery: so EIT is stomping all over his good data
[12:11:34] sphery: if only he had stuck around
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[13:34:34] Shred00: where in Setup is the stream recordings/use NFS toggle now?
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[13:56:27] cheri18: hi does mythtv support any analog card that works with v4l2
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[14:01:57] dekarl: sphery, stuarta, SteveH0: I was thinking of #10067 which contains "This will result in program descriptions being updated with descriptions from other shows" and appears to be related to EIT+ETT only => ATSC
[14:01:57] ** MythLogBot **
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[14:57:32] sphery: Shred00: There is no setting for that... If you want to use NFS, mount the file systems at the same location they're at on the recording host. If not, don't (either don't mount them at all or mount them at some location that's not in any of your Storage Groups).
[15:01:03] sphery: dekarl: That would make sense, but since it sounds like he's not using EIT (or at least not intending to do so) and since we have seen that symptom as a result of using EIT on channels that are filled by SD/XMLTV data, I'd still guess it's the "If enabled, program guide data for channels on this source will be updated with data provided by the channels themselves 'Over-the-Air'." "Oh, that sounds like I'll always have the most up-to-date ...
[15:01:08] sphery: ... information possible, so I'll just enable it
[15:02:32] sphery: We really should put a warning in there about how EIT cannot be used on the same channel as SD/XMLTV (and/or disable EIT on channels that are populated by SD/XMLTV)
[15:05:54] dekarl: yes, a prominent warning if a channel has an xmltvid and useonairguide set and the source has EIT enabled would be good
[15:07:20] dekarl: I could not come up with a way to be sure that a channel gets populated by xmltv/sd. If its no grabber + EIT you can still manually import a xmltv file (maybe to get better caching when reusing the file, or because you run the tv_imdb post-processor)
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[15:57:10] Shred00: sphery: hrm. there used to be a setting for that. it's a pity it was removed. on my FE i want the recordings dirs mounted so that i can do other things with recordings on an FE in their "normal" paths but it seems having them NFS mounted breaks LiveTV. or rather, not having them mounted allows it to work and not trip over a bug.
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[16:12:40] dashs: I have a core and backtrace for a current mythcommflag — how may I submit it?
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[16:39:48] Moeabm09: apache keeps giving me "access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost'" I follow the steps on to fix the problem but in only lasts about a day and then breaks again. anyone have any ideas what could be causing? Specifically, 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common' fixes the issue.
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[17:35:26] bill6502: Moeabm09: I'd suggest that when the next failure happens, you look for the current passwords, before doing the reconfigure. So, to start, what is the output of this command:
[17:35:28] bill6502: mythbackend --version | grep 'MythTV Version'
[17:36:02] bill6502: When
[17:37:05] bill6502: When Apache is failing, do the backend and frontend start OK?
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[17:53:06] dekarl: dashs: open a new ticket and attach the backtrace
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[17:54:13] dashs: dekarl: thanks — FFMpeg/libavcodec segfault
[18:16:51] Moeabm09: bill6502, version v0.25.20120506
[18:17:50] Moeabm09: backend and frontend do start ok. when i run dpkg-reconfigure i do not change the password.
[18:20:18] jya (jya!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has quit (Quit: jya)
[18:20:26] Moeabm09: I can also log into the MySQL (mythtconverg) from a remote machine with Workbench fine using mythtv@'mythserver'
[18:21:52] bill6502: Moeabm09: OK, then this: grep db_password /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mythweb.conf and perhaps this: ls -ld {~mythtv,~}/.mythtv/{config.xml,mysql.txt} all match (yours may be in /etc/mythtv, rather than under the users.)
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[18:24:59] bill6502: jya: Build just completed, running a test on a 30 min. show now.
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[18:30:06] koffel (koffel! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:30:17] bill6502: Moeabm09: using mythtv@'mythserver' doesn't count, the failure is: 'mythtv'@'localhost', so you have to try it there.
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[18:34:13] Moeabm09: OK. sb_password is correct "********"
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[18:37:16] Moeabm09: test
[18:37:40] Moeabm09: '/home/.mythtv/config.xml' and mysql.txt are symlinks to '/etc/mythtv/config.xml' and mysql.txt
[18:38:35] sphery: fwiw, with 0.26+, you shouldn't have any mysql.txt files
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[18:48:41] bill6502: sphery: he's 0.25, Moeabm09, so the passwords in all those files match at the time of failure?
[18:49:59] sphery: ah, then mysql.txt is important :)
[18:50:58] Moeabm09: Ill have to check when i breaks again but youve given me a very nice starting point. :D
[18:52:49] Moeabm09: Im considerting updating to 0.26 but have done quite a bit of modifications. is there any progress in mobile versions of mythweb?
[18:57:41] whoDat: is 100mb ethernet okay for remote frontend running 720p?
[18:58:37] whoDat: I am getting a lot of 'failed to reinitialize video' and buffering errors, when changing channels.
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[23:06:29] RagingMind: is there a way to tell myth to wait a little longer when scanning for channels?
[23:06:31] wagnerrp: whoDat: no. 720p video runs around 660Mbps. you cannot pump it over a 100Mbps network.
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[23:30:12] sphery: RagingMind: set the signal and tuning timeout in mythtv-setup to very high values (like on the order of 10s = 10000ms)
[23:30:36] sphery: and, fwiw, it may make sense to leave them at the highest value
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