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Friday, May 10th, 2013, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:21] skeeveman (skeeveman!~skeeve@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:25:11] jya: DanD14: you need a valid URL to the playlist file (m3u8); what the link contains can be either absolute URL, or relative URL to the m3u8 URL… So if say the m3u8 contains : http://blah:8080/foo.m3u8, and foo.m3u8 contains: file=foobar.aac ; then the player will seek the file foobar.aac to http://blah:8080/foobar.aac. IT works like any other web browser and html file. can use either absolute or relative links
[01:25:35] jya: dekarl: the log you need for the HLS recorder are -v playback --loglevel debug
[01:26:44] wagnerrp: jya: he's saying http://blah:8080/foo.m3u8 contains references to http://bloo:8080/foo.m3u8, which in turn contains file=foobar.aac
[01:27:10] jya: then that's fine too
[01:27:10] wagnerrp: and foobar.aac is resolving back to http://blah:8080/foobar.aac, not http://bloo:8080/foobar.aac
[01:27:23] jya: wagnerrp: certainly not the case.
[01:27:35] jya: the reference is always to the containing m3u8
[01:27:36] wagnerrp: ok, i've never used it
[01:27:42] wagnerrp: just relaying my understanding of his issue
[01:28:40] jya: wagnerrp: and you can test it to be the case with the public m3u8 I provide. it's . that contains a link to nasatv.m3u8, nasatv only uses relative path and it plays
[01:29:02] skeeveman (skeeveman!~skeeve@ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[01:32:40] jya: the best way to try what's going on, is to use mythavtest like so:
[01:33:00] jya: mythavtest -v audio,playback --loglevel debug http://url/to/file.m3u8
[01:33:15] jya: and provide that output… will show exactly which URL is retrieved etc
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[02:28:49] MrShake (MrShake!~MrShake@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:29:07] MrShake: hey guys, I'm struggling with audio over hdmi on my fresh mythtv/mythbuntu install
[02:29:29] MrShake: I remember I had to set the audio up manually somehow a while ago, but I can't remember what I had to do
[02:29:35] MrShake: anyone around to help?
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[02:35:18] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:37:22] jya: wagnerrp: I've just found an issue with ServerPool… HAdn't seen this before.. I started mythfrontend, it saw some link-local ip address. But now, for some reasons: they do not exist. So no more connection works, because everytime it tries to bind to that address it fails.
[02:37:36] jya: and so everything fails as the default is to use all interface
[02:37:57] jya: need to add a mechanism for removing addresses that are suddenly not present
[02:39:12] wagnerrp: how would an address suddenly be lost?
[02:39:51] jya: not sure...
[02:39:56] jya: they were link-local address
[02:40:09] jya: i was doing some wifi itunes syncing at the time
[02:40:15] jya: I started mythfrontend
[02:40:29] jya: could be that the machine creates a virtual ip address for the device
[02:41:43] jya: still, say the user is using a 3G modem or whatever and it becomes disconnected. We shouldn't fail all connectivity because an IP address change. I'll add a mechanism to detect if the failure to bind is due to a missing address and ignore the error then
[02:44:41] wagnerrp: is there some piece of code that periodically opens up new listen sockets?
[02:45:15] wagnerrp: since that error should only occur if the address was dropped in the few fractions of a second between when the addresses were chosen, and when the various servers were inited
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[03:07:16] MrShake (MrShake!~MrShake@ has quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- Po-ta-to, boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.)
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[03:27:42] jya: wagnerrp: AirPlay and RAOP do so whenever there's a new client coming
[03:28:06] jya: the client expects two connections open then, sometimes even 3 (raop)
[03:28:54] jya: when a client comes in, the client request a control port (tcp), a dataport (udp) and a timing port (udp)
[03:29:13] jya: so whenever a client connects, the corresponding ServerPool instance is created for each client
[03:29:34] jya: it uses the IP address list that was computed when mythfrontend first launched
[03:29:59] jya: which is where the issue occurs
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[12:37:19] redwing: Thank you J-e-f-f-A and sphery for the information. I was hoping I didn't have to go the HD PVR route since it's a bit more pricey, but that looks like the only choice for the functionality I seek.
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[12:37:54] ubu: hi guys, i want get my ATI Remote Wonder working with MythTV. Do i just need a .lircrc file within my users .mythtv directory? or the user who starts mythtv?
[12:39:17] ubu: redwing, many people are selling them now days since the Elgato came out. I've seen them for $100 and they cover shipping as well. Just an FYI
[12:41:34] redwing: ubu: what brand/model HD PVR would you recommend? I was looking at the Hauppauge 1212 which is around $160
[12:42:05] ubu: i have the HD PVR 1212, i got mine used for $80 from a friend
[12:43:19] ubu: i don't use it with mythtv, i use it to capture my xbox 360 gameplay so I can create youtube videos. i put commentary over the video to provide tips and such
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[12:51:02] ubu: im confussed about lirc. i have an ATI Remote Wonder, i ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure lirc, chose the userspace version and no transmitter and it works with XBMC. i am now trying to get it to work with Mythtv but I am finding all sorts of different lircd.conf files.
[12:56:57] ubu: my current lircd.conf calls for this /usr/share/lirc/remotes/atiusb/lircd.conf.atilibusb
[13:01:47] ubu: well, i put a file named lircrc within ~/.mythtv/ using this . . . te_Wonder_II BUT it doesn't work
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[13:07:23] ubu: turns out both ati_remote and lirc_atiusb are blacklisted. How can I determine which driver is making my ati remote work with XBMC?
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[13:19:30] kth: hi – is it possible to compile just mythbackend ? – i just need mythbackend (only dvb-s2 recording/upnp streaming) and mythweb (for managing) – it should run on a small arm board "cubieboard" so i don't want it to transcode or analyse anything ... just record stream -> sata hdd and serve recorded files
[13:21:51] justinh: kth: nope
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[13:23:10] kth: justinh: okay i saw configuration values like "using_frontend" and so on – so is this planned to be possible in the future?
[13:23:46] ubu: my understanding, you can use only mythbackend.
[13:24:02] ubu: BUT he may be saying that it doesn't work on an arm board.
[13:28:02] ubu: well, i guess my lircrc was wrong. i fired up mythbuntu control center and used it's Infared config section to tell it which remote I was using and it generating a new lircrc for me and now all is well. YIPPIE
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[13:33:16] ubu: now i just need to figure out what button on the remote deletes recordings?
[13:33:28] ubu: on my keyboard, it's the 'd' button
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[13:44:48] kth: ubu: i think it is no problem to let mythbackend run on an arm board in general – some people out there has done something similar with other arm boards...
[13:44:53] ubu: hmmm, according to /usr/share/lirc/remotes/atiusb/lircd.conf.atilibusb the code for the button "d" is correct when I checked it against irw, so I added to /home/mythtv/.mythtv/lircrc button d and config D but pressing the d button the remote doesn't bring up the delete option
[13:45:30] ubu: kth, well then who knows what justinh was referring to then?
[13:47:25] kth: ubu: i think compiling only mythbackend seems to be not possible at this time (thats my understanding of justinh's response) so i have to compile whole mythtv stuff and only use mythbackend afterwards i think
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[14:23:45] Hedgehog_: Looking for help with border corruption on Formula One broadcasts on NBC Sports channel on DIrecTV
[14:24:24] sphery: "border corruption"?
[14:25:02] Hedgehog_: It's broadcast in letterbox format and the "black bars" are corrupted with white pixellated bleedthrough
[14:25:10] Hedgehog_: Not sure I can really describe it
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[14:26:18] sphery: weird
[14:26:34] Hedgehog_: There are little boxes flashing everywhere and on the top bar some of the video is repeated in the flashes
[14:26:35] sphery: what video card and drivers and which MythTV video renderer?
[14:26:54] Hedgehog_: There are little boxes flashing everywhere and on the top bar some of the video is repeated in the flashes
[14:27:01] sphery: sounds like a problem with video rendering, likely due to problems with card/drivers...
[14:27:51] Hedgehog_: It's only happening during the actual race. during the end of the show at the start of the recording all is fine
[14:28:09] Hedgehog_: and there is some of it happening on the video as well
[14:28:27] Hedgehog_: it's like some signal is some sort of super black and the renderer is getting confused
[14:28:46] sphery: what video card and drivers and which MythTV video renderer?
[14:28:59] Hedgehog_: this is with a pvr-150 recording
[14:29:05] Hedgehog_: let me look at video card
[14:29:33] Hedgehog_: 9400GT and vdpau
[14:29:40] Hedgehog_: but I tried ffmpeg2 with no difference
[14:30:42] Hedgehog_: I notice it also happened with the latest episode of Dr Who
[14:30:44] sphery: so using the nvidia proprietary drivers?
[14:30:48] Hedgehog_: yes
[14:30:57] sphery: I heard there were issues with some newer versions of those
[14:31:08] Hedgehog_: let me see which one
[14:31:24] Hedgehog_: 260.19.44
[14:31:34] sphery: hmmm, that's an older one
[14:31:38] Hedgehog_: yeah
[14:31:57] sphery: seems there were problems with some of the 304 and maybe one after that
[14:32:03] Hedgehog_: It may be something DirecTV has done with their feed I dunno
[14:32:19] Hedgehog_: this is non HD
[14:32:55] sphery: have you played the recording in a different player to see if it's visible there?
[14:33:20] Hedgehog_: It's sort of like when you are watching a video and you get bleedthrough for an image that is behind it
[14:33:37] sphery: now I'm thinking it's either the PVR-150 (might have gotten too hot after a very long time recording a very long race) or--and this happened to me a /lot/ with my DISH network setup using PVR-x50--the STB
[14:33:39] Hedgehog_: yes, same on a different card and driver on a different machine
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[14:33:59] sphery: so try powering off (and waiting for a while) and rebooting your STB
[14:34:14] sphery: no, I mean play with a different player program
[14:34:19] sphery: like mplayer or xine or vlc
[14:34:21] Hedgehog_: oh
[14:34:23] Hedgehog_: let me try that
[14:34:35] sphery: and/or play on a Windows box
[14:34:44] sphery: that will tell us whether it's the playback or the recording failing
[14:34:55] Hedgehog_: back in a bit I'm gonna try playing the video manually
[14:35:00] sphery: ok, good luck
[14:35:20] sphery: if you need help finding the file name, makes it pretty easy
[14:35:35] sphery:
[14:36:40] Hedgehog_: hmmm, it's clean in both mplayer and vlc
[14:37:01] sphery: ok, so it's something with playback
[14:37:08] sphery: not sure what it could be
[14:37:39] Hedgehog_: but let me check on other monitor I have a separate X screen setup
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[14:39:24] Hedgehog_: oh, wow, it's trashed on the 2nd screen
[14:39:34] Hedgehog_: only
[14:40:48] Hedgehog_: I just ran the same video on mythtv on screen 0 and it's fine, so ...
[14:41:54] sphery: ah, yeah, usually OpenGL and VDPAU are only usable on the first screen in a multi-screen
[14:42:05] Hedgehog_: OK
[14:42:06] sphery: so either re-order your screens or play on the other
[14:42:18] Hedgehog_: can do, thanks!
[14:42:28] sphery: actually, I think the same is true of Xv, even
[14:42:42] sphery: video cards pretty much want videos played on the first screen
[14:42:49] Hedgehog_: yeah, it's messed in the other renderers I tried, too
[14:42:54] sphery: glad you figured it out--was an interesting one
[14:43:19] Hedgehog_: I have a question about lirc setup on hdpvr with kernel 3.8.3 if you have the time
[14:43:35] sphery: I wouldn't be any help with that, sorry
[14:43:39] Hedgehog_: ok
[14:43:48] sphery: others might know something, though, so feel free to ask and see if anyone response
[14:43:51] sphery: responds
[14:44:02] makoto_ is now known as makoto
[14:44:33] Hedgehog_: OK, well the question is essentially this: what does it mean that the kernel already has lirc compiled in?
[14:44:51] Hedgehog_: we're having a major storm so I may die here
[14:45:23] Hedgehog_: Anyway, I think I still have to compile lirc to use lirc_zilog, but that is not one of the options in
[14:45:57] Hedgehog_: I've gottten used to setup with the serial card, but the hdpvr is just nonsense to me
[14:47:09] Hedgehog_: I got it to work on my laptop and tried to transfer what I did to the big machine, but I'm missing a step somewhere
[14:50:09] Hedgehog_: And, one more question: Does anyone have any suggestions for a quiet machine to put by the TV? It will be a remote backend as well as a frontend. The laptop just didn't have the video power to do playback
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[15:04:52] Hedgehog_: OK, well thanks sphery for helping me figure out the problem. I would never have suspected it was a 2nd monitor issue.
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[16:19:04] redwing: I've done a bit more research and it looks like I might be able to just use a CableCARD (leased for $3.99/mo with Verizon instead of the $6.99/mo for the HD STB). The CableCARD should decrypt the data and make it usable with something like the InfiniTV 4, if my understanding is correct . The downside is the CableCARD doesn't provide access to Program Guide, VOD, Parental Controls, and FiOS TV Widgets (but I'd probably be okay with that
[16:24:30] sphery: redwing: +
[16:25:26] sphery: note that you can /only/ get the "copy freely" channels with MythTV (or any other F/LOSS application) as DRM requires closedness to work (so it's impossible for MythTV to ever support anything more than channels marked "copy freely"
[16:26:08] wagnerrp (wagnerrp!~wagnerrp_@mythtv/developer/wagnerrp) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[16:26:13] sphery: but I think many are using cablecard + fios--and those cablecards allow multiple channels (like 3 in HDHR Prime or 4 in Ceton InfiniTV 4)
[16:26:42] sphery: just can't get your HBO or whatever premiums they mark as "copy never" or "copy once" with a cablecard
[16:27:21] sphery: for that you'd need a STB with an analog output and a PVR-x50 (for SDTV recording) or Hauppauge HD-PVR (for HDTV recording)
[16:27:43] sphery: (and one pair per channel you want to be able to record at a time)
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[16:28:42] sphery: and if Verizon ever decides to mark channels as "copy once" or whatever, you will lose the ability to record those channels (so you're completely at the mercy of your broadcaster)
[16:30:29] redwing: Ah, okay. I'm not really interested in the premium pay channels, I just want the ones included with my package. I was under the impression I was going to be much more restricted (to the locals channels only).
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[16:37:20] redwing: Here's a nice resource for a list of Copy Free channels:
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[16:41:16] bobp127001: Wow, FiOS is really nice. It looks like just about everything except HBO / Cinemax is Copy Free.
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[17:14:34] J-e-f-f-A: bobp127001: There are a few channels marked as 'copy once', but not enough to keep me from using a CableCard in a Ceton InfiniTV 4 PCIe
[17:15:03] J-e-f-f-A: redwing: you too ^^^
[17:15:25] J-e-f-f-A: btw – I live in central MA, near Boston.
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[17:45:06] redwing: I agree. There are enough copy free channels to keep me satisfied with a CableCARD and InfiniTV 4. The lack of a program guide is probably the biggest inconvenience
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[20:09:15] bitHipy: which countries does the hdhomerun prime work in?
[20:10:43] bitHipy: hmm.. datasheet says "US Cable"
[20:10:59] bitHipy: that sucks.. no HDHR prime for EU folks
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[22:14:29] wagnerrp: bitHipy: no, but you've already got plenty of other cards with CI slots
[22:14:38] wagnerrp: and CI is not DRM, unlike CableCard
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[23:14:28] adam__: hi all
[23:15:06] adam__: I've got mythtv installed and am having a hard time getting the audio to work
[23:16:23] adam__: `arecord -D hw:2,0 -f dat | aplay` will play the audio from my capture card, but I'm unsure of what ALSA setting to use in mythtv-setup
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[23:26:18] wagnerrp: are you trying to capture audio? or play audio?
[23:26:42] [R]: wagnerrp: so you'll love this... a friend of mine was explaining to me why he has to have a vm server at home with 5 vms...
[23:27:01] [R]: wagnerrp: one of his reasons was because hes 'not good enough to know how to uninstall packages'
[23:27:52] wagnerrp: your friend needs to be slapped around a bit
[23:28:33] [R]: then he was telling me how the SOLE purpose of one of his vms is to collect syslog... from the other 4
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[23:31:50] wagnerrp: he can't figure out how to uninstall packages, and yet he's running a network syslog server?
[23:31:52] wagnerrp: i don't believe you
[23:32:28] [R]: thats what he told me
[23:32:41] [R]: he may have been joking about that, i wasn't quite sure
[23:32:59] [R]: and aparentlly you need a vm to test a new web server
[23:33:06] [R]: wasn't quite sure about that one either
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[23:35:29] adam__: I'm trying to play TV with audio
[23:35:59] wagnerrp: if you're trying to play audio, then hw:2,0 is clearly not the one you want, since that is your framegrabber
[23:36:03] wagnerrp: since aplay works by default
[23:36:12] wagnerrp: chances are you want to use ALSA:Default
[23:36:43] adam__: that plays the sound from my capture card
[23:37:12] wagnerrp: you need to mute your capture card then, to prevent it from getting passed through
[23:37:23] adam__: ALSA:Default doesn't play anything in mythtv
[23:37:34] wagnerrp: what distro are you using?
[23:37:42] adam__: Mint 14
[23:37:59] wagnerrp: do you see anything with the name 'pulse' in it, in your process list?
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[23:38:23] adam__: yep
[23:38:42] wagnerrp: then when when you use 'aplay', it is routing everything through pulse
[23:39:00] wagnerrp: but when you use ALSA:Default in mythtv, mythtv is disabling pulse so it can actually access ALSA directly
[23:39:52] adam__: ok, so why no sound?
[23:40:16] wagnerrp: because your system is not set up for applications to use alsa, so the default route is wrong
[23:40:34] wagnerrp: it's expected everything goes through pulse, into alsa, and to your sound card
[23:40:53] wagnerrp: in order to maintain proper a/v sync, mythtv prefers to hit alsa directly and bypass pulse
[23:41:12] wagnerrp: i believe there is a ALSA:Pulse device, that tells mythtv to just do what everything else does, and use pulse
[23:41:24] wagnerrp: or, you can scan for outputs, and figure out the correct one to use
[23:42:36] adam__: I'll try ALSA:Pulse and see what happens
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[23:47:17] wagnerrp: he would be able to help you better... ^^^
[23:48:12] adam__: yeah, ALSA:Pulse didnt work :(

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