:: #mythtv-users

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adante, aloril, amessina, andreaz, AndyCap, Azelphur, baggy, Beirdo, benc_, Bhaal, bill6502, bitHipy, blubbi, BLZbubba, bobp127001, brfransen, ChanServ, CiaranG, clever, comingatyoubro, Cougar, d0netsFN, Dave123-road, dekarl, devinheitmueller, dkeith, dmz, dougl, eee-blt, emmanuelux, EvilGuru, felipe`, fetzerch, FLeiXiuS, Floppe, G, gholmlund, ghoti, Gibby, gpd, gregL, GreyFoxx, grumpydevil, Gumby, Heliwr, Hoochster, ikevin, infinite, infojunky_, IReboot, J-e-f-f-A, JackWinter, jams, jarle, jarryd, jduggan, jll, joki, jpabq, jpabq___, jst, justdave, justinh, k-man, kazer_, kc, knightr_, kormoc, KungFuJesus, kurre2, kwmonroe, lapion, larrikin, lautriv, len, linuxturtle, lotia, makoto, MaverickTech, MilkBoy_, MissionCritical, MMlosh, moparisthebest, Moscherkobold, Muzer, MythLogBot, mzb, neufeld, niska, npm, nutron, Oleg_, oobe, pigeon, Pluribus, purserj, quicksilver, RagingCompute, RagingMind, RobertLaptop, rsiebert, Scopeuk-AFK, Seeker`, seld, ServerSage, shadowone, Shadow__X, Sharky-Sleep, sheppard, shubes1, sid3windr, simcop2387, skd5aner, skeeveman, sl1ce_1g, SmallR2002_, sphery, squidly, sraue, StevenR, Sulx, tgm4883, toeb, tonsofpcs, toorima, tris, troyt, Twiggy2cents, ubIx_, unforgiven512, wagnerrp, wahrhaft, wilmoore-misc, wolfgang3, XDS2010, xris, [mrx], [R], _charly_
Saturday, May 4th, 2013, 00:02 UTC
[00:02:18] jya (jya!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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[00:10:43] quindem (quindem!474ba2d0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[00:10:49] quindem: uh, hi
[00:11:15] Toast (Toast!~quassel@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:12:05] quindem: i would like some help...
[00:12:36] quindem: i have my config.ep...
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[00:31:15] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:49:16] Oleg_: what cable/fiber provider doesn't compress video and audio tv feeds and provides the same audio/video quality for television as ota does?
[02:49:48] Oleg_: I heard fios doesn't compression video, but compresses audio
[02:50:02] Oleg_: doesn't compress video, I mean
[02:56:26] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has quit (Quit: devinheitmueller)
[02:56:49] tonsofpcs: compressing audio would be a waste
[02:57:04] sheppard: usually
[02:57:14] sheppard: I got disgusted with the local cableco, so much macroblocking
[02:57:21] tonsofpcs: my local TWC only compresses 'a little'
[02:57:24] sheppard: HD was unwatchable on my 42"
[02:57:50] tonsofpcs: that said, how they recompress probably matters a bit more than how much
[03:00:38] tonsofpcs: anyway, to solve your problems: put up an antenna.
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[04:36:20] lautriv: anyone using hid-aureal kernel-module for those usb/infrared thingies ?
[04:49:16] pmhahn (pmhahn!~pmhahn@2001:4dd0:ff00:8d31:219:dbff:fef2:e135) has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:16:41] lautriv is now known as lautriv_zzz
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[14:02:59] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:11:19] Oleg_: how can I add certain channels to the list of my favorite channels?
[14:11:50] Oleg_: I pressed M when watching tv, but didn't see the option of adding channels to the list of favorites
[14:17:18] amessina (amessina!~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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[16:33:27] dekarl: btw, is mythtranscode on 0.26 good now?
[16:34:23] wagnerrp: for the most part
[16:34:27] wagnerrp: i'm still getting a couple errors
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[16:34:47] wagnerrp: but they're the same errors (on the same files) i was getting before mythtranscode broke last year
[16:35:10] dekarl: I expect issues with bad recordings and with audio channels that appear later in the file.
[16:35:42] wagnerrp: i don't recall it being a glitchy file
[16:35:55] wagnerrp: but i never really investigated either
[16:37:00] dekarl: hmm. shall we just close the ticket and open a new one per remaining issue as they come along? I find it hard to understand what the original issue was
[16:37:19] wagnerrp: i dont know... might want to ping Beirdo on that
[16:37:24] wagnerrp: i think he was the last one to touch it
[16:37:42] shubes (shubes! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[16:39:01] dekarl: it seems stuartm has specimen on the way to Beirdo... ff
[16:42:13] williammanda: Has anyone upgraded .25 to .26 using muyhbuntu control center? If so did it go ok...or are there any issues to be concerned with?
[16:43:32] williammanda: Also I need to include that this is using Ubuntu 12.10
[16:47:04] rdark (rdark!~rdark@ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[16:49:30] dekarl: williammanda: backup your database and check your mysql for tz support
[16:50:09] wylie (wylie! has quit (Quit: wylie)
[16:50:26] wagnerrp: mytbbuntu should automatically insert the tables
[16:50:27] dekarl: although i'm running 0.27pre on 12.04lts from custom packages (built with the same scripts)
[16:52:06] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[16:54:51] williammanda: wagnerrp, that was what I was hoping for....the upgrade would happen auto matically
[16:55:41] wagnerrp: the mythbuntu guys generally do a good job making sure things outside mythtv's control are taken care of
[16:56:24] williammanda: yes they do...but I was just taking an extra measure before upgrading
[16:57:52] williammanda: I have posted this question in the mythbuntu forums for about a week without a reply
[17:03:39] bill6502 (bill6502!~bill@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[17:07:26] bill6502: williammanda: Note the 3rd through 5th bullets in: . . . Instructions (which I'm sure you've already read.) Some things aren't automatically changed.
[17:13:48] williammanda: bill6502, ty
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[19:17:15] Oleg_: mythtranscode? you mean, it's like a mencoder?
[19:17:19] Oleg_: re-encodes files?
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[20:02:50] tonsofpcs: that's what I understand (I have yet to try it)
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[21:27:19] dekarl: Oleg_: mythtranscode is very good for lossless cutting of pre-/postroll/commercials/breaks from MPEG-2 recordings. its doing other things too, but thats what I use
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