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Sunday, March 31st, 2013, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:07] bill6502: bray90820: No, --dd-grab-all tells mfdb *how much* to grab, look for the scheduling options on the same page for *when* the data is grabbed
[00:00:56] G64: I am a bit new to MythTV (Mythbuntu) and trying to learn how to have the perfect DVR system
[00:01:54] G64: I have installed Mythbuntu but the OSD is very pixelated. I have looked thropugh various settings but could not find the correct one to set this up so the OSD looks more crisp
[00:02:12] G64: Anyone have an idea where i can set these options ?
[00:05:05] bill6502: G64: If you're running a current version of MythTV, then the OSD is controlled by the Theme. The OSD options were removed some time ago. Don't remember when, perhaps v0.25?
[00:10:53] G64: Yes, i took the latest mythbuntu from the mythbuntu site and i believe it has 0.25
[00:11:13] G64: Is it a simple (and good option) to update it too 0.26 ?
[00:11:24] G64: Is that ony just a few commands to update it ?
[00:12:25] G64: I am also trying to update my Intel drivers in the hope that will improve the Live TV
[00:16:55] bill6502: Sorry, I flunk on both questions. I build from source, so I've never done a mythbuntu upgrade. And, I'm using nVidia for graphics. I don't recall any OSD pixelation issues solved in v0.26.
[00:25:32] quantum (quantum! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:26:10] quantum: Blank screen for mythfrontend. Tons of "Failed to create OpenGL texture."
[00:26:29] quantum: How do I turn off OpenGL without being able to see the frontend?
[00:27:36] bray90820 (bray90820! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[00:29:04] bray90820 (bray90820! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:30:28] bray90820: bill6502: it's good to know that it doesn't automatically grab the data
[00:31:03] bray90820: bill6502: where is the location of the database logs on ubuntu
[00:34:29] quantum: (nobody's here)
[00:35:23] bray90820: i'm here
[00:35:41] bill6502: bray90820: It will run automatically if you choose Automatic update (and I recommend: Run at suggested time.) 1st and last options on the 10th page of mythtv-setup General.
[00:35:45] quantum: We're nobody.
[00:36:25] bray90820: well actually it appears to be running at random times
[00:37:13] bill6502: Then it's probably running at the time suggested by SchedulesDirect.
[00:37:27] bray90820: guide data exaction start is 2 and exaction end is 5
[00:39:19] bray90820: but run at suggested time by grabber is not checked
[00:43:38] bray90820: bill6502: ?
[00:46:07] bill6502: Does your backend run 24/7?
[00:46:17] bray90820: yes
[00:46:36] bray90820: bill6502: my backend does run 24/7
[00:50:50] bray90820: bill6502: should i post my logs
[00:52:07] bill6502: bray90820: Then the only thing I can suggest is looking in your logs to see if mythfilldatabase ran during the dates you didn't have guide data. There is a known bug with stale files in /tmp that can cause problems. It happens when the mythtv user can't write to a file. Usually caused by someone running mfdb as some other user. I'll try to find the ticket.
[00:52:47] bray90820: but it does write things to the location
[00:52:53] bill6502: #11195
[00:52:53] ** MythLogBot **
[00:56:47] bray90820: my logs are kinda big but here they are
[00:56:48] bray90820:
[00:57:25] bray90820: bill6502: it doesn't even show on my tuner that it is recording when it fails
[00:59:35] bill6502: Earlier you said you had no guide data for the period of the failures. Is that correct?
[01:00:31] bray90820: that's what i think
[01:00:53] bray90820: i looked on mythweb and it said i had no data
[01:02:02] bill6502: If there is no guide data, then there will be no recordings.
[01:02:11] bray90820: yea
[01:02:21] bray90820: but i am wondering why there is no guide data
[01:08:33] bray90820: bill6502: Normally mythfilldatabase runes dally and --dd-grab-all tells it what to grab so i don't know why it is running out
[01:12:17] bill6502: Nor do I, but look for lines like this:
[01:12:23] bill6502: Actual data from 2013-03–15T00:00:00Z to 2013-03–16T00:00:00Z (UTC)
[01:12:43] bill6502: in your log file.
[01:12:58] bill6502: that line was from March 5th
[01:13:27] bray90820: what would that tell me
[01:14:08] bill6502: And on March 6th: Actual data from 2013-03–15T00:00:00Z to 2013-03–16T00:00:00Z (UTC)
[01:14:25] bill6502: it's saying it only got data for one day to me.
[01:15:17] bill6502: that goes on until the 18th
[01:15:54] bray90820: hum
[01:16:11] bray90820: why is is picking and choosing how much data to get
[01:17:02] andreaz (andreaz! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:23:59] bill6502: I don't know. Run the following:
[01:24:10] bill6502: mythfilldatabase --nodblog --quiet --loglevel debug -v file,network --logpath /tmp
[01:24:29] bill6502: and pastebinit /tmp/mythfilldatabase.............log
[01:25:25] bill6502: WAIT, add --dd-grab-all to the above!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[01:26:00] bray90820: to the end of it?
[01:26:06] bill6502: yes
[01:26:14] bray90820: ok
[01:28:13] darkdrgn2k: k its driving me nutz... any idea why Hauppauge WinTV PVR-150 audio would simply not work?
[01:28:28] bray90820: bill6502: that command seems to do completely nothing
[01:29:04] bray90820: it just outputs me a compleatly blank line
[01:29:17] bill6502: that's because of the --quiet, when your prompt returns cd to /tmp and look for the file I mentioned
[01:30:12] bray90820: so it's working fine?
[01:30:38] bill6502: I hope so. give it a few minutes
[01:30:44] bray90820: ok
[01:31:37] bill6502: is the name of your backend: "Server"?
[01:32:31] jya (jya!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[01:32:40] jya_ (jya_!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:33:55] bray90820: yes it is
[01:34:07] bray90820: bill6502: the name is "server"
[01:35:28] bray90820: And so far no output from the command
[01:35:52] bray90820: nothing returned
[01:35:59] bill6502: Did you get a command prompt back?
[01:36:04] bray90820: no i did not
[01:36:24] bray90820: it acts like it's still running
[01:36:52] bill6502: Open another terminal window and look in /tmp please
[01:37:26] bray90820: should i ls or gedit ir
[01:37:27] bray90820: it
[01:37:56] bill6502: ls -l /tmp/mythfilldatabase*
[01:39:01] bray90820: i don't know if there is any relation but when i entered that in a new terminal the other command finished
[01:39:48] bill6502: ok, pastebinit /tmp/mythfilldatabase* (there should be only 1 file like that in /tmp.)
[01:41:14] cappicard (cappicard! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:41:55] cappicard: good evening. I'm trying to get my analog v4l channel line up setup, but it keeps saying no channels were found. Is there a way to get it to slow down in its search?
[01:42:25] bray90820: bill6502:
[01:43:53] G64: Cappi: my problem with that was always that i set the frequency in the wrong format
[01:44:20] G64: my frequency is 554.000, but i had to enter 554000000 in my config
[01:44:50] G64: After i changed that it started to lock to channels
[01:44:59] G64: But maybe you already checked that
[01:45:09] cappicard: i've tried using us-Cable-Standard-center-frequencies-QAM256
[01:45:23] cappicard: where do you set the frequency?
[01:45:48] cappicard: sudo scan -a 0 /usr/share/dvb/atsc/us-Cable-Standard-center-frequencies-QAM256 seems to lock in just fine
[01:45:57] cappicard: but mythtv goes way too fast
[01:46:48] cappicard: oh wait, that's for the digital part
[01:47:01] cappicard: the digital part is fine, but the analog scan fails
[01:47:11] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[01:47:50] G64: ah ok, sorry then i cant help you :(
[01:47:54] G64: i only have digital
[01:49:00] cappicard: tvtime scans fine for analog
[01:50:30] milamber (milamber! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:50:46] bill6502: bray90820: From my run: Grab complete. Actual data from 2013-03–30T00:00:00Z to 2013-04–15T23:59:59Z (UTC.) Your log looks incomplete.
[01:51:21] bill6502: bray90820: I'd like you to go to this link: and click on the download as text at the bottom of the page. Save the file in /tmp/getsettings
[01:51:50] bray90820: i will do that when i get back
[01:51:55] ** bray90820 is eatting **
[01:54:53] cappicard: hrmm... i don't see any place i can adjust the channel timeout on an analog tuner
[01:58:00] bill6502: cappicard: I thought the rule was that you can't scan analog channels in MythTV, only Digital. Are you using SchedulesDirect?
[01:58:17] cappicard: i am not
[01:58:35] cappicard: i dont have a schedules direct account
[02:01:39] darkdrgn2k (darkdrgn2k! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[02:02:00] bill6502: You can use it for free for 7 days. If you're not in North America, kindly disregarg.
[02:02:15] bill6502: disregard
[02:05:25] amessina (amessina!~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[02:12:48] Korny (Korny!~Korny@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:26:02] Korny (Korny!~Korny@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[03:25:18] bray90820: bill6502: what did you want me to do again
[03:33:05] bill6502: bray90820: B4 I forget, make sure there isn't a file named: /tmp/mythtv_ddp_data. If there is, remove it.
[03:34:48] bill6502: Then: I'd like you to go to this link: and click on the "Download as text" at the bottom of the page. Save the file in /tmp/getsettings
[03:36:51] Korny: What did you break now bray90820
[03:36:54] Korny: :)
[03:37:52] bray90820: lol
[03:38:04] bray90820: korny it's the same thing that has always been broken
[03:38:11] bray90820: things won't record
[03:40:02] bill6502: bray90820: Did you download the file?
[03:41:48] bray90820: bill6502: should i put it in gedit
[03:42:18] bray90820: should i put that text in a text file
[03:42:28] bill6502: ok, but better to save it in /tmp/getsettings, yes as a text file
[03:42:41] bray90820: what should i name it
[03:42:48] bill6502: /tmp/getsettings
[03:42:58] bray90820: not where what
[03:43:14] bray90820: what should the file be called
[03:43:51] bill6502: getsettings, or any name you like. it won't make a difference
[03:43:56] bray90820: ok
[03:43:58] RagingComputer (RagingComputer! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:45:13] bill6502: Note that it's a program that gets settings from the mythconverg database, so since this is the evil internet, you should look at it and note that it changes NO data.
[03:45:29] bill6502: When you've saved it, type:
[03:45:46] bill6502: chmod 755 /tmp/getsettings (or whatever you named it.)
[03:47:33] bray90820: Done
[03:47:50] bill6502: Now type: /tmp/getsettings mythfill
[03:48:54] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:49:04] bill6502: I would expect about 25 lines of output.
[03:49:07] bray90820: should i pastebin the output
[03:49:11] bill6502: please
[03:49:55] bray90820:
[03:51:28] bill6502: looks a-ok, no problem there
[03:52:27] bray90820: so what did we just do
[03:52:31] bill6502: last idea for the night: the file you pasted (from /tmp/mythfilldatabase............log) was incomplete. can you pastebinit again?
[03:53:15] bill6502: we just looked at the settings in the db for mythfilldatabase, checking for any extra arguments or errors
[03:54:30] bray90820: the file does not exist anymore
[03:55:38] bill6502: ok, the command is:
[03:56:21] bill6502: mythfilldatabase --nodblog --dd-grab-all -v file,network --loglevel debug --logpath /tmp
[03:56:56] bill6502: this time I left out the --quiet option, so you should see it running
[03:57:52] bill6502: Here's what a good run looks like:
[03:58:43] bray90820: should i wait for the command to finish?
[03:58:58] bill6502: yes, and then pastebinit
[03:59:01] bray90820: ok
[04:00:26] bray90820: i seems to have hung at this line
[04:00:29] bray90820: 2013-03–30 22:58:41.285415 I DataDirect: sourceid 1 has lineup type: CableDigital
[04:02:29] wilmoore-misc (wilmoore-misc! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:04:04] bill6502: still hung? my had about a 50 second delay there
[04:04:10] RagingComputer (RagingComputer! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:05:54] bray90820: it is still hung
[04:08:46] bray90820: IT finally finished
[04:08:54] bill6502: that's abnormal. if you look at the RunStart and RunEnd times in the getsettings I had you do, you'll see that the timestamps are over 2 hours apart.
[04:09:14] bill6502: finally, pastebinit please
[04:09:47] bray90820: what is in the terminal or the file you told me earlier
[04:10:17] bill6502: /tmp/mythfilldatabase...........log
[04:11:23] bray90820: the file does not seem to exist
[04:12:31] bill6502: does ls -lrt /tmp/mythfill* show anything?
[04:13:11] daniel__ (daniel__! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:13:43] daniel__: anyone about?
[04:14:54] bill6502: a few, but i'm getting ready to leave for the night
[04:15:54] daniel__: was just wondering what gpu i needed
[04:16:47] bill6502: nVidia seems to be the most popular solution. I'm using it successfully.
[04:17:04] bray90820: this is the output
[04:17:04] bray90820:
[04:17:41] daniel__: does sound go through hdmi cable?
[04:18:21] daniel__: i only have a pcie slot that is version 1.0a will a pcie card 2.0 work with it?
[04:18:43] bill6502: daniel__: it can. I have one frontend that does and another that used s/pdif
[04:19:22] daniel__: i have spdif output and input on outside of pc
[04:19:33] bill6502: can't speak to the pci question
[04:19:43] daniel__: can i still use them or do they need to be inside?
[04:21:06] bill6502: daniel__: not sure what outside/inside means, but my s/pdif is on the motherboard, and i plug into it on the rear of the case
[04:21:29] bill6502: bray90820: thought there were no mythfill..............log files. pastebinit /tmp/mythfilldatabase.20130331035652.14625.log please
[04:22:11] daniel__: i have a socket poking out the back for s/pdif
[04:23:02] bill6502: daniel__: sounds good to me (pun intended) you could check the motherboard specs to verify its usage
[04:23:49] daniel__: ok thanks
[04:24:21] bill6502: but if you've got hdmi, with audio, you could use it and save a cable
[04:24:31] bray90820:
[04:26:13] bill6502: bray90820: Note the line in that paste: Grab complete. Actual data from 2013-03–30T00:00:00Z to 2013-04–15T23:59:59Z (UTC) That looks like a good run!!!
[04:26:39] quantum (quantum! has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:27:03] bray90820: so what does that tell us
[04:27:23] bill6502: bray90820: Don't forget to check for the file: /tmp/mythtv_ddp_data and remove it if it exists!!!!!!!!!!
[04:27:46] bill6502: it suggests that you got 15 days worth of data. like --dd-grab-all should
[04:28:16] bill6502: before you were only getting 2 days
[04:28:39] bray90820: i already removed that file
[04:28:46] bill6502: cool
[04:29:01] bray90820: so did we fix the problem
[04:29:59] Korny: You've had that issue in the past, haven't you?
[04:30:10] bray90820: korny i have
[04:30:36] bill6502: bray90820: No, the root cause is unknown (why you were only getting 2 days worth of data even though --dd-grab-all was used)
[04:30:54] bray90820: that happened before
[04:31:02] bray90820: so i reinstalled ubuntu and it was still there
[04:31:37] Korny: By default used recommended time is ticked isn't it?
[04:32:37] bray90820: korny it was not
[04:32:42] bray90820: but it seems to be now
[04:32:53] bray90820: idk if it is by default
[04:33:00] bill6502: I don't know (if you're referring to Use Suggested time). bray90820 doesn't have it set. I have always used it.
[04:33:19] bray90820: bill6502: what do you mean
[04:34:27] bill6502: bray90820: earlier I thought you said use suggested time wasn't set, but I see in the getsettings output that it is.
[04:35:55] bray90820: i was not set before
[04:36:00] bray90820: but i just checked and now it is
[04:38:22] bill6502: bray90820: Signing off. If I were you, I'd check the mythfilldatabase log file for the next few days and verify that you're getting 14 days worth of data with the following command:
[04:38:24] JustTom (JustTom! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[04:38:48] bill6502: grep "Actual data" /var/log/mythtv/mythfilldatabase.log (or wherever your log is kept.)
[04:39:13] XDS2010 (XDS2010!uid1218@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[04:39:13] bray90820: alright
[04:39:15] bray90820: thank you
[04:39:18] bill6502: gn
[04:39:24] bray90820: if it's not should i just come back here for further help
[04:42:24] bill6502: you now know how to run mythfilldatabase in the full debug mode and how to generate good logs. And how to see how many days worth of data were returned. So, you're armed with how to provide folks (who know what they're doing – which excludes me) with good data.
[04:42:36] bill6502 (bill6502!~bill@ has left #mythtv-users ()
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[13:53:33] Solaris444: Hi all. Does anybody know why, in 0.26, whenever I try to exit mythfrontend it hang and I need to go and kill it via either the command line or system monitor?
[14:07:45] Solaris444: Ah, found the bug report.
[14:07:50] Solaris444: That's annoying
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[16:34:36] jamesd: perhaps no one ever thought you would want to exit mythtv ;-p
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[16:45:06] notlistening: Any UK EIT guys here?
[16:45:28] notlistening: I am intrested to pull out information about Audio Description from the EIT
[16:45:46] notlistening: is there a way to identify programs with that extra information
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[16:55:52] tonsofpcs: what do you mean by "identify programs" ?
[16:56:02] notlistening: Got it :) [AD] in the subtitle :)
[16:56:50] notlistening: I am progressing the EIT data and looking speifically for programs/shows that have audio description
[16:57:27] notlistening: I am doing a project for the visually impaired
[16:58:49] tonsofpcs: hmm... I know AC-3 has descriptors for language and type of audio content... not sure what they do in the UK
[16:59:08] daniel234 (daniel234! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:59:35] daniel234: hi anyone about?
[17:00:08] notlistening: in the UK they are supplying multiple audio streams for each program and you can choose normal or audio description
[17:00:17] notlistening: like different audo tracks ona DVD
[17:00:28] tonsofpcs: right.
[17:01:21] notlistening: I am a bit disappointed that only about 20 programs in 8 days of broadcasting have audio description
[17:01:29] notlistening: well some is better than none I guess
[17:01:49] tonsofpcs: oh, you want to check per-program not per-program-stream... that might be a bit harder.
[17:02:10] notlistening: 57 acutally :)
[17:02:35] notlistening: yeah I am already doing that ;)
[17:02:55] notlistening: guess there is only so much TV one person can watch in a week :D
[17:03:31] daniel234: i am after a pcie nvidia geforece gpu any suggestions i was thinking an 8 series as they are cheaper!! any suggestions?
[17:03:52] daniel234: i'm hoping to stream uk HD freeview
[17:05:15] notlistening: daniel234, the cheap cards should do the trick
[17:05:32] notlistening: there is nothing too demands about the HD we get in the UK
[17:05:42] notlistening: demanding
[17:06:06] daniel234: there are so many gpu's i finding it hard to choose!!
[17:06:17] daniel234: it needs a hdmi output
[17:06:25] notlistening: haha take the one you like the look of with hdmi :)
[17:06:43] notlistening: are GPU's gete CEC compatability yet?
[17:06:50] daniel234: would they be capable of decoding hd
[17:07:12] notlistening: decoding to?
[17:07:22] notlistening: just to watch you mean?
[17:07:46] notlistening: have you checked what format the HD streams are?
[17:07:54] daniel234: would they take the brunt of the work rather relying on processing power
[17:08:08] daniel234: mpeg4 i think
[17:08:41] notlistening: then you can find if the GPU will decode mp4
[17:08:59] notlistening: which i think any GPU will
[17:09:15] jarle: I notice some "tearing" (horisontal lines over the screen) during playback of recordings. I see this both using the Normal (Standard?) and VDPAU playback profiles. Any hints on where to start debugging? This is SD content (progressive, as far as I know) Havent looked to see if I see the same in 720/1080P yet.
[17:09:28] tonsofpcs: vsync setting?
[17:10:48] DarthFrog: Every time the mythweb package is updated (Ubuntu), MythWeb no longer works as the setenv db_server parameter in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mythweb.conf is overwritten, changing to It's on an ext4 file system which won't accept a "chattr +i" command, darn it. Does anyone know where this IP address is set that mythweb.conf picks it up?
[17:17:40] jarle: tonsofpcs: according to I should use Option "FlatPanelProperties" "Scaling = Native" in xorg.conf if I have a nvidia card. Maybe I'll give that a try...."
[17:17:46] DarthFrog: Never mind, I figured it out. The mythweb.conf file in ../sites-enabled is a symlink to mythweb.conf in ../sites-available. The symlink won't accept a chattr command but the real one does. :-)
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[18:39:27] KungFuJe1us: would it be so bad to bump the ffmpeg revision used on 0.26 considering how damn buggy it is?
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[18:42:24] KungFuJesus: Besides the transcoding issues for lossless transcodes (which there is a trivial patch for), it has some issues post lossless transcode where it usually screws up the audio mux such that until you seek the audio doesn't play for digital tracks
[18:43:20] KungFuJesus: I mean AC3 tracks, rather, not "digital"
[18:45:29] KungFuJesus: I'm not familiar enough with the source code but I'm also curious why mythtv wraps its own ffmpeg as mythavcodec. I guess it may make some sense when you're tracking a project like ffmpeg which changes binary compatibility somewhat frequently, maybe
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[19:52:18] kormoc: KungFuJesus, that's a huge bit of it, and we also have our own patches that have not been accepted upstream (yet)
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[22:06:32] Cubber: I just migrated a backend to a new server and when I go to start mythfrontend and view live tv it hangs with a black screen saying please wait. Then I get an error TV: StartRecorder() — timed out waiting for recorder to start
[22:06:51] Cubber: running the frontend on the same PC that is the backend & has the tuner installed
[22:07:12] Cubber: I get a recorded video from the tv card if I do cat /dev/video0 < foo.mpeg
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[22:42:49] RoboJ1M: Hi, is this a good place to ask questions about consuming the MythTV Services API?
[22:44:01] bray90820: i would say it is a good place
[22:44:13] bray90820: this chat is pretty much anything related to mythtv
[22:46:34] RoboJ1M: Cool. OK, I have a recording on which I have set a cut list. If I browse to the URL for this recording using GetRecording the cuts are not implemented. Is there anyway to get this recording with the cut list applied with the Services API? I'm using myth 0.25.
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[23:20:53] bill6502: RoboJ1M: Short answer no. If you look at: . . . ream.cpp#n75 you'll see the options used when mythtranscode is called by the Services API...
[23:22:10] bill6502: I tried hardcoding in the --honorcutlist option and rather than generating hundreds of small files that were to be delivered to (in my case) my Android device,
[23:23:35] bill6502: I ended up with hundreds of 0 length files and one huge one, presumably with the cuts. The Android device didn't play anything. I <assume> because of the 0 length files.
[23:28:02] bill6502: The testing was done on v0.27-pre2. You could try running myhtranscode --honorcutlist on your backend and use the Services API to view it. I haven't tried that.
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[23:38:46] jjbae: hello, I'm a newbie, can anyone help with hvr 1600 set up?
[23:41:20] bill6502: jjbae: Have you already done the steps here:
[23:41:51] jjbae: hi thanks for the reply
[23:41:57] jjbae: yes, I have
[23:42:15] jjbae: mythtv sees the digital tuner and not the anolog
[23:43:29] bill6502: Can you describe "how" MythTV doesn't see the analog side of the card?
[23:45:44] jjbae: yes, mpeg 2 encoder card, Probed info: Failed to open
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[23:46:05] RoboJ1M: Thanks bill 6502
[23:46:41] RoboJ1M: Whoops, thanks bill6502
[23:48:59] bill6502: jjbae: If you type: grep -i cx /var/log/syslog, do you see results like this:
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[23:54:29] jjbae: bill6502: yes I do
[23:55:03] bill6502: Good, now, where (in what program) are you seeing the Probed info: Failed to open response?
[23:55:38] jjbae: In the mythtv backend setup
[23:55:55] bill6502: mythtv-setup?
[23:56:40] jjbae: the backend setup, specifically the Capture Card option
[23:57:34] jjbae: I'm running mythbuntu 12.04.2
[23:57:40] bill6502: OK, make sure that the mythbackend isn't running. Type: ps ax | grep mythbackend | grep -v grep

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