:: #mythtv-users

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Monday, March 11th, 2013, 00:02 UTC
[00:02:28] PatrickDickey (PatrickDickey!~quassel@2001:470:1f11:830:69f7:a8ff:c92f:ea91) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:02:53] tdotr6: hey guys when I probe ' modprobe cx18 ' it does not show any output , but the drivers are installed
[00:03:01] Cardoe (Cardoe!~Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:03:05] tdotr6: could this be why my audio is not working?
[00:03:15] [R]: modprobe doesn't output anything...
[00:03:34] Cardoe (Cardoe!~Cardoe@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:03:35] Cardoe (Cardoe!~Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:12:48] tdotr6: should it not show installed?
[00:13:12] tdotr6: like FATAL: Module ivtvtb not found.
[00:13:50] [R]: thats an error
[00:21:58] tdotr6: yes that would be an error for that one
[00:22:03] tdotr6: but for cx18
[00:22:12] tdotr6: should it not show an output showing its installed
[00:22:24] tdotr6: or by it not sowing anything does that mean its installed and working?
[00:24:12] [R]: [05:03:15] [R] modprobe doesn't output anything...
[00:24:46] unforgiven512 (unforgiven512! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:30:43] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:30:52] tdotr6: root@MythTV:~# rmmod cx18
[00:30:53] tdotr6: ERROR: Module cx18 is in use
[00:31:05] tdotr6: I dont understand why I do not have audio..
[00:31:10] tdotr6: can anyone help me please?
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[00:59:15] Korny (Korny!~Korny@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:01:11] Korny: Hey wagnerrp you around?
[01:01:49] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:18:33] Korny: Mar 10 20:17:25 Livingroom-Backend mythlogserver: mythbackend[2499]: E JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:837 (prepare) Error preparing query: SELECT, j.chanid, j.starttime, j.inserttime, j.type, j.cmds, j.flags, j.s$
[01:18:34] Korny: Mar 10 20:17:25 Livingroom-Backend mythlogserver: mythbackend[2499]: E JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:839 (prepare) Driver error was [2/144]:#012QMYSQL3: Unable to prepare statement#012Database error was:#012Table './$
[01:18:34] Korny: Mar 10 20:17:25 Livingroom-Backend mythlogserver: mythbackend[2499]: E JobQueue mythdb.cpp:183 (DBError) DB Error (Error in JobQueue::GetJobs(), Unable to query list of Jobs in Queue.):#012Query was:#012SELECT$
[01:29:31] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[01:37:12] joki (joki! has quit (Quit: c ya!)
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[02:48:45] tdotr6: Hey is anyone around ?
[02:50:18] Korny: Its pretty quiet but feel free to ask
[02:55:43] mzb (mzb!~mzb@2001:44b8:512d:7501:f66d:4ff:fe90:9629) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:58:11] mzb_ (mzb_!~mzb@2001:44b8:512d:7501:f66d:4ff:fe90:9629) has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:03:03] tdotr6: hey Korny
[03:03:03] tdotr6: I am having issues with MPEG and getting audio
[03:03:03] tdotr6: I am able to see the live tv video
[03:03:03] tdotr6: but audio doesnt work..
[03:03:03] tdotr6: i am getting just random parts of static
[03:03:03] tdotr6: I have tried, uncompressed , mp3 48000 , 224kpbs
[03:03:03] mzb_ is now known as mzb
[03:04:46] tdotr6: I am using HVR1600
[03:04:55] tdotr6: with the latest mythbuntu
[03:05:15] tdotr6: i have read lots of ppl have this working
[03:05:27] tdotr6: all the problems i find on post are very old 2010 or older
[03:09:08] tdotr6: Hey is anyone around? I am in some real need of help I have spent nearly 72 hours working on this.. I finally have got video to work on my NTSC feed, I was doing it wrong he entire time.. and now I am just having issues with Audio, I am getting random bits of static , Its as compression is not correct... can anyone assist .. please I beg
[03:11:35] Korny: Is audio working at all
[03:14:33] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Quit: Body blow! Body blow!)
[03:17:13] tdotr6: its working for ATSC
[03:17:18] tdotr6: but thats the other half of the tuner
[03:17:33] tdotr6: its not working at all for NTSC " analog " half of the card
[03:18:00] tdotr6: Im really going to freak out soon , I have spent so much time and I know im almost there
[03:18:05] tdotr6: im trying to keep calm lol
[03:21:34] mzb (mzb!~mzb@2001:44b8:512d:7501:f66d:4ff:fe90:9629) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[04:51:05] bill6502 (bill6502!~bill@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:57:01] bill6502: tdotr6: I've been using the HVR-1600 both analog and digital sides for about 3 years. I remember having video but only bursts of static roughly every second. The solution was to use an init script as suggested in the Wiki. FWIW, here's mine: . I never removed it to see if newer kernel's solved the problem. The Wiki is here: . . . Analog_Tuner
[04:59:31] bill6502: I only run it once each time the backend starts (backend Startup command.)
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[05:34:04] tdotr6: hi Bill
[05:34:10] tdotr6: Are you still here?
[05:34:30] tdotr6: I had the script from the site before, I am now trying your script. I see it is different
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[07:12:52] Chicago (Chicago! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:14:24] Chicago: Hello gentlemen. Is there anyway to ask mythbackend only bind to specific interfaces? mythbackend calls mythfrontend on port 6549 over the public IP interface of the mythbackend server.
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[10:04:49] felipe` (felipe`!~felipe@unaffiliated/felipe) has joined #mythtv-users
[10:05:59] wagnerrp: Chicago: mythbackend will only bind to the one address you specify in mythtv-setup
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[10:28:32] Chicago: wagnerrp, any idea when mythbackend would choose to use a different interface to talk to mythfrontend?
[10:28:41] Chicago: they're both multi-homed
[10:29:25] wagnerrp: mythbackend never talks to mythfrontend
[10:29:35] Chicago: oh
[10:29:52] wagnerrp: mythfrontend always initializes communication
[10:30:23] Chicago: so then the frontend is using its default gateway or first interface instead of the preferred other interface ( I deduce )
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[10:30:42] wagnerrp: no
[10:30:56] wagnerrp: the frontend is using whatever interface your routing tables have specified for the backend's address
[10:31:12] Chicago: Also though, if mythfrontend initiated the connections I wonder why Netfilter didn't permit them through as RELATED,ESTABLISHED connections.
[10:31:28] Chicago: The database and master backend are reached at
[10:31:56] wagnerrp: then mythfrontend will use whatever interface is configured for the 192.160.2/24 subnet
[10:32:04] wagnerrp: or potentially the 192.168/16 subnet
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[10:32:18] wagnerrp: or however you have your local network configured
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[15:55:19] lapion: wagnerrp, got the pvr-150 card to work with vlc, still nothing with mythtv
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[17:33:04] eee-blt: hi, i have a question about transcoding
[17:35:59] eee-blt: i'm using the latest mythbuntu installation with an hauppauge pvr-150 tv card
[17:36:40] eee-blt: i would like to transcode my recordings, but to be honest i am at a loss what to do
[17:36:56] eee-blt: any advice/tips/code would be appreciated.
[17:37:40] eee-blt: i have looked at the myth wiki, but...
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[20:19:54] jimylongs: i'm looking into using mythtv and wanted to run some ideas past you guys to see if i'm smoking crack
[20:20:14] sheppard: crack
[20:20:37] jimylongs: i like de crack
[20:21:07] jimylongs: i want to run myth headless, and just stream from it using either dnla or plex
[20:21:22] sheppard: lol plex
[20:21:55] jimylongs: i can install plex clients on my tvs
[20:22:25] sheppard: hope it runs better on tv's than the windows HT client
[20:22:41] jimylongs: i'm thinking of using myth as a dvr for the over the air antenna stuff
[20:22:46] sheppard: but no technical issues s ofar
[20:23:01] sheppard: are you going to have a DVB tuner in your comp, or are you going to use something like a hd-pvr
[20:23:14] jimylongs: i'm not extremely familiar with myth,
[20:23:27] jimylongs: i'm going to get a hd tunner for my server
[20:23:33] jimylongs: it lives in a basement
[20:24:22] jimylongs: what's the easiest way to interact with myth?
[20:24:32] jimylongs: i've seen there is an iphone app for it.
[20:24:40] sheppard: mythweb is pretty nice
[20:25:42] jimylongs: oh, that does look nice
[20:26:02] jimylongs: is there a better way to stream to my tv's ?
[20:26:14] sheppard: not unless you want to put a computer there
[20:26:34] sheppard: does plex have a myth client?
[20:26:43] sheppard: cause by default, myth doesn't store files in a legible format
[20:27:45] jimylongs: i'm not sure, i'm just starting to look into this
[20:27:45] sphery: jimylongs: the only really supported frontend (playback software) for MythTV is mythfrontend... everything else will just be compromises that remove much of the benefit of a MythTV system
[20:28:05] sheppard: sphery: the mythtv plugin for xbmc is actually very nice
[20:28:25] sphery: if you're ok with the compromises/loss of functionality
[20:28:40] jimylongs: myth might be more than what i'm looking for
[20:28:52] sphery: not to mention its dangerous use of the protocol that could corrupt your entire database
[20:30:06] sheppard: lol, it's a poor protocol if it can corrupt a database
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[20:31:04] sphery: wagnerrp: Did you hear about Mir? It's Canonical's from scratch new display server to replace Wayland, er, X, er... (It's not only throwing away X, but throwing away the not-yet-complete X "replacement".)
[20:31:54] skd5aner (skd5aner! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[20:31:59] sphery: sheppard: no, the protocol is fine... it's just that we have absolutely no checks on the data coming in from the protocol because we naively assumed that clients would actually speak the protocol version they claim they are speaking
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[20:32:44] sphery: but since the developers of the library xbmc's frontend is using can't be bothered to actually keep up with the changes to the protocol, they're just lying about the version they speak and hoping for the best
[20:33:40] sphery: jimylongs: anyway, fwiw, I would go so far as to say that if you're not using mythfrontend and mythbackend, MythTV isn't the right solution for you
[20:34:37] jimylongs: gotcha, thanks for the info
[20:34:47] jimylongs: i'll have to do some more research
[20:35:10] sphery: that said, mythbackend + mythfrontend makes for a great hobby and, if done right, you can have a nice DVR, too
[20:35:53] sphery: though likely to be much more expensive than other solutions (especially if you factor in time as well as hardware costs)
[20:36:25] sphery: for example the 4- or 6-tuner DVR solutions from cable/satellite TV providers or TiVo or ...
[20:36:30] jimylongs: i'm trying to replace my tivo
[20:36:42] jimylongs: i like it, but would rather have it centralized
[20:36:53] jimylongs: and not have to pay the monthly fees
[20:38:42] sphery: hehe, with MythTV, we pay the monthly fees in time spent maintaining/upgrading/fixing the system as well as in significantly more expensive hardware than the subsidized/paid for with your subscription fees hardware from the commercial providers
[20:39:41] sphery: IMHO, MythTV is a high-end, luxury DVR, and while it's Free (as in freedom), it's far from free (or even low cost)
[20:40:36] sphery: that said, we do have a lot of people who talk about how MythTV saved them $100/mo--because they cancelled their $100/mo cable subscription and switched to $0/mo OTA
[20:40:55] sphery: and they don't seem to realize that it was actually cancelling the $100/mo cable subscription that saved them $100/mo
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[20:46:56] jimylongs: yeah, i'm using an ota antenna
[20:47:07] jimylongs: i get around 50 channels in my area
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[20:47:54] Steve-Goodey: "<sphery> that said, mythbackend + mythfrontend makes for a great hobby". Yeah, takes over your life.
[20:48:07] jimylongs: the tivo takes up a bit of space too, between that and the $10 for tivo each month
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[20:48:22] jimylongs: i just moved and really don't want to run an hdmi cable to the other side of the room
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[21:09:24] Guest11620: how long does it normally take for a submitted ticket to get a response?
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[21:10:34] Steve-Goodey: Guest11620: Pick a number.
[21:13:50] jimylongs: 2 to 3 weeks
[21:15:43] jimylongs: jk, i don't know anything about this channel
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[21:23:55] Guest11620: :[
[21:25:19] Guest11620: @ Steve, it would be nice to know if someone has looked at the ticket – not expecting it to be fixed instantly
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[21:25:56] Steve-Goodey: Guest11620: It's all down to a dev deciding to get interested in it. If it's something that affects them/they are interested in then it might get done.
[21:26:44] Steve-Goodey: They are rather busy, and it's all done in their spare time.
[21:30:16] Guest11620: ok
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[23:55:04] skd5aner: So, any cool new features gone in to MASTER since the last release?

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