:: #mythtv-users

Daily chat history

Current users (156):

adante, alan`, aloril, andreaz, AndyCap, anykey_, Azelphur, Beirdo, benc_, Bhaal, bill6502, BLZbubba, cesman, ChanServ, chuck99z28, CiaranG, clever, cocoa117, Cougar, Cubber, d0netsFN, DarthFrog, deathader, defaultro, devinheitmueller, dkeith, dmfrey, dmz, dougl, eam, eee-blt, emmanuelux, ertyu-m, EvilGuru, faichele_, felipe`, fetzerch, FLeiXiuS, Floppe, G, gholmlund, ghoti, gigem, gpd, gregL, GreyFoxx, grumpydevil, Heliwr, Hoochster, Igramul, ikevin, infinite, infojunky, IReboot, J-e-f-f-A, jabain, jamesd2, jams, jarle, jarryd, jbrett, jduggan, jll, jm|laptop, joki, jpabq, jpabq_, jst, justdave, justinh, k-man, KaZeR, kc, keith4_, Kevin`, knightr, kormoc, kurre2, kusznir, kwmonroe, lapion, linuxtech, lotia, lroe, makoto, Metoer, MilkBoy, MissionCritical, MMlosh, monkeypet69, Moscherkobold, Muzer, MythLogBot, mzb, natanojl, nephyrin, neufeld, niska, npm, nutron, oobe, Peitolm, Peps, pigeon, purserj, quicksilver, quinten, RagingComputer, RagingMind, rambo3, RobertLaptop, rsiebert_, Scopeuk, Seeker`, seld, ServerSage, Shadow__X, Sharky112065, sheppard, sid3windr, simcop2387, skd5aner, skeeveman, Skeeve_work, sl1ce, slickrick, SmallR2002, sphery, squidly, sraue, StevenR, sulx, Technophil1, tez_, tgm4883_, thefRont, tlhiv_laptop, Tobbe5178, tonsofpcs, tris, troyt, TTilus, ubIx, Vollstrecker_, wagnerrp, wahrhaft, wizbit, wolfgang1, wylie, XDS2010, xris, zoktar, [mrx], _abbenormal, _charly_, |thunder

Error at /opt/beirdobot/share/beirdobot/web/includes/utils.php, line 120:
htmlentities(): Invalid multibyte sequence in argument

    datetime:  2013-02-24 00:25:55 (UTC)
    errornum:  2
  error type:  Warning
error string:  htmlentities(): Invalid multibyte sequence in argument
    filename:  /opt/beirdobot/share/beirdobot/web/includes/utils.php
  error line:  120
Saturday, February 23rd, 2013, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:54] kwmonroe (kwmonroe!~kwmonroe@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:11:41] satmandu: Any idea what the commfree flag is for channels?
[00:11:49] satmandu: I'm seeing in mythweb
[00:12:16] satmandu: is that to mark a channel as to have commercials removed? or does that mean the channel has no commercials?
[00:22:57] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[00:23:13] jpabq: satmandu: the channels have no commercials. Premiums like HBO, etc.
[00:29:28] jabain (jabain! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:31:03] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:49:36] disputin: satmandu: or public broadcasting
[00:59:55] wilmoore-misc (wilmoore-misc! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:02:44] satmandu: thanks
[01:03:31] satmandu (satmandu! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:15:02] jst (jst!~quassel@2620:101:8003:200:224:e8ff:fe39:34c2) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[01:22:01] mark2013 (mark2013! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:22:26] mark2013: Chron Daemon sent me this: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate:
[01:22:26] mark2013: Syntax error on line 107 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mythweb.conf:
[01:22:27] mark2013: Invalid command 'php_value', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[01:22:27] mark2013: error: error running shared postrotate script for '/var/log/apache2/*.log '
[01:22:27] mark2013: run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate exited with return code 1 – what should I do?
[01:25:17] quinten (quinten! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:47:49] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:49:49] quinten: i upgraded from mythtv-0.26.0 to mythtv-git to fix a problem with mythweb, which seemed to be
[01:50:13] quinten: however, the problem I'm having hasn't gone away. no actual information is shown on the mythweb page, it shows to broken images
[01:50:19] quinten: s/to/two
[01:51:22] quinten: i'm wondering if i'm missing an important configuration step
[01:52:01] Cardoe (Cardoe!~Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:52:34] Korny (Korny!~Korny@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:54:02] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:54:26] quinten: no errors in httpd/error_log, but in access_log, it shows what looks like a bum URL: "GET /mythweb/skin_url/
[01:55:21] quinten: i'm assuming that is a variable should be automatically translated to the real skin
[01:57:20] quinten: there is no /mythweb/skin_url
[02:01:36] Skeeve_work (Skeeve_work! has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[02:10:05] quinten: here's a relevant thread where the user had the directories in mythweb.conf in the wrong order: . . . 304071.html. sounds exactly like my problem but i have them in the right order
[02:10:10] quinten: at least I think I do!
[02:10:23] quinten: <Directory "/srv/http/mythweb/data">
[02:10:23] quinten: Options -All +FollowSymLinks +IncludesNoExec
[02:10:23] quinten: </Directory>
[02:10:23] quinten: <Directory "/srv/http/mythweb" >
[02:11:06] Skeeve_work (Skeeve_work! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:13:18] Korny: Evening all
[02:13:55] skeeveman (skeeveman!~skeeve@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[02:15:10] wagnerrp (wagnerrp!~Wagner@mythtv/developer/wagnerrp) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:36:19] ** Korny just had to ssh into one his boxes and use it to telnet into another box... **
[02:39:25] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[02:45:49] wagnerrp (wagnerrp!~wagnerrp_@mythtv/developer/wagnerrp) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:45:49] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v wagnerrp
[02:47:38] wagnerrp: note to self, make sure your powersupply has sufficient plugs before purchasing more hard drives
[02:50:19] wagnerrp: Korny: telnet? say it isn't so...
[02:54:17] Korny: wagnerrp, internal network lol
[02:54:34] wagnerrp: crappy hacked router?
[02:54:38] Korny: and I haven't had a chance to install ssh server on unraid
[02:54:51] Korny: Just preclearing 3 drives right now
[02:55:02] Korny: 3 3tb wd reds
[02:55:56] ** wagnerrp wonders where the libzfs header on his system exists **
[02:57:18] Korny: read speeds aren't to bad squential reads of 130MB/s
[02:59:11] jabain (jabain! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[03:00:52] wagnerrp: evil!
[03:07:08] quinten (quinten! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[03:08:41] Korny: Hooked up a kill a watt to my 1055t
[03:08:52] Korny: It made me cry the amount of juice it used at idle
[03:09:11] Korny: 190 watts
[03:30:23] wilmoore-misc (wilmoore-misc! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:35:31] disputin (disputin!~sean@2001:470:9758:1:7d9f:326a:aef1:5784) has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[05:45:30] quantum (quantum! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:46:48] quantum: mythfilldatabase stopped working when I went to 0.27. I tried . . . adata_Lookup
[05:47:01] quantum: ... but it doesn't say WHERE these settings are.
[05:47:37] [R]: metadatalookup has nothign to do with filldatabase...
[05:49:19] quantum: It was on listserv archive.
[05:49:43] quantum: wagnerrp: pointed ppl there who have this problem.
[05:50:01] quantum: E DataDirect: Failed to get data: Download error
[05:50:11] quantum: E Encountered error in grabbing data.
[05:50:20] quantum: I am out of schedule.
[05:51:15] quantum: So, any idea what the problem is?
[05:51:41] jabain (jabain! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[05:53:02] quantum: So now I don't believe that [R] knows what he's talking about.
[05:53:07] [R]: lol
[05:53:11] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[05:53:33] [R]: you dont get help by insulting people... lol
[05:53:50] quantum: You. are not helping.
[05:54:23] [R]: i'm "not helping" because it took me a few minjtes to respond?
[05:54:24] [R]: lol
[05:54:47] quantum: Took you a few seconds to shoot down...
[05:55:23] [R]: cuz you said my name
[05:55:25] [R]: so i noticed it
[05:55:26] wagnerrp: well he is correct, that web page and mythmetadatalookup have nothing to do with mythfilldatabase and EPG data
[05:55:52] quantum: Then what is it?
[05:58:02] quantum: I help you wagnerrp (RV dish). And you don't help me.
[06:00:18] [R]: rofl
[06:02:53] quantum: I'm gladd I could give a lonely asshole some rare pleasure.
[06:03:13] wagnerrp: you need some more verbose logging
[06:03:19] wagnerrp: "download error" isn't very explicit
[06:04:29] quantum: I tried --dd-grab-all but same error. Trying -v.
[06:05:30] wagnerrp: '-v' doesn't make verbose
[06:05:41] wagnerrp: '-v' is used to determine that areas of verbosity are filtered
[06:05:49] wagnerrp: you need to give it a keyword
[06:07:11] quantum: I am too drunk and tired to guess.
[06:07:58] quantum: Maybe --loglevel notice
[06:08:36] wagnerrp: the default is 'info'
[06:08:41] wagnerrp: the only thing higher is 'debug'
[06:09:00] jabain (jabain! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:09:07] wagnerrp: try '--verbose all --loglevel debug'
[06:12:31] quantum: downloadError 5 Operation canceled
[06:13:25] quantum:
[06:13:54] wagnerrp: quantum: just some further explination, mythfilldatabase is the initial EPG data pull from schedules direct or some other xmltv grabber. the page you listed above is supplementary data pulled from the metadata grabbers (themoviedb or thetvdb) for additional artwork and season/episode numbers
[06:15:07] quantum: OK, but never could figure out the instructions for enabling the additional data in the backend. But for now for some reason I'm not getting asnything and am out of schedule.
[06:15:35] quantum: Tons of these: DataDirect auth callback
[06:15:46] quantum: Calling auth callback
[06:16:01] quantum: Very instructive...
[06:17:14] blassey (blassey! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:18:26] wagnerrp: the first error is expected
[06:18:35] wagnerrp: since the first page is supposed to redirect to a second download page
[06:18:51] quantum: Data refresh needed because no data exists for day @ offset 8 from 8PM – midnight.
[06:19:09] wagnerrp: you should configure mythfilldatabase to run with --dd-grab-all
[06:19:23] quantum: Tried that. Same error.
[06:20:41] quantum: DownloadManager: downloadError 5 Operation canceled
[06:21:25] wagnerrp: sphery would know a lot more about that mechanism than i do
[06:22:38] quantum: I'll try tomorrow.
[06:23:08] quantum (quantum! has left #mythtv-users ()
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[06:33:43] Korny: Oh this is to much fun, I just ssh'ed into one of my front ends and was playing with also mixer while my wife was trying to watch tv
[06:37:23] wagnerrp: try the network control socket...
[06:38:39] Korny: Are you talking like using mythmote on the android?
[06:39:05] wagnerrp: i mean run 'nc <frontend> 6546'
[06:39:38] Korny: never tried that
[06:39:50] Korny: type nc?
[06:39:54] wagnerrp: netcat
[06:40:02] wagnerrp: mythmote probably uses the same interface
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[06:57:48] Sharky112065 is now known as Sharky-Sleep
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[08:15:12] Wolfgang2 (Wolfgang2! has joined #mythtv-users
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[12:26:45] chuck99z28 (chuck99z28! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:27:20] chuck99z28: I can't for the life of me get anything from "retrieve lineups" wile setting up mythtv
[12:27:24] chuck99z28: using shcedules direct
[12:27:53] chuck99z28: logs are
[12:27:54] chuck99z28: 2013-02–23 07:12:58.843081 I [2751/2751] CoreContext videosource.cpp:349 (fillSelections) – Fetching lineups from Schedules Direct...
[12:27:54] chuck99z28: 2013-02–23 07:12:58.851230 I [2751/2751] CoreContext datadirect.cpp:1158 (GrabData) – DataDirect: Grabbing channel data
[12:27:54] chuck99z28: 2013-02–23 07:12:58.851258 I [2751/2751] CoreContext datadirect.cpp:1021 (DDPost) – Downloading DataDirect feed
[12:27:54] chuck99z28: 2013-02–23 07:13:10.087519 E [2751/2751] CoreContext datadirect.cpp:1186 (GrabData) – DataDirect: Failed to get data: Download error
[12:28:02] chuck99z28: can anyone provide a clue?
[12:32:16] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:35:02] Korny2: Using the correct login/password?
[12:35:10] lapion (lapion! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:37:00] chuck99z28: yes, and I re-added the lineups, changed the password
[12:37:42] chuck99z28: it works in windows media center
[12:38:03] Korny2: sorry had to ask the obvious :)
[12:39:22] chuck99z28: I googled my heart out and can't find anything.
[12:39:25] chuck99z28: I disabled ipv6
[12:39:33] chuck99z28: permissions in /tmp are 777
[12:47:18] croppa (croppa! has quit ()
[12:47:58] chuck99z28: I just tried mythfilldatabase
[12:47:58] chuck99z28: >>>>>>>>>>>> --dd-grab-all -v file,network --loglevel debug --logpath /tmp
[12:48:03] chuck99z28: as root
[12:48:07] chuck99z28: and it seems to be working
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[12:51:50] Korny2 (Korny2!~Korny@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:58:44] chuck99z28: so, if I bypass the mythtv-setup script and run mythtv-setup.real as root it works
[12:58:57] chuck99z28: but this is a fresh default install of nythbuntu
[12:59:07] chuck99z28: so I don't know where I messed up
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[14:11:14] hR13: Hi, Im running mythtv 0.24 and my tv scheduler dont update the upcoming programs i only have program data til the evening on the 28/2 I have run the mythtv-setup ond gone thru the add xml.. and I also checked the EIT box and run filldb, any one with any suggestions? I live in Sweden if that matters
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[14:26:38] bill6502: chuck99z28: If running as root works, then do you have this file: /tmp/mythtv_ddp_data, writable only by root? As long as mythfilldatabase isn't running, just remove it.
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[14:30:12] Sharky-Sleep is now known as Sharky112065
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[14:40:22] hR13: thanks bill6502 I will have a look att that
[14:42:50] hR13: bill6502: I only have "tvdb_api_107/" under /tmp/ ....
[14:47:08] amessina (amessina!~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[14:56:52] hR13: hmm. I tried to run mythfill maually in a terminal as the main user without any problem but it dont look like it has updated any thing at all. I looked in one of the frontends...
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[15:35:33] quantum: Is sphery here? Wagner said maybe he could help with this.
[15:36:08] quantum: My schedule has run out and mythfilldatabase is erroring. "downloadError 5 Operation canceled"
[15:36:30] quantum:
[15:37:10] quantum: mythfilldatabase --dd-grab-all doesn't help.
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[16:55:14] gpd: I'm getting terrible audio sync issues with flash video on my mythtv box on ubuntu 12.04. tempted to remove pulseaudio – anyone experienced this?
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[18:19:24] quinten: my mythweb seems to be broken in exactly the way that this user's was: . . . 341710.html. however, uninstalling and reinstalling php-apache has no effect
[18:39:35] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:42:04] quantum: Is sphery here? Wagner said maybe he could help with this.
[18:42:13] quantum: My schedule has run out and mythfilldatabase is erroring. "downloadError 5 Operation canceled"
[18:42:22] quantum:
[18:42:30] quantum: mythfilldatabase --dd-grab-all doesn't help.
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[18:54:04] quantum: Another weekend without TV...
[19:02:25] tgm4883_: quantum, have you checked your SD password doesn't contain special characters or spaces and that you aren't going through a proxy?
[19:02:26] [R]: i see an ad for a monster hdmi and it says "to get quality picture you need a quality cable"
[19:02:30] [R]: stupid people...
[19:03:49] esperegu_ (esperegu_! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:03:50] quantum: Hm, will check password. Am running squid, but it's not set for systemwide.
[19:04:11] quantum: tgm4883_: is sd password set in mythtv-settings?
[19:04:11] esperegu (esperegu! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[19:04:56] tgm4883_: quantum, it would be in mythtv-setup
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[19:13:48] quantum: tgm4883_: HEY, my password was blank on both lineups! Used to be mythfilldatabase would throw an 'authorization failure', but apparently no more.
[19:14:04] quantum: Working now, thanks!
[19:14:08] tgm4883_: quantum, yw
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[19:15:39] quantum: Any idea how to set the backend for additional data download?
[19:19:16] tgm4883_: quantum, what do you mean?
[19:20:20] quantum: As part of troubleshooting this, I found a reference to the wiki talking about how 0.25+ can now download additional data for shows. But you apparently have to set the backend.
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[19:24:06] tgm4883_: quantum, I'm assuming you're talking about metadata for shows
[19:24:23] tgm4883_: I think I just set that in the show schedule
[19:24:48] tgm4883_: quantum, but it's probable that it's under the metadata settings in the FE, IDK
[19:25:35] quantum: I remember you can set it in each show in the Recording Schedule, but for permanence you have to set the backend somehow. Still trying to find the reference.
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[19:52:20] quantum: Apparently Myth is smarter than me.
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[20:30:52] monkeypet69: cockroaches are smarter than humans.
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[21:09:21] Hilikus: every time i reboot my backend computer i lose my capture card. its a HDPVR, any idea where i can start checking? i imagine it has something to do with the usb being detected after the backend starts
[21:10:48] [R]: what does the backend say when it starts
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[21:12:33] Steve-Goodey: Hilikus: . . . R_Rules_file any good?
[21:13:32] Hilikus: where? in tje logs or fronend? in the frontend it just doesn't show any scheduled recordings
[21:14:34] Hilikus: Steve-Goodey: i'll try that. thank you
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[21:36:25] Hilikus: Steve-Goodey: its not a problem of video index, it is always index 0
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[21:36:31] Hilikus: however i see this
[21:36:37] Hilikus: Feb 23 16:31:26 hilikus mythbackend[1876]: E CoreContext channelbase.cpp:940 (InitializeInputs) InitializeInputs(): #012#011#011#011Could not get inputs for the capturecard.#012#011#011#011Perhaps you have forgotten to bind video#012#011#011#011sources to your card's inputs?
[21:36:38] Hilikus: Feb 23 16:31:26 hilikus mythbackend[1876]: E CoreContext channelbase.cpp:1229 (CreateChannel) ChannelBase: CreateChannel() Error: Failed to open device /dev/video0
[21:37:09] Hilikus: and then this Feb 23 16:31:26 hilikus mythbackend[1876]: W CoreContext main_helpers.cpp:211 (setupTVs) MythBackend: No valid capture cards are defined in the database.
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[21:49:24] bill6502: Hilikus: What distribution are you running?
[21:49:30] Hilikus: ubuntu
[21:49:48] Hilikus: it works fine if i start with the pvr unplugged and plug it once the system has booted
[21:50:13] bill6502: OK, and after the system's up can you restart the backend successfully?
[21:51:14] Hilikus: well, it restarts, but still the hdpvr is not detected
[21:51:18] tgm4883_: after the system boots, can you 'cat /dev/video0 > ~/test.mpg'
[21:51:41] bill6502: See this: See this section: Delay starting the backend until all tuners have initialised
[21:52:18] AndyCap: Heh, an event driven init system has to be good for something. :)
[21:53:10] bill6502: ;) mine looks like this (but you need to go through the procedure on the Wiki:) start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE!=lo and started udev-finish
[21:53:11] Hilikus: tgm4883_: the file is created, and the light on the pvr is on. i would say it does record
[21:53:12] bill6502: and dvb-device-added KERNEL=dvb0.frontend0)
[21:53:32] tgm4883_: Hilikus, does the file have video?
[21:53:44] Hilikus: tgm4883_: let me check that
[21:54:46] Hilikus: yes, it does
[21:55:06] tgm4883_: Hilikus, after the system boots, if you just restart the backend process does it work?
[21:55:55] Hilikus: no, it doesn't detect the recording device. i have a feeling it starts too early. i'm following the wiki bill6502 mentioned
[21:56:11] tgm4883_: Hilikus, that doesn't make sense then
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[21:56:32] Hilikus: weird thing is that even after bootup is complete if i just restart myth it STILL doesn't detect it
[21:56:51] tgm4883_: Hilikus, because after the system boots, you said that cat works on the HDPVR, but restarting the backend process doesn't?
[21:56:58] tgm4883_: if that's the case, then that link isn't going to work
[21:57:25] Hilikus: tgm4883_: well, what do you mean "works"? the backend starts but it doesn't detect any recorders
[21:57:35] bill6502: agreed, that's why I asked if it came up after the system was up (as did tgm4883_)
[21:57:57] tgm4883_: Hilikus, after the backend boots, if you stop the backend and go into mythtv-setup, then check the tuner there and see if it's recognized
[21:58:10] tgm4883_: Hilikus, then see if it works after resetting it up in mythtv-setup
[21:58:23] Hilikus: how do i reset it from mythtv-setup?
[21:58:43] tgm4883_: Hilikus, go into the tuner setup and see if it's showing up correctly in there under HDPVR setup
[21:59:50] Hilikus: it appears under capture cards still, but it seems the "input connection" is lost
[22:00:41] tgm4883_: so mythtv-setup is still probing the correct info?
[22:00:47] Hilikus: oh wait, the inputs are all mixed up. it recorgnizes the component input on the MPEG recorder
[22:00:57] ** tgm4883_ smacks head **
[22:01:06] tgm4883_: <Steve-Goodey> Hilikus: . . . R_Rules_file any good?
[22:01:42] tgm4883_: Hilikus, so yea, fix that and you should be good to go
[22:11:55] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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[22:55:24] Hilikus: thanks guys
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[23:01:14] robski: so I thought I'd report back. not sure if anyone I was chatting with yesterday is on.. but I managed to solve my problem
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[23:01:46] robski: quantum, sphery, wagnerrp and bogustrumper I think it was
[23:02:14] robski: anyway, I had mythtv running and I was watching tv, I couldn't seem to get the backend up.
[23:02:29] robski: I thought it was meant to read the config in ~/.mythtv...
[23:02:58] robski: but it was actually reading it from /var/lib/mythtv for some reason.
[23:03:48] robski: anyway, I'm happily running it as a daemon now. It was an easy fix. in /etc/sysconfig there is a file where you can configure the location of your configi
[23:03:59] robski: I set it to /home/mythtv/.mythtv and it came up
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[23:05:39] wagnerrp: robski: mythtv reads $MYTHCONFDIR/config.xml, if $MYTHCONFDIR is defined, falling back to $HOME/.mythtv/config.xml if not
[23:06:25] robski: ya, I used packages, so I didn't really have an understanding of what was configured. I suppose I may have known if I had compiled
[23:06:36] robski: but anyway, I thought I'd just feed back
[23:07:45] robski: oh, and I figured out that X redirect over SSH too. about time I pulled my finger out on that one. It was stupidly simple
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