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Wednesday, February 6th, 2013, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:51] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[00:02:20] emmanuelux (emmanuelux! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:04:40] drussell_: TandyUK: Are you using the correct /dev/videoX device to get the MPEG encoder? Not sure about the 500 but some of those Hauppauge cards can do framegrabber mode or MPEG mode on two separate devices... The first (usually video0) should be framegrabber, the second (video1) should be the MPEG encoder...
[00:05:55] drussell_: TandyUK: It will need to be configured as an MPEG 2 Encoder card instead of the V4L capture device type and using the correct /dev/videoX device node to use the on-board MPEG2 encoder...
[00:07:07] jams: for the 500 /dev/video0 and /dev/video1 will be the first and 2nd mpeg encoders
[00:07:27] drussell_: Ah, the 500 is a dual... No framegrabber mode?
[00:08:00] jams: not without doing special stuff
[00:08:03] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:08:06] drussell_: TandyUK: Not sure, then... I have no experience with that model...
[00:08:25] drussell_: jams: did you see my note yesterday about the HVR-2250?
[00:09:11] drussell_: jams: Does reverting patch 483e06f6b in ringbuffer.cpp improve your HVR-2250? Definitely better here but still has issues, but must have something to do with how little or how much we prebuffer and how close to the end of the file / close to live stream we are, I guess..
[00:11:57] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:13:55] jams: i didn't not see that note
[00:14:02] jams: I will have to try it
[00:14:05] jbaxter_ (jbaxter_! has quit (Quit: Quiting)
[00:15:35] drussell_: Makes a huge difference here... It's usable on my remote frontend without that patch. Now, if I could just find the source of these sefaults on FreeBSD, it would actually be workable as it is (though not FULLY fixed) and obviously needs a proper fix... Just curious if it makes any difference there as well for you
[00:18:48] hadees (hadees!~hadees@ has quit (Quit: hadees)
[00:19:42] jams: are you using the analog tuners?
[00:21:59] drussell_: jams: Yes... My debug box is set up with one card, one side digital, one side analog and I can now usually play and switch between ATSC, analog tuner (including channel changes) and composite without issue most of the time...
[00:25:55] drussell_: jams: It is, however, noticeably more likely to need a pause /skip back a couple seconds from the "live" position to play without stutter with that patch removed than with the extra buffering in... But it does usually start
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[00:28:39] drussell_: AFK; dinner :-)
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[01:11:21] wagnerrp: TandyUK: are you actually trying to record TV? or just capture old VHS tapes?
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[02:04:02] Captain_Murdoch (Captain_Murdoch!~cpinkham@mythtv/developer/CaptainMurdoch) has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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[03:05:50] wagnerrp_ is now known as wagnerrp
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[03:24:50] Guest27504 (Guest27504! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:25:59] Guest27504: Hi All..wondering if anyone can help me. I just installed mythbuntu 12.04, and my schedulesdirect no longer pulls down the lineup.
[03:26:12] wagnerrp: what type of tuner?
[03:26:24] Guest27504: I googled, and found that all kinds of other people had the same issue,,,but did not see resolution.
[03:26:45] Guest27504: I just went digital, so I got a Hauppauge HDPVR, and am trying that.
[03:27:17] Guest27504: I have been using my schedulesdirect account for years with an older mytv version.
[03:27:20] wagnerrp: you should be able to pull a lineup for an HDPVR without a problem
[03:27:38] wagnerrp: there have been some users claiming issues with regards to a 10 second timeout in the code that downloads them
[03:27:48] wagnerrp: although that was upped in response
[03:27:54] wagnerrp: let me see what specific commit...
[03:28:13] Guest27504: Are there logs that would lead me to the actual cause?
[03:28:24] Guest27504: I.e. Which logs should I be reviewing?
[03:28:40] wagnerrp: yeah. it takes more than ten seconds to pull the lineup, so mythtv thinks something went wrong and aborts
[03:29:10] Guest27504: thanks for trying to help.
[03:29:21] Guest27504: Any resolution for the 10 second issue?
[03:29:27] wagnerrp: it has been fixed
[03:29:33] wagnerrp: i'm trying to track down when it was fixed
[03:29:54] Guest27504: I am using Mythbuntu 12.04...which I believe is 0.25
[03:30:03] Korny: Its what you choose it to be]
[03:30:21] Korny: but by default it is 0.25, you should enable fixes if you haven't though :)
[03:30:48] Guest27504: I haven't....just installed it. How do I enable the fixes?
[03:31:49] Guest27504: Korny: Do you just mean to use the ubuntu updates? Or something else?
[03:32:07] wagnerrp: likely in mythbuntu control center
[03:32:19] Korny:
[03:32:28] Guest27504: Ahhh...Okay..I will check in there.
[03:33:05] Korny: I just realized tough
[03:33:13] Korny: I think mythbuntu already has the myth repo's
[03:33:24] Korny: I'm tihnking fo the mythbuntu repo that updates their software side
[03:35:34] Guest27504: I'll check synaptic
[03:38:40] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:39:39] wagnerrp: Guest27504: it's not an area of the code i dea with much, i'm just not finding it
[03:39:56] wagnerrp: but something like that would probably have been backported to 0.26, if you get a recent package for it
[03:42:00] Guest27504: wagnrerrp: Thanks for trying. I will try to step up to 0.26, and see what happens.
[03:44:53] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[03:46:53] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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[04:18:10] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[04:18:15] tonsofpcs: wagnerrp: resolve your RF issues?
[04:19:12] wagnerrp: nah, haven't touched it
[04:19:23] wagnerrp: it's sitting right on the edge where i only get periodic issues
[04:21:24] hsa34 (hsa34! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:21:45] hsa34: what version of mythtv is in the iso in the download?
[04:22:01] wagnerrp: you'll have to be a bit more specific
[04:22:07] wagnerrp: mythtv doesn't provide anything but source
[04:22:09] hsa34: I have a Ceton infinitv USB tuner and it is suppose to work with .26
[04:22:25] hsa34: my question is how to get it working :)
[04:22:59] hsa34: ohh there is mythubuntu
[04:23:08] wagnerrp: what version?
[04:23:10] hsa34: i guess i'm in the wrong channel for that
[04:23:28] hsa34: well, i was thinking of downloading mythubuntu if it has the latest stable .26 release included
[04:23:35] hsa34: otherwise maybe trying a ppa with it
[04:23:58] hsa34: that way i might get my usb ceton initv tuner working
[04:24:10] wagnerrp: the mythbuntu repositories contain 0.25, 0.26, and 0.27
[04:24:22] wagnerrp: i believe the 12.04 iso comes with 0.25 installed by default
[04:24:33] wagnerrp: but it should be trivial to update it
[04:24:33] hsa34: i see ubuntu has .25
[04:24:43] hsa34: not sure if mythubuntu has something newer.
[04:24:50] wagnerrp: they're the same thing
[04:24:57] hsa34: are there is ntructions somewhere to update?
[04:25:09] wagnerrp: probably on the mythbuntu website
[04:30:10] Guest27504: I am only going through the process now, but to update mythbuntu to 0.26 or 0.27, there are options inside the mythbuntu control center which you will find in the xwindows system menu
[04:30:52] Guest27504: I am only half way through the process now, so I do no know how well it works.
[04:39:24] hsa34 (hsa34! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[04:43:17] Guest27504: now my install is up to 0.26 and I am still not getting my schedules direct lineup. I have two lineups in SD right now. (one for Cable and one for CableDigital). I only used to have one before....does having 2 lineups break this "retrieve"?
[04:43:27] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:02:54] samsneed (samsneed! has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:17:49] samsneed: Hello Everyone, I need help with MythWeather on Mythbuntu 12.04. I signed up for the Wunderground API key. Mythfrontend 0.26 shows the following in the logs. "No copyrightlogo widget found, skipping screen Current Conditions. Widget not found copyrightlogo". The full log can be found through the following link:
[05:18:30] wagnerrp: sounds like you're using a theme that doesn't display the copyright, so mythweather refuses to display anything
[05:21:13] samsneed: I have tried the Mythbuntu and MythMediastream themes to no avail. Any recommendation about which theme to use?
[05:21:21] wagnerrp: no idea
[05:25:15] samsneed: I have searched everywhere and found nothing. I discovered that Wunderground provides an option to obtain HTML code for the widget but I don't know where to add the code.
[05:33:26] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[05:39:09] samsneed: Also, the DVD drive on Mythfrontend can mount audio CDs but not a DVD disc. Udev rules to create the /dev/dvd symlink exist. VLC media player can play the audio CD but not the DVD.
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[06:02:09] samsneed: wagnerrp, you were right. I tried the MythCenter theme and MythWeather works. The only thing outstanding is playing DVDs. I google the issue and saw similar issues.
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[06:05:32] Bray90820 (Bray90820!3251fd20@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[06:05:56] Bray90820: what's the code to start the backend
[06:06:13] oobe: 465123
[06:06:44] Bray90820: lol that's not what i ment
[06:06:59] Bray90820: i ment the terminal code
[06:09:05] mpet69 (mpet69!1806873e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[06:09:25] Bray90820: can someone take a look at my logs and tell me why my shows didn't record
[06:09:27] Bray90820:
[06:09:40] Bray90820: at 19:00 none of my shows recorded
[06:12:29] ertyu-m (ertyu-m! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[06:14:18] mpet69: perm denied trying to write the file?
[06:14:50] mpet69: TFW(/media/data/Videos/Recordings/1707_20130205190000.mpg:-1): Opening file '/media/data/Videos/Recordings/1707_20130205190000.mpg'.#012#011#011#011eno: Permission denied (13)
[06:16:28] Bray90820: so is couldn't find my record location or do i just not have promissions to write in that location
[06:17:47] Bray90820: because that location does exist
[06:18:09] Bray90820: mpet69
[06:20:45] samsneed (samsneed! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[06:25:19] mpet69: so why is it trying to open that file?
[06:25:39] mpet69: did you setup your storage groups?
[06:29:20] Bray90820: it's not trying to open up that file it's trying to record that file
[06:29:33] ertyu-m (ertyu-m! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:29:36] Bray90820: but i did setup my recording group to /media/data/Videos/Recordings
[06:32:28] mpet69: Bray90820: what user is mythtv running as?
[06:32:38] Bray90820: how would i find that out
[06:33:32] mpet69: type at the shell: ps auxwww
[06:33:51] mpet69: search it for mythbackend or mythtv
[06:34:47] Bhaal (Bhaal!~bhaal@freenode/staff-emeritus/bhaal) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:35:06] mpet69: check for permissions on /media/data: ls -lag /medi/data/Videos/Recordings
[06:35:23] Bhaal: Hey guys, real quick question, The "Alt-F7" signal meter, does it still work? As Its not working when I press alt-f7 :(
[06:35:27] ertyu-m (ertyu-m! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[06:36:30] Bray90820: here is the output if ps auxwww
[06:36:31] Bray90820:
[06:36:46] mpet69: Bray90820: if the directory exists, a quick fix is to grant everyone permissions: chmod 777 -R /media/data/Videos/Recordings
[06:37:10] mpet69: mythtv 1922 8.4 0.5 2154248 43144 ? Sl 00:18 1:20 /usr/bin/mythbackend --syslog local7 --user mythtv
[06:37:21] mpet69: Bray90820: it is running as the mythtv user.
[06:37:40] Bray90820: im not sure
[06:38:14] mpet69: that line I pasted says it is running as mythtv.
[06:38:36] Bray90820: oh i thought you were asking
[06:38:38] Bray90820: my bad
[06:40:26] Bray90820: well right now it's 775
[06:41:36] mpet69: ls -lag /media/data/Videos/Recordings
[06:41:51] mpet69: who is that directory owned by?
[06:42:46] Bray90820: i assume the owner is 777
[06:43:37] Bray90820: a while ago before i created recordings i set /media/data to 777 recursively
[06:43:59] Bray90820:
[06:44:08] mpet69: ls -l /media/data/Videos/Recordings
[06:44:17] Bray90820:
[06:44:24] Bray90820: oops
[06:44:28] Bray90820: wrong one
[06:44:29] Bray90820: sorry
[06:44:59] mpet69: it is owned by aaron, not mythtv, so mythtv can't write to it.
[06:45:15] Bray90820: the last code you gave me gives me an output of
[06:45:16] Bray90820: total 0
[06:45:28] Bray90820: is there a way to make it owned by everyone
[06:45:42] mpet69: chmod 777 /media/data/VIdeos/Recordings
[06:45:50] Bray90820: yes just like i thought
[06:45:53] mpet69: that should do it.
[06:46:08] Bray90820: so after changing it to 777 i should be good to record?
[06:46:15] mpet69: ls -l /media/data/Videos/
[06:46:36] zoran119 (zoran119! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:46:38] mpet69: make sure the permissions look right.
[06:47:14] mpet69: i think so
[06:47:21] Bray90820: yea right now recordings are owned by me
[06:48:53] Bray90820: so it's 777
[06:49:01] Bray90820: so i should be good to record now?
[06:49:33] mpet69: try it
[06:50:40] Bray90820: will do
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[06:53:48] mpet69 (mpet69!1806873e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[06:54:18] Bhaal: So no signal strength meter in MythTV anymore>
[06:54:19] Bhaal: ?
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[07:33:32] Bray90820: mpet69 i tested a few things with my recording and it seems to have changed my recording location from /var/lib/mythtv/livetv
[07:33:37] Bray90820: here are my logs
[07:33:38] Bray90820:
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[13:01:49] paulgardiner: jya: ping
[13:02:01] jya: i'm here
[13:02:04] jya: for now
[13:02:56] paulgardiner: I've been reading up on H264 again, and I was just going to make a serious attempt at finding what is going on with that sample of yours, but I can't get it to fail
[13:03:26] paulgardiner: I'm on current fixes/0.26
[13:04:10] paulgardiner: I remembered you said something about the renderer being important, so I tried opengl (was xv), but still it played smoothly
[13:09:16] ahhughes (ahhughes! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[13:09:24] paulgardiner: Sorry: this is to do with ticket 11159 (probably worth mentioning)
[13:10:07] paulgardiner: I know that BBC HD recordings are ok since you reverted the quick fix, but I thought that would mean the HDPVR problem would be back
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[13:21:49] paulgardiner: Ah. I think Jim Stichnot may have fixed it with a1b9b1f94a774710443637de034c661618e5baa3
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[13:30:11] paulgardiner: Nope. Just backed out that commit and it still plays. I don't know what's going on.
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[13:43:30] YMMS: Hello,
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[13:45:22] YMMS: Has anybody here using mythtv with a cband sat dish ?
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[13:46:38] paulgardiner: jya: Did you get any of that? Any thoughts?
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[14:03:38] Guest27504: Hi All, Just some feedback. I was having difficulty with Schedules direct not feeding my the it turns out, schedulesdirect does not work properly with a userid with underscores in the username.
[14:04:01] Guest27504: Just in case others encounter the same issue.
[14:05:07] YMMS: Well just in case some one knows how to fix my issue it simply is that my sat tuner TBS 6981 can not seem to lock channels when using a cband lnb, it can scan them fine. It also can use ku band lnb with out issue.
[14:05:55] YMMS: I can lock channels with command line tools such as zap-s2 but need to specify that its a cband lnb or it fails
[14:07:13] YMMS: I suspect that mythtv is not addressing the lnb correctly when its a cband
[14:08:53] YMMS: good your not Guest_27504
[14:11:26] Guest27504: Does anyone know the EIT setting and the Channel Frequency setting for Digital cable using a HDPVR?
[14:11:46] wagnerrp: neither apply
[14:12:05] Guest27504: So ignore?
[14:12:22] wagnerrp: EIT is only available over digital, and not digital cable anyway
[14:12:37] wagnerrp: channel frequency only matters when mythtv is actually going to be doing the tuning
[14:12:45] wagnerrp: but your cable box does the tuning
[14:13:27] Guest27504: Got it...thx. Do you know if people are using the blaster built into the HDPVR?
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[14:13:47] wagnerrp: i believe some are
[14:14:08] Guest27504: ok thx.
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[16:50:09] DarthFrog: Hi folks. Dmesg is reporting: when I plug in my Hauppauge HD-PVR.
[16:50:24] DarthFrog: Is there a known problem with this firmware? does the driver work with it?
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[16:52:46] jams: mine have that firmware and they work
[16:52:50] DarthFrog: When I try to watch Live TV, I get "Error opening jump program file buffer". The HD-PVR lights up for a few seconds, then goes dark, then lights up again. Rinse, lather repeat.
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[16:53:36] jabain: .
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[16:54:24] DarthFrog: Feb 6 08:51:29 localhost mythlogserver: mythbackend[30099]: E RecThread mpegrecorder.cpp:745 (set_ctrls) mpegrecorder.cpp:set_ctrls(): Could not set Video Peak Bitrate to 11000000#012#011#011#011eno: Bad file descriptor (9)And /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log contains:
[16:55:27] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:55:30] DarthFrog: This is with MythTV 0.26
[16:55:45] DarthFrog: On Kubuntu 12.10
[16:56:17] jams: DarthFrog, do recordings work?
[16:56:43] DarthFrog: jams: They show the same stop/start behaviour.
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[16:58:41] DarthFrog: jams: How do you like the HD-PVR? Does it work OK for you?
[17:00:54] jams: i try not to use it as regardless of firmware problems they are not the most reliable of product
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[17:01:16] DarthFrog: What do you use?
[17:01:19] jabain: DarthFrog: Did you try doing a.... cat /dev/video1 > test.ts ... then playing with some software like VLC?
[17:01:37] DarthFrog: jabain: yes. Works fine.
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[17:02:19] jams: DarthFrog, I actually use analog capture with a pvr-500. The reduction in quality is worth it since I know the recording will be there
[17:02:36] DarthFrog: Oops, let me correct that. Works for 3 seconds, then quits.
[17:03:00] DarthFrog: jams: You have analogue nowadays?
[17:03:20] jams: yes most of stations are still analog
[17:03:28] jabain: Then the issue is not mythtv, It's got to be either the HDPVR or the linux drivers.
[17:03:36] jams: DarthFrog, are you sure your signal is good?
[17:03:37] DarthFrog: I'm wanting to move away from analogue Hauppauge cards as I get 0 byte files.
[17:04:05] jams: funny
[17:04:09] DarthFrog: jams: What recording I get is fine.
[17:04:25] DarthFrog: I get 100% signal lock.
[17:06:03] jams: just wondering..with my ipad component out the hdpvr works all the time. when using a STB component the signal would sometimes stop..which of course shutoff the hdpvr
[17:06:07] DarthFrog: jams: Currently I have 3 Motorola digital terminals feeding 3 Hauppauge analogue cards, using a CommandIR to switch channels. Doesn't work worth a damn. So I'm thinking of ripping all that out and getting a couple more HD-PVRs and HD terminals.
[17:09:46] DarthFrog: jabain: Hmm. I stopped mythttv-backend, turned off the HD-PVR and unloaded the hdpvr driver. Turned the HD-PVR back on and now "cat /dev/video1 > test.ts" is working fine.
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[17:13:07] DarthFrog: Well, on the knowledge that fools rush in, I'm going to try the 0.27 development version. :-) Ready, fire, aim!
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[17:20:57] GreatEmerald: In the lircrc file, how do you set the "config" value to a key combination (like Control and Escape)?
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[17:21:12] shad0VV: hi
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[17:21:14] shad0VV: i want to buy a dvb-t card, but i am not sure if i have to choose dvb-t or dvb-t2 card...the format which is used here in greece is mpeg-4 and we have 2 channels with 1080i
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[17:21:59] wagnerrp: shad0VV: i don't think DVB-T2 has any significant usage outside the UK
[17:22:25] shad0VV: aha
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[17:24:33] wagnerrp: GreatEmerald: those "config" values don't actually map to keypresses, they just map to simple command strings
[17:24:55] wagnerrp: for convenience, mythtv uses the same command strings as the keys defined for keyboard control
[17:25:14] GreatEmerald: wagnerrp: Oh, so is there a list of those somewhere?
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[17:25:52] wagnerrp: in mythfrontend, you went into the key bindings, and defined something to a key combination, correct?
[17:27:20] GreatEmerald: wagnerrp: No, I'm doing everything manually through lircrc
[17:27:49] GreatEmerald: If I do go to key config and try to assign something, mythtv does not recognise it as a button press if a lircrc file is present
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[17:28:22] wagnerrp: why would you be trying to assign something to a ctrl combination if you hadn't defined an action for such in the key config?
[17:29:12] GreatEmerald: wagnerrp: I see that by default Ctrl+Esc is set to close MythTV, thus I want to map it to my Power button on the remote
[17:29:31] wagnerrp: then give your lircrc that exact string
[17:29:47] GreatEmerald: A, I see
[17:30:41] stuartm: shad0VV: T2 is also being used in Northern Europe iirc, DVB-T2 is backwards compatible with DVB-T so that's the safer bet, Greece may or may not be using DVB-T2 now but they might in future
[17:31:09] shad0VV: stuartm:aha better to buy a T2 then
[17:31:13] shad0VV: any suggestion stuartm?
[17:32:45] stuartm: shad0VV: I can't recommend anything as I haven't got a T2 card, I'm getting by with DVB-T and DVB-S2 atm
[17:33:34] shad0VV: stuartm:aha ok, which dvb-t u have?
[17:33:36] DarthFrog: Darn, Myth 0.27 gives the same result. :-(
[17:33:55] stuartm: when I bought my DVB-T cards T2 didn't exist :) I will eventually replace them but I can get all the channels from satellite/DVB-S2 anyway
[17:35:02] stuartm: shad0VV: Hauppauge Nova-T 500
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[17:35:42] shad0VV: stuartm: does it need any custom moves to work in linux?
[17:35:44] stuartm: I've also got some old Nova-T and LSR-1000s in a draw, they don't make those any more
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[17:37:52] stuartm: shad0VV: you need to specify a module option in /etc/modprobe.d/options to enable the built-in amplifier, but that's all
[17:38:20] shad0VV: that's ok, thanks again
[17:39:22] stuartm: I've no idea why the driver doesn't enable the amplifier by default, I've never found anyone who can use the card without it enabled, it's splitting the signal between two different tuners and really needs amplification
[17:39:53] shad0VV: 2 tuners?
[17:40:12] shad0VV: two channels at the same time?
[17:40:14] stuartm: the card has two separate tuners on it :)
[17:40:43] stuartm: shad0VV: a minimum of two, maximum of 10 (in mythtv)
[17:40:46] stuartm: :)
[17:41:05] shad0VV: nice
[17:41:51] stuartm: because DVB broadcasts multiple video streams (channels) on each frequency you can record all channels on the same frequency at the same time
[17:42:46] stuartm: each country varies but this is usually at least 3–4 channels and sometimes as many as 10
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[17:43:49] shad0VV: right the same happens here too, 6 channels on the same freq
[17:43:56] stuartm: with two tuners you can record two different frequencies :) MythTV limits it to 5 simultaneous recordings on each tuner to avoid bandwidth issues on some hardware
[17:44:19] shad0VV: that's awesome
[17:44:55] faichele (faichele! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:45:11] stuartm: of course if you want to record 3 things but they are on three different freqs then you are out of luck
[17:45:18] stuartm: unless you buy another card ;)
[17:45:25] shad0VV: stuartm: WinTV-NOVA-TD-Stick i was thinking for this one
[17:45:53] shad0VV: i think that it's the same with t500
[17:46:05] Sharky-Sleep is now known as Sharky112065
[17:46:05] stuartm: shad0VV: I've no experience of it, but you can see what they say on the wiki
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[17:48:25] shad0VV: stuartm: that's where i found it
[17:48:46] shad0VV: it just need a firmware that's it's in linux-firmware package, due to i2c errors
[17:58:43] neufeld`: DarthFrog: what's your kernel version?
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[18:14:02] DarthFrog: neufeld: 3.5.0-23-generic
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[18:19:47] neufeld: DarthFrog: OK, so it's not the kernel driver race condition that annoyed me for months. That was fixed during the 3.2.* series.
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[18:21:58] DarthFrog: neufeld: Thanks. Good to know.
[18:22:54] DarthFrog: The Hauppauge HD-PVR 1219 (Canadian editionof the 1212 with French) is on sale locally at Best Buy for $149.95. I'm considering buying two.
[18:23:32] DarthFrog: But I wonder if I'm going to waste $300 doing so and set myself up for massive frustration.
[18:24:10] neufeld: DarthFrog: you've checked all the usual HD-PVR things? It's the only device on a USB-2 bus, not USB-3 or USB-1. Your STB is set for fixed/forced resolution. Your audio source is correctly selected in mythtv for the cabling (RCA or TOSLink) you're using.
[18:25:42] shad0VV (shad0VV! has left #mythtv-users ("WeeChat 0.4.0")
[18:25:47] DarthFrog: neufeld: I'm still new with the HD-PVR. Sound works with TOSlink. Not sure about the USB.
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[18:26:38] DarthFrog: Hmm, there's a flash card reader on the same bus.
[18:27:41] neufeld: DarthFrog: I'm using TOSLink and the rear component cables. The HD-PVR module's options are default_audio_input=2 default_video_input=0, but you also have to set it correctly in mythtv-setup, or it'll change those settings.
[18:28:12] neufeld: DarthFrog: recommendation is exclusive USB-2 bus.
[18:28:47] DarthFrog: neufeld: I just changed it to a new port. It's now the only device on that bus.
[18:29:40] DarthFrog: neufeld: Same result. Error opening jump buffer file.
[18:31:08] neufeld: DarthFrog: after moving it around, I'd suggest rmmod-ing the HD-PVR modules, power-cycling the HD-PVR, then modprobing the HD-PVR modules. Then, without running the backend, cat /dev/hdpvr to a file. That is, don't let mythtv change any settings, just see what happens with a freshly power-cycled box and freshly-loaded modules.
[18:31:10] DarthFrog: neufeld: Where do you set those default hdpvr module setting?
[18:31:50] neufeld: DarthFrog: depends on your distribution. /etc/modprobe.conf, /etc/modprobe.d/hdpvr.conf, maybe somewhere else...
[18:32:55] DarthFrog: Just those two lines in hdpvr.conf? Nothing else?
[18:33:25] neufeld: DarthFrog: one line: ``options hdpvr default_audio_input=2 default_video_input=0''
[18:33:25] neufeld:
[18:34:05] DarthFrog: neufeld: Thanks.
[18:34:25] neufeld: DarthFrog: those lines won't have any effect except at modprobe time, so you have to unload and then reload the module
[18:35:12] neufeld: Your first goal should be to verify that you can cat the device to a file from a clean startup, without mythtv involved. That tests the kernel/hardware/cabling/modules.
[18:36:23] DarthFrog: neufeld: I did that. Worked for a few seconds, then died.
[18:37:33] DarthFrog: And test.tx is a 0 byte file.
[18:38:48] neufeld: DarthFrog: so, time to figure out what's wrong, without using mythtv. If cat-ing the device doesn't work, mythtv doesn't have a chance of working. When I first got my HD-PVR, I had a lot of trouble with a recording suddenly failing and resetting. Turned out that Rogers was giving me a bad signal on that channel, when I ran an HDMI cable straight from the STB to the television, I had bad pixellation and audio
[18:38:48] neufeld: dropouts, which cause the HD-PVR to give up. Check that you actually have a working video source.
[18:39:42] DarthFrog: I'm on Shaw.
[18:39:56] DarthFrog: When it works, the picture quality is fine.
[18:41:08] neufeld: DarthFrog: then check the silly things. You're connecting component outputs to component inputs, you don't have composite at one end of the wire? You're using the HD-PVR's TOSLink input socket, not its output socket. Your kernel module parameters match the wiring (/sys/module/hdpvr/parameters/* )
[18:41:37] DarthFrog: I commented out the options in hdpvr.conf and reloaded the driver, power-cycled the HD-PVR. cat /dev/video1 > text.ts worked for about 10 seconds, then died. Playback of test.ts gave a great picture for 10 seconds.
[18:42:15] neufeld: Reload the driver after power-cycling the HD-PVR. Once you've power-cycled it, assume the module is toast.
[18:42:19] neufeld: Did your playback have audio?
[18:42:36] jpabq: DarthFrog: what about audio? The HD-PVR will also die if it doesn't receive clean audio.
[18:42:46] DarthFrog: neufeld: Not from test.ts but when Myth does record (for a few seconds) audio is fine.
[18:43:29] neufeld: DarthFrog: so your module parameters don't match the audio hookup, but mythtv fixes it. Fix your module parameters and see if you can cat the device to a file.
[18:43:38] DarthFrog: Is there a log file that might give more info?
[18:43:58] neufeld: DarthFrog: sort of... I'll get the syntax
[18:45:04] neufeld: echo 5 >> /sys/module/hdpvr/parameters/hdpvr_debug then look in the dmesg
[18:45:40] neufeld: I'm just guessing about the '5', I didn't dig far enough into the logging to see if it cares about anything other than 0 / non-zero.
[18:46:00] neufeld: But you'd get more information if you recompiled the module with the HDPVR_DEBUG macro defined
[18:46:45] neufeld: Anyway, step 1. Fix your module parameters and see if you can cat the device to a file. You need video and audio. As jpabq points out, if there's no audio, the HD-PVR resets.
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[18:49:14] DarthFrog: So the "cat /dev/video1 > test.ts" should have audio on playback via Xine?
[18:49:33] neufeld: yes
[18:49:56] DarthFrog: dmesg has a very large # of identical lines: [537280.998215] hdpvr 4–5:1.0: hdpvr_submit_buffers:209 buffer stat: 0 free, 64 proc
[18:51:24] DarthFrog: Then:
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[19:03:11] neufeld: DarthFrog: I've seen something like that paste before, maybe on IRC. If it's what I remember, then last I heard, the guy was chasing down what he thought was a USB subsystem bug. You could try a $12 PCI USB card, I bought one of those while debugging my issues. See if it's a problem with your hardware/BIOS.
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[19:04:06] DarthFrog: neufeld: If I get to that point, I'll try it on a different computer. I have plenty to choose from. :-)
[19:04:34] DarthFrog: neufeld: I just found my TOSlink cable wasn't properly inserted, am retrying.
[19:04:51] neufeld: DarthFrog: that would certainly cause all of your problems
[19:05:21] DarthFrog: Now I get: cat: /dev/video1: Input/output error
[19:05:22] neufeld: The HD-PVR is really sensitive to losing its optical audio connection.
[19:05:29] DarthFrog: (^&%^^^&!!!!!
[19:05:42] neufeld: DarthFrog: you'll have to power-cycle the HD-PVR and reload the modules.
[19:05:46] DarthFrog: I did.
[19:05:51] DarthFrog: I'll try it again.
[19:06:12] hpeter (hpeter!~hpeter@ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[19:06:23] neufeld: Give the HD-PVR a few seconds to stabilize before you reload the modules. Wait for the front-panel switch light to change colour
[19:07:19] DarthFrog: I don't have to reload the module manually.
[19:08:11] DarthFrog: Nope, same result, I/O error.
[19:08:35] DarthFrog: OK, I'm going to pull the TOSlink and go to RCA.
[19:08:55] neufeld: DarthFrog: Why don't you have to reload the module? Does dmesg show that the module is being reloaded?
[19:09:51] DarthFrog: yes.
[19:09:56] DarthFrog: as does lsmod.
[19:11:14] DarthFrog: AArrrgghh! Same result.
[19:11:46] DarthFrog: Calm yourself, DarthFrog. A sledgehammer will not improve the situation.
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[19:13:05] neufeld: DarthFrog: try it anyway. rmmod hdpvr, wait a few seconds, modprobe hdpvr, wait a few seconds, cat the device file.
[19:13:46] DarthFrog: neufeld: I've done that about 5 times now. Same results.
[19:14:13] DarthFrog: root@hyla:~# cat /dev/video1 > test.ts
[19:14:14] DarthFrog: cat: /dev/video1: Input/output error
[19:14:18] Cardoe (Cardoe!~Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[19:14:40] neufeld: DarthFrog: you're sure that your device is still on /dev/video1 ?
[19:14:46] DarthFrog: yes.
[19:15:01] DarthFrog: hdpvr 4–5:1.0: device now attached to video1
[19:15:15] Heliwr (Heliwr!~Heliwr@pdpc/supporter/student/heliwr) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[19:15:35] neufeld: DarthFrog: that could be /dev/v4l/video1. Is it the same as /dev/video1 on your system?
[19:15:56] DarthFrog: Good question.
[19:16:01] neufeld: DarthFrog: because it's not the same device on mine
[19:16:30] ** neufeld uses a udev rule to avoid those sorts of issues **
[19:17:33] DarthFrog: neufeld: It seems to be. the files in /dev/v4l/by-id are symlinked to ../../video1
[19:18:30] DarthFrog: As is the appropriate file in /dev/v4l/by-path.
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[19:19:53] neufeld: DarthFrog: not sure what you mean by that. Is there a special file whose pathname is "/dev/v4l/video0", and is there also a special file whose pathname is "/dev/video0", and if so, are the major/minor types for those two special files the same?
[19:20:23] DarthFrog: No. Those files don't exist. Hang on, I'll pastebin the info.
[19:22:19] DarthFrog:
[19:24:42] neufeld: OK, so your device setup is different from mine, but in the end we believe that there is only /dev/video1, and when you reload the module you always get placed there. So, your device suddenly started giving you I/O errors, which survive HD-PVR power cycling and module reloading.
[19:27:05] DarthFrog: Correct. the I/O errors started when I properly inserted the TOSlink cable and continued when I pulled the TOSlink cable and switched to RCA. With changing the default audio setting to 0 from 2 in /etc/modprobe.conf/hdpvr.conf.
[19:28:12] neufeld: OK, but I don't think I/O error comes from a confused HD-PVR, I think it comes from a confused USB bus.
[19:28:19] DarthFrog: Prior to that, I would get video but not sound for a few seconds from "cat /dev/video1 > test.ts".
[19:29:05] DarthFrog: Perhaps I should just reboot to get everything off to a fresh start.
[19:29:52] DarthFrog: Actually, I'll just fire up my test bed computer on this KVM
[19:29:54] DarthFrog: :-)
[19:31:01] neufeld: I'd say yeah, boot from powered-off. Something went weird, time to reset all state.
[19:31:09] Heliwr (Heliwr!~Heliwr@pdpc/supporter/student/heliwr) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:32:53] DarthFrog: No joy, same I/O error report on the other machine (/dev/video0 there).
[19:33:58] Korny: Did you update the hd-pvr's firmware
[19:34:10] Korny: sorry if I missed you saying you did
[19:34:27] DarthFrog: Korny: yes, am running the latest firmware. March 2012 date.
[19:34:59] Korny: They haven't updated the hd-pvrs in a year?
[19:35:15] neufeld: DarthFrog: did you step on the USB cable while poking around back there? How did you induce a permanent change in behaviour?
[19:35:28] Korny: btw most people with hd-dvrs don't use the toslink its more problems then its worth
[19:36:10] neufeld: Korny: the most recent firmware has a colour issue bug. I use version 0x15 dated to June 17, 2010. Last I heard, it was the recommended firmware.
[19:36:29] neufeld: I also use TOSLink, and don't have issues with it.
[19:36:30] DarthFrog: neufeld: :-) No, the USB cable is out in front. All I did was firmly plug in the TOSlink cable.
[19:36:43] DarthFrog: I'll re-check the connections.
[19:38:59] ** neufeld had wonky STB issues after running an HDMI cable between computer and receiver. A coax cable got pinched while that was being done, but still passed signal fine. The STB got confused by the reflections coming back through the splitter. **
[19:39:16] DarthFrog: No joy. I unplugged the HD-PVR (instead of pushing the Power button) and got the same I/O error. New machine.
[19:39:53] DarthFrog: neufeld: I could try a new coax from the splitter to the STB.
[19:41:00] neufeld: DarthFrog: if you're getting clean audio/video from the STB directly to a TV, then don't bother. It was just a picky Rogers STB that got confused by multipath on the cable line.
[19:46:00] DarthFrog: Well, the coax cable did have a kink in it.
[19:47:20] DarthFrog: But swapping it out didn't make a difference. Next, I'm going to switch from component to composite.
[19:47:29] neufeld: DarthFrog: if the blue aura doesn't turn on, which I suspect is true for your I/O errors, then it's not a question of image quality, you're not even succeeding in asking the HD-PVR to taste its inputs.
[19:48:04] neufeld: DarthFrog: no blue aura --> device not properly communicating over USB
[19:48:26] DarthFrog: Yes. No blue with the I/O error report.
[19:50:01] neufeld: DarthFrog: So your problem is not with input quality, your USB connection is faulty, or you've got hardware problems in the HD-PVR.
[19:52:40] DarthFrog: Constant blue aura with composite input.
[19:53:12] DarthFrog: No sound, though.
[19:54:10] DarthFrog: Sound!
[19:54:16] DarthFrog: Picture!
[19:54:34] DarthFrog: Running as root = no sound. Running as user = sound. :-)
[19:54:50] DarthFrog: Composite input, though.
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[19:55:58] neufeld: OK, so you've got a setup that produces a reliable stream. Now you can test it in mythtv. You'll have to change the inputs in mythtv-setup, but I expect it'll be happy with it. if so, then whatever issues you're having, they're outside of the mythtv code itself.
[19:56:44] DarthFrog: Yeah, it seems to be a problem with the component input. I'll play around with it some more.
[19:57:07] neufeld: DarthFrog: have fun with that
[19:57:18] DarthFrog: neufeld: Overall, how happy are you with your HD-PVR? Does it change channels on your STB reliably?
[19:57:32] Korny: DarthFrog, are you using the hd-pvr blaster?
[19:57:40] DarthFrog: Korny: Not yet.
[19:58:00] DarthFrog: Korny: First, I just wanted to get the HD-PVR box working.
[19:58:03] Korny: I'm not sure whats current, but I know in the past thats caused a lot of issues(again not sure the current state)
[19:58:13] DarthFrog: But I do have a couple of CommandIR units.
[19:58:16] wagnerrp: tonsofpcs: you were right, signal quality actually did go up changing the amp for an unpowered splitter
[19:58:36] Korny: wagnerrp, still having signal issues :P
[19:58:40] DarthFrog: Korny: How are you changing channels?
[19:58:50] Korny: DarthFrog, I don't have an HD-pvr
[19:58:53] wagnerrp: well.. hadn't gotten around to doing anything to fix it
[19:58:56] DarthFrog: Ah.
[19:59:09] Korny: I'm a lazy person with HDHR's and HDHR primes
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[20:00:17] neufeld: DarthFrog: I'm happy with the HD-PVR. I do use its IR-blaster, but not to change channels on its STB...
[20:00:39] neufeld: I've got a HD STB and a SD STB. The HD-PVR is plugged into the power outlet of the HD STB.
[20:00:44] DarthFrog: neufeld: How do you change channels on the STB?
[20:00:50] neufeld: The HD-PVR's IR-blaster controls the SD STB.
[20:01:09] neufeld: The HD STB is controlled by this: . . . em_id=027737
[20:01:42] neufeld: I've got a script that, when the HD-PVR is idle and has recorded a show since last reset, power-cycles the STB, and through it, the HD-PVR.
[20:02:13] neufeld: That's why I can't use the HD-PVR's IR-blaster to change its own channels, because it requires that it have power in order to operate, the HD-PVR's IR-blaster can't operate solely off USB power.
[20:03:11] DarthFrog: How reliable is the HD-PVR's blaster with the SD-STB? I've got about 5 SD-STBs I can use.
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[20:03:38] DarthFrog: I find the CommandIR very unreliable with the SD-STBs.
[20:04:22] neufeld: I've found them both to be very reliable. The HD STB was a bit flaky, until I realized that the IR receiver wasn't where the manual said it was. I think I've had one SD tuning failure in six months, probably 200+ tuning events.
[20:04:41] neufeld: My older IR-blaster had a much lower success rate
[20:05:21] DarthFrog: neufeld: Many thanks for your help today. If you're ever in Vancouver, I owe you a few beers. :-)
[20:05:24] neufeld: Both boxes are Scientific Atlanta, using the SAE8000 command set.
[20:05:51] DarthFrog: Shaw is using Motorola STBs, both for HD and SD.
[20:05:52] neufeld: DarthFrog: no worries. Don't have plans to be back in the city of my birth in the forseeable future
[20:09:01] drussell_: You have to really watch those MediaGate remote kits... Many of them don't have the transmitter (the IR01BK) on them but the box is the same... You need the IR02BK for transmit and I haven't been able to find one around here for quite a while... Just a tip...
[20:09:22] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[20:09:53] neufeld: drussell_: yeah, I had that problem. The box had been mis-shelved, and I picked up the one missing the only bit I cared about. Had to make a second trip to the store.
[20:10:05] drussell_: Even bought one that SAID they had the transmitter on the website but when I got it, it was the 01!
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[20:11:02] neufeld: drussell_: in my case, they had both in stock, but I grabbed the wrong one because I was reading the label on the shelf, since the boxes are almost identical.
[20:11:12] drussell_: I ended up making a serial transmitter that time, but made me cautious in the future and haven't even been able to find the 02 since...
[20:12:22] DarthFrog: This is what I have:
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[20:14:10] neufeld: I saw the CommandIR units in my research, but the price on the MCE was better, and available in a store within bicycling distance.
[20:15:08] DarthFrog: I was planning on using it with 3 SD-STBs at the time. I have two of them: a CommandIR II and III.
[20:15:30] drussell_: neufeld: I may order a couple from that site you just posted, since they seem to have them :-)
[20:15:51] DarthFrog: That the developer was Canadian, was designed specifically for Linux and MythTV was what sold me.
[20:21:08] neufeld: drussell_: I'm happy with them, buy most of my hardware from there now, usually in person but occasionally online. I don't know whether they ship internationally, assuming you're not in Canada.
[20:21:45] drussell_: neufelf: Yes, I'm in Canada... Calgary, AB
[20:22:46] neufeld: drussell_: shouldn't be a problem then
[20:27:14] DarthFrog: neufeld: How are you capturing the output from your SD STBs?
[20:30:36] neufeld: DarthFrog: So, here's my setup: cable goes into 3-way splitter. One coax goes to the cable input of a PVR-500. Second goes to SD box, third to HD box. Composite outputs of SD box go to PVR-500 composite input module 1. Composite outputs of HD box go to PVR-500 composite input module 2, so I can use my scripts: . Upstairs, I've got an 8-bay "outdoor" antenna
[20:30:36] neufeld: stuck to a piece of PVC plumbing I hang from the ceiling in the corner of my office, and that connects to a HDHomerun3. The upstairs and basement are connected with powerline networking, . . . em_id=040595
[20:30:39] messerting (messerting! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[20:31:19] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:31:53] DarthFrog: neufeld: Your Hauppauge analogue cards are still working with MythTV? Mine aren't, I get 0 byte files.
[20:32:22] DarthFrog: I figured the switch to digital TV meant the IVTV drivers were orphaned and are dying via bitrot.
[20:45:18] neufeld: DarthFrog: the Hauppauge works fine for me.
[20:45:37] DarthFrog: neufeld: What distro/kernel are you running?
[20:45:45] neufeld: DarthFrog: the switch to digital didn't (necessarily) affect cable, only OTA
[20:45:50] DarthFrog: Which version of MythTV.
[20:45:54] wizbit: if i add some music to a playlist on mythmusic, the list lasts about a day then disappears?
[20:46:02] DarthFrog: neufeld: yeah, but Shaw has gone digital out here.
[20:46:10] neufeld: I was running LinHES until recently, but I've switched to mythbuntu recently. I'm running mythtv 0.25.2
[20:46:29] neufeld: DarthFrog: Rogers is still analogue below 70.
[20:46:53] DarthFrog: neufeld: Really? I wonder for how much longer.
[20:46:53] neufeld: DarthFrog: but word is, that could change any time, then we'll be analogue only in the legacy channels below 30.
[20:47:31] neufeld: Rumour has it there are no plans to switch 2–29 to digital
[20:48:35] DarthFrog: neufeld: My wife is a massive Canucks fan and we now have a 60" plasma TV. If it ain't HD, it ain't any good. :-)
[20:49:56] DarthFrog: My last TV (48" rear projection) died over Xmas. A good time, with the Boxing "Week" sales. I picked up this LG 60" plasma set at Costco for $889!! :-)
[20:52:55] neufeld: DarthFrog: nothing that fancy in our basement theatre. A simple 40" Sony flat screen. Had an old 36" tube that died, and I didn't want to replace the TV stand so went for a TV not much bigger, that would still fit.
[20:53:14] DarthFrog: Makes ferpect sense.
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[20:53:48] DarthFrog: We have a big living room/dining room so the big screen doesn't overly dominate the room.
[20:53:49] neufeld: HD TV led to OTA receiver, then HD STB, and just a few weeks ago, Blu-Ray drive with, which we've been using quite a bit as well.
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[20:59:43] DarthFrog:
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[21:13:30] jabain: I am trying to get the blaster running for HDPVR, and have followed the steps on the wiki. However, when I try to start my lircd, it appears to do nothing. Just returns to the command line with no messages. when I do a ps aux the daemon is not running. Do i really need the daemon for the blaster?
[21:15:38] wagnerrp: no
[21:16:00] wagnerrp: lircd is a multiplexer to allow multiple applications to receive input from a single IR input
[21:16:22] wagnerrp: output is performed directly by irsend
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[21:22:23] jams: lircd is needed for irsend to work. irsend either needs access to lircds socket or host:port
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[21:26:39] jabain: Where would I look for logs...I don't seen anything being logged in syslog or dmesg
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[21:27:22] jams: use the -n option to keep lircd in the foreground
[21:27:37] jams: logs will go to the console that way
[21:27:46] jams: or pass the -L option to list a log file
[21:28:43] jabain: sudo /etc/init.d/lirc start -n  ???
[21:29:22] jams: no the options i lsted were for the lircd daemon itself
[21:29:42] jabain: bypass the init startup routine
[21:29:53] jams: least for testing
[21:30:36] jabain: ok...trying...
[21:30:42] jams: or add the -L flag to the init script, up to you
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[21:43:01] jabain: jams: Thanks....I found that there was a START_LIRCD="false" in the hardware.conf file.
[21:43:14] jabain: changed it to true, and it now starts.
[21:43:33] jams: cool
[21:43:52] jams: i guess..unsure of the reason why one would want that...
[21:45:37] wagnerrp: perhaps to bypass lircd and use the xorg input system?
[21:47:33] jams: could be, although those drivers should get loaded outside of the lirc script. I"m sure there is a reason for it, some distros do odd things
[21:49:28] jabain: Agreed.....Man there is so much setup to get this stuff running. I guess that's the hazard of having so much different hardware.
[21:51:12] wagnerrp: often times combined with lack of any meaningful manufacturer support
[21:51:31] jams: yep and your attempting to use hauppauge rx/tx that doesn't help any. Not attempting to dissuade you from using it, but it's often troublesome
[21:51:50] wagnerrp: jams: i fully admit to never successfully using irsend... perhaps my comment above is good indication why
[21:51:51] wagnerrp: :)
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[21:52:48] jams: hah that might have small part in it :)
[21:53:33] wagnerrp: not for lack of trying, mind you
[21:53:44] wagnerrp: until recently, i had a pair of mini-boxes connected to a pair of -150s
[21:54:03] wagnerrp: and on the rare occasion i wanted to record anything off cable, i would have to manually go down into the basement and change the channel
[21:54:25] jams: well the -150 is one of the more painfully transmitters to get working
[21:54:40] jams: frankly the hdpvr is right behind it
[21:55:04] jams: Seeing as they only support certain codesets built into the firmware
[21:55:54] wagnerrp: i'm currently cleaning up my office, and that means organizing all kinds of wires and cables i had laying around
[21:56:01] wagnerrp: i have no idea where the hell i got all this coax
[21:56:12] wagnerrp: i mean i've got like 100' in cables of various lengths
[21:56:25] wagnerrp: and i don't think i've ever bought more than like 25' of the stuff in a store
[21:56:35] Korny: Everytime I move I would take the old stuff that the cable guy left with me
[21:56:40] Korny: after 3–4 moves it adds up
[21:56:42] jams: are they at least still bundled nicely?
[21:56:45] Korny: espically in apartment living
[21:56:57] wagnerrp: i'm in the process of doing that currently
[21:57:15] jams: coax in one that can get out of control quickly
[21:57:25] devinheitmuell-1: jams: the hdpvr and pvr-150 have the exact same firmware.
[21:58:04] wagnerrp: they're both zilog, right?
[21:58:05] jabain: Woo Hoo!!!! My recordings are working. Digital! Now I just have to finish mapping the blaster.
[21:58:06] jams: yeah i know
[21:58:12] devinheitmuell-1: wagnerrp: yes.
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[22:46:13] tonsofpcs: wagnerrp: wonderful :)
[22:46:23] tonsofpcs: is it decoding fine too?
[22:46:30] tonsofpcs: (100% sym q?)
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[23:21:29] KC2CBD: I have a question about recordings...Is there a way to set recording and have it look for the schedule plus or minus the normal time so that if the schedule changes a minute or two each way it will still record?
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[23:34:53] KC2CBD: I guess no one has a clue how to help me?
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[23:40:48] drussell_: KC2CBD: In your recording rule -> schedule options -> start/end recording on time or X minutes early/late
[23:42:23] KC2CBD: So that would still record something that is suppose to start at say 8pm and the schedule changes because the network wants to start at say 7:59 or 8:01?
[23:43:58] drussell_: KC2CBD: You shouldn't be setting up a rule by a particular time, you pick the shows you want and let the scheduler figure it out... If the guide data says 7:59 it will start at 7:59, if it says 8:00 it will start at 8:00 that the guide says unless you start early/late with the option in the rule for that show
[23:45:28] KC2CBD: Well I have been setting them with the shows and if the network changes the time slot by a minute or 2 one way or the other the recording doesn't set to record.
[23:46:21] drussell_: Do you have enough tuners that has one free the couple minutes early? You may need more tuners
[23:46:52] drussell_: Your upcoming recordings screen should show any conflicts
[23:47:17] KC2CBD: I have 3 tuners...the problem is the networks like to change the times and then I have to have more than one rule for each program cause they change the time 1 or 2 minutes either way.
[23:47:54] drussell_: Why would you need extra rules? The rule says to record show X... Says nothing about the time... The scheduler figures that out based on the guide data
[23:48:19] KC2CBD: It isn't a just doesn't record at all if the time on the recording is different at all to the original show rule.
[23:48:42] drussell_: What do you mean time different that the show rule? The show rule isn't by time
[23:49:12] drussell_: You should NOT be saying record in this timeslot.... That is an advanced option that specifically does not work if the guide data is off by even 1 minute
[23:49:13] KC2CBD: But that is just it I'm not doing it by time..when I goto the listings and click on a show then set it to record weekly it will so long as the time is the same each week.
[23:49:49] drussell_: You want record at any time on this channel/any channel depending on your needs
[23:50:53] drussell_: Don't use it like a timer on a VCR... :-) It's too smart for that and you'll end up shooting yourself in the foot...
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[23:51:10] KC2CBD: I'm picking "Record this program in this timeslot every week." via the basic options and then the only advanced option I choose is "new episode" so that I don't record re-runs.
[23:51:37] drussell_: Record in this timeslot means STRICTLY this timeslot... Only will record if THIS show is on at THIS time...
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[23:52:12] drussell_: Just change your rule type to any time on this channel, keep the new episode filter and you should be good.
[23:52:45] KC2CBD: So how do I set it so that it will record on the same day every week and in the same general time?
[23:53:00] drussell_: Or, even better, any channel... Then the scheduler can find the new one on any channel it finds best for your overall recording schedule
[23:53:30] drussell_: Why would you want to restrict it? Let the scheduler figure out when to record and from what channel... That's what it's there for
[23:53:38] Bray90820: guess who's back
[23:54:30] drussell_: KC2CBD: If you're just trying to get it on the first day it airs, use the "first showing" filter
[23:56:09] drussell_: KC2CBD: That way you only get the new episode, wherever it finds it first
[23:56:11] KC2CBD: Well I will try that and see what happens...I'm getting tired of having to check my listings every week to make sure there set to record because the network decided to change the time by 1 or 2 minutes on the start
[23:56:26] drussell_: That's supposed to be the scheduler's job :-)
[23:56:44] KC2CBD: I know that :)

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