:: #mythtv-users

Daily chat history

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Thursday, January 17th, 2013, 00:07 UTC
[00:07:30] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[00:08:15] dkeith (dkeith!~dkeith@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:15:00] Hoochster (Hoochster!~hooch@ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[00:20:11] Hoochster (Hoochster!~hooch@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:27:51] emmanuelux (emmanuelux! has quit (Quit: emmanuelux)
[00:29:25] emmanuelux (emmanuelux! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:38:39] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:39:16] Oleg_: any idea why I am getting a segfault when I try co change channels in mythtv? I get this message when mythfrontend exits:
[00:39:19] Oleg_: 2013-01–16 19:38:07.044352 E RecBase(1:–0): SetStrOption(...recordingtype): Option not in profile.
[00:39:19] Oleg_: Handling Segmentation fault: 11
[00:40:44] sphery: sounds like a broken recording profile passing data that no one ever expected to receive
[00:41:04] Oleg_: what should I do then?
[00:41:16] sphery: only way to know for sure is
[00:41:18] sphery:
[00:50:02] Oleg_: brb
[00:50:04] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:54:28] Quantum7 (Quantum7! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:54:47] Quantum7: Anyone know how the mechanics work of choosing a theme?
[00:55:08] Quantum7: Myth on both of my machines just will not come off of Terrible Terra.
[00:55:29] Quantum7: I'm getting all the themes I DL into ~/.mythtv/themes, but selecting any of them never works.
[00:55:41] Quantum7: I choose a different one, the frontend restarts, but still Terra.
[00:56:21] Quantum7: This was the git from day-before. Could it be just that? Anyone running today's?
[01:09:55] joki (joki! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[01:11:13] joki (joki! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:11:37] Hilikus (Hilikus!~hilikus@unaffiliated/hilikus) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:13:06] Hilikus: hey guys
[01:14:16] Hilikus: how's playback of bluray disks these days? have there been any changes? or is it still the same thing as usual. so disks work, some don't and in general it's better to rip the disks
[01:16:02] Quantum7: He-llo?
[01:20:23] andreaz (andreaz! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:25:20] cesman (cesman! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:27:13] gigem (gigem!~david@mythtv/developer/gigem) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.8)
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[01:35:06] Seeker`: Hilikus: dont think you can just put a disk in and have it play
[01:35:21] Hilikus: :(
[01:35:27] Seeker`: need to do something to get it decrypted
[01:36:59] Quantum7: Anyone running the git from today having a problem with the Theme Chooser?
[01:37:50] Seeker`: not running todays git
[01:39:02] Quantum7: :(
[01:39:42] Quantum7: Any idea when is the git posted?
[01:40:25] Seeker`: what do you mean?
[01:40:43] Quantum7: What time is the daily git posted?
[01:41:02] Seeker`: erm, git isn't daily
[01:41:12] Seeker`: do you mean mythbuntu 0.27 nightly package from the ppa?
[01:41:26] Quantum7: The source when gitted.
[01:41:55] Quantum7: It is 0.27, but nightly.
[01:42:04] Quantum7: Pure Myth.
[01:42:24] Quantum7: ... at least I thought it's nightly.
[01:42:30] Seeker`: git isn't "daily"
[01:42:35] Seeker`: its updated whenever someone commits code
[01:42:47] Quantum7: Oh Hell.
[01:42:50] tgm4883: Quantum7, it would probably help if you knew what git was
[01:42:56] tgm4883: or if we knew what you were talking about
[01:43:14] Quantum7: tgm4883: clearly we aren't communicating.
[01:43:27] tgm4883: Quantum7, clearly. Perhaps you can tell us where you are getting it from?
[01:43:36] tgm4883: then we can tell you when it gets updated
[01:43:37] Seeker`: it sounds a lot like you should stick to a prepackaged stable distribution of mythtv
[01:44:27] Quantum7: Just stow the shit.
[01:44:34] tgm4883: ?
[01:44:39] Quantum7: If you can advise constructively, fine.
[01:44:50] tgm4883: Quantum7, eat a dick
[01:45:04] tgm4883: I was trying to help you you prick
[01:45:29] Quantum7: No, you impugned my intelligence.
[01:45:47] tgm4883: Quantum7, no, you asked something that doesn't make sense, so I asked for clarification
[01:45:54] Quantum7: I'll leave the dick to you.
[01:47:17] tgm4883: Quantum7, so aside from your charming personality, is there anything else we can help you with?
[01:47:41] Quantum7: Not from you. You've never heard of
[01:47:46] Seeker`: Quantum7: master from git is frequently broken, and not designed for public consumption. If you have difficulty describing where/when you got your mythtv build from, or don't understand what exactly it is when you are building it, then it may be better for your use case to stick to a stable, pre-tested version of mythtv
[01:48:01] Seeker`: master isn't for use in production systems
[01:48:03] Quantum7: Again, stow it.
[01:48:19] ** tgm4883 rolls eyes **
[01:48:34] Seeker`: Quantum7: why do you want to use master over 0.26 from mythbuntu?
[01:48:37] Quantum7: My simple question was, is anyone else seeing this. But you two have some kind of hair up your ass.
[01:49:33] tgm4883: Quantum7, it was simple advise.
[01:49:39] tgm4883: <Quantum7> What time is the daily git posted?
[01:49:47] tgm4883: That ^^ Simply makes zero sense
[01:50:00] Quantum7: tgm4883: OK not for you...
[01:50:07] tgm4883: Quantum7, no, not for anyone
[01:50:23] Seeker`: Quantum7: how about my simple question? Why do you want to use master over, say, mythbuntu 0.26?
[01:51:04] Quantum7: Seeker`: I use a special patch that is currently adapted to 0.27.
[01:51:13] Seeker`: what is the patch for?
[01:51:15] Quantum7: .. which I've adapted.
[01:51:56] Quantum7: Nobody here wants it, so I keep it to myself. This is not a friendly community.
[01:52:02] Seeker`: what is the patch for?
[01:52:12] Quantum7: Again...
[01:52:18] tgm4883: Yea, we're the ones being uncooperative
[01:52:34] Quantum7: This is not a friendly community.
[01:52:35] Seeker`: Quantum7: You're answering a different question to the one I'm asking
[01:53:00] Quantum7: Seeker`: I am explaining why I am keeping it to myself.
[01:53:14] tgm4883: Seeker`, it's probably something illegal
[01:53:15] Seeker`: Quantum7: I didn't ask why you are keeping it to yourself. I'm asking what it does.
[01:53:34] Seeker`: I didn't ask to see your patch, or why you hadn't contributed it.
[01:53:42] Quantum7: Seeker`: And I am trying to tell you I am keeping it to myself.
[01:54:09] hadees (hadees!~hadees@ has quit (Quit: hadees)
[01:54:20] Seeker`: So you're asking for support for software you've 'adapted' in some unknown way, and won't tell anyone what you have actually done?
[01:54:46] Quantum7: No, I am asking what time in the world the git is put up, but nobody knows.
[01:54:55] tgm4883: Quantum7, that doesn't make any sense!
[01:55:24] tgm4883: Quantum7, fine, you cause me. It's actually 1700 local time
[01:55:30] Seeker`: Quantum7: What time does the tree open the jam?
[01:55:30] tgm4883: caught*
[01:55:37] Quantum7: I am having theme trouble with day-before, is the only reason I'm here. I now conclude that it is the particular release.
[01:55:55] Seeker`: git isn't daily
[01:56:00] Seeker`: it is updated when someone commits code
[01:56:16] Quantum7: Seeker`: thank you.
[01:56:25] Seeker`: you pull master, you get the very lastest. If it was last updated 2 years ago, that is what you get. If it iwas updated 2 secodns ago, thats what you get
[01:57:44] Seeker`: Quantum7: I'm pretty sure I told you that 15 mins ago
[01:57:53] tgm4883: Seeker`, you did
[01:58:06] Quantum7: Well then we had to get into a big fucking deal.
[01:58:25] Quantum7: ... just like always.
[01:58:39] tgm4883: always?
[01:58:40] Quantum7: That's why the talent has deserted.
[01:58:43] wagnerrp: quantum7: git isn't "put up" ever
[01:58:51] wagnerrp: git is a source control system
[01:59:00] wagnerrp: it IS the primary repository
[01:59:04] wagnerrp: it IS always up to date
[01:59:15] Seeker`: Quantum7: You're evasive, absuive and answer questions you haven't even been asked, and *we're* the ones that are unfriendly?
[01:59:35] wagnerrp: as was mentioned 15 minutes ago, when someone commits to mythtv, they commit directly to the git repository, and the changes are immediately in the git repository
[01:59:43] Quantum7: Well wagnerrp is usually reasonable. So thank you wagnerrp.
[02:00:04] dkeith (dkeith!~dkeith@ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[02:00:16] tgm4883: Quantum7, I've never talked to you before, so I'm not exactly sure how this is my fault you think it's an unfriendly community
[02:00:29] Quantum7 (Quantum7! has left #mythtv-users ()
[02:00:51] tgm4883: I'm glad he isn't in #ubuntu-mythtv
[02:01:36] wagnerrp: i suppose he's too good for packages
[02:01:57] wagnerrp: he was in here yesterday complaining about how the menu is all screwed up
[02:02:14] wagnerrp: took like two hours to get him to realize he screwed it up by creating a custom menu theme
[02:02:15] tgm4883: wagnerrp, well why aren't we all dropping to our knees to help him?
[02:02:32] wagnerrp: and finally got it fixed by blanked deleting his whole ~/.mythtv directory
[02:02:38] wagnerrp: *blanket
[02:02:46] tgm4883: It's things like that why I will never have op priviledges in this channel
[02:02:53] Seeker`: heh
[02:03:06] tgm4883: I would have bounced him from our channel in the first 10 minutes
[02:03:14] Seeker`: Tis an advantage of not being an op.
[02:03:25] tgm4883: meh, advantage for him
[02:03:33] tgm4883: I would have just fixed the glitch
[02:03:44] wagnerrp: still in the theming channel it seems
[02:04:01] tgm4883: wagnerrp, good, I'm not in there
[02:04:05] tgm4883: maybe I should join
[02:04:23] wagnerrp: hahaha... seeker just did
[02:04:45] wagnerrp: don't taunt the guy... nothing good can come of it
[02:04:49] Seeker`: was meant to be in there anyway
[02:04:55] Seeker`: irssi didn't rejoin it though
[02:05:00] tgm4883: yea, I'm just going to leave him alone
[02:05:09] tgm4883: although I'm not sure why I'm not in that channel already
[02:05:26] tgm4883: bip must have disconnected me
[02:06:46] Seeker`: I'm surprised there aren't more people in here complaining they cant get master working
[02:06:50] Seeker`: or maybe I just dont see it
[02:07:02] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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[02:19:44] bill6502 (bill6502!~bill@2002:cdb2:1a2b:7cd3:9ef4:32ea:c6ea:200) has quit (Read error: Connection timed out)
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[02:32:20] Seeker` (Seeker`!~cjo20@unaffiliated/seeker) has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[02:35:38] hmm (hmm! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:39:11] hmm: hi I want to be able to record tv shows while watching live tv. I am using a ceton card so there's 4 tuners, but whenever I am watching another channel and a recording is schedule, I am asked to either change channel and record or go back to the menu and record and or stop the recording. How do I simply have the recording continue recording while watching another channel. I don't want to go back to the menu if I am watchin
[02:39:11] hmm: g a sports game to re-tune into the channel again.
[02:39:37] wagnerrp: go into mythtv-setup, and change the livetv order to be the opposite of the recording order
[02:40:35] hmm: ahh ok.... I thought it was something I could setup with the frontend. Alright thanks.
[02:43:29] dkeith (dkeith!~dkeith@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:43:57] wagnerrp: sphery: you been watching arrow any?
[02:44:45] wagnerrp: just under 49 minutes in (by my recording), right after the last commercial break
[02:45:03] wagnerrp: someone trips and falls, and i swear i hear a Homer "doh!" in the background
[02:51:38] sphery: hehe
[02:52:01] sphery: I haven't started watching it, yet... I'll have to go in and see if I hear it
[02:52:19] sphery: so is it any good?
[02:52:41] sphery: I still haven't made up my mind whether I'm going to like it since it's a different guy from the one who played him in Smallville
[02:52:55] wagnerrp: has nothing to do with smallville
[02:53:09] wagnerrp: completely independent universe
[02:53:34] sphery: but I liked the guy who played him in Smallville
[02:55:18] wagnerrp: there's killing, and more killing, and some intrigue... that gets a bit annoying, but they make up for it with more killing
[02:59:06] sphery: hehe
[02:59:33] sphery: yeah, I read a bit about it when you said it's completely independent--and it sounds like they were going for action
[02:59:44] sphery: Here I thought it was just another spin off, but with a different actor
[03:05:14] kslater (kslater! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[03:05:54] sphery: I see no reason why it should be brought up
[03:06:04] sphery: gotta love the thanks you get for trying to help users on list
[03:06:13] wagnerrp: ?
[03:06:40] ** sphery longs for the oft-cited "thankless" jobs... that would be quite the upgrade from user support **
[03:07:06] sphery:
[03:07:15] wagnerrp: right, just found it
[03:08:04] sphery: we really need to get the profile change in place
[03:08:14] sphery: get rid of hostname usage (at least user-visible mention of hostname)
[03:08:40] sphery: and just let them choose and create profiles
[03:09:52] sphery: (and without having to mess with config.xml or HOME or MYTHCONFDIR)
[03:13:32] wagnerrp: people don't want to write code
[03:13:39] wagnerrp: they want to hack things together with scripts
[03:13:49] sphery: hehe
[03:13:51] sphery: yeah
[03:13:57] ertyu-m: I don't want to do either :)
[03:14:06] sphery: of course, I can't complain--I haven't been coding for MythTV in a long time, now
[03:14:11] sphery: Have to get back too it
[03:14:31] wagnerrp: yeah, i've got about half a dozen major changes waiting to be cleaned up and committed
[03:14:36] wagnerrp: first... the housekeeper
[03:15:12] hadees (hadees! has quit (Quit: hadees)
[03:15:22] sphery: hehe, d'oh
[03:15:28] sphery: 48:43 for me
[03:15:53] wagnerrp: is it?
[03:15:59] wagnerrp: i mean it sure sounds like homer
[03:16:12] wagnerrp: you think someone actually slipped the sound byte in there?
[03:16:21] sphery: it's a lot like it
[03:16:48] sphery: might have been something of an "uhhh", like when something knocks the wind out of a person
[03:17:02] sphery: but it had that Homer-esque quality
[03:17:08] wagnerrp: ertyu-m: stick around a few minutes, we need a third opinion
[03:17:49] ertyu-m: opinion on?
[03:18:25] wagnerrp: whether some show used a Homer "doh" in it
[03:18:34] wagnerrp: making an except, give me a second
[03:20:02] tonsofpcs: doh.
[03:20:15] tonsofpcs: what show?
[03:20:31] wagnerrp: arrow, just under 49 minutes in
[03:20:37] tonsofpcs: *pulls it up*
[03:20:52] tonsofpcs: [note: it will take me just under 50 minutes + time til next commercial break to answer]
[03:20:52] wagnerrp: right after the commercial break
[03:21:08] tonsofpcs: oh, well, my local station may have failed and covered that up too...
[03:21:44] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:22:27] sphery: Hehe, catching up on ABC's Revenge, and just got to the Oct 3, 2012--Wed, not Sun--episode and saw the description, "(6 stars) Caught with the wife (Madeleine Stowe) ... former Navy jet pilot (Kevin Costner) ..."
[03:22:36] sphery: seems there was a movie called Revenge aired that day
[03:24:47] wagnerrp:
[03:33:17] ertyu-m: it certainly sounds like it, but it also sounds a lot like some of the other voices mixed into the background noise
[03:35:31] Hilikus (Hilikus!~hilikus@unaffiliated/hilikus) has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[03:38:47] Hilikus (Hilikus! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:38:52] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Quit: Body blow! Body blow!)
[03:44:04] jheizer_ (jheizer_! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[03:49:35] dmfrey (dmfrey! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[03:58:15] kslater: is there an easy way to take a defined capture card, offline so nothing will be scheduled for it?
[03:58:28] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[03:58:42] wagnerrp: you can either lock it through the protocol, or remove the video source from the input
[03:59:04] wagnerrp: locking is not persistent through a restart, removing the video source requires a restart
[03:59:13] kslater: wagnerrp: thanks. I'll try the latter
[03:59:25] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:03:09] tonsofpcs: there's totally a 'doh' there.
[04:03:29] wagnerrp: a Homer 'doh'?
[04:04:52] tonsofpcs: ya
[04:04:58] kslater: now if I can only get a handle on the funky hd-pvr colors, I'll be doing pretty well.
[04:05:12] kslater: a task for tomorrow though, time for rest.
[04:05:18] wagnerrp: psychedelic man...
[04:07:05] sphery: kslater: IIRC, there was a firmware update that enabled the color controls, but Linux drivers didn't support them, so they didn't get set properly, so there was an update to the Linux drivers, but after that, you needed an update to MythTV
[04:07:32] wagnerrp: but then that screwed up your lirc controls, so you had to update your kernel
[04:07:36] sphery: so, you need to run a relatively recent kernel and a very recent MythTV
[04:07:43] wagnerrp: and of course a kernel update brings you right back to new HDPVR drivers
[04:07:43] sphery: or you need to downgrade the firmware
[04:07:44] wagnerrp: :P
[04:07:45] kslater: yeah, I think I got my firmware too far ahead and I can't get the 3.4 kernel.
[04:07:49] sphery: no idea on any of the version numbers
[04:13:35] hmm (hmm! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[04:15:52] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:19:53] tank-man (tank-man! has quit (Quit: :q!)
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[04:25:09] kslater (kslater! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[04:27:36] ubuntuaddicted (ubuntuaddicted! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:28:29] ubuntuaddicted: hi guys, i don't know what I updated that is causing this but can anyone help me through it? Jan 16 21:58:26 dell init: mythtv-backend main process (1621) terminated with status 251
[04:28:29] ubuntuaddicted: Jan 16 21:58:27 dell init: mythtv-backend main process ended, respawning
[04:29:00] wagnerrp: no hints in the logs?
[04:29:20] wagnerrp: status 251 shouldn't be one of ours
[04:30:25] fetzerch (fetzerch!~quassel@unaffiliated/fetzerch) has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[04:30:29] ubuntuaddicted: yeah, that was in syslog. i am checking log now. i run mythbuntu 10.04.4 which is mythtv 0.23.1+fixes
[04:31:12] Shadow__X: is the mythtv frontend v.26 on windows stablet?
[04:31:53] fetzerch (fetzerch!~quassel@unaffiliated/fetzerch) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:31:53] wagnerrp: oh, then 251 is one of ours
[04:32:33] ubuntuaddicted: huh, it says this in mythbackend.log 2013-01–16 22:31:03.695 Console is non-interactive, can't prompt user...
[04:32:33] ubuntuaddicted: 2013-01–16 22:31:03.696 Upgrading.
[04:32:33] ubuntuaddicted: 2013-01–16 22:31:03.698 Newest MythTV Schema Version : 1254
[04:32:33] ubuntuaddicted: QString::arg: Argument missing: ERROR: Unable to acquire database upgrade lock, Driver error was [2/130]:
[04:32:33] ubuntuaddicted: QMYSQL: Unable to execute query
[04:32:35] ubuntuaddicted: Database error was:
[04:32:37] ubuntuaddicted: Incorrect file format 'schemalock'
[04:32:38] wagnerrp: GENERIC_EXIT_DB_OUTOFDATE
[04:32:41] ubuntuaddicted: sorry for pasting
[04:32:41] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:33:03] wagnerrp: sounds like you somehow upgraded to 0.24 or something
[04:33:36] Shadow__X: ubuntuaddicted: if you wanted to you could upgrade to .25 or .26 using mythbuntu repos
[04:33:41] ubuntuaddicted: wagnerrp, it's a headless server, i may have ssh'd in and did sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
[04:33:57] tgm4883: Shadow__X, not on 10.04. He could go to 0.25, but not 0.26
[04:34:18] Shadow__X: ah yeah i just saw that on the repo page sorry for my mistake
[04:34:21] ubuntuaddicted: i have 2 PVR-* cards, and for a while people were getting ZERO byte recordings.
[04:34:22] wagnerrp: Shadow__X: packages for LTS versions are only maintained until the next LTS version is released
[04:34:36] ubuntuaddicted: is that error fixed now do you guys know in either .25 or .26?
[04:34:58] wagnerrp: people are complaining about failed livetv on those cards
[04:35:04] wagnerrp: but i've not heard of any recording issues
[04:35:13] tgm4883: wagnerrp, it's a little more complicated than that, but yea pretty much
[04:35:18] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: oh ok thanks
[04:35:23] ubuntuaddicted: i was going to upgrade the base OS to mythbuntu 12.04 anyway, is there a way I can backup my database so it re-imports all my settings and shows?
[04:35:46] wagnerrp: there's a packaged script to do such
[04:35:58] ubuntuaddicted: believe it or not, my cable provider still provides analog over the internet line. lol
[04:36:22] ubuntuaddicted: wagnerrp, will it work even though things are failing or should I straighten that out first?
[04:36:52] ubuntuaddicted: how do I complete that DB upgrade? can i do it over ssh?
[04:36:54] wagnerrp: i don't know what that database error might be due to
[04:39:32] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[04:41:00] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:41:10] ubuntuaddicted: here's the full end of the log:
[04:41:22] jheizer_ (jheizer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:45:53] ubuntuaddicted: anyone know what this error means?
[04:50:39] sphery: ubuntuaddicted: something else has your database locked preventing a db upgrade
[04:51:07] sphery: i.e. another instance of mythbackend (on the master host) or mythtv-setup (on any host), and it's doing the upgrade now or it hung or something
[04:53:51] Guest35565 (Guest35565! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[04:54:11] wagnerrp: apparently some UK ISP is going to start trials of carrier grade NAT
[04:55:24] sphery: yeah, the "we're out of ipv4 addresses, but we aren't ready for the ipv6 rollout" one?\
[04:55:42] wagnerrp: PlusNet
[04:57:11] tank-man (tank-man! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:57:16] sphery: yeah, that's it
[04:57:36] Guest96152 (Guest96152! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:57:39] sphery: I don't see why it would be "glacial adoption of ipv6"
[04:58:04] sphery: if my ISP offered it, I'd use it--even if I had to set up a tunnel for ipv4
[04:58:16] sphery: i.e. I'd gladly trade my ipv4 addy for a 6
[04:58:24] wagnerrp: because apparently the UK is full of ninnies on WinME and WinXP that can't use ipv6
[04:58:30] wagnerrp: oh, absolutely
[04:58:42] wagnerrp: well, no...
[04:58:48] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, i have restarted the machine and ran mythtv-setup or what have you but it's still saying it fail database autolock and can't upgrade the schema
[04:58:51] wagnerrp: you don't get an ipv6 address
[04:58:55] wagnerrp: you get your own /64
[04:59:20] sphery: but I'd think they could just upgrade their equipment to allow ipv6, then offer to let people "turn in" their ipv4 addy for a 6 block
[04:59:41] sphery: rather than making it so that the only option is ipv4 or nat'ed ipv4
[05:01:23] sphery: but, hey, this way, people won't be able to play a bunch of those evil, mind-bending video games that kill
[05:02:31] wagnerrp: seems my ISP was allocated their /32 three years ago
[05:03:15] wagnerrp: that means they can only handle 4 billion accounts... i think they need more space
[05:03:19] sphery: do they offer 6, yet?
[05:03:26] wagnerrp: nope
[05:03:28] sphery: wow
[05:03:32] wagnerrp: not that i'm aware of anyway
[05:03:40] sphery: no idea when mine got theirs, but they don't offer it, either
[05:04:03] wagnerrp:
[05:04:22] sphery: the reason I'm so upset with this, "glacial adoption," is the fact that I'm unable to do anything about it, but, yet, it feels like I'm being blamed
[05:04:38] wagnerrp: of course you're at fault
[05:04:44] ubuntuaddicted: so how can I fix this guys? have any thoughts?
[05:04:50] sphery: and an ipv6 tunnel over my ipv4 isn't going to speed up that glacial adoption
[05:04:58] wagnerrp: if you were using ipv6 websites, more would servers would be switching to the new address system
[05:05:15] wagnerrp: lay that egg already...
[05:05:54] sphery: hehe
[05:06:01] sphery: ok, maybe I'll set up a tunnel
[05:06:12] wagnerrp: you know, i have a tunnel...
[05:06:23] wagnerrp: i've been completely unable to get it to work since my ISP swapped out my router
[05:06:28] ** wagnerrp misses that old cisco **
[05:06:48] ubuntuaddicted: does any of this explain anything?
[05:07:35] wagnerrp: seems like your Qt sql connectors are broken
[05:07:54] wagnerrp: logs say the token was bound, but the mysql error says it wasnt
[05:09:30] ubuntuaddicted: i can't even update the schema so what do I do? sorry, im a newb
[05:09:56] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[05:10:08] ubuntuaddicted: i didn't update mythtv at all or mythbuntu repos. apt-get may have updated mysql however if that matters
[05:10:44] wagnerrp: you had to have updated mythtv, or else mythtv wouldn't be complaining for a schema update
[05:10:48] ubuntuaddicted: it doesn't even appear like backing up mythconverg is working to save my settings and recordings
[05:10:55] wagnerrp: sphery: did we do a schema update mid-cycle in 0.23?
[05:11:00] jheizer_ (jheizer_! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[05:11:01] wagnerrp: i know we did a protocol bump
[05:11:05] sphery: no, I think just proto
[05:11:32] sphery: it may be trying to upgrade because it can't access settings, so it doesn't know the version
[05:11:39] wagnerrp: oh
[05:11:43] ubuntuaddicted: i didn't touch mythbuntu or mythtv as everything was working and I know not to touch what's working. lol
[05:11:43] sphery: of course, without a full log, it's all just guesses :)
[05:11:47] wagnerrp: database crash maybe?
[05:11:52] sphery: I'm guessing very corrupt tables
[05:12:00] wagnerrp: or do you think it's just a buggy mysql library?
[05:12:12] ubuntuaddicted: i can provide more logs if you need?
[05:12:15] sphery: you do have a backup strategy in place, where you're running on a cron job or something, right?
[05:12:30] ubuntuaddicted: i believe i was yes.
[05:13:28] sphery: mysqladmin -umythtv -p status
[05:13:41] sphery: what's that give? any big errors?
[05:14:24] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:16:01] sphery: ubuntuaddicted: also, please pastebin output of: mysql -umythtv -p 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM mythconverg;'
[05:16:49] ubuntuaddicted: returns this:Uptime: 1561 Threads: 4 Questions: 33398 Slow queries: 1 Opens: 43275 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 128 Queries per second avg: 21.395
[05:17:40] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, it says this: ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM mythconverg;'
[05:18:23] sphery: ubuntuaddicted: also, please pastebin output of: mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM mythconverg;'
[05:19:18] sphery: weird... not working that way
[05:19:27] sphery: but works fine when I do it while already logged in
[05:19:37] ubuntuaddicted: here:
[05:20:04] sphery: yeah, that's not working
[05:20:12] sphery: just log in: mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg
[05:20:39] sphery: then: tee /tmp/status.log ; SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM mythconverg; notee
[05:20:50] sphery: and pastebin the contents of /tmp/status.log
[05:21:02] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[05:21:24] sphery: er, tee /tmp/status.log ; SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM mythconverg; notee;
[05:21:35] sphery: (or if you already submitted what I gave, just hit a semicolon)
[05:22:30] kormoc: there's nothing above "Variables (--variable-name=value)" from that pastebin?
[05:22:50] sphery: I'm pretty sure it was the help output for show
[05:23:00] kormoc: ahh
[05:23:07] sphery: definitely wasn't doing what I wanted
[05:23:17] sphery: ah, I forgot the -e
[05:23:27] sphery: maybe it's too late in the evening for me to be troubleshooting
[05:23:44] kormoc: I've got the flu. I'm in no shape to do anythign
[05:23:46] sphery: that's also why it was mad about database name
[05:24:13] sphery: mysql -umythtv -p -e 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM mythconverg;'
[05:24:13] sphery: works
[05:24:14] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, here ya go:
[05:24:28] sphery: kormoc: get better
[05:24:35] sphery: sorry you're a statistic
[05:25:01] sphery: at least you're helping contribute to the 'widespread' activity reports
[05:25:26] kormoc: Meh, my fault for playing the numbers and leaving the sterilized biopod
[05:25:46] sphery: ubuntuaddicted: Incorrect file format 'settings'
[05:26:06] sphery: plus same for recordingprofiles, recordmatch, schemalock, tvchain, tvosdmenu
[05:26:14] sphery: and Incorrect key file for table 'storagegroup'; try to repair it
[05:26:19] sphery: and same for upnpmedia
[05:26:32] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, i ran it again per your second instructions:
[05:26:45] sphery: so, of those, schemalock is irrelevant, recordmatch is "temporary"
[05:27:00] sphery: tvchain is unimportant
[05:27:11] sphery: tvosdmenu is (TTBOMK) no longer used
[05:27:11] ubuntuaddicted: i don't know how to repair anything, sorry. can you advise?
[05:27:20] sphery: recordingprofiles is important
[05:27:24] sphery: settings is important
[05:27:30] sphery: storagegroup is re-creatable
[05:27:40] sphery: and upnpmedia is no longer used in current mythtv
[05:27:52] sphery: so, 2 important tables that are "incorrect file format"
[05:28:20] sphery: this is often caused by completely borked binary data files
[05:28:35] sphery: the easiest fix is to restore a backup
[05:28:44] sphery: can you look and see if you can find any backups?
[05:29:02] sphery: locate *.sql.gz
[05:29:03] sphery: perhaps
[05:31:06] sphery: ubuntuaddicted: any luck?
[05:32:04] wayne__ (wayne__! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:32:37] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, there a bunch in the recordings directory but they start on the 15th and they are all the same size, probably the corrupted ones
[05:32:54] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, i thought i had it backed up elsewhere but maybe not
[05:33:23] sphery: ok, log in to mysql: mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg
[05:34:00] sphery: btw, what size is "the same size"?
[05:34:46] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:35:32] ubuntuaddicted: 809 B
[05:35:45] sphery: hehe, yeah, that's not likely a good backup :)
[05:35:56] Guest96152 (Guest96152! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[05:36:08] sphery: ok, so once logged in, start with: repair table 'settings';
[05:36:12] sphery: what's it return?
[05:36:48] skd5aner (skd5aner! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[05:39:02] ubuntuaddicted: ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''settings'' at line 1
[05:39:14] kormoc: don't quote it
[05:39:21] sphery: oops
[05:39:21] len_ (len_! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:39:56] sphery: If you'd have asked, I'd say, "I'm pretty sure that's the right syntax, but don't quote me on it."
[05:40:25] kormoc: it's always quoted when following a LIKE but almost never quoted otherwise ;)
[05:40:47] sphery: I just never expect computer stuff to be so intuitive!
[05:40:58] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, ok, i did repair table settings; and it returned this
[05:41:12] ubuntuaddicted:
[05:41:48] sphery: OK, that's what I expected. We'll bring out the heavy guns, later, but before we do: repair table storagegroup;
[05:41:57] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[05:42:10] sphery: kormoc: use_frm, right? (just looking for a 2nd opinion before I suggest it)
[05:42:16] kormoc: yeah
[05:42:19] sphery: ok
[05:42:31] ubuntuaddicted:
[05:42:34] sphery: and then probably clean up with a db backup, then a restore?
[05:43:12] sphery: ubuntuaddicted: ok: repair table settings use_frm;
[05:43:33] kormoc: yeah, dump and restore if it comes back
[05:43:55] ubuntuaddicted: ok, that returned a lot of stuff, do you even want to see it?
[05:44:03] kormoc: yes
[05:44:09] sphery: ok, thanks for confirmation... I've always just restored a backup when I got to this point
[05:44:21] ubuntuaddicted: yes, you want to see it?
[05:44:25] sphery: yes, please
[05:44:38] kormoc: sphery, one change to the mysql backup script would be to not keep duplicate dumps that would have helped in this case
[05:44:44] kormoc: ubuntuaddicted, yeah, it's best to
[05:44:55] ubuntuaddicted:
[05:44:56] wayne__ (wayne__! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[05:45:01] sphery: kormoc: yeah, it sounds like the rotate killed his last good one
[05:45:07] sphery: I'll put in a hash check...
[05:45:10] sphery: thanks for the suggestion
[05:45:20] sphery: wonder how exact those are, though...
[05:45:36] kormoc: ubuntuaddicted, that looks possibly good
[05:46:04] sphery: ubuntuaddicted: If you make available your 5 DB "backups" (the 809 byte error messages that you seem to have from the 15th), I might be able to fix the script to be smarter for the next guy...
[05:46:29] sphery: ubuntuaddicted: you can e-mail me at . . . ;list=mythtv
[05:46:39] sphery: please put mythtv in the subject so the e-mail isn't lost
[05:47:13] sphery: (after we get the DB fixed, that is)
[05:47:35] ubuntuaddicted: i have like what seems a million of those 809 B mythconverg files
[05:47:54] sphery: ah, well, a nice handful of them would be helpful
[05:48:03] ubuntuaddicted: it looks like they are created more then once a minute
[05:48:04] sphery: including a few that are consecutive times
[05:48:26] ubuntuaddicted: ok, when done here, I will archive some up for you.
[05:48:28] sphery: yeah, I think something is seeing the error exit status and re-running the backup?
[05:49:03] sphery: thx
[05:49:46] ubuntuaddicted: im not sure why it's backing up there though, as my sudo crontab is this
[05:50:02] ubuntuaddicted: 5 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/
[05:50:13] sphery: well, either cron is re-running it
[05:50:28] ubuntuaddicted: which is this: DBBackupDirectory=/var/lib/mythtv/mysql_backups
[05:50:28] ubuntuaddicted: rotate=2
[05:50:38] sphery: or something is just restarting mythbackend on a loop, and mythbackend is running backups because settings is crashed so it can't find DB schema so it thinks it needs to upgrade
[05:50:48] ubuntuaddicted: BUT, i just looked at that folder doesn't exist. not sure where it went? lol
[05:52:13] sphery: actually, if you have rotate=2, then it's mythbackend backing up--because a pre-upgrade DB backup disables rotate (in case of the restart on a loop some distros do)
[05:52:21] sphery: since you have a ton of them...
[05:52:25] sphery: I'd still like to see a few, though
[05:52:28] ubuntuaddicted: i know /var/lib/mythtv/mysql_backups existed at one time. oh well, i made it now. so future backups will be there
[05:52:48] sphery: yeah, it may have been using something from your db backups storage group, instead
[05:52:59] sphery: or may have just gone to /tmp or something
[05:53:07] sphery: (which isn't too useful if you reboot :)
[05:53:39] ubuntuaddicted: yeah, i don't think the .pl script was actually backing anything up since that folder didn't exist until now. anyway, back on track hopefully, lol
[05:53:41] kormoc: sphery, another improvement might be check the return value of mysqldump and if it's non zero, delete it and don't rotate
[05:54:02] sphery: yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm checking return value of mysqldump...
[05:54:16] sphery: anyway, I'll look into both ideas
[05:54:56] ** sphery is wondering just how much output that repair table gave :) **
[05:56:07] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:57:30] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, i linked it if you didn't see?
[05:58:04] ubuntuaddicted: whats next?
[05:58:07] sphery: d'oh, I missed that
[05:58:09] sphery: thanks
[05:58:11] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[05:58:30] sphery: ok, that's good, let's go through the others with incorrect file format
[05:58:37] ubuntuaddicted:
[05:58:47] ubuntuaddicted: ok
[05:58:59] sphery: so: repair table recordingprofiles use_frm;
[05:59:07] sphery: and make sure it ends with "OK", then
[05:59:16] sphery: repair table recordmatch use_frm;
[05:59:24] sphery: repair table schemalock use_frm;
[05:59:24] ubuntuaddicted: it ended with OK
[05:59:41] ubuntuaddicted: OK
[05:59:49] sphery: repair table tvchain use_frm; repair table tvosdmenu use_frm;
[06:00:16] ubuntuaddicted: both ended in OK
[06:01:34] sphery: ok, then: repair table storagegroup quick;
[06:01:40] sphery: what's that output?
[06:02:35] ubuntuaddicted:
[06:04:00] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:04:55] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, doesn't look like it repaired?
[06:05:02] sphery: right
[06:05:08] sphery: looking for next step
[06:05:16] ubuntuaddicted: k :)
[06:05:52] skd5aner (skd5aner! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:06:36] ubuntuaddicted: i almost hate to have to say this BUT I have to get up for work in a few hours. any idea how much longer to fix this?
[06:06:36] sphery: ok, let's exit mysql
[06:06:47] ubuntuaddicted: ok, done
[06:07:42] sphery: then myisamchk -r -q mythconverg.storagegroup
[06:07:46] sphery: what's that give?
[06:08:01] ubuntuaddicted: myisamchk: error: File 'mythconverg.storagegroup' doesn't exist
[06:08:16] ubuntuaddicted: i exited mysql, i was suppose to right?
[06:08:21] sphery: yeah
[06:08:23] len_ (len_! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[06:08:28] sphery: you may have to cd to the mysql data dir
[06:08:38] ubuntuaddicted: which is what?
[06:08:43] sphery: then: myisamchk -r -q storagegroup
[06:08:52] sphery: depends on your system
[06:09:03] sphery: maybe /var/lib/mysql/mythconverg
[06:09:53] ubuntuaddicted: it appears to be /var/lib/mysql/mythconverg
[06:10:03] sphery: ok, cd in there and myisamchk -r -q storagegroup
[06:10:17] ubuntuaddicted: myisamchk: Unknown error 126
[06:10:17] ubuntuaddicted: myisamchk: error: 'storagegroup' doesn't have a correct index definition. You need to recreate it before you can do a repair
[06:10:47] sphery: ok, try myisamchk --safe-recover storagegroup
[06:11:07] ubuntuaddicted: same error
[06:11:13] sphery: ok
[06:11:49] sphery: we're at "Stage 3: Difficult repair" of
[06:11:56] Guest13578 (Guest13578! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:12:16] sphery: so you need to copy storagegroup.* and upnpmedia.* to a safe location
[06:12:48] sphery: what version of mythtv is this?
[06:12:50] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[06:12:58] wagnerrp: 0.23-fixes
[06:13:05] wagnerrp: 26xxx era
[06:13:07] sphery: 0.23?
[06:13:09] sphery: wow
[06:13:21] wagnerrp: its ubuntu 10.04
[06:13:24] ubuntuaddicted: there's 3 different files, .frm .MYD and .MYI
[06:13:25] sphery: so, I stand corrected, upnpmedia is still used for him :)
[06:13:37] wagnerrp: yeah
[06:13:41] ubuntuaddicted: i am using 0.23.1+fixes26863–0ubuntu0+mythbuntu2
[06:13:46] wagnerrp: that was changed in... 0.25?
[06:13:50] wagnerrp: or .24?
[06:14:30] ** sphery has to do a manual rollup, here **
[06:14:34] ubuntuaddicted: well, i hate to waste all this time when I am just going to be upgrading my OS to mythbuntu 12.04 and .26 soon. will I be able to just import recordings from my hard drive somehow?
[06:15:00] sphery: it's not that much time from here...
[06:15:06] ubuntuaddicted: ok
[06:15:28] Guest13578 (Guest13578! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[06:15:46] ubuntuaddicted: cause I really need to hit the sack BUT really really appreciate your help!
[06:16:30] mzb is now known as mzb_
[06:17:49] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, ok, those 6 files are backed up
[06:18:29] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:19:07] mzb_ is now known as mzb
[06:20:15] sphery: ok
[06:20:48] ubuntuaddicted: ok
[06:21:32] sphery: ok, let's try going back to mysql real quick
[06:21:41] sphery: mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg
[06:21:50] sphery: then: repair table storagegroup use_frm;
[06:22:08] sphery: does that end with OK?
[06:23:19] ubuntuaddicted: yes
[06:23:23] sphery: oooh, cool
[06:23:32] sphery: then: repair table upnpmedia use_frm;
[06:23:44] ubuntuaddicted: OK
[06:23:52] sphery: cool, then one more status
[06:24:17] sphery: SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM mythconverg;
[06:24:46] sphery: or, to get it in a file: tee /tmp/status2.log; SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM mythconverg; notee;
[06:26:16] sphery: sorry I took you out of mysql for a bit, when we could have continued down the same path we used for the incorrect file format--I didn't realize it would work for corrupt index files, too
[06:26:45] len_ (len_! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:26:59] ubuntuaddicted:
[06:27:05] ubuntuaddicted: no problem man
[06:27:50] sphery: ok, we have one more that's bad: repair table recordmatch use_frm;
[06:27:53] sphery: and verify it ends with ok
[06:28:27] ubuntuaddicted: OK
[06:28:27] sphery: then one more: tee /tmp/status3.log; SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM mythconverg; notee;
[06:28:54] ubuntuaddicted:
[06:29:13] sphery: beautiful
[06:29:18] sphery: now 2 steps left, backup, then restore
[06:29:25] ubuntuaddicted: awesome
[06:29:33] sphery: /usr/local/bin/
[06:29:34] sphery: /usr/local/bin/
[06:29:44] sphery: oops, just once is good enough :)
[06:29:56] esperegu (esperegu! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[06:30:10] ubuntuaddicted: ok, it's running
[06:30:59] ubuntuaddicted: ok, got it
[06:31:30] sphery: once that's done: /usr/local/bin/ --drop_database --create_database --filename mythconverg-1254–20130117013013.sql.gz
[06:31:32] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, daniel mythtv 12394612 2013-01–17 00:30 mythconverg-20130117002957.sql.gz
[06:31:49] sphery: update the filename... so: /usr/local/bin/ --drop_database --create_database --filename mythconverg-20130117002957.sql.gz
[06:32:15] ** sphery was off by only 16 seconds **
[06:33:02] sphery: and that looks like a /much/ better db backup than an 809 byte one :)
[06:33:04] ubuntuaddicted: Unknown option: drop_database
[06:33:10] ubuntuaddicted: Unknown option: create_database
[06:33:10] ubuntuaddicted: ERROR: The specified file already exists.
[06:33:10] ubuntuaddicted: Invalid backup filename, stopped at /usr/local/bin/ line 796.
[06:33:25] sphery: ok, download: . . .
[06:33:30] sphery: then use that one
[06:33:43] ubuntuaddicted: did i have to be cd'd into the dir where the mythconverg backup file was?
[06:33:48] sphery: no
[06:34:03] sphery: you have the ancient restore script that didn't support --drop_database
[06:34:12] sphery: so download the one I linked
[06:34:21] sphery: then: chmod 755 $HOME/
[06:34:35] sphery: then: $HOME/ --drop_database --create_database --filename mythconverg-20130117002957.sql.gz
[06:34:41] sphery: assuming you saved the new one to $HOME
[06:35:36] sphery: once that's done, you should be good to go
[06:35:52] sphery: might want to verify your storage groups in mythtv-setup before running mythbackend, though
[06:35:54] ubuntuaddicted: wait, the command failed on the mythconverg_backup, not the restore?
[06:35:58] sphery: in case we lost some
[06:36:17] sphery: hehe, oops
[06:36:23] sphery: yeah, that was supposed to be a restore
[06:36:33] sphery: verify your backup file is still good
[06:36:40] ubuntuaddicted: ok, please wait a sec
[06:36:45] sphery: 12394612 2013-01–17 00:30 mythconverg-20130117002957.sql.gz
[06:36:48] wayne__ (wayne__! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:36:55] sphery: if it's smaller or gone, we'll re-backup
[06:37:02] sphery: I'm guessing it's fine
[06:37:15] esperegu (esperegu! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:37:30] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, it appears the same
[06:37:36] sphery: ok, then try the restore
[06:37:46] sphery: I know the downloaded script will work (assuming you got that far)
[06:37:53] sphery: the one installed on your system might or might not
[06:38:02] ubuntuaddicted: start back at the command that had the --drop-database etc etc
[06:38:11] sphery: it should just give an error about --drop_database being bad if it doesn't
[06:38:37] sphery: /usr/local/bin/ --drop_database --create_database --filename mythconverg-20130117002957.sql.gz
[06:38:43] sphery: or: $HOME/ --drop_database --create_database --filename mythconverg-20130117002957.sql.gz
[06:38:51] sphery: sorry--too late for me, too
[06:38:54] ubuntuaddicted: yes, i downloaded a brand new and, i put them in /usr/local/bin and chmod them to 755
[06:39:08] sphery: perfect
[06:39:14] sphery: /usr/local/bin/ --drop_database --create_database --filename mythconverg-20130117002957.sql.gz
[06:39:17] sphery: will do it, then
[06:39:31] sphery: I hope you can catch a few z's at work, tomorrow
[06:39:32] rsiebert_ (rsiebert_! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:39:39] ubuntuaddicted: lol
[06:39:44] ubuntuaddicted: ok, it's running that command
[06:39:49] sphery: fingers crossed
[06:40:11] len_ (len_! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[06:40:23] sphery: if that works, I'd recommend mythtv-setup, then check storage groups, and if they look good, go ahead and start mythbackend, then get some sleep
[06:40:34] ubuntuaddicted: u have no idea how thankful i am for people like you. i have been coming to this IRC channel since fiesty fawn and mythtv. you and wagnerp have always been so helpful
[06:40:57] ubuntuaddicted: it's still running
[06:40:57] sphery: hehe, it's fun to help--I always learn something
[06:41:09] sphery: I haven't been nearly as good as wagnerrp about helping, though
[06:41:35] wagnerrp: you overestimate my helpfulness
[06:41:35] ubuntuaddicted: mysql just scares the crap outta me!
[06:41:41] sphery: rightly so
[06:41:50] ubuntuaddicted: i have learned so much in linux ubuntu over 6 years
[06:42:01] sphery: can't wait until we can embed it (meaning hide it so that the user doesn't have to do any DB administration stuff)
[06:42:04] ubuntuaddicted: Successfully restored backup.
[06:42:04] ubuntuaddicted: Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric gt (>) at /usr/local/bin/ line 1504.
[06:42:34] ubuntuaddicted: does that mean anything?
[06:42:34] ubuntuaddicted: the Argument line?
[06:42:38] rsiebert (rsiebert! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[06:43:27] sphery: that came after teh "successfully restored backup"?
[06:43:29] ubuntuaddicted: ?
[06:44:13] ubuntuaddicted: yes, came after
[06:44:15] sphery: mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg -e 'SELECT * FROM settings WHERE value LIKE 'DBSchema%';
[06:44:47] wagnerrp: sphery: any benefit using qdatetime versus int64 epoch time for recording the last housekeeping run?
[06:44:49] Guest4808 (Guest4808! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:46:31] sphery: wagnerrp: isn't it a datetime in mysql?
[06:46:37] sphery: housekeeping table, right?
[06:47:01] ubuntuaddicted: entering that doesn't return anything, just a >
[06:47:03] sphery: I'd say the main benefit of using a time value to represent time is there's no need for conversions later
[06:47:08] wagnerrp: yeah, it is now
[06:47:14] ubuntuaddicted: should I run mythbackend-setup?
[06:47:25] sphery: ubuntuaddicted: oops, wait
[06:47:25] wagnerrp: although i'm redoing the housekeeping table
[06:47:31] wagnerrp: adding a proper hostname field
[06:47:39] sphery: ubuntuaddicted: Ctrl-C, then: mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg -e 'SELECT * FROM settings WHERE value LIKE 'DBSchema%;'
[06:47:42] wagnerrp: instead of the "<tag>-<hostname>" mess we have currently
[06:47:53] sphery: ah, nice
[06:48:05] wagnerrp: JobQueueCleanup, last run 2007....
[06:48:05] wagnerrp: heh
[06:48:10] sphery: the tag-hostname is annoying (especially with hostname changes)
[06:48:17] sphery: yeah, jobqueuecleanup is no longer used
[06:48:39] ubuntuaddicted: waiting
[06:48:41] wagnerrp: removed in what, like 0.18?
[06:48:48] sphery: quite a while back
[06:48:58] sphery: ubuntuaddicted: is it taking a while?
[06:49:03] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, same thing, >
[06:49:08] sphery: should be nearly instantaneous;
[06:49:23] sphery: d'oh
[06:49:35] sphery: ubuntuaddicted: Ctrl-C, then: mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg -e 'SELECT * FROM settings WHERE value LIKE "DBSchema%";'
[06:49:39] sphery: quotes in quotes
[06:49:54] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[06:51:15] ubuntuaddicted: ok, it asked for a password, i thought I entered the correct one but it just returns me to a command prompt
[06:51:45] sphery: ok: mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg -e 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM settings;'
[06:52:29] ubuntuaddicted: count and then it says 4
[06:52:40] ubuntuaddicted: COUNT(*)
[06:52:41] ubuntuaddicted: 4
[06:52:42] sphery: hehe
[06:52:51] ubuntuaddicted: is that good?
[06:52:56] sphery: out of curiosity: mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg -e 'SELECT * FROM settings;'
[06:53:01] sphery: not so much good
[06:54:33] ubuntuaddicted:
[06:55:06] sphery: So, what this means is that your data files were so corrupt MySQL couldn't salvage the data (at least in some of them).
[06:55:19] sphery: your DB structure (schema) should be fine, though
[06:55:29] sphery: none of the tables were critical
[06:55:37] sphery: though settings has all of your settings/configuratoin
[06:55:46] sphery: so, you have 2 options (for tomorrow, I'd assume)
[06:55:55] ubuntuaddicted: ok, what are they
[06:56:23] ubuntuaddicted: i thought it looked like it was working?
[06:56:59] sphery: 1) run mythtv-setup, and go through all setup as if it's the first time you're configuring (though some will be there, like capture cards and channels and ...--but you should still go through and verify, and will almost definitely have to redo storage groups), then run mythfrontend and go through and configure as if it's the first time (that will be "reset" to defaults, so will need reconfiguring)
[06:57:22] len__ (len__! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:57:31] ubuntuaddicted: that's it?
[06:57:43] sphery: or 2) do a partial restore of the database to reset /everything/ except recording history and recordings, then run mythtv-setup and configure as new, then run mythfrontend and configure as new
[06:58:12] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, i don't even run a traditional frontend, i use crystalbuntu and the myth protocol to view recordings and i use mythweb to schedule recorings. will mythweb work again?
[06:58:32] sphery: in 2), you would have to reconfigure everything (including capture cards and video sources and channels and input connections), but would know that the DB has no issues with any of the configuration
[06:58:36] ubuntuaddicted: it looks like option 1 is quicker?
[06:58:37] len__ (len__! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[06:58:52] sphery: yeah, 1) is quicker, but may leave some lingering doubts
[06:59:03] ubuntuaddicted: can you help me with 2 and how long would that take?
[06:59:05] sphery: but, really, I wouldn't go so far as to recommend 2
[06:59:28] sphery: basically, 2 would please my OCD side--and probably nothing more
[06:59:35] sphery: tell you what
[06:59:39] ubuntuaddicted: i only have a PVR-350 and a PVR-500 and I use scheduledirect
[06:59:40] sphery: I'll recommend you do 1 for now
[07:00:02] sphery: and if you have any strange issues crop up in the near future, you can consider 2 at that time
[07:00:16] sphery: I really don't thing 2) has any benefits over 1
[07:00:20] ubuntuaddicted: ok, running mythbackend-setup now
[07:00:26] sphery: good luck
[07:00:50] sphery: ah, so PVR with SD means channels aren't too difficult to reconfigure
[07:00:56] sphery: that said, with 1) they're probably fine
[07:01:12] jayb (jayb! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[07:01:13] ubuntuaddicted: well, it's asking me to upgrade the DB, is that ok to upgrade?
[07:01:14] sphery: crystalbuntu probably explains why you're on 0.23-fixes :)
[07:01:21] sphery: ah, say no
[07:01:22] jayb (jayb! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:01:26] sphery: it should exit
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[07:01:55] ubuntuaddicted: say NO, to upgrade the DB?
[07:02:31] ubuntuaddicted: right, i am sticking with .23.1+fixes until crystalbuntu 2.0 comes out which is any day now
[07:02:43] wagnerrp: crystalbuntu?
[07:03:13] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, it's either exit or upgrade
[07:03:40] pgf (pgf! has quit (Excess Flood)
[07:03:41] sphery: then: mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg -e 'INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('DBSchemaVer', '1254', NULL);'
[07:03:41] ubuntuaddicted: wagnerrp, yeah, it's currently hardy heron with xbmc eden on top
[07:03:44] sphery: ubuntuaddicted: exit
[07:03:46] pgf (pgf! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:04:22] sphery: ubuntuaddicted: wait
[07:04:24] ubuntuaddicted: ok, i exited
[07:04:24] sphery: quote problem
[07:04:34] sphery: mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg -e "INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('DBSchemaVer', '1254', NULL);"
[07:04:35] wagnerrp: H? isn't that like 2007 or something?
[07:04:44] ** sphery is typing like it's 2:04 in the morning **
[07:05:01] wagnerrp: you should type like it's 1999
[07:05:03] ubuntuaddicted: wagnerrp, it's built to run on an apple tv 1 using a broadcom crystal hd card
[07:05:33] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, ok, did that
[07:05:37] sphery: wagnerrp: I wish I was dreaming when I typed this...
[07:05:46] sphery: ubuntuaddicted: ok, now you should be able to run mythtv-setup
[07:06:00] wagnerrp: which means type really fast, because you have those Y2K patches you still need to get in
[07:06:03] wagnerrp: :)
[07:06:06] sphery: hehe
[07:06:29] sphery: I was dreamin' when I typed this, forgive me if it goes astray
[07:08:06] sphery: ubuntuaddicted: so, did mythtv-setup run and let you reconfigure stuff?
[07:08:27] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, yes, I am configuring it now. should the IP be for both, i always get that mixed up?
[07:08:36] sphery: yay
[07:08:42] sphery: I'd recommend not using
[07:09:06] sphery: use the routable address for "server ip address", in case you ever add new hosts
[07:09:19] sphery: and use or localhost for mysql server
[07:10:44] ubuntuaddicted: ok, server IP is but the mysql server resides on their as well.
[07:10:49] ubuntuaddicted: i know what you mean i think. lol
[07:11:10] sphery: OK, so this is the best scene change, ever, on Revenge... Family sitting around a breakfast table and Conrad says, "Someone please pass the pain de mie," and immediately it cuts to a room with Nolan holding a phone with a bullet hole and saying, "It's toast." :)
[07:11:22] sphery: ubuntuaddicted: yeah, that's the config I'd recommend
[07:11:37] sphery: server and this backend IP address at
[07:11:58] sphery: and DB hostname at localhost or whatever
[07:12:45] ubuntuaddicted: theres local backend and master backend IP's
[07:13:03] sphery: yeah, both of those to
[07:13:07] ubuntuaddicted: ok
[07:13:57] ubuntuaddicted: i don't even see where you enter the mysql server IP
[07:15:01] len__ (len__! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:15:02] sphery: yeah, it's in the config.xml, but that was already right (at least it's hitting the right db, so it's close enough--it's however you were using it before)
[07:15:34] ubuntuaddicted: ok, mythweb still isnt' working. hmm?>
[07:15:34] sphery: I couldn't remember if mythtv-setup allowed you to specify that or if it's only the first-time configuration prompt that does
[07:16:23] len_ (len_! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[07:16:52] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, ok, i am restarting the server
[07:17:05] sphery: fingers crossed
[07:17:31] ubuntuaddicted: i went thru and configured everything again. although cap cards were still there, i did have to configure the default storage group
[07:17:52] sphery: yeah, figured you lost storage groups
[07:18:02] ubuntuaddicted: sphery, where would i check to see why mythweb isn't working?
[07:18:08] sphery: not sure
[07:18:26] sphery: check the browser (what you get from the server) and apache logs
[07:21:22] ubIx_ (ubIx_! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:24:05] ubuntuaddicted: i don't know if it's working since I don't run a traditional frontend
[07:24:11] ubuntuaddicted: mythweb doesnt' work
[07:24:32] ubIx (ubIx! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[07:25:31] sphery: does the log file say it's running?
[07:25:40] sphery: what do you get from: mythbackend --printsched
[07:26:12] sphery: or http://localhost:6544/
[07:26:23] sphery: ubuntuaddicted: ^^^
[07:28:11] ubuntuaddicted: YES, it is working. i entered and it shows it's working
[07:28:50] sphery: yay
[07:29:02] sphery: and you can fix up mythweb later
[07:29:05] ubuntuaddicted: thanks so much.
[07:29:10] sphery: good luck with that part
[07:29:21] sphery: but you should probably get some sleep tonight, too
[07:29:22] ubuntuaddicted: i recall in past updates that symlinks for messed up when updates occurred.
[07:29:28] ubuntuaddicted: GOODNIGHT. lol
[07:29:55] ubuntuaddicted: thanks for all your time man, i owe you a glass of beer
[07:30:03] sphery: you're welcome
[07:30:17] sphery: just pass it on and help someone else with something FLOSS
[07:55:06] ubuntuaddicted (ubuntuaddicted! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[09:10:25] Shadow__X: i am trying out the script to build a frontend for windows. Once it gets to building wget 1.14 then starts compiling the make gets to a certain point then hangs there
[09:10:52] Shadow__X: it also only goes to 25% cpu usage in task manager
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[16:44:01] Timrit: i was wondering if someone could tell me how to configure a Hauppauge WinTV PVR2 usb tuner. I used to be able to get it working but am not having any luck getting it to tune channels. I know the device is working as have tv by using mplayer /dev/video1 and can change channels with ivtv-tune -c <channel number>
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[16:47:07] Timrit: I also have a pvr-150 in the cabinet, hence the video1 and not 0
[16:48:40] runelind: anyone using a Harmony remote to control their Myth frontend? If so, what IR Receiver are you using?
[16:51:59] wagnerrp: yes, mceusb
[16:52:45] runelind: the receiver that comes with this guy? . . . /B00224ZDFY/
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[16:54:55] Seeker`: I'm using the receiver from some cyberlink remote. Pretty much given up on the harmony for controlling myth though
[16:55:05] Seeker`: the lag / repeated key presses is so annoying
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[16:56:03] Seeker`: only use the harmony for switching AV receiver functions now, stick to a diNovo mini keyboard for controlling myth
[16:56:14] wagnerrp: more like this one... . . . words=MCE+IR
[16:56:34] wagnerrp: i don't have that exact one, but i have one with similar innards, and those two IR blaster ports
[16:56:52] runelind: I think I have an ATi Remote Wonder USB IR Receiver, maybe that will work.
[16:57:25] Seeker`: . . . p/B000ZRG7LY < that is what I use
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[17:10:31] Seeker`: runelind: do you already have the harmony remote?
[17:14:50] runelind: Seeker`: I do
[17:15:19] Seeker`: runelind: which model?
[17:15:50] runelind: uhhhh
[17:16:28] runelind: I think it is an 800 series one
[17:16:32] runelind: its a couple of years old.
[17:17:49] Seeker`: might be worth trying to find an IR receiver that the harmony already supports. I've found that with 'learnt' stuff, my harmony is incredibly unresponsive.
[17:18:04] Seeker`: The first button press is fine. if you press a button 5 times, it may respond once, or 20 times
[17:20:01] Seeker`: mine is a harmony one
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[17:36:56] wagnerrp: Seeker`: that's probably just because someone spent the time to fiddle with the timing
[17:37:55] Seeker`: wagnerrp: probably. If I was going to look for another IR receiver, I'd definitely try to find one that logitech had worked on getting proper support than a random one
[17:42:24] Timrit: i was wondering if someone could tell me how to configure a Hauppauge WinTV PVR2 usb tuner. I used to be able to get it working but am not having any luck getting it to tune channels. I know the device is working as have tv by using mplayer /dev/video and can change channels with ivtv-tune -c <channel number>
[17:43:01] wagnerrp: what country?
[17:43:04] Timrit: us
[17:43:15] wagnerrp: you've pulled a channel lineup from your SD account?
[17:43:33] Timrit: i believe so
[17:44:10] wagnerrp: mapped the video source you pulled the channels for to the tuner input on your PVR-USB2?
[17:46:54] Timrit: it wont even find channels
[17:47:19] wagnerrp: you shouldn't try to find channels, you should download the lineup
[17:47:46] Seeker`: Timrit: there is a menu in mythtv-setup where you assign the card to a video source (/dev/video -> SD)
[17:47:56] Seeker`: at least, I think thats what wagnerrp is getting at
[17:48:28] wagnerrp: in the Video Source setup, there is an option to give your SD account and password
[17:48:42] wagnerrp: give it them, select your lineup, and tell it to download the lineup from the listings provider
[17:48:57] Timrit: i have that linked
[17:49:12] wagnerrp: and so your video source is populated?
[17:49:22] wagnerrp: if so, then there is no reason to attempt to scan for channels
[17:49:42] Timrit: hmmmm. ok. let me try
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[18:39:16] mythos-2013: I have an HD HomeRun Dual ATSC tuner. That connects to the Ubuntu Precise Pangolin ver. 12.04 via ethernet. My ubuntu does not handshake and MythTV finds no tuner cards. Device is working in Win7 w/o problem. MythTV has both working front/back end servers. How can I make handshake?
[18:41:07] wagnerrp: the only reason autodetection should fail is because you are on the wrong subnet
[18:41:27] wagnerrp: or otherwise cannot send/receive data on the proper broadcast address
[18:41:32] mythos-2013: Pangolin uses Auto-Ethernet
[18:41:53] wagnerrp: auto? you mean that crap?
[18:42:02] Floppe (Floppe!~Floppe@2001:14b8:1d3::100) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:42:06] wagnerrp: pretty sure the HDHR has no support for that
[18:42:10] wagnerrp: it requires a proper DHCP server
[18:42:53] mythos-2013: How should I know this? Is there a How To? I have been all over the 'net & SiliconDust forums last 2 day w/o getting to understanding
[18:43:16] wagnerrp: open a terminal, run 'ifconfig', and pastebin the results
[18:43:26] mythos-2013: Pls. explain pastebin
[18:43:28] wagnerrp: that means copy the results to and give us the link
[18:43:38] mythos-2013: back in a moment
[18:48:10] mythos-2013: IFCONFIG
[18:49:52] wagnerrp: yeah, abort
[18:49:54] wagnerrp: you need wires
[18:50:06] Peps (Peps! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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[18:51:16] mythos-2013: Sorry. Please try this one:
[18:52:03] wagnerrp: yeah, you still need wires
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[18:53:31] mythos-2013: This cable works in win7 with MythTV
[18:54:06] wagnerrp: well right now, it says the cable is not being used, and you're connected to the network with your wireless card
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[18:54:31] mythos-2013: I have to drop wireless? How will I use this IRC?
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[18:55:10] wagnerrp: you're not connected to the internet through your wired network card?
[18:55:19] mythos-2013: No, WIFI
[18:55:30] wagnerrp: then where is your HDHR in all this?
[18:55:47] tgm4883: is that even going to be fast enough?
[18:55:48] mythos-2013: HDHR is via Ethernet cable
[18:56:10] tgm4883: mythos-2013, ah, so you've got the HDHR on a crossover cable to the computer?
[18:56:57] mythos-2013: eth cable is working in Win7 with MythTV. In Ubuntu Precise Pangolin ver. 12.04 there is no ehternet commection
[18:57:08] jarle: If I have active EIT turned on for all my cards, will mythtv use all cards at once if they are not recording?
[18:57:26] wagnerrp: mythos-2013: is your HDHR physically connected straight into your network card?
[18:58:09] mythos-2013: "Network card", ethernet cable goes from HDHR into computer's jack for ethernet
[18:58:12] dkeith_ (dkeith_!~dkeith@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:58:34] wagnerrp: yes, the ethernet jack is your "network card", and the type of cable needed to make that work is a "crossover cable"
[18:58:47] wagnerrp: typically, ethernet requires you to have a hub or switch in between
[18:58:51] wagnerrp: a crossover cable bypasses
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[18:58:52] wagnerrp: that
[18:59:22] mythos-2013: Can I look at both ends of cable and see if wires colors are reversed?
[18:59:33] wagnerrp: your HDHR requires a DHCP server to give it an address, which means you must run a DHCP server on your computer to give it one
[18:59:45] wagnerrp: and you must statically define an address for your wired ethernet card to use
[18:59:58] mythos-2013: Pls. give me a URL to a how to on setup DHCP on Ubuntu
[18:59:58] wagnerrp: network configuration is a distro-specific thing
[19:00:06] wagnerrp: so you would need to ask ubuntu people how to accomplish that
[19:00:30] mythos-2013: OK, thank you for your advice.
[19:00:39] mythos-2013: Bye bye
[19:01:12] tgm4883: wagnerrp, I didn't think it needed that
[19:01:29] tgm4883: wagnerrp, I thought the HDHR could operate in that scenario
[19:01:51] wagnerrp: using the autoconfig addresses?
[19:01:55] tgm4883: yrea
[19:01:57] tgm4883: yea
[19:02:04] wagnerrp: don't know, to be honest
[19:02:23] tgm4883: . . . k_Connection
[19:02:37] tgm4883: mythos-2013, ^^
[19:02:49] tgm4883: it even tells you what to do
[19:02:52] mythos-2013: ?
[19:03:18] tgm4883: auto eth1
[19:03:18] tgm4883: iface eth1 inet ipv4ll
[19:03:34] wagnerrp: tgm4883: is that proper, considering this is ubuntu?
[19:03:41] wagnerrp: would it be better to do something through networkmanager?
[19:03:47] tgm4883: wagnerrp, hmm
[19:03:51] tgm4883: let me check nm
[19:03:56] mythos-2013: pls. give me a moment to read these pages
[19:04:09] mythos-2013: I mean I'm not leaving IRC, but am reading
[19:04:20] tgm4883: wagnerrp, I don't think so
[19:04:44] tgm4883: I mean, you could do it via network manager, but I don't think nm is going to let you connect to both LL and wifi at the same time
[19:04:49] tgm4883: although maybe it does
[19:05:27] wagnerrp: mythos-2013: is this going to be a permanent server?
[19:05:36] mythos-2013: yes
[19:05:45] tgm4883: permanent server over wifi?
[19:06:16] mythos-2013: pls. explain LL
[19:06:22] tgm4883: link local
[19:06:24] wagnerrp: link-local, the stuff
[19:06:38] wagnerrp: presumably this is a single combo frontend/backend, no remote frontends
[19:07:02] mythos-2013: yes, if by remote you do not mean TV remote control
[19:07:24] tgm4883: yea that should work then
[19:07:28] wagnerrp: no, i mean mythtv can allow multiple linked frontends and backends in a "cluster"
[19:07:44] wagnerrp: where you can have multiple frontends over the network pulling tv from one or more backends
[19:07:56] wagnerrp: you don't want to attempt that with wireless networking
[19:08:53] wagnerrp: wireless on a standalone machine is perfectly fine, since the only thing you're going to need to pull is guide data
[19:09:08] mythos-2013: This MythTV setup is one dual tuner with OTA antenna, and drives TV picture into computer monitor
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[19:10:51] tgm4883: I don't have an adaquate way to test LL via NM right now
[19:11:14] tgm4883: setting it via NM is fine, but IDK if it allows you to also connect to wifi
[19:11:24] tgm4883: I'd like to think it does, but I don't have a way to test it right now
[19:11:52] tgm4883: mythos-2013, are you familiar with network manager?
[19:12:40] mythos-2013: Only to look at – I have only done pings when wifi was a problem years ago
[19:13:11] tgm4883: mythos-2013, if you click on the network manager icon at the top right of the screen, you should be able to "edit connections"
[19:13:26] mythos-2013: I have setup wired connection with IP as and subnet as
[19:13:50] tgm4883: that.... did you set that up manually?
[19:15:36] mythos-2013: yes and ifconfig is now:
[19:16:52] tgm4883: mythos-2013, so.... since you are attempting to do this on your own, you should know that needs to be a 169 address
[19:16:55] tgm4883: not 168
[19:18:32] mythos-2013: OK, now 169 and new ifconfig
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[19:26:26] mythos-2013: Does making a wired connection (ethernet) automatically make HDHomeRun connected?
[19:27:22] wagnerrp: if you make one that exists on the same subnet as the HDHR's defaults, yes
[19:27:36] wagnerrp: you will still need to go through mythtv-setup and define it
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[19:27:43] wagnerrp: but mythtv should be able to auto-detect it at that point
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[19:27:51] mythos-2013: Can MythTV Frontend run less than full screen & how to make that
[19:27:57] mythos-2013: That's the GUI
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[19:28:20] wagnerrp: --windowed, and --geometry HxV+X+Y
[19:29:44] mythos-2013: I won't be able to know the HxV+X+Y, but I'll see if myth setup can find tuner
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[19:29:57] wagnerrp: of course you know those
[19:30:06] wagnerrp: Horizontal and Vertical window size
[19:30:14] wagnerrp: X and Y offset from the top left corner of the scren
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[19:32:23] mythos-2013: My bad. Doh! Is that in inches?
[19:33:45] mythos-2013: OK, Myth setup says: Could not connect to the master backend server. Is it running? Is the IP address set for it in mythtv-setup correct?
[19:34:07] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[19:34:25] wagnerrp: mythtv-setup should not be warning you that it cannot find the backend
[19:34:30] wagnerrp: are you sure you didn't run mythfrontend?
[19:34:47] mythos-2013: IDK
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[19:35:53] mythos-2013: a moment please – I'll run setup from command line
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[19:49:05] mythos-2013: Played with settings and here is another ifconfig, but I dont' see much difference
[19:49:06] mythos-2013:
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[19:51:15] mythos-2013: Setup still saying: Could not connect to the master backend server. Is it running? Is the IP address set for it in mythtv-setup correct?
[19:51:34] mythos-2013: Currently both back and front ends running
[19:51:34] wagnerrp: you're running 'mythtv-setup'?
[19:51:55] wagnerrp: mythtv-setup only warns you if the backend is running, not if it isn't
[19:52:04] wizbit: cool software of the day:
[19:52:43] mythos-2013: yes, in command line: mythth-setup
[19:54:17] mythos-2013: I tried setting IP to and called it tuner "1" and again 2nd tuner as "2", same IP
[19:55:20] mythos-2013: Sorry: that IP at 169
[19:55:43] wagnerrp: do you actually know that your HDHR is sitting at
[19:56:57] mythos-2013: Sir: I'm so sorry. I'm more noob than that. I'll fix the IP in myth setup and see if it matters
[19:57:27] wagnerrp: the IP you set in mythtv-setup, in general, is the IP that mythfrontend will use to connect to mythbackend
[19:57:38] wagnerrp: it is the IP address of the machine you are currently using
[19:58:03] wagnerrp: if everything is configured properly, when you try to add your HDHR has a card, using the proper card type, it should automatically detect where the HDHR is located
[19:58:15] wagnerrp: assuming you are on the same subnet as the HDHR
[19:59:42] tgm4883: wagnerrp, would mythtv look on both cards?
[19:59:45] tgm4883: or rather
[20:00:00] tgm4883: mythos-2013, have you verified it is detected via the hdhomerun utility?
[20:00:01] wagnerrp: would the HDHR libraries look on both cards?
[20:00:02] wagnerrp: not sure
[20:00:11] wagnerrp: i assume it would
[20:00:25] tgm4883: wagnerrp, I would think so, but IDK
[20:00:46] tgm4883: rhpot1991, has done far more work with that than I have
[20:01:06] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has quit (Quit: devinheitmueller)
[20:01:27] mythos-2013: As far as I can tell, the myth setup cannot or willnot scan for channels
[20:01:48] mythos-2013: what is hdhr "utility"?
[20:02:44] wagnerrp: the one from silicon dust
[20:02:51] wagnerrp: hdhomerun_config
[20:02:57] wagnerrp: comes with their drivers
[20:03:04] tgm4883: it's in the repos
[20:03:10] tgm4883: apt-get install hdhomerun-config-gui
[20:03:17] tgm4883: then run it
[20:04:48] mythos-2013: hdhomerun config gui shows no devices
[20:12:00] tgm4883: I wonder if it would show no devices if you disabled your wifi
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[20:17:11] mythos-2013: I have corrected IP of both net mgr and capture card to, but still no cards in util after rescan
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[20:17:49] wagnerrp: is a range you can use if you are manually configuring addresses, or using a DHCP server
[20:17:59] wagnerrp: is... nothing, you shouldn't be using it
[20:18:27] wagnerrp: but the HDHR will not be in either of those subnets without a DHCP server telling it to go there
[20:19:01] rhpot1991: what is the hdhr question, if the applications work on both prime and regular?
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[20:19:22] mythos-2013: OK, I will see if I can setup DHCP in 'buntu
[20:19:23] wagnerrp: he wants to connect his HDHR directly with a crossover cable
[20:19:46] rhpot1991: you can do that, but I believe it doesn't require a crossover cable
[20:20:01] rhpot1991: hdhr 2 was smart about it and would automagically detect if you were doing that
[20:20:26] wagnerrp: crossover or not, he needs to know how to set up his computer's ethernet card to use the link-local subnet
[20:21:06] rhpot1991: looking for directions now, been a while since I did that
[20:22:13] mythos-2013: I have DHCP setup
[20:22:24] mythos-2013: but not configged
[20:22:54] rhpot1991:
[20:23:08] rhpot1991: Network configuration: Configure the PC to use a static IP address in the 169.254.x.y range, e.g., with a network mask of No gateway address or DNS servers are needed.
[20:24:22] rhpot1991: . . . k_Connection
[20:24:33] rhpot1991: that 169.254 address is important
[20:26:21] mythos-2013: Please note this is Linux Ubuntu Precise Pangolin ver. 12.04 and not Windows per the link to post about IP addresses. Just FYI in case of errors
[20:27:50] rhpot1991: mythos-2013: ya see the 2nd link that one will be more pertinent, same addresses though
[20:34:01] mythos-2013: Can you help me know firmware release? Per link at wiki you gave: "The HDHomeRun normally expects to obtain a DHCP lease. However, with the latest firmware" – How to know "latest" firmware?
[20:35:17] wagnerrp: the hdhomerun_config utility will tell you what firmware you have loaded... if you can get communication working
[20:35:50] wagnerrp: but if you can get it working, there's little reason to care
[20:37:07] mythos-2013: utility says firmware version: Unknown
[20:37:16] wagnerrp: because it cannot connect to find out
[20:41:21] mythos-2013: Thank you for your efforts on my behalf. I'm too confused and have taken more of your time than I should.
[20:45:29] wagnerrp: if you _can_ run hardlines for everything and stick your HDHR on your home network
[20:45:36] wagnerrp: everything will simply work much easier
[20:46:45] wagnerrp: but you don't want to attempt to use an HDHR over wireless
[20:46:54] wagnerrp: too high of loss, too low of throughput
[20:49:33] mythos-2013: I'm NOT using wireless
[20:49:37] mythos-2013: I have no network
[20:49:52] wagnerrp: sure you do, you have a wireless one
[20:49:58] wagnerrp: you're connected to your router wirelessly
[20:50:08] mythos-2013: OK, sure
[20:50:32] mythos-2013: I'm not understanding this, hdhr uses cable and OTA antenna
[20:50:46] wagnerrp: correct
[20:50:47] mythos-2013: computer can only use 1 connection at a time?
[20:50:59] wagnerrp: i'm not sure what you mean
[20:51:29] mythos-2013: If "home network" is internet connection, then what is hdhr ethernet connection?
[20:51:50] wagnerrp: your "home network" is all the devices connected to your network in your home
[20:51:59] wagnerrp: right now, everything you have is wireless
[20:52:09] mythos-2013: yes
[20:52:14] wagnerrp: i'm guessing your router has a multi-port switch built in
[20:52:34] wagnerrp: i'm saying if you connected your PC to the switch, and the HDHR to the switch, and ran both off the router's DHCP server
[20:52:38] wagnerrp: it would all "just work"
[20:53:10] mythos-2013: yes, it has 4 ports but it's in a neighbors apartment and I cannot run an ethernet cable there. Moreover, I'm not trying (wanting) to connect hdhr wirelessly
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[20:53:53] wagnerrp: ah, so you actually don't have a home network, you're using someone elses'
[20:54:10] mythos-2013: We share and I pay for ATT DSL broadband
[20:54:16] mythos-2013: I pay my half
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[20:55:00] wagnerrp: right, but all the gear is on their side
[20:55:10] dkeith___ (dkeith___!~dkeith@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:55:13] mythos-2013: I have no physical connection
[20:57:33] mythos-2013: How is it that Win7 partition has both hdhr working and wireless? My head is spinning
[20:58:12] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[20:58:15] wagnerrp: because windows automatically configures any card with a physical connect and no DHCP server with a link-local address
[20:58:29] mythos-2013: my luck
[20:59:17] mythos-2013: So short of 2 cat5 cable runs to dsl-wifi-router mythtv/hdhr won't work?
[20:59:27] wagnerrp: it _should_ work
[20:59:43] wagnerrp: all you should need to do is give eth0 some address in 169.254/16
[20:59:57] wagnerrp: or turn on autoconf so it does so itself automatically
[21:00:07] wagnerrp: how exactly to go about doing that on ubuntu? i dont know
[21:00:25] mythos-2013: IPv4 Address is: Netmask is
[21:00:38] wagnerrp: no, 169.254
[21:00:53] wagnerrp: 192.254 exists on the internet, you're not allowed to define that yourself
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[21:02:29] dkeith____ (dkeith____!~dkeith@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:02:58] mythos-2013: IP – hdhr ethernet LED flashing still
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[21:03:47] wagnerrp: and the netmask?
[21:04:04] mythos-2013: mask
[21:04:14] wagnerrp: autodetection should work
[21:04:32] mythos-2013: LED flashing
[21:05:44] mythos-2013: HD HomeRun config Rescan shows no tuners
[21:06:59] mythos-2013: I don't know autoconf, but brief search for autoconf and ubunt shows: automatic configure script builde
[21:08:24] mythos-2013: is autoconfig same as Auto Ethernet
[21:08:37] wagnerrp: could be
[21:08:44] wagnerrp: also known as link-local
[21:09:28] mythos-2013: AutoEth is searching
[21:11:30] mythos-2013: no LED flashing
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[21:12:29] mythos-2013: Ubuntu's autoconf is Avahi(.org), but that's work for another day as it will take me some time to learn and set it up.
[21:12:40] wagnerrp: no, that's something different
[21:13:00] wagnerrp: avahi is some network device autodetection mechanism, similar to UPNP
[21:13:47] mythos-2013: Oh
[21:14:12] mythos-2013: Network Tools is odd IPv has IP address of
[21:14:35] wagnerrp:
[21:15:28] mythos-2013: Asking for eth0 to config brings up Network connections, where I (again) see: Auto Ethernet and HD-HomeRun (as I called it)
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[21:25:14] mythos-2013: Again, wagnerrp, thank you for your time. The wiki on link-local is well beyond anything I can do while in IRC. I will try again, tomorrow.
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[21:50:01] Bray90820 (Bray90820!3251fd20@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
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[21:50:59] Bray90820: so how are serieas recording handled in mythtv
[21:51:13] Bray90820: series
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[21:59:02] wagnerrp: Bray90820: you make a recording rule telling mythtv to record all of one series, the scheduler handles it from there
[21:59:27] wagnerrp: it will match on series id, if provided by your guide data, falling back to title if not
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[21:59:45] Bray90820: what i was really wondering is how to setup one
[22:00:12] wagnerrp: go into Manage Recordings, and find one episode of the series you want to watch
[22:00:22] Bray90820: ok
[22:00:23] wagnerrp: create a rule, and have the rule record all of that series
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[22:00:42] Bray90820: what i want is to have it record only new episodes
[22:00:56] wagnerrp: there is a flag available for that
[22:01:15] wagnerrp: assuming your guide data provides accurate "first showing" dates
[22:01:56] Bray90820: well it's from schedules direct so i would assume it would
[22:02:10] wagnerrp: it almost always does
[22:03:31] Bray90820: i know on my tivo i can set it up to where if there is a new episode on at like 7:00 or something and it cant record it it will record the repete at 12:00
[22:04:08] wagnerrp: mythtv will automatically attempt to resolve conflicts if you are trying to record two things at once on a single tuner
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[22:05:55] Bray90820: if i have 1 tuner and im already recording something on channel 24 and it tried to record something on channel 35 will it automatically record channel 25 if the recording is available
[22:06:33] Bray90820: sorry if that's confusing
[22:07:28] wagnerrp: it will try to find some time within your available guide data (the next two weeks) that it can record both shows
[22:07:46] Bray90820: is there a way to stop that
[22:07:57] wagnerrp: why would you want to prevent automatic conflict resolution?
[22:08:26] Bray90820: so i dont fill up my Hard Drive
[22:08:27] wagnerrp: i mean you can go into the scheduler, and create an override to force one show to record now instead of something else
[22:08:46] wagnerrp: but you want both episodes to be recorded, correct?
[22:08:53] wagnerrp: otherwise, you would have never created the rules to record them
[22:10:13] Bray90820: lets say i have 1 tuner and i am recording the today show but there is a special of meet the press on that is set to record at the same time i would want to set a priority to record the today show and never record that met the press special
[22:10:19] Bray90820: even if it is on at a later time
[22:10:45] wagnerrp: then go into the scheduler, and make an override to prevent that episode from being recorded
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[22:11:21] Bray90820: do i have to do it every time or is there a way to have that automatically happen my show name
[22:11:58] wagnerrp: you can create a custom power rule that explicitly ignores those specials
[22:13:21] Bray90820: well what i was really wondering is if there is just a way to not record repets of first run even if has never recorded it
[22:13:42] wagnerrp: by default, mythtv will not record repeats
[22:14:06] wagnerrp: it keeps track of ever single episode you have ever recorded, and will not record that episode again unless you explicitly tell it to
[22:14:30] Bray90820: i think you misunderstood me when i said repets
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[22:15:03] Bray90820: i ment a new episode that is repeated later that day
[22:15:12] wagnerrp: as mentioned, there is an optional filter to have the scheduler ignore anything that is not a "new episode"
[22:15:28] wagnerrp: however new episode is defined as anything that first aired in the past week, or few days, don't know the specific
[22:15:49] wagnerrp: it will try to pick up a second showing later in the day or later in the week
[22:15:59] wagnerrp: but it will not try to pick up one several weeks later
[22:16:00] Bray90820: yes
[22:16:09] Bray90820: but is there a way to have that not happen
[22:16:16] Bray90820: on my tivo there is
[22:16:19] wagnerrp: you _can_ tell it to record a show only during a specific time frame
[22:16:37] wagnerrp: but it's pretty strict about that
[22:16:55] wagnerrp: and if the time varies by a few minutes, it will ignore the show
[22:17:11] Bray90820: well im asking if there is a way to have it record only first run of new episodes
[22:17:20] Bray90820: automaticly
[22:17:31] Bray90820: based on show name or something
[22:17:33] wagnerrp: you could with a power rule
[22:17:51] wagnerrp: however i'm uncertain why you're trying to be so strict about what you record
[22:18:16] wagnerrp: i mean you're only talking about ~6GB/hr
[22:18:42] wagnerrp: and if you're intending to always watch these in the short term, you can put a cap on the total number of episodes allowed to stay on disk at any given time
[22:18:58] Bray90820: well i dont really watch EVERYTHING i record and this is a way to clean things up
[22:19:27] wagnerrp: so let mythtv expire stuff as it sees fit, clearing out room for new content
[22:20:03] Bray90820: but that really eats up hard drive space
[22:20:15] wagnerrp: so? disks are cheap
[22:20:27] Bray90820: yea i guess
[22:20:31] wagnerrp: the average MythTV cluster has several TB of storage space
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[22:20:53] Bray90820: i guess i am still thinking like i am using my tivo where i can only use one hard drive
[22:21:11] wagnerrp: you can have as many hard drives as you can stuff into one machine
[22:21:21] Bray90820: i am aware of that
[22:21:25] wagnerrp: and when you fill that, you can set up a second backend, with more hard drives, and more tuners, linked to the first
[22:21:29] Bray90820: right now i have about 2 TB free
[22:22:03] Bray90820: i would buy more sata ports before i setup another backend
[22:22:10] wagnerrp: there is no theoretical limit on the size of a mythtv cluster, merely a practical one based off certain things being run through the master backend
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[22:24:19] Bray90820: yea but i dont wanna keep 2 machines on all the time
[22:25:05] Bray90820: but anyways back to my original question
[22:25:27] Bray90820: how would i setup a series recording to record all new episodes of a show
[22:26:18] Bray90820: sorry for all the questions i just kinda new to mythtv
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[22:32:48] drussell_: Bray90820: Probably just (in recording rules) Schedule Options -> Schedule Filters... ?
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[22:36:56] Bray90820: if i set "record in this time slow every week" will it record that time slot every week weather the show is on or not?
[22:37:03] Bray90820: slot
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[22:40:36] drussell_: I believe it will only record if it is that show in that time slot (if it is a record rule for the show) but I'm not 100% sure, I never use the one-per-week
[22:40:54] drussell_: Probably what you want it a record all episodes (or all on this channel) with the filter for new episode only
[22:41:13] drussell_: is
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[22:41:55] drussell_: Otherwise you will get the re-runs recorded too when it's not really a new episode
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[22:42:43] Bray90820: well that option isn't available
[22:43:18] drussell_: Which option isn't available?
[22:43:48] Bray90820: record all episodes (or all on this channel)
[22:45:06] drussell_: When you edit the rule for a show, the top line will sets the basic rule type... If you're seeing the one-per-week, you should also see the normal rules...
[22:45:23] drussell_: What options are you seeing when you right/left arrow through that field?
[22:46:03] Jordack (Jordack! has quit (Quit: Why ban assault weapons? An AR15 will fire just as fast a handgun. Both fire as fast as you can pull the trigger.)
[22:46:30] drussell_: The last two before 'do not record this program' should be 'record at any time on this channel' and 'record at any time on any channel'
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[22:48:25] tgm4883: drussell_, Bray90820 it only records that show in that timeslot
[22:48:41] tgm4883: and there are other filters to allow not recording reruns
[22:48:55] tgm4883: but IMO, it's better to just do a 'record at any time on any channel'
[22:50:45] Bray90820: record only this showing, record one showing of this title, record in this time slot every week, record one showing of this title every week, record in this time slow every day, record 1 showing of this title every day, record anytime on this channel, record at anytime on any channel
[22:50:53] Bray90820: thoes are my options
[22:51:07] tgm4883: um
[22:51:22] tgm4883: record anytime on this channel
[22:51:26] tgm4883: record at anytime on any channel
[22:51:33] tgm4883: aren't those the two you are looking for?
[22:51:36] drussell_: So use the 'record anytime on this channel' or 'record anytime on any channel' and pick 'new episodes only' from the filters should do what you want
[22:54:42] drussell_: Also take note of the 'Identifiable Episodes'... You may or may not want it to record ones it doesn't have an ID for... Usually you won't want them but depends on the accuracy of your scheduler data, etc...
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[22:56:23] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:57:31] Bray90820: will it only record new one?
[22:57:50] Hoochster (Hoochster!~hooch@ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[22:58:08] drussell_: If you go into Schedule Options -> Schedule Filters and have New Episode checked, it will only record new, yes...
[22:58:20] Bray90820: ok
[22:58:23] drussell_: WITHOUT that checkbox checked, it will record all episodes
[22:58:26] Bray90820: now i am going to try it out
[22:58:39] Bray90820: thank you for your help
[22:58:53] drussell_: Preview is your friend, too... Will (usually) show you what you're doing to your schedule...
[22:59:28] drussell_: And/or "upcoming recordings"... Take a look at what the rule does when you set it and see if the upcoming looks like what you want...
[23:01:32] Bray90820: Alright thank you
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[23:04:17] Bray90820: what does this series checkbox meen
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[23:07:39] jst_: Hey, all. I use Ethernet-over-Power adapters to connect a frontend to my backend. I can watch recorded programs with no stuttering, but if I watch live TV, the playback is choppy and skips every few seconds. Any idea why?
[23:07:50] jst_: (No, I cannot run CAT5 cabling).
[23:08:09] wagnerrp: try pausing it for a few seconds, and running with a slight bit of additional delay
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[23:08:25] Bray90820: it does the same with me
[23:08:27] jst_: wagnerrp, tried that... doesn't work.
[23:08:35] Bray90820: but less frequently
[23:09:04] zoktar (zoktar!~zoktar@unaffiliated/zoktar) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:09:15] jst_: Let's say a program records from 6p-7p and I start watching from the beginning at 645p (45 mins behind)... it will still skip. If I start watching at 7p, no problems whatsoever. Does it stream it differently for some reason?
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[23:10:23] tgm4883: Bray90820, one thing to keep note of, if you choose any time in this timeslot, if the show is off by 1 minute it won't record
[23:11:05] Bray90820: will it just clip it or compleatly not record it
[23:11:15] tgm4883: completely not record
[23:11:20] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[23:11:48] Bray90820: but will mythtb know if it is off
[23:12:05] wayne__ (wayne__! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[23:12:16] Bray90820: because schedules direct would see it as on time right
[23:12:22] tgm4883: Bray90820, mythtv knows "record this show from <this exact time> to <this exact time> on <this channel>"
[23:12:30] drussell_: The 'this timeslot' rule is VERY specific... If it doesn't match 100% it doesn't record
[23:12:53] tgm4883: Bray90820, if Scheduled Direct shows the show as starting at 7:59PM one day, instead of the usual 8:00PM, it won't record
[23:12:58] tgm4883: because it doesn't match the rule
[23:13:15] Bray90820: is there a way to make it just clip the show?
[23:13:23] drussell_: Best to allow the scheduler in MythTV to figure those things out for you by setting up a proper rule an letting IT figure out when to record instead of trying to specify an exact time or something... That's the whole point of a "smart" scheduler...
[23:13:37] tgm4883: Bray90820, use a proper rule such as "any time any channel"?
[23:13:52] Bray90820: ok
[23:14:03] Bray90820: then it will or won't clip it?
[23:14:16] drussell_: The timeslot type rules are really meant only for very specific situations, not "normal" scheduling
[23:14:16] tgm4883: Then it will record the show any time it finds it on any channel
[23:14:28] Bray90820: alright
[23:14:30] Bray90820: thank you
[23:14:45] tgm4883: eg. if it's scheduled from 7:39–8:11, it will record it
[23:15:05] Bray90820: that's a good think to know
[23:15:11] tgm4883: I only use 2 types of recording rules myself
[23:15:15] Bray90820: because one channel i record is off the clock
[23:15:15] tgm4883: any time any channel
[23:15:32] tgm4883: and power rules
[23:15:57] Bray90820: power rules?
[23:16:28] tgm4883: Bray90820, basically, they are rules that you put in a format similar to SQL
[23:16:56] Bray90820: but why would someone want to use that
[23:16:59] drussell_: For when the (already extensive) options given in MythTV aren't enough, you can make your own...
[23:17:29] drussell_: I have one to record all "Nascar: Sprint Cup" but not practice or qualifying... etc. etc..
[23:17:33] Bray90820: that's interesting
[23:17:46] Bray90820: is mytvtv open source by any chance
[23:18:02] drussell_: Most definitely...
[23:18:03] tgm4883: I use it when I want to record a series that has been on for awhile, but I caught up with it on netflix, so it's basically a "record this show any time, any channel, if original airdate is greater than <DATE"
[23:18:21] tgm4883: I also use it for sports
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[23:18:49] tgm4883: since I only want new games, and they tend to have different titles throughout the season
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[23:19:42] Bray90820: ahh
[23:23:18] Bray90820: i am still confused at what "this series" checkbox means
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[23:23:38] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:23:51] jst_: drussell_, I have a similar NASCAR rule.
[23:24:20] jst_: program.title = 'NASCAR Racing' AND ((program.subtitle LIKE '%Sprint Cup%Qualifying') OR !(program.subtitle REGEXP '(2011|Practice|Qualifying|K&N|Modified)')) AND program.previouslyshown = 0 :)
[23:27:49] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[23:29:42] drussell_: I think mine is similar but uses program.first instead of previouslyshown and has an hdtv=0 because I while the sat box is HD I don't have an HD-PVR or anything so I want the SD channel not the HD so aspect ratio is right
[23:30:12] drussell_: my only HD input is OTA ATSC
[23:33:47] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[23:34:05] jst_: Oh man. Yeah, I deleted all my SD channels from my SchedulesDirect lineup. I have a CableCard with four streams... so nice.
[23:35:44] drussell_: I have about a zillion analog SD inputs... Even still actually using a couple TV Wonder BT878 cards lol but guess evenetually I'm going to have to break down and buy an HD-PVR for at least one of my sat boxes lol
[23:36:04] Hoochster (Hoochster!~hooch@ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[23:37:13] Bray90820: just buy an hdHomerun prime with 6 tuners
[23:38:03] tgm4883: Bray90820, that wouldn't work for satellite
[23:38:11] Bray90820: correct
[23:38:15] Bray90820: nevermind then
[23:38:54] drussell_: Doesn't help me at all in Canada... If I had cable, Shaw uses motorola boxes, no cablecard available, and I'm on *choice/Shaw Direct satellite for my only pay feed...
[23:39:19] drussell_: Everything else is OTA or FTA sat
[23:39:55] drussell_: Not much useful on the FTA box these days other than RT/AlJazeera and the other odd thing once in a while
[23:40:14] drussell_: Mine's too old to even do PBS anymore :-)
[23:42:02] Hoochster (Hoochster!~hooch@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:42:29] drussell_: Lost the NASA channel a couple years ago that used to be free/open on Dish... Just after I finally put a motor on my FTA dish so I could get any sat... grrrr :-)
[23:44:11] Bray90820: i have that on cable
[23:44:18] Bray90820: my cable company removes channels
[23:44:39] drussell_: It's not available anymore in Canada via edict from the CRTC (canadian version of the FCC)... Not enough Canadian content...
[23:44:55] Bray90820: Atleast you have CTV
[23:45:52] drussell_: Although it theoretically could be carried right now because Hatfield is up on the ISS right now... Easier to just watch online, though... Nasa has decent feeds on the internet
[23:46:19] drussell_: If I had more money right now I
[23:46:40] drussell_: 'd get a Dish US subscription or something but I don't need more TV... LOL
[23:47:24] Bray90820: lol
[23:48:21] drussell_: My personal Myth box has almost 9k recordings on it right now and lots of it I've never seen if I had time to waste actually watching TV....
[23:49:15] Bray90820: lol
[23:49:23] Bray90820: you di watch WAY to much tv
[23:49:28] Bray90820: do
[23:49:58] Shadow__1: afaik you are able to record or atleast watch iptv within mythtv there is a file that includes nasatv on there
[23:50:02] Bray90820: i have about 12 recordings on mine
[23:50:06] drussell_: No, most of it's not for me... I don't watch much TV....
[23:50:28] Bray90820: then who is it for
[23:51:18] drussell_: Shadow__1 I hadn't even thought of looking at that! Thank you for the idea! Just upgrading my personal system from 0.23 to 0.26 so now should be able to just add the internet channel! SWEET
[23:52:29] Shadow__1: drussell_: . . . ing_Recorder
[23:53:42] drussell_: Nice, nice nice.... Thank you reminding me to play with that! :-)
[23:54:41] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:58:44] Guest62385 (Guest62385! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:59:42] Bray90820: so how would i set a recording location
[23:59:50] Hoochster (Hoochster!~hooch@ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)

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