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Tuesday, January 1st, 2013, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:15] J-e-f-f-A: kusznir: I use K9Copy ;-)
[00:01:54] kusznir: [R] dvdbackup man page indicates it does not result in .iso's of dvds...I'd still have to genisofs or something to get back to that..
[00:02:21] [R]: hrm
[00:02:24] kusznir: J-e-f-f-A: Ok, I looked at some writeups of that online, it was unclear how it works. Does it generate an .iso or just files?
[00:02:24] [R]: could have sworn it did
[00:02:35] [R]: regardless... making an iso is easy
[00:02:43] J-e-f-f-A: kusznir: it can do either.
[00:02:55] kusznir: Ok, thanks, more to look at!
[00:03:30] J-e-f-f-A: kusznir: it's got a command-line interface, and a gui 'assistant'. Works well IMHO.
[00:06:16] SmallR2002 (SmallR2002! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[00:07:18] kusznir: Just out of curiosity, will myth video be able to deal with a .VOB file from a dvd extract?
[00:07:23] wagnerrp: seems like it would be fairly simple to write a utility that would one or the other, and dump the result in a remote storage group
[00:07:29] wagnerrp: *would use
[00:12:02] Technophil (Technophil! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:14:12] duke_ellington: I'm having trouble getting my PVR 500 tuner card to work in MythTV. If I try to change the channel in LiveTV, the frontend freezes up, goes black and drops back to the menu with "video frame buffer failed too many times". I also noticed once mythtv has accessed the tuners I can no longer view them properly with VLC. VLC will skip, buffer and the picture sometimes scrambled. Rebooting
[00:14:12] duke_ellington: or reloading the ivtv module fixes this. Any ideas? I'm using Arch.
[00:17:42] J-e-f-f-A: duke_ellington: MythTV assumes exclusive access to the tuners you have defined btw. So trying to use them when MythTV has them defined is a no-no.
[00:19:07] J-e-f-f-A: duke_ellington: I used a 500 and a 250 for several years before switching to HD. But always used external tuners (Satellite SD boxes) that fed s-video and stereo audio into the PVR-xxx tuners.
[00:19:16] duke_ellington: J-e-f-f-A: I've only tried viewing them before and after not when mythtv is using them.
[00:19:48] J-e-f-f-A: duke_ellington: So, you have cable TV service that offers Analog channels I take it?
[00:19:52] gregL (gregL! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:21:23] duke_ellington: J-e-f-f-A: Yeah analog cable from cox. There are a few few local station in digital too.
[00:21:42] J-e-f-f-A: duke_ellington: If that's the case, you have to make sure it's defined right in MythTV – (used to be IVTV, now I think is MPEG 2 Hardware encoder), plus the channel frequency table set to US Cable.
[00:21:49] J-e-f-f-A: You can't tune digital with a 500 – Analog only.
[00:22:30] J-e-f-f-A: duke_ellington: After you do that, you'll have to scan for channels as you're doing Analog.
[00:23:53] ZeKoU (ZeKoU!~amer@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:24:18] duke_ellington: J-e-f-f-A: I used the listings service to get the channels imported. channel scanning doesn't work for me. It just zips past and says it couldn't find anything.
[00:25:04] J-e-f-f-A: duke_ellington: so schedulesdirect ?
[00:25:12] duke_ellington: J-e-f-f-A: yes
[00:26:15] J-e-f-f-A: duke_ellington: Ok, so do you have both tuners setup as IVTV (might be 'Mpeg 2 Hardware encoder' now)... ?
[00:26:28] J-e-f-f-A: duke_ellington: and the channel-frequency table setup to US Cable ?
[00:27:12] duke_ellington: yes
[00:28:16] J-e-f-f-A: Humm... Does your channel listing show any of the analog channels?  — and I'm assuming you setup your SD account for the Analog channels, not digital.
[00:29:38] duke_ellington: I can view the initial chnnel when I start livetv. sometimes I can get lucky and change the channel maybe once without fail but, its slow. yes, all my channels are listed in the channel editor.
[00:31:34] duke_ellington: J-e-f-f-A: Capture card type is set to 'MPEG-2 encoder card' for both /dev/video0 and /dev/video1.
[00:31:48] J-e-f-f-A: duke_ellington: Ok, so it's working 'somewhat'... It may be a bug – I dunno – as I'm not sure Analog tuning has gotten much love in a while... And LiveTV is less-than-perfect, but Myth is designed to be a PVR, so little attention has been given to LiveTV.
[00:32:41] disputin (disputin!~sean@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:33:35] monkeypet: i find LiveTV to be acceptable for my limited usage.
[00:35:17] J-e-f-f-A: duke_ellington: Maybe try changing the channel-frequency table to one of the other "US Cable" choices – I think there's -hrc and -irc  — maybe try each of those in turn and/or increasing the tuning timout?
[00:35:20] J-e-f-f-A: *timeout
[00:36:48] disputin (disputin!~sean@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[00:38:11] duke_ellington: J-e-f-f-A: alright I'll give it try here real quick.
[00:39:41] J-e-f-f-A: monkeypet: What tuner types? It times out most of the time with my HD-PVRs.
[00:39:50] joki (joki! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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[00:41:04] ZeKoU (ZeKoU!~amer@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:42:01] ZeKoU: Hi ...I am interested about mythtv support for TV card tuners ...
[00:42:27] wagnerrp: interested in... developing support?
[00:42:38] wagnerrp: erm, nevermind, got confused on the channel
[00:42:47] wagnerrp: anyway, ask your question
[00:42:54] wagnerrp: we can't answer until we have one
[00:43:01] ZeKoU: I have ASUS card, and not being able to use it under linux is the only reason why I still have Windows on that box
[00:43:26] wagnerrp: while there are a few exceptions, mythtv does not directly support tuner cards
[00:43:37] wagnerrp: we just support the standard Linux capture APIs
[00:43:53] wagnerrp: and the linuxtv project takes care of writing the drivers
[00:43:57] duke_ellington: J-e-f-f-A: I don't know if this helps, but before things go wrong. the verbose from mythfrontend scrolls with Waited XXXXXms for video buffers.
[00:44:28] wagnerrp: if your tuner card is not currently supported under Linux, they're the people you need to talk to for more information
[00:44:47] ZeKoU: wagnerrp: linuxtv – thanks....I am have just begin investigating my options...
[00:44:57] wagnerrp: what tuner card, specifically?
[00:45:05] ZeKoU: let me check...
[00:45:54] J-e-f-f-A: duke_ellington: Can you schedule recordings on those tuners and everything works ok?
[00:47:36] duke_ellington: J-e-f-f-A: I haven't tried recording anything yet. I was more intreseted in the livetv part.
[00:48:24] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:48:51] J-e-f-f-A: duke_ellington: if LiveTV is what you want, then Myth probably isn't the best choice. It is optimized as a PVR (think TiVo), not for live TV. Everything gets recorded, so when you're watching LiveTV, you're actually ~3 seconds behind Live.
[00:52:03] ZeKoU: wagnerrp: ASUSTek Tiger Hybrid Capture device
[00:53:26] emmanuel__ (emmanuel__! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[00:54:52] J-e-f-f-A: ZeKoU: according to, it seems to be supported in Linux:  – do you have a /dev/dvb/adapter0 directory?
[00:57:59] zoran119 (zoran119! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[00:58:01] jayb (jayb! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:01:14] duke_ellington: J-e-f-f-A: I've already been using it tunerless for about 3 years as a media center. I only recently have I tried add a tuner. I liked the idea of distrubuting the cabletv through the home network to different frontends and I thought the program guide was pretty neat.
[01:01:44] duke_ellington: J-e-f-f-A: changing freq-table and capture timeout had no effect.
[01:02:04] J-e-f-f-A: duke_ellington: Ah. Well, once you get used to using it as a PVR, you'll never use LiveTV again. ;-)
[01:02:33] ZeKoU (ZeKoU!~amer@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[01:02:58] ZeKoU (ZeKoU!~amer@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:06:34] J-e-f-f-A: duke_ellington: What version of MythTV btw? I'm still running 0.25 on my backend, and it works fine with LiveTV on my backend, but one of my frontends times out. But since i basically never watch LiveTV, I javem
[01:06:43] J-e-f-f-A: ... haven't made an issue of it.
[01:07:40] kusznir (kusznir!~kusznir@ has quit (Quit: The computer fell asleep)
[01:07:50] duke_ellington: 0.26
[01:08:44] Technophil (Technophil! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:12:29] duke_ellington: J-e-f-f-A: Maybe I'll get luck and it will be fixed in the next release or some system update.
[01:16:43] Technophil (Technophil! has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:16:44] duke_ellington: Anyway, Thanks for the help. Have a Happy New Year.
[01:21:24] J-e-f-f-A: duke_ellington: no problemo. I don't know if it's "broken" in 0.26 or maybe just for Analog tuning... it's working with HD-PVR and digital tuners here for me on 0.25-fixes though.
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[02:53:18] Unguided (Unguided! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:56:38] Unguided: Hello all. Is myth multithreaded?
[02:57:28] [R]: very much so
[02:58:21] Unguided: Wasnt sure. Thank you. I know it is 64bit and assumed it was multithreaded.
[02:58:52] [R]: its not 32bit or 64bit... its just code
[02:59:17] Unguided: OK.
[03:27:22] Da_Coynul (Da_Coynul! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:37:38] wisenuts (wisenuts! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[03:42:38] wagnerrp: it's whatever bittage you compile it to
[03:44:29] ertyu-m: I'd like 1 please
[03:45:02] wagnerrp: you'll need to provide your own gcc backend
[03:45:41] ertyu-m: sure thing, but I think I'll only support 3 instructions
[03:46:14] wagnerrp: ooh! RISCy...
[03:46:42] wagnerrp: although, can you actually be turing complete with just three instructions?
[03:47:31] ertyu-m: I seem to recall you can do it with 2
[03:47:59] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[03:49:57] Unguided: wagnerrp: Thank you. Im finally installing pcbsd in vbox to leran. installing myth now
[03:50:23] Unguided: Only testing though. Not the live machine
[03:56:36] Da_Coynul (Da_Coynul! has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
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[04:24:09] DouglasK (DouglasK!~douglask@2001:470:1d:2fa:edbf:fc69:9e53:a5ba) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:25:16] DouglasK: Question ... I can record and play recordings, but if I try to watch Live TV, it says it cannot connect to the backend.
[04:27:05] Da_Coynul (Da_Coynul! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:27:37] [R]: the backend is probably crashing
[04:27:41] [R]: what do the logs say
[04:28:24] DouglasK: checking...
[04:31:40] Oleg_: the New Year will arrive in less than 30 minutes on the East Coast
[04:33:21] DouglasK: Oleg_, thanks
[04:33:42] DouglasK: [R] I see no activity on the backend log when I try to play live TV.
[04:33:43] Da_Coynul (Da_Coynul! has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[04:33:54] [R]: is it crashing?
[04:34:59] DouglasK: Hm. Nope... same process ID after trying to watch TV and failing.
[04:35:23] [R]: weird
[04:35:25] [R]: what versino
[04:37:39] DouglasK: "2:0.25.2+fixes.20120802.46cab93–0ubuntu1.12.10" from apt
[04:40:07] [R]: thats pretty old
[04:40:18] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[04:40:45] DouglasK: Hm. I'll find a repository that's more current and add it.
[04:40:57] DouglasK: Thanks!
[04:41:18] DouglasK: I'm also thinking I'll go and watch local midnight on the Tele, then get back to this in a few.
[04:42:26] DouglasK: Say, is there a good ubuntu ppa you can point me at for a more current version?
[04:42:53] purserj: /win 2
[04:42:55] purserj: sigh sorry
[04:43:13] DouglasK: No worries.  :)
[04:44:12] ahhughes (ahhughes! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:44:20] purserj: hey quick question, what's the TTL for livetv recordings in 0.26?
[04:44:53] [R]: a day i think
[04:45:05] [R]: theres a setting i believ
[04:45:30] purserj: ah okay, I might hunt it down
[04:45:57] purserj: it's been playing up a bit for me, expiring them only after an hour or so
[04:49:19] fetzerch (fetzerch!~quassel@unaffiliated/fetzerch) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[04:50:19] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[07:23:48] ejohnson_: i am getting this error pn my mythbuntu server when I try to connect my xbmc client "Client speaks protocol version 8 but we speak 72"
[07:24:00] ejohnson_: mythtv version is 0.25 [v0.25.3-25-g18c793a]
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[07:48:16] DouglasK: ejohnson_, I had similar, updated to mythtv 0.26.x and it works now.
[08:01:14] Sharky112065 is now known as Sharky-AFK
[08:18:21] DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
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[11:55:54] dekarl: DouglasKAway: try the mythbuntu repos... e.g. enable fixes/0.26 in mythbuntucontrolcenter or via
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[14:24:31] kslater: can someone with an HD-PVR check the values for contrast, brightness, colour and hue in capturecard? I seem to remember those used to have values, but I have 0 for all of those fields now.
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[14:39:04] Unguided: Happy new year all. I was wondering if anyone has their myth server running with storage on say a freenas box?
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[16:39:20] Ede_k: Happy new year to everyone!
[16:39:36] disputin (disputin!~sean@2001:470:9758:1:b523:888c:58b0:db2e) has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[16:41:42] Ede_k: I am new to mythtv and have a problem. If I add my Card Technotrend s2–3600 in the mythtv-setup, my Card gets some kind of detach from the system.
[16:42:06] Ede_k: dmesg shows: dvb-usb: bulk message failed: -19 (11/0)
[16:42:06] Ede_k: dvb-usb: bulk message failed: -19 (10/0)
[16:43:18] Ede_k: scan works. System is Centos 6.3 kernel 3.7.1 mythtv 0.25.3
[16:43:29] Ede_k: Any help would be welcome :-)
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[16:45:21] dmfrey: Captain_Murdoch, ping
[16:45:56] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:46:19] dmfrey: Captain_Murdoch, couple of questions about the /Content live stream endpoints
[16:48:01] dekarl: Ede_k: the internet says you should update the cards firmware . . . post-3340137 (only in german)
[16:49:13] Ede_k: dekarl, Thank you! But I am on the newest firmware, the windows tool tells me... :-)
[16:50:02] Ede_k: of course I googled and found that, before asking here :-)
[16:50:27] dekarl: thats not so good then :(
[16:51:29] Ede_k: hehe :-)
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[18:57:31] Igramul: Hi, I am new to mythtv. I just set up the backend on my home server and I'm currently updating my living-room-PC to ubuntu12.04lts in order to install a compatible frontend.
[18:57:46] Igramul: Can all backend configuration be done via the frontend?
[18:58:16] [R]: you can ssh -X to the backedn
[18:58:18] [R]: and run it that way
[18:58:36] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:59:10] Igramul: [R]: that way I ran mythtv-setup
[18:59:24] Igramul: Is it save to re-run it?
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[19:00:05] Kuhne (Kuhne! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:00:10] [R]: you acn run it as many times as you want
[19:00:32] Igramul: ok, but it will kill the backend process, right?
[19:01:33] [R]: not unless a) you tell it b) its set up to properly do it
[19:01:41] quinten_ (quinten_! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[19:01:43] [R]: unless you use ubuntu
[19:01:45] [R]: then it automatically does it
[19:02:23] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[19:03:20] Igramul: I use ubuntu...
[19:03:46] Kuhne: Hi all, I'm having a problem with Airplay which I can't seem to find any information on the net about. The RAOP server seems not to be able to get the IPv6 address, I get the following error in the logs: Failed listening on TCP [fe80::e269:95ff:fe53:236c%eth0]:5000 – Error 9: The address is not available
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[19:04:58] Kuhne: It then tries to register on an ever higher port until it finds one. And the clients cannot connect to anything other than 5100...
[19:06:17] jarle: Any suggestions for a PnP/DNLA android app that works good with mythtv?
[19:06:22] Igramul: Kuhne: Are You sure You want the service on the ipv6-link-local address?
[19:06:41] [R]: jarle: therse like 2 on the app store... and tehy use HLS
[19:07:36] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[19:07:45] Kuhne: Igramul: doesn't really matter, I've been unsuccessful trying to change it. I would just like to get it working. Any ideas?
[19:07:57] jarle: [R]: tried MediaHouse, did not seem to work, was just endlessly browsing without actually displaying any content.
[19:08:07] [R]: never heard of that
[19:08:14] [R]: theres tons of discussion about it on the mythtv mailniglists
[19:09:06] jarle: [R]: my new Asus transformer tablet came with a very good app that seems to be Asus only, on not able to find it on the app store :(
[19:09:16] [R]: like i said
[19:09:18] [R]: youd ont want dnla
[19:09:23] [R]: you want the myth apps that use HLS
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[19:09:38] jarle: [R]: ok..
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[19:13:38] kslater: jarle: I've used http streaming with my Android tablet and it seems to work pretty well. Never had much luck with any of the various Android DNLA
[19:13:55] kslater: jarle: which app do you use on the TF-201 to do DNLA?
[19:14:52] kslater: I suppose it doesn't matter that much since I've put down a CM-10 release and lost the pre-installed packages already.
[19:15:48] jarle: kslater: I've got the new TF300T and that came with an app called "Mittnett" (norwegain title meaning "mynet)
[19:16:02] pmhahn (pmhahn!~pmhahn@2001:4dd0:ff00:8d31:219:dbff:fef2:e135) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:16:08] jarle: kslater: it works flawlessly
[19:16:27] kslater: ah, I'll have to see if that's on my old boss's TF700 and see if I can lift it from there.
[19:17:47] DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
[19:19:08] DouglasK: btw, MythTV feeding into XBMC is nice. Works a treat.  :)
[19:20:23] quinten_ (quinten_! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:20:51] kslater: DouglasK: what do you have running XBMC?
[19:21:22] kslater: We have an old (original) Xbox. Maybe I should hack it to run XBMC?
[19:21:58] kslater: gathering dust otherwise
[19:22:00] wagnerrp: absolutely not
[19:22:09] wagnerrp: XBMC hasn't run on original xboxes for years
[19:22:14] kslater: ah
[19:22:15] AndyCap: kslater: it's not exactly a powerhouse either
[19:22:17] DouglasK: kslater: I'm running xbmc on a zotac zbox ad-10.
[19:22:21] kslater: not surprised
[19:22:41] kslater: DouglasK: what're the specs of that box?
[19:22:52] DouglasK: kslater, I don't think they support xbmc on the original xbox anymore.
[19:23:45] kslater: $200 for that box at Walmart? They sell them at Walmart?
[19:24:23] natanojl (natanojl! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:24:43] DouglasK: kslater, Dual core AMD 1.6Ghz cpu, Radeon HD 6310, 2Gb RAM, 320Gb disc, HDMI output, 2xusb2, 2xusb3, displayport output, eSata available. Size: 5"x5"x1.77".
[19:26:06] DouglasK: Oh, and I have a WinTV-HVR 850 plugged in. OS is Lubuntu.
[19:26:26] kslater: Lubuntu?
[19:26:35] kslater: Lawyer Ubuntu?
[19:26:40] kslater: Layman Ubuntu?
[19:27:06] DouglasK: xbmc sometimes has issues with versions of ubuntu using a compositing window manager. xubuntu and lubuntu don't. I think it might stand for light ubuntu, not sure.
[19:27:21] DouglasK: xubuntu is the lightest you'll find on specs.
[19:27:25] kslater: light ubuntu
[19:27:28] kslater: that's good
[19:27:31] [R]: its lxde
[19:27:45] kslater: whereas xubuntu is xde?
[19:27:49] [R]: xfce
[19:28:19] DouglasK: I went that way because I wanted a full linux system under xbmc. going with OpenElec works out of the box, but the linux base it's on is not normal.
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[19:54:09] Kuhne: Should you be able to use the photo app on an iPad to display photos on a mythtv frontend with AirPlay?
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[20:02:36] Kuhne: Apparently not. Found my answer :)
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[20:57:43] Unguided: Happy new year everyone. Quick question. Can all of my htpcs be backends and frontends?
[20:58:26] [R]: sure
[20:58:29] [R]: why would you want to
[21:00:41] Unguided: In case one goes down and I was thinking it might be easier to put multiple had's into each htpc and share them that way. It was just a thought. Im trying to not use virtualization. So tryin to share teh work across multiple htpcs instead of one backend with all the drives
[21:01:08] Unguided: *had's should have been hdd's
[21:01:09] [R]: myth dosent work that way
[21:01:33] Unguided: Okay. So backend has to have all of the drives?
[21:01:35] [R]: but you can have multiple slave backends
[21:01:37] [R]: each with tuners
[21:02:09] [R]: and i suppose you could nfs mount where you want to put your recordings
[21:02:48] Unguided: That was the next question. Could I set the recordings to go to a freenas share?
[21:03:05] [R]: myth needs a directory
[21:03:07] [R]: what that directory is
[21:03:09] [R]: is irrelvent
[21:04:48] Unguided: Ok. I had it in my head that all the directories had to be physically on the backend. That was throwing a monkey wrench in what I was trying to do.
[21:05:13] [R]: directories are dierctories
[21:05:15] [R]: linux doesnt care
[21:05:38] Unguided: Any benefit to using ssd in the frontends?
[21:06:21] [R]: um
[21:06:24] [R]: sure
[21:06:27] [R]: if you like to waste money
[21:07:21] Unguided: Just checking. I can not find reccomended system requirements for the backend in the wiki. What am I missing?
[21:08:27] [R]: there isn't?
[21:08:49] [R]: it'll run on wahtever you throw it at
[21:08:56] [R]: although flagging and transcode may take ages to run
[21:09:07] [R]: and of course if its too crappy that the scheduler can't even run, then thats pretty bad too
[21:09:29] Ede_k (Ede_k! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[21:11:37] Unguided: Ok. That helped me out. I have two quad cores and two octacores. I also have four hdhr primes. I was trying to figure out which proc to use. I think the octacore would serve me best. Sorry for dumb questions. Im still trying to figure out what I am doing.
[21:13:41] Unguided: And I think local storage on the backend would be best for flagging etc. Would you agree?
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[21:15:27] justinh: local storage is always a better idea than networked
[21:16:31] justinh: as far as commercial flagging is concerned.. AFAIK it'll only use one CPU per recording being flagged
[21:16:52] Unguided: I was trying to put the backend on a stand alone server. But if the living room htpc is gonna run all the time, I can make that the backend/frontend with local storage instead of having a separate backend server in my basement. I think I have been over complicating things. I should have listened to wagnerrp but I didnt understand what he was saying to me
[21:18:02] Unguided: once myth goes back to remove the commercials then it will use more than one core right?
[21:18:10] justinh: no
[21:18:23] justinh: not as far as I know anyway
[21:18:41] justinh: only playback is multithreaded. commflagging isn't. As far as I'm aware
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[21:19:33] Unguided: ok. wagnerrp recommended vdpau capable vid cards so I should be able to use a dual core with no problems right?
[21:20:04] justinh: I dunno
[21:20:27] justinh: I don't do any of that 'HD' stuff
[21:21:34] Unguided: Fair enough. wagnerrp told me that both of my myth boxes could work together to remove comm but I did nt ask any questions so Im really not sure how that happens
[21:22:00] justinh: what I'm saying is.. depends what you mean by 'dual core' – and depends what kind of video you get over the cable
[21:22:17] justinh: but in the main VDPAU should cope with all your decoding
[21:22:41] justinh: and there's nothing broadcast which a fairly modern dual core CPU can't deal with should VDPAU be a problem
[21:23:42] justinh: I'm not sure how commflagging jobs would be distributed either. Only one backend
[21:24:04] justinh: God, I totally don't even believe in tv anymore. Heh
[21:24:14] justinh: the shite my wife watches puts me off
[21:26:11] wagnerrp: Unguided: commercial flagging is a batch task
[21:26:18] wagnerrp: each task gets put into a common queue
[21:26:28] wagnerrp: and you can have multiple machines pulling tasks out of that queue
[21:26:44] wagnerrp: you cannot commercial flag a single recording in a distributed manner
[21:27:04] wagnerrp: but you can be running multiple commercial flagging jobs simultaneously across several machines
[21:27:38] wagnerrp: as for the server, you're planning on having a lot of storage, and a lot of stuff running on this machine
[21:27:57] wagnerrp: so even if you don't have a beefy process, you are still going to be physically large hot due to all those drives
[21:28:08] wagnerrp: most people don't want a big machine in their living room
[21:28:17] wagnerrp: so you make a dedicated server somewhere out of the day
[21:28:29] wagnerrp: and a dedicated frontend in your living room, that can be turned on or off at will
[21:28:58] Unguided: Ok. Did you see my earlier posts?
[21:29:27] wagnerrp: no, just read the immediate backlog
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[21:30:07] Unguided: Ok. I think I was way over complicating things and didnt hear you the first time. Im sorry for that.
[21:30:11] wagnerrp: two octocores? xeon-exs or magny-cours?
[21:30:35] wagnerrp: justinh: commercial flagging is at least dual core
[21:30:42] justinh: really?
[21:30:53] justinh: I didn't think it was multihtreaded yet
[21:30:59] justinh: I stand corrected then :-)
[21:31:24] wagnerrp: i know ive seen it max out my systems, and the most i have is dual core systems
[21:32:45] Unguided: I maxed out my dual core last night just watching HD football but the vid card is not vdpau and it was on windows. Hardly comparing apples to apples
[21:33:23] wagnerrp: then something was wrong, or that was a very old processor
[21:33:32] wagnerrp: (or a dual core atom)
[21:33:52] wagnerrp: ATSC (HD MPEG2) decoding is fairly trivial for any halfway modern processor
[21:33:57] justinh: unless it was HD football rendered by Adobe Felch
[21:34:08] justinh: er Flash sorry
[21:34:14] Unguided: I stand corrected. I wasnt just watching HD football. I had something else going on as well. Sorry
[21:34:25] wagnerrp: no, they are
[21:34:27] wagnerrp: very much so
[21:36:04] Unguided: wagerrp: Thats why I was goona use a network share for the directories. I could then just put one hdd in the living room and the rest in the basement
[21:36:29] wagnerrp: if you've got everything else in the basement, why not put the backend down there too?
[21:37:00] Unguided: In my think skull I hadnt thought of that yet :)
[21:37:32] Unguided: *thick
[21:38:07] pmhahn (pmhahn!~pmhahn@2001:4dd0:ff00:8d31:219:dbff:fef2:e135) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[21:39:18] kslater (kslater! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[21:40:10] Unguided: And I was trying to combine a bunch of different servers into one box
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[21:43:32] wagnerrp: all the more reason not to stuff a heavily loaded machine into your living room
[21:44:55] Unguided: I agree with you now. I just had to leran the hard way :)
[21:45:48] dfgas-cr48 (dfgas-cr48! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[21:46:00] justinh: or if one machine can cope with it all, have it under the lounge & run wires up there :-)
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[21:47:26] Unguided: yeah. I have bugged the hell out of wagnerrp asking all kinds of questions. Probably drinking by now :)
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[23:47:45] k-man: any suggestions regarding hardware suitable as a frontend? something silent preferably. and small
[23:48:21] [R]: tons of discussions about that on the mailing list
[23:48:28] [R]: theres pages on the wiki where peopl talk about their hardware
[23:50:53] k-man: thanks [R]
[23:56:20] Da_Coynul (Da_Coynul! has joined #mythtv-users

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