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Friday, November 9th, 2012, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:34] stuartm: skd5aner: we rarely doubt a report, if we did we'd reply saying as much
[00:01:23] skd5aner: well, true I suppose... sorry, didn't mean to infer something otherwise
[00:03:31] stuartm: the problem with any sort of voting like that IMHO is that it doesn't really make people feel any happier when the bug isn't fixed any faster as a result – we don't generally triage by the number of people experiencing an issue and that wouldn't really change
[00:03:48] skd5aner: why not?
[00:04:08] skd5aner: If something is frustrating a 1000 users, shouldn't that get more attention than something that's impacting 4?
[00:05:43] stuartm: skd5aner: if we were getting paid sure, but the reality is that if it's not very interesting or affecting a developer then priority is accordingly affected – that's human nature
[00:07:13] skd5aner: Yea, I always like to play "user's advocate" on this subject...
[00:07:31] lyricnz (lyricnz! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:07:47] skd5aner: stuartm: I guess, I never have really fully come to understand the objectives of this project after ijr stopped running it...
[00:07:56] stuartm: the moment we tell contributors to stop what they are doing and fix this bug or that bug first is the point when most people would walk away, after all we all have day jobs why would anyone want to work a second unpaid one with all the associated hassles
[00:08:12] skd5aner: it was pretty obvious, when he dictated things, that it was his little project that he shared with the world... what you see is what you get
[00:08:47] stuartm: there were never objectives when ijr 'ran' things, there have never been objectives beyond the momentary whims of individual developers, Isaac included
[00:08:51] skd5aner: but since then, it's been a mixed message in terms of what users would expect
[00:10:13] shubes (shubes! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:11:17] stuartm: we used to hide behind the "By developer for developers" line, in a way that hasn't changed so much but we have tried to address some of the usability concerns, the results have been mixed – the loss of several good developers to other commitments was a blow from which we're still recovering
[00:12:28] stuartm: honestly though, perhaps dropping the 'developer' line was a mistake, when we told people to provide a patch or keep quiet we actually got a steady stream of good patches :)
[00:12:30] skd5aner: Yes, some of you have tried
[00:13:18] skd5aner: I'll never be able to contribute impactful patches, unfortunately...
[00:13:33] N0BOX: wagnerrp: you know, vdpau high quality and normal both still give me choppy playback
[00:13:45] wagnerrp: as well they should
[00:13:56] wagnerrp: the GPU on ION systems is insufficient to handle those profiles
[00:13:59] wagnerrp: you must run VDPAU SLim
[00:14:07] N0BOX: ahh
[00:14:28] wagnerrp: the CPU is weak, the GPU is weak, it's just an all around weak system
[00:14:36] wagnerrp: don't try to make it do anything fancy
[00:15:21] skd5aner: stuartm: I'm just airing my frustrations with the current Modus Operandi
[00:15:43] stuartm: skd5aner: my first patches, the ones which led to Isaac offering me commit privs were tiny, simple fixes or minor improvements, nothing of particular note individually but just enough small fixes to make an overall improvement
[00:15:58] skd5aner: stuartm: 0.26 has been the first time where I regret upgrading, since the ~0.14 days
[00:16:19] N0BOX: oddly enough, the H.264 transcodes (I transcode everything to h.264 constant quality high profile, and limit HD to 720p) play back perfectly :/
[00:16:41] wagnerrp: yes, because they are progressive
[00:16:43] stuartm: I'd sooner take a dozen small patches fixing almost inconsequential problems than anything sizeable because those are the patches that generally make the biggest difference
[00:16:45] wagnerrp: and do not need to be deinterlaced
[00:16:48] skd5aner: stuartm: many regressions, and I'm simply confused by the lack of bug reports addressed since release
[00:17:00] N0BOX: ahh
[00:17:02] wagnerrp: the only difference between Slim, Normal, and High is the complexity of the deinterlacing filter
[00:17:19] N0BOX: intersting
[00:17:58] stuartm: skd5aner: sorry, maybe I've been too busy but I've not really noticed a high number of unaddressed bug reports
[00:18:29] N0BOX: well, slim works nicely
[00:18:35] N0BOX: fantastic
[00:18:38] wagnerrp: there are an awful lot on trac
[00:18:55] wagnerrp: and probably a fair amount that could be fixed in 5–10 minutes of work
[00:18:56] stuartm: I'm aware of one or two which aren't getting much attention simply because the people able to deal with them just aren't here any more and no-one else is up to speed yet e.g. va-api
[00:19:34] stuartm: but I also don't rate vaapi bugs highly right now since it wasn't a feature available and working in earlier releases anyway
[00:19:56] skd5aner: yea, but I'm talking about core things... like ffmpeg level playback stuff
[00:19:58] wagnerrp: the whole livetv issue is pissing a lot of people off
[00:20:02] skd5aner: skipping sucks
[00:20:02] stuartm: wagnerrp: ok, I guess I really just haven't been paying attention
[00:20:06] skd5aner: livetv sucks
[00:20:25] wagnerrp: ive not had any problem with playback, but changing channels is very unreliable
[00:20:31] skd5aner: can't do frame-by-frame seeking in pause
[00:20:47] stuartm: which is really strange tbh, because just before release everyone was saying how great livetv now was
[00:20:56] stuartm: skd5aner: that's been fixed already
[00:21:06] stuartm: the frame by frame seek
[00:21:08] skd5aner: All of my HD-PVR recordings have a very small corruption at the start of the HD-PVR recording while it stabilizes... 0.24 and 0.25 used to handle it fine, but 0.26 can't recover
[00:21:10] wagnerrp: i don't ever recall people claiming that
[00:21:19] skd5aner: wagnerrp: which one?
[00:21:30] wagnerrp: which one what?
[00:21:47] Unguided (Unguided! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[00:21:54] skd5aner: stuartm: I will tell you, I've been one of the most vocal proponents of Live TV and the improvements you guys have done every release since 0.22 for live tv
[00:21:57] wagnerrp: oh, livetv being reliable
[00:22:04] skd5aner: stuartm: unfortunately, you've take 1 step back
[00:22:13] stuartm: wagnerrp: mid-cycle after Jim and I forget who else made a series of changes there were lots of people saying that
[00:22:23] louisdk (louisdk!~louis@ has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[00:23:43] wagnerrp: sadly, he's only going to be around in limited capacity for the forseeable future
[00:24:34] skd5aner: yea, I'd say 30% of the time now livetv won't even start...
[00:25:21] skd5aner: it either times out, and sends me to back to the menu with an error, or it completely locks up the frontend
[00:25:54] skd5aner: channel changes are drastically worse than before... when they do work, I'm often sent to the main menu for 10 seconds, and then I might return to LiveTV, or I might not
[00:26:27] ** wagnerrp goes back to fiddling with mythweb **
[00:26:32] skd5aner: Also, I'm pretty sure the setting for allowing Live TV to tell scheduled recordings to find a different tuner is being ignored
[00:26:51] skd5aner: wagnerrp: you adopting it going forward?
[00:27:02] wagnerrp: hadn't planned on it
[00:27:25] wagnerrp: im just working on getting remote file access in, and fixing up the video library
[00:27:44] skd5aner: stuartm: but, my main issue is that I don't even really care to submit bug reports that just sit there for 4 months, while I sit here and me and my wife live with the issues multiple times every day...
[00:28:12] skd5aner: I'm more frustrated by the fact that a bug report just sits there, gets stale and forgotten about, than I am with the issues itself
[00:28:22] skd5aner: wagnerrp: cool :)
[00:28:59] stuartm: skd5aner: that's the complete opposite of what we were hearing a few months ago :( I'd disappointed that none of this came out before the release (Beta, RCs were weeks long)
[00:29:32] wagnerrp: the people who use the betas and RCs are generally the users that "tow the line"... and don't use live tv
[00:29:51] skd5aner: stuartm: I'll take partial blame from the standpoint that I didn't test prior to release, but I think we've talked long and hard about why that's very unfeasible for me to do... I've got a production, family use system only...
[00:30:12] skd5aner: I am, however, usually an adopter on day 1 of release...
[00:30:26] skd5aner: and I do submit early reports – either here in IRC, or in trac
[00:31:13] skd5aner: This was the first time I ever had to downgrade after upgrading... until I was able to bug taylor long enough on here to find a suitable workaround for watching 40% of my recordings that played back fine in 0.25
[00:31:53] stuartm: I really am staggered by the LiveTV situation, all I heard before the release was how much more reliable livetv was, how channel changes were faster/better, where did it all go wrong?
[00:31:55] skd5aner: and, I really try to keep the "bugging" to an absolute minimum... but I am a believer that the reports help, because if I have the problem, I'm likely not the only one
[00:32:28] skd5aner: stuartm: I've resorted to using the EPG to schedule shows I want to watch live
[00:32:31] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:32:33] skd5aner: :/
[00:32:45] skd5aner: playback of in-progress recording works
[00:34:16] stuartm: skd5aner: livetv is still rock solid for me, more so than in 0.25, but I don't use it beyond testing – I've always recorded everything since I started using MythTV because that suits me better
[00:37:16] skd5aner: I will be honest – the biggest problem is the HD-PVR in liveTV
[00:37:22] skd5aner: it's at the edge of unusable...
[00:37:42] skd5aner: but my QAM tuners and Analog NTSC tuners have always been solid for the last few releases
[00:37:57] skd5aner: however now, the analog tuners are causing all sorts of issues
[00:38:06] skd5aner: I saw a few bug reports indicating the same thing from another user
[00:38:30] louisdk (louisdk!~louis@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:38:55] skd5aner: Anyone lucky enough to have a fully functioning HDHR Prime with CableCard is lucky – my liveTV experience with that in 0.25 was astonishgly easy, fast, etc.
[00:39:15] skd5aner: because I could tune all channels I subscribed to, on the same set of tuners
[00:39:21] skd5aner: (source)
[00:40:57] skd5aner: stuartm: to the devs credit, livetv had gotten to the point where I don't think people really had a right to complain anymore... not that there couldn't be additional improvments, but all the negative stuff was primarily gone...
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[00:41:55] skd5aner: stuartm: the only remaining piece that existed that still bugged me was the livetv playback within the EPG... it freezes everytime you navigate up and down the EPG, and that's incredibly annoying – obviously, none of the commercial DVRs have that problem
[00:42:18] skd5aner: I saw that as the last remaining deficiency, and assumed it was some kind of UI locking that would eventually be addressed, so I never even brought it up
[00:42:36] stuartm: that's another thing, the signal monitor for the HD-PVR was supposed to fix the 'timeout' problem you're describing, it's sounding like that's not operating in 0.26
[00:43:14] wagnerrp: stuartm: you know your way around perl, right?
[00:43:28] stuartm: skd5aner: now I know what that issue is, precisely, but I never pushed hard enough to get a fix
[00:43:39] stuartm: wagnerrp: a little rusty, but yeah
[00:44:09] wagnerrp: any easy way to get the output of a database query into an associative array?
[00:44:28] wagnerrp: without storing it off to a temporary variable, and manually building the map
[00:45:33] skd5aner: stuartm: even jpabq admitted that the signal monitor can sometimes be fooled by the HD-PVR trying to stabilize a signal from an STB. I've had 3 different kinds of STBs in the last few years, all different makes and models, and all showed the same problem...
[00:46:00] skd5aner: so it's not limited to a specific cable provider, box manufacturer, STB software/firmware version etc...
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[00:47:22] stuartm: wagnerrp: are you using the DBI module?
[00:47:43] wagnerrp: basically, anything cleaner than...
[00:47:57] stuartm:
[00:49:09] stuartm: the only problem I see there is that the column names don't match the array keys
[00:49:18] wagnerrp: easy to fix
[00:49:24] stuartm: well video=filename is the only one
[00:49:32] wagnerrp: coverart/coverfile
[00:50:14] stuartm: could do "SELECT filename AS video" etc
[00:50:19] wagnerrp: right
[00:50:37] stuartm: incidentally you've got a typo there – "SELECT filaneme"
[00:50:49] wagnerrp: you know, ive been doing that all day
[00:50:51] wagnerrp: i dont know wht
[00:51:38] stuartm: we all do it, the same typo, over and over – the more you become aware of it the more it happens
[00:52:14] stuartm: wagnerrp: anyway, fetchrow_hashref() is what you were looking for?
[00:52:24] wagnerrp: probably
[00:52:34] stuartm: sounds like it anway
[00:52:37] stuartm: anyway
[00:52:40] wagnerrp: this "reference" remains after the prepared query is removed?
[00:54:46] stuartm: iirc yes, the gc doesn't reap it until all users pass out of scope
[00:55:24] wagnerrp: and is it ->finish, or ->finish()?
[00:55:37] wagnerrp: the parentheses seems right, even though the code im getting it from didn't have them
[00:56:12] wagnerrp: just seems odd for it not to have one
[00:56:34] stuartm: finish() or finish – perl is peculiar like that, if there are no arguments then the parentheses are optional
[00:57:09] stuartm:
[00:58:41] stuartm: it shouldn't do any harm to add them if it makes the code easier to read
[01:01:31] stuartm: in fact, I could have stated that better – parentheses are always optional, but most people will use them when arguments are given because it's clearer what is happening
[01:03:13] lis1r (lis1r! has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[01:03:23] stuartm: e.g. foo(x, y); could be written foo x, y; but since that looks too much like you're declaring variables x and y of type foo any sane person would use the parentheses
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[01:10:18] skd5aner: stuartm: you said the frame-by-frame seek was fixed? I didn't see it committed to -fixes, was it only fixed in master?
[01:11:15] stuartm: . . . 4610af36124a
[01:12:19] stuartm:
[01:15:12] stuartm: skd5aner: ^
[01:15:56] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[01:19:04] skd5aner: stuartm: thanks... I confirmed that I have the fix and it works
[01:19:11] skd5aner: I swore I tried this last week and it didn't
[01:19:23] skd5aner: but perhaps it was just prior to my last update
[01:20:43] skd5aner: thanks to stichnot
[01:20:46] skd5aner: :)
[01:21:03] skd5aner: that one bugged me surprisingly more than ever imagined...
[01:21:17] skd5aner: showed me just how often I used that frame-by-frame feature for something
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[01:23:03] stuartm: something ...
[01:27:52] skd5aner: stuartm: somethingS
[01:28:00] skd5aner: or, more correctly, "some things"
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[02:38:09] rumblebumble: hi Guys, I am having a problem with the speed of seeking. I am the hd-pvr is my source and I am using 0.26. It takes a few seconds (up to five) to jump back or forward in a recording
[02:38:41] rumblebumble: please excuse the typos
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[03:04:06] morphjk: hi everyone. I'm having issues with my mce remote in mythbuntu. I have a working remote in XBMC but not in Mythtv.
[03:04:18] morphjk: I'm sure it is only something minor but not sure what
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[03:56:04] justTom: HI All, trying to understand how to set up two different cards that will receive different channels to the same Schedules Direct lineup
[03:56:36] justTom: I have a ClearQAM card and a Ceton Cablecard tuner
[03:57:12] justTom: The QAM tuner will only receive 10 or so channels form my digital cable, but the Ceton Cablecard will receive many more
[03:57:47] justTom: Both need to pull their challen data from the same schedule direct lineup
[03:57:58] [mrx] ([mrx]!~mrx]@2001:470:28:196:5054:ff:fe36:a3eb) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:58:24] justTom: problem is that the QAM tuner thinks that it can tune the extra channels that only the CableCard tuner can tune
[03:59:18] justTom: I was going to just set up a second lineup on SchedulsDirect, but they only let you use a source once, so I can only create one Digital Cable source
[03:59:28] justTom: Anyone else run into this issue?
[03:59:42] [R]: creaet 2 video sources
[04:01:23] justTom: When I try to add a new line up on SD it grey's ut the DigitalCable Source since 've already used it
[04:01:39] [R]: i dind tell you to add an ew line up...
[04:02:02] justTom: ahhh.
[04:02:12] justTom: OK, got it
[04:02:17] justTom: thanks
[04:02:33] knightr_ (knightr_! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:02:44] justTom: I knew there had to be a way to do that – just didn't think of it that way.
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[04:03:51] justTom: Oh, but if I add these extra channels to my SD lineup for use with the cablecard tuner, won't they get automatically added as channels to my source?
[04:04:16] justTom: both of my sources that is.
[04:06:35] [R]: dunno
[04:06:54] [R]: you could just mark them as invisisble
[04:06:58] [R]: if they keep getting readded
[04:07:45] justTom: yeah, but then they wouldn't be able to be used by the vablecard tuner right?
[04:09:11] [R]: mark it invisible on the qam lineup
[04:10:11] [mrx] ([mrx]!~mrx]@2001:470:28:196:5054:ff:fe36:a3eb) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[04:12:35] skd5aner: rumblebumble: yea, I reported the same thing earlier to the devs
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[08:04:41] morphjk: Hi everyone. For some reason I don't have a working remote in Mythtv but do in XBMC.
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[08:31:10] justinh: morphjk: if irw reports every button pressed on your remote, then it's probably just your .lircrc or lircrc file
[08:31:18] justinh: or the lack of one
[08:31:59] morphjk: yeah it does. I do have a lircrc file. It is in /home/media/.mythtv
[08:32:44] morphjk:
[08:39:41] justinh: where 'media' is the user running mythfrontend?
[08:40:58] morphjk: As far as I am aware it is. Media is the user that is logged into the machine as default (Mythbuntu)
[08:42:35] justinh: and do the button names irw reports match those in the lircrc file?
[08:43:02] justinh: they need to match up exactly
[08:43:11] morphjk: I'll double check them
[08:44:17] justinh: does mythtv still support a ~/.mythtv/lircrc or ... ? I know you used to have to use a ~/.lircrc or the former
[08:44:59] morphjk: I'm not sure about that.
[08:45:03] justinh: also, if you started mythfrontend before you made/copied the file.. it won't even know it's there
[08:46:04] morphjk: It automatically started it after I did the reboot from the install
[08:47:44] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has quit (Quit: kormoc)
[08:47:51] justinh: dunno how anyone can live with XBMC on the same box
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[08:51:00] morphjk: I couldn't live without it. Works great for me. Got a script that automatic switches between the two when I hit live tv button
[08:52:57] morphjk: I just checked my remote in IRW which has KEY_STOP mceusb and not sure if this is correct. if you have a look at the pastebin (too much to type here)
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[13:28:38] xavierh: wagnerrp: do you know how the hls temporary files should expired ?
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[14:44:30] skd5aner: How can I look at mythfrontend's verbose options from a console without an xsession?
[14:44:39] skd5aner: Unfortunately, it seems to require one for -v help :P
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[15:02:15] stuartm: shouldn't do
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[15:03:16] CiaranG: shouldn't, but does ;)
[15:03:49] stuartm: fuck it
[15:03:57] stuartm: keep fixing that only for someone to break it again
[15:05:27] CiaranG: Possibly you have fixed it, and I just tried on an old version
[15:06:27] CiaranG: To be more specific, it does need an xsession for -v help, in MythTV Version : v0.25.3 MythTV Branch : fixes/0.25
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[15:49:16] skd5aner: stuartm: I can do a mythfrontend --help from a console, but not mythfrontend -v help from a console
[15:49:27] skd5aner: (outside of an xsession)
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[15:53:12] skd5aner: wagnerrp: ping
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[15:54:06] wagnerrp: pong
[15:54:22] skd5aner: do you have the ability to delete an attachment to a ticket in trac?
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[15:55:12] wagnerrp: yes
[15:55:21] skd5aner: can you delete this one for me please? . . . 05.21192.log
[15:55:29] skd5aner: submitted an old one :(
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[15:59:52] skd5aner: wagnerrp: thanks in advance
[16:00:07] wagnerrp: in advance?
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[16:04:10] skd5aner: well, didn't know if you did it or not at the time
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[16:12:34] lukeer: Hi folks!
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[16:17:00] lukeer: My MythTV box lately seems to boot only every other time, be it by pressing the power button or because of a scheduled recording.
[16:17:14] lukeer: There is an error message on the screen:
[16:17:25] lukeer: error: couldn't read file
[16:17:37] lukeer: error: you need to boot the kernel first.
[16:17:50] lukeer: Failed to boot both default and fallback entries.
[16:17:56] lukeer: Press any key to continue...
[16:18:23] lukeer: End of error message. But pressing any key doesn't help.
[16:18:49] lukeer: Shutting the machine down and rebooting by pressing the power button boots just as normal.
[16:19:44] lukeer: Google directs to Grub for the errors, but I didn't find anything to look further. Not even a file Grub logs error details in.
[16:19:54] lukeer: Any ideas?
[16:20:04] wagnerrp: sounds like filesystem or disk issues
[16:20:25] wagnerrp: something wrong with access to your boot partition
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[18:56:15] anepanal1ptos: howdy
[18:56:51] anepanal1ptos: I have a small simple question about DVB/tuners in general, im sure it works this way, but im just making sure before i get started (i know what im doing is against the 'good question asking rules') so, im sorry for that
[18:57:06] anepanal1ptos: On a DVB stream, you have 1 transponder with many channels in it
[18:57:26] anepanal1ptos: if two tvs request the same human channel, does it need/tie up two tuners?
[18:57:57] anepanal1ptos: and on that same thought, if two users request two different channels in the same transponder, does it still only use 1 tuner?
[18:58:13] anepanal1ptos: Thanks for thoughts and your time.
[18:58:36] wagnerrp: depends on how you configure mythtv
[18:59:00] wagnerrp: but yes, if two channels lie on the same physical multiplex/transponder, they can share a single tuner
[18:59:19] anepanal1ptos: ok! thank you so much for your answer! :)
[18:59:26] anepanal1ptos: i hope you have a great day!
[18:59:28] anepanal1ptos: really.
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[19:35:50] rumblebumble: skd5aner, Thanks
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[20:29:18] ServerSage: Hey folks, just want to make sure that adding "mythutil --scanvideos" to cron once a day isn't a bad thing. Is it?
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[20:32:08] [R]: it'll make it explode
[20:32:14] [R]: you add stuff to mythvideo THAT often?
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[20:36:49] stuartm: must cost you a small fortune
[20:39:09] stuartm: ServerSage: just make sure your drives aren't in standby at the time, or that any remote storage is accessible, otherwise the scan will find those files are no longer available and wipe them
[20:41:23] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:43:09] justinh: FWIW I'd sooner add anything to cron with > /dev/null to stop all those IRRITATING emails
[20:45:08] amessina (amessina!~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e) has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
[20:45:39] justinh: well & truly given up trying to make Intel video do my bidding. Roll on Monday when I might have my nice Nvidia 6200 card
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[20:50:45] Captain_Murdoch: stuartm (and wagnerrp), perhaps with the new schema, the scanner should say "if the specified SG directory doesn't exist, then don't remove any files from the DB that were known to be in that directory"
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[20:59:29] stuartm: Captain_Murdoch: makes sense, only delete if the storage group is also removed
[21:00:19] stuartm: justinh: have you ever used 4oD online? Not working for me and I wonder if it's a linux thing or just me
[21:01:01] stuartm: of course the adverts work :(
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[21:06:21] justinh: stuartm: what does channel four have that I want? hahahaha
[21:06:36] justinh: stuartm: anyway, no.
[21:08:31] stuartm: More 4 occassionally offers something half decent, and Homeland is ok
[21:08:51] justinh: sign in? I have to sign in? bah
[21:08:57] stuartm: thanks anyway, I'll just have to find a way to make it comply
[21:09:08] stuartm: justinh: no, registration is optional
[21:09:39] justinh: not according to the page in front of me
[21:10:27] justinh: S01E01 of The IT Crowd... I need to sign up
[21:12:31] justinh: that Youview thing is a bit silly. All the different players.... they should just have forced everybody taking part to have a standard player with a common interface
[21:13:04] stuartm: justinh: hmm, might need to sign up for stuff that's not 'catch up'
[21:14:42] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch, stuartm: if the host is inaccessible, it does specifically that
[21:14:51] wagnerrp: if the directory is inaccessible, it assumes things are broken
[21:14:58] wagnerrp: not broken, but removed
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[21:16:24] justinh: stuartm: the archive is the only reason I'd use it :-)
[21:16:55] stuartm: yeah, that doesn't account for NAS which may be offline or just in standby (they can take a while to power up)
[21:17:28] justinh: I think, come the time we come to buy a new teevee I may not care much how good it is because I actually watch so little television
[21:17:36] stuartm: justinh: I can't see myself using it much at all, I just forgot to set up a recording rule and missed something I wanted to catch
[21:19:07] stuartm: ah, might as well go and watch it via the cable on-demand
[21:21:20] Captain_Murdoch: stuartm, well, with the new schema, we'll track where a file was actually found at last. so we can say "if the specific SG directory doesn't exist, then don't remove any files in that dir". not checking to see if the SG exists, just the SG dir that file was in. ie, if my USB or network drive wasn't mounted, then it's SG dir wouldn't exist, so don't remove any files from the DB.
[21:21:44] wagnerrp: i plan to remove files, i don't plan to remove data
[21:23:12] wagnerrp: in other words, the metadata and video will always be there, there will just no longer be any references to it, so it won't show up in the library
[21:23:36] wagnerrp: if the drive becomes available again, the next scan will reconnect it
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[21:27:21] Captain_Murdoch: I've always thought it would be nice to be able to show the fact that a recording or video was offline and prompt the user or flag it visually to indicate so. ie, show the fact in the videos section that I have The Lord Of The Rings but in order to play it I need to throw in a DVD (or 6 in LOTR's case)
[21:31:49] stuartm: yeah, that sounds better to me than having videos disappearing and reappearing mysteriously from the library and the option of listing unripped DVDs is also appealing
[21:32:45] stuartm: although a few years ago I remember a vocal user arguing for days that we should implement exactly that, and everyone else was saying it was a barmy idea
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[22:12:46] bill6502: justinh: Re: "add anything to cron with > /dev/null to stop all those IRRITATING emails". Have you tried adding: MAILTO="" in /etc/crontab? (works in *buntu)
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[22:24:35] justinh: bill6502: no. I don't have that many cron jobs though :-)
[22:25:12] justinh: as for *buntu, I ain't gonna be on *buntu much longer
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