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Friday, October 26th, 2012, 00:10 UTC
[00:10:01] sl1ce (sl1ce! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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[00:17:41] N0BOX: wagnerrp: thanks for your help earlier. getting files that are much smaller, and they look almost exactly the same as the original :D
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[00:23:42] mzb_ is now known as mzb
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[01:19:47] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:22:42] Oloryn_lt2 (Oloryn_lt2! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:25:16] comingatyoubro (comingatyoubro!~comeatmeb@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:47:19] jgautier (jgautier!47cc96c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[01:47:44] jgautier: i just installed the mythplugins with apt-get so I could use mythgame but when i restarted i dont see any new menu options
[02:01:30] jgautier: ok i see the menu item now where can is setup the emulators? i dont see anything in the settings
[02:05:13] Oloryn_lt2 (Oloryn_lt2! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[02:10:25] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:35:47] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:35:56] wagnerrp: i love election day!
[02:36:09] wagnerrp: it signifies the long overdue end of all these damned election ads
[02:37:23] N0BOX: wagnerrp: werd.
[02:41:52] cesman (cesman!~cesman@pdpc/supporter/professional/cesman) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[02:42:50] cesman (cesman!~cesman@pdpc/supporter/professional/cesman) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:43:59] Guest47197 is now known as johnnycupcake
[02:44:39] osmium (osmium!~andrewvil@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:45:48] wagnerrp: don't vote for X, they lie (approved by Y)... don't vote for Y, they lie (approved by X)
[02:46:22] wagnerrp: you're politicians, that's your chosen career, professional liars....
[02:54:30] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:55:28] [mrx] ([mrx]!~mrx]@2001:470:28:196:5054:ff:fe36:a3eb) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[02:56:45] johnnycupcake: oh crap... i was installing mythweb from the apt-get install command, and where it asked me for user name and password i wanted to use for the web interface i accidentally hit "esc" and now it seems to have installed... how can I enter back into that configuration
[02:58:14] mase_wk_ (mase_wk_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:58:40] [R]: just purge it and reinstall it
[02:59:28] mase_wk (mase_wk! has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
[03:00:33] johnnycupcake: thanks :-)
[03:00:35] johnnycupcake: that did it
[03:00:39] johnnycupcake: lol
[03:00:48] johnnycupcake: i should've thought of the purge
[03:01:53] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has quit (Quit: kormoc)
[03:04:50] wagnerrp: or just reset the .htaccess file and create your own username and password
[03:08:23] jgautier (jgautier!47cc96c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[03:09:25] mase_wk (mase_wk! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:13:46] johnnycupcake: ah yea.. the purge worked too lol
[03:15:05] johnnycupcake: so quick question about changing storage directories... i know i can change it in the backend, but then i have to go and change the symlink in /var/lib/mytv/<directory>
[03:15:16] johnnycupcake: can i just change the symlink and not change it in the backend
[03:15:17] johnnycupcake: ?
[03:15:40] wagnerrp: no, but you can change it in the backend and completely ignore the symlink
[03:15:44] johnnycupcake: really?
[03:15:50] wagnerrp: i don't believe it is actually used for amything
[03:16:02] johnnycupcake: cuz i tried that and it didnt work, but let me try again
[03:16:17] johnnycupcake: before when i tried it i was having permission issues since the new storage was on an NTFS drive
[03:16:18] wagnerrp: you're referring to the storage directory being symlinked to mythweb/data, right?
[03:16:21] johnnycupcake: i've since made it ext4
[03:16:28] johnnycupcake: no
[03:16:33] wagnerrp: what symlink?
[03:16:34] johnnycupcake: the storage for recordings
[03:16:46] johnnycupcake: in mythtv
[03:16:46] wagnerrp: recording storage doesn't use symlinks
[03:16:52] johnnycupcake: hmmmm
[03:17:08] johnnycupcake: it was only after doing the symlinks that i was able to see my videos but let me try
[03:17:09] wagnerrp: if there is a symlink somewhere, it's only because you, or your distro, made it
[03:17:15] johnnycupcake: just doing it in the backend
[03:17:16] wagnerrp: videos or recordings?
[03:17:20] johnnycupcake: videos
[03:17:28] wagnerrp: so the video library, not recordings
[03:17:33] johnnycupcake: yes sorry
[03:17:36] johnnycupcake: video library
[03:17:50] wagnerrp: for the video library, define as few or as many storage paths to the Videos storage group on the backend
[03:17:55] wagnerrp: and your done
[03:18:21] wagnerrp: assuming the backend is able to access those paths and files, it will automatically stream the content to any frontend that cannot access them directly
[03:18:58] johnnycupcake: ah i see
[03:19:18] johnnycupcake: i guess the issue i had was actually the fact that my permissions were all messed up the last time
[03:19:36] wagnerrp: entirely possible, NTFS and POSIX systems don't mesh too well
[03:19:48] mac_ (mac_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:19:48] wagnerrp: you generally end up with one, and only one, user having access to the mount
[03:20:00] johnnycupcake: i had my video files on an NTFS partition and since the owners were all messed up i couldnt add the appropriate rights (and besides NTFS hates linux permission
[03:20:06] wagnerrp: same with FAT32
[03:20:13] johnnycupcake: yea i'm in EXT4 now
[03:20:19] wagnerrp: POSIX, not Linux
[03:20:25] johnnycupcake: yea POSIX
[03:20:28] johnnycupcake: sorry
[03:20:32] wagnerrp: Linux just dutifully follows the standard
[03:20:36] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[03:22:27] johnnycupcake: also perhaps u know... with the Gnome desktop environment (i'm using Gnome classic) is there a way to hide the top and bottom panel when I have the front end open?
[03:22:42] johnnycupcake: when i play movies those still show up :-(
[03:22:46] wagnerrp: mythtv should sit on top of it
[03:22:55] wagnerrp: if it doesn't, it's generally a problem with Compiz
[03:23:20] johnnycupcake: hmmm
[03:23:26] wagnerrp: specifically, Compiz requiring some additional and arbitrary mechanism to force those bars to go away
[03:23:44] N0BOX: my little ubuntu netbook has that problem
[03:23:56] wagnerrp: and it's typical operation being to just vertically compress whatever application you're using to fit with the bars
[03:24:11] N0BOX: but since it cant handle playback, I don't use it for mythfrontend
[03:24:16] wagnerrp: ignoring its intended fullscreen operation
[03:24:23] johnnycupcake: i'm gonna try to disable effects
[03:24:36] johnnycupcake: see if that helps
[03:25:22] justTom (justTom! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:26:20] N0BOX: I simply couldn't get mythtv (front+back together) to work on Ubuntu for some reason, but it installed and runs perfectly on my mint vm
[03:26:42] N0BOX: funny, since mint is based on ubuntu
[03:27:13] wagnerrp: well... as perfectly as something expecting direct hardware access can run in a VM
[03:27:20] wagnerrp: which is to say, not very well
[03:28:49] N0BOX: this is why hdhomerun is win
[03:29:44] wagnerrp: it still makes absolutely no sense to run mythtv in a virtual machine, unless you're doing this for testing purposes
[03:31:28] N0BOX: It's just that my PC is saddled with win7
[03:31:41] wagnerrp: what about the ubuntu machine?
[03:32:31] johnnycupcake: ooo i figured it out
[03:32:37] sl1ce: what about buying a new machine
[03:32:49] johnnycupcake: i have the newer version of ubuntu (12.04 to be exact)
[03:32:57] N0BOX: the ubuntu machine is a mini-itx atom 330 nvidia ion netbox
[03:33:13] johnnycupcake: and it had unity as the window manager, by switching to gnome-classic (no effects) i was able to hide the panels
[03:33:44] johnnycupcake: i ran mythtv on a vm before i reinstalled it and it actually did pretty well
[03:34:04] johnnycupcake: but i also had the guest with 8GB of RAM and using two CPUs
[03:34:09] N0BOX: it runs great on my mint vm
[03:34:14] johnnycupcake: out of a dual quad
[03:34:31] ** wagnerrp shakes his head... **
[03:34:46] N0BOX: I'm using vmware workstation and Intel VT-x/EPT virtualization
[03:35:05] N0BOX: nice
[03:35:18] N0BOX: my mint vm is using 8GB of ram, too :)
[03:35:26] N0BOX: and it has 4 vCPUs
[03:35:38] johnnycupcake: i'm using vmware esxi
[03:35:45] johnnycupcake: i could assign 4 cores, but didnt
[03:35:46] ** wagnerrp uses real CPUs **
[03:35:54] johnnycupcake: i now have a real machine tho
[03:36:14] johnnycupcake: but i'm gonna build a better one cuz i want to be able to stream to 9 different frontends
[03:36:34] N0BOX: I have an i7 3930k desktop
[03:36:43] wagnerrp: what are you currently using? it shouldn't take much to push to nine frontends simultaneously
[03:36:54] wagnerrp: it's more an issue of disk and network throughput than CPU
[03:37:04] johnnycupcake: a dell precision Intel core 2 duo
[03:37:10] johnnycupcake: with a gigabit NIC
[03:37:21] johnnycupcake: and a 7200RPM 1TB HD
[03:37:26] wagnerrp: just the one?
[03:37:27] johnnycupcake: Western Digital Black Cavier
[03:37:30] johnnycupcake: yea just the one
[03:37:32] johnnycupcake: :-(
[03:37:39] johnnycupcake: i plan on getting a second drive soon
[03:37:49] johnnycupcake: and move my data onto that
[03:37:50] wagnerrp: yeah, there's the bottleneck... especially if your database is on there, and you are recording at the same time
[03:37:50] N0BOX: my I need to put all the leftover parts from my upgrade together to build a new (old) computer
[03:38:07] johnnycupcake: wagnerrp, yea, i am not doing any recording yet
[03:38:07] N0BOX: I just need a power supply and the hard drive space
[03:38:09] johnnycupcake: i plan to tho
[03:38:20] johnnycupcake: i'm just storing videos right now
[03:38:25] johnnycupcake: like my DVD collection and what not
[03:38:31] johnnycupcake: at least that's the plan
[03:38:43] johnnycupcake: i need to find a way to get a cable card that can record 9 different channels at once
[03:38:55] johnnycupcake: and will work with comcast's premium channels
[03:39:01] N0BOX: I'll grab a bunch of cheap 7200rpm drives and build a nice little Q6600 fileserver/mythbox
[03:39:05] johnnycupcake: i've never used a cable card before
[03:39:14] wagnerrp: no can do, absolute maximum supported by an M-card is six, and the largest ive seen is four
[03:39:19] johnnycupcake: do they have like octo-tuners lol
[03:39:24] wagnerrp: you'll need multiple tuners
[03:39:27] johnnycupcake: oh
[03:39:29] johnnycupcake: i can do that
[03:39:40] johnnycupcake: but what about OnDemand services... can that still work
[03:39:42] wagnerrp: rather, multiple independent devices, each with its own M-card and several tuners
[03:39:50] wagnerrp: no on-demand
[03:39:51] johnnycupcake: oh??
[03:39:59] johnnycupcake: what do u mean independent device?
[03:40:06] N0BOX: the cable provider has to provide the m-card, right?
[03:40:07] wagnerrp: that stuff is generally all DRMd, and we can't touch DRM
[03:40:29] wagnerrp: i mean an HVR-2650 has two tuners, an HDHRP has three, an infinitv has four
[03:40:33] wagnerrp: those are all individual devices
[03:40:49] wagnerrp: you need multiple independent devices
[03:41:02] wagnerrp: each device takes its own M-card
[03:41:42] wagnerrp: i can't exactly say "tuner", since they each have several in a single device
[03:42:11] aloril_ (aloril_! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[03:42:27] johnnycupcake: oh i see
[03:42:39] johnnycupcake: so comcast would need to provide me an m-card for two devices
[03:42:47] wagnerrp: anyway, mythtv can't touch DRM'd content... we are not licensed by cablelabs, so cablecard tuners will not let us access to anything but 'copy freely' content
[03:42:57] johnnycupcake: oh
[03:43:03] johnnycupcake: so no HBO or showtime either :-(
[03:43:08] wagnerrp: on comcast, that tends to be everything but premiums (hbo, showtime) and VOD
[03:43:17] johnnycupcake: oh noes
[03:43:22] johnnycupcake: drats
[03:43:23] wagnerrp: i don't believe cablecard tuners can access VOD anyway
[03:43:28] wagnerrp: i believe that requires a full cable box
[03:43:38] johnnycupcake: those bastards sure got me by the nuts
[03:43:52] wagnerrp: if you want the premiums, you need a cable box and analog capture
[03:44:07] wagnerrp: do you actually _need_ nine tuners?
[03:44:17] johnnycupcake: well i have 9 rooms with cable right now
[03:44:28] wagnerrp: i mean the whole purpose of a DVR is to record things hours, days... years in advance, and watch it later when you feel like it
[03:44:30] johnnycupcake: and renting 9 DVR boxes HD
[03:44:43] wagnerrp: not to watch live events all the time
[03:44:45] johnnycupcake: yea but i have family who likes OnDemand
[03:45:06] wagnerrp: mythtv IS the on demand
[03:45:17] wagnerrp: it IS the massive library of content available to access at a moments notice
[03:45:35] johnnycupcake: we like to have the option to watch live TV since some of the users are of the elder generation and dont really like all that fancy stuff
[03:45:36] johnnycupcake: lol
[03:46:01] johnnycupcake: i have two 70 year olds and my uncle also lives in the house and he watches live sports alot
[03:46:21] johnnycupcake: me and my girlfriend are the only two that would use OnDemand or any of that anyways
[03:46:27] wagnerrp: show him the fast-forward button
[03:46:49] wagnerrp: never wait for the 80% of sports that involve athletes standing around
[03:47:04] wagnerrp: just the 10–20% where they're actually doing something
[03:50:12] N0BOX: I need to go through this x264 transcode script that I downloaded and did a bunch of bug editing for and post an update to the wiki
[03:50:30] wagnerrp: another comment, don't think you have to get everything from cable
[03:50:31] N0BOX: I don't think any of the scripts on the wiki have been updated for years
[03:50:40] wagnerrp: you can always get some normal broadcast tuners, and an antenna
[03:50:50] wagnerrp: depending on how much the local network stations get watched
[03:54:46] aloril_ (aloril_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:59:49] sl1ce (sl1ce! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[04:01:24] sl1ce (sl1ce! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:01:24] [mrx] ([mrx]!~mrx]@2001:470:28:196:5054:ff:fe36:a3eb) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:02:21] johnnycupcake: i hope one day someone can create a web based frontend for mythtv
[04:02:45] johnnycupcake: one that doesnt give u all the configuration options that the mythweb does
[04:04:05] [R]: soemoen is working on a nodejs one
[04:04:14] johnnycupcake: nodejs?
[04:04:38] wagnerrp: javascript library
[04:04:46] [R]:
[04:05:50] johnnycupcake: ooo.. have u used it?
[04:08:49] [R]: nope
[04:11:44] johnnycupcake: so who needs to be owner of the video directory for MythWeb to be able to access them
[04:11:55] johnnycupcake: right now if i go to play a video it brings me to a forbidden page
[04:11:55] [R]: whoever you want
[04:12:01] wagnerrp: at the moment? no one... consider that broken
[04:12:02] [R]: you just need to undersatnd how permissions work
[04:12:12] johnnycupcake: ok....
[04:12:13] johnnycupcake: lol
[04:12:20] wagnerrp: mythweb was never rewritten to properly use storage groups
[04:12:39] johnnycupcake: well i had myself as owner and then i had root as owner
[04:12:46] johnnycupcake: also had root as read and write etc
[04:13:16] johnnycupcake: so wait... i have to store my videos in /var/lib/mythtv/videos to make it work?
[04:13:37] johnnycupcake: or is there some hack way to make it work to access them in another directory?
[04:13:41] wagnerrp: no, you have to store your videos in whatever path(s) you defined in the Videos storage group in mythtv-setup
[04:13:51] johnnycupcake: yes ok i did that
[04:13:57] wagnerrp: multiples are allowed
[04:14:00] johnnycupcake: i can watch them on the frontend
[04:14:09] johnnycupcake: but not through the mythweb
[04:14:18] wagnerrp: as i said, consider that part broken
[04:14:40] wagnerrp: no one ever properly updated it for storage group and/or remote access
[04:14:45] johnnycupcake: gah
[04:14:48] johnnycupcake: crap
[04:14:58] johnnycupcake: that blows
[04:15:16] wagnerrp: if you want something quick and dirty, take a look at the perl script used for the music integration in mythweb
[04:15:28] sl1ce (sl1ce! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[04:15:42] wagnerrp: it just proxies data from the internal web server
[04:16:53] wagnerrp: for video, instead of http://<backend>:6544/Content/GetMusic?Id=..., you would want /Content/GetVideo?Id=...
[04:17:58] johnnycupcake: which directory is that in?
[04:18:06] johnnycupcake: /var/www/mythweb?
[04:18:09] johnnycupcake: or is it in data
[04:18:15] sl1ce (sl1ce! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:19:06] sl1ce (sl1ce! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[04:19:12] wagnerrp: seems it php, not perl like all the other streaming stuff
[04:19:19] wagnerrp: . . . c/stream.php
[04:19:57] wagnerrp: line 46, where it has Content/GetMusic... you would use Content/GetVideo
[04:20:00] johnnycupcake: looking for it
[04:20:13] wagnerrp: im not sure what all else would need changing to adapt that in place in the video library
[04:20:20] sl1ce (sl1ce! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:20:37] johnnycupcake: not sure where that php script is located
[04:20:47] wagnerrp: in mythweb
[04:21:04] wagnerrp: modules/music/stream.php
[04:21:15] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:21:30] wagnerrp: if you can fumble your way around php, it shouldn't be too difficult to implement
[04:21:39] johnnycupcake: i can figure it out
[04:21:40] wagnerrp: if you've never touch php... might not be worth the time
[04:21:43] johnnycupcake: prob
[04:21:56] johnnycupcake: well my friend can def do it.. he's a php programmer
[04:22:43] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
[04:31:08] wagnerrp: where is it generating the link...
[04:35:52] sraue_ (sraue_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:39:18] johnnycupcake: FASCINATING... even my frontend client isnt working
[04:39:46] johnnycupcake: i can see the video library but when i go to play it it tries to play but then it just exits back to the previous screen
[04:39:55] johnnycupcake: (showing the video artwork)
[04:40:06] johnnycupcake: my local frontend is working... my remote one... not so much
[04:42:23] wagnerrp: any chance you're running two separate databases?
[04:42:57] wagnerrp: when you configured mythtv in mythtv-setup, first section, first page... did you define network accessible addresses? (not
[04:43:13] wagnerrp: is it possible the user running your backend has no permissions to access the videos?
[04:43:32] wagnerrp: if the frontend finds itself on the same machine as the content, it will always access it directly
[04:51:27] johnnycupcake: hmmm let me check
[04:52:28] johnnycupcake: hmm well the address is set correctly
[04:52:43] johnnycupcake: not sure how to check to see if two databases are running or not
[04:52:58] johnnycupcake: i should mention the remote frontend had no issue connecting to the server
[04:53:07] johnnycupcake: just couldnt play any videos
[04:53:29] wagnerrp: on the remote frontend, where host is listed in ~/.mythtv/config.xml?
[04:54:24] johnnycupcake: oh i dunno.. i'm using the windows client
[04:54:45] johnnycupcake: the windows frontend i should say
[04:54:53] wagnerrp: chances are you're not running a local database then
[04:55:04] wagnerrp: my guess... backend can't access the videos to stream to the remote frontend
[04:55:09] wagnerrp: check your backend logs
[04:55:20] johnnycupcake: where are those located?
[04:55:40] wagnerrp: try /var/log or /var/log/mythtv/
[04:57:33] johnnycupcake: Oct 26 00:38:38 CastleTV mythbackend[1431]: E ProcessRequest mainserver.cpp:6068 (LocalFilePath) ERROR: LocalFilePath unable to find local path for 'Merlin.2008.5x01.Arthurs.Bane.Part.One.$
[04:57:33] johnnycupcake: Oct 26 00:38:38 CastleTV mythbackend[1431]: E ProcessRequest mainserver.cpp:1547 (HandleAnnounce) Empty filename, cowardly aborting!
[04:57:33] johnnycupcake: Oct 26 00:38:38 CastleTV mythbackend[1431]: W Socket mainserver.cpp:5801 (connectionClosed) MainServer: Unknown socket closing MythSocket(0x27f00e0)
[04:57:33] johnnycupcake: Oct 26 00:38:40 CastleTV mythbackend[1431]: I ProcessRequest mainserver.cpp:1360 (HandleAnnounce) MainServer::ANN Playback
[04:57:36] johnnycupcake: Oct 26 00:38:40 CastleTV mythbackend[1431]: I ProcessRequest mainserver.cpp:1362 (HandleAnnounce) adding: jake-precision as a client (events: 0)
[04:57:41] johnnycupcake: Oct 26 00:38:41 CastleTV mythbackend[1431]: I ProcessRequest mainserver.cpp:1475 (HandleAnnounce) MainServer::HandleAnnounce FileTransfer
[04:57:44] johnnycupcake: Oct 26 00:38:41 CastleTV mythbackend[1431]: I ProcessRequest mainserver.cpp:1477 (HandleAnnounce) adding: jake-precision as a remote file transfer
[04:57:47] johnnycupcake: Oct 26 00:38:41 CastleTV mythbackend[1431]: E ProcessRequest mainserver.cpp:6068 (LocalFilePath) ERROR: LocalFilePath unable to find local path for 'Merlin.2008.5x01.Arthurs.Bane.Part.One.$
[04:57:50] johnnycupcake: Oct 26 00:38:41 CastleTV mythbackend[1431]: E ProcessRequest mainserver.cpp:1547 (HandleAnnounce) Empty filename, cowardly aborting!
[04:57:53] johnnycupcake: oops sorry
[04:57:55] johnnycupcake: that was stupid
[04:57:58] johnnycupcake: but yea... Oct 26 00:38:41 CastleTV mythbackend[1431]: E ProcessRequest mainserver.cpp:6068 (LocalFilePath) ERROR: LocalFilePath unable to find local path for 'Merlin.2008.5x01.Arthurs.Bane.Part.One.$
[04:58:02] johnnycupcake: thats the error right there
[04:59:18] wagnerrp: any chance you have a directory defined from within the video library setup in mythfrontend? (you should leave it blank)
[04:59:34] wagnerrp: if you do have one defined, blank it, and rescan
[05:04:09] wagnerrp: heh... well i implemented what i was describing earlier
[05:04:10] johnnycupcake: hmmm scanning says found no video directories from the frontend
[05:04:13] wagnerrp: and it's a bust
[05:04:48] wagnerrp: it only works because the music files are typically small enough to fit within PHP memory entirely, before being passed on to the client
[05:04:57] wagnerrp: doesn't work so well on videos
[05:05:57] johnnycupcake: it asks me if i've defined a video storage groupe
[05:06:00] johnnycupcake: group*
[05:06:07] wagnerrp: have you?
[05:06:15] johnnycupcake: umm in the backend i did
[05:06:16] wagnerrp: specifically, a 'Videos' storage group
[05:06:20] wagnerrp: in mythtv-setup
[05:06:34] johnnycupcake: i just changed the path from /var/lib/mythtv/videos
[05:06:37] johnnycupcake: to a different path
[05:06:41] johnnycupcake: where i keep my videos
[05:06:55] wagnerrp: that should do it, technically there is no default
[05:06:58] wagnerrp: it comes unset
[05:07:30] johnnycupcake: just looked...
[05:07:32] johnnycupcake: it has it set
[05:07:33] johnnycupcake: :-\
[05:07:56] wagnerrp: not by mythtv, maybe by extra stuff your distro did on setup
[05:08:23] johnnycupcake: what do u mean?
[05:08:30] johnnycupcake: how would i find that out
[05:08:33] johnnycupcake: :-\
[05:10:53] wagnerrp: i mean by default, the Videos storage group is empty
[05:11:02] wagnerrp: if it had anything in it, it was set by your distro
[05:11:22] johnnycupcake: well it wasnt empty when i saw it first
[05:11:24] wagnerrp: in any case, if you've added something there, in order for things to work properly, those directories and files must be accessible by whatever user is running the backend
[05:11:35] johnnycupcake: it was /var/lib/mythtv/videos
[05:11:40] wagnerrp: if you're curious, this will get you somewhere...
[05:12:02] wagnerrp: right, im saying mythtv did not come with that, your distro set that after the fact... it really doesn't matter
[05:12:14] johnnycupcake: i see
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[13:17:20] tmkt: Hey Hey..with the new requiem out I was able to remove the drm from my itunes videos and get them onto my myth box, but the problem is that they are black and only play audio via myth, via vlc or movie player they play fine
[13:17:24] tmkt: any ideas?
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[13:24:24] stuartm: can you pastebin the output of mythffmpeg -i {file} ?
[13:24:33] wagnerrp: or mediainfo
[13:24:38] wagnerrp: mediainfo would probably be better
[13:25:14] wagnerrp: on second thought, mythffmpeg would list what mythtv thought it was
[13:32:47] stuartm: that's the bit which is most interesting, the output from mediainfo etc could be useful for comparison
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[13:34:57] stuartm: might be an idea to write a new CLI tool which dumps everything that mythtv can learn about the content in a nice user/ticket friendly format – the basic stuff about codec/bitrate etc, a summary of the seektable we've generated, existence or otherwise of mheg, plus whatever else we think might be of value and which may not be included by ffmpeg -i
[13:35:50] wagnerrp: in other words, something actually intended to output file information
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[13:41:40] stuartm: yup
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[13:55:03] tmkt: Sure thing
[13:55:16] tmkt: mediainfo it is
[13:56:08] tmkt:
[13:57:04] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:58:05] uglyoldbob: so whenever the video stream being watched has errors, the user interface won't respond at all.
[13:58:12] tmkt: Black screen with white dots at the top
[13:58:42] uglyoldbob: has anybody seen a bug report for this?
[14:10:09] stuartm: tmkt: mythffmpeg -i is better, but my guess is that having two video streams (one of which looks to be bogus) is causing the problem here
[14:10:14] IReboot: I am still using v0.25+fixes and frequently get userjobs the abort due to my config.xml file getting overwritten to zero bytes. Of course I had kept a backup but I hate it when userjobs fail. I just changed the file permissions to read-only. Can that cause other issues?
[14:10:47] stuartm: IReboot: did we not backport a fix for that?
[14:10:48] IReboot: I would change it back to R/W when upgrading to v0.26
[14:12:00] IReboot: If you did in the last week I did not pick it up. I have not recompiled since Tue Oct 16th
[14:12:08] stuartm: uglyoldbob: by has errors, you mean that playback becomes impossible? I have seen that issue, there are no tickets for it though
[14:13:06] uglyoldbob: well, playback freezes, stutters, gets that real blocky appearance with strange audio. the entire interface stops responding until the video errors go away (or mythfrontend crashes completely)
[14:13:40] IReboot: stuartm: I will recompile sometime today as python bindings changes I needed where committed yesterday.
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[14:14:58] stuartm: ok, no ticket for the former, I recently discussed fixing that issue but no work has been done yet – the crashes are a separate issue and a ticket with backtraces NEEDS to be filed for those please (they'll never get fixed otherwise)
[14:19:34] uglyoldbob: can a problem with a theme cause buttons to not work as expected? esc does not exit browse mode
[14:19:56] uglyoldbob: stuartm: how do i do that?
[14:22:52] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[14:25:42] stuartm: theme shouldn't effect key input/bahaviour
[14:26:07] stuartm: see . . . /TicketHowTo
[14:26:39] stuartm: if using ubuntu they have their own method and you should ask in #ubuntu-mythtv
[14:28:53] uglyoldbob: the second link doesn't work
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[14:33:49] tmkt: stuartm: ok
[14:33:51] tmkt: one sec
[14:34:47] tmkt:
[14:34:49] tmkt: there we go
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[15:10:34] stuartm: tmkt: a log from mythfrontend with "-v playback" should fill in the rest of the information we need
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[15:48:57] skd5aner: hmmm, why can't I take screenshots? don't they default to to ~/.mythtv/
[15:50:05] skd5aner: Also, I have to say it's a bit ludicrious that there are 3 different keybindings for screenshots :P
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[15:53:21] skd5aner: ah, frontend API to the rescue
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[16:08:46] tmkt: stuartm: sec
[16:10:43] tmkt: stuartm: so do i have to restart mythfrontend with that param
[16:10:46] tmkt: and play the video?
[16:10:51] tmkt: then get you the log?
[16:11:00] tmkt: i'll do that tonight...not near that box right now
[16:12:10] williammanda: has anyone used the backup/restore feature on mythbuntu?
[16:12:33] tgm4883: williammanda, yes
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[16:13:32] williammanda: I was looking to reinstall ubuntu then mythbuntu....when do I restore the backup?
[16:14:05] tgm4883: if you want to restore the DB too, you'll want to restore after installing MythTV
[16:14:18] tgm4883: if not, you could probably restore any time
[16:14:55] williammanda: I will be restoring the db...
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[16:16:13] tgm4883: williammanda, then you'd want to do the restore after installing mythtv (as mythtv needs to be installed in order to restore a DB)
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[16:17:04] williammanda: my thinking is that if I save the recordings and backup...after reinstall of ubuntu and mythbuntu....copy the recordings and restore backup.....should have my old system?
[16:17:35] tgm4883: williammanda, yes, just verify that after you backup, the backup contains your DB
[16:19:10] williammanda: the backup name has YESDB in the file it looks to be backed up
[16:20:03] tgm4883: williammanda, open the tar.gz file to be sure ;)
[16:20:20] tgm4883: there was an old bug somewhere that I don't recall a bunch about that didn't backup the DB
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[16:21:13] williammanda: one other question....I want to change the computer name...if the reinstall has a different computer name...will that be a problem?
[16:21:33] tgm4883: yea
[16:21:46] tgm4883: it's simple enough to work around though
[16:22:21] tgm4883: after restoring, you'll need to do . . . d_or_backend
[16:22:53] tgm4883: you may also have to change /etc/mythtv/config.xml as well (and if you aren't on 0.26, /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt)
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[16:52:55] williammanda: tgm4883, when should I run the command to change the host name for myth database? After I have changed the hosts and hostname files?
[16:53:29] tgm4883: williammanda, probably doesn't matter as the command is just changing it in the DB
[16:53:37] tgm4883: but yea, after you change those should be fine
[16:54:39] williammanda: ty
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[17:02:24] jams: well seems that the fedora packagers are stripping the starting v from the version number.
[17:02:36] jams: so instead of v0.25 they report 0.25
[17:08:51] stuartm: that's not so bad
[17:09:25] stuartm: are they including the point release though? 0.25 is useless if the are actually packaging 0.25.3
[17:09:50] jams: yes they are
[17:10:12] jams: the problem is that they get grouped into their own bucket
[17:10:14] stuartm: phew
[17:11:31] stuartm: I feel like we (well I) have been banging on about proper version numbering for years now, some distros still aren't getting it right and I still can't think of a way to wrestle the decision away from them
[17:11:56] jams: we have 57 v0.25.1 and 28 0.25.1 . And they show up as distinct versions when really they are the same
[17:12:14] jams: yeah i can prepend the v or account for it, but shouldn't have to :)
[17:12:19] stuartm: unless we use the post-commit hook stuff to modify each commit to include a change to version.h or VERSION
[17:12:58] jams: i guess the 666 unknowns is a bigger problem
[17:13:34] stuartm: yeah, people exporting the source before building, wipes out any version info
[17:15:02] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[17:15:47] jams: was working on adding some historical graphs and noticed that there really are two many vresions reported to put all on one graph
[17:15:51] jams: line graph
[17:15:59] jams: *too many
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[17:32:28] IReboot: stuartm: From our conversation about config.xml being randomly zeroed out (zero bytes) under v0.25; I just updated from git and recompiled, started two back to back userjobs from the FE and it happened again. So it is not fixed in v0.25. For now I made config.xml Read-only.
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[19:56:46] justinh: well, think I managed to fix the duff Silverstone PSU in the end. What a SOD that was though, spotted the 1st 2 caps dead easy, but there were two more – both shrouded under a heatsink which was soldered to the board.. had to desolder it & 2 FETs to get to the caps.
[19:56:57] justinh: think I'm just gonna buy a picopsu anyway
[20:03:11] jst (jst! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:03:57] jst: Hey, guys. I'm not familiar with SQL. Is there someway I can write a .sql file that contains my recording rules and load it into mythconverg?
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[20:07:54] justinh: why would you need to do that when mythtv has a UI?
[20:11:17] jst: Every time I reinstall, I have to enter all my recording rules in manually.
[20:11:21] jst: I know, I know. I'm doing it wrong.
[20:11:29] stuartm: restore a backup?
[20:11:57] devinheitmueller: Can anybody comment on the current state of VA-API support in MythTV?
[20:12:19] jst: devinheitmueller, not nearly as good as VDPAU, but I do have it working on my notebook.
[20:12:30] justinh: reinstall?
[20:12:53] devinheitmueller: jst: Yeah, I realize VDPAU is the preferred route by most users. Was just trying to understand how stable it is at this point. For example, is it working reliably for MPEG2 and H.264? Is it deinterlacing?
[20:13:00] justinh: has linux suddenly become even more unbearably like windows while my back was turned?
[20:13:18] devinheitmueller: jst: are you doing VAAPI using XBVA, or is it for Intel?
[20:13:27] jst: AMD.
[20:13:30] devinheitmueller: ok
[20:13:30] jst: So the former.
[20:13:44] jst: justinh, yeah, sorry I asked.
[20:13:49] devinheitmueller: jst: And deinterlacing works for you?
[20:14:00] jst: I'm not sure about that... I can test it later.
[20:14:12] devinheitmueller: No need for you to do any actual work.
[20:14:39] devinheitmueller: I'm just looking for examples where va-api is properly implemented (I'm planning to do some work on VLC)
[20:15:16] jst: It wasn't straightforward, really. I'm on Debian Wheezy and ended up adding the experimental repositories, apt-pinning, and installing the driver through there, I believe.
[20:15:24] jst: I had to set up some symlinks and other crap.
[20:15:28] jst: But it works.
[20:15:31] devinheitmueller: gotcha.
[20:15:35] justinh: jet: just back up the database before you do whatever it is you need to do :-) though by rights you should be backing up your database regularly anyway
[20:16:32] jst: By the way, finally got my Ceton InfiniTV working correctly.
[20:16:37] jst: Only took four CableCards.
[20:16:42] jst: :-/
[20:19:55] justinh: glad I don't have to mess with all that stuff here :-)
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[20:24:46] justinh: FTA or NAA for me. (free to air or Not At All) :-D
[20:33:18] jst: My god. Where is this?
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[20:55:19] justinh: gah. who the hell in the name of God uses WMV when they make videos professionally?! Grabbed a video somebody made – I guess while it was still uploading – & converted it with ffmpeg to mpeg4.. downloaded it to my phone & it was good – but missing the ending. Later, I download the whole thing again & the file is completely unplayable in *anything* & ffmpeg basically says the file is screwed. Is wmv that messed up a
[20:56:11] wizbit (wizbit!~wizbit@unaffiliated/wizbit) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:56:31] wizbit: is it possible to use a X modeline on a terminal?
[20:56:44] justinh: whut?
[20:56:48] wizbit: when my TV boots all i can see is wavy lines until X loads the correct modeline
[20:56:52] wizbit: *frontend
[20:57:13] justinh: oh that. probably
[20:57:26] wizbit: i was wondering if there was a correct way to set the frequency without X so i can see the box boot properly
[20:57:44] justinh: make new kernel modes, I think
[20:57:47] wizbit: its annoying if there is a problem, i cannot see anything
[20:58:08] ** wizbit grabs the modeline **
[20:58:26] wizbit: this is what i use, its great
[20:58:27] wizbit: ModeLine "720x576" 13.50 720 732 795 864 576 580 586 624 -HSync -VSync Interlace
[20:58:43] wizbit: if i could set that as soon as the box boots, that would be amazing
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[21:57:59] wagnerrp: justinh: depending on the version of WMV, its virtually identical to VC-1
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[23:56:44] wagnerrp: someone just called my house, talking in what sounded like a 19th century cockney accent

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