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Sunday, October 14th, 2012, 00:06 UTC
[00:06:59] fleers (fleers! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:26:55] BurnOut (BurnOut!~mhm@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:31:01] BurnOut: any documents with hints on sizing the backend ?
[02:35:50] [R]: sizing?
[02:36:27] BurnOut: how much memory, how many cores .. how much disk ....
[02:36:43] [R]: hwo can we tell you how muc hdisk you need?
[02:36:51] [R]: peopel talk about their hardware on the mailnig list all the time
[02:37:10] BurnOut: that's a page I missed
[02:37:14] [R]: page?
[02:39:00] BurnOut: meaning I had not seen a reference to a mailing list ..
[02:39:42] [R]: its on the homepage...
[02:40:50] Kevin (Kevin! has quit (Disconnected by services)
[02:41:17] BurnOut: yeah.. I tend to run less than full screen on all the apps I run .. I had the page scrolled fully right hiding the left nav bar
[02:53:40] Led-Hed (Led-Hed! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:09:13] BurnOut (BurnOut!~mhm@ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[03:10:44] netw1z: hey guys is there a way I can restore all the fields in mysql for the mythtv database easy?
[03:12:05] [R]: restore the fields?
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[03:25:18] prologic (prologic!~prologic@unaffiliated/prologic) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:25:20] prologic: . . . VOG5DZVIxZmc
[03:58:13] wagnerrp_: will that case take a typical ATX power supply?
[03:58:24] wagnerrp_: even if it does, 750GB is rather overkill
[03:58:32] wagnerrp_: erm, 750W
[04:00:02] wagnerrp_: 32GB is an awful lot of memory, if you don't know you need it for something in particular
[04:01:09] Twiggy2cents: wagnerrp_, why the _?
[04:02:44] wagnerrp_: there was already a 'wagner' on the server when i logged on
[04:02:47] wagnerrp_ is now known as wagnerrp
[04:03:13] [R]: wagnerrp: you erally should learn how to use nickserv
[04:03:14] wagnerrp: network cycled, and my previous session was still using the name when i reconnected
[04:03:50] wagnerrp: you mean program xchat to automatically ghost an old session when i log in?
[04:04:18] [R]: yes
[04:04:57] Twiggy2cents: I wasnt sure if you were adopting the "I'm away" thing or something
[04:07:14] wagnerrp: how is it that people can use the mailing list, and ever notice that "gee, everyone else here is replying on the bottom"....
[04:07:26] wagnerrp: s/ever/never/
[04:08:35] [R]: some email clients default to the top]
[04:09:04] wagnerrp: sure, but you can't recognize a pattern, and realize when you're going against that pattern?
[04:10:17] [R]: i rpboably woudn't notice
[04:10:19] [R]: if i dint know
[04:11:53] Twiggy2cents: Why does that google docs link seem a little extreme?
[04:12:38] [R]: EXTREME
[04:12:59] Twiggy2cents: Like extreme kayaking sort of extreme
[04:13:25] [R]: EXTREME CHEEDAR
[04:13:40] wagnerrp: extreme snacking?
[04:14:05] [R]: lol
[04:22:14] prologic: wagnerrp, all very good points – thanks! I'll review those two items
[04:22:21] prologic: hard to find a combo that works nicely :)
[04:23:35] wagnerrp: personally, i would have gone for something a bit bigger
[04:24:05] wagnerrp: no sense trying to cram everything into a 2U case unless you're trying to fit a whole bunch of space into limited rack space
[04:24:20] [R]: that's what she said
[04:24:44] wagnerrp: bigger case means more hard drive bays should you want to add more storage, easier cooling, cheaper power supplies, etc...
[04:31:13] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[05:57:23] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:33:25] prologic: if I'm already planning on building a 12TB (to start with) ZFS RAID-Z2 NAS – does it make sense to have a mythtv backend with lots of drives?
[06:33:41] prologic: or just a smaller set of drives (say 4) for livetv recording
[06:33:54] wagnerrp: why not run your backend on the NAS?
[06:34:17] prologic: NAS will likely run freenas or solaris
[06:34:28] prologic: I don't really want to try getting mythtv backend on that
[06:34:31] wagnerrp: i run my master backend on freebsd
[06:34:39] wagnerrp: works just fine
[06:34:43] prologic: hmm
[06:35:00] dekarl: hmm, a freenas with mythbackend sounds nice
[06:35:15] prologic: I think I want to keep them separate :)
[06:35:22] wagnerrp: FreeNAS is based off NanaBSD, and may not have the packages necessary to satisfy the dependencies for mythtv
[06:35:41] wagnerrp: but you can always just run a freebsd install within a jail on freenas
[06:35:44] wagnerrp: they use the same kernel
[06:36:14] wagnerrp: the only drawback to running mythbackend on freebsd is driver support
[06:36:16] prologic: hmm
[06:36:25] wagnerrp: and i use an hdhomerun... so no driver support needed
[06:36:28] prologic: yeah that could potentially be a problem
[06:36:37] prologic: Hauppauge HVR-2200 cards
[06:36:45] wagnerrp: yeah, not much luck there
[06:36:52] prologic: hmm
[06:36:58] prologic: I quite like those cards
[06:37:31] prologic: this is a separate mythtv backend + mythtv frontend (probably a ZOTAC) upgrade – my current setup is an all-in-one backend/frontend
[06:38:15] prologic: you really think a 2RU case with 2 PCIe cards, 2 2.5" SSDs, 4 3.5" SATA HDDs will be too cramped? :)
[06:38:37] wagnerrp: not too cramped, just needlessly cramped
[06:38:56] wagnerrp: if you don't _need_ to make it that small, why do so?
[06:39:05] prologic: yeah thinking :)
[06:39:15] prologic: I'm planning on a 18RU rack cabinet
[06:39:57] wagnerrp: of course my comments were made assuming that would be your primary file storage
[06:40:18] wagnerrp: if its only going to be a backend, and you're going to have a separate NAS
[06:40:28] wagnerrp: you can always shuffle stuff over there
[06:40:47] prologic: yeah that's my plan
[06:40:51] wagnerrp: perhaps run an instance of mythmediaserver on it so you don't have to mount things between the two
[06:40:54] prologic: dip all my dvds in the book case onto the nas
[06:41:04] prologic: setup storage groups on the backend for the dvs
[06:41:16] prologic: and use the 4x 2TB 3.5" drives for live tv recording
[06:41:38] wagnerrp: that's an awful lot of storage for live tv
[06:41:49] wagnerrp: considering that is expired after 24 hours by default
[06:41:51] prologic: on the topic of ram
[06:41:55] prologic: 32GB is overkill right?
[06:42:03] prologic: (it was just a copy of another configuration – the NAS)
[06:42:06] wagnerrp: if it's only going to be your backend, absolutely
[06:42:20] wagnerrp: ZFS _loves_ memory, give it as much as you're willing to buy
[06:42:33] prologic: yeah :)
[06:42:48] wagnerrp: but the backend? ~4GB is easily plenty
[06:42:48] prologic: the Xeons ok for a backend?
[06:43:15] wagnerrp: the only reason to bother with a Xeon is because you either want to do a multi-socket server, or you want ECC memory
[06:43:25] wagnerrp: the standard intel chips dont do ECC
[06:43:46] wagnerrp: even though they're the same exact chip, and ECC support is just disabled in microcode
[06:45:01] [R]: bastardos
[06:45:13] prologic: well actually the only reason I wanted the Xeon (the NAS config has it) is the low power 80W TDP
[06:46:22] wagnerrp: erm...
[06:46:52] prologic: heh
[06:47:00] prologic: I think that's what I've go in my current backend/frontend
[06:47:16] prologic: reckon that'll handle 4 recordings from two dual tuners?
[06:47:17] [R]: i think 55 w is better then 80w...
[06:47:30] [R]: prologic: it doesnt take any processing power to record digital
[06:47:33] wagnerrp: digital tuners really take very little power
[06:47:33] prologic: 55w<80w :) yeah I think so
[06:47:42] wagnerrp: it's all in the jobqueue and scheduler
[06:47:44] prologic: hmm
[06:47:52] prologic: ok that convinces me
[06:47:55] wagnerrp: isnt that the same clockrate of the one you had?
[06:48:01] prologic: yeap
[06:48:04] prologic: just 1/2 the coreds
[06:48:05] wagnerrp: dual core, 3.3GHz or so?
[06:48:07] prologic: which is fine for a backend
[06:48:10] wagnerrp: oh, it was a quad
[06:48:13] prologic: yup
[06:48:16] prologic: quad xeon
[06:48:35] wagnerrp: yeah, the quad i5s are 77W
[06:49:07] wagnerrp: and $209 in US dollars
[06:49:23] wagnerrp: considering electronics are usually priced a bit higher in canada, savings are probably a wash
[06:49:24] KungFuJesus (KungFuJesus!~adam@ has joined #mythtv-users
[06:50:00] wagnerrp: at that point, i would probably go ahead and get the Xeon just for ECC
[06:50:58] prologic: good then I'm glad I picked it :)
[06:51:07] prologic: I'll just stick with the config I've got I think
[06:51:11] prologic: but just 8GB of RAM
[06:51:57] prologic: unless there's some good reason to have more – like transcoding all livetv to H.264 for iPad/iPhone deviceS?
[06:52:20] wagnerrp: well you would only transcode the shows you wanted to use
[06:52:31] wagnerrp: assuming you had the power to do it in real time
[06:54:17] prologic: that's true
[06:55:14] prologic: it's quite funny how you realize you need 4 tuners when you get into situation where you've got 2 recordings going and you want to record a 3rd or watch live tv
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[08:23:48] prologic: what comes off digital tv in terms of how much storage is consumed per hour?
[08:26:31] sheppard: depends
[08:26:54] sheppard: is it hd? what resolution, are you storing it as raw mpeg2 TS?
[08:28:27] prologic: digtal tv vs. digtal hd is different right?
[08:28:34] prologic: some channels are HD some arn't
[08:28:57] prologic: and I have no idea what it's storing as
[08:29:07] prologic: whatever comes off the Hauppauge HVR-2200 I gues
[08:29:10] ** prologic looks that up **
[08:30:15] sheppard: I need to get my hd-pvr going
[08:30:22] sheppard: think I'll be better off just capping in windows
[08:30:42] prologic: what card?
[08:30:52] sheppard: that's what it is
[08:30:59] sheppard: hauppauge hd-pvr
[08:31:14] sheppard: caps via composite from a STB
[08:31:32] sheppard: I have iptv, and they encrypt the WMV streams, so I can't just dump them
[08:31:43] sheppard: and my buddy in broadcast won't hook me up with the decode keys, lol
[08:34:47] prologic: hmm
[08:35:04] prologic: what I really want to know is hor many hours of SD/HD LiveTV I can record
[08:35:15] sheppard: how much storage do you have
[08:35:38] sheppard: and yoru card should say what it outputs as
[08:37:34] prologic: yeah I can't find specs on that
[08:37:39] prologic: for the HVR-2200
[08:37:49] prologic: just basic marketing material
[08:38:11] sheppard: oh
[08:38:14] prologic: I have a 1TB hdd in my backend/frontend box right now
[08:38:16] sheppard: are you capping dvb/fta?
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[08:39:07] sheppard: it's probably just mpeg2
[08:39:26] prologic: but what I'm trying to work out is if I upgrade to a separate rack mounted backend with a zotac frontend – 4x 2TB disks in RAID-10 or 4x 1TB disks in raid-10
[08:39:28] prologic: keeping in mind this'll be for recordings and livetv only
[08:39:30] prologic: and more permanent – dvd rips, important recordings, etc, I'll chuck on the NAS
[08:40:03] sheppard: I wouldn't bother with raid-10
[08:40:20] sheppard: it's unlikely you need the speed
[08:41:03] sheppard: if it's just temp, I don't see why a 4x1TB raid5 couldn't hold at least a weeks worth of programming
[08:41:07] sheppard: depending on how much you cap
[08:41:23] sheppard: but I'm just guesstimating
[08:45:51] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[09:01:17] prologic: hmm
[09:01:40] prologic: you don't think you'd need the speed with 4 tuners?
[09:09:43] prologic: you know. I cannot find any specifications or a fact sheet on this card
[09:09:46] prologic: how useless
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[11:20:37] tubo: gave up looking for a 0.26 precompiled OSX frontend and attempting to build one now. Any URLs for 0.26 MacOSX working front ends yet?
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[15:22:19] rhpot1991: I'm seeing the following in my frontend logs post 0.26 upgrade: mythfrontend[8306]: I CoreContext dbcheck.cpp:463 (UpgradeTVDatabaseSchema) Waiting for database schema upgrade lock
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[15:23:06] rhpot1991: I thought maybe my reboot after upgrade cause the system to restart before the db update was done, so I stopped mythbackend restored db from a backup and relaunched the backend
[15:23:31] rhpot1991: now I see the following in my backend logs: mythbackend[9347]: I CoreContext dbcheck.cpp:463 (UpgradeTVDatabaseSchema) Waiting for database schema upgrade lock
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[15:36:21] rhpot1991: fixed the backend, I disconnected all the clients, restored and rebooted to make sure everything came up fresh, it then did the db upgrade
[15:36:27] rhpot1991: frontends are still throwing the same error though
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[15:45:18] rhpot1991: looks like there may have been a frontend hung behind the scenes somewhere, killing that and spawning one by hand has fixed the issue
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[18:05:27] quinten: i built a nice mythtv box a few years ago, but i'm now frustrated by noise and power consumption. i've been looking at Raspberry Pi, but it looks like it's either a little underpowered or not quite optimized enough. I already have HDHomerun, IR receiver, and keyboard. is there a cheap, extreme low power and fanless Myth frontend/backend out there that I could put together?
[18:05:56] quinten: something like the Raspberry Pi but actually working now
[18:06:06] quinten: I'm assuming it might need an external HD
[18:09:27] messerting (messerting! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[18:11:17] quinten: everything on the mythtv website seems to be about 2 years old
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[18:50:09] jgautier (jgautier!47cc96c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[18:50:49] jgautier: hey my mythbuntu box is currently stuck on a channel that keeps crashing the front end with "Error opening jump program file" how i can set the frontend to tune to a different channel when i hit watch tv?
[18:57:51] tank-man: 'mythtv-setup' i beleive
[19:00:26] jams: quinten the pi will struggle with playing HD video
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[19:03:03] jgautier: i went to mythtv-setup and set the default channel to "3" (it was already set to 3) but then in the frontend when i got live tv it still tunes to the bad channel
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[19:09:46] jams: jgautier- mythtv-setup->input connections-> pick card -> starting channel
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[19:12:43] jgautier: +jams thats what i set and it is saying "3" right now in mythtv-setup but when i got back to the frontned and go to live tv it tunes to 825 (which makes the frontend crash)
[19:14:47] jams: do you have more then one card?
[19:15:08] jgautier: i have 1 ceton card which has 4 tuners....and they are all set to be channel 3
[19:16:43] jams: hmm..that should be the spot
[19:17:10] jams: backend was stopped when the change was amde?
[19:17:34] jgautier: when i go to mythtv-setup it asks me to stop it and i say yes then it restarts it automatically when i exit
[19:18:02] jams: magic
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[19:18:38] jgautier: on the other hand.....any chance you can help me figure out why this channel wont tune?
[19:18:58] jams: i'm not the person for that..sorry
[19:19:24] jgautier: do you know where the startup channel for live tv i set in the database..i can just update it manually if i know where it is
[19:20:12] tank-man: if you know how to manually update the db, you know how to list the tables and columns :)
[19:20:37] jgautier: thats a lot of tables and columns to go through :P
[19:21:14] jams: looks like cardinput
[19:23:19] jgautier: the 'startchan' column in cardinput is set to 3 for all the 4 tuners...this what i am assuming is what the mythtv-setup is using
[19:23:23] jgautier: theres gotta be another place
[19:23:54] jams: i don't know what it is
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[21:15:03] justinh: I thought I'd knocked the upstart stuff starting multiple instances of mythbackend on the head. apparently not
[21:15:54] jgautier: for anyone who cares that problem i was having with the default channles was in the 'settings' table and i had to update the 'DefaultChanId' to a new channel
[21:16:04] jgautier: now when i go to watch live tv it doesnt load the broken channel
[21:16:13] wizbit (wizbit!~wizbit@unaffiliated/wizbit) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:16:19] wizbit: i updated to slackware 14
[21:16:27] wizbit: and mythweb stopped working :(
[21:16:31] wizbit: PHP Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /usr/local/share/mythtv/bindings/php/MythBase.php on line 50
[21:17:40] justinh: wizbit: looks like a use case which has been deprecated in recent PHP versions
[21:18:12] justinh: . . . ix-available may help
[21:18:24] wizbit: ace
[21:18:59] justinh: but it'd me mythbase.php you have to fix, not your PHP configuration
[21:19:08] justinh: it'd be*.. not it'd me
[21:19:13] wizbit: i think it might be cleaner if i downgrade php
[21:19:24] wizbit: i can use the php from slackware 13.37 what worked
[21:19:47] justinh: well, try fixing it & then submit a ticket – that way more people will benefit :-)
[21:19:57] wizbit: justinh: it would be a nightmware patching those files everytime i upgrade mythtv
[21:20:09] justinh: not if you submit a patch :-)
[21:20:11] wizbit:
[21:20:39] justinh: ahhh
[21:21:07] messerting (messerting! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[21:21:28] wizbit: surely ubuntu users are on php 5.4
[21:25:07] zombor_ (zombor_!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:33:44] wizbit: justinh: i think its been fixed in .26
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[21:37:09] darkdrgn2k3 (darkdrgn2k3! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:37:20] darkdrgn2k3: is tehre a way to rename a slave backend ealy?
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[21:46:33] justinh: backends can have names?!
[21:47:31] darkdrgn2k3: hostnames
[21:50:56] justinh: more than one name can point to the same address :-)
[21:51:17] justinh: I've only ever used IP addresses in mythtv, personally
[21:51:26] justinh: when I started, name resolution was but a dream
[22:00:30] darkdrgn2k3: justinh: but srettings are stored by hostname no?
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[22:59:20] darkdrgn2k3: any one ever see this: i have a mceusb device, when i try sening IR the IR lights up but doesnt seem to be actualy sending any IR
[22:59:33] darkdrgn2k3: atleast device doe not repond, but when itry with a nother mceusb device it works
[22:59:36] darkdrgn2k3: udb id 1934:5168
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[23:27:43] Twiggy2cents: was the ability to sort recordings by original air date removed in .25?
[23:27:46] Twiggy2cents: I cant find it.
[23:29:48] hipitihop (hipitihop! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[23:32:05] Twiggy2cents: nvm I was in the wrong spot
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