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Error at /opt/beirdobot/share/beirdobot/web/includes/utils.php, line 120:
htmlentities(): Invalid multibyte sequence in argument

    datetime:  2012-10-11 00:00:10 (UTC)
    errornum:  2
  error type:  Warning
error string:  htmlentities(): Invalid multibyte sequence in argument
    filename:  /opt/beirdobot/share/beirdobot/web/includes/utils.php
  error line:  120
Wednesday, October 10th, 2012, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:18] IReboot (IReboot! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:01:19] IReboot (IReboot! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:06:08] Guierrmo (Guierrmo! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:13:44] jstenback (jstenback!~jstenback@2620:101:8003:200:224:e8ff:fe39:34c2) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:15:46] skd5aner: I'm tryign to launch mythfrontend after a reboot, and it's just hanging before the menu apperas
[00:16:30] skd5aner: without any verbose options I see the last two entries are "last hardware profile update was > 30 days agao, update required..." and "Locking input devices"
[00:16:35] skd5aner: and it's just hanging there
[00:18:17] skd5aner: wagnerrp: ^ have you seen this in the past with the smolt stuff?
[00:20:10] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:21:25] jstenback (jstenback!~jstenback@2620:101:8003:200:224:e8ff:fe39:34c2) has quit (Quit: ZNC -
[00:22:47] skd5aner: Now I'm seeing a lot of OGLContext::makeCurrent(): Failed.
[00:23:04] jstenback (jstenback!~jstenback@2620:101:8003:200:224:e8ff:fe39:34c2) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:23:07] Ryushin (Ryushin! has quit (Quit: Client exiting)
[00:23:19] jstenback (jstenback!~jstenback@2620:101:8003:200:224:e8ff:fe39:34c2) has quit (Client Quit)
[00:23:38] jm|laptop: IReboot: I am playing with Lossless Cut
[00:23:58] jstenback (jstenback!~jstenback@2620:101:8003:200:224:e8ff:fe39:34c2) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:24:19] jm|laptop: Error: memory.cpp/safememdup() called from file src/output/p_aac.cpp, line 75: malloc() returned nullptr for a size of 18446744073709551614 bytes.
[00:24:21] skd5aner: sorr, that's "QGL" not "OGL"
[00:24:21] jm|laptop: scary
[00:24:26] jams: skd5aner- since your working on something else, just kill the script
[00:24:47] IReboot: jm|laptop: The PPA and source was updated only 2 minutes ago. Make sure you use the v0.1.2 release.
[00:24:48] skd5aner: jams: it's not running right now that I can see
[00:24:52] skd5aner: in ps
[00:25:13] jm|laptop: Title: (LossLess_Cut); Version: description(0.1.2)
[00:25:15] jams: hmm no python script?
[00:25:25] jm|laptop: I'm not using PPA
[00:25:30] jm|laptop: I took trunk
[00:25:35] jstenback (jstenback!~jstenback@2620:101:8003:200:224:e8ff:fe39:34c2) has quit (Client Quit)
[00:25:55] jams: maybe it's hanging at something else. the guy who put in the FE call made it blocking for some reason but you should see it in ps
[00:26:06] IReboot: jm|laptop: The PPA is trunk but source will work also and you do have the latest release.
[00:27:18] jams: another option is to update the timestamp in the db, so that it doesnt try to run
[00:27:22] IReboot: jm|laptop: Which recording devices do you have? I am curious if they are new to the alpha testing.
[00:28:18] jm|laptop: IReboot: em28xx
[00:28:27] jm|laptop: DVB-T2 USB
[00:28:33] IReboot: jm|laptop: As I wrote in the wiki it will take a while to get the subtitle processing working as neither mythccextractor or CCExtractor seem to be up to the task.
[00:28:37] Guierrmo (Guierrmo! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[00:28:52] jstenback (jstenback!~jstenback@2620:101:8003:200:224:e8ff:fe39:34c2) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:28:58] jm|laptop: IReboot: is that causing my problem? I'm a bit lame, I'm afraid.
[00:29:15] jm|laptop: I don't require subtitles
[00:29:29] jm|laptop: (he says tempting fate to deafen him)
[00:29:58] IReboot: jm|laptop: I do not think any one has tried that specific recording device but UK DVB-T and S2 have worked.
[00:30:12] IReboot: jm|laptop: What problem?
[00:30:13] jm|laptop: this is DVB-T2 itmad
[00:31:00] jm|laptop: IReboot: if I blindly paste this logfile to pastebin without reading it, I'm not going to post my password or IPs or something, am I?
[00:31:32] IReboot: jm|laptop: No security issues he writes with a grin;)
[00:31:39] jm|laptop: heh
[00:32:07] jm|laptop: my setup is a little quirky, I'm hoping that's not half the problem
[00:32:16] jm|laptop: it _does_ log IPs :O
[00:32:58] IReboot: jm|laptop: Look at the log it mostly just the command lines the lossless script uses and the command line results. I just glued commandline utilities together with integration with MythTV. Nothing original.
[00:34:04] jm|laptop: IReboot: sorry. Meant to ask before pressing enter, then
[00:34:09] IReboot: jm|laptop: Has the script asked for your credit card number. I have made that an optional input.]\
[00:34:16] jm|laptop: something might be in your privmsg :/
[00:34:31] jm|laptop: it's 4929 8655 ...
[00:37:42] jm|laptop: hmm. Can't work out from the logfile if my cutlist has stuck
[00:47:02] Guierrmo (Guierrmo! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:48:51] skd5aner: yea, found this issue...
[00:49:05] skd5aner: back in business
[01:00:12] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Quit: Body blow! Body blow!)
[01:09:30] jm|laptop: /usr/src/mythtv-0.26.0/programs/mythfrontend/main.cpp:132: undefined reference to `vtable for (anonymous namespace)::RunSettingsCompletion'
[01:09:34] jm|laptop: that doesn't look right :/
[01:14:10] nasa01 (nasa01! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[01:28:33] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:00:47] darkdrgn2k (darkdrgn2k! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:01:11] darkdrgn2k: hi im trying ot compile 26 but i keep getting
[02:01:12] darkdrgn2k: mythscreentype.o: file not recognized: File truncated
[02:01:12] darkdrgn2k: collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
[02:12:58] bmoore_ (bmoore_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:14:45] bmoore_: I just moved across the US (changing timezones), and now MythWeb shows TV listings off by 2 hours. Mythbackend still records things properly, and the guide works right. Just MythWeb shows listings at the wrong time.
[02:14:59] bmoore_: The timestamp at the top of the page shows the correct time.
[02:15:55] bmoore_: I've poked around with installing the php, and setting the timezone in php.ini, but to no effect.
[02:16:44] kormoc: We get the timezone info from the backend
[02:17:48] bmoore_: That's what I thought. But the backend is working properly. Just the listings in MythWeb.
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[02:47:42] bmoore_: I think I figured out my mythweb timezone oddness. I hasn't rebooted my machine since I changed its timezone, so MySQL was still operating on US/Eastern. The MythWeb Listings page uses Mysql to convert to/from unix timestamps. Once I rebooted (probably could have gotten away with just restarting mysql), MythWeb began reporting the shows at the proper time.
[02:48:41] darkdrgn2k: ok im at a loss
[02:48:41] darkdrgn2k:
[02:48:41] darkdrgn2k: videofileassoc.cpp:542:300: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
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[04:54:41] uglyoldbob_: i have a problem using mythfrontend on a multi-monitor setup, my second monitor is disabled when i open the frontend. What can I try to resolve this?
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[05:03:58] uglyoldbob_: OK mythfrontend is trying to use a resolution of 3840x1080 and failing. How can I fix that?
[05:04:27] [R]: are you using xinerama?
[05:04:43] wagnerrp: sounds more like twinview
[05:04:52] wagnerrp: mythtv knows how to handle xinerama
[05:04:58] [R]: isn't there a checkbox you need to check?
[05:05:41] wagnerrp: for xinerama? yes, there are cues in X11 that can be used to figure out proper location
[05:05:47] wagnerrp: in twinview, no such luck
[05:06:06] [R]: when i used to use twinview xinerma stuff worked like normal for me
[05:06:18] wagnerrp: twinview != xinerama
[05:06:54] [R]: i know
[05:07:13] wagnerrp: twinview is where the graphics driver just exposes a single monitor to the X server, rather than the X server joining the two monitors itself
[05:18:00] uglyoldbob_: how do i determine if i have twinview or xinerama? or is there another way of doing it ? (fglrx video driver)
[05:24:32] uglyoldbob_: mythfrontend gives me some xinerama options, but still disables the second monitor on startup. re-enabling the second monitor after starting mythfrontend sort of works
[05:27:02] jvcleave: does mythutil --scanvideos work?
[05:27:25] DeviceZer0 (DeviceZer0!~hate@unaffiliated/devicezer0) has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[05:27:26] wagnerrp: should work, yes
[05:28:19] jvcleave: only thing that seems to work is mythweb's scan collection and doing it through the menu
[05:28:45] wagnerrp: mythweb's video library has been broken ever since we switched to storage groups in 0.22
[05:28:55] wagnerrp: sounds like you never made the switch
[05:29:21] jvcleave: I don't think I have ever ran anything but .25
[05:29:39] jvcleave: any way to tell?
[05:29:55] jvcleave: I am a recent switcher from gbpvr
[05:29:59] wagnerrp: when you defined the storage for your video library, where did you do it?
[05:30:24] jvcleave: I think in the backend setup guide
[05:30:47] wagnerrp: meaning you set it in the Videos group, in mythtv-setup?
[05:31:12] jvcleave: damn – not sure
[05:31:38] jvcleave: running mythbuntu if that tells you anything
[05:35:23] uglyoldbob_: Will it help any if I pastebin my xorg.conf ?
[05:37:12] blarney: having difficulty communicating with the mythbackend (version mythtv-0.25.2–3.fc18.x86_64) on Fedora, my symptoms appear to be similar to this bug: i.e. problem interaction with dbus, is there a known workaround?
[05:38:08] blarney: I basically see these kinds of messages in my log: MythSocket(2080130:31): readStringList: Error, timed out after 30000 ms
[05:38:38] blarney: followed by a reconnection
[05:40:07] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[05:41:35] AndyCap: uglyoldbob_: dunno about fglrx options but there are two things called xinerama. The module in Xorg for joining two screens as one, and the information that windowmanagers and applications can query about screen layout.
[05:42:54] AndyCap: uglyoldbob_: for instance nvidia has an option like "NoTwinViewXineramaInfo" / "nvidiaXineramaInfo" to control if the nvidia driver should provide xinerama info. I would think the fglrx driver has some option like that too.
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[09:49:59] wizbit: my upgrade script works well :-)
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[10:06:53] ** wizbit has a fresh, clean backend **
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[13:51:27] beadle: fedora 17 x86_64. mythtv backend starts up last but it is not able to find hdhomerun on link-local nic eth1. if I restart mythbackend or add a sleep 30 to rc.local (and service restart mythbackend) thing are fine. is there a way to tell mythbackend to retry connection to inputs? any better way of dealing with this?
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[13:56:47] beadle: is there a way to configure mythbackend to retry inputs?
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[14:03:22] beadle: for the record I also gave it a static IP startup with the same problem, so it's not just being link-local.
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[14:36:48] wizbit: what is a clean command to close mythfrontend
[14:36:52] wizbit: pkill mythfrontend?
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[14:38:51] wagnerrp: that kills every frontend running on the system, but yes
[14:39:08] wizbit: ace
[14:39:25] wizbit: i have designed a upgrade script for backend and frontends
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[17:01:15] wagnerrp: i wonder who this knight at teksavvy is on the wiki... two accounts to that email, looks like a spammer
[17:02:43] ** wagnerrp pokes knightr_ **
[17:09:55] monkeypet: wagnerrp: wish I could filter out your edits on the wiki.
[17:10:47] monkeypet: your spam edits.
[17:10:56] wagnerrp: don't worry, this is a one time special event
[17:11:16] wagnerrp: well, at least until i come up with a new query that drudges up a bunch of spam accounts
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[17:34:12] stuartm: wagnerrp: as you've realised, it's knightr_
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[17:41:55] wagnerrp: yeah, just friendly harassment about him forgetting his password
[17:42:06] wagnerrp: there's maybe a hundred or so accounts on there like that
[17:47:16] J-e-f-f-A: Sharky112065: Just talk to a human. When I picked it up in the store, it wasn't actually entered into the system yet. They had to do some work before they could activate it. It took about 20 mins on the phone with a tech... Everything was on their side.
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[17:49:05] J-e-f-f-A: Sharky112065: I had just picked it up at 4:30pm that day, and was trying to activate it that evening... Either they forgot to enter it, or it was still in a 'queue'... d'oh!
[17:50:08] J-e-f-f-A: I wish I could get the premiums on the Ceton though... darn it!
[17:50:44] wizbit: do you guys use your own bash scripts to compile / update mythtv?
[17:51:10] J-e-f-f-A: wizbit: Not me — just 'make -j 8' and 'sudo make install'...
[17:51:30] wizbit: there is more to it than that
[17:51:32] J-e-f-f-A: (after a 'git pull')  ;-)
[17:52:16] wizbit: J-e-f-f-A:
[17:52:51] wizbit: typing all that manually is a long process
[17:53:16] J-e-f-f-A: wizbit: yeah, I don't usually do a 'distclean' though – perhaps I should... ;-)
[17:53:28] wizbit: you should
[17:53:39] wizbit: ive had problems when i forget to do that, segfaulting backends
[17:53:44] J-e-f-f-A: wizbit: And I typically manually do the make and make install – then try things out before proceeding to the plugins.
[17:53:54] wizbit: why?!
[17:54:36] J-e-f-f-A: wizbit: I dunno – probably because I've "always done it that way"... ;-) At least since I've been running from source- the last 5 years or so... And it doesn't take that long to do. ;-)
[17:55:04] wizbit: i can run my script and leave it
[17:55:07] J-e-f-f-A: One thing your script doesn't account for is if the make fails...
[17:55:11] wizbit: when i come back mythtv is ready to go
[17:55:32] wizbit: thats true.. i will modify it so it exits
[17:58:40] J-e-f-f-A: wizbit: I should really setup a netboot environment for my frontends... that would make updating a lot easier. Right now I just update one at a time...
[17:58:55] J-e-f-f-A: wizbit: Although, at the moment I only have 2 frontends, so I guess it's not that big of a deal. ;-)
[18:03:19] J-e-f-f-A: So, for the Ceton (and other CC tuners) – in Linux, we're limited to channels that are not protected, or are marked "Copy Freely" due to DRM... In Winders they can also record "Copy Once" — Are the "Copy Once" recordings encrypted, then un-encrypted upon playback only?
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[18:12:32] J-e-f-f-A: I'm trying to think 'outside the box' – by maybe setting up an MCE box [gasp!] to record off the Ceton, but controlling it via Myth... But if MCE keeps the file encrypted, that would be a no-go.. :-(
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[18:42:11] J-e-f-f-A: It sure is quiet around here... wow!
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[18:56:23] wizbit: J-e-f-f-A: mythtv is now perfect, no more help is required
[18:59:52] sphery: J-e-f-f-A: copy once content must be recorded in encrypted form, so can't be used with mythtv at all (can only be used with the actual device doing the recording, else it would have been copied again from that device)
[19:00:13] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!~pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:00:22] sphery: so, if you want copy once content, you'll need to just use mce for it (recording and playback)
[19:00:41] wizbit: I wouldnt touch mce with a barge pole
[19:02:00] sphery: I wouldn't touch a service that marks channels copy once with a barge pole (I'm voting with my wallet)
[19:05:19] ** wizbit looks forward to upgrading frontends to slackware 14 this weekend **
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[19:11:10] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: grr.. I was just trying to 'think outside the box' about the possibility of using MCE as a 'remote tuner' with the Ceton, but if the recording itself is encrypted, that won't work. :-(
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[19:20:43] J-e-f-f-A: Humm... People seem to have them working on SageTV – that would suffer the same 'encrypted recording' issue, right?
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[19:23:48] J-e-f-f-A: Ok wait, not even SageTV can record programs flagged with "Copy Once"...
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[20:09:00] Sharky112065: I wish mythfrontend had built in log viewing and or could show when there were issues with recordings and commflagging on one screen.
[20:09:47] Sharky112065: sucks having to always go check the backend server for logs to see what happened each day.
[20:10:34] Sharky112065: for example, I have two recordings that did not commflag last night. The other programes commflagged ok. it is a pita to go find out what happened.
[20:11:29] Sharky112065: IMO this should be a must for 0.27
[20:11:41] wagnerrp: or you know... 0.25
[20:12:15] Sharky112065: wagnerrp: what do you mean? I did not understand that
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[20:13:15] wagnerrp: from the internal webserver.... Information --> View Logs
[20:13:18] tgm4883: Sharky112065, it sounds like he is implying that functionality already exists in 0.25
[20:13:40] Sharky112065: oh, I did not know that, ill go look
[20:13:48] wagnerrp: port 6544, same as always
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[20:15:03] Captain_Murdoch: quick 3-person poll. what do others think about the recording preview images shown when you go to the mythbackend webserver homepage? /me is debating ripping that eye candy out.
[20:15:30] wagnerrp: causes it to take a while to load
[20:15:47] wagnerrp: and its not really what you're going into that thing for
[20:16:08] wagnerrp: at least not until/unless it replaces mythweb
[20:16:18] tgm4883: remove it!
[20:16:22] Captain_Murdoch: right, my thoughts exactly.
[20:16:34] Captain_Murdoch: ok, 3 for removal, motion carries.
[20:16:50] Sharky112065: wagnerrp: I went to information center --> web and there is nothing there
[20:17:15] Captain_Murdoch: even if it replaces mythweb, having that on the front page does slow things down for most use cases.
[20:17:54] slickrick: hi. i'm having a problem using my pvr-500 card. when i switch to that source in the frontend end it is using /dev/video0 (my hdpvr) rather than /dev/video1 or /dev/video2 which is the pvr500 card. shown in the logs here:
[20:17:56] Captain_Murdoch: even worse on my dev system which doesn't have previews generated all the time.
[20:18:53] slickrick: this is after upgrading my backend to 0.24 to 0.25 and ditching one of the old pvr500's because the new system doesn't have pci slots for them, and its going ayway anyways. another interesting thing is in the tuner status it shows i have 15 (!) tuners.
[20:19:02] slickrick: is my only option to delete all cards and re-add them?
[20:20:05] tgm4883: slickrick, that is probably the fastest way
[20:20:07] slickrick: i already tried deleting the pvr500 card then readding it and making sure that the right video devices where specified but i get the same result. i know these cards are hella old ....
[20:21:04] tgm4883: slickrick, regarding the device paths, you need to look at udev to make a correct link to the device
[20:21:06] slickrick: tgm4883: thats what i figured .
[20:21:17] tgm4883: *correct – meaning something like /dev/pvr500–1
[20:22:33] slickrick: why wouldn't i use just the v4l devices? /dev/videoX?
[20:22:49] tgm4883: slickrick, because, as you can tell, they can switch places
[20:23:20] tgm4883: so you use udev to look at the device and create a symlink from the right /dev/videoX device to /dev/pvr500–1
[20:24:05] slickrick: i see, that makes sense. i guess i never really have that issue because the configuration of the box is pretty static. tho, i guess a kernel update could flip them around too.
[20:24:19] Sharky112065: wagnerrp: OK figured it out, but I have security enabled so it fails.. ie login and password
[20:24:22] tgm4883: slickrick, simply rebooting can flip them around
[20:24:31] neufeld_AFK: slickrick: For instance, I've got two files, 78-hdpvr.rules and 79-pvr500.rules
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[20:24:56] neufeld: slickrick: 78-hdpvr.rules is one line: KERNEL=="video[0–9]*" , ATTRS{product}=="Hauppauge HD PVR" , ATTRS{serial}=="00A4E265" , NAME="v4l/video0", SYMLINK+="hdpvr"
[20:25:30] neufeld: slickrick: 79-hdpvr.rules is two lines: RIVERS=="ivtv", ATTR{name}=="ivtv? encoder MPG", KERNELS=="0000:03:08.0", SYMLINK+="pvr_500_1" and a similar one with 03:09.0 and pvr_500_2 for the second.
[20:25:31] slickrick: neufield: awesome thanks for showing me an example.
[20:25:33] neufeld: Your system will differ
[20:26:02] neufeld: slickrick: you'll have to figure out the correct ATTRS{serial} for your box, and the PCI addresses of your pvr500
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[20:29:14] slickrick: thanks i will give this a shot. just reading the udev manpages.
[20:31:05] neufeld: slickrick: read this: . . . R_using_udev
[20:31:22] slickrick: when i delete all my capture cards, i take this won't affect any of my video sources or get rid of any of the editing i've done to the channels?
[20:31:56] slickrick: great link, thanks!
[20:32:46] neufeld: slickrick: deleting capture cards won't modify the state of the recordings. It could affect recording rules or priorities that use the numeric cardid if they aren't added back the same way.
[20:34:53] Sharky112065: wagnerrp: got it working. did not have the port open in my firewall. But that info is not what I wanted. it is too complicated. There should be a screen that shows all errors and a simple explination for each one when you select it...
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[20:37:48] slickrick: neufield: just trying to figure out if i have any recording rules like that.
[20:39:58] neufeld: slickrick: if you've got a preferred tuner for a rule, then I suspect that rule is implemented in terms of cardid.
[20:40:42] neufeld: slickrick: I've also got a custom priority rule that discourages the use of my HD-PVR between the hours of 1:00 and 2:30 AM, because my provider has a nasty habit of sending updates around then, which kill the STB until it has been power cycled.
[20:41:00] neufeld: slickrick: that custom priority rule assumes my HD-PVR has cardid=1
[20:45:13] slickrick: i see what you mean. i dont have any rules like that. i do have recordings set up that are for certain channels to get them to record off my hdhomeruns rather than my hdpvr. i guess those won't be affected by deleting the cards and readding them.
[20:46:32] neufeld: slickrick: Correct. As long as you tie your channels back correctly, those recording rules will work.
[20:46:55] wagnerrp: Sharky112065: that page is _exactly_ what you get from opening the logs on my backend
[20:47:01] wagnerrp: im not sure what you're looking for
[20:48:27] wagnerrp: Sharky112065: you're not going to the old and very limited database logs in mythweb are you?
[20:48:38] wagnerrp: that's what it sounds like you're doing
[20:48:44] wagnerrp: im talking about the internal webserver
[20:48:49] wagnerrp: the one built into mythbackend
[20:48:51] wagnerrp: listening on port 6544
[20:49:19] wagnerrp: you open it up, go to Information --> View Logs on the left side menu
[20:49:48] slickrick: neufled: great, thanks for clearing this up for me. i'm way more confident to go ahead clear out my tuners and repopulate them again.
[20:50:33] wagnerrp: and then you can select a specific hostname, application, and filter the messages
[20:50:47] Sharky112065: wagnerrp: yep im on that screen. just trying to figure out how I would explain to someone not tech savvy how to navigate all of that and find the info with a remote.
[20:51:07] wagnerrp: you use a web browser, on your computer
[20:51:17] Sharky112065: Basically what im saying is it really needs to be dummbed down.
[20:51:18] knightr_: wagnerrp, sorry, just saw your ping, knight at teksavvy is me...
[20:51:20] wagnerrp: not really designed to be used from within mythbrowser
[20:51:39] knightr_: I don`t know why I would have two accounts though...
[20:51:46] knightr_: I only use Knightr...
[20:51:57] wagnerrp: knightr_: i know... it was a joke... ive been going through and banning emails on the wiki with multiple accounts tied to them
[20:53:28] Sharky112065: wagnerrp: through Information Center --> System Status, I was able to easily find and requeue the commflags, but there is no easy way to find out what happened as in why it failed.
[20:54:07] wagnerrp: knightr_: according to that, you had one early 2010, and must have forgotten the password to it
[20:54:54] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[20:55:11] wagnerrp: jpabq`: same with you, youve got Jppoet and Jpoet registered
[20:55:53] knightr_: I guess... Drats, if I had known I would have preferred to used that one... (Knightr is a fallback when Knight is unavailable...) Bah, I already have to use knightr because of freenode so it`s not like it`s unrelated to an account I use...
[20:56:27] knightr_: I must have forgot Knight belonged to me otherwise I would have try to get its password...
[20:56:50] knightr_: Sorry, wagnerrp...
[20:57:02] rsiebert (rsiebert! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:57:30] knightr_: BTW, any idea who could help me with that wiki translation thing, I only need to know if we`re going to do it eventually or not?
[21:00:36] knightr_: ttyl gotta go for now...
[21:01:29] ** knightr_ hates the bidders who bid in the last few seconds :( **
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[21:08:11] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[21:08:54] Sharky112065: wagnerrp: im getting "taking too long ot be allowed to read" messages when mythcommflag runs. I only allow one job to run at a time. Should have no problem with disk I/O on this system...
[21:09:41] Sharky112065: wagnerrp: I do not get them on all jobs, but most
[21:10:42] neufeld is now known as neufeld_AFK
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[21:35:46] stuartm: knightr_: beirdo most likely, he's our defacto admin for most things relating to the server
[21:35:53] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:38:10] Beirdo: heh, the wiki's the one part I've avoided so far. :) I'd love to see translations on there though
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[23:04:37] wagnerrp: knightr_: i was a bit confused as to how that was supposed to function
[23:05:04] wagnerrp: i know on wikipedia, en.--- is the default language
[23:05:28] wagnerrp: and the other languages are their respective two letter codes
[23:05:37] wagnerrp: would we have to do the same sort of thing?
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[23:10:27] mattwj2002 (mattwj2002!~Matt@wikisource/ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:10:45] mattwj2002: hi guys
[23:11:02] mattwj2002: 294 programs, using 853 GB (13 days 13 hrs 34 mins) out of 1.8 TB (877 GB free).
[23:11:14] ** mattwj2002 does a little dance **
[23:11:23] wagnerrp: you have too many wiki accounts mr. mattwj2005
[23:11:46] mattwj2002: too many wiki accounts?
[23:11:48] mattwj2002: who me?
[23:11:49] mattwj2002: :P
[23:12:45] wagnerrp:
[23:12:49] wagnerrp:
[23:13:15] kormoc: one per year?
[23:13:25] mattwj2002: oh sorry
[23:13:27] wagnerrp: no worries, i just went through the wiki earlier today and was filtering spam accounts by duplicate email use
[23:13:47] wagnerrp: surprisingly, there's like 130 legitimate duplicates
[23:13:49] mattwj2002: I use both usernames
[23:14:11] mattwj2002: :)
[23:14:12] wagnerrp: heh, not really... neither has been touched since those edits were made
[23:14:34] mattwj2002: no I mean generally speaking
[23:15:17] mattwj2002: I don't care if you delete one or both of the accounts
[23:15:17] mattwj2002: :P
[23:15:28] wagnerrp: can't delete a wiki account
[23:15:35] wagnerrp: it throws a wrench into the whole works
[23:15:35] mattwj2002: oh okay
[23:15:38] wagnerrp: bad things happen
[23:15:48] mattwj2002: like a black hole? O_o
[23:15:49] wagnerrp: like i said, not at all a problem
[23:15:56] mattwj2002: okay
[23:16:01] wagnerrp: just a bit surprising to see so many lost accounts
[23:16:15] mattwj2002: I prefer IRC!
[23:16:17] mattwj2002: :)
[23:16:24] wagnerrp: even several devs have duplicate accounts
[23:16:31] mattwj2002: haha
[23:17:25] mattwj2002: I have almost 2 weeks of programming w00t!
[23:21:37] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:22:22] jm|laptop: IReboot: hello. I did those things you suggested. It seemed to go slightly better but still no complete joy :/
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