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Thursday, September 6th, 2012, 00:10 UTC
[00:10:07] firl (firl! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:13:01] dmfrey (dmfrey! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:29:28] tekdoc (tekdoc! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:29:45] malelan (malelan! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:30:09] malelan: has anyone had their video library suddenly "disappear" ever?
[00:31:52] wagnerrp: its only going to disappear if you issue a scan
[00:32:17] wagnerrp: and then it will only disappear if the backend registered for that content is online, and the content is not available
[00:33:39] malelan: well
[00:33:45] malelan: i entered videos from a frontend and it basically said
[00:33:47] malelan: there are no videos
[00:33:51] malelan: so i did what any sane person would do
[00:33:52] malelan: and went into the db
[00:33:56] malelan: all my metadata stuff is in there
[00:34:02] malelan: i certainly dont want to scan or i'll lose everything
[00:34:10] malelan: i guess my question is, whats the debug path to find out what happened here
[00:34:16] malelan: physically the files are there, same spot
[00:34:24] wagnerrp: the frontend should only be displaying content as listed in the database
[00:34:24] malelan: backend/frontend logs yield nothing of value
[00:34:42] wagnerrp: if nothing shows up in the frontend, yet videometadata in the database is populated
[00:34:43] malelan: the content is defintely listed in the database, not sure why thats not making it to my frontend
[00:34:53] wagnerrp: is it possible your frontend is operating on a different database?
[00:35:31] malelan: i didnt make any changes for that to happen, that and the fact that there isnt really a valid myth database anywhere on my network i'd assume backend/frontend would throw all sorts of errors if it tried to connect to something non-myth
[00:35:43] malelan: oddly enough
[00:35:48] malelan: videos show in mythweb
[00:36:44] malelan: so this seems to be narrowed down to a frontend db problem
[00:36:55] wagnerrp: well there should only one database
[00:37:00] wagnerrp: not a "frontend db"
[00:37:03] malelan: i've launched frontend from a terminal with -v but dont see any db connection (success or errors)
[00:37:16] wagnerrp: frontend, backend, mythweb, everything is supposed to use one singular databaes
[00:37:43] malelan: yeah
[00:37:47] malelan: only have one db on the server
[00:37:52] malelan: so there should be no confusion here
[00:38:02] malelan: everything was definitely rock solid before, didnt change anything database related
[00:39:12] malelan: ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt is definitely up to date
[00:41:11] malelan: of course this all happened because i added 'the hunger games' to the database for my wife.
[00:41:29] malelan: most likely unrelated but i'm certainly blaming that garbage
[00:42:27] wagnerrp: any chance you have "file browse" mode enabled?
[00:42:35] wagnerrp: if your frontend is connected to the right database
[00:42:46] wagnerrp: that's the only reason you would not be seeing that content
[00:42:56] wagnerrp: either that, or you enabled some filter, that filters everything
[00:43:07] malelan: no, i'm not seeing ANY content, everything that was there earlier is gone
[00:43:15] malelan: basically says, there are no videos, would you like to scan
[00:44:36] wagnerrp: you can always perform a database dump, scan, and see what happens
[00:44:55] malelan: already done
[00:44:57] malelan: when i scan
[00:45:00] malelan: it finds nothing
[00:45:09] malelan: even though my paths are correct and there are valid physical video files in the locations
[00:45:20] wagnerrp: is this a remote or local frontend?
[00:45:24] malelan: its local
[00:45:42] wagnerrp: any chance you're running with a user with no file permissions to those folders?
[00:45:59] malelan: lets check that
[00:46:27] wagnerrp: the scanner will call out to remote backends for remote machines
[00:46:36] wagnerrp: but any content on the local machine, it performs the scan itself
[00:46:44] wagnerrp: so file permissions can screw you
[00:46:45] tekdoc (tekdoc! has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[00:47:00] wagnerrp: is the content local to that machine, or is it on some remote network mount?
[00:47:31] malelan: my setup is pretty simple, there are no remote backends or frontends, its just one box, db/backend/frontend local
[00:47:36] malelan: all the files are on local drives
[00:47:40] malelan: its all local
[00:47:48] wagnerrp: linux native filesystem?
[00:47:49] malelan: permissions look ok too
[00:47:52] malelan: yeah its ext3
[00:48:48] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:49:48] wagnerrp: in the frontend, watch videos, theres a 'filter display' in the 'm' menu
[00:49:51] wagnerrp: any of those turned on?
[00:50:01] wagnerrp: or are they all set to "All"
[00:50:03] pvr4me (pvr4me! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:50:08] tgm4883: Where is the list of mythtv parts that coorispond to the different developers? I'm trying to find out who to talk to about the services api?
[00:50:28] malelan: lets check that out
[00:50:29] wagnerrp: if its the general API framework, thats david blain
[00:50:45] wagnerrp: otherwise, there's probably half a dozen people who have had their fingers in it
[00:50:49] tgm4883: heh
[00:51:12] malelan: haha
[00:51:13] malelan: filter
[00:51:16] tgm4883: wagnerrp, I'd like some added functionality. It seems if I want to get a list of shows, I have to get all the shows
[00:51:17] malelan: wtf
[00:51:44] tgm4883: and I'm willing to take a look at it and see if we can create and submit a patch
[00:51:44] malelan: somebody was filtering on something retarded (me)
[00:52:06] malelan: thanks man, your steps really helped put things into perspective for me
[00:53:17] tgm4883: minimally I'd like to add some optional components to GetRecordedList
[00:53:38] tgm4883: perhaps just allowing it to return a specific title
[00:53:58] wagnerrp: yeah, i just pulled that up, was trying to figure out what command you were using
[00:54:32] wagnerrp: so you're looking for something in the fashion of MythDB().searchRecorded() in the python bindings?
[00:54:55] tekdoc (tekdoc! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:55:14] tgm4883: wagnerrp, I haven't looked at that, but probably yea
[00:55:26] tgm4883: so rather than return all recordings, return just the ones that are <title>
[00:57:41] tgm4883: although not crucial, returning less data would help as well
[00:57:57] tgm4883: so perhaps something that returns only all recorded show titles
[00:58:32] tgm4883: IDK if it's my wireless or my netbook, but it takes a long time to return the full list right now
[00:58:33] wagnerrp: right.... certainly useful if you're trying to access this remotely over the internet, like it was intended to do
[00:58:39] tgm4883: yea
[00:59:07] wagnerrp: i wouldnt be surprised if it simply took a long time for a netbook to process a huge XML file
[00:59:32] tgm4883: which is why it would be nicer for it to return a smaller list of titles only
[01:11:15] dekarl (dekarl! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[01:21:11] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[01:29:05] Captain_Murdoch: tgm4883, you want GetFilteredRecordedList which can take a title, recgroup, or storage group as a filter.
[01:29:43] tgm4883: Captain_Murdoch, that is exactly what I want :)
[01:29:48] tgm4883: is that a Dvr service?
[01:29:52] Captain_Murdoch: yes
[01:30:14] Captain_Murdoch: GetRecordedList actually calls GetFilteredRecordedList with no filters. :)
[01:30:35] tgm4883: sweet
[01:30:42] Captain_Murdoch: except the startindex and count.
[01:30:54] tgm4883: I need to remember to check the wsdl on the backend rather than the wiki
[01:32:19] tgm4883: Captain_Murdoch, there doesn't happen to be a "return only titles" option is there?
[01:33:16] tgm4883: at a top level, that would be all I need until someone drills down
[01:33:51] Captain_Murdoch: tgm4883, not that I know of although I've debated adding one. I'm working on modifying the roku app to use the services API and I've already added a GetRecGroupList() to help with that.
[01:34:18] Captain_Murdoch: makes sense to just get a stringlist to use to then filter by.
[01:34:20] tgm4883: yea it just seems like a lot of data that something like the roku (or my unity scope) wouldn't use
[01:35:14] StevenR (StevenR! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[01:35:18] Captain_Murdoch: yep. I first actually set it up using the scripting language on the backend, but now am debating just redoing the brightscript and having the roku talk directly to the API instead of having scripts running on the backend creating xml specifically for the roku.
[01:35:55] StevenR (StevenR! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:36:38] tgm4883: that seems like a better solution than having multiple services on the backend providing the same data
[01:36:39] Captain_Murdoch: wait, there already is a GetTitleList(). :)
[01:36:55] Captain_Murdoch: does select distinct title from recorded;
[01:37:03] Captain_Murdoch: so there ya go!
[01:37:20] Captain_Murdoch: done, enhancement request closed (by someone else, probably Robert)
[01:38:13] Captain_Murdoch: I don't think he used Recording Groups, or else he might have added one of those also.
[01:38:17] tgm4883: Captain_Murdoch, and that is part of the Dvr services API as well?
[01:38:20] Captain_Murdoch: yes
[01:38:32] tgm4883: cause I don't actually see that listed when I link at the wsdl links
[01:38:37] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:39:01] Captain_Murdoch: hmm, maybe I added it and forgot. :)
[01:39:05] Captain_Murdoch: let me diff.
[01:39:11] tgm4883: http://ares:6544/Dvr/GetTitleList
[01:39:14] tgm4883: that doesn't work for me
[01:39:39] Captain_Murdoch: nevermind, I added that in my tree. :)
[01:39:43] Captain_Murdoch: sorry about that.
[01:39:57] Captain_Murdoch: so it's been thought about and will go in after we release, but too late for 0.26.
[01:40:08] tgm4883: ok
[01:45:27] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:56:13] tgm4883: Captain_Murdoch, how is the getfilteredrecordedlist suppose to filter on title? I've tried a range of things, but it's returning quite a long list of unrelated stuff
[01:56:22] tgm4883: eg GetFilteredRecordedList?Title=royal%20pains
[02:06:54] emmanuelux (emmanuelux!~emmanuelu@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:7998:7129:dece:6b26) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:08:46] tgm4883: If I use TitleRegEx=royal%20pains it tells me there are 7 available, but doesn't tell me any info about them
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[05:22:36] fafa88:
[05:24:08] wagnerrp: im guessing that one is pointed at me?
[05:25:33] fafa88: nope, accidently pasted.
[05:26:01] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[05:27:52] fafa88 (fafa88! has quit (Quit: Dude! You're getting a BitchX!)
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[05:37:56] monkeypet69 (monkeypet69! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:44:40] monkeypet69: wow, my oldest tv recording is from 2004!
[05:44:55] monkeypet69: 8 yrs of using mythtv.
[05:46:19] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:46:57] wagnerrp: i was going to say you were like user #10 on the wiki
[05:46:57] ** MythLogBot **
[05:47:06] wagnerrp: but i cant actually find your account on the wiki
[05:47:29] wagnerrp: i know you are referenced in there a decent amount, did you never follow the transfer to the new server?
[05:49:40] RagingComputer (RagingComputer! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[06:00:21] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has joined #mythtv-users
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[08:17:45] fugg: dekarl, i assumed the link unrelated in the first pass because it worked already on a slave. applied it anyway after you remembered me and it succeeded, it's obv. depending on speed because the slave where it worked had 900MHz while the new master where it broke has 4x3.2 GHz. thanks in advance ;)
[09:05:33] jduggan_ is now known as jduggan
[09:25:56] dekarl-work (dekarl-work!51c8c614@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[09:27:02] dekarl-work: fugg, now the fix just needs to get applied upstream
[09:28:26] fugg: dekarl-work, 3.7 then ;)
[09:28:53] dekarl-work: If we're lucky
[09:47:15] fugg (fugg! has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
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[10:44:48] Niffum (Niffum! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:46:56] Niffum: I did an upgrade a week ago and for some reason mythweb takes more than 5 mins to show the program details page
[10:47:02] Niffum: any one seen this before?
[10:47:35] Niffum: oh, and I worked out what this means apache2: PHP Warning: Unknown: function '0' not found or invalid function name in Unknown on line 0
[10:50:18] Niffum: for those playing along at home, in the apache config file you have to remove 2 lines, php_value output_handler and php_flag output_handler. Not sure what they do
[10:52:35] tekdoc (tekdoc!~tekdoc@ has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
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[12:53:21] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:54:13] esperegu: is there a way (keyboard shortcut or something) to get mythtv to play the livestream in realtime ?
[12:55:35] Niffum: without buffering?
[12:55:40] esperegu: yes
[12:56:18] Niffum: I didn't see one
[12:56:28] esperegu: when I press right button it always shows a few seconds are still there ( like 26:17 of 26:21 )
[12:56:52] esperegu: I want it to play 26:21 of 26:21 =)
[12:57:00] Niffum: heh
[12:57:11] Niffum: so its not the buffer that you care about
[12:57:15] Niffum: its playing the whole file?
[12:57:23] esperegu: it's a live stream
[12:57:28] esperegu: live tv
[12:57:34] Niffum: yeah
[12:57:38] Niffum: it writes the stream to the hdd
[12:57:44] Niffum: then reads it from the hdd
[12:58:12] esperegu: hmm
[12:58:17] Niffum: well, thats what it looks like it does
[12:58:45] Niffum: you have another tv running ?
[13:02:32] esperegu: with another receiver you mean?
[13:02:44] esperegu: no in that case
[13:08:09] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[13:25:40] croppa (croppa! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[13:34:18] fugg: it's afaik not possible by design.
[13:39:36] Niffum: you need to build a time machine, so you can go 5 seconds into the future
[13:40:55] Niffum: i'm still trying to fix mythweb
[13:43:09] fugg: Niffum, what to fix ?
[13:45:18] Niffum: when I go to the recording details page it takes 5 mins to load
[13:45:51] Niffum: its like php is getting stuck some where
[13:46:55] Niffum: i did a raw read from the webserver and it just stops sending me stuff in the modules/tv/tmpl/default/detail.php
[14:02:55] fugg: Niffum, mythweb is always a bit slow by design but i observed an additional speed-impact if something is working on the backend (stream/transcode/whatever) you can improve this by a.) enlarge the db-cache b.) do not run the db on the same drive c.) choose a proper FS ( i would recomment XFS with the option "delete slow" in backend.
[14:03:26] wagnerrp: you should only ever use "delete slow" if using ext3
[14:04:14] Niffum: both cores of the processor is sitting at under 10%
[14:04:34] Niffum: mythweb in general is really fast, ist just clicking on program details where it stops
[14:04:40] Niffum: literally hangs for 5 mins
[14:04:43] fugg: wagnerrp, XFS is slow on deletion too, this will be fixed in the next time but afaik not done already.
[14:04:48] wagnerrp: the individual program details?
[14:04:53] Niffum: yes just individual
[14:05:01] wagnerrp: its waiting on time image to timeout
[14:05:15] Niffum: ?
[14:05:19] wagnerrp: its trying to build and cache a larger thumbnail, but its not working
[14:05:31] wagnerrp: s/time/some/
[14:05:42] fugg: can the option to select recordings from frontend be hidden or pin-protected somehow ?
[14:05:52] wagnerrp: nope
[14:05:54] Niffum: can i disable that part of it to see if thats what it is?
[14:06:04] wagnerrp: i dont recall the fix off hand
[14:06:16] Niffum: i have 4 hard drives. 1TB OS, then I have 3x3TB for recordings
[14:06:26] Niffum: i did notice that one of the tables is over 300mb
[14:06:41] wagnerrp: its nothing to do with system performance
[14:07:25] Captain_Murdoch: tgm4883, you have to specify a count, it defaults to zero
[14:07:36] fugg: wagnerrp, should be an option, my son is used to record anything ;)
[14:08:12] Niffum: the 3 recording drives max write I measured at over 140MB/s
[14:08:50] Niffum: and those drives are ext4
[14:10:14] Niffum: at least I have something different to google, thanks
[14:12:47] Niffum: hoochie:/# ls -al /var/cache/mythweb/image_cache
[14:12:55] Niffum: drwxrwxr-t 2 root www-data 4096 Aug 24 14:34 .
[14:16:23] wagnerrp: ugh... why do places require security questions?
[14:16:58] Niffum: like "did you pack these bags yourself" ?
[14:17:07] ertyu-m: so they don't have to train their staff?
[14:17:27] wagnerrp: like "what is your favorite X?"... "what is your Y?"
[14:17:40] wagnerrp: identity verification for password recovery
[14:17:52] Niffum: my cat drinks from the toilet is usually a good responce
[14:17:57] Niffum: I don't have a cat
[14:20:42] ** tgm4883 notes that Niffum's security answer is "my cat drinks from the toilet" **
[14:20:43] fugg: Niffum, the raw speed of 140MB/s will break dow if you have moving heads (which occurs e.g. o 2 simultaneous recordings or db-access while streaming )
[14:20:59] wagnerrp: or just one recording
[14:21:16] tgm4883: Captain_Murdoch, thanks, I can't believe I didn't try that last night. I tried messing with the different titles and such, but not different options
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[14:21:22] wagnerrp: mythtv requires data be flushed once per second, which means writing the corresponding filesystem metadata as well
[14:21:52] tgm4883: wagnerrp, fixable by moving the db to another drive right?
[14:22:22] wagnerrp: filesystem metadata, the various tables the filesystem itself uses to remember what it has stored where
[14:22:31] fugg: ok, even slower than. ( also live-tv would write and read on different blocks)
[14:22:36] wagnerrp: you cant just stream data to a device, you need to keep a record of where you put it
[14:23:02] wagnerrp: a single write usually updates 3–4 points on the disk, rather than just the single data you wrote
[14:24:42] Niffum: fug, granted 140MB/s is sequential write... but I have 3 drives to record to...
[14:25:03] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:25:04] wagnerrp: three independent drives? or three drives in an array?
[14:25:10] Niffum: 3 different drives
[14:25:20] Niffum: all 3TB
[14:25:22] Niffum: ext4
[14:25:47] Captain_Murdoch: tgm4883, also, there's only a TitleRegEx, no Title arg.
[14:27:13] Niffum: the other drive is 1TB ext3 because I didn't have enough balls to convert it to ext4 and that one writes at 80MB/s
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[14:49:48] tgm4883: Captain_Murdoch, yea I found that as Title wasn't listed in the backend wsdl web page
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[15:06:46] hash_ (hash_! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:08:49] hash_: Ok I have ubuntu 11.10 and I want to install a tv tuner and add myth tv to my box The main thing i am having troube with is the choice of a tv tuner to get any good advice
[15:11:29] wagnerrp: any idea what your local cox franchise's behavior on CCI codes is?
[15:12:17] wagnerrp: scratch that, someone else submitted a lineup
[15:12:21] emmanuelux (emmanuelux!~emmanuelu@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:ac95:bf63:48e7:3d68) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:12:48] hash_: no i dont
[15:12:59] hash_: what is a cci code
[15:13:49] wagnerrp: mythtv supports cablecard tuners, but since mythtv is not licensed to use them, it can only access those channels marked DRM-free
[15:13:56] wagnerrp: CCI is "Copy Control Information"
[15:14:02] hash_: oh
[15:14:03] wagnerrp:
[15:14:21] hash_: u mean the encoded signals you need the cable card to decode
[15:14:35] wagnerrp: if you got a cablecard tuner, and rented a cablecard from cox, mythtv would be able to access any channels marked "Copy Free"
[15:15:29] wagnerrp: since mythtv is open source, and thus cannot do DRM
[15:15:38] wagnerrp: it is not authorized to access content that requires DRM
[15:15:50] wagnerrp: so we cannot use the "One Copy" or "Copy Never" content
[15:16:17] hash_: ah, so I couldnt even watch tv on my computer with cox and no extra cable card
[15:16:41] wagnerrp: if you just use a basic digital tuner, then you cannot do anything encrypted
[15:16:54] wagnerrp: which in practice usually limits you to the local broadcast channels
[15:17:29] hash_: yeah i dont watch local often enough to want to do that
[15:17:59] hash_: I was looking at cable card tuners but they are way to overpriced for me to get
[15:18:43] hash_: oh well
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[16:14:38] henkpoley: Today I plugged in my second CT3650 (a DVB-C tuner). When I have two connected channel changing results in corrupted video under mythtv 0.24 and 0.25. I can plug in either of them alone, and it will work.
[16:14:50] henkpoley: Anybody has a clue where to start debugging ?
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[19:23:20] dekarl: wagnerrp: does that ring a bell with you? AttributeError: '' object has no attribute 'utcisoformat'
[19:23:50] dekarl: ^- master as of 92016b9
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[19:32:37] wagnerrp: yeah, misconfigured type
[19:33:12] dekarl: already figured that some import/type has an issue somewhere
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[19:35:29] wagnerrp: its assuming the input would be my modified datetime class
[19:35:38] wagnerrp: but its being given the standard python date class
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[20:04:11] dekarl: wagnerrp: is supposed to work atm? I also notice that tests with " -t" fail as its not implemented.
[20:04:15] henkpoley (henkpoley!~henkpoley@2001:980:1241:1:a4ce:c32f:92a:cedd) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[20:04:40] wagnerrp: i think it should
[20:05:39] dekarl: it seems mythmetadatalookup tries with "-t" to see if the grabber is working and bails out with "mythmetadatalookup[14101]: I CoreContext metadatadownload.cpp:296 (MovieGrabberWorks) Movie grabber not functional. Aborting this run."
[20:06:24] dekarl: and every time when MovieData gets serialized to xml
[20:06:56] dekarl: I wonder what I'm doing wrong :/
[20:07:59] wagnerrp: the traceback is a known problem, my problem
[20:09:32] dekarl: ok, so I'll hold still and switch back to v2 in the meantime
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[21:05:22] fugg: can myth import/export partial info from database to another master ?
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[21:34:39] wagnerrp: you mean to recover on a replacement backend?
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