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Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012, 00:13 UTC
[00:13:07] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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[00:32:10] wagnerrp: Beirdo: ive been getting unrecoverable transcode errors for some time now
[00:32:16] wagnerrp: not sure if thats something you're aware of
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[00:36:57] Beirdo: doing what kind of transcode?
[00:37:10] wagnerrp: lossless, been happening for at least two months
[00:37:38] wagnerrp: i had more just assumed i was running an old version
[00:37:46] Beirdo: hmm
[00:37:46] wagnerrp: but a copy update today still has the same issue
[00:38:00] Beirdo: I thought we'd fixed that. Crap
[00:40:49] wagnerrp: want a log?
[00:42:27] Azelphur: tried mythtv on my nexus 7 inside a ubuntu chroot for shits and giggles
[00:42:32] Azelphur: didn't work, obviously
[00:42:43] Azelphur: well, mostly didn't work anyway
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[00:50:05] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:50:12] petethepirate: Anyone had a problem with .flv playing video but not audio? This started recently, everything else works fine. Only .flcs don't play audio.
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[14:05:25] stoth: g'morning devinheitmueller
[14:07:06] devinheitmueller: stoth: good morning sir.
[14:08:28] devinheitmueller: dth_: 2.5 seconds for the HVR-1900 to do channel changes? Really? That cannot be right.
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[14:19:16] dth_: devinheitmueller: it's true!
[14:19:19] dth_: no joking.
[14:19:37] dth_: even if i use ivtv-tune or v4l2-ctl to do the channel changing it takes exactly that long.
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[14:20:42] devinheitmueller: Hmmm, I wonder if mkrufky's latest batch of 18271 fixes caused a regression.
[14:21:18] devinheitmueller: If you run "dmesg" after doing the tune, do you see any messages along the line of "performing calibration"?
[14:21:28] devinheitmueller: (or any messages at all, for that matter)?
[14:21:52] devinheitmueller: And this is the 1900, right? Not the 1950?
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[14:22:34] dth_: it's the 1900 as I live in europe, right.
[14:22:38] devinheitmueller: ok
[14:22:55] devinheitmueller: dth_: and which kernel are you running?
[14:23:00] devinheitmueller: (I think you told me yesterday)
[14:23:06] dth_: # uname -a
[14:23:06] dth_: Linux vm-maia 3.2.0-29-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 27 17:03:23 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[14:23:09] devinheitmueller: ok
[14:23:13] dth_: same with the 32bit version though
[14:23:18] devinheitmueller: sure
[14:24:38] devinheitmueller: Hmmm, now that I think about it, perhaps his fixes were *after* 3.2.
[14:24:40] dth_: my only calibration entries in the kernel log are these:
[14:24:46] dth_: Aug 21 20:41:36 vm-maia kernel: [ 54.974485] tda18271: performing RF tracking filter calibration
[14:24:46] dth_: Aug 21 20:42:44 vm-maia kernel: [ 122.894904] tda18271: RF tracking filter calibration complete
[14:24:55] devinheitmueller: Ok, and you see those only when the device is setup, right?
[14:25:00] dth_: exactly, yeah.
[14:25:05] dth_: and a lot of channel tuning since then ;-)
[14:25:09] devinheitmueller: Ok, so you don't see those on every tuning attempts?
[14:25:12] devinheitmueller: cool.
[14:25:13] dth_: negative.
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[14:28:35] devinheitmueller: Hmm, mkrufky's changes went in in 2.6.39
[14:29:21] devinheitmueller: I wonder if it's been broken for that long.
[14:29:37] devinheitmueller: dth_: You said it was working before you upgraded. Do you remember what kernel you were on before the upgrade?
[14:30:04] dth_: whatever version mythbuntu 11.10 used.
[14:30:09] dth_: sorry, don't have it installed anymore.
[14:30:13] devinheitmueller: ok.
[14:30:16] dth_: though I don't know if channel tuning delay was shorter there.
[14:30:22] devinheitmueller: Fair enough.
[14:30:28] devinheitmueller: Lock time should be around 750ms.
[14:30:52] devinheitmueller: Ok, try this....
[14:31:57] devinheitmueller: unplug the device. Reboot. Run "modprobe tda18271 debug=1". Then plug the device in and attempt tuning.
[14:32:10] devinheitmueller: You should see a bunch of output to the dmesg, which you can pastebin.
[14:32:54] stoth: You may need higher levels of debug
[14:33:22] devinheitmueller: stoth: sure, but I figured 1 would be a reasonable place to start. We can increase the other debug flags once we have some idea what is going on.
[14:34:13] devinheitmueller: stoth: any idea what sort of analog lock times you were seeing on the 2250? I'm wondering if the problem is exclusive to the surrey/centerport, or if the driver is broken in general.
[14:35:02] dth_: devinheitmueller: will do that, but can't do it right away.
[14:35:06] devinheitmueller: dth_: np
[14:35:22] devinheitmueller: That's the obvious next step though, so whenever you get around to it, let me know the results.
[14:37:39] woprr (woprr! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:38:50] stoth: Pretty sure it wasn't 2.5 seconds.
[14:39:35] woprr: Q: mythtv-setup 0.24.2: invisible mouse cursor on debian squeeze ?
[14:39:55] woprr: local or remote display
[14:40:49] dth_: ubuntu 12.04 with mythtv 0.25 also has an invisible mouse cursor at times.
[14:40:55] tgm4883: Isn't the mouse cursor invisable by default?
[14:41:08] dth_: you can see it over text-fields, etc. but only sometimes over buttons / background
[14:42:03] woprr: i don't like gui setups , where's the config stored, DB?
[14:42:15] tgm4883: yes
[14:42:27] woprr: ok
[14:42:31] woprr: thx
[14:42:45] tgm4883: we'll be here later when something breaks ;)
[14:43:10] woprr: trying other gnome color theme, maybe the problem, high contrast black
[14:43:16] woprr: lol thx
[14:43:29] woprr: i'm used to break things myself :]
[14:43:49] tgm4883: I don't have a mythtv setup in front of me now, but IIRC there is a setting in the frontend for hiding the cursor
[14:45:32] sphery: Hide mouse cursor in MythTV: Toggles mouse cursor visibility for touchscreens. By default MythTV will auto-hide the cursor if the mouse doesn't move for a period, this setting disables the cursor entirely.
[14:45:42] sphery: in Appearance settings
[14:46:24] tgm4883: sphery, debian/ubuntu have that enabled by default
[14:46:30] sphery: that said, even in setup you shouldn't need the cursor
[14:46:45] sphery: tgm4883: the default for mythtv is to disable the "always hide" and just do the right thing
[14:46:47] woprr: hm
[14:47:03] tgm4883: sphery, right, but we have the "always hide" option enabled
[14:47:07] sphery: oh
[14:47:15] sphery: I wonder why we even still have that setting
[14:47:19] tgm4883: sphery, and I'm assuming that debian does as well, since they should be using the same packaging
[14:47:35] sphery: I remember stuartm put it back because of touchscreens... but you'd think touchscreens would need an "always show mouse cursor" setting
[14:48:10] sphery: I guess touch screen users may have been offended by the cursor appearing for a second or 2 when they touched the screen?
[14:48:20] tgm4883: possibly
[14:49:07] sphery: but with proper use of up/down/left/right/select, you can do all setup without the cursor
[14:51:37] woprr: ok
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[20:22:21] tgm4883: sphery, I expect to see those renamed when 0.26 releases
[20:22:34] tgm4883: 'To make it easier, think of LiveTV as, "Manual TV," whereas scheduled
[20:22:34] tgm4883: recordings are, "Automatic TV."'
[20:22:50] tgm4883: That would make everything soooo much easier
[20:23:21] sphery: hehe, yeah, if only I could
[20:23:55] ** tgm4883 contemplates renaming that in the Mythbuntu theme **
[20:25:54] sphery: of course, with those names we'll get the, "Oh, I prefer the manual way since I'm not stupid so I don't need the computer to think for me," OCD types
[20:26:43] sphery: who don't realize it's about having the computer do the manual tedious things for them versus the thinking for them
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[21:24:36] markcerv: w
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[21:39:44] caelor: wagnerrp, I'm hitting this problem with the python bindings after updating to 0.26 beta: – am thinking possibly a consequence of the UTC change?
[21:40:34] wagnerrp: yeah, i tried to make a quick change, but there are some problems in a few areas
[21:41:04] wagnerrp: im writing a replacement fully-timezone-aware datetime class
[21:41:25] wagnerrp: that should expose local to the user, and translate as necessary for interfacing with mythtv
[21:41:36] wagnerrp: will be in before 0.26 release is cut
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[21:43:01] caelor: alright, good to know. Thanks for the speedy response (as ever!)
[21:43:54] caelor: I'll keep an eye on commits/ #mythtv for when it goes in, and give it a try
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[22:28:40] tgm4883: sphery, I swear I'm not trolling the list
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[22:42:02] sphery: hehe
[22:43:13] sphery: at least that one was a new thread--I'm the one dragging old threads up (trying to catch up on my lists--a few hundred messages behind on -users)
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[23:18:08] kisak: small question, does mythweb for 0.26 play nicely with php 5.4?
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[23:53:44] tgm4883: sphery, and now I'm just trolling

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