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Monday, August 6th, 2012, 00:04 UTC
[00:04:27] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:25:32] Blaidd: no one around who can help?
[00:38:16] Blaidd: *sigh* That's embarasing.. figured out the issue...
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[01:34:20] wagnerrp: Beirdo: minidisc?
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[02:11:32] Beirdo: wagnerrp: yeah
[02:11:53] Beirdo: shared 1/8" jack for both analog line in and digital SPDIF
[02:13:56] wagnerrp: its magneto-optical
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[02:43:48] Beirdo: huh?
[02:43:56] Beirdo: the connector is optical
[02:44:16] Beirdo: where's the magnetic part?
[02:44:37] Beirdo: yeah, the disk mechanism is magneto-optical, I know how it works :)
[02:45:15] Beirdo: oh, and now iMovie is refusing to upload to youtube because the video's 20min long, even though I have permission to do so from youtube.
[02:45:18] Beirdo: go, Apple
[02:46:29] Beirdo: Projects posted to YouTube must be smaller than 2 GB and have a duration of less than 15 minutes. Please shorten your project before posting to YouTube
[02:46:32] Beirdo: liars
[02:48:35] Beirdo: Urgh
[02:51:47] Beirdo: now I need to cut out 5 min? Bah
[02:51:55] Beirdo: I'll cut it in half, then merge them
[02:56:14] skd5aner: Why not just upload it through something other than iMovie?
[02:58:10] Beirdo: because I edited it in iMovie
[02:59:58] Beirdo: exporting then exporting... that's an extra generation of lossiness, potentially
[03:00:18] wagnerrp: what is this video?
[03:00:56] Beirdo: from my camcorder
[03:01:11] Beirdo: me pulling apart an old Mac
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[03:32:22] skd5aner: Beirdo: well, would you have to transcode it twice?
[03:33:05] skd5aner: can't you just save it "as-is"?
[03:35:46] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:36:16] AndyCap_: or does imovie have some secret youtube handshake that makes youtube skip reencoding what comes out of imovie?
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[09:42:21] ServerSage: I have a strange problem. On both my Mac Pro and my Mac Mini, playback in Myth on OSX is choppy if MythTV has focus. But, if I give focus to another window (say Chrome for example) playback is fine. I've tried both vda and standard decoder, and have tried all the deinterlacers. I'm stumped.
[09:42:37] ServerSage: Oh, this is on 0.25.
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[13:48:26] neufeld: So, I've been setting up an HD-PVR, and it's been a disaster. I may have to give up on using it.
[13:50:06] neufeld: I finally got it kind of stable by turning off the receive function in the IR-blaster module, so it doesn't just vanish 5 minutes into a recording, but its reliability in actually starting up is disheartening.
[13:52:18] neufeld: I scheduled three recordings with it last night. The first one had errors starting up, but finally began recording 84 seconds late, which is too long a startup latency. It came in with the badly oversaturated colours, because my channel-changing script spawns off a child to sleep and fix that, but the time between channel change and actual recording was longer than the interval.
[13:52:51] ronoc-work: neufeld: I haven't used one, but I don't like the idea of it IR-Blasting though the layers like that. I have been very happy with my HDHR's.
[13:53:20] amessina (amessina!~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[13:54:43] devinheitmueller: neufeld: start by upgrading to kernel 3.1 or greater. The fix for the saturation issue went in over a year ago now.
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[13:54:46] neufeld: The second recording started 36 seconds late, but on a movie channel that often starts late, so it actually succeeded. However, it left the HD-PVR wedged and unable to start any new recordings. I can't unload the module, so I have to cold-boot both the backend and the HD-PVR. If I boot only the backend without power-cycling the HD-PVR, it clobbers the USB subsystem (different bus, HD-PVR is on a 2.0 bus, keyboard on a 1.1 bus)
[13:54:46] neufeld: the keyboard doesn't work.
[13:55:35] neufeld: ronoc-work: I've got an HDHR, very reliable. But our local cable provider is cutting off analogue cable in our area soon, so the PVR-500 I have will be much less useful, and we can't get the Space channel here without cable.
[13:57:32] devinheitmueller: ronoc-work: and the HDHR doesn't work if you don't have unencrypted digital cable.
[13:57:43] neufeld: devinheitmueller: I'm using a LinHES distribution, 2.6.39 kernel. If I start poking around at that I'll be opening a big headache because of all the tweaks I put through everything to get things working. I'm not much of a fan of distributions in general, and I know very little about how to modify an Arch Linux box without breaking everything.
[13:58:15] devinheitmueller: Yeah, you're using a kernel that is very old. You shouldn't be surprised to have issues.
[13:58:44] devinheitmueller: Unfortunately, that's largely a consequence of the Linux kernel development model (device driver updates only come through new kernels).
[13:58:58] neufeld: I've got my HDHR connected to two antennae, a UHF and a VHF through a UVSJ. As I said, it's very reliable, but there are some things it can't get. Doctor Who in high definition is a big sell for my wife.
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[13:59:26] devinheitmueller: Whoops. The saturation control fixes came in 3.4 (February), not 3.1. My bad.
[14:00:06] neufeld: devinheitmueller: the oversaturation issue is something that I can live with and work around, re-recording if necessary. But having the HD-PVR wedge itself so badly that everything has to be power-cycled is really not practical. Do we think the newer kernel will fix that?
[14:00:13] devinheitmueller: (there were submitted in October, but took four months to be accepted upstream for no good reason).
[14:00:26] devinheitmueller: It's entirely possible. There have been several fixes.
[14:00:30] devinheitmueller: meeting. bbl.
[14:00:40] neufeld: thanks / bye
[14:01:05] ronoc-work: neufeld: I have the HDHR grabbing off antenna and the HDHR Prime CC grabbing encrypted channels off cable. I wasn't thorough at first.
[14:02:17] neufeld: ronoc-work: you're an American. We don't have cable cards up here in the Great White North, and our firewire ports are disabled.
[14:06:47] ronoc-work: neufeld: Roger that. I wasn't trying to serve up well known solutions to you. Only empathizing with your frustration, then clarifying my setup. GL with your kernel.
[14:08:04] neufeld: ronoc-work: thanks
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[14:39:58] neufeld: Hmm. LinHES posted a new release a few weeks ago. I guess it's time to make a backup and try it out...
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[14:44:44] jpabq: neufeld, the kinds of problems you are describing sound like USB issues to me. The HD-PVR works best if it has a usb "hub" all to itself. By "hub" I basically mean the USB chip on the motherboard. You could also try it with a dedicated USB PCIe card.
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[15:02:10] neufeld: jpabq: sorry, AFK for a bit. Well, the HD-PVR is the only device plugged into the USB 2.0 bus, so I think that's been satisfied. I'm heard things about "legacy USB" BIOS settings, I might try to poke at that a bit if the kernel upgrade doesn't make things look better.
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[17:18:26] Gonzalez-: does anyone know if #10428 fix is in the MythTV PPA yet?
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[17:28:36] jarle: When changing channels in Live-TV I usually never the tuning information (LMSC..) in the OSD. I only see this information when first entering into Live-TV. Can anybody confirm this behavior , or is it a bug at my end?
[17:28:56] jarle: "I usually never see...."
[17:29:55] jarle: Before upgrading to 0.25-fixes this information was displayed in OSD each time I tuned a new channel...
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[19:18:56] neufeld: Cautiously optimistic after the LinHES upgrade to 7.3. Recordings start right up in about one second. Now, to let it record several shows and see if it gets wedged. Note that this is still a 2.6.39 kernel, but a more recent compile that probably has fixes back-ported in.
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[21:45:20] frodef: I'm trying to upgrade backend to 0.25 on a ubuntu server, but mythtv-backend is behaving very strangely... I can't even find its log output?!
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[23:52:57] neufeld_AFK: frodef: I noticed in my upgrade to 0.25 today that mythbackend logging has changed. On my LinHES box it now goes through syslog on local6 instead of to a file. Check your mythbackend invocation, and your syslog redirections.

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