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Thursday, July 5th, 2012, 00:02 UTC
[00:02:43] sl1ce (sl1ce! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:41:42] mendalon: anybody know if the new rc-core-based kernel modules can be used to do serial blaster stuff? i'm trying to transmit ir codes via a serial port and i'd like to avoid using lirc if possible.
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[00:57:10] L3top: what sort of hw are you using?
[00:57:18] L3top: You can avoid it on USB-UIRT
[00:57:31] sl1ce (sl1ce! has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[00:57:53] L3top: oh... you are going straight serial?
[00:57:59] sl1ce (sl1ce! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:58:01] L3top: I would need to know more about the hardware
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[01:06:12] mendalon: i'm using a homebrew serial blaster from i understand that it was designed to use with lirc but i figure it should still work with the new built-in kernel drivers. i'm just not sure how to proceed.
[01:06:50] mendalon: yeah, it is basically straight serial.
[01:07:13] sl1ce_: hi
[01:08:00] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[01:08:05] sl1ce_: i just upgraded my video card to radeon 6970, now hen i run my frontend i can't get back to any other windows
[01:08:25] Davel23 (Davel23!6c155bf6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[01:08:51] Davel23: Anyone around?
[01:09:07] sl1ce_: have to power cycle my machine to get back to a working state
[01:10:09] Davel23: I was wondering if I could get a recommendation as to which distro I should pick?
[01:13:09] Davel23: Anyone?
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[02:02:01] sl1ce_: is anyone around?
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[02:11:37] sl1ce: whenever i play video from mythtv it locks up my entrie desktop
[02:12:01] sl1ce: the video plays fine
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[03:47:38] J-e-f-f-A: grr... getting lots of failed recordings on 0.25 with my HD-PVRs...
[03:49:19] Sharky112065: J-e-f-f-A: did you do a pull today? There is a fix that was causing me issues.
[03:49:47] J-e-f-f-A: Sharky112065: No, I installed on Sunday, and last pull I did was yesterday.
[03:49:52] Sharky112065: Anyone know how to get hdmi audio (Nvidia) working? I backed out to the desktop and played a video and dont even get audio there.
[03:50:16] Sharky112065: J-e-f-f-A: pull again today then. the fix was put in this morning.
[03:50:45] Sharky112065: J-e-f-f-A: I had the same problems with the pull from sunday
[03:50:50] J-e-f-f-A: Sharky112065: Yay. I'll do it now before I go to bed then... I don't want it to miss Burn Notice on Thursday- that would piss me off!
[03:51:19] Sharky112065: I'm all done except for the sound on my front end pc
[03:51:32] J-e-f-f-A: Ok, I see 2 fixes to the scheduler...
[03:51:51] Sharky112065: aplay -l shows the HDMI as the third listed on the output
[03:52:12] J-e-f-f-A: Sharky112065: I haven't fiddled with Digital audio as of yet... been running myth for years, but still only running Analog audio, as my 'man cave' plans have been on hold due to $$$ issues.
[03:54:45] Sharky112065: I may be stuck without digital audio if I cant get it figured out
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[04:08:44] Sharky112065: #%#$@# fermi not suported by the Debian Squeeze kernel
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[11:14:05] wizbit: 25.1 is awesome
[11:15:16] ** wizbit hopes someone creates a 4:3 version of retro theme **
[11:15:25] wizbit: the best theme out there!
[11:25:16] gregL (gregL! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:28:19] Sharky112065: what the default one?
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[11:54:03] jrb^: Hi all
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[11:56:16] jrb^: I am checking to see if the fix for the condition I mentioned will get committed to .25-fixes soon. I have had to reboot a couple more times due to the 'lockup' since yesterday.
[12:09:08] jrb^: Will it be bad form if i visit #mythtv and ask stuartm about it? I know he has been working on it with Sharky112065 testing it. I know they have lots on their plates. :-)
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[12:10:14] natanojl: jrb^: . . . 30fcf504f924
[12:13:20] jrb^: thanks. I was under the impression it didn't have the full fix tho. I thought it was just restoring what was reverted in the previous commit. I hope I am wrong!
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[12:25:26] natanojl: jrb^: It did contain a small but significant change. . . . f924#L0R2069 vs . . . d48a#L0R2069
[12:25:41] natanojl: Notice the lock/unlock vs lock/lock
[12:26:35] jrb^: ok, cool! I was hoping that made it in, but got confused the banter here. Thanks for enlightening me!
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[13:29:25] Sharky112065: jrb: when he put the commit back, he fixed it.
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[15:51:23] skd5aner: J-e-f-f-A: what are your issues with the HD-PVR(s)? How long have you been using them/when did you buy them? what are your symptoms?
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[17:35:09] J-e-f-f-A: skd5aner: Mythbackend thinks it's recording, but it's not. Boucing the backend fixes the issue, so the HD-PVRs were not hung themselves. But I did a pull last-night, hopefully things are better when I get home tonight...
[17:36:21] J-e-f-f-A: skd5aner: I've had them for > 2 years – been running fine on 0.24 except for the occasional HD-PVR lockup.
[17:49:18] Sharky112065: anyone know of a remote control that is a rf keyboard type remote? I can no longer use lirc on Debian Squeeze because I had to install the 3.2.0–0 kernel to get my hdmi audio working.
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[18:59:06] wizbit: my diskless frontend does not seem to work with noatime in fstab
[19:00:00] wizbit: actually it might be another problem
[19:00:08] wizbit: my rc.mythbackend is not working
[19:00:24] ** wizbit checks his backend **
[19:02:04] wizbit: this does not seem to work:
[19:02:13] wizbit: it works when i start but not stop
[19:03:32] wizbit: i think its because i rebooted server without closing mythbackend
[19:03:48] ** wizbit checks rc.local_shutdown **
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[19:51:29] artus39: hi all
[19:52:06] artus39: anybody using mythtv on ubuntu 12.04?
[19:53:46] artus39: I am having issues with shutdown and wakeup
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[19:55:14] artus39: it does not boot up again after a shutdown
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[20:25:17] Beirdo: OMG, I hate college radio stations
[20:26:16] wizbit: bloody heck
[20:26:28] wizbit: if you use a diskless frontend, make sure you stick noatime in fstab
[20:26:34] wizbit: mine flys like a rocket now
[20:26:38] Beirdo: duh
[20:26:40] Beirdo: :)
[20:26:55] Beirdo: nodiratime probably would be beneficial too
[20:27:04] wizbit: should i stick both in?
[20:27:20] Beirdo: can't see why not
[20:27:42] Beirdo: nodiratime stops it from updating the directory entry on every access
[20:27:47] wizbit: ace
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[20:27:54] wizbit: Beirdo: i could do that on all boxes
[20:28:10] Beirdo: unless you actually care about atimes, yeah
[20:28:25] Beirdo: my mysql partition has noatime,nodiratime :)
[20:28:40] wizbit: ace
[20:28:53] artus391: hi all
[20:29:58] artus391: anybody running ubuntu 12.04?
[20:30:41] Beirdo: I'm sure millions of people are by now
[20:31:24] Beirdo: what's your question? :)
[20:32:42] wizbit: Beirdo: my mythtv recordings drive looks like this:
[20:32:44] wizbit: /dev/sdb1 /srv/mythtv xfs defaults,noatime,nodiratime,allocsize=512m 0 2
[20:33:01] wizbit: /dev/system/tftp /srv/tftp ext4 defaults,noatime,nodiratime 0 0 <-- for diskless frontend
[20:33:15] artus391: Beirdo: shutdown and wake up
[20:33:39] artus391: it does not work correctly
[20:33:54] artus391: it does shut down
[20:34:23] artus391: and writes the wake up time to BIOS
[20:34:54] Beirdo: artus391: ahh. I don't use that feature, my boxes stay on 24/7
[20:35:33] artus391: mine did work well with mythdora12
[20:36:14] artus391: but the wake up does not work even the BIOS has the time to do the power up
[20:37:07] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[20:38:04] Beirdo: you might have to check ubuntu forums to see if this is a known issue, etc.
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[23:18:15] billstei: I have with --chanid and --starttime running on a Recording Started system event, and it works for the first test recording, but then fails on the second test recording. Any idea why this would happen?
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[23:29:09] billstei: This seems to be a race problem as I can run without --chanid and --starttime on the entire directory after the recording has finished and the link that failed to create is now created. The backend machine is a relatively slow machine (P4 at 2.4 Ghz)
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