:: #mythtv-users

Daily chat history

Current users (159):

adante, akv, aloril, amessina, AndyCap, Anomaly`, anykey_, Azelphur, baggy, ben1066, ben1066_, benc_, BLZbubba_, brfransen, Captain_Murdoch, Cardoe, ChanServ, CiaranG, clever_, Cougar, Czar_Away, d0netsFN, damaltor, Dave123, Dave123-road, dekarl1, DeviceZer0, dinamic|screen, dlblog, dmz, emmanuelux, ertyu-m, felipe`, FinnTux, Floppe, frankster, ghoti, gigem, gregL, GreyFoxx, Heliwr, highzeth, Hoochster, idl0r, ikevin, infojunky, J-e-f-f-A, jams, jarle, jayb, jbrett, jcarlos, jduggan, jm|laptop, johnf1911, johnsu01, joki, jpabq, jstenback, justdave, justinh, jwh, jya_, jya__, KaZeR, kc, keith4, kinsel8, knightr, kormoc, kurre2, kwmonroe, laga, lapion, linuxtech, lis0r, lotia, mag0o, map7, markcerv, MaverickTech, Metoer, MilkBoy, MissionCritical, MMlosh, Moscherkobold, Muzer, mycosys, MythLogBot, mzanetti, mzb, n0tk, n1md4, Nigel, NightMonkey, npm, nutron, Oleg_, oobe, peitolm, Peps, petefunk_, peterpops, pgf, pigeon, pplmaker__, purserj, quicksilver, RagingComputer, RagingMind, rich0, rossand, rsiebert, rudy__, Scopeuk, Seeker`, seld, ServerSage, Shadow__1, Shadow__X, Sharky112065, sid3windr, simcop2387, skd5aner, sl1ce, Slasher`, SmallR2002, Spanky_, sphery, Spida, squidly, StevenR, Sulx, sunkan, sutula, tank-man, Technophil, tgm4883, toeb, tomimo, tom_, toorima, tris, troyt, trumee, Twiggy2cents, ubIx, Unhelpful, whoDat, wizbit, xavierh, XDS2010, Xeneth, xris, zombor, zombor_, _abbenormal, _charly_, _Techie_-_AFK_
Tuesday, June 26th, 2012, 00:04 UTC
[00:04:37] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:59:31] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:07:36] lapion: is there a problem tuning with analog cards under mythtv amd64 ?
[02:08:53] tank-man: nope
[02:11:25] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:13:24] [R]: so i havent had any new shows in like a week
[02:13:28] [R]: and i thought it was odd
[02:13:32] [R]: had a bunch of faield crap
[02:13:41] [R]: reset it all, now its fine... i really need to set up that failed recording event
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[13:00:51] k-man: on ABC2 there is 2 different shows called Louie. I want to record only one of them, which is a kids show. how might i construct a recording rule to work around that issue?
[13:01:57] k-man: ah actually, i think i can do it with a custom rule
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[16:57:38] sunkan: Have been using MythTV for years now, but one thing that I have not understood is how to rescan for new channels without wreaking havoc among manually numbered channels.. Are there procedures for this documented somewhere?
[16:58:47] jarle: sunkan: this is an area where there are room for lot of improvement when it comes to mythtv...
[16:59:15] sunkan: jarle: That has been my understanding as well, was hoping for another answer though ;)
[16:59:51] sunkan: jarle: Have been getting around it by hacking the SQL DB manually, but am not sure if there are pitfalls when doing so.
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[17:02:25] jarle: sunkan: I don't care about the channel-numbering, however I get a lot of channels over dvb-s that are encrypted, and that I do not have a subscription for, so each time I re-scan I'll have to delete those channels, or at least turn of EPG for those channels...
[17:02:44] jarle: turn off...
[17:04:05] sunkan: jarle: Same here, don't have subscription for more than 10% of all channels I would guess.. Don't have EIT (I think you mean the EIT when you say EPG?) working right now am relying solely on xmltv for that data.
[17:07:34] jarle: sunkan: yes, I'm using EIT
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[17:09:02] sunkan: jarle: I've not gotten that working properly.. Will need to read up a bit on it. Am using DVB-S and I think I need to set it for a specific channel that provides all the EIT data..
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[17:11:33] jarle: sunkan: all you need to do it allow it to do both passive and active EIT-scan. Passive scan means that it will grab EIT data while you are watching/recording a show, when you enable active scan you will let it browse channels when the tuner is not in use and grab the eit data that it finds.
[17:13:53] jarle: sunkan: make sure that you run mythbackend with "-v eit" as argument and you'll see a lot of stuff like "EITHelper: Added XX events" if EIT is working...
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[17:17:34] sunkan: jarle: It looks as I have it turned on.. Running now with "-v eit" so will see if that gives any hints..
[17:19:10] jarle: sunkan: deleting channels that you can'r decrypt, or et least turn of EIT on those channels will make it easier for the scanner not to waste time scanning the wrong channels...
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[17:23:29] stuartm: jarle: the scan should ignore encrypted channels by default?
[17:24:25] stuartm: and checking 'Test decryption' should deal with setups where you have a sub to some channels but not others
[17:25:25] jarle: stuartm: In reality this only works to some degree, I still end up with alot of channels I can not decrypt...
[17:27:34] stuartm: hmm, any tickets open for that? It's definitely a bug
[17:30:06] stuartm: of course if the channels are viewable for only part of the day then that's not something we can help with :/
[17:37:31] jarle: When entering a channel number in Live-TV I used to get "LMSC" in the OSD showing me if it got a lock and was able to decrypt the channel, after a recent update I only get the LMSC when I first enter Live-TV, not when I brows to a new channel??
[17:40:20] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[17:43:52] sunkan: jarle: Not getting any EIT it seems.. I see "EITScanner (1): Started passive scan." when switching to BBC entertainment for example (one channel I have no xmltv data for). Eventually this message is output "TVRec(3): EIT scanning disabled for this card."
[17:44:52] jarle: sunkan: You have to enable EIT scanning for each card you want to allow to do active scanning.
[17:46:32] sunkan: jarle: It's active for one card and inactive for the other I think.. Can enable for both of them to see what happens, but this was passive scanning (as I understand it scanning the data from current channel?) so that would be a different option I guess, like the useonairguide option for the channel
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[17:48:21] sunkan: jarle: I wonder if the solution I have for decoding the channels can be interfering with the EIT data? What do people use if they don't have tuner cards that decode on their own?
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[17:49:47] jarle: sunkan: try tuning to a channel that has not got any data from xmltv, and then press "i", if you see program info, it is working fine...
[17:50:22] sunkan: jarle: Thats exactly what I did and that is not working for me unfortunately.
[17:50:37] jarle: sunkan: however, when you first start using EIT you will need to let it run for a day or so for the EIT data to fill up...
[17:51:20] jarle: sunkan: but most/all cahnnel should give you this program/next program right away...
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[17:52:17] sunkan: jarle: Have been configured forever, just never been working. What I have done is to turn off active scanning on one card (don't remember why though) and unchecked the useonairguide for lots of channels I don't have subscription for in MythWeb
[17:54:46] jarle: sunkan: basically for EIT to work, you should only need to make sure that useonairguide is set for each cahnnel (on by default), and that EIT scanning is turned on for at least one card, and also you need to have the input set to EIT instead of xmltv.
[17:55:28] sunkan: jarle: What do you mean with the input?
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[17:57:56] jarle: sunkan: for each card you will have to tell it where it will get the program data, the field called "sourceid" in
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[18:09:46] sunkan: jarle: is there supposed to be a default video source called EIT or something? I created a new one called EIT that was set to only use EIT and then changed the BBC channel to use that. Then I hav
[18:10:20] sunkan: jarle: I had to setup one input to use the EIT video source.. Still no go though...
[18:10:26] jarle:
[18:11:48] sunkan: jarle: I'm there already, but did not get through the whole article before starting to discuss here... Will look through properly and see if anything good comes out.. Thanks for help so far
[18:12:36] jarle: sunkan: basically all you should need to do is add a video source for EIT to each input.
[18:14:19] sunkan: jarle: What I don't understand is if it's possible to use both EIT and xmltv – or maybe I should not need to run xmltv?
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[18:19:38] wagnerrp: sunkan: no, you should not mix eit and xmltv on the same channel
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[18:25:26] sunkan: wagnerrp: I meant to mix xmltv and EIT on the same input, so some channels would use EIT and others xmltv (using the same physical input)
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[18:53:05] mythmedia: anyone available for help mythtv0.25????
[18:55:19] mythmedia: only bots today???
[18:56:34] toeb: mythmedia: you should ask a question...
[18:56:55] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:57:21] toeb: if anyone can answer he propably will...
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[18:58:29] mythmedia: help on fresh installed myth0.25 on ubuntu-studio 12.04 LTS: while configuring frontend blank screen --> any idea????
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[19:00:32] toeb: anything in the frontend logs?
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[19:08:03] mythmedia: frontend.log: Jun 26 21:03:20 htpc mythfrontend[2665]: W CoreContext util-nvctrl.cpp:62 (CheckNVOpenGLSyncToVBlank) NVCtrl: OpenGL Sync to VBlank is disabled.
[19:08:20] mythmedia: going to change nvidia-settings
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[19:47:05] jarle: sunkan: as long as you don't have both EIT and xmltv for the same channels you should be able to mix, even though it is probably recomended to choose only one..
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[21:27:16] Sharky112065: Anyone that can help with a compiling for windows issue?
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[22:05:56] Xeneth: Anyone know how to add a folder to Ubuntu so that the video's show for play?
[22:06:58] Xeneth: *still sleep* I mean to MythTV
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[22:11:36] Sharky112065: Xeneth: did you set up a videos folder in mythtv-setup?
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[22:12:15] Sharky112065: Xeneth: mine is /var/video/videos and works
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[22:13:22] Sharky112065: Xeneth: also make sure that the user running mythbackend has permissions to read/write to the folder
[22:14:09] Xeneth: This is Mythbuntu so most of it was already done. I want to onclude a floder for playback without saving things to it because it's an SSH mount with SSHFS.
[22:14:20] Xeneth: ... include
[22:14:40] Xeneth: Pardon Typo,s, I DID just wake up.
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[22:15:53] Xeneth: Is there a way to include a folder when scannning for video's without making it the recordings folder?
[22:16:30] Sharky112065: Xeneth: you still need to run mythtv-setup to ensure that the folder is defined.
[22:16:42] Sharky112065: Xeneth: cant you just make it a symbolic link?
[22:17:46] Sharky112065: Xeneth: I have not tried to add subfolders to it yet. If that works then you could simply add a symbolic link to a folder in the /var/video/videos folder
[22:17:49] Xeneth: I thought of that, but I do not know where they are stored. That's why I am looking for seting up what folder, so I can see where they are being stored.
[22:18:15] Sharky112065: Xeneth: run mythtv-setup and find out where they are stored
[22:18:43] Xeneth: Once it's done with this *rss update*, I'll look into that.
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[23:01:56] wagnerrp: Xeneth: specifically, you want to add your path to the 'Videos' storage group in mythtv-setup
[23:02:14] wagnerrp: note that mythtv merges all folders listed there together
[23:02:32] wagnerrp: you do not see the folder names, you see the content listed there in
[23:03:02] Sharky112065: Xeneth: and yes subfolders do work. so you could drop a symbolic link in there
[23:04:23] Sharky112065: +wagnerrp: yeah I was kinda hoping it would diferetiate between folders so I could have both watched and new folders to keep track of which of my movies I have seen.
[23:04:52] wagnerrp: well you can, it just needs to be defined as subfolders within the root you define for the storage groups
[23:05:14] wagnerrp: it is designed such that you can transparently store your video across multiple independent drives
[23:05:16] Sharky112065: ah. ok so has to be done in mythtv-setup?
[23:05:27] wagnerrp: and not have to search through multiple drives to find the content you are looking for
[23:05:51] wagnerrp: with the consequence that the content on all those drives must exhibit the same folder structure from the defined root
[23:07:10] wagnerrp: in other words, youre not supposed to specify separate folders in mythtv-setup for TV, Movies, etc...
[23:07:44] wagnerrp: the folders you specify there should each contain a partial set of all of those
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[23:09:02] Sharky112065: Im going to have to re-read that a couple times. I'm now confused.
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[23:10:57] Sharky112065: So If I wanted to see two diff catagories for my movies, lets say watched and unwatched. Would I create the two directories within the folder I defined for video in mythtv-setup, or would I define both watched and unwatched folders in mythtv-setup ie /var/videos --> /var/videos/watched and /var/videos/unwatched.
[23:11:47] Sharky112065: i ment /var/video/videos --> /var/video/videos/watched and /var/video/videos/unwatched
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[23:15:05] wagnerrp:
[23:15:27] Sharky112065: Guess it does not matter, there is a watched toggle with a checkmark, which will work for me.
[23:15:29] wagnerrp: Sharky112065: ^^^^
[23:15:35] Sharky112065: checking
[23:16:14] wagnerrp: its designed in that manner to allow users to have one coherent structure, without having to resort to disk arrays or symlinks to achieve it
[23:17:01] wagnerrp: actually, i screwed up disk3... but you should get the gist of it
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[23:18:22] Sharky112065: got it. thanks
[23:21:15] Sharky112065: +wagnerrp: do you know how to compile mythtv .25 for windows? I've tried the script on the Debian Squeeze system that I built the linux version on, Tried it on a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 in virtualbox and on Windows7 mingw32. All fail at different places lol
[23:21:36] wagnerrp: no clue... never got it to work properly myself
[23:22:49] Sharky112065: Ok, guess ill fire off an email to the guy that wrote the script then. Hopefully his email is listed somewhere. Last thing I will try is a new install of Debian Squeeze on virtualbox and a rebuild on that. I have log files for all of the compiles to give him
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[23:24:27] Toast (Toast!~quassel@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[23:27:53] bentech (bentech! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:29:44] Toast (Toast!~quassel@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:29:48] bentech (bentech! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:42:23] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[23:51:29] knightr_ (knightr_! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:52:08] knightr (knightr!~knightr@mythtv/developer/knightr) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:52:26] faichele (faichele! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

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