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Monday, May 28th, 2012, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:05] Technodrome: as a full time programmer i hate noobs to, but 20 mins ago i had no idea what even a cable card or any of this crap really was
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[00:01:21] Technodrome: thats insane that no one has broken that media center encryption though, its not like its on some other locked down device with crazy partition and a botched unix os
[00:01:45] Technodrome: fryguy: how does a cable card save money?
[00:02:01] Technodrome: i know sometimes they are built into tv's
[00:02:10] fryguy: Technodrome: it costs about $4 to rent a cablecard instead of $15+ to rent a box
[00:02:29] fryguy: and 1 cablecard has multiple tuners, so you can have 1 box often replace 2 or more boxes
[00:02:34] fryguy: they are never built into TVs
[00:02:36] Technodrome: but you have to have a device that supports a cable card right?
[00:02:46] fryguy: cablecard PORTS are built into TVs, but teh cablecards themselves only come from your provider
[00:02:52] fryguy: right
[00:03:13] Technodrome: yes i meant the device is there
[00:03:23] Technodrome: how much does the devices cost?
[00:03:38] fryguy: i just bought an HD homerun prime the other day for $130
[00:03:49] fryguy: ceton makes a 4-tuner pci-e card for around $200
[00:04:24] emmanuelux (emmanuelux!~emmanuelu@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:04:26] Technodrome: so my 3.00 fee per month is still cheaper :)
[00:04:46] fryguy: if you are paying $3/month for a cablebox you are getting the deal of a centure
[00:04:48] fryguy: y
[00:09:50] Technodrome: with a cablecard you can sitll watch the copy never channels you just cant' record them right fryguy ?
[00:10:11] Technodrome: fryguy: its $4.00 for my first one and 3.00 for my 2nd
[00:10:39] fryguy: Technodrome: no
[00:10:43] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:10:48] fryguy: Technodrome: there's no actual content that's copy never though
[00:10:54] fryguy: got banned by supreme court a while ago I think
[00:10:57] Technodrome: ah
[00:10:57] fryguy: still in the cablecard spec though
[00:11:01] Technodrome: i mean copy once then
[00:11:05] fryguy: there's still some copy once stuff
[00:11:06] Technodrome: can you still *watch* the channels?
[00:11:08] fryguy: you can't watch it at all
[00:11:10] fryguy: on myth
[00:11:11] Technodrome: ah
[00:11:27] Technodrome: it would have to be like tivo or windows media center to do it right?
[00:11:41] Technodrome: a system locked down where it would follow the regulations
[00:11:42] fryguy: because myth can't 'prove' that you'll only allow access to it once, while something that is certified to the cablelabs spec (like windows media center), can
[00:11:45] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:13:06] fryguy: as far as I know, there's no reason that mythtv isn't actually certified, it's just a pain in the ass to do in an opensource project, and would require funding etc. and you wouldn't be able to update the product after certification
[00:13:20] fryguy: so, well. i guess those are some reasons :)
[00:13:43] Technodrome: I <3 DRM
[00:17:33] Technodrome: windows media center actually looks pretty decent UI wise
[00:17:37] Technodrome: i never looked at it before
[00:20:22] Technodrome: fryguy: is there really any quality difference betwwen hdmi and component
[00:20:32] Technodrome: i have a friend who rambles about it but i never bothered researching
[00:20:45] fryguy: you are using a different decoder in each case
[00:20:52] fryguy: and component doesn't carry audio
[00:21:04] Technodrome: i menat just for picture quality
[00:21:14] fryguy: you are using a different decoder in each case
[00:23:38] Technodrome: if you use a hdmi to dvi converter , can you then capture and record the video , aka loose the drm ness?
[00:23:44] Technodrome: that way i wouldn't have to use analog
[00:24:43] fryguy: no
[00:25:10] Technodrome: fryguy: the drm still stands?
[00:25:24] fryguy: Technodrome: yes
[00:25:31] fryguy: Technodrome: look up hdcp
[00:25:33] Technodrome: dang
[00:28:22] Technodrome: fryguy: they really went hard with the DRM stuff huh
[00:36:53] Ankhwatcher (Ankhwatcher! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[02:34:53] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: thanks again. The fix hit the mythbuntu repo and it works now
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[03:52:50] wagnerrp: sphery: the zombie apocalypse has started... in florida
[03:53:12] wagnerrp: a naked undead creature was put down by police, found eating another man's face
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[04:30:58] Swabby (Swabby! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:31:38] Swabby: Is there a place on the mythtv website that shows recommended hardware? I realize its based on how much load your putting on the system but was just curious if there's a list of "tried" hardware
[04:33:57] Goga777 (Goga777!~Goga777@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:34:20] Xn0p0rdyH:
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[04:34:48] Swabby: thnx
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[04:55:46] tank-man: looking to run it on a toaster?
[04:56:40] tank-man: start with what your video source will be and go from there
[05:00:13] Swabby: lol
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[07:18:01] Beirdo: wow, it's siren city here.
[07:18:18] Beirdo: and that's 4 cop cars whooshing by at > 60mph
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[08:16:06] stuartm: Beirdo: be glad you don't live here, Police, Fire, Ambulance race by several times a day, amusingly enough often in different directions at the same time
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[10:43:42] Ankhwatcher (Ankhwatcher! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:44:02] Ankhwatcher: Hey there, how would I set Myth to only retain things for 1 month?
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[11:09:52] jarle: Ankhwatcher: not sure if there is a such a setting. You could set it to keep only xx episodes though..
[11:10:35] jarle: Ankhwatcher: mythtv will automatically delete the oldest recordings (if set to auto-expire) if it needs more space on the disk..
[11:17:22] Ankhwatcher: jarle: yeah, but myth is sharing the disk with lots of other downloads and file shares, so I would like it to keep it's space down. At the same time I don't want it to refuse to record or refuse to transcode something because of an artificial space restriction
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[11:18:56] Ankhwatcher: why do I feel like the solution to this is cronjob?
[11:19:26] Ankhwatcher: run once a week, delete every video file that is more than 1 month old in MythDefault...
[11:21:48] jarle: Ankhwatcher: I can see that this feature would be nice to have for certain users, and I would think it would be better to do it from a setting within mythtv, rather than each user having to setup a cron job.
[11:22:50] Ankhwatcher: jarle: yes, I was just thinking that
[11:23:14] Ankhwatcher: because myth has settings for commands to run after every recording, right?
[11:23:42] Ankhwatcher: so I could add the cleanup command there and it will all happen internal to myth
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[11:32:09] Ankhwatcher: the command this internet has provided: find /path/to/files* -type f -mtime +10
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[11:45:38] derekj: upgrading myth from 24.2 to 25, and I get this:
[11:46:09] derekj: seems to be a chicken-egg problem
[11:46:43] derekj: 2012-05–28 04:46:27.839803 E [7253] Python Database Connection Database schema mismatch: we speak 1299 but database speaks 1264
[11:46:43] MythLogBot: SVN 7253: (branch master)
[11:47:22] derekj: that last line using mythtv-python bindings
[12:01:18] pmhahn (pmhahn!~pmhahn@2001:4dd0:ff00:8d31:219:dbff:fef2:e135) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[12:07:45] Ankhwatcher: I live in terror of the day I start to comprehend regex.
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[12:19:52] Twiggy2cents: sphery, I have 10 days of guide data left
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[12:28:53] Twiggy2cents: Ankhwatcher, that would ve a very bad idea. You would have to remove it from the database too.
[12:29:41] Ankhwatcher: Twiggy2cents: does mythExport move files, or convert them if you do a 'full' from the web
[12:29:56] Twiggy2cents: You have two options you can specify in the rule to keep a months worth of recordings, or you can calculate how much free space you want to have at any given time and put that into your autoexpire settings.
[12:30:54] Twiggy2cents: No it is just transcoding it
[12:31:30] Ankhwatcher: I exported a huge file by accident yesterday and now it's refusing to transcode anything
[12:31:46] Ankhwatcher: anyway, how would I set it to keep a months worth of recordings
[12:33:35] Twiggy2cents: Go to each recording rule on mythweb and down at the bottom is a box for "Number of Recordings to keep" But an easier and more elegant way would be to tell myth to keep 15Gb free or something. Then it handles it with that in mind
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[12:42:06] Ankhwatcher: Twiggy2cents: will a mythfilldatabase detect the removed files?
[12:43:03] jarle: Ankhwatcher: I agree that an option in mythtv's settings that would let you automatically delete +xxdays old recordings would be the best option.
[12:45:42] Ankhwatcher: jarle: it would be especially good for deleting one-off recordings that the two other methods will ignore
[12:46:08] Ankhwatcher: for example I have an episode of big brother I recorded for my mother when her tv wasn't working
[12:47:43] jarle: Ankhwatcher: however, this feature will only be important with users that have their recordings on a shared storage, personally I don't care, as my recordings go to separate disks.
[12:51:29] Ankhwatcher: jarle: well if I could set the maximum space used by myth to the 150GB, I could live with that
[12:52:05] Ankhwatcher: although I hate the mess in my Watch Recordings in myth
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[12:54:05] jarle: Ankhwatcher: as a general rule new features in mythtv is only added if it is needed/wanted by a developer..
[12:54:40] jarle: people with special needs will need to start coding :)
[12:55:57] Ankhwatcher: jarle: hah, subtle
[12:56:11] Ankhwatcher: can you get google to pay me? :)
[12:57:38] jarle: Ankhwatcher: probably a bit late to enter for summer of code this year :)
[13:02:38] Twiggy2cents: Ankhwatcher, mythfilldatabase is only for listing data.
[13:02:44] Twiggy2cents: And no it would not
[13:06:21] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[13:07:02] Twiggy2cents: sphery, every days says "Actual data from Tue May 22 00:00:00 2012 to Thu Jun 7 23:59:59"
[13:11:27] Ankhwatcher: jarle: yeah, bummer
[13:12:11] Ankhwatcher: I'm a half hour train ride from google, probably could have wangled some desk space
[13:12:40] Ankhwatcher: (Google Dublin that is)
[13:23:43] jarle: Ankhwatcher: I can't see this feature really demanding a lot of coding, just small additions to the code here and there, but you need to do the coding yourself, or find a coder that have the same need as you.
[13:41:32] Ankhwatcher: jarle: what is myth coded in?
[13:42:14] derekj: a cron job will take care of it. use the myth python bindings
[13:43:29] derekj: plus why you would nneed something like this when autoexpire is available is beyond me
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[13:51:21] Ankhwatcher: derekj: a cronjob was my first suggestion
[13:55:07] jarle: Ankhwatcher: c++
[14:03:08] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[14:13:43] Ankhwatcher: I can do c++
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[14:32:09] tootr: I got MythTV running; and can watch/pause live TV. I am using a keyboard. How do I record though, without pre-scheduling? Is there a "record" key?
[14:32:32] RagingMind: tootr, the r button ;)
[14:33:28] tootr: I tried that, it says "Record "Unknown"", then I suppose I press it again to stop recording, it shows "Cancel Record "Unknown"". I don't see the clip in the Watch recordings
[14:33:49] tootr: Is that the way to record?
[14:35:55] tootr: I sort of need MythTV to replace a VCR, see. The main functionality is recording things on demand. I must be missing something.
[14:39:00] tootr: Ah, it seems MythTV cannot do this. . . . /194335.html
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[14:43:07] CiaranG: tootr: Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I do that all the time and it works
[14:43:16] RagingMind: tootr, if you cancel the recording then it deletes it
[14:43:22] CiaranG: (or to be more accurate, my wife does it, I stay well away from 'live tv')
[14:43:32] tootr: Ah, I don't want to cancel the recording; I just want to "stop" it
[14:43:50] RagingMind: tootr, it automatically records to the end of whatever show it's on
[14:44:17] tootr: Oh, but it doesn't know what shows are on; I do not have the xmltv feeds
[14:44:30] RagingMind: what country are you in?
[14:44:34] tootr: sharjah
[14:45:08] tootr: But that aside; suppose if someone connected his VHS tape to mythtv, and wanted to record; he wouldn't be able to?
[14:45:12] RagingMind: hmm... I'm not sure how to get guide data there, but without guide data you're kinda stuck with setting times manually
[14:45:30] RagingMind: which really isn't all that hard, especially if you have mythweb running
[14:45:34] tootr: Oh dear, a simple "stop" record button would have done the trick.
[14:45:35] CiaranG: You'd be able to record if you did that, I'm not sure when it would stop
[14:46:21] tootr: It's not really for me, its for my aging dad I am visiting in yet another obscure country. They don't sell tapes anymore; and I thought Myth may be a good thing to pause live tv and record shows.
[14:46:32] tootr: So can't imagine him on mythweb and stuff.
[14:46:45] RagingMind: ah, yeah then that may not work well
[14:47:03] tootr: Any other linux DVRs, other than Myth, that might work well for this use case?
[14:47:40] RagingMind: mythtv uses recording rules to match to shows in it's database of guide data, or you'd have to manually specify a channel and start/stop time combo
[14:48:54] Seeker` (Seeker`!~cjo20@unaffiliated/seeker) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[14:51:04] tootr: Ah, it seems what I want was actually the default a long time ago; and was changed on this suggestion; although it seems without an option for the old behaviour:
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[14:59:36] tootr: There seems to be a convoluted method: change channels, go back to the channel, press "R" to record, then let it record, after you're done, go to the menu, Media library, Watch recordings, go to that recording, press right for the menu and select "Stop Recording".
[15:00:17] tootr: If I could automate all that with some sort of an API, it'd work I reckon, a dirty hack as it may be.
[15:03:20] wagnerrp: tootr: mythtv can operate in the way you want, but the problem is without guide data, youre going to record in 30 minute chunks
[15:03:36] wagnerrp: it normally starts a new file at a show change
[15:03:43] wagnerrp: but it doesnt know where those show changes are
[15:03:49] wagnerrp: so it arbitrarily chooses them
[15:04:20] wagnerrp: you dont get limited EIT data either?
[15:04:44] tootr: Right, but by changing channels (=a new show), it records and, with the menu, stops recording when I want to. If only I could make all that into a toggle button on a remote
[15:05:02] tootr: Not there, certainly. They have local shows free to air
[15:05:38] wagnerrp: analog or digital?
[15:05:42] tootr: Analog
[15:05:48] wagnerrp: ah, no EIT on analog
[15:06:10] wagnerrp: i *think* you can alter the chunking to something other than 30 minutes
[15:06:16] wagnerrp: but i have no idea where that setting might be
[15:07:23] tootr: Oh ho, might be able to check the source; but suppose if I manage to set it to 1 min, would they be combined or listed as separate shows?
[15:08:25] tootr: The API in the 0.25 release does not have a "stop recording" function either :(
[15:08:50] wagnerrp: right, there is no "stop recording", as everything is always recorded
[15:08:59] tootr: Oh, but there is; in the menu!
[15:09:05] dmz (dmz!~dmz@unaffiliated/dmz) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[15:09:12] wagnerrp: your livetv session can be found in the "watch recordings" screen for up to a day afterwards
[15:09:35] wagnerrp: the only thing telling it to record does is tell it to not automatically expire it after that short period
[15:10:00] wagnerrp: if you want, you could simply go back in later after the fact, and tell it not to delete something automatically
[15:10:07] wagnerrp: or "record" it
[15:10:27] wagnerrp: in watch recordings, there should be some form of filter option
[15:10:32] dmz (dmz!~dmz@unaffiliated/dmz) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:10:34] wagnerrp: by default, livetv sessions are filtered out
[15:10:58] wagnerrp: in the 'm' menu
[15:11:38] tootr: I understand that it keeps recording in the background, but I can "seem" to achieve recording on demand in the menu
[15:11:56] tootr: Eg. right now they are showing football
[15:12:25] wagnerrp: if you tell it to record, all it does is flag that to not get deleted
[15:12:42] tootr: That's fine, that's all I need, right?
[15:12:53] wagnerrp: right
[15:13:23] wagnerrp: and theres no way to stop a recording, since its always recording, all youre doing is telling it you do want it deleted after that delay
[15:13:30] tootr: When I change channels, and come back and press R, I can record a clip of this guy on the floor, and then go to watch recordings->"Stop recording". Then change channels again, and I seem to be able to watch just that clip!
[15:13:57] wagnerrp: the only reason telling it to "stop recording" does anything is because you have already decoupled it from live tv
[15:14:05] wagnerrp: the livetv session is no longer there telling it to record
[15:14:11] wagnerrp: so it has no reason left to record
[15:14:44] tootr: Right, I understand that it keeps recording all the time, but from a users perspective, it does "seem" to record a clip on demand?
[15:14:55] tootr: Using the above non-practical method?
[15:15:10] wagnerrp: in effect, using that convoluted method, yes
[15:15:20] wagnerrp: what type of tuner is this?
[15:15:26] tootr: Asuss P7131
[15:15:36] wagnerrp: so framegrabber?
[15:15:36] tootr: Oh, that was another headache too
[15:15:47] wagnerrp: yeah, framegrabbers are recommended against
[15:15:52] wagnerrp: they are not well suited for recording
[15:15:55] tootr: It worked perfectly fine in tvtime; no problems at all.
[15:16:08] wagnerrp: they are designed exactly for how tvtime operates
[15:16:16] tootr: But in MythTV (0.25?); nothing shows up in the channel scan!
[15:16:26] wagnerrp: not sure about that problem
[15:16:44] tootr: I had to manually read the channels.xml file from tvtime; then check the tvtime source to see the khZ mapping, then enter it to MythTV, and then it started working
[15:16:50] wagnerrp: anyway... something that may be easier if you want to produce clips, go into edit mode after recording, isolate the chunk you want, and transcode
[15:17:24] tootr: Ah, cool. Good way of converting VHS to AVIs I imagine?
[15:17:29] stuartm: tootr: did you select the correct frequency tables for your location in the general settings?
[15:17:47] wagnerrp: no, good way of converting VHS to AVIs is... dont
[15:17:51] wagnerrp: buy the DVD
[15:17:57] tootr: Family tapes :{
[15:17:59] wagnerrp: should that not be possible, AVIs suck anyway
[15:18:03] tootr: Well, I chose "Europe" in tvtime
[15:18:12] wagnerrp: use something like MKV or MP4 if encoding your self
[15:18:22] wagnerrp: ideally grab an IVTV tuner (PVR-150/500)
[15:18:24] tootr: In MythTV, I tried both europe-east and europe-west, and even "try-all"
[15:18:25] stuartm: assuming we have frequency tables for UAE, which I doubt, no-one has submitted any that I can remember
[15:18:35] wagnerrp: and just `cat /dev/video0 > some_file.mpg`
[15:18:44] tootr: I am not sure how tvtime got it so easily though?
[15:18:44] wagnerrp: run `cat` to start recording
[15:18:56] wagnerrp: hit ctrl-c to stop recording
[15:19:16] wagnerrp: mythtv is really designed heavily around the idea that you have guide data
[15:19:17] tootr: Oh, just /dev/video0 > somefile? I am not sure if asus as a hardware mpeg chip, does it matter?
[15:19:48] stuartm: tootr: they obviously have the frequency tables, no-one has ever submitted those to mythtv, and with no developers in that location we rely on users contributing (as do most open source projects)
[15:20:07] tootr: But "try-all" should try all frequency tables?
[15:20:34] stuartm: tootr: that just means all frequency tables that we have, it we don't have them for your location it's still not going to work
[15:20:39] tootr: Ah
[15:21:00] tootr: Maybe I should try building one
[15:21:14] stuartm: that would be greatly appreciated
[15:21:54] tootr: I'll have to do some reading though
[15:23:02] stuartm: tootr: . . . .html#l00304
[15:23:03] tootr: But BTW: is there a way to use the GUI to fine tune the channel while seeing the video
[15:23:21] tootr: I saw the fine tune option in the backend
[15:23:34] stuartm: tootr: I believe so, but I've never had analogue only digital so I've never seen/used it
[15:24:43] wagnerrp: really? digital only for the what... eight years?
[15:25:15] stuartm: none of the currently active developers have analogue, analogue signals have ceased in the US, UK, East Asia, Australia and most of Europe
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[15:25:30] stuartm: wagnerrp: we've had digital in the UK since 1999/2000
[15:26:00] wagnerrp: i think we started picking up ATSC signals around that time, but only one or two stations, and only in a couple markets
[15:26:14] wagnerrp: i dont think i switched until early 2008
[15:26:21] wagnerrp: maybe '07
[15:26:24] stuartm: and widescreen for about 15 years before that, US is usually way behind the curve
[15:26:55] wagnerrp: i know there were people in hawaii that didnt get stations until just before the cutoff
[15:27:20] wagnerrp: ... of course our cutoff was two and a half years ago, and weve had HD the whole time
[15:27:36] wagnerrp: youre just getting to yours, and only then adding HD when the spectrum clears up... :P
[15:27:52] wagnerrp: or are T2 and the cutoff independent?
[15:28:50] stuartm: wagnerrp: perhaps because of the high costs involved with rollout in the US (huge area, very fragmented broadcast networks and loosely regulated too) you guys seem to get stuck with second best broadcast tech and way behind the rest of the world in rolling it out
[15:30:03] wagnerrp: yeah, one of the big reasons for VSB for ATSC was supposedly better long range performance
[15:30:04] stuartm: wagnerrp: T2 was phased in before the cutoff, which finally happened earlier this year, but digital (terrestrial) had been available to 90% of the population for a decade before that
[15:30:22] wagnerrp: despite being wholly inadequate for anything in motion
[15:30:54] tootr: The frequencies that worked with me in tvtime are in the "band_data_uhf" band_entry_t array:
[15:30:57] tootr: . . . _source.html
[15:31:16] tootr: Not sure how to translate that into FrequencyTable's start, stop & step
[15:31:41] stuartm: DVB-T allowed for HD, but in practice the bandwidth didn't allow for the number of channels they wanted AND HD – DVB-S has had HD for 5–6 years iirc, DVB-S2 has increased the numbers with the increased bandwidth
[15:32:26] wagnerrp: yeah, everywhere but on the east coast, were sufficiently well spread apart that overlap isnt a big issue
[15:32:37] wagnerrp: plus we dont have nearly the channel count broadcast as you do
[15:32:54] stuartm: Satellite has been digital since 1997 iirc
[15:33:07] wagnerrp: likely the lack of television tax makes it uneconomical for that large a number of stations
[15:33:22] wagnerrp: just not enough ad revenue to be had
[15:34:02] tootr: BTW: in dubai; they get HD TV though a ethernet cable connected to some proprietary box. What's that, and can that work in MythTV?
[15:34:15] fryguy: iptv, and probably
[15:34:33] tootr: Like just with a ethernet card? And software decording?
[15:35:08] stuartm: wagnerrp: well it helps that all broadcast infrastructure (relays/transmitters) is owned by one company, and operated as a single national network, we little or none of the affiliation stuff that you do
[15:35:12] wagnerrp: as in the proprietary box is also connected to your TV?
[15:35:25] wagnerrp: could be IPTV such that MythTV could use it directly
[15:35:28] tootr: Oh, I don't have that, but it is connected to the TV using hdmi
[15:35:44] stuartm: broadcasters all lease space
[15:35:55] wagnerrp: more likely to be some form of IPTV format encrypted, such that mythtv cannot access it directly
[15:35:59] tootr: IPTV, interesting. Is that a standard? Or is it likely they'd have their own crazy scheme
[15:36:21] fryguy:
[15:36:42] wagnerrp: there is a pseudo-standard, used by the IPTV service in france
[15:36:55] wagnerrp: channels are unencrypted and multicast
[15:36:58] stuartm: tootr: it's a standard, but with a few different possible implementations and most broadcasters in the world cannot manage to stick to standards unfortunately – that's true even for DVB etc
[15:37:01] tootr: So you would just need a ethernet card with Myth in france for example, for Myth?
[15:37:01] sphery: Twiggy2cents: you have some invalid cached data, then... likely under /tmp
[15:37:11] wagnerrp: if you are paying for the channel, you can join the multicast group and receive the video data
[15:37:25] wagnerrp: which is unencrypted, and usable by mythtv
[15:37:53] wagnerrp: then there are DVB standards for it, MS MediaRoom, AT&T UVerse
[15:38:01] wagnerrp: none of which we can access
[15:39:27] stuartm: tootr: I would guess that the best option for Dubai might actually be satellite, but I'm not sure what satellites are visible from there
[15:39:37] tootr: Oh, I think its illegal here
[15:39:49] tootr: Satellites, free information :P
[15:39:56] wagnerrp: what's illegal?
[15:40:07] wagnerrp: directly communicating with satellites
[15:40:08] wagnerrp: ?
[15:40:11] stuartm: even for foreign workers? I'm assuming you're not a citizen?
[15:40:25] stuartm: wagnerrp: satellite dishes, like Cuba
[15:40:50] tootr: I am not a citizen; but you can't legally get a satellite I believe; probably because of the amount of adult content. However, everyone sells it.
[15:40:52] wagnerrp: crazy
[15:41:10] stuartm: although given the high proportion of foreigners in Dubai the rules are often less strictly enforced
[15:41:42] wagnerrp: yeah, since Dubai is trying to position themselves as a high class tourism hub for the area
[15:41:45] wagnerrp: seems odd
[15:41:55] tootr: The "proper" way is to get it though those TV companies; or the ISPs. I am only using analog because that is what my dad uses elsewhere.
[15:42:14] tootr: I don't watch TV myself; but I am curious about that IPTV thing; could be worth it if I could get Myth working with it
[15:42:57] wagnerrp: you would probably find it easier experimenting with VLC rather than mythtv
[15:43:05] wagnerrp: VLC is going to have the same restrictions
[15:43:15] wagnerrp: but since the player and capture controls are all in the same place
[15:43:20] wagnerrp: its going to be a lot faster to tinker with
[15:43:23] tootr: Right, so VLC on my laptop; take it to my friends house; and see if it's unencrypted, eh?
[15:43:40] wagnerrp: if VLC can do it, mythtv could probably be configured to do it
[15:43:50] tootr: Cool, will do some reading
[15:43:55] wagnerrp: although the current IPTV support is rather outdated and rotting
[15:44:09] wagnerrp: one of the devs is working on a complete overhaul for a future release
[15:44:37] wagnerrp: the 3rd party library we had been using for multicast capture was more or abandoned by its creator several years ago
[15:44:38] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:44:59] tootr: This is all new to me, I've been used to just a belling-lee connector providing TV in the building before I stopped watching live TV.
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[15:47:02] tootr: They only recently got HD tv here btw. Strange place, dubai, charges $260 for watching 100MB of videos in your mobile if you dont' have a plan.
[15:47:33] bentech: Hey i'm from the uk and mythtv likes to record the Deaf Signed version of programs it says "Deaf Signed" in the description, can i globally filter this?
[15:48:21] wagnerrp: is this at a different time or channel to the normal broadcast?
[15:49:23] bentech: it tends to be after 12 on the same channel
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[15:49:57] wagnerrp: what kind of rule are you using?
[15:50:37] bentech: Title or description contains something
[15:50:53] bentech: and subtitle
[15:50:57] wagnerrp: thats duplicate matching
[15:51:16] wagnerrp: record any? record any channel? record timeslot? record... ?
[15:51:27] bentech: Well the one I'm currently looking at is called Panorama but they but the title in the subtitle field and subtitle in the title
[15:51:35] bentech: so Subtitle contains Panorama
[15:51:58] bentech: I can do it for a specific showing, i have lots of recordings i don't want it to do anything
[15:52:24] bentech: Eg filter all upcoming by not containing "Deaf Signed"
[15:52:34] bentech: in description
[15:52:46] bentech: only for 4 channels
[15:52:54] wagnerrp: you can filter, but you would have to turn each of those into a manual "power rule"
[15:53:13] wagnerrp: where you're effectively providing the SQL query for matching
[15:53:24] stuartm: bentech: yes, you can reduce the priority of the signed versions so that it prefers the non-signed ones
[15:53:34] bentech: other people use the system and add recordings i don't want to have to add them all
[15:53:41] stuartm: look under the recording priorities screen
[15:53:45] bentech: hmm
[15:54:10] wagnerrp: its not recording instead of right? its recording in addition to?
[15:54:15] bentech: instead
[15:54:23] stuartm: Setup > Video > Recording Priorities > Set Priorities
[15:54:46] wagnerrp: is there something else already being recorded that prevents mythtv from recording the original airtime?
[15:55:07] bentech: probably but i have enough capture cards
[15:55:28] stuartm: wagnerrp: it's ok, we deal with this specific case – stuarta added the code to assign a lower or higher priority to signed showings
[15:55:29] wagnerrp: perhaps you have them configured in poor order for multirec to operate properly?
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[15:55:49] wagnerrp: oh, i didnt realize there was a built in filter for that
[15:56:00] wagnerrp: i guess thats like the 'no generic episodes' filter?
[15:56:12] stuartm: "Sign language recording priority" (also ones for subtitling, and audio description)
[15:56:21] wagnerrp: theres a special flag that identifies them?
[15:56:47] stuartm: wagnerrp: it's not binary, we allow them to be recorded if we just can't record the unsigned version for any reason
[15:57:08] stuartm: wagnerrp: aye, DVB flags that and a bunch of other stuff
[15:57:26] bentech: -100000 should do for that
[15:58:29] bentech: need a don't record if priority is < x
[15:58:34] stuartm: flags the existence of deaf signing, subtitles (optional or burnt in), audio description tracks in addition to a bunch of other stuff
[16:00:17] bentech: Thanks that may help
[16:01:00] bentech: One more thing, ubuntu keeps popping up asking for updates having a lirc remote it makes it awkward, is there a way to disable that?
[16:01:27] hashbang (hashbang!~isajb@2001:630:e4:1212:230:48ff:febf:1392) has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[16:02:12] wagnerrp: would need to ask the mythbuntu people for that one
[16:04:45] tootr: wagnerrp: You said <"your livetv session can be found in the "watch recordings" screen for up to a day afterwards">. I finally see what you mean by removing the live tv filter, but I don't see all my stuff; only the ones that I think I have recorded regardless of whether I "cancelled" them (and also many strange 0 minute clips that causes myth to freeze for half a minute). I don't understand what's happening; is whatever I watch suppose to com
[16:04:45] tootr: e here until they get deleted the next day?
[16:04:53] Dj_FlyBy[ms] (Dj_FlyBy[ms]!~Dj_FlyBy|@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:07:54] wagnerrp: usually anything under a few dozen MB gets deleted immediately
[16:08:00] wagnerrp: stuff created by flipping through channels
[16:08:08] wagnerrp: where "immediately" is "within a few minutes"
[16:08:11] tootr: Oh, maybe a bug then?
[16:08:15] swerve: my myth setup on debian is totally broken, not sure how to begin fixing it
[16:08:47] wagnerrp: anything you remain on for significant duration should stay their for at least a day (or whatever you configure), until the next auto-expire run clears them out
[16:08:56] swerve: stuff doesn't record – says it's empty – gets stuck on generating preview & never generates – records first 20 mins of smoethng and then dies, etc.
[16:09:06] wagnerrp: if you are limited on disk space, it may be expiring them sooner to make space for other recordings
[16:09:52] swerve: i switched from unstable to testing repo to see if some pkgs would upgrade that are being 'held back', and now not even sure of versions, etc.
[16:10:37] swerve: really need help sorting this, missing the french open!
[16:10:37] Dj_FlyBy[ms] (Dj_FlyBy[ms]!~Dj_FlyBy|@ has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[16:10:50] tootr: Ah, the 0 minute clips did indeed get deleted after a few minutes; however there are some clips, around 3 hours back, for around 5 minutes that show a blank thumbnail and causes myth to freeze after half an hour.
[16:11:20] swerve: here's a recent apt-get:
[16:12:31] tootr: swerve: I am new to myth, but not to linux: I like taking LVM snapshots to a USB before a repo switch or even an apt update, this way I can rsync my disk back to what it was from a livecd if something bad goes wrong.
[16:12:32] swerve: a power failure crashed my server a few weeks ago, and database got damaged i guess. I restored from a backup, but it hasn't been acting the same since
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[16:13:31] swerve: tootr: that's a good idea, thx 4 tip. going to rebuild this box soon, right now just want to get it working enough to record for a couple weeks
[16:13:51] ** wagnerrp does the same thing, but with jails and ZFS **
[16:14:04] wagnerrp: kill the jail, 'zfs rollback', start the jail
[16:14:08] wagnerrp: 30 seconds and im back up and running
[16:14:10] tootr: That's... solaris?
[16:14:14] tootr: Or freeBSD?
[16:14:17] wagnerrp: freebsd
[16:14:23] tootr: Ah, so cool
[16:14:29] wagnerrp: solaris has containers for the same purpose... and is dead
[16:14:46] wagnerrp: i assume nexenta/openindiana continued support of containers
[16:15:42] tootr: btrfs in linux is supposed to bring this sort of stuff in the future I think.
[16:17:46] wagnerrp: or rather... LXC
[16:17:52] wagnerrp: linux containers
[16:18:02] wagnerrp: btrfs is the linux analogue for zfs
[16:19:19] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[16:19:36] sid3windr: whee, finally pulled a cable, now gigabit ethernet to the living room frontend instead of measly powerline.. iperf reports 980Mbit as opposed to the 9–11 it was before.. ;>
[16:19:59] wagnerrp: yeah, that'll do it
[16:20:12] bentech: i never understand how those power line adapters are allowed to lie soo much
[16:20:20] sid3windr: they advertised 45
[16:20:26] sid3windr: so it's "ok-ish"
[16:20:39] wagnerrp: same way as wireless
[16:20:41] sid3windr: but my power lines are suck, I had "gigabit" ones from belkin, they did 18 but sometimes cut out
[16:20:45] bentech: Mine said 200Mb/s but only 100meg to the device
[16:20:50] wagnerrp: the bitrate may very well be 45Mbps
[16:20:55] swerve: this is crazy – wth is "fonts-droid" and why should i need that for mythtv-common?
[16:21:03] tootr: BTW: here's a screenshot; it is a bit odd; this is what a normal recording looks like: but I often see: where watching it would cause Myth to freeze for half a minute
[16:21:10] sphery: hehe, I accidentally closed my firefox window before getting a response after submitting changes to a ticket... fortunately the request had already been received
[16:21:13] wagnerrp: but due to loss in the singal, you have to resend a lot of data
[16:21:18] bentech: no idea how they can say unto 200 but its only possible to get 100
[16:21:33] sid3windr: "full duplex"
[16:21:34] swerve: arch has like 1 pkg for myth: mythtv. debian has a zillion weird packages, it's totally fubar
[16:21:38] sid3windr: (even though power line itself can never be FD)
[16:21:47] wagnerrp: 54Mbps 802.11G is only expected to net around 22Mbps actual data throughput
[16:22:03] sid3windr: 10Mbit is enough for SD streaming, sometimes stuttered a bit in the beginning while buffering
[16:22:06] wagnerrp: best ive seen anyone benchmark is around 26Mbps, under optimal conditions
[16:22:07] swerve: going to ask on debian channel, brb...
[16:22:14] sid3windr: but the box is also netbooted with nfs root... so it was rather...slow ;/
[16:22:21] sid3windr: once things were cached it was ok ;)
[16:22:21] wagnerrp: yikes
[16:22:26] bentech: anyway i plugged them into the same strip once and got 5mb/s
[16:22:40] sid3windr: indeed yikes, you can imagine I'm happy with the newfound speed, hehe
[16:22:46] bentech: M
[16:25:05] tootr: The Live TV recordings in "watch recordings" doesn't seem to be matching up to your description; perhaps it wasn't tested as much as it's hidden by default?
[16:27:43] wagnerrp: bah... newegg has on their review guidelines that it is not to be used as counters to other reviews
[16:28:13] wagnerrp: sphery: on that newegg link in #10767, the top review is one that claims its a "pretty good mythtv box"
[16:28:13] ** MythLogBot **
[16:29:15] sphery: hehe
[16:29:23] sphery: so that's an atom?
[16:29:31] sphery: wow, hope he's doing sdtv
[16:29:34] tootr: What's that logbot? I happened to have the same issue
[16:29:47] sphery: (since he has no nvidia, even--his atom isn't even excited)
[16:29:49] wagnerrp: yeah, D425
[16:29:50] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:29:58] tootr: Oh, I see, he gave that newegg link, and it thought it was a myth bug.
[16:30:38] wagnerrp: wow, thats even a single core version
[16:30:42] sphery: tootr: are you saying you get bad hue/brightness/saturation/... in playback?
[16:30:42] stuartm (stuartm!~stuartm@mythtv/developer/stuartm) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[16:30:52] tootr: Yeah, compared to tvtime
[16:31:18] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[16:31:24] wagnerrp: sphery: anyway, the fact that he's skipping IPv6 link-local addresses during autoselection means its an older version
[16:31:28] sphery: tootr: what video card?
[16:31:34] wagnerrp: jya fixed handling of that a few weeks back
[16:31:46] wagnerrp: best guess, id say hes running a release version
[16:31:48] sphery: wagnerrp: ah, cool... maybe he just needs to update
[16:31:55] wagnerrp: rather, the release version
[16:31:58] sphery: wagnerrp: odds he's using Debian package?
[16:32:21] wagnerrp: no idea
[16:32:34] sphery: I'm guessing it's that or some other distro that doesn't do proper updates
[16:32:49] tootr: sphery: Ah, that was why I wasn't fussed; it's an integrated intel (Intel Corporation 82Q35 Express). I was planning to buy an nvidia (although might not until I can get myth to fit my usecase)
[16:33:12] sphery: tootr: mythfrontend --version (to ), please
[16:34:24] Dave123 (Dave123! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:34:35] tootr: sphery:
[16:34:45] sphery: newegg really needs to get some properly trained web developers
[16:35:17] wagnerrp: Beirdo: got a "little" toy for you on your backpacking adventures...
[16:35:24] ** sphery hates any site that a) requires a Referer header (which is completely stupid/useless requirement) and b) relies on (broken) User-Agent matching (where /all/ User-Agent matching is broken) **
[16:35:28] octavsly (octavsly! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:36:17] sphery: tootr: likely the exact same problem as mentioned ... You're running an old revision of MythTV and need to update to current 0.25-fixes
[16:36:27] bentech (bentech! has quit (Quit: bentech)
[16:36:38] tootr: Ah ha, thanks!
[16:36:40] sphery: tootr: if you're using *buntu, you do so with
[16:36:57] sphery: if you're using an other distro, you'll have to ask others for help
[16:37:10] tootr: I was indeed using mythbuntu.
[16:37:34] sphery: how is there no revision in your --version output with mythbuntu?
[16:37:43] sphery: that --version is from mythbuntu frontend?
[16:38:00] tootr: I don't know? I was running it with "ssh -X" and in the top it said invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE
[16:39:11] wagnerrp: try -Y
[16:39:22] wagnerrp: or do 'xhost +localhost'
[16:39:37] tootr: I tried it on the physical machine itself; there is not "revision"
[16:39:53] tootr: Can you give me a sample of what that looks like?
[16:40:01] octavsly (octavsly! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[16:40:39] wagnerrp: MythTV Version : v0.26-pre-188-g568e161
[16:40:41] sphery: though really --version shouldn't touch X at all
[16:40:48] sphery: now that's a good look --version :)
[16:41:13] sphery: tootr: are you using *buntu packages or compiling yourself?
[16:41:53] tootr: Ah, don't see anything of that sort. It is a simple fresh install from "mythbuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso", and then a GUI update when the update manager popped up
[16:42:58] sphery: wagnerrp: perhaps they're using the release version for 12.04 without any revision info in it?
[16:43:15] sphery: tootr: definitely update, though--if you are on release version, there have been a /lot/ of important fixes
[16:43:22] wagnerrp: if theyre using the tagged release, it will just say v0.25
[16:43:55] sphery: that's what it says for him and for the user on the ticket
[16:43:58] sphery: MythTV Version : v0.25
[16:44:04] tootr: I don't see an update for anything mythtv related now though
[16:44:22] sphery: tootr:
[16:44:31] sphery: you have to enable the updates
[16:44:36] tootr: Ah, gotcha
[16:44:43] sphery: that web site will do it for you
[16:44:46] sphery: just follow instructions there
[16:45:00] Twiggy2cents: so can I just rm mythtv_ddp_data?
[16:45:04] sphery: i.e. under the graph, " Install the Mythbuntu-repos package" and such
[16:45:14] wagnerrp: Twiggy2cents: no idea what that is
[16:45:15] Twiggy2cents: I am guessing ddp is datadirect something
[16:45:22] sphery: Twiggy2cents: definitely
[16:45:25] sphery: remov eit
[16:45:25] tootr: Cool; but my interest in mythtv is weaning without the guide-less recording :)
[16:45:26] Twiggy2cents: Okay
[16:45:28] sphery: er, remove it
[16:45:36] Twiggy2cents: Then I will let it run by itself tomorrow
[16:45:58] sphery: Twiggy2cents: that is in /tmp, right?
[16:45:59] tootr: Wait a minute, weaning isn't the write word
[16:46:06] wagnerrp: are those the tmp files created by mythfilldatabase when it used to use wget?
[16:46:16] Twiggy2cents: But I have had this problem persist through reboots. Correct me if I am wrong, but doesnt /tmp get purged every reboot?
[16:46:18] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:46:21] Twiggy2cents: sphery, yes
[16:46:29] sphery: I think we still use those temp files with MythDownloadManager
[16:46:59] wagnerrp: but it would just be in the user's ~/.mythtv file, in some cache directory
[16:47:26] sphery: Twiggy2cents: tmp is never purged--however your system or distro start scripts may purge it :)
[16:47:42] sphery: (meaning I couldn't tell you what happens to temp :)
[16:47:53] Twiggy2cents: Ohh okay, I thought it was.
[16:48:13] wagnerrp: temp will go up while your system is running
[16:48:14] Twiggy2cents: I never really checked. I know the /tmp dir. on my phone gets purged on boot.
[16:48:17] wagnerrp: and go back down when turned off
[16:48:58] tootr: Did you come across that bug though which I faced: livetv recordings with no thumbnails that causes myth to freeze? (Can't see to find the keywords for trac)
[16:49:15] sphery: wagnerrp: . . . ct.cpp#L1014 ... not sure what all goes in there
[16:53:09] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[17:37:56] sphery: wagnerrp: are we actually grabbing/outputting the xmltv output with: . . . ata.cpp#L435
[17:38:23] tootr: The update did fix the color/brightness issue!
[17:38:30] sphery: tootr: cool, enjoy
[17:39:48] wagnerrp: sphery: dont know much about xmltv
[17:39:55] wagnerrp: or the stuff that calls it
[17:41:20] sphery: well, that systemcall_status = myth_system(command, kMSRunShell); isn't grabbing anything is it?
[17:41:21] Twiggy2cents: Is there any difference editing /etc/sudoers with visudo verses nano /etc/sudoers?
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[17:41:40] Twiggy2cents: Every thing says to only edit it with visudo but I hate vim(dont understand it)
[17:42:02] sphery: Twiggy2cents: visudo just does some extra stuff to make sure it's never in a partial state when sudo uses it
[17:42:11] derekj (derekj!4c15556e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[17:42:19] Twiggy2cents: so should I not use sudo when I edit sudoers?
[17:42:32] Twiggy2cents: Or is the sudoers file done being used at that poiint?
[17:42:52] sphery: chances are you'll have to use sudo to edit as root
[17:43:32] Twiggy2cents: I meant verses su. But I may of misunderstood what you were saying
[17:44:18] sphery: but the issue is that if you're editing that file, it's possible that a cracker (person with malicious intent, versus a hacker) could do things to cause you to replace sudoers with a wrong file (giving him permissions he shouldn't have) or it could be written in a partial state or multiple users could be editing it at once or ...
[17:44:43] sphery: basically, because sudoers will allow someone full access to the system, protecting the editing of sudoers is important
[17:45:11] Twiggy2cents: Ohh gotcha
[17:45:35] sphery: but how important it is to you (on your network and with users on your systems) may be different from how important it is to, say, Sony Entertainment of America on their PSN servers...
[17:45:39] sphery: (or whatever :)
[17:46:21] tootr: Curious as to whether you use an IDS, sphery?
[17:46:37] tootr: Eg. if your /bin/ls file got changed; would you know?
[17:48:13] sphery: Twiggy2cents: also, you can use visudo with other editors... change the editor value in /etc/sudoers
[17:49:02] sphery: it's a colon-separated list of editors allowed to be used with visudo. Then just do: EDITOR=nano visudo
[17:49:32] Twiggy2cents: Yeah I know, I will probably do that. The only issue witht hat is I will probably forget on the other computers which will probably reinforce my lack of security style
[17:51:29] earthw0rm (earthw0rm! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:51:46] earthw0rm: Ay up, I've got a series in the following folder structure ...
[17:52:04] earthw0rm: Pride and Predjudice/Season 1/01.mpg
[17:52:14] earthw0rm: Should video pick that up and parse metadata?
[17:56:05] wagnerrp: yes
[17:56:05] FabriceMG (FabriceMG! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:56:12] wagnerrp: except, youre british
[17:57:06] Twiggy2cents: when making a rule in sudoers. If I want it to apply to all users do I just do ALL in place of a user or do is it not that simple
[17:57:36] wagnerrp: earthw0rm: since youre using the en_GB translation set, the filename parser is expecting "Series 1", and doesnt understand "Season 1"
[17:57:44] wagnerrp: see #10613
[17:57:44] ** MythLogBot **
[17:59:24] earthw0rm: Haha!
[17:59:39] earthw0rm: I was begrudging writing bloody "season" n' all
[17:59:48] earthw0rm: Well done mythtv devs!
[18:00:02] earthw0rm: I never expected such thoughtfulness to be honest
[18:00:53] wagnerrp: an up-to-date 0.25 should work with both
[18:01:08] earthw0rm: Hmm, maybe mine isn't up to date
[18:01:09] wagnerrp: if youre running master (0.26), there has not yet been a fix committed
[18:01:19] sphery: perhaps we should make a comment on the filename parsing page that it supports/uses translated version of "season"
[18:01:25] sphery: and "episode"
[18:01:26] earthw0rm: I'm changing it straight back to Series now anyway now I know it's allowed
[18:02:10] earthw0rm: Yeah, just change the docs and stick to series for us lot  :D
[18:03:26] wagnerrp: . . . ;oldid=40071
[18:03:47] wagnerrp: sphery: about three years too late to suggest doing so
[18:03:52] sphery: wagnerrp: Did you see LG's 5" 1920x1080 LCD for smartphones? 440dpi... Now phones can display images as good as my 68" TV! (Really, that's what the marketing says.)
[18:04:20] sphery: wagnerrp: hehe, didn't realize it was there--just assumed it wasn't since so many non-US users use Season
[18:04:41] wagnerrp: sphery: what bayer mask?
[18:04:42] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:05:16] sphery: AH-IPS (Advanced High Performance In-Plane Switching
[18:05:32] wagnerrp: bayer mask = color filter
[18:05:51] wagnerrp: i.e. Pentile looks like crap in the name of achieving higher brightness
[18:05:56] sphery: . . . -touchscreen + . . . smartphones/
[18:06:09] sphery: ah, no idea on that
[18:06:55] sphery: just annoyed at the "well, you need 1920x1080 resolution on the screen if your video is 1920x1080" that comes out so often
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[18:07:06] sphery: as there's so much more to it
[18:07:27] wagnerrp: apparently this new screen "significantly advances the cloud computing experience"
[18:07:30] sphery: (and, really, you can't display all the information that exists in a 1920x1080 image with only 1920x1080 pixels)
[18:07:40] wagnerrp: f**kers
[18:08:00] wagnerrp: sure you can, why wouldnt you?
[18:08:48] sphery: you need more pixels
[18:08:55] wagnerrp: why?
[18:08:59] sphery: closer to 2x the number of pixels
[18:09:04] sphery: because life isn't digital
[18:09:12] wagnerrp: if its a bitmap, sure
[18:09:28] wagnerrp: if its a RAW, with the same filter pattern as the camera that shot it....
[18:09:39] sphery: there's a /lot/ more information in a 1920x1080 samples than just 1920x1080 pixels
[18:10:10] wagnerrp: and for that matter, at 1920x1080 bitmap is interpolated from the RAW in the first place, and full of fake information
[18:10:18] sphery: you just need to do the math to pull out a better representation of the real image that's contained in the information in those samples
[18:10:21] sphery: samples != pixels
[18:10:45] sphery: and, yeah, with lossy formats, you'll lose some information
[18:10:49] sphery: but that's the whole point
[18:11:06] sphery: resolution of source image doesn't mean you need that resolution to display it
[18:11:10] earthw0rm: Can the video section view by program type or anything?
[18:11:26] wagnerrp: sphery: no, what im saying is that if the display has the same geometric pattern as the sensor that took it, you can display directly
[18:11:30] sphery: earthw0rm: program type = "category" (Science Fiction, Drama, etc.?)
[18:11:31] earthw0rm: View series, or films, or just horror films, or that sort of thing
[18:11:43] wagnerrp: earthw0rm: there are a couple metadata-derived "views"
[18:11:50] wagnerrp: there may be one based off category
[18:11:55] sphery: wagnerrp: and what I'm saying is that you can get more info just that
[18:11:56] wagnerrp: see 'm' menu
[18:12:15] wagnerrp: youre proposing you get more information than what the sensor provides
[18:12:17] sphery: ah, video section = Video Library... I was thinking Watch Recordings
[18:12:32] stuartm: uh, "Filter Display" is broken here
[18:12:49] sphery: no, I'm proposing that those samples sensed by the sensor have more information than can be displayed with a same-resolution display
[18:12:53] stuartm: hmm, missing stuff from the theme
[18:13:25] wagnerrp: sphery: the RAW image is just a grayscale image, combined with the geometry of the sensor and color (Bayer) filter
[18:13:46] wagnerrp: if the display matches those properties, it can be displayed directly, pixel-accurate
[18:14:09] earthw0rm: It'd be nice if it collapsed a series in to one expandable entry too
[18:14:10] wagnerrp: but the bitmaps, and jpegs, and whatever are all interpolated forms of that RAW
[18:14:41] wagnerrp: where the filter is applied to the grayscale image, and the RGB color at each pixel is computed from the sensor data
[18:14:56] wagnerrp: im not saying anything about lossy compression
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[18:15:10] wagnerrp: your monitor is just the reverse of that
[18:15:44] wagnerrp: were you have a bitmap with RGB values, and youre interpolating what grayscale value should be displayed on the geometrically distinct colored subpixels
[18:15:50] AndyCap: and all this to match the perception of the eye and brain. :P
[18:16:50] wagnerrp: there are rare cameras where the colors are stacked on top of each other, using the varied transmission depths of different frequencies through silicon as the color filter
[18:17:04] wagnerrp: directly producing a bitmap more similarly to how the eye works
[18:17:15] wagnerrp: although im not aware if there is such a thing for displays
[18:17:25] jya (jya!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[18:17:34] wagnerrp: i suppose a DLP could operate in that fashion
[18:18:02] sphery: wagnerrp: I'm just saying that "pixel accurate" isn't what you want
[18:18:05] wagnerrp: since you either have a color wheel, or multiple grids, and can align then to display single colorful pixels
[18:18:07] sphery: you can do better
[18:18:28] AndyCap: if you're doing multiple grids, 3-lcd projection can do it as well
[18:18:48] sphery: because image pixels (are actually "picture elements"--samples of a picture at a point of zero size) versus display "pixels" (which are really dots, not pixels--and they have a physical area)
[18:19:19] wagnerrp: sphery: im saying thats only true if your interpolated bitmap was calculated with that assumption
[18:19:27] sphery: so you need to reconcile the pixels and dots through image reconstruction, using the information contained within the samples
[18:21:34] AndyCap: why wouldn't you want pixel accurate btw?
[18:21:55] wagnerrp: AndyCap: thats the whole above discussion, there is no such thing as pixel accurate
[18:22:27] wagnerrp: since the concept of a bitmap is not how the image was captured, or how the image will be displayed
[18:22:31] wagnerrp: unless on some very special hardware
[18:23:25] sphery: or, even, "the concept of a bitmap is not how the image exists IRL"
[18:23:55] wagnerrp: youre taking a bitmap as a point value, and not a cell average value
[18:24:01] wagnerrp: it can be either
[18:24:17] sphery: (each pixel sampled by the sensor will receive input from multiple physical locations, which means it's actually a combination of information that can be separated out through proper processing)
[18:25:05] sphery: to create an even more-accurate display of the real-life image/scene
[18:25:49] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:26:54] sphery: but a "sample in an image mapped to a dot on a display" isn't a bad thing... just that you can actually do better, but whether you need to do better (or even sample->dot mapping) on a 5" phone screen held a foot or so from the eyes...
[18:27:48] wagnerrp: the issue is that while resampling is not a problem, overscan on a digital display is just stupid
[18:28:23] wagnerrp: and further, when you resample for display with less than twice the pixels as the original, artifical things such as UI lines are going to get blurred
[18:55:38] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: so, Now i have a problem where only some files error out when trying to use mythvidexport. This error is ascii and the other one is url
[18:56:15] wagnerrp: try as hard as i might, unicode issues keep creeping in
[18:57:46] wagnerrp: attribute error? it should just be an empty string if undefined....
[18:59:45] Shadow__X: if its not to hard to explain, what is causing these issues creep up on .25 when .24.2 worked without an issue? Was it caused by a change in mythbackend python?
[19:01:20] wagnerrp: no, its me being not unicode-safe when programming, and having little unicode content to trip up the code and notice the errors in my own testing
[19:02:15] Shadow__X: ah ok gotcha. Well hopefully my pastebins help
[19:02:38] Shadow__X: and thank you for making mythvidexport to begin with
[19:07:27] wagnerrp: Shadow__X: hopefully once everything gets moved over to Python 3.x, these unicode issues will just go away
[19:07:41] wagnerrp: python 2.x is notoriously poor for sane handling of unicode
[19:07:50] Shadow__X: ah ok gotcha
[19:08:28] wagnerrp: or, i could just start doing unit more complete tests...
[19:08:30] stuartm: everyone should have some unicode/utf8 content to test with, maybe we should gather together some sort of regression testing tarball full of short files – unicode filenames, common and less common video/audio codecs, subtitles (all types), mheg, etc
[19:09:15] wagnerrp: stuartm: more an issue of not being sufficiently complete with testing
[19:09:22] wagnerrp: i test all of the code in some manner or another
[19:09:32] wagnerrp: but maybe only hit a couple of the pathways with unicode text
[19:09:58] wagnerrp: and where a QString is a QString, python has separate types for ascii and unicode
[19:10:07] wagnerrp: and a decent number of functions simply dont work with unicode
[19:10:14] Shadow__X: so is this something that can be fixed through a patch or through updating mythvidexport
[19:10:21] stuartm: proper unit testing would be good (as in written down so others can follow it)
[19:10:33] wagnerrp: both are almost certainly going to be changes to the bindings, not mythvidexport
[19:14:26] Shadow__X: is there a way to export them in the mean time without mythvidexport?
[19:15:14] wagnerrp: theyre both using local data
[19:15:24] wagnerrp: as before, comment out that block, and revert to the previous behavior
[19:15:31] wagnerrp: where it pulls data from tmdb/ttvdb
[19:16:01] wagnerrp: well, the Philly one would be resolved that way
[19:16:12] wagnerrp: Dante's Peak would not
[19:16:31] wagnerrp: but then that one shouldnt be an issue in the first place
[19:16:43] wagnerrp: i know ive fixed the problem there in the past
[19:17:24] emmanuelux (emmanuelux!~emmanuelu@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:20:03] earthw0rm (earthw0rm! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[19:20:46] ikke-t (ikke-t! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:21:21] ikke-t: hi, what's changed in mythfilldatabase? I can't get the manual update to work. I use command:
[19:21:38] ikke-t: mythfilldatabase --file 1 --xmlfile /tmp/channels/xmltv_channels.tmp2 --update
[19:21:49] wagnerrp: why are you using manual updates?
[19:22:01] wagnerrp: why not let mythfilldatabase call your xmltv grabber with the proper arguments?
[19:22:05] ikke-t: but it gives: Boolean type options do not accept values: --file
[19:22:06] ikke-t: Received '1' but unassociated arguments have not been enabled
[19:22:37] Xn0p0rdyH (Xn0p0rdyH! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:22:40] ikke-t: wagnerrp: due to dumb tv broadcasters, in some cases there are extra words I want to sed away first
[19:22:54] wagnerrp: see 'mythfilldatabase --help file'
[19:22:58] ikke-t: like re-run, or something
[19:23:08] ikke-t: which ruins the re-run detection
[19:23:28] sphery: . . . _--file_flag
[19:24:04] skd5aner: alright, alright... I'm a little mad at mythtv right now, I ran out of disk space on one of my recording drives with 10 laps to go in the Indy 500 >:(
[19:24:10] skd5aner: Why in the word didn't autoexpire help?!
[19:24:16] skd5aner: s/word/world
[19:24:28] sphery: how much is expirable
[19:24:33] skd5aner: uh, lots
[19:24:39] sphery: on the file system where the indy race was being written
[19:24:43] skd5aner: Yes
[19:24:56] sphery: and what did logs say
[19:24:58] skd5aner: In fact, several of them were in the deleted group
[19:25:16] skd5aner: sphery: hold, i'll pastebin
[19:25:57] pheld (pheld! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:26:02] skd5aner: sphery: just mythbackend logs?
[19:26:14] sphery: yeah
[19:26:50] ikke-t: sphery: thanks, need to figure out now what the heck is sourceid, can it be done on one channel only now?
[19:27:14] sphery: ikke-t: From 0.21 on: $ mythfilldatabase --file <sourceid> belgium.xml
[19:27:24] sphery: ikke-t: From 0.25 on: $ mythfilldatabase --file --sourceid <sourceid> --xmlfile belgium.xml
[19:27:30] sphery: so, given: 05.28 15:21:38 < ikke-t> mythfilldatabase --file 1 --xmlfile /tmp/channels/xmltv_channels.tmp2 --update
[19:27:33] sphery: ...
[19:28:02] sphery: there must be only 1 answer to the question, "What <sourceid> should I supply?"
[19:28:58] ikke-t: ah, the number one is source id? ok, will try
[19:29:22] ikke-t: sphery: i thought it's boolean true for "file"
[19:30:04] skd5aner: sphery: – truncated, let me know if you need more/less... That's from right before a few recordings to a few hours after it stopped recording due to full disk
[19:30:46] ikke-t: finally, works, great. Thanks sphery for pointing me to correct way
[19:31:23] wizbit (wizbit!~wizbit@unaffiliated/wizbit) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:31:36] wizbit: do you think the whole mythtv theme engine should be based on html5 & css3 ?
[19:32:01] wizbit: check this out
[19:32:03] wizbit: . . . ffect/launch
[19:33:17] bulle (bulle! has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:36:30] wagnerrp: i think youre asking for performance issues
[19:38:40] sphery: skd5aner: possibly related to + all the PlaybackSock::SendReceiveString List(): Response too short errors
[19:39:22] ** wizbit has still not installed .25 **
[19:40:09] skd5aner: sphery: needless to say, my wife and I were not happy
[19:40:32] sphery: please call customer service, and I'm sure they can arrange a full refund
[19:41:11] skd5aner: well, if it's a bug, not sure how to report it
[19:41:28] sphery: (that's a joke, but tempered by the "Y is a part of DIY")
[19:41:34] sphery: pretty sure it's already reported
[19:41:38] sphery: and it's already got a patch
[19:41:42] skd5aner: I know you were, but..
[19:41:47] skd5aner: sphery: well, that's if it is related
[19:42:04] sphery: ("Y is a part of DIY" meaning, "if you want it to just work, you shouldn't be using mythtv)
[19:42:19] sphery: yeah, I'm pretty sure it's related
[19:42:34] sphery: PlaybackSock::GetMaxBitrate() expects 2 tokens in the reply but only one is sent. This error also results in a default value being used for max bitrate instead of the value reported by the slave backend.
[19:42:40] sphery: meaning you were using the default value
[19:42:53] sphery: but you were recording with cards that exceeded that default
[19:43:00] sphery: so 1–2 = boom
[19:43:27] skd5aner: and that effects autoexpiring? I assumed that was based on watching available disk space
[19:44:29] sphery: 2012-05–27 10:48:40.008982 N [1423/1696] Expire autoexpire.cpp:263 (CalcParams) – AutoExpire: CalcParams(): Max required Free Space: 1.0 GB w/freq: 15 min
[19:44:36] sphery: and the others with lower freq
[19:44:47] sphery: where free space and freq are determined based on recorders
[19:45:00] ikke-t (ikke-t! has left #mythtv-users ()
[19:45:02] sphery: and their max bitrates
[19:46:36] skd5aner: i see
[19:46:43] sphery: skd5aner: it does show it expiring shows while you recorded the race
[19:46:53] sphery: so it was doing the right thing... just not fast enough
[19:47:11] skd5aner: yea
[19:47:18] bulle: im trying to get my dvb card to work in myth, the card itself works, as i can manualy tune it and watch stuff with mplayer. I have created a channels.conf file with the scan command as described in the wiki, but when i can for channels, no channels show up
[19:47:23] skd5aner: so, what's the odds of you reviewing and accepting that patch :)
[19:47:54] skd5aner: I mean, I can obviously apply it easily enough, but might be good to get in if stuartm was planning on cutting 0.25.1 in the next few days
[19:48:02] skd5aner: (apply it locally that is)
[19:48:33] fa2k (fa2k! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:48:45] sphery: it's already blue (TODO) in my tickets folder... just waiting for me to get a chance to actually get the dev box going and spend some time on mythtv work
[19:49:16] skd5aner: k – thx for helping figure it out
[19:49:24] sphery: sorry about the failure, though
[19:49:44] sphery: I hope to get some time to work on mythtv later today
[19:50:05] skd5aner: now can you do some marriage couseling to ensure my wife that my defense of mythtv is warranted and shouldn't end our marriage ;)
[19:50:21] sphery: skd5aner: do you have slow deletes enabled
[19:50:28] fa2k: Hi, does anyone have any experience with af9015 USB tuners? Mine start working fine but then go dark after a while and have to be unplugged and then re-plugged. I have them on my desk now, but it's a bit annoying
[19:50:35] skd5aner: sphery: I don't believe so... I never really needed that
[19:50:44] sphery: skd5aner: hehe, I'm not at all qualified to do that counseling :)
[19:50:50] sphery: just curious
[19:50:52] skd5aner: sphery: I have always used the deleted group for autoexpire, but I know that's the default now anyway
[19:51:40] skd5aner: yea, I've always used XFS, so never really needed slow deletes
[19:52:40] sphery: skd5aner: yeah, just curious...
[19:53:31] pmhahn (pmhahn!~pmhahn@2001:4dd0:ff00:8d31:219:dbff:fef2:e135) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:53:32] sphery: it expired a 10GB show at 14:49:41, with a scheduled next-run for auto-expire checks at 15:03, then ran out of space at 14:56:50
[19:53:33] skd5aner: what's the setting name, I'll look in DB
[19:53:42] sphery: Truncate something or another
[19:54:17] sphery: though that 14min should actually be more like 3 or 5 min while recording, so it's definitely not doing the right thing
[19:54:37] skd5aner: TruncateDeletesSlowly 0
[19:55:00] sphery: was wondering if the slow delete's use of max bitrate was also a contributing factor (as it determines how quickly to truncate based on max bitrate)\
[19:55:13] sphery: but either way, the 14min shouln't be 14min while recording
[19:55:30] DeviceZer0 (DeviceZer0!~hate@unaffiliated/devicezer0) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:55:36] skd5aner: gotcha – patch address that issue as well, or seperate cause?
[19:55:43] tootr (tootr! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[19:55:49] sphery: may fix that also
[19:55:54] sphery: might be other bugs, too
[19:55:59] sphery: but it's all tied to max bitrate
[19:56:59] sphery: as a workaround, you could increase the free space to something higher to compensate
[19:57:11] sphery: then just use your time machine to go back and re-record the indy race
[19:58:15] stuartm: skd5aner: I think you can expect 0.25.1 to be Wed-Fri at the earliest now, the threat of releasing 0.25.1 has caused a flurry of commits and I want to give everyone time to fix/backport those fixes they feel are important without rushing
[19:58:16] fa2k: ok, no info on the Afatech, maybe I should get a new tuner.. Anyone know a DVB tuner that works well?
[20:00:54] bulle: fa2k: mine works, i just cant get it to work with mythtv ( techotrend budget ci 1500 )
[20:01:59] bulle: When i scan for channels, in backend config, with existing channels.conf, the scan goes well, the progress bar slowly approaches 100%, and it finds lots of channels. And when finnished it asks me if i want to import the channels, and i say yes, but i still dont get any channels in the channel list after scanning
[20:02:04] bulle: so what am i doing wrong ?
[20:02:09] fa2k: bulle: Ok thanks, it's not for me though, I need DVB-T
[20:03:49] stuartm: skd5aner: plus my Rπ arrived today and I'm probably going to spend a few hours playing with it :)
[20:04:21] fa2k: how strange, I've never seen that. Does it list them in hte channel editor?
[20:04:34] bulle: fa2k: nope, the channel editor is just empty
[20:04:44] bulle: fa2k: thats the strange thing
[20:04:52] noisymouse (noisymouse! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[20:05:28] fa2k: bulle: maybe there are some error messages if you're running mythtv-setup from the console
[20:05:38] bulle: hmmm, good point, i will try that
[20:06:07] stuartm: if it finds channels there's nothing wrong with the card, something else is wrong
[20:06:57] stuartm: possibly it's unable to write to the database or you're hitting cancel when you think you're hitting 'ok'
[20:07:22] stuartm: which I'll concede is a very real possibility with the Terra theme :/
[20:09:44] bulle: i think nothing gets put in the db
[20:11:10] bulle: i should see some entries in the channel database then, shouldnt i ?
[20:11:20] bulle: ehm, channel table, in the mythconverg database
[20:12:14] ** fa2k sees some entries in that table at least **
[20:12:21] skd5aner: stuartm: your going to play with your nurse for a few hours today? good for you!
[20:13:18] bulle: but, when i add or remove tuners, that gets changed in the appropriate table in the mythconverg database
[20:13:30] bulle: so, it has access
[20:15:55] stuartm: skd5aner: maybe because of the heat, maybe because it's a reference that I'm just not familiar with, but that went completely over my head :)
[20:16:12] skd5aner: RN = Registered Nurse, at least in the US ;)
[20:16:24] fa2k: bulle: and you're definitely not confusing "ok" and "cancel" ? (like stuartm suggested)
[20:17:11] skd5aner: stuartm: " plus my Rπ arrived today"  – although re-reading it, I guess you meant raspberry pi
[20:17:42] skd5aner: if that is the pi symbol, the font my irc client is using is horrible, looks exactly like a lowercase "n"
[20:19:48] skd5aner: sphery: funny enough, just ordered a prime I intend to use in QAM mode for a while and came across this ticket –
[20:19:54] stuartm: skd5aner: ah, heh, yeah it's the Pi symbol not n – having an RN to play with would be entirely different
[20:20:20] Xn0p0rdyH (Xn0p0rdyH! has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[20:20:45] skd5aner: wagnerrp: ^ I guess you wer the last one to touch that ticket – either way – good to see
[20:21:46] wagnerrp: rather, daniel was the last to touch that ticket
[20:22:41] skd5aner: yea, true... sorry – crosseyed today :S
[20:23:01] ** wagnerrp is merely the commit hook surrogate **
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[20:39:11] stuartm: hmm, strange, the RAM on this thing is Samsung mobile DRAM, the specific model number corresponds to one with a 'density' of 2GB ... clearly I'm not understanding that unit of measurement – GB per square Inch or something?
[20:41:25] wagnerrp: 2 gigabit
[20:41:30] wagnerrp: per module
[20:41:43] wagnerrp: a 2Gb module == 256MB
[20:42:48] stuartm: you're right, it's 2Gb not GB, I mis-read the catalogue
[20:44:26] stuartm: well that makes a lot more sense, thanks for that – feel like an idiot now :)
[20:44:49] wagnerrp: memory chips are almost always measured in bits
[20:45:53] stuartm: obviously a trend I've been blind to before now :)
[20:46:27] wagnerrp: 2Gbit is fairly dense
[20:46:38] wagnerrp: 1–2Gbit is standard computer memory
[20:46:46] wagnerrp: which some server modules running 4Gbit
[20:47:58] stuartm: it will be a challenge to see if I can even get mythfrontend to run, video is completely out of the question for now sadly
[20:48:53] wagnerrp: well if it would make it easier to test
[20:49:14] wagnerrp: i came across this little "memory eater" application, that would eat everything but a certain amount of memory
[20:49:16] stuartm: can't fire this thing up tonight, I'll need to order a 1.2amp usb charger first
[20:49:34] wagnerrp: leaving only a pre-set amount available for a specific application to use
[20:50:02] wagnerrp: its either that, or going with a full blown VM to limit memory usage
[20:50:24] wagnerrp: IIRC, the graphics core on the RPI needs like 64MB of that memory to run its video decoders
[20:50:53] wagnerrp: and with what linux itself is going to use for various things, were down to maybe 170MB effectively available
[20:51:11] stuartm: wagnerrp: too tricky, this machine runs slow enough already, it locks up completely if I go into swap – I'll test it directly on the Pi, that means I'm not having to cripple and reboot my desktop just to work on this
[20:53:40] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:57:00] swerve: ok, I got this far, but now I'm stuck. can anyone tell me how to proceed?
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[21:20:17] stuartm: swerve: might want to ask in #ubuntu-mythtv since it appears their packages are failing to install properly
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[21:24:28] swerve: this is debian, but ok, maybe it's the same issue.
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[21:43:23] Twiggy2cents: woo hoo my super hackish lighting control setup works now. I can control some ambient lights with mythtv
[21:43:38] stuartm: either way the packages appear to be broken to some extent
[21:43:48] J-e-f-f-A: Twiggy2cents: X10?
[21:44:18] wizbit: Twiggy2cents: x10?
[21:44:27] wizbit: heyu on a3
[21:44:43] stuartm: J-e-f-f-A: nah, his missus stands by the light switch and he calls out when he wants them raised/lowered
[21:44:49] wizbit: :-S
[21:44:52] J-e-f-f-A: ha!
[21:45:05] Twiggy2cents: Some people would get a arduino board or some X10 stuff, but me on the other hand.... I took apart a mouse and found the 5V that shuts off if you tell the usb device to suspend then I used a relay wired in parallel with the light switch.
[21:45:24] Twiggy2cents: It would be nice if it dimmed but hey turning on and off is perfectly fine with me
[21:45:33] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:45:33] J-e-f-f-A: Twiggy2cents: ha- yeah, that's a bit of a hack. ;-)
[21:46:07] J-e-f-f-A: Twiggy2cents: I did something similar 20 years ago to turn my monitor on/off with CD being high (I ran a small BBS, that let me see what folks were doing...)
[21:46:18] Twiggy2cents: Then I used system events to turn it on when the playback pauses or stops and the opposite for playback and livetv start
[21:47:17] wizbit: J-e-f-f-A: BBS still exist
[21:47:21] J-e-f-f-A: Twiggy2cents: And if you're too old to know what CD is, it's Carrier Detect – a signal on the serial line – used to indicate the modem has a carrier. ;-)
[21:47:38] J-e-f-f-A: wizbit: Dial-up even, or are they all Telnet now?
[21:47:43] Twiggy2cents: Ohh I was trying to figure out what you used your cdrom drive for!
[21:47:52] wizbit:
[21:47:53] wizbit: telnet
[21:47:56] Twiggy2cents: I suppose there wasnt a cdrom 20 years ago
[21:48:02] J-e-f-f-A: wizbit: ha! ;-) cool.
[21:48:31] J-e-f-f-A: Twiggy2cents: They were brand-new... I bought a 2x reader USED for something like $160
[21:48:38] Twiggy2cents: Ha!
[21:48:55] Twiggy2cents: So is a bbs system like newsgroups but not used for piracy?
[21:49:05] J-e-f-f-A: Bulletin Board System
[21:49:15] J-e-f-f-A: It's what we had before the world-wide-web. ;-)
[21:49:51] russell5 (russell5! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:50:04] Twiggy2cents: Ohh like intrastate highways before the expansion to interstate highways
[21:50:08] J-e-f-f-A: wizbit: Cool, thanks. ;-) I ran my BBS on a TI-99/4a with a 10MB hard disk. ;-) And a 2400 baud modem!
[21:50:53] wizbit: I only accessed Amiga BBS for a while in the 90's, when my parents were out lol
[21:51:34] J-e-f-f-A: wizbit: hehehe... I owned an Amiga 500 soon after, and had lots of Amiga stuff on my board in the early 90's. ;-)
[21:51:52] Twiggy2cents: Although BBSing survives only as a niche hobby in most parts of the world, it is still an extremely popular form of communication for Taiwanese youth
[21:52:03] J-e-f-f-A: wizbit: I'm probably just a few years older than you... I was 21 in 1990. ;-)
[21:52:04] Twiggy2cents: Crazy, I guess if it aint broke...
[21:52:32] Twiggy2cents: heh I was 2 in 1990
[21:52:36] wizbit: LOL
[21:52:54] J-e-f-f-A: Twiggy2cents: My first experience with the World Wide Web was on a BBS, using "Hyperlinks" to other sites...
[21:53:19] stuartm: like any old term it sometimes gets applied to newer stuff that isn't strictly the same thing e.g. it wasn't uncommon for forums to be referred to as BBS, still happens occasionally
[21:56:00] AndyCap: it is a bulletin board after all.
[21:56:10] stuartm: certainly that was prevalent in the late 90s, as cgi forums started appearing they would refer to them as Bulletin Boards, e.g. VBulletin, PHPBB etc, which was then confused with BBS by a lot of people
[21:56:56] AndyCap: I dunno confused.
[21:57:12] AndyCap: both citadel and first class crossed the gap.
[21:57:19] AndyCap: probably others as well.
[21:57:46] stuartm: right, services did migrate
[21:58:06] AndyCap: of course the later pretenders don't have a tty user-interface.
[21:58:10] stuartm: but the tech underpinning them was very different
[21:58:36] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:58:50] stuartm: anyway, ancient history now, I barely remember that time
[21:59:54] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:00:15] Twiggy2cents: I remember turbo buttons ;-)
[22:00:45] Twiggy2cents: I had a game that would go in hyper speed when you pressed the button
[22:08:02] J-e-f-f-A: Heh, I used to frequent a BBS named "Davy Jones' Locker" up here in the northeast... Heh... just found this link googling for DJL... ;-)
[22:14:42] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: for me to get its always sunny to export I have to comment out the line that uses the local episode info right?
[22:15:28] Shadow__X: for its always sunny the info that myth shows is correct
[22:17:20] J-e-f-f-A: HA! Just found a listing on the web of the BBS I had up in 1990 – 2400 baud  – 40MB hdd – on my TI... ;-) funny stuff.
[22:18:28] stuartm: it wasn't that long ago that I threw out my 40MB hdd, it was huge by comparison to modern drives
[22:18:59] stuartm: not so much in width/length, but much deeper and it weighed a far bit
[22:20:26] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[22:21:20] J-e-f-f-A: stuartm: Mine was a 5–1/4" "Full Height" – and cost me $450 in 1989 – USED. D'oh!
[22:22:37] J-e-f-f-A: Gee, I was so original – my BBS name was "Jeff's 40 Megs"... Wow, was I witty back then!
[22:25:03] stuartm: J-e-f-f-A: this was a 3.5", and cost £££ but I really don't remember the exact figure
[22:25:45] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:26:19] stuartm: the first GB drive I ever bought was 5.25" ... Bigfoot 1.2GB if I remember correctly
[22:26:37] stuartm: first and last 5.25" HDD
[22:27:45] J-e-f-f-A: Actually, mine was 1/2 height – a 40MB Seagate MFM drive... still big money for a 20-year-old... ;-)
[22:29:06] J-e-f-f-A: My 10MB drive was like the one in the back-right – my 40MB was like the one on the left. ;-)
[22:29:45] stuartm: yeah, I didn't pay for it, it was actually my dad's, I was only 11 ;)
[22:31:08] stuartm: or was it 12 ...
[22:32:29] wagnerrp: Shadow__X: yeah, its not happy with the URL not being defined
[22:33:30] stuartm: back then I mostly spent my time playing pirated games that my Uncle somehow obtained
[22:33:45] wagnerrp: oh.... im pulling URL, but it should be homepage
[22:33:52] wagnerrp: how did i screw that up...
[22:34:26] wagnerrp: scratch that
[22:34:30] Shadow__X: thanks for checking it out when I find a problem
[22:34:40] wagnerrp: its an image, which has no pre-defined set of attributes
[22:34:42] Shadow__X: its cool, Ill be bbiab
[22:34:46] wagnerrp: i need to have the import just handle it properly
[22:37:25] stuartm: Windows 3.10/3.11, when a Windows OS would fit on a dozen floppies – that might give the impression that it wasn't as bloated then as it is today, but it's all relative, OS/2 was only two disks iirc
[22:38:10] wagnerrp: how close was OS/2 to NT?
[22:38:22] J-e-f-f-A: stuartm: and AmigaOS was just 1 or 2 880k floppies. ;-)
[22:40:56] stuartm: wagnerrp: dunno, I was still in school, the closest I came to NT wasn't until NT 4
[22:42:52] J-e-f-f-A: I only saw OS/2 a few times – it was similar to NT, and could run some winders programs IIRC...
[22:43:16] stuartm: and that was when NT4 was 2–3 years old already, so there was a decent gap between the last OS/2 I tried (warp) and my first taste of NT by which time they looked very different, at least superficially
[22:44:21] knightr_: spnery, for the Season/Series iissue the page already says that iwe using the translation for the parsing and I put a fix in fixes/0.25 for that 1–2 weeks ago (IIRC)... I haven't committed the fix for master though which will be different...
[22:45:21] wagnerrp: right, thats what i told the guy
[22:45:22] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:45:33] wagnerrp: 0.25 accepts Season and Series, but there is no fix in yet for 0.26/master
[22:45:51] wagnerrp: 0.25 was a quick make-it-work
[22:45:59] wagnerrp: and you want to do something more proper for 0.26
[22:46:05] knightr_: yep..
[22:46:41] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[22:46:45] knightr_: thanks!
[22:47:58] wagnerrp: im cleaning out a drawer full of old parts for recycling...
[22:48:16] wagnerrp: debating whether ill ever do anything with the board out of a USB hub
[22:48:30] wagnerrp: still fully functional, 7-port
[22:48:59] wagnerrp: only three accessible though, i ripped the plugs for the other four off the board
[22:50:07] stuartm: wagnerrp: be ruthless, it's the only way
[22:51:08] wagnerrp: the only thing i would consider using it for is building a hub into my desk or something
[22:51:31] wagnerrp: previously had it built into one of those vertical disk caddies
[22:51:44] wagnerrp: but the caddy itself went bad
[22:54:39] wagnerrp: 3-com 10/100... never gonna use it...
[22:56:07] stuartm: I almost built a USB hub into the desk top, but I was stopped by the thought of dust/crumbs building up and fouling the sockets
[22:57:18] stuartm: so instead I mounted one on the side of the desk
[22:58:46] wagnerrp: a lot of these parts, i kept around in the event i might want to build an old gaming PC one day
[22:59:08] wagnerrp: but its really too modern for anything that wouldnt work with modern windows anyway
[23:00:15] wagnerrp: what would i really do with an 8yr old radeon anyway
[23:01:06] Shadow__X: run windows 2000 with it
[23:01:21] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: heh... Maybe you were going to make a MAME box driving a legacy arcade monitor at 15Khz? ;-)
[23:05:38] skd5aner: I've got several z-wave switches – would be nice if myth could interface with them directly
[23:06:06] skd5aner: my remote can control them, which is second best anyway
[23:06:46] J-e-f-f-A: skd5aner: the light switches? If there's a PC interface (like there is for X10), then you should be able to control them... ;-)
[23:06:57] wagnerrp: i mean why do i even have an A-Vortex card
[23:07:05] wagnerrp: thats like 15 years old
[23:07:07] skd5aner: you can buy a z-wave usb controller
[23:07:46] skd5aner: There's software options out there to do it, would just be nice if someone had done all the leg work to send events to one of those systems
[23:07:50] skd5aner: I'm just lazy
[23:07:52] skd5aner: :)
[23:09:10] wagnerrp: i go deeper and deeper into the drawer and just keep pulling out -905s
[23:09:51] wagnerrp: ooh... a bigfoot
[23:12:22] wagnerrp: some PC133... i dont think i still have any boards that take that
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[23:16:36] Shadow__X: i got rid of some simms not that long ago
[23:16:47] Shadow__X: or edo dram
[23:16:52] J-e-f-f-A: I've used old simms as keychains. ;-)
[23:16:52] wagnerrp: some random pc100 sodimm of unknown capacity
[23:16:58] wagnerrp: 5 modules on it
[23:17:07] wagnerrp: it couldnt possibly be registered, could it?
[23:17:17] Shadow__X: get out an old socket a and load it up
[23:22:15] wagnerrp: now heres a conundrum
[23:22:16] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:22:44] wagnerrp: a pair of 1GHz P3s, that until 30 seconds ago, were stuffed into this beige box beside me
[23:23:37] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Ha!  ;-) My first 'serious' MythTV backend was a dual-PIII 866 Compaq "Professional Workstation"... ;-)
[23:24:00] J-e-f-f-A: That thing weighed like 50 lbs... it was built like a tank.
[23:25:25] Shadow__X: i have a 1u dual 1ghz p3 server with 2gb of ram. Everything works
[23:25:56] wagnerrp: thats what i *thought* was sitting next to me
[23:26:06] wagnerrp: not a P3 Xeon, just standard chips
[23:26:18] wagnerrp: but with that much memory, scsi controller, etc...
[23:26:31] Shadow__X: I fired it up and according to killawatt it takes 140watts just to sit there
[23:27:34] wagnerrp: must be some god awful power supply
[23:27:36] J-e-f-f-A: Hehehe... I pulled a 1U server out of the electronics recycling bin after pulling the ram and finding it was DDR3 1066... I still haven't looked to see if anything else is good on it... ;-)
[23:27:43] wagnerrp: since those P3s themselves are only rated at 27W each
[23:28:10] wagnerrp: could be DDR3... on an Atom...
[23:28:11] wagnerrp: :)
[23:28:50] Shadow__X: hmm maybe i should try another psu on it then because thats a big difference
[23:29:23] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Hehehe... Not likely on a 1U server. ;-) The only thing that sux is that it's 8x 1GB DDR3 dimms... but for free, I'm not complaining. ;-)
[23:30:14] wagnerrp: let me fire mine up and see what it is
[23:30:19] wagnerrp: i dont even have it plugged in
[23:30:25] wagnerrp: moved stuff around a few weeks back
[23:30:29] Shadow__X: J-e-f-f-A: they sell tons of 1u atoms
[23:30:36] wagnerrp: so ive got a bunch of unplugged PCs, and a pile of wires on the floor
[23:30:55] RagingComputer (RagingComputer! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:31:21] wagnerrp: yeah, if its not a big 3' long monster, its probably an Atom
[23:31:32] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: when you get a chance could you let me know what lines i have to comment out to get the export working?
[23:31:59] Shadow__X: is it worth pulling things out from an electronics recycling bin? i would expect old stuff that people wouldnt want
[23:32:23] wagnerrp: plugged in... im reading 7W
[23:32:52] wagnerrp: powered up, between 65W-85W
[23:33:06] J-e-f-f-A: It's a HP ProLiant DL360G6 – which has two cpus, up to 6 cores each... I doubt this has them... /me investigates more...
[23:33:08] Shadow__X: thats about half what i was reading
[23:33:10] wagnerrp: nothing connected except the power, and it was configured for netboot
[23:33:16] wagnerrp: so i have no idea what exactly its doing
[23:34:32] wagnerrp: last item, 1.8GHz P4
[23:34:35] wagnerrp: stay or go?
[23:34:37] skd5aner: love the DL360s ;)
[23:35:03] wagnerrp: im thinking go...
[23:35:22] wagnerrp: got a couple more powerful machines i can use if i want to do anything...
[23:35:22] Shadow__X: is it a socket 428?
[23:35:27] Shadow__X: you can get rambus!!!
[23:36:14] wagnerrp: 478, DDR
[23:38:31] emmanuelux (emmanuelux!~emmanuelu@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[23:41:19] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[23:43:36] J-e-f-f-A: What the heck? This server has an SD card on the MB?
[23:43:46] J-e-f-f-A: [sd card SLOT that is...]
[23:46:33] emmanuelux (emmanuelux!~emmanuelu@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:46:46] wagnerrp: thats odd, are you sure its actually SD?
[23:47:42] J-e-f-f-A: It powers on and I have video... dulal X5500 quad-core cpus a 2.67Ghz each.
[23:48:15] J-e-f-f-A: Says "SD" right on the slot...
[23:48:31] ** J-e-f-f-A has to find a keybaord... one sec.. **
[23:48:40] Shadow__X: why would someone throw that away
[23:49:01] Shadow__X: 1 x Internal Secure Digital (SD) Slot
[23:49:10] Shadow__X: hmm so it does have an internal sd slot
[23:49:21] wagnerrp: didnt want to spend the effort to pick up ~1K for it on ebay?
[23:49:36] Shadow__X: does that really happen?
[23:49:40] wagnerrp: 8GB is an awfully small amount of memory for that system
[23:49:49] wagnerrp: id expect 4x that
[23:52:43] Shadow__X: hmm criminal minds fails too with error url
[23:53:21] wagnerrp: yeah, any local data import with images will fail
[23:53:58] J-e-f-f-A: Yeah, it's got 9 slots per CPU, so maybe they took some memory out before putting it in the recycling bin...
[23:54:43] wagnerrp: i didnt even think about that
[23:54:50] wagnerrp: its triple channel, so 8 sticks makes no sense
[23:55:46] J-e-f-f-A: "Failed memory detected in processor 1 slot 6"
[23:55:59] Shadow__X: ah maybe thats why they threw it out
[23:56:44] J-e-f-f-A: yeah, no doubt... but still LOTS of usable parts nonetheless. ;-)
[23:57:28] Shadow__X: yup
[23:57:47] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: is there a way to around that on my end?
[23:57:50] wagnerrp: assuming its just one bad stick of memory, thats an amazing find
[23:58:05] Shadow__X: i fully agree that would be an amazing find
[23:58:15] Shadow__X: i mean even if the cpus are good thats some money there
[23:59:12] wagnerrp: Shadow__X: lines 118–139 need to be false
[23:59:22] wagnerrp: since internal copy of the listings data does not currently work

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