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Friday, May 18th, 2012, 00:13 UTC
[00:13:30] tgm4883: 64-bit has overtaken 32-bit again!
[00:13:49] wagnerrp: yeah, by... 3 users?
[00:13:58] tgm4883: wagnerrp, I'll take it :)
[00:14:05] awalls (awalls! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:14:06] tgm4883: and it's only 2 users
[00:23:10] mycosys (mycosys! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:40:49] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:43:46] ** sphery installs a couple new 64-bit mythbuntu systems **
[00:44:07] Guierrmo: Are they VMs?
[00:44:12] sphery: hehe
[00:44:49] sphery: yeah, figure I'll run 64-bit ubuntu on my Pentium II system in a VM
[01:06:48] gregL (gregL! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[01:48:23] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:49:05] cesman (cesman!~cesman@pdpc/supporter/professional/cesman) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[01:59:46] MissionCritical (MissionCritical!~MissionCr@unaffiliated/missioncritical) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[02:08:19] MissionCritical (MissionCritical!~MissionCr@unaffiliated/missioncritical) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:16:02] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:53:26] [R]: wagnerrp: wtf, i can't belive this guy iis STILL complaining about -l
[02:57:43] emmanuelux (emmanuelux!~emmanuelu@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[02:59:35] wagnerrp: did i miss something in the last couple hours?
[02:59:50] wagnerrp: last i saw was this morning when the rest of the mailing list basically told him to shaddup
[03:01:55] wagnerrp: if he really wanted to, its not like he couldnt change that one... single... line... in mythtv/programs/mythshutdown/commandlineparser.cpp, recompile, and make it work
[03:03:22] [R]: i guess it was a while ago
[03:03:25] [R]: i just saw a bunch of emails
[03:03:27] [R]: and assumed it went the whole day
[03:03:28] [R]: haha
[03:06:35] [R]: . . . l+content%29
[03:06:48] ** [R] waits for everyone to ask about running mythfrontend on it **
[03:15:57] larrikin_: sqlite man..
[03:19:15] wagnerrp: ?
[03:21:58] larrikin_: android mini.. mythfrontend .. mythbackend
[03:30:05] mycosys (mycosys! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:57:03] cesman (cesman!~cesman@pdpc/supporter/professional/cesman) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:19:10] Vernon_at_work_ (Vernon_at_work_! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[04:42:29] wylie (wylie! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:42:43] wylie: does anyone have protocol 74's token handy?
[04:43:00] wylie: and hello all, been a while
[04:44:27] wagnerrp:
[04:46:24] wylie: ya, i was thinking it wan't really SingingPotato… but seems it actually is
[04:46:46] Anomaly` (Anomaly`!Anomaly@unaffiliated/-anomaly/x-0012834) has quit (Excess Flood)
[04:46:47] wylie: kind of deviates from the regular. ;b
[04:47:33] wylie: ty wagnerrp
[04:47:36] wagnerrp: just an arbitrary string
[04:47:43] wylie: aye
[04:48:32] wylie: but here it is libs/libmythprotoserver/mythsocketmanager.cpp: if (token != MYTH_PROTO_TOKEN)
[04:48:36] wylie: er
[04:48:45] wylie: bindings/perl/ our $PROTO_TOKEN = "SingingPotato";
[04:49:40] wylie: or pethaps more official… ;b
[04:49:40] wylie: bindings/python/MythTV/ = 'SingingPotato'
[04:50:09] wylie: but only because i like python more. ;b
[04:50:40] wagnerrp: . . . ythversion.h
[04:50:40] _Anomaly (_Anomaly! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:50:43] wagnerrp: headers trump all
[04:51:17] wylie: no doubt, my next spew
[04:51:18] wylie: libs/libmythbase/mythversion.h:#define MYTH_PROTO_TOKEN "SingingPotato"
[04:51:34] wylie: how goes
[04:55:25] wylie: oompht; 2012-05–17 21:53:02.228970 C [22251/14682] ProcessRequest mainserver.cpp:1271 (HandleVersion) – MainServer::HandleVersion – Client sent incorrect protocol token for protocol version. Refusing connection!
[04:55:46] wagnerrp: what exactly are you trying to do?
[04:56:15] wylie: kick mythweb for my wife after a trunk pull
[04:56:38] wagnerrp: ever update the PHP bindings?
[04:58:30] wylie: good question — i was just masaging script.mythbox/resources/src/mythbox/mythtv/ (as I have done in the past)
[04:58:57] wylie: i may not have bumped php bindings with the last build — didn't pay attention, thought it was using py
[04:59:12] wagnerrp: mythweb is php
[04:59:25] wylie: my bad, i said mythweb — i meant mythbox on xbmc
[04:59:50] wylie: (I know, ew… I'm still on mythfrontend for myself… and certainly using mythweb… but my kids and wife like xbmc)
[05:00:18] wahrhaft (wahrhaft! has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[05:00:42] wagnerrp: whatever happened to their rewrite they were doing two years back?
[05:00:51] wagnerrp: year and a half maybe
[05:01:49] wylie: i dunno, haven't been following closely… but xbmc pvr has come far (from my 3k ft viiew)…. mythweb actually worked nicely until i bumped to latest git on trunk (and of course i accept broken red headed step children)
[05:02:08] wylie: rather,mythbox
[05:03:17] wylie: its using clibmyth or something — but they don't keep it up-to-date — and so just recently after itnroucing xbmc to kids and wife.. i've been kicking mythbox's resources/blah to support new tokens with enough success for them to pick shows and watch them with benefit of commflag
[05:03:38] kyew (kyew! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[05:03:45] wagnerrp: "redheaded step children" would imply mythbox is something we neglect
[05:03:53] [R]: why dont they just link with libmyth?
[05:04:02] kyew (kyew! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:04:07] wagnerrp: rather, its like the weird neighborhood kid that keeps hanging around
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[05:04:28] wylie: fair enuf — and i agree
[05:04:58] wylie: i've been off irc for a bit — don't these folks speak up on what they are doing?
[05:05:07] wagnerrp: ?
[05:05:11] wylie: seems they'd be more succesfful
[05:06:01] wylie: what i mean is — doesn't mythbox dude speak up? or any of the 3 xbmc pvr core dev's with their git forks… get involved
[05:06:12] wylie: they keep playing the tvheadend and microsoft garbage
[05:06:19] wagnerrp: they may in #xbmc
[05:07:07] wylie: seems like a race to the bottom ;b … as there is clearly one best open source pvr to focus on… and i'm not just being nice
[05:07:41] wahrhaft (wahrhaft! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:08:59] wylie: i'm clearly out of it --- but out of this unified pvr summer of code blah blah… nobody has been actualling contributing and inquring here to make progress?
[05:09:27] wagnerrp: nope, havent heard anything about it
[05:10:57] wylie: that's too bad. the xbmc leverage of mythtv would be a HUGE (and perhaps the only truly significant IMO jump for XBMC PVR) for a vast variety of reasons
[05:11:27] wylie: just to say, they spend to much time focusing on the open windows pvr's and tvheadend
[05:13:08] wylie: the mythbox stuff is actually viable in xbmc but not part of unified pvr/dvr effort — of course, when you're not on latest trunk — that's when it needs some kicking
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[05:14:44] wylie: until my latest (every 2–3 month bump of trunk) t was working and i could just do some minor (2–3 lines) changes to script.mythbox/resources/src/mythbox/mythtv/ and could watch recordings from xbmc leveraging commercial skip
[05:15:23] wahrhaft (wahrhaft! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:17:18] wylie: i assumed SingingPotato wasn't real because i couldnt use it to jump to current and still work — but i've done no debugging thus far and i can certainly look at that… though low priority in my head surprised though that others haven't taken a liking to it
[05:18:48] wylie: at this point, it would be really nice if myth fit into the unified pvr support model of xbmc though — as the volume of iptv (or like iptv) related plugins is appealing
[05:20:33] wagnerrp: iptv plugins?
[05:20:33] wylie: its also nice because i have some atv2's running xbmc with mythbox that are wired — and so for jailbroken atv2, that means a really really small and performant form factor device to play recordings
[05:21:00] wylie: i'm referring to the bluecop repo stuff … not real iptv, but… stuff like
[05:21:02] wylie: ...
[05:21:23] wagnerrp: i was under the impression there was only multicast IPTV, and then a bunch of other encrypted crap we couldnt touch
[05:22:34] dmz (dmz!~dmz@unaffiliated/dmz) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[05:22:47] wylie: ya, that's why i inserted (like iptv)…. but i am referring to amazon movies, diy network, engagdet, epix hd, food network, fox new, free cable (this one sucks, but some work), funny or die, hgtv, hulu, limelight, mtv, pbs, techcunch, ted talks, trailers, tmz, vevo, vimeo, yahoo music, youtube
[05:23:38] wagnerrp: mythtv will do most of those
[05:23:50] wagnerrp: although there needs to be some work to get amazon and hulu plus
[05:24:36] wylie: w/ what plugin?
[05:24:44] wagnerrp: mythnetvision
[05:25:42] wylie: again (from much earlier in conversation) been out of it for a while. looked at mythnetvision earlly on but didn't revisit… apparently, overdue.. will check it out
[05:33:04] knightr (knightr!~knightr@mythtv/developer/knightr) has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[05:40:07] wylie: hmmm. seems there is w/ 74 workign
[05:43:03] wylie: and it works fine
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[07:27:01] wagnerrp: sphery: person of interest gave itself up today
[07:27:15] wagnerrp: one of the characters called it god
[07:27:26] wagnerrp: and... it really is
[07:27:37] wagnerrp: its that good feeling of a benevolent, all seeing eye
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[10:02:24] lapion (lapion! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:03:14] lapion: hmm if I disable pulseaudio I get a delay with dvb audio
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[10:03:38] lapion: oops nvm
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[10:07:55] lapion: whenever I transcode dvb-stream I get a first frame with pink and blue stipes
[10:08:00] lapion: stripes
[10:08:41] mzb is now known as mzb_
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[11:02:47] lapion: well actually it's pink and green vertical stripes
[11:03:19] emmanuelux (emmanuelux!~emmanuelu@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #mythtv-users
[11:04:08] lapion: this happens to all recordings transcoded with the lossless codec after 8th of may
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[11:07:39] lapion: hmm I forgot to reenable mythtv-ppa...
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[12:00:44] at0m: got all gear for DVB-S apart from DVB-S cards. after years of happy pvr250'ing, DVB is finally coming to the mythbox.
[12:01:21] at0m: how CI is done for cards without CI module isnt clear to me
[12:01:59] at0m: just hook up some USB CI and that will work with encrypted streams incoming on the PCI cards?
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[12:22:09] Twiggy2cents: It says that mythfilldatabase ran but did not insert any new data. Yet it says I have 15 days of data. It has said this for at least two days now. And I have 2 weeks of data
[12:22:48] pepsiman: do you use EIT?
[12:22:58] Twiggy2cents: Nope, schedules direct
[12:27:29] Twiggy2cents: I am confused, there is nothing in the mythfilldatabase log. Searching for mythfilldatabase in the backend log doesnt bring up anything.
[12:27:56] at0m: it has its own log file here in /var/log/mythtv/mythfilldb.log
[12:28:22] at0m: oh it's empty? k..
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[14:00:07] devinheitmueller: brfransen: fyi: made some progress on the 1800 last night. Reproduced the problems you are seeing and started to debug.
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[14:15:50] skd5aner: I'm about to go all off space on this HD-PVR... what a piece of junk
[14:16:32] at0m: for encrypted DVB-S, am I limited to DVB-S cards with CI support, or can an external/3rd party CI module provide the keys?
[14:17:01] at0m: that's not all clear to me from the documentation on
[14:17:41] devinheitmueller: As far as I know there aren't any USB CI modules which are currently supported. You're restricted to a a card that has CI support *and* Linux driver support.
[14:18:04] at0m: ok thanks :)
[14:20:07] skd5aner: devinheitmueller: do you work on the HD-PVR stuff at all?
[14:20:12] skd5aner: driver-wise?
[14:20:44] devinheitmueller: skd5aner: not really. I've provided advise to others in the past (I know the hardware design pretty well), but haven't done any real work under Linux other than some Zilog stuff.
[14:21:23] skd5aner: just curious, I know we've chatted about the hardware issues in the past
[14:21:33] devinheitmueller: Did you have a specific question?
[14:21:40] skd5aner: It's just really starting to annoy me – I'm getting issues with about 50% of my recordings now :P
[14:22:09] devinheitmueller: The first thing I would do is narrow down whether it's because of a recent kernel upgrade, recent MythTV upgrade, or recent firmware upgrade.
[14:22:12] skd5aner: it'd be great if you could pick up the batphone and tell hauppauge to fix the issue ;)
[14:22:32] skd5aner: As mentioned before, I believe it's a hardware design flaw and potentially heat related
[14:22:44] devinheitmueller: No changes to your software setup since the problem cropped up?
[14:23:13] skd5aner: It's a recording issue – myth can be eliminated... I can't eliminate a firmware issue, but I've not updated it in 3+ years
[14:23:25] skd5aner: and it didn't start happening until about a year or so ago
[14:23:49] devinheitmueller: Ok, so no recent changes then.
[14:23:52] skd5aner: I've updated the kernel several times, can't truely eliminate it either
[14:24:01] devinheitmueller: Just trying to understand whether this was in response to something or whether it just got worse over time.
[14:24:11] skd5aner: Just getting slightly worse over time :/
[14:24:21] ** skd5aner has reached boiling point **
[14:25:05] skd5aner: If it was just my HD-PVR, then I'd consider it a fluke or something – but seems to be extremely common from what I can tell, enough for Beirdo to produce a piece of hardware to sell that power cycles the device
[14:25:47] devinheitmueller: Yeah, I know.
[14:25:55] skd5aner: ... which is a nice way to try and help, but honestly – it only tries to address the issue /after/ a recording has been borked...
[14:26:04] devinheitmueller: There have been a variety of problems out there – some were firmware issues, some driver issues, some hardware issues.
[14:26:43] skd5aner: but, it also only helps when a recording is 0 bytes, and recently I've been having an issue where the device will record like a second at a time, blue light comes on... then turns off, then turns on... then turns off... repeat
[14:27:03] skd5aner: so, I get something bigger than a 0 byte recording, so the device won't power cycle, so now I'm losing more recordings than before
[14:27:14] devinheitmueller: :-/
[14:27:37] skd5aner: that said, I suppose I should get the NIB one out I have sitting in the basement and replace my borked one
[14:28:01] skd5aner: the funny thing, my HD-PVR worked great for maybe ~2 years?
[14:28:10] devinheitmueller: Would be really good to know whether the zero byte recording issue is the device being completely unresponsive (e.g. is it responding to register writes).
[14:28:46] skd5aner: I think Beirdo was thinking about putting in some of that debugging for you at some point last I recall
[14:28:58] devinheitmueller: Somebody really should cook up some v4l-dbg commands to query the register state.
[14:29:25] devinheitmueller: skd5aner: yeah, he and I talked about that. Not just debugging but even something that logs how often the failure occurs and whether there is a temperature correlation.
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[14:30:11] skd5aner: I really was curious about your involvement with the device simply from the standpoint of knowing if you knew if hauppage was even aware of this issue at all
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[14:33:14] devinheitmueller: skd5aner: it really wouldn't be proper for me to discuss any internal discussion they may have had about the device.
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[14:43:58] brfransen: devinheitmueller: Great! I just saw your blog post. I am glad you will be detailing the process of debugging.
[14:44:22] devinheitmueller: Yeah, figured at the minimum I can offer some insight as to how this stuff gets figured out.
[14:44:40] devinheitmueller: It ain't rocket science, but it does take time and energy.
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[15:01:47] skd5aner: devinheitmueller: np :)
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[16:42:13] LedHed: Anyone have a good recommendation for a multimedia remote?
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[18:31:06] wagnerrp: w...t...f...?
[18:31:12] wagnerrp: request for sticky topic?
[18:31:19] wagnerrp: what does he think this is, a forum?
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[18:36:48] sphery: probably reading the list on one of the forum-like websites
[18:37:05] wagnerrp: then how is he sending email?
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[18:38:26] sphery: hmmm. yeab, seems he sent it with T-bird
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[18:41:33] tgm4883: wagnerrp, you mean you can't sticky an email thread?
[18:43:09] ** wagnerrp searches for the appropriate response **
[18:44:46] wagnerrp: nope, cant find what im looking for
[18:47:29] wagnerrp: so, i really need to get the gentoo ebuilds updated this weekend
[18:47:40] wagnerrp: i think people are about to start to take action
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[18:48:17] tgm4883: wagnerrp, action? Like pitchforks and torches?
[18:48:37] wagnerrp: plus theres a guy on the mailing list complaining that the video library only finds some arbitrarily named rars
[18:48:43] wagnerrp: i am disinclined to assist
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[18:49:44] sphery: didn't someone on the list say he took action?
[18:50:06] mzb_ is now known as mzb
[18:50:10] sphery:
[18:50:17] wagnerrp: i saw someone mention they switched to markt's ebuilds
[18:50:24] wagnerrp: which just arbitrarily pull HEAD
[18:51:07] tgm4883: you should just tell them to use the mythbuntu repos
[18:51:19] sphery: as for the video library guy, it's the same "looking at /" as the other *buntu guy had
[18:51:24] wagnerrp: yeah, im not accepting patches that just update the block at the top of the ebuild, since the script can do that much
[18:51:55] wagnerrp: only if there are substantive changes to the ebuilds
[18:53:06] LedHed (LedHed! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[18:53:12] sphery: ah, the other guy was on #10697
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[19:12:18] CyberKnet: Anyone know what oss project uses a hibiscus as their logo? I thought it was some kind of web framework...
[19:12:31] CyberKnet: a hibiscus flower...
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[20:52:41] stuartm: nothing comes to mind
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[23:54:04] fully_human: Am I correct in thinking MythTV does not do well with a socks proxy (Tor)?
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[23:56:27] Beirdo: fully_human: you'd have to check the proxy support in QNetworkAccess (I think it is)
[23:56:40] Beirdo: if you set the HTTP_PROXY env var it might work
[23:57:14] Beirdo: we really didn't design it to work with tor though. More likely to work with a real HTTP proxy like squid
[23:58:25] fully_human: Hm...haven't heard of it basically tor (using user's computers to route) but just HTTP?
[23:59:19] fully_human: I :-/
[23:59:32] Beirdo: no
[23:59:38] Beirdo: it's a proper HTTP proxy

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