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Wednesday, May 16th, 2012, 00:05 UTC
[00:05:38] tgm4883: wagnerrp, there is (was) quite a bit of that
[00:05:46] tgm4883: which is what caused me to add that to my signature
[00:07:12] tgm4883: wagnerrp, I think the real question with those stats is, where are all the other distros?
[00:08:14] tgm4883: wagnerrp, with those stats, can you see how many people running 32-bit are capable of running 64-bit?
[00:10:15] jams: tgm4883- just about all are on 64 bit hardware, not all but the vast majority are
[00:11:52] tgm4883: jams, are those numbers public anywhere?
[00:12:06] tgm4883: I can only guess it's because of the default button being for 32-bit
[00:12:28] jams: one moment i can get a list of cpus for you to browse
[00:12:35] tgm4883: jams, thanks
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[00:19:25] jams: actually your probably only interested in the 32 bit OS cpus
[00:21:40] jams: These are all the cpu's with 32bit OS installed
[00:21:50] jams: minus the one i586 entry
[00:22:39] jams: the i586 entry is a AMD geode
[00:25:25] hi^: hello anyone use beyondtv ?
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[01:04:39] hi^: looking for a third party net guide
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[05:33:25] Gumby`: Hi all. Does anyone here know if the "Use DishNet long-term EIT data" option in Mythtv 0.25 currently works? It seems like some channels are having data populate the programs table but nothing is being pulled in for title and subtitle.
[05:36:19] wagnerrp: i never understood that
[05:36:49] wagnerrp: nearly (if not) all you record from Dish network is going to be encrypted, requiring a satellite box and analog capture
[05:36:57] wagnerrp: what is there to receive EIT for?
[05:38:02] Gumby`: I guess it is for those who use a card reader instead of the satellite box
[05:38:42] Gumby`: which kind of contradicts what people say about mythtv and encrypted signals
[05:39:14] Gumby`: but regardless, the option is there.... I'm just not sure it works as intended (unless it is intended not to work)
[05:40:15] wagnerrp: but there are no CAMs available for dish network
[05:40:17] Gumby`: s/card reader/card reader + dvb-s tuner/
[05:40:35] Gumby`: there are softcams
[05:40:48] Gumby`: that connect to a card server
[05:41:07] Gumby`: but I know that is off topic here so I'll go no further
[05:43:29] Gumby`: lets just say I want to gather listings for the preview channel
[05:43:31] Gumby`: lol
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[06:12:49] Floppe: I'm still on 0.24 so maybe this isnt an issue anymore, but recordingrules does not match after I rescanned the channels and the station had changed name. thought this should match on chanid, prim key and not the name.
[06:13:23] Floppe: manually altered the name in database and now it works again
[06:17:25] [R]: so write a patch and file a bug report
[06:17:46] wagnerrp: it matches on channel name, in the event you have the same channel on multiple video sources
[06:17:54] [R]: that too
[06:18:06] wagnerrp: any reason youre not using "any channel" rules anyway?
[06:19:11] wagnerrp: generally specific channel rules are only used as a quick optimization to cut down scheduler times if your recording load is more than your CPU can handle
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[06:36:20] Floppe: ok, thanks. I'll change to any channel. some channels have better captions so thats why I've havent used any channel.
[06:36:36] wagnerrp: give those channels higher priority
[06:36:55] wagnerrp: mythtv will record on them, unless it tries to shift something to resolve a conflict
[06:37:34] wagnerrp: silly grid users... never heard of the toys big boys play with...
[06:40:18] wagnerrp: seems hes a microcontroller guy, what's he doing involved with BOINC
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[07:02:09] Gumby`: when I am watching livetv, and I have a scheduled recording I get a popup asking me if I want to switch to the channel I had scheduled to record on and watch, switch to the channel I want to record on and go back to the main menu, and I think the third is to ignore the message and keep watching what I am watching......
[07:03:02] Gumby`: ...... If I choose to go to the scheduled channel I wish to record and also watch, the frontend does so. However if at any point I decide to change the channel or press back to go back to the main menu the recording stops. Is this normal?
[07:03:57] Gumby`: IIRC in 0.24 it always kept recording the scheduled program and either just went back to the menu if I pressed back or switched to an unused tuner (if one was available) if I decided to go to another channel
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[07:46:49] wagnerrp: jams: theyre actually running myth on a geode? i would have figured that i586 was an old Via
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[08:05:56] Deek: Is there a new issue with the "max episodes"/"delete oldest" combo in 0.25?
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[08:07:23] MMlosh (MMlosh!~MMlosh@2001:718:1e03:5168:804b:d1d4:b667:155f) has joined #mythtv-users
[08:12:06] Deek: I have a group of record rules for the kids' shows, and set them for max 1 episode, delete oldest, and dupe-check only current recordings. Nothing's getting deleted, it's recording multiple showings of the same episode.
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[09:01:54] fugg: hello, i created a new video-source to scan for new channels without bothering with the existing ones. now i foun a new, interresting channel. is it possible to move this one to the other source ?
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[09:06:47] fugg: nvm, had it ;(
[09:08:44] fugg: ok, next one (last for now) after upgrade to 0.25 my contrast/brightness is totally worse, it's global ( not by frontend but input ) but looks like the defaults are still the same.........what's the best solution ?
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[11:53:00] somethinginteres: Ubuntu 12.04 – mythbackend keeps crashing, Ubuntu asks me to report the problem I have done so. Is there anything else I can do to fix whatever's going on?
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[12:32:27] stuartm: somethinginteres: get the latest packages from the mythbuntu repo?
[12:36:20] somethinginteres: stuartm: I'll do that. Thanks.
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[13:07:40] zzman: howdee
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[16:30:44] uh992k: good evening
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[16:40:04] uh992k: sphery: I worked on this dynamic evaluation ... I can now evaluate stored sample clauses like "program.title LIKE '{TITLE}' AND TIME_TO_SEC(TIME(program.starttime)) >= {STARTSEC}-500 AND TIME_TO_SEC(TIME(program.endtime)) <= {ENDSEC}+500". It's stored like this in the database but it is display in the sample clause selection as "program.title = 'Rozzoli & Isles' AND TIME_TO_SEC(TIME(program.starttime)) >= 72900–500 AND TIME_TO_
[16:40:32] uh992k: sphery: basically this is my time-slack invariant timeslot rule I wanted to have :)
[16:41:04] uh992k: the values come directly from my EPG when I create a custom edit rule
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[16:49:14] keith4: "time-slack invariant timeslot rule" just sounds fun
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[16:52:31] wagnerrp: it just means it doesnt barf when the broadcaster changes their schedule by as much as 8 minutes and 20 seconds
[16:54:47] uh992k: but I have to work on usability ... I think, it would be nice if it were possible to toggle between evaluated and unevaluated rule. But then I would have first to find out how to react on a key like 'E'
[16:55:28] uh992k: qt is quite new too me ... I'm more the lowlevel assembler guy^^
[16:55:29] wagnerrp: im not entirely sure why the timeslot rule doesnt allow some amount of fuzziness built into it
[16:55:56] uh992k: ask sphery ... I've talked with him a couple of hours about this
[16:56:33] uh992k: there was a patch which would have alloewd "time slack compensation" 4 yrs ago
[16:57:04] uh992k: but obviously nobody needed this feature
[16:57:17] keith4: ... obviously
[16:57:27] uh992k: :D
[16:57:43] uh992k: and I'm just the one of 100000users which need something stupid like this
[17:11:27] wagnerrp: Beirdo: i bet that is NOT the response he was expecting in regards to #10722... :)
[17:11:27] ** MythLogBot **
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[17:20:18] sphery: uh992k: It's also storing it pre-evaluated in the database record table, right? It's just the "Stored" clauses in the DB that have the "variables" in them, right?
[17:20:42] uh992k: right, it's only stored with variables in it
[17:21:02] sphery: but the record rule itself has no variables
[17:21:08] uh992k: of course not
[17:21:10] sphery: cool
[17:21:13] sphery: sounds good
[17:21:35] uh992k: but I'm working on usability right now ... I would like to switch evaluated and unevaluated view with "EDIT"
[17:21:41] uh992k: seems not to be complicated
[17:22:09] sphery: that so you can tell it which to store?
[17:22:35] uh992k: no ... it's basically to edit stored rules
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[17:23:06] uh992k: you can store rules with variables but if you select these stored rules you only get the evaluated string back
[17:23:17] uh992k: so I'd like to have a key to switch to unevaluated view
[17:23:19] sphery: make sense
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[17:50:12] Beirdo: wagnerrp: of course it isn't
[17:50:31] Beirdo: he wants us to put in special cases and decentralize the code.
[17:50:36] Beirdo: not happening if I can help it
[17:51:42] Beirdo: that's the opposite of what we are trying to accomplishg
[17:52:01] wagnerrp: Beirdo: i mean specifically, i added a command line parameter to warn the user that option has been removed, and to use --lock instead
[17:52:12] wagnerrp: where before, it was complaining about log stuff
[17:52:47] wagnerrp: of course according to mythcommit, you did that
[17:52:47] wagnerrp: :)
[17:53:08] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[17:53:09] Beirdo: yeah, that's a good plan, although we may want to add code into the common parser stuff that if you register a command line argument that's already registered, it whines and won't compile
[17:53:19] Beirdo: or stops at runtime
[17:53:22] Beirdo: or something
[17:53:35] wagnerrp: runtime is simple, compile time... no clue how to pull that off
[17:53:37] Beirdo: yeah, well. the mirroring is done using my key (at this time)
[17:54:00] Beirdo: we should make a key for MythTV (i.e. the org) if github lets us, and use that
[17:54:04] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah, it's amazing how much Beirdo has been pushing lately
[17:54:07] Beirdo: yeah, runtime is simple
[17:54:24] sphery: he's now doing all my todos, even when I do them "at the same time"
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[18:02:02] Beirdo: wagnerrp: shouldn't that be "ERROR: -l has been removed"?
[18:02:13] Beirdo: or does it still run as if you put --lock?
[18:04:58] EvilGuru: wagnerrp: With C++11 and some /nasty/ stuff you can do it at compile time
[18:05:12] EvilGuru: But it is so evil that not even boost::parser tempts it
[18:05:37] wagnerrp: Beirdo: i could make it ERROR rather than WARNING, if you think it really matters
[18:06:35] wagnerrp: it does error out, and provide the generic help
[18:06:55] Beirdo: well, warning indicates (to me at least) that it will carry on anyways
[18:07:06] Beirdo: but whatever works
[18:07:30] Beirdo: hehe
[18:07:43] ** Beirdo buys an old SPARC processor for $8.50 **
[18:07:55] Beirdo: I feel like such a geek
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[19:34:58] mccord42: Is anyone here running an ceton infinitv4 pcie? I don't have my cablecard yet and am trying to get it setup for clearQAM. I am getting "failed to open the card" when I try a channel scan.
[19:35:21] rhpot1991: do Service API errors show up in the logs?
[19:35:33] rhpot1991: getting: 501 Call to method failed && 401 Invalid Action
[19:35:43] rhpot1991: when trying to do AddRecordingLiveStream
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[19:36:53] mccord42: rhpot1991, in the ceton log? here is the last entry from my card log "ocur: get_pat_json:258 WARNING: [0] failed to get pat"
[19:36:53] MythLogBot: No match for SVN revision 0
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[19:37:36] rhpot1991: mccord42: I was asking a question, not telling you something
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[19:38:02] mccord42: and I was trying to answer your question. :)
[19:38:36] mccord42: I see nothing like what you posted in my log on the card web interface
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[19:39:56] rhpot1991: mccord42: what I'm asking isn't ceton related at all
[19:40:06] Captain_Murdoch: who's on first?
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[19:41:27] mccord42: ok, I should look at the mythtv log?
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[19:43:31] wagnerrp: i dont think the Ceton does clearqam
[19:43:39] wagnerrp: i think its for cablecard use only
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[19:44:13] wagnerrp: even if it can, its entirely possible scanning was never hooked up in the support, because you were never supposed to have to do it
[19:45:05] wagnerrp: the expected use is to just use a lineup pulled from your schedules direct account, and use the internal mapping inside the ceton card for physical tuning
[19:46:26] mccord42: is where I was looking for setup info. It mentions clearQAM but not in any depth
[19:47:15] mccord42: I am getting a cablecard tomorrow but was hoping to make sure the card is working before the installer get here.
[19:47:41] rhpot1991: yank a card from one of your cable boxes
[19:47:51] mccord42: don't have any cards
[19:47:53] wagnerrp: what good would that do?
[19:47:58] rhpot1991: then what
[19:48:12] rhpot1991: wagnerrp: in theory it should pick up the channels that are already activated on that card
[19:48:16] wagnerrp: no
[19:48:22] wagnerrp: cablecards are bound to one specific device
[19:48:28] mccord42: I have no boxes atm. WOW broadcasts most channels in clearQAM
[19:48:32] wagnerrp: try to put it in something else, and it will reject it
[19:48:52] rhpot1991: wagnerrp: prime will take it like that initially
[19:48:56] wagnerrp: they need to be sent a reinit signal from the cableco if you want to move it to a different device
[19:49:07] rhpot1991: prob asking for failure one an init signal comes around though
[19:49:10] mccord42: brb. gotta step away for about 10 min
[19:49:20] wagnerrp: it will run for diagnostic testing, it just wont allow access to anything
[19:49:20] wagnerrp: ?
[19:49:27] rhpot1991: thats how I confirmed my tuner wasn't bad when comcast botched my self install
[19:50:38] rhpot1991: I'm pretty sure I was able to hit my cable channels that way, was quite some time ago though so my memory might be foggy
[19:52:10] sphery: wagnerrp: for you: . . . /334176.html
[19:53:14] sphery: (I have a feeling it wasn't the switch to 32-bit, but the complete reinstall rather than upgrade that fixed it)
[19:53:34] wagnerrp: heh
[19:53:48] wagnerrp: tgm4883: ^^^ theyre your people, not mine.. :P
[19:53:56] sphery: :)
[19:54:32] ** tgm4883 sigh **
[19:54:38] tgm4883: wagnerrp, is that on the mailing list
[19:54:47] wagnerrp: yeah, mythtv-users list
[19:54:52] sphery: yeah, but hasn't made it to gossamer archive, yet
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[19:54:57] sphery: (which seems to be back, btw)
[19:55:05] wagnerrp: ill likely respond with sphery's comment if you dont intend to do anything
[19:55:35] tgm4883: wagnerrp, it's probably better if you responded
[19:55:39] tgm4883: I think I might snap
[19:56:11] sphery: hehe, this is why I'm not responding to many messages on the list, anymore, myself
[19:56:44] wagnerrp: well you know, im just the resident troll
[19:56:49] sphery: I suppose I'm just a rubber band--and when rubber bands get old, they snap easily
[19:57:59] mkrufky: ...just take a break for a few months, then reappear again mysteriously, all refreshed ;-)
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[20:00:00] wagnerrp: mkrufky: youre a hardware guy, whats your take on the whole virtualization thing?
[20:00:18] wagnerrp: people keep coming into the list struggling to get hardware passthrough working on their backends
[20:00:20] tgm4883: wagnerrp, virtualize all the things!
[20:00:31] tgm4883: but not backends
[20:00:34] tgm4883: or frontends
[20:00:37] wagnerrp: so my response, the purpose of VMs is for security, HA, or for non-production use, debugging
[20:00:39] mkrufky: is there a thread I should catch up on to know better what you're wtalking about?
[20:00:44] tgm4883: but for everything at work, virtualize all the things!
[20:00:52] wagnerrp: you can get all the same isolation by just running chroot or similar
[20:00:59] mkrufky: i've never run myth on a VM ... i actually never even thougt to do that
[20:01:06] wagnerrp: and considering home user doesnt care about security, and VMs cause implications with hardware access
[20:01:09] wagnerrp: dont run a VM
[20:01:15] wagnerrp: .... so i get branded a troll
[20:01:34] wagnerrp: and told to go shut up while people who know what theyre doing provide help
[20:01:54] wagnerrp: bunch'a lemmings i tell you
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[20:02:10] tgm4883: alright I'll respond to the email
[20:02:20] lis0r: what sort of VMs are these?
[20:02:34] wagnerrp: ones running mythbackend
[20:02:43] lis0r: I meant the enclosing technology
[20:03:10] wagnerrp: kvm, qemu, esx, virtualbox, all sorts people might get their hands on
[20:03:14] rhpot1991: so should service api errors show up in the backend logs?
[20:04:28] wagnerrp: they should, yes... whether they were ever programmed to, no idea
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[20:04:47] mccord42: I am back, so has anyone here gotten an infinitv 4 card to use clear QAM or should I just wait for the cablecard to get here?
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[20:10:29] uh992k: is it normal than volume is not saved? everytime I watch a recording I have to adjust my volume again
[20:10:38] uh992k: t
[20:11:06] uh992k: it jumps back to 65% everytime
[20:12:18] Captain_Murdoch: rhpot1991, try running with "-v upnp" and see if that gets you any additional info. a lot of the API calls set their log level to UPNP. we probably should add a new level for the API.
[20:12:42] rhpot1991: Captain_Murdoch: on the backend, right?
[20:12:46] Captain_Murdoch: yeah
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[20:12:58] rhpot1991: recording now, I'll try that later on
[20:13:52] Captain_Murdoch: "mythbackend --setloglevel important,upnp" to change the log level of a running MBE.
[20:14:03] tgm4883: Captain_Murdoch, not sure if you saw, but I did that test you asked previously, but it didn't like the -avf flag
[20:14:54] tgm4883: I'd have to go home to see the exact command you had asked to run
[20:15:07] Captain_Murdoch: tgm4883, I may have disabled that in the code prior to 0.25. you might need to uncomment the 2 lines that add "--avf" as an option in programs/mythtranscode/commandlineparser.cpp
[20:15:31] tgm4883: ok
[20:15:57] Captain_Murdoch: yeah, looks like that, and the --container, --acodec, and --vcodec options as well in that same file.
[20:16:17] Captain_Murdoch: didn't want to have to support that for 0.25 since it was largely untested.
[20:16:53] Captain_Murdoch: I could only imagine users posting scripts to use those rather than the .nuv support in mythtranscode. :)
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[20:25:01] mccord42: rhpot1991, I looked at the mythtv logs and didn't see any errors like what you asked about. I did see this in the mythtv-setup.log "I CoreContext cardutil.cpp:126 (IsCableCardPresent) Cardutil: TODO Ceton Is Cablecard Present?"
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[20:28:24] wagnerrp: mccord42: hes not asking you anything to help you, hes asking his own question in a completely independent discussion
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[20:28:37] mccord42: oh, sorry'
[20:29:17] wagnerrp: specifically, hes trying to debug some issue while pulling data from the services API, stuff on port 6544
[20:29:36] wagnerrp: hes not getting the information hes expecting, but not seeing anything wrong in the logs either
[20:30:07] mccord42: I guess I'll just hope that my issue will resolve itself once I get a cablecard installed.
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[21:17:18] wagnerrp: Beirdo: you around?
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[21:29:50] gizmobay: What is http live streaming?
[21:30:11] wagnerrp: segmented video streaming used by mobile devices
[21:30:27] gizmobay: How do you use it?
[21:32:26] wagnerrp: you go into the backend web server, in the API examples, spawn a stream, and use a compatible player to view it
[21:32:37] wagnerrp: or you use the iTunes Torc application to manage that all for you
[21:34:48] gizmobay: mythweb or something different?
[21:35:00] wagnerrp: the backend web server
[21:35:06] ** wagnerrp heads to dinner **
[21:38:46] gizmobay: Is there info on how to set this up? I did http://mythbackend:6544 and nothing happened
[21:39:18] gizmobay: wait it started
[21:39:26] gizmobay: I had a type
[21:43:29] gizmobay: what is the default password?
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[21:44:36] gizmobay: nevermind
[21:46:42] dekarl: jya, you've been looking for something like this?
[21:48:03] gizmobay: I'm lost. I installed JW Player. What do you do next?
[22:01:25] wagnerrp: oh yeah...
[22:01:32] ** wagnerrp is going to catch more hell for that one **
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[22:27:46] sphery: wagnerrp: 139 is still returned by the shell for segv in 0.24 + 0.25 (and unstable/development--but this might change with Beirdo's logging daemon and his adding SIGSEGV handlers)
[22:28:46] sphery: and, besides, you forgot a reason to run 32-bit Linux--because that's all my Pentium MMX supports!
[22:31:21] wagnerrp: well in that case, it means they need to send in backtraces
[22:31:47] sphery: yeah
[22:51:21] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:03:26] tgm4883: wagnerrp, sphery so if my calculations are correct, we have 5X more 64-bit capable systems than 32-bit only systems
[23:03:46] tgm4883: We've changed our default download to the 64-bit version because of that
[23:04:50] sphery: nice
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[23:51:22] zzman: Any of you folks experienced with DVB-S ?

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