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Saturday, April 14th, 2012, 00:10 UTC
[00:10:01] Twiggy2cents: Noob question, when compiling from souce, is it your system that decides whether it is going to be a 64bit or 32bit program?
[00:11:00] wagnerrp: yes
[00:11:13] Twiggy2cents: okay thats what I thought
[00:24:43] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has quit (Quit: kormoc)
[00:24:48] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:25:39] brian__ (brian__! has quit (Quit: brian__)
[00:32:26] russell5_laptop (russell5_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:38:42] russell5_laptop: is the cpu usage on a hd video the best way to tell if vdpau is working?
[00:40:45] wagnerrp: the frontend logs are the best
[00:40:55] wagnerrp: but CPU usage is a quick and fairly accurate indicator
[00:41:34] russell5_laptop: yeah dont see anything in the frontend log about vdpau
[00:41:50] russell5_laptop: i know it should work too. i only noticed recently my cpu was higher than normal
[00:42:51] jkfod (jkfod! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:43:52] russell5_laptop: im running trunk from a few days before .25 release so im gonna upgrade and then try again
[00:47:36] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:49:38] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:53:25] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:54:51] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:00:26] justinh: hmm is there any way to change the scroll speed of a scrolling textarea?
[01:11:00] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:11:00] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[01:11:26] justinh: gah I hate github
[01:11:45] wagnerrp: seriously, who puts an FBI jacket on a cow?
[01:11:51] justinh: no way to search? they show you who made a commit & you can't see other stuff they committed?
[01:12:22] wagnerrp: i dont actually know of any git browser that can do that
[01:14:35] justinh: yeah well with no way to search on anything else
[01:14:46] justinh: trying to read the commit log for the textarea scroll feature
[01:24:05] justinh: ach to hell with it. I'll go look in the source myself
[01:27:19] justinh: no, the scroll speed can't be changed
[01:27:44] justinh: bit of a shame since it's too fast on my frontend even with its lame intel VGA
[01:28:28] ** wagnerrp is bothered by an ad for a heavyweight hybrid being called "high performance" at 200hp **
[01:28:51] justinh: high performance for something with such a big battery in it
[01:29:09] wagnerrp: no
[01:29:20] wagnerrp: high performance is something with a BIG MOTOR in it
[01:29:27] wagnerrp: electric, or gasoline, either works
[01:31:01] wagnerrp: but an underpowered electric, combined with an underpowered gasoline, to produce a total of 200hp on a 2 ton vehicle with a cludgy transmission... is not performance
[01:31:36] wagnerrp: my old contour was "sporty" with 200hp at 1.5 ton
[01:31:41] wagnerrp: but i wouldnt call that "high performance"
[01:32:28] justinh: oh that's better. now I'm only scrolling text when the item's selected :-)
[01:32:31] wagnerrp: i put four people and four heavy backpacks in there, it could be a bit of a dog on a short highway onramp
[01:32:46] justinh: a bit distracting when there were lots of items too long to fit in boxes
[01:33:08] justinh: I wouldn't call my car high performance either, but it gets 64mpg
[01:33:11] Twiggy2cents: wagnerrp, walter does! Referencing 8:11
[01:33:27] wagnerrp: add in a thousand pounds of battery, far too many drive motors than are sensible, and youve got a piece of garbage
[01:35:34] StevenR (StevenR! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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[01:36:01] airikka (airikka! has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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[01:39:43] mycosys (mycosys!~mycosys@unaffiliated/mycosys) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[01:51:24] justinh: wagnerrp: like a humvee but less desirable then ;-)
[01:51:58] justinh: and yeah, something got the better of me & I've got my popup dialog animated now
[01:52:23] mycosys (mycosys! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:54:45] airikka (airikka! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[02:01:39] justinh: wonder if my wife will even notice. not that I had anything better to do. couldn't sleep. now I could though, after seeing all the easingcurve definitions
[02:15:09] emmanuelux (emmanuelux!~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:19:36] jya: sphery: I just tried the opensource ATI drivers in 12.04 ; when set to OpenGL/OpenGL ; everything is all fine and dandy..
[02:20:00] jya: i'm quite surprised that finally ATI drivers, both closed and opensource are usable
[02:21:57] jya: hum.. actually, it seems to default to xvideo
[02:32:32] NewBuntu81 (NewBuntu81! has quit (Quit: Quitting)
[02:47:26] wagnerrp: why do i get so many ads for satellite tv... on cable?
[02:48:59] skd5aner: wagnerrp: you found the fbi jacket more rediculous than the fbi hat?
[02:49:25] skd5aner: wagnerrp: and shame on your for making fun of grazing day
[02:49:40] wagnerrp: fbi hat? i dont remember that one
[02:49:49] skd5aner: same scene
[02:58:04] wagnerrp: viewer discretion is advised, clothed bovines may shock and disturb young children
[02:58:40] skd5aner: the preview for next week looks like a massive introduction of a new storyline
[02:58:49] wagnerrp: just started
[02:59:01] skd5aner: didn't really see it coming, but I guess they had to throw some loophole in to distract from the current storyline (Jones)
[02:59:10] skd5aner: you'll see... later
[02:59:15] wagnerrp: by next week, you mean the preview at the end of this night's?
[02:59:18] skd5aner: yes
[03:01:30] wagnerrp: i appreciate the new walters
[03:04:21] wagnerrp: skd5aner: so if your boss is belittling you, and says "You're Fiiiiaaahhhhhhhh", do you still have a job on Monday?
[03:05:04] ** skd5aner not necessarily getting the reference :/ **
[03:05:12] skd5aner: oh
[03:05:14] skd5aner: duhhhhhh
[03:05:55] skd5aner: that's what I said to my wife... he was giving the recap to the agents, and he said "I was certain he was going to fire me" and I said: "Nope, you're still fired... what makes you think this negates the fact that you didn't get your powerpoint presentation done"
[03:07:04] skd5aner: alright – off to bed, have a good weekend
[03:07:10] wagnerrp: you too
[03:09:18] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:10:12] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:10:48] wagnerrp: haha... several, mostly recreational...
[03:24:45] wagnerrp: Beirdo: any interest in transcoding failures? or would you rather wait until after the sync?
[03:25:22] clever_ (clever_!~clever@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:26:06] Beirdo: yeah, some, as we will still need to support the old ffmpeg in 0.25-fixes
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[03:26:12] thefRont (thefRont! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:26:12] XDS2010_ (XDS2010_!u1218@gateway/web/ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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[03:26:45] wagnerrp: theyre old recordings... over a year
[03:26:53] wagnerrp: could bad seek tables be a cause?
[03:26:56] XDS2010_ (XDS2010_!u1218@gateway/web/ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:26:59] Beirdo: could be, yeah
[03:27:05] mzanetti (mzanetti! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[03:27:14] Beirdo: might be worth a rebuild
[03:28:51] mzanetti (mzanetti! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:29:11] brian__ (brian__! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:29:49] Twiggy2cents: where is the option for what channel livetv starts on?
[03:30:14] [R]: there isnt
[03:30:27] brian__: Hi folks — trying out the OSX frontend here. It's showing me the "Starting Playback" screen while playing the audio (2 different machines). Any suggestions?
[03:30:47] Twiggy2cents: pretty sure there is...
[03:30:48] brian__: The corresponding .mpg file plays OK in VLC so the backend did its job
[03:31:14] [R]: Twiggy2cents: read all the posts on the ml about the topic
[03:31:27] Twiggy2cents: Was it removed?
[03:31:50] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:31:53] [R]: there never was?
[03:32:04] wagnerrp: mythtv-setup, input connections
[03:32:24] [R]: oh is that livetv?
[03:32:37] wagnerrp: yeah
[03:32:44] [R]: i never use livetv
[03:33:10] wagnerrp: two settings, starting channel (to set the local tuner channel when using an external tuning script) and starting channel (which is the first channel tuned when starting live tv on that input)
[03:36:11] brian__: I'd be grateful for ideas on no video output….
[03:37:09] Beirdo: jya: ^^
[03:37:19] Beirdo: you have another customer, I think
[03:38:07] jya: brian__: in settings -> appearance, change Qt into OpenGL
[03:38:07] Twiggy2cents: thank you wagnerrp
[03:38:09] brian__: heh…I can save this for another day
[03:38:16] Beirdo: ooh, that's all?]
[03:38:22] jya: yep
[03:38:29] Beirdo: I didn't pay 100% attention before :)
[03:38:29] jya: there's a bug for that :)
[03:39:13] jya: i'm pretty sure that it's similar to the ATI/AMD issue when mixing Qt with XVideo, something is amiss with the painting and you get a black screen
[03:39:30] wagnerrp: i swear, thats worse than "get 'er done"
[03:39:52] brian__: Shoulda gone into trace (shameful hangdog look)
[03:40:05] brian__: s/trace/trac/. Thank you jay.
[03:40:38] brian__: Qt sure has given you/us hell.
[03:43:48] jya: brian__: working for you ?
[03:45:25] brian__: Yep. I ended up having to change some aspect ratios too but its working like a champ on machine 1
[03:45:41] brian__: I'll sign off and check on machine 2 but I expect no trouble
[03:46:44] brian__: I'll mention the bug (for now) on the wiki . I'm going to work more on MythWeb OSX tomorrow.
[03:47:20] brian__: The changed bindings increased complexity a bit there.
[03:51:52] brian__ (brian__! has quit (Quit: brian__)
[03:53:10] xris: stuartm: was it you who told me about some new recpriority stuff yesterday?
[03:58:09] ServerSage (ServerSage! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[04:00:38] jst_ (jst_! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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[04:17:56] Beirdo: grat
[04:18:00] Beirdo: great rather
[04:24:01] Beirdo: apport reports... useless as expected
[04:24:28] Beirdo: this is why one should use the proper debug logs, not syslog unless there's a pressing reason to use syslog
[04:24:36] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[04:24:57] Beirdo: and I'll hear no baloney about not being able to log roll them :)
[04:25:27] Beirdo: if only sphery would post the configs onto the wiki for me :)
[04:25:28] Beirdo: hehe
[04:25:28] wagnerrp: huh...
[04:25:33] wagnerrp: my ntp server is stratum 3
[04:25:39] wagnerrp: but my frontends wont link to it
[04:26:30] Beirdo: odd
[04:27:31] pmhahn (pmhahn!~pmhahn@2001:4dd0:ff00:8d31:219:dbff:fef2:e135) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:28:04] wagnerrp: seems my server hasnt been updating itself anyway
[04:28:14] wagnerrp: and was 16 seconds off even though ntpq listed it as stratum 3
[04:29:12] wagnerrp: anything seem off about this?
[04:32:04] Beirdo: yeah, it still thinks it's synced with no connectivity
[04:32:06] Beirdo: how odd
[04:32:25] Beirdo: you'd probably want to add a local stratum 10 on the server itself
[04:32:51] Beirdo: ideally, you want 3 or more sources
[04:33:15] Beirdo: that reach 0 is a problem though
[04:33:31] wagnerrp: a local dummy stratum? just so that its always running even if i drop network?
[04:33:54] Beirdo: yup
[04:34:05] Beirdo: if it loses sync with everything else, it will sync locally
[04:34:24] Beirdo: which if you have things syncing to it... will keep them all from flapping and losing sync
[04:34:46] Beirdo: the drift compensation will train the local clock over time to be fairly accurate in most cases
[04:35:26] wagnerrp: yeah, its basically just a local caching ntp server
[04:35:39] wagnerrp: it syncs with
[04:35:43] wagnerrp: everything else syncs with it
[04:36:15] Beirdo: server # LCL, local clock
[04:36:15] Beirdo: fudge stratum 12 # increase stratum
[04:36:27] Beirdo: I usually put stratum 10
[04:37:17] Beirdo: that will let your machines stay synced even if you have no external network :)
[04:37:43] Beirdo: I wanna buy a GPS for NTP purposes sometime
[04:38:51] wagnerrp: yeah, ive got a several year old MS unit for streets and trips
[04:39:12] wagnerrp: its NMEA compatible, with an internal serial->usb converter
[04:39:24] Beirdo: that could well do it
[04:40:28] wagnerrp: no, not really
[04:40:35] wagnerrp: firewall is in the middle of my basement
[04:40:52] wagnerrp: i doubt i could get a reliable GPS signal even suckered to a window
[04:41:10] Beirdo: basement. pfft :)
[04:41:14] Beirdo: heh
[04:41:37] Beirdo: speaking of GPS... my AIS receiver stuff is working pretty well
[04:41:55] Beirdo: need to actually plot the data on a map though :)
[04:42:13] Beirdo: (ch B cntr 542624310 type 3): 256300000 47.587467 -122.345627 190.000000 0.000000 64 1 181 ( !AIVDM,1,1,,A,33lKCp5000o?tSHK>e87K5bb0000,0*69 )
[04:42:17] Beirdo: for instance.
[04:42:35] Beirdo: gah, type 3?
[04:42:54] Beirdo: (ch B cntr 544160262 type 1): 366993010 47.589293 -122.366453 66.900000 6.800000 32 0 511 ( !AIVDM,1,1,,A,15MwNLPP14G?nM0K>iJBWOwf08Of,0*48 )
[04:42:57] Beirdo: there
[04:43:13] Beirdo: heh, that's a ship out in Puget Sound
[04:44:07] Beirdo: named WESTRAC
[04:44:17] Beirdo: ( has a lookup site)
[04:44:44] Beirdo: heading of 66.9 degrees, doing 6.8 knots
[04:46:02] Beirdo: I have a very slightly modified Icom IC-R2 receiver feeding the discriminator output to my frontend box via line in (that's the modification, all of one resistor!)
[04:46:26] Beirdo: gotta say, it's fun being a geek sometimes
[04:46:49] Beirdo: using gnuais
[04:48:20] wagnerrp: what model discriminator?
[04:48:35] Beirdo: it's right in the radio receiver
[04:49:07] Beirdo: all I need to do is connect a 10k resistor to the test point, and attach a wire (well, with ground)
[04:49:28] wagnerrp: you should get an external one
[04:49:29] Beirdo: and you'd better believe I epoxied the crap out of it once it was all in there
[04:49:35] Beirdo: why?
[04:49:45] wagnerrp: i hear CR makes a good one, model 114
[04:49:52] Beirdo: this works really well
[04:50:04] Beirdo: and the next iteration will be an SDR anyways :)
[04:50:18] wagnerrp: woosh
[04:50:46] Beirdo: heh, yea well
[04:50:58] Beirdo: I used up my brain power at work
[04:52:02] Beirdo: and if I am getting what you were talking about, isn't it CRM114?
[04:52:28] wagnerrp: CR, model 114... yes
[04:52:49] wagnerrp: its a radio discriminator
[04:52:53] wagnerrp: military grade
[04:53:17] Beirdo: heh. fictional
[04:53:20] Beirdo: anyways...
[04:55:11] ** Beirdo reinstalls google earth **
[04:55:46] wagnerrp: actually, its a real email discriminator these days
[04:56:26] Beirdo: yeah well
[04:56:28] Beirdo: ooh
[04:56:38] Beirdo: (ch B cntr 590692002 type 5): 366866930 TUG RESPONSE SEATTLE HARBOR 40 15 6.700000 ( !AIVDM,2,2,9,,PSl`888880,2*5B )
[04:56:46] Beirdo: a type 5 for ya :)
[04:57:00] Beirdo: 40ft long, 15ft wide, 6.7ft draft
[04:57:08] Beirdo: yeah, that's a tugboat aright
[04:57:30] wagnerrp: rebuilding the seek tables did not resolve the transcoding issues
[04:58:00] Beirdo: hmm, l
[04:58:02] Beirdo: k even
[05:00:37] sphery: hehe, will do logrotate config next week at the latest...
[05:00:46] wagnerrp: ?
[05:00:51] sphery: might get it in this weekend
[05:01:03] wagnerrp: oh, logrotate, not logcleanup
[05:01:08] sphery: (to the wiki--Beirdo's comment from a half hour ago)
[05:01:09] sphery: yeah
[05:01:30] Beirdo: heh
[05:03:53] tank-man (tank-man! has quit (Quit: :q!)
[05:06:08] BobLfoot (BobLfoot!~Bob@fedora/BobLfoot) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:08:09] wagnerrp: sphery: amazingly, stupid news not from florida
[05:08:24] wagnerrp: california man admitted to emergency room after shooting self with dumbbell
[05:13:04] BobLfoot: I've got myth-0.25 running just fine on my Centos 6.2 – x86_64 combined backend/frontend and a Centos 6.2 – i686 remote frontend accessing it as well. I have not been able to get remote frontends to work from inside Qemu/KVM Virtual Machines running Centos 6.2. I keep getting a core dumped segmentation fault just as the qt painter is launched. Any suggestions on where to RTFM or proceed with debug. I'm puzzled it works on bare metal, but not virtua
[05:13:17] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
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[05:15:35] sphery: wagnerrp: how do you shoot yourself with a dumbbell? (dumbbell like weights for lifting?)
[05:15:44] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[05:16:27] sphery: BobLfoot: try: mythfrontend -O ThemePainter=qt (and then if it works go to Appearance setting and change to Qt painter)
[05:17:11] BobLfoot: it'll take me a minute to try that out sphery — I need to boot up a vm instance
[05:19:21] BobLfoot: while I do that — wagnerrp you got a link to that news story — it sounds fact stanger than fiction esque
[05:23:02] Batshua (Batshua!~Batshua@unaffiliated/batshua) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:23:15] Batshua: wagnerrp: I've been sent to ask you about LVM.
[05:24:05] jya_ (jya_!~jyavenard@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:30:36] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:35:29] BobLfoot: sphery: I ran " mythfrontend --logpath/var/log/myth --loglevel=debug -O ThemePainter=qt " and have posted the log to — still getting the Segmentation fault (core dumped) just after the Using the Qt painter message.
[05:37:22] wagnerrp: Batshua: LVM?
[05:37:31] Batshua: Yar, I have 4 hard drives.
[05:37:36] Batshua: I would like them to act as one.
[05:37:51] wagnerrp: why would you have been sent to me?
[05:37:51] Batshua: [R]'s response to this is to politely call me a stupid ninny and says I'm doing it wrong.
[05:38:07] Batshua: So given that I last set up myth like, 3 years ago…
[05:38:15] Batshua: Maybe I missed some new stuff since then.
[05:38:18] [R]: wagnerrp: cuz i know how much you love lvm...
[05:38:28] wagnerrp: BobLfoot: . . . -bullet.html
[05:38:38] BobLfoot: thx wagnerrp
[05:38:38] wagnerrp: i havent used LVM in over five years
[05:38:48] wagnerrp: it caused me loss of data, and ive never touched it since
[05:39:20] wagnerrp: Batshua: if youre talking about storage for recordings, then dont bother with LVM or RAID or anything of that sort
[05:39:36] Batshua: Why not? How else am I going to get it to dump data properly?
[05:39:40] BobLfoot: Not to act stupid in the presence of genius -->> wagnerrp [R] — but doesn't myth now do volume groups or some such thing to manage multiple disks without need for LVM ??
[05:39:47] wagnerrp: just mount them independently, add them directly to the storage directories, and let mythtv balance between them
[05:39:54] wagnerrp: dump data?
[05:39:59] [R]: wagnerrp: she refuses to read the documnetation
[05:40:01] Batshua: recordings. whatever.
[05:40:18] Batshua: More accurately, I can't find up-to-date documentation.
[05:40:21] wagnerrp: you mount them each to their own folder
[05:40:24] Batshua: I found some for mythbuntu 8.
[05:40:31] [R]: Batshua: its on the mythtv website... hwere its alwyas been
[05:40:39] wagnerrp: and then you point mythtv at each individually
[05:40:51] Batshua: And it just "knows"?
[05:40:51] wagnerrp: mythtv knows about all four of them, and will balance your recordings between them
[05:41:01] wagnerrp: it just "knows", because you just told it about them
[05:41:34] wagnerrp: what is the last version of mythtv youve run?
[05:41:39] Batshua: Well, I meant, even if I use the drives for other storage?
[05:41:51] Batshua: I don't know, because the hard drive that used to have mythtv on it was destroyed in transit
[05:42:06] wagnerrp: what if you use the drives for other storage?
[05:42:15] Batshua: other backups and whatnot
[05:42:18] Batshua: music or whatever
[05:42:23] Batshua: ripped DVDs
[05:42:35] Batshua: fill in the blank with whatever (okay, pretend it's porn. that's a good example, right?)
[05:42:41] wagnerrp: recordings and videos all use storage groups just the same
[05:42:52] wagnerrp: music, im not sure if that supports multiple independent folders
[05:44:38] wagnerrp: if you want redundant storage for other stuff, you can do so
[05:44:50] wagnerrp: however recordings are best done on independent drives
[05:44:58] Batshua: … Why?
[05:45:07] Batshua: Recordings are the least important to me.
[05:45:37] wagnerrp: because when you are using a RAID array, each write requires the entire array to be slewed around as one unit
[05:46:21] Batshua: Right, that's why RAID looked unappealing.
[05:46:28] wagnerrp: in other words, the largest array you can produce is going to have lower writes-per-second than a single drive
[05:46:53] Batshua: I'm looking at storage groups and it looks like I can't just say "dump it all in one place" if I want to use multiple physical drives.
[05:47:03] Batshua: Am I misreading something?
[05:47:16] wagnerrp: what do you mean by "dump it all in one place"?
[05:47:20] BobLfoot: sphery: I've got to return to $dayjob, but I'll leave this channel open and log the chat so I catch your'e response should you have time to examine the log paste and suggest further action. Thanks
[05:49:26] Batshua: Or can I add all four drives to the same storage group?
[05:49:41] wagnerrp: thats the idea of a "group"
[05:50:04] wagnerrp: recordings all go to the root of the folder you defined in the storage directories
[05:50:20] wagnerrp: if you define multiple directories to that group, recordings will be balanced between all of those directories
[05:50:25] [R]: hrm, was i doign it wrong? in school when we were in groups, i was alone...
[05:50:57] wagnerrp: for videos, the trees from each of those directories will be merged into a single view
[05:51:02] Batshua: That's how I always did groups in school…
[05:51:10] Batshua: Or rather, there were other people in them, but I did the work alone.
[05:51:39] wagnerrp: storage groups provide the "big lump of content", without actually having to have a big contiguous lump of storage
[05:51:48] Batshua: Hokay.
[05:51:55] Batshua: That's not entirely horrible.
[05:52:16] Batshua: If I wasn't cloning two hard drives right now, it'd be a good time to try installing mythbuntu. :/
[05:52:43] wagnerrp: if your application is designed to access multiple drives in parallel, it will achieve better performance than accessing a single partition on a raid array ever would
[05:53:32] Batshua: And I'm not looking for it to be screaming fast, but truth be told, that would not hurt.
[05:53:49] wagnerrp: well you get into issues with seeking
[05:54:03] wagnerrp: and with modern distros and ext4 using barriers, you get into issues with seeking real fast
[05:54:15] wagnerrp: especially if you shove your database on the same array
[05:54:39] wagnerrp: since all database IO will have to be synchronously flushed to disk
[05:54:53] wagnerrp: with seeks for data and seeks for filesystem metadata
[05:55:10] wagnerrp: recording a single show will cause several database writes per second
[05:55:23] wagnerrp: on top of that, a single recording will flush itself to disk once per second
[05:55:28] wagnerrp: with more data and metadata seeks
[05:55:44] wagnerrp: modern rotating hard drives, each of those seeks takes 10–20 milliseconds
[05:56:11] sphery: BobLfoot: looks like the problem isn't the painter, but the fact that your system can't connect to the database (no ~/.mythtv/config.xml) (sorry for long time before reply--finishing taxes)
[05:56:11] wagnerrp: with a raid array, and multiple drives that have to be seeked in lock-step, those delays are a bit higher
[05:56:50] wagnerrp: so if youre doing multiple recordings, each with their fsync loop, and database IO with its own fsyncing, youre looking at several hundred ms/s being used just for seeking
[05:57:11] wagnerrp: and suddenly, you have no more headroom to actually perform those writes
[05:57:14] wagnerrp: and you lose data
[05:57:51] wagnerrp: so... long story short...
[05:58:13] wagnerrp: if you want a redundant, primarily read-only archive for other stuff, make one
[05:58:23] wagnerrp: but keep one or two drives independent of that for recording
[05:58:46] wagnerrp: or get a decent SSD, and a nightly job to shuffle the recordings into the archive
[05:59:16] [R]: everyda im shuffling...
[05:59:56] Batshua: Hrm, I guess it wouldn't be too hard to try out storage groups first.
[06:00:22] BobLfoot: sphery: makes a little sense the bare metal were upgrades from 0.24 to 0.25 where the config.xml would have existed the 0.25 vm were fresh isntalls of the 0.25 rpms. Sounfd like the Packager overlooked a default config.xml
[06:01:37] BobLfoot: dooh – spherry these vm don't have the mysql ports or mythtv ports opened in the firewall. No way to reach the backend.
[06:02:03] BobLfoot: always the simple stuff that bites you it seems
[06:03:42] wagnerrp: sphery: wait wait... florida has redeemed itself
[06:04:07] wagnerrp: female car thief was captured in florida when found defecating on the side of the road
[06:04:27] Batshua: What?!
[06:04:27] sphery: hehe
[06:04:27] wagnerrp: (six miles from a rest stop)
[06:05:01] sphery: BobLfoot: hehe, glad you found it--ideally it wouldn't segv, but there's a little problem with startup now
[06:05:15] dekarl: Beirdo, if you see something that can overlay AIS to pictures of statically mounted cameras give me a shout (I'd like to locally overlay it to )
[06:05:42] wagnerrp:
[06:06:43] BobLfoot: sphery: I'll know for sure alter this weekend when I've time to test. This packager also overlooked php-MythTV.rpm had to isntall it seperatly. Packaged management. YOu can lvoe and hate it at the same time :)
[06:06:44] Beirdo: hmmm, you can definitely overlay on things
[06:06:51] ubIx (ubIx! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:07:26] BobLfoot: but Axel is keeping current on several distros for myth so I temper my criticism carefully. Woul;dn't want to attempt his workload.
[06:07:37] Beirdo: but last I looked, it's more used for flat maps or for google earth (via KML)
[06:07:52] dekarl: After thinking about what it'd take (figuring out the real world camera parameters, postitions etc. I put it on "the list" :)
[06:08:20] Beirdo: you wanna track ships on the river?
[06:08:42] dekarl: aye, for flat maps its easypeasy. sure, track ships, lock state etc. (to see lock contention, haha)
[06:08:42] stuartm (stuartm!~stuartm@mythtv/developer/stuartm) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[06:09:22] Beirdo: hehe
[06:09:24] Beirdo: nice
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[06:11:13] dekarl: its a "because we can" kind of idea. I think the people really looking at the data are not skilled with making good tools (I found only one skilled person who publically talks about such stuff over at )
[06:11:37] Batshua: wagnerrp: Thanks for 'splainin'. Hopefully in a few days I'll have a working PVR again.
[06:12:33] dekarl: and of course I want the Skycam in MythWeather together with the time plot of the gauge
[06:13:07] dekarl: hmm, or is that called "water level hydrograph"
[06:13:45] dekarl: that one . . . 2f5126ea66fd
[06:15:46] Technophil: Hi, Has anyone setup a real desktop and a 2nd virtual one on their Backend? I run a real display of 1440x900, but would like to add a virtual desktop of 1920x1200 that would only be accessed by VNC from other machines. Can this be done or does the nvidia card (8500GT in this case) need hardware connected before this can be done?
[06:16:09] wagnerrp: VNC doesnt touch your video hardware
[06:16:31] wagnerrp: VNC doesnt touch anything besides your CPU and memory
[06:16:39] Technophil: Do I need to connect and configure a 2nd 1920x1200 monitor beofre I can VNC onto it?
[06:16:50] wagnerrp: no, VNC has nothing to do with your local X server
[06:17:01] wagnerrp: it is a completely and wholly independent X server
[06:17:31] wagnerrp: you spawn it using 'vncserver', along with options like geometry and port number
[06:18:04] Technophil: So I need another X instance thats virtual?
[06:18:26] wagnerrp: no... vnc IS the other X instance
[06:18:37] wagnerrp: VNC is an X11 server in and of itself
[06:18:56] wagnerrp: it is completely and wholly independent from any local X server that may be attached to your video output hardware
[06:19:29] wagnerrp: do understand the difference between "VNC", and this "RealVNC 4" nonsense that connects to an existing local X server and displays it remotely
[06:19:30] Technophil: OK, however it pulls the "real" display presumably from X?
[06:20:00] wagnerrp: no, VNC runs its own server, completely independent from Xorg
[06:20:19] wagnerrp: you start VNC's X server using 'vncserver'
[06:20:33] wagnerrp: and applications get attached directly to VNC's new, dedicated X server
[06:21:26] wagnerrp: RealVNC 4's mechanism of linking into and mirroring an existing X server is non-standard VNC behavior
[06:21:44] Technophil: I'm using mythbuntu that come with it.
[06:22:09] wagnerrp: there must be some way to force RealVNC to spawn its own dedicated X server
[06:22:14] Technophil: Reading you I'm not sure if its using vncserver or RealVNC 4
[06:22:29] wagnerrp: or you can always use something like tightvnc or ultravnc
[06:22:43] Technophil: (To be clear I'm not looking to run HD video on it)
[06:22:57] wagnerrp: or tigervnc, or echovnc, or ....
[06:23:03] Technophil: OK sounds Like I need to read the options on those
[06:23:14] wagnerrp: actually no, echovnc looks like its a realvnc mirror-like thing
[06:23:38] Technophil: Ahh, that was how I assumed it worked (obviously incorrectly)
[06:24:17] wagnerrp: no, the standard behavior of VNC is a dedicated server
[06:24:31] wagnerrp: mirroring (windows remote desktop style) is non-standard
[06:25:15] Technophil: Maybe I'm using x11vnc, at least that's using some cpu in "top"
[06:25:27] wagnerrp: that sounds like some mirroring utility
[06:26:30] Technophil: So could one use VNC to create an X instance in a machine that did not even have a video card?
[06:26:42] wagnerrp: yes
[06:27:07] wagnerrp: one could use VNC to make hundreds of independent X instances on such a machine, with sufficient memory
[06:27:46] Technophil: Presumably with any reasonable resolution then?
[06:27:57] wagnerrp: yes
[06:28:32] Technophil: That Xfce would run in?
[06:28:50] wagnerrp: you could run Xfce on a VNC X server
[06:29:07] wagnerrp: while simultaneously running some other window manager on a different VNC or local X server
[06:29:25] wagnerrp: however IIRC, there are some problems with trying to run multiple simultaneous instances of KDE
[06:29:33] wagnerrp: although that may have been KDE 3.x
[06:30:10] Technophil: I think that gives me a direction to go down, much obliged, thank you. Xfce works fine for me, not sure why people use anything else....
[06:34:50] Beirdo: yeehaw
[06:35:17] Beirdo: just made a little ruby scraper to lookup ship names from MMSI for those who hadn't announced the name
[06:36:19] Beirdo: and just watched the track of a tugboat taht went out into Elliot Bay and then back to Harbor Island
[06:36:23] Beirdo: this is kinda fun
[06:36:53] Batshua (Batshua!~Batshua@unaffiliated/batshua) has left #mythtv-users ()
[06:55:32] wagnerrp: gah! why is survivor still on the air?
[06:55:56] [R]: lol
[06:56:10] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[06:56:40] wagnerrp: seriously, was there actually anything you could consider different after the second, or maybe third season?
[06:56:50] wagnerrp: theres only been like twenty of them
[06:57:13] Beirdo: same dumb show, different dumb locations, all easy to survive in
[06:57:36] Beirdo: now if they make Survivor: Alaska – Winter
[06:57:45] Beirdo: then it will be surviving
[07:05:09] justinh: nah, gently crash a plane which is delivering the cast. THEN it'll be surviving
[07:06:09] Beirdo: oh, and get rid of the camera crew
[07:06:20] Beirdo: use fixed cameras planted there.
[07:07:08] Beirdo: I really need the new VHF antenna for this radio
[07:07:54] Beirdo: I closed the door to outside... the UHF antenna will no longer effectively receive 161.975 or 162.025MHz
[07:08:12] Beirdo: (which are VHF freqs anyways)
[07:09:46] Beirdo: too bad the computer's too far from the balcony to try putting it actually outside :)
[07:12:57] wagnerrp: samsung smart tv, with new ways to access your apps, movies, shows, and more, samsung is designed to create one simple response... "my god damn arms are tired from all this flailing"
[07:13:06] wagnerrp: oh if only we could have truth in advertising...
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[09:00:30] stonith: sid3windr: that yellow/blue/green tinge i had problems with was more of a cable issue. Replaced the cable and don't need to fix color correction since I was already on the firmware revision that sphery posted with devins link
[09:01:11] stonith: still owe you a beer for making me check the cable since I knew I plugged everything in correctly.
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[09:55:09] BobLfoot: sphery: success with the vm frontend. It was the firewall and missing config.xml.
[09:55:12] sid3windr: yay, earned a beer by making one comment \o/
[09:56:41] fugg: looks like it's not longer possible to use an NVIDIA Quaddr4 380XGL with recent software ?
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[12:29:46] justinh: hmmm these new audio settings aren't working for me. for DD/AC3/DTS I generally use my AV receiver, and have configured it as a separate digital output but my amp says no audio
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[12:30:29] justinh: wonder if intel HDA has to be forced to 48k
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[13:16:00] phlegm: Hey all. Quick question that I can't find any answers to online. Just upgraded ubuntu to 11.10 and myth to 25. Now my remote doesn't work using the myth built in lirc. It will work with the button I have mapped to irexec though. Is there anywhere that the internal myth lirc can be toggled on and off?
[13:17:22] phlegm is now known as phlegmish
[13:17:59] TheAsp: uhh, internal lirc?
[13:18:27] phlegmish: From what I can tell remote commands can either be picked up by lirc or by myth
[13:18:39] TheAsp: lirc picks them up and tells myth
[13:19:21] TheAsp: are you using mythbuntu or something that set all this up for you?
[13:19:26] phlegmish: The preferred method is to use mythtv native LIRC support, where mythtv reads ~/.mythtv/lircrc for its own key configuration
[13:19:26] phlegmish: An alternate approach uses irxevent which is an external program that can send key presses to MythTV as if you were pressing keys on the keyboard. irxevent reads ~/.lircrc (note the dot at the start of the filename)
[13:19:35] phlegmish: from docs.
[13:19:51] phlegmish: I'm using mythbuntu but have been using myth for 5 years or so.
[13:19:54] TheAsp: lirc is still doing all the work....
[13:20:01] TheAsp: Anyway your lircrc may need updating
[13:20:06] TheAsp: button names may have changed
[13:20:26] phlegmish: The only buttons that work are ones I have assigned to irexec
[13:21:11] TheAsp: well, check your lircrc to see if the buttons defined in there match the buttons defied by the your remote's config file
[13:21:45] TheAsp: begin
[13:21:45] TheAsp: prog = mythtv
[13:21:45] TheAsp: button = KEY_CHANELDOWN
[13:21:45] TheAsp: repeat = 0
[13:21:45] TheAsp: config = Down
[13:21:46] TheAsp: end
[13:21:57] TheAsp: that button line may need changing for instance
[13:22:09] TheAsp: depending on what the config file for your remote names each button
[13:22:43] TheAsp: You can find the configfile for your remote named in here /etc/lirc/hardware.conf
[13:23:06] phlegmish: I have multiple lirc config files. The proper one is in the user dir that the frontend desktop runs as right?
[13:23:07] phlegmish: /home/mythfront/.lirc/mythtv
[13:23:22] TheAsp: The file named in that file is based out of /usr/share/lirc/remotes/
[13:23:52] TheAsp: *shrug* I have ~/.mythtv/lircrc as a symlink to ~/.lircrc
[13:24:11] TheAsp: I don't know what the instructions say these days... I did that like 10 years ago
[13:24:23] phlegmish: lol
[13:25:17] phlegmish: It's weird that it sort of works. The buttons still map correctly using irw and irexec buttons work.
[13:26:08] phlegmish: I thought maybe they has a new setting somewhere to say use external irexec or internal mythtv
[13:27:31] phlegmish: Is your ~/.mythtv/lircrc in /root or the user the frontend runs as?
[13:27:46] TheAsp: the frontend user
[13:28:04] phlegmish: My gdm autologs in as mythfront and starts the frontend
[13:28:44] Twiggy2cents: phlegmish, what remote and can you post your lircrc to pastebin?
[13:28:59] phlegmish: sec.
[13:30:43] phlegmish:
[13:30:51] phlegmish: X10 MP3 Anywhere RF Receiver
[13:31:36] toeb_a (toeb_a!~d@ has quit (Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client -
[13:31:40] Twiggy2cents: that isnt a lircrc
[13:31:42] Twiggy2cents: that is why
[13:32:22] phlegmish: huh
[13:33:19] Twiggy2cents:
[13:34:40] phlegmish: what is the file location of yours
[13:34:50] Twiggy2cents:
[13:35:01] Twiggy2cents: That is what it should look like sorry, I copied the wrong part
[13:35:11] Twiggy2cents: ~/.mythtv/lircrc
[13:35:31] Twiggy2cents: Are you using a specific remote? or is the X10 also a remote?
[13:35:46] phlegmish: The X10 is a remote
[13:35:51] Twiggy2cents: okay
[13:36:05] phlegmish: lol. No wonder I was confused.
[13:36:53] phlegmish: My /etc/lircd/hardware.conf reverences /usr/share/lirc/remotes/x10/lircd.conf.mp3anywhere
[13:37:06] phlegmish: That is correct and hasn't changed in the upgrade.
[13:37:46] phlegmish: Where is your ~/.mythtv/lircrc located? /root/.mythtv/lircrc or the user that mythfrontend runs under
[13:39:05] Twiggy2cents: ~ assumes the current user which is me
[13:39:15] Twiggy2cents: you arent supposed to ever run mythtv as root
[13:39:19] Twiggy2cents: . . . c_generation
[13:39:22] Twiggy2cents: try that
[13:39:38] phlegmish: I knew ~ but I didn't know who you were logged in as ;)
[13:40:44] phlegmish: I was hoping to about re-doing it since I didn't want to redo all the button mappings and it is half working.
[13:41:11] Twiggy2cents: Changing the lircrc only changes what mythtv interprets the inputs as
[13:41:38] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[13:41:50] Twiggy2cents: It doesnt actually change any lirc configurations
[13:42:44] phlegmish: Does it still use prog = mythtv for the buttons
[13:43:17] Twiggy2cents: read the link I posted, it is a piece of software taht will attempt to build you a lircrc
[13:43:22] phlegmish: prog = irexec will work and I can run an external program using a mapping that way but the prog = mythtv doesn't work since the upgrade
[13:44:36] Twiggy2cents: yes it still works. you may not have the right command
[13:48:36] Twiggy2cents: when you use irw and hit a key
[13:48:56] Twiggy2cents: does it say KEY_.... or just the key?
[13:51:33] phlegmish: Sec and I'll test. I just started the frontend with full logging and see this. A good sign. 2012-04–14 09:47:40.006992 I LIRC: Successfully initialized '/dev/lircd' using '/home/mythfront/.mythtv/lircrc'
[13:52:16] Twiggy2cents: You need an actual lircrc for that to work
[13:53:28] phlegmish: It's a symlink to the other. lircrc -> ../.lirc/mythtv
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[13:54:33] phlegmish: irw shows irw
[13:54:33] phlegmish: 00000000d5aaeed3 00 KEY_DOWN mp3anywhere
[13:54:51] Twiggy2cents: THat is your problem
[13:54:55] phlegmish: lircrc shows begin
[13:54:56] phlegmish: remote = mp3anywhere
[13:54:56] phlegmish: prog = mythtv
[13:54:56] phlegmish: button = DOWN
[13:54:56] phlegmish: config = Down
[13:54:56] phlegmish: repeat = 3
[13:55:00] Twiggy2cents: your lircrc is for the other remote
[13:55:32] phlegmish: What other remote?
[13:55:47] Twiggy2cents: If you look at your /usr/share/lirc/remotes/x10/lircd.conf there should be two remotes in there
[13:56:01] Twiggy2cents: You need to change your lircrc to reflect the other remote that uses KEY_...
[13:56:12] Twiggy2cents: That should get you going
[13:56:48] ** TheAsp stabs a pencil into pulseaudio's eye **
[13:56:55] phlegmish: One is MP3Anywhere_UR51A and mine is mp3anywhere They are both in that file
[13:57:22] Twiggy2cents:
[13:57:31] Twiggy2cents: that one is your remote based on what key irw returns
[13:57:36] phlegmish: I see what you mean now. Sec while I test something
[13:57:38] TheAsp: NVRAudio audioinputalsa.cpp:336 (AlsaBad)
[13:57:38] TheAsp: AudioInALSA(hw:Bt878,0): pcm open failed: Device or resource busy
[13:57:41] TheAsp: whoops
[13:59:39] phlegmish: So I need to edit my lircrc and change button = SEVEN to button = KEY_SEVEN
[14:00:47] Twiggy2cents: yes, I have to go but I think you can figure it out from there
[14:00:57] phlegmish: Thanks.
[14:01:24] phlegmish: Worked!
[14:01:27] Twiggy2cents: make sure that KEY_... is actually defined as a key in the conifg. I didnt check but I assume that they are all the same except with KEY appened
[14:01:31] phlegmish: I now have a down button
[14:01:39] Twiggy2cents: s/appened/appended
[14:01:54] phlegmish: Weird that it changed but...... ok now that you helped.
[14:01:56] phlegmish: :)
[14:03:09] TheAsp: it's not that weird... they are standardizing the button names
[14:03:32] phlegmish: makes sense if it's for a better future.
[14:07:33] justinh: hrm maybe my device name has been wrong all along. I take it that the device name for passthrough should be what aplay -L calls the IEC958 output?
[14:09:15] ben1066_ (ben1066_! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:09:54] phlegmish: Remote is all fixed. Thanks guys.
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[14:20:23] Twiggy2cents: no problem phlegmish
[14:20:34] justinh: arghhh
[14:21:02] justinh: so how in the world can I have a separate passthru output for audio & keep ordinary stereo to the TV?
[14:21:34] justinh: seems calling the device whatever aplay -L lists it as isn't working
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[14:34:38] justinh: listen mythtv, I dunno where you got the idea there's an ALSA:iec958:{ AES0 0x02 } device but I've NO IDEA what that is
[14:34:45] justinh: WTH is it?
[14:35:33] justinh: aplay -L calls it "iec958:CARD=Intel,DEV=0"
[14:37:23] justinh: oh WAIT. it's passing DTS through ok but not AC3 it seems
[14:37:53] MissionCritical (MissionCritical!~MissionCr@unaffiliated/missioncritical) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:38:56] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.
[14:42:40] tgm4883: Is there a way to start the frontend with some show specific information (eg. ProgramId) and have it open and start playing that show?
[14:46:16] wagnerrp: no, but you can have it jump straight to the playbackbox
[14:46:27] wagnerrp: or use mythavtest to run a specific video
[14:48:38] justinh: ah well. no more surround sound for us then. so it's either all through spdif or none at all. cheers
[14:51:38] phlegmish (phlegmish! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[14:53:53] tgm4883: wagnerrp, ok, sounds like I'll have to use that
[14:54:03] tgm4883: does mythavtest support commflagging?
[14:54:34] tgm4883: err
[14:54:37] tgm4883: commskipping
[14:55:01] justinh: wonder why ac3 passthrough used to work but not now :-\
[14:55:22] justinh: frickin hate alsa with its wacky device names
[14:58:00] tank-man (tank-man! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:58:27] wagnerrp: tgm4883: i think so, it should just be the internal player without all the frontend wrapping
[15:00:03] tgm4883: wagnerrp, sweet
[15:00:39] tgm4883: wagnerrp, although I guess it still doesn't work for my purposes then, I would need it to stream from the backend in order to get commskipping info right?
[15:01:21] justinh: wagnerrp: btw, opengl video wasn't working after all.
[15:01:41] wagnerrp: since you give mythavtest files, it may not be able to connect the file with matching recording data
[15:01:42] justinh: well opengl-lite.. 'real' opengl video is definitely all in the wrong colorspace
[15:01:44] wagnerrp: i really dont know
[15:01:52] wagnerrp: however, it can stream from the backend
[15:01:57] wagnerrp: give it a myth:// URI
[15:03:46] justinh: well, it's not as if we ever sit down & get to watch a full movie at a good volume anymore anyway – and those floorstanding speakers are just a liability with a toddler
[15:03:47] tgm4883: wagnerrp, is there somewhere I can grab a myth:// URI easily or do I need to construct it programatically?
[15:04:23] wagnerrp: myth://<storage group>@<backend>[:port]/<path>
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[15:04:52] wagnerrp: if you query a recording list over the backend protocol, it should give you those URIs
[15:05:33] tgm4883: wagnerrp, doesn't seem to, I've been using
[15:06:15] tgm4883: where is my master backend
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[15:13:59] wagnerrp: do you actually need to start it from scratch?
[15:14:09] wagnerrp: if you have a frontend running, you can direct it at a specific recording
[15:16:07] wagnerrp: tgm4883, ^^^
[15:21:35] rsiebert (rsiebert! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:25:58] oobe: wagnerrp, I think tgm is deliberately ignoring you just to be annoying
[15:26:31] tank-man (tank-man! has quit (Quit: :q!)
[15:35:47] wagnerrp: or perhaps he just went elsewhere
[15:35:50] bobc (bobc! has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia
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[16:03:14] tgm4883: wagnerrp, yea I need it to start from scratch
[16:03:18] tgm4883: the use case would be
[16:04:08] FabriceMG: wagnerrp, when the backend switch 1 programme to another on same tv channel some problem with ringbuffer in liveTV
[16:04:22] tgm4883: A ubuntu user searching in Unity for a video, the mythtv recording would be listed in the results. Clicking the result would either A) Launch the default video player (no comm skipping) or B) launch the mythfrontend/mythavtest
[16:04:27] petefunk_ (petefunk_!~pfunk@unaffiliated/petefunk) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[16:04:47] tgm4883: if we do B, I'd like to be able to just feed it some show information and have it be able to do commskipping
[16:05:20] tgm4883: I actually have A in a working state now, just trying to add functionality
[16:06:20] wagnerrp: you could start the frontend, wait for it to become responsive, and jump it to the specific recording
[16:07:04] tgm4883: wagnerrp, that seems a bit cludgy
[16:07:14] wagnerrp: yep
[16:07:33] wagnerrp: anything better is going to require some coding
[16:07:44] wagnerrp: there are no --chanid/--starttime options for mythavtest?
[16:07:49] wagnerrp: that may be the easiest
[16:07:53] tgm4883: not that I saw
[16:08:05] wagnerrp: is this part of the ubuntutv stuff?
[16:08:07] tgm4883: Once in mythavtest, I can use the menu system to start a recording
[16:08:47] tgm4883: wagnerrp, kinda. Right now it's just Unity stuff (so all Ubuntu) until there gets some UbuntuTV functionality that actually makes sense for episodic content
[16:12:19] wagnerrp: FabriceMG: there were some livetv fixes that made it in just prior to 0.25 release
[16:12:25] wagnerrp: beyond that, i dont know much about livetv
[16:12:28] tgm4883: wagnerrp, still not 100% where I'm suppose to get the myth:// link. I've been using the above link to pull show info which I can generate a link like this for playback . . . 06200000.mpg
[16:12:44] tgm4883: I don't suppose it's as easy as s/http/myth/
[16:12:57] wagnerrp: nope
[16:13:10] Bix (Bix!6c245070@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[16:13:28] wagnerrp: some of the backend protocol calls will return it
[16:13:33] wagnerrp: or you can generate it on your own
[16:13:36] Bix: in .25, is there a way to see if a capture card is being used from the new API?
[16:13:38] AndyUbuntu (AndyUbuntu! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[16:14:06] tgm4883: wagnerrp, with myth://<storage group>@<backend>[:port]/<path>, but what is <path> looking for?
[16:14:16] wagnerrp: basename
[16:14:23] wagnerrp: <chanid>_<starttime>.mpg
[16:14:37] wagnerrp: or the relative path to something in mythvideo
[16:14:46] tgm4883: basically filename then?
[16:14:54] wagnerrp: for recordings, yes
[16:15:05] tgm4883: ok, so that is easy enough for me to construct
[16:20:34] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[16:21:49] FabriceMG: wagnerrp, i think at this . . . 708461867b1f
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[16:25:36] tgm4883: wagnerrp, using the myth protocol, mythavtest does commskipping
[16:25:40] tgm4883: Yay!
[16:31:56] petefunk (petefunk!~pfunk@unaffiliated/petefunk) has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:43:03] anykey_: does anyone use an asus at5iont-i mainboard? is it capable to play back HD 1080p content?
[16:43:57] Bix: im having problems with parental controls not starting on 1 but it starts on 0. Looks like a patch is out there . . . /071892.html how do I know if this was commited?
[16:45:05] Bix: anykey: the docs says its does. Its an ION
[16:45:28] anykey_: Bix: it's an ION2, the old ion did not support 1080p output, afaik
[16:45:34] anykey_: Bix: this is why i ask ;)
[16:45:45] Bix: ION2 does
[16:45:45] Bix:
[16:46:07] Bix: i have an ion2 and its rock solid with myth and 1080p over hdmi
[16:46:25] anykey_: Bix: does it do temporal or advanced deinterlacing?
[16:48:56] Bix: u mean with 1080i or 480i content? i does adaptive
[16:49:06] Bix: i have never looked into it though. the picture is always amazing in p
[16:49:17] anykey_: yeah, 1080i especially
[16:49:39] anykey_: no 1080p broadcast here, most of it is 1080i
[16:52:05] Bix: i use a zotac ID41 BTW. Diskless and network boot off my myth server. Its awesome and very easy to maintain since its one OS image to worry about. I put a small SD card in it to cache thumbnails and stuff.
[16:52:58] Bix: have like 5 of them now. i can also network boot my laptop into a mythtv client. its too cool
[16:53:46] tyuiop (tyuiop! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:53:53] tyuiop: hello there
[16:59:33] gigem (gigem!~david@mythtv/developer/gigem) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.7)
[17:00:54] tyuiop: anyone spaeak english ??
[17:00:59] gigem (gigem!~david@mythtv/developer/gigem) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:06:02] jams: tyuiop- most in this channel do.
[17:06:14] tyuiop: is it possible to encapsulates the data, fragments it as necessary and also reassembles it at the other end and decapsulates using vlc ?
[17:07:40] jams: There is nothing built into mythtv that uses vlc for streaming.
[17:08:41] jams: but yes vlc as a standalone package can be used for streaming.
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[17:16:18] laga_ (laga_! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:16:27] laga_: hi there.
[17:17:21] laga_: assuming i have some hypothetical naughty movies in a storage group and some hypothetical kids – is there a way to hide the contents of the entire storage group in the video library?
[17:18:40] tyuiop: no you don't get my question,i simply would like to transport the dish signal over the net is that possible like : having the dish in NYC transport the signal over the net and from Los angeles the end user able to view their channel from his TV
[17:18:51] tyuiop: possible ?
[17:24:42] ben1066 (ben1066! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:25:37] skd5aner: Beirdo: why are you playing with AIS stuff?
[17:25:47] jcarlos: Is it possible to use mythtv-fronted 0.25 with mythbackend 0.24?
[17:25:53] skd5aner: jcarlos: no
[17:26:25] jcarlos: OK
[17:26:49] ben1066_ (ben1066_! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[17:27:56] Bix: laga: parenral controls will hide things.
[17:28:05] Bix: will set levels automagically for you
[17:28:22] Bix: so as you increase your parental controls 1–4 different folders will pop up
[17:28:52] xtort- (xtort-!~xtort-@ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[17:32:17] tyuiop: so ?
[17:32:25] tyuiop: possible or not ?
[17:32:31] tyuiop: for my question?
[17:33:27] laga_: Bix: thanks
[17:34:04] xtort- (xtort-!~xtort-@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:34:22] fugg: tyuiop, do you have enought bandwith ?
[17:35:00] Bix: the latest .25 version of myth is kind of broke though. It doesnt start at the default level when you go into videos so all of them are shown. i saw a patch but it hasnt committed yet it seems
[17:36:50] n0tk (n0tk!~n0tk@gateway/tor-sasl/n0tk) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:39:08] tyuiop: 100 M
[17:39:17] tyuiop: mega is that enough ?
[17:39:50] tyuiop: and also it just only signal i would like to transport why we need to care about bandwith ? fugg
[17:40:52] wagnerrp: tyuiop: you have 100Mbps upload?
[17:41:19] tyuiop: 10 MB
[17:41:28] tyuiop: for upload
[17:41:28] wagnerrp: MB or Mb?
[17:41:33] fugg: tyuiop, because uncompressed full-HD will take around 2.6 GB/s and you are talking about the whole dish-signal with consists of hundreds of transponders.
[17:41:44] wagnerrp: fugg: no, closer to 700Mbps
[17:42:14] fugg: wagnerrp, you're already talking about MPG which is already compressed.
[17:42:28] wagnerrp: eh?
[17:42:47] tyuiop: so you are you going to say that an coaxial cable transport more than 700Mbps ?
[17:43:20] wagnerrp: tyuiop: a standard cable provider has somewhere around 5Gbps that they pump over their cable
[17:43:28] fugg: tyuiop, coax is made for HF
[17:43:46] wagnerrp: ~130 channels, ~38Mbps per channel
[17:44:33] tyuiop: ok so we can choose a range of channel
[17:44:35] tyuiop: ?
[17:44:50] hadees (hadees! has quit (Quit: hadees)
[17:44:51] tyuiop: i mean is it possible to choose a range of channel to stream ?
[17:45:10] wagnerrp: tyuiop: what hes saying is that you cannot send the signal... you can only capture individual channels, and then stream those individual channels compressed with however much bandwidth you have
[17:45:22] wagnerrp: at 10Mbps upload, you will be able to manage one single HD channel
[17:45:55] wagnerrp: using an HDPVR for analog capture off the satellite STB, and limiting it to probably 8Mbps or so to give you enough headroom
[17:46:09] tyuiop: why not possible to use internet as a virtual coaxiale cable ?
[17:46:25] wagnerrp: because physics
[17:46:33] tyuiop: connecting kind of converter on both side
[17:46:47] tyuiop: coaxiale => RJ45
[17:47:01] tyuiop: RJ45 => coaxiale
[17:47:13] wagnerrp: do you have a physical link connecting the two locations?
[17:47:14] tyuiop: to able to transport just only the signal
[17:47:34] fugg: tyuiop, you have not much idea about electronic ?
[17:47:47] wagnerrp: like, a single run of wire from one point to the other?
[17:48:29] wagnerrp: if not, then you will need to discretize the analog signal into a digital one pass it through the packet switched internet, and reformulate it on the other end back into an analog signal
[17:48:54] justinh: but... the internets! free teevees for everybodys!
[17:49:02] justinh: heh
[17:49:08] tyuiop: i simply would like to transport the dish signal over the net is that possible like : having the dish in NYC transport the signal over the net and from Los angeles the end user able to view their channel from his TV
[17:49:11] tyuiop: this is the goal
[17:49:24] wagnerrp: and with a single satellite running off roughly a gigahertz of spectrum, with two different polarities, youre looking at tens of gigabits needed to send that data
[17:49:53] wagnerrp: if you want to transport the signal, take your STB and your dish with you, and set it up in LA
[17:49:58] wagnerrp: problem solved
[17:50:37] wagnerrp: the same signal is being broadcast to both locations from some 25k miles up
[17:50:44] wagnerrp: so you independently receive it at both locations
[17:50:45] wagnerrp: and youre done
[17:50:58] justinh: doing a *whole* dish over the net is completely la-la land
[17:51:15] justinh: you'd be lucky to manage even just a few channels
[17:51:24] wagnerrp: especially if that dish has multiple LNBs targeted at multiple birds
[17:51:53] wagnerrp: tyuiop: do you want to send the "signal", or do you want to send a single channel?
[17:51:55] justinh: gah my free time period is up again. when *is* bedtime today? (son's, not mine) lol
[17:52:11] tyuiop: send the signal
[17:52:31] wagnerrp: yeah, put a dish up in LA
[17:52:33] fugg: most people are lucky to see dvb_HD in their private subnet ;)
[17:52:42] wagnerrp: that is the ONLY solution
[17:53:09] wagnerrp: you cant afford to send the "signal"
[17:53:34] tyuiop: NY LA it just only an example
[17:53:47] wagnerrp: medium sized corporations could not afford to send the signal
[17:54:02] wagnerrp: you really seem to not comprehend what you are asking
[17:56:38] tyuiop: i know what i m asking
[17:56:45] Beirdo: skd5aner: why the heck not?
[17:57:00] wagnerrp: tyuiop: no, you clearly dont, as if you did, you would understand why you couldnt do it
[17:57:08] tyuiop: i simply can't understand why can't possible ?
[17:57:46] wagnerrp: because if you wanted to capture the signal from a single satellite that would allow you to reproduce it on the other end
[17:57:54] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[17:58:12] wagnerrp: youre talking hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of hardware, and tens of gigabits worth of bandwidth
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[17:58:15] ben1066 (ben1066!~quassel@unaffiliated/ben1066) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:59:09] fugg: anybody around who could tell me where i failed ?........using myth 24.2 , all was fine but i had to change my domain, got some double-entries ( host-name-related) and did a new setup with clean DB. but clients video is interrupting. i assume because the is no further tunung on the backends, this has to do with the quality/resolution setup on frontends ?
[17:59:23] tyuiop: so you are saying that the coax cable transport more that 10 GB of bandwith ?
[18:00:01] Bix (Bix!6c245070@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[18:00:05] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:00:18] fugg: tyuiop, did you ever look at the specs ?
[18:01:00] wagnerrp: tyuiop: as i mentioned previously, a cable provider has roughly 130 channels, covering 1000MHz of spectrum, each with 38.4Mbps of bandwidth
[18:01:12] wagnerrp: that puts it at some 5Gbps of usable bandwidth
[18:01:28] wagnerrp: however, if you want to capture the SIGNAL, rather than decode the DATA contained in that signal
[18:01:40] wagnerrp: youre going to have to record at several times that bitrate
[18:02:13] wagnerrp: now satellite is not going to be able to broadcast at as high spectral efficiency as cable, due to increased noise level
[18:02:22] wagnerrp: however, you can play with polarization
[18:02:36] wagnerrp: and with both horizontal and vertical, you double the available bandwidth
[18:02:43] wagnerrp: as well as the amount of data you have to capture
[18:02:48] wagnerrp: and the amount of hardware needed to do so
[18:03:27] wagnerrp: tyuiop: do you understand the difference between analog and digital?
[18:03:46] tyuiop: no
[18:04:18] wagnerrp: analog is a continuous waveform, digital is... digitized, discrete
[18:04:30] wagnerrp: an analog transmission has effectively infinite bandwidth
[18:05:05] wagnerrp: however the signal contained within that is going to follow a limited set of properties
[18:05:26] wagnerrp: in order to capture that signal, you have to run at least twice the capture rate of the characteristic frequency
[18:05:48] wagnerrp: on the other hand, if you decode the signal into the digital form, it will contain significantly less data
[18:06:10] wagnerrp: so if you wanted to send the data contained within a digital cable signal, you would need ~5Gbps
[18:06:36] wagnerrp: where if you wanted to send the signal itself digitized, you would need maybe 20–40Gbps to send enough data to accurately reconstruct the information
[18:06:51] wagnerrp: if you have a direct connection, you can just send the signal directly
[18:06:58] wagnerrp: like connecting your tv to your antenna through coax
[18:07:06] wagnerrp: however, the internet is not a direct connection
[18:07:11] wagnerrp: it is a packet switched digital connection
[18:07:24] wagnerrp: so the signal must be digitized
[18:07:43] wagnerrp: otherwise, you will just be sending garbage to your switch, and your switch will discard it
[18:08:18] wagnerrp: if you wanted to run your own cross-country fiber optic line, with periodic repeaters
[18:08:28] wagnerrp: you could set up your own direct connection, and send the analog signal
[18:09:07] tgm4883: when using mythavtest, what does "Starting IO manager (write)" and is there any tweaks I can do to speed it up?
[18:09:17] tgm4883: right now it takes about 10 seconds in my testing
[18:09:25] tgm4883: or is that based on network speed?
[18:09:35] wagnerrp: that sounds like the mythsystem stuff
[18:10:11] wagnerrp: i.e. if its blocking there, its waiting on some external command to return
[18:10:25] tgm4883: hmm
[18:11:08] tyuiop: thanks wagnerrp i can understand now
[18:12:04] tgm4883: wagnerrp, could that be buffering then?
[18:12:21] wagnerrp: buffering?
[18:12:34] tyuiop (tyuiop! has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 11.0/20120312181643])
[18:12:43] wagnerrp: the only thing i can think of that mythavtest might be running is pinging the database
[18:12:52] wagnerrp: i dont think we still do an external ping
[18:13:33] tgm4883: well it's not a fast link that i'm testing on, it's EoP
[18:13:39] tgm4883: and it's an HD show
[18:14:50] wagnerrp: Beirdo: youve done enough research, you probably could have quoted that guy a price on what it would have taken to actually capture the full signal
[18:15:00] tgm4883: hmm, maybe not. Backend log doesn't seem to be doing anything during that time
[18:17:12] Beirdo: hehe, never tlooked at the transmission side for that quantity of data, but it's astronomical
[18:17:13] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:17:20] wagnerrp: fugg: what i had said earlier, almost all commercial video is 4:2:0... colorspace compression
[18:17:24] Beirdo: and I need to go find brunch :)
[18:17:38] wagnerrp: the B/W channel runs full 1920x1080, but the two color channels are only at 960x540
[18:17:52] wagnerrp: so effectively only 12 bits per pixel, not 24
[18:19:40] wagnerrp: so on the one end, you have studio level SDI running 1920x1080@60 4:4:4 at 3Gbps, for consumer use, its 1920x1080@24 4:2:0 at only 600Mbps
[18:20:19] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:21:45] tgm4883: lol wagnerrp> because physics
[18:25:23] wagnerrp: cant argue with physics
[18:25:56] tgm4883: wagnerrp, very true
[18:45:18] skd5aner: Beirdo: I was just actually curious... didn't know if you were into nautical stuff or owned a boat or what?
[18:58:57] RagingMind (RagingMind! has quit (Quit: ZNC -
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[19:21:14] Beirdo: skd5aner: heh, I wish. I'm not rich enough for that :)
[19:21:38] Beirdo: but I live like 1.5–2 miles from the port of Seattle, and it's interesting to play with
[19:23:20] Beirdo: unfortunately, I have a UHF antenna on the receiver right now.
[19:23:29] Beirdo: so it's craptacular at times
[19:24:14] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has quit (Quit: kormoc)
[19:33:31] Beirdo: like right now
[19:35:30] gregL (gregL! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:35:39] justinh: right, I guess now might be a better time to ask about this spdif passthru niggle I have
[19:36:10] Beirdo: niggle this :)
[19:37:03] justinh: 1st off, I'm not so sure now that things I thought were DTS are actually DTS
[19:37:18] justinh: but I used to get 5.1 audio into my AV amp from mythtv when I played em
[19:37:55] justinh: ffmpeg says the dtspiano into thing I use is dca, which I think is really ac3
[19:38:25] justinh: oh no, it is DTS. Heh
[19:38:49] Beirdo: heh, as I have no DTS support on my TV... beyond me
[19:39:16] justinh: everything is hunky dory when I make the spdif audio port the main one in the audio setup page, but I'd like conventional stereo tracks to go to the TV audio to save the mrs hassle
[19:39:50] justinh: in the olden days you'd just set the passthru device & all would be well if whatever you shoved the spdif into could cope
[19:40:29] justinh: but now, I'm confused. the choices I have in the main audio device dropdown all seem to lean toward analogue surround output
[19:41:21] justinh: I've tried the 'advanced' setting but the names of the ports it gives look nothing like what aplay -L says
[19:41:42] Beirdo: you'd have to talk with Mr. jya, I think
[19:41:51] Beirdo: he's the one that knows it best
[19:42:33] justinh: inside out, more likely :-)
[19:42:58] Beirdo: I should hope so, being the primary (and mostly only) coder touching that code ;)
[19:43:16] ** wagnerrp gets his first invalid bug against the tmdb library **
[19:43:21] Beirdo: yay
[19:43:25] Beirdo: didn't take long
[19:43:31] justinh: I remember last time I had this headache the cause was the choices in the passthru device dropdown had nothing to do with anything alsa gave
[19:43:32] wagnerrp: about a month
[19:43:53] justinh: so it's likely just a disconnect between device port names or something of that ilk
[19:43:58] wagnerrp: guy said my documentation claimed a certain object contained certain data
[19:44:08] wagnerrp: so i showed him that it does contain that data
[19:44:17] wagnerrp: ...
[19:44:27] Beirdo: heheh
[19:45:37] rhpot1991: what does "this series" do in mythweb?
[19:45:44] sphery: You "object"ed to his argument
[19:46:14] sphery: rhpot1991: title, but with a preference for seriesid, if available
[19:46:15] rhpot1991: and it seems on a 0.24->.25 update the "new episode" filter is not showing up in mythweb, but my upcoming recordings seem fine
[19:46:44] sphery: what mythweb 0.24 and below called "filters" weren't filter
[19:46:48] sphery: now there are filter
[19:46:53] sphery: but the UI has changed
[19:47:13] rhpot1991: sphery: so is it recommended to modify and re-save all recording rules, or is there a better way to do it?
[19:47:27] sphery: IMHO, normal title search is best
[19:47:44] sphery: because that way, when I have it record all the MASH episodes, I get the movie, too, etc...
[19:48:00] rhpot1991: sphery: for things I'm live on I like new episodes only
[19:48:14] wagnerrp: i was going to do yard work today
[19:48:19] sphery: granted, when I have it record all the House episodes, I get the movie about "heads on the wall talk and pictures move in a haunted house"
[19:48:35] wagnerrp: cut the grass... rerun a couple water lines to the back yard because the plumber is an imbecile
[19:48:41] sphery: but then I just delete that (or, actually, I /haven't/ deleted it since I might someday decide it's worth watching)
[19:48:44] justinh: hey I wonder if the USB audio thing I've got on my frontend has spdif out
[19:48:47] wagnerrp: i wake up and its raining, and it hasnt yet stopped
[19:48:51] sphery: so autoexpire can delete it for me if I don't watch it
[19:49:19] sphery: rhpot1991: in theory any of your old "new episodes only" rules were updated to work properly with the new filters
[19:49:19] justinh: I could just point the alternative passthru thing at that & have done with it
[19:49:58] sphery: rhpot1991: but you'll need to either learn the new MythWeb UI or--better--go into mythfrontend to get an idea for how it does it, then use that to figure out the MythWeb UI
[19:50:11] sphery: then you can verify that they were converted properly
[19:50:30] sphery: FWIW:
[19:51:15] rhpot1991: sphery: ya upcoming recordings seems fine, just the mythweb UI didn't match, I'll have a look to make sure all is well
[19:51:55] sphery: yeah, new UI, so I'm sure it's just a matter of figuring out what the new UI says
[19:52:01] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:56:45] justinh: is my setup just weird & no longer supported?
[19:59:33] justinh: maybe not. looking at the audio config page I'm not going insane. this should just work (TM)
[19:59:50] justinh: in theory I shouldn't even have to touch the advanced settings page
[20:07:39] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
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[20:28:54] justinh: oh yeah BTW... the setup wizard.. nice!
[20:29:12] justinh: great step in the right direction. But you all knew that already
[20:33:00] EagleIJoe (EagleIJoe! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:36:59] EagleIJoe: hi everyone … just pulled in 0.25 from the mythbuntu repos .. sadly, mythbackend does not come up all the way or at least it seems not to register the ports … what am I missing? mythfrontend of corse does not connect
[20:37:18] wagnerrp: pastebin your backend logs
[20:39:08] EagleIJoe: wagnerrp: … could it be the mythlocale error?
[20:39:59] wagnerrp: thats all the further it gets?
[20:40:24] EagleIJoe: yes
[20:40:46] EagleIJoe: was running latest 0.24.2-fixes before
[20:40:51] wagnerrp: on an unrelated note, what is your `locale` set to?
[20:41:22] EagleIJoe: my system locale is en_US … why it would be de_US on qt I don't know … where do I set that?
[20:41:53] wagnerrp: in your system account's shell profile
[20:43:06] RagingMind: suggestions on setting up ULAs with ipv6 and mythtv?
[20:43:16] wagnerrp: ula....
[20:43:20] wagnerrp: no idea what that is
[20:43:44] EagleIJoe: wagnerrp: how can I debug further on why it gets stuck?
[20:43:50] wagnerrp: uganda liberation army?
[20:44:21] tgm4883: I think Uganda Liberation Army support is in master right now
[20:44:23] EagleIJoe: hehe
[20:44:26] tgm4883: didn't make it for 0.25
[20:45:09] skd5aner: tgm4883: but it's only a proof-of-concept, and doesn't really have an interface since the dictator window hasn't been written
[20:45:32] tgm4883: skd5aner, true, I hear there are arms race conditions as well
[20:47:46] skd5aner: <rimshot>
[20:48:38] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:51:14] RagingMind: Unique local address
[20:51:33] RagingMind: sorta like ipv4 private addresses
[20:51:54] wagnerrp: mythtv will only operate with persistent addresses
[20:51:55] justinh: oh come on! no passthru is happening at all unless I set iec958 to be the main audio device
[20:52:07] wagnerrp: if the ULA is persistent, then you can use it like any other IPv6 address
[20:52:11] wagnerrp: otherwise, it will not work
[20:53:08] RagingMind: that's why I want a ULA... then it'll persist even if my ipv6 tunnel provider changes (or is down)
[20:53:45] wagnerrp: so how does mythtv factor into this?
[20:54:05] RagingMind: because someone in here mentioned that is how they set it up
[20:54:23] wagnerrp: mythtv does not configure ULAs for you
[20:55:31] RagingMind: no... but I'm trying to figure out how to get my network to have both the globally routable (and potentially changing) ipv6 addresses from my tunnel provider AND have static local addresses
[20:56:06] RagingMind: without setting it on each machine manually
[20:56:29] wagnerrp: so how does mythtv factor into this?
[20:57:20] RagingMind: because mythtv is the application that needs the 2nd address
[20:57:26] wagnerrp: what im getting at is that your network configuration is between you and your distro
[20:57:40] wagnerrp: all mythtv cares about is that you give it a static address to use
[20:57:59] RagingMind: I know what you're getting at
[20:58:47] RagingMind: but of all the places to ask, this makes the most sense because someone in *here* yesterday said they set it up the same way and in the mythtv wiki it's suggested to use ULAs
[21:00:05] wagnerrp: shouldnt the ULA just be automatically generated based off your MAC address?
[21:01:54] RagingMind: you can set radvd to advertise a prefix in the ULA range and then they'll be based on the mac addresses, but someone warned me that could break my internet if I didn't get the preferred address set correctly
[21:06:22] EagleIJoe: wagnerrp: any hint for how I can debug the master backend further?
[21:07:00] wagnerrp: EagleIJoe: just try turning up the logging
[21:07:32] bill6502 (bill6502!~bill@2002:cdb2:1a2b:7cd3:9ef4:32ea:c6ea:200) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:08:13] bill6502: RagingMind: That was my suggestion, and I'm guilty of writing that Wik tooi. I assign a ULA manually on each of my IPv6 capable hosts.
[21:09:31] RagingMind: bill6502, ah, k.  :(
[21:09:33] RagingMind: thanks
[21:13:50] EagleIJoe: wagnerrp: this is with --loglevel debug -v all
[21:15:47] andreax1 (andreax1! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:15:53] justinh: oh yeah noticed a real weird problem earlier. an in-progress recording suddenly changed its statetype to not recording. it was still recording though
[21:16:39] wagnerrp: tgm4883: do you guys automatically set the language/country during setup?
[21:17:00] justinh: progress on the spdif passthrough issue – unplugged the usb audio device & it now works but I get static on analogue out
[21:17:31] tgm4883: wagnerrp, I don't think so
[21:17:35] tgm4883: but it's possible
[21:17:41] andreax (andreax! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[21:18:45] justinh: I think I have a whole stack of tickets to open
[21:22:41] EagleIJoe: anyone please?
[21:23:10] wagnerrp: looks to be in the scheduler somewhere
[21:32:33] EagleIJoe: wagnerrp: should I wipe the DB?
[21:32:43] EagleIJoe: really hate to do that
[21:32:50] justinh: what'd that solve?
[21:34:22] pmhahn (pmhahn!~pmhahn@2001:4dd0:ff00:8d31:219:dbff:fef2:e135) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[21:41:57] EagleIJoe: justinh: I don't know … I am just punching air
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[22:02:51] justinh: well, it must say something if I can't get mplayer to play my ac3 videos
[22:03:03] justinh: or DTS
[22:10:10] clever_ is now known as clever
[22:14:30] fugg: ok, was afk (funfair with children) anyone a suggestion why my streams may be interrupting ? (get that compression-blocks on any moded part :( )
[22:15:05] justinh: speaker-test works ok :)
[22:15:20] justinh: fugg: signal problems, primarily
[22:15:30] justinh: femon is your friend
[22:18:24] fugg: justinh, but, it worked before and i changed just the setup ( new, clean database)
[22:18:54] fugg: femon.........are your around ?
[22:19:03] justinh: it's a utility
[22:19:14] justinh: part of dvb-utils or dvb-apps I can never remember which
[22:19:18] fugg: ah, thought a NICK her ein :)
[22:19:46] fugg: justinh, part of myth or separate ?
[22:19:53] justinh: separate
[22:21:22] fugg: urgh, found only thisone --> vdr-plugin-femon – DVB frontend status monitor plugin for VDR
[22:21:54] wagnerrp: femon comes with the standard DVB toolset
[22:24:07] fugg: so more something i should have on the backend to get more details about the tuners ?
[22:24:57] wagnerrp: correct
[22:25:47] fugg: will test that, i assume i could have also a network-related problem.......first femon
[22:26:22] wagnerrp: what is your network?
[22:27:52] fugg: the one running the myth-clients on is 1Gb with mtu 9k. but actually running kernel 3.3 and certain kernels from 3.0 to 3.2 had massive issues on timing/network/BT
[22:28:14] wagnerrp: what tuner card?
[22:30:01] fugg: master-backend : 1x HVR4000, 1x HVR4000 lite....slave-backend 1x HVR4000 lite, 1x STV0299
[22:30:36] wagnerrp: is there any chance youre saturating the disk?
[22:30:44] fugg: ok, femon repeats this line --> status SCVYL | signal da40 | snr 9000 | ber 00000000 | unc 00000000 | FE_HAS_LOCK
[22:30:57] justinh: gah I've wasted enough time on this audio issue. I'll be off work on Tuesday. I'm downgrading
[22:31:14] justinh (justinh! has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:31:51] fugg: wagnerrp, unlikely, fresh setup, no record and it did on the old DB failures begin with the first live-stream and i managed that in the past but forgot WHERE.
[22:34:33] wagnerrp: Beirdo: the UPNP bits wont proxy content from slave backends?
[22:35:18] EagleIJoe (EagleIJoe! has quit (Quit: EagleIJoe)
[22:36:24] Beirdo: first I've heard of it, but it could be
[22:36:36] faichele (faichele! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:36:36] Beirdo: we need a ticket for that, it needs fixing if so
[22:36:55] Beirdo: not having a slave here, I know I never tested it in that way
[22:36:58] wagnerrp: 'I have a UPNP question..." on the -users list
[22:37:09] Beirdo: yeah, I saw it
[22:42:26] fugg: ok, looks like i have more a network-related issue, because signal 86% and SNR 56% looks ok to me but i found --> MainServer, Warning: Unknown socket closing MythSocket(0x106ff70)
[22:44:56] fugg: nvm, result of restart master only....went away after slave restart.
[22:46:27] fugg: anyone from germany to tell me some tuning-details for his working astra 19.2 E ?
[22:47:25] wagnerrp: s/germany/western europe/
[22:58:51] fugg: wagnerrp, i was used to 12551500/220000/V for tuning but the latest was ( according to a site) 12551000/220000/V ....... should not make a difference for the whole scan since found channels have their own spec ?
[23:02:11] fugg: exit
[23:02:25] fugg: uh, that was for ssh :)
[23:06:33] fugg: ok, i went to bed....will saw your nerves tomorrow again :P
[23:21:14] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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