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Saturday, March 10th, 2012, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:27] Dave123 (Dave123! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:00:32] russk: i think i got confused after upgrading the kernel and rebuilt nvidia-drivers i was changing too many things at once
[00:00:42] Dave123 (Dave123! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:00:54] troyt (troyt!~troyt@2001:1938:240:3000::3) has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[00:01:41] sphery: ah, yeah, that can mess with whether vdpau works
[00:02:35] russk: that slow-motion thing was pretty weird  :-)
[00:03:49] Cardoe (Cardoe!~Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:04:26] sphery: slow motion or slideshow?
[00:05:40] Yammeh: Is there an issue with importing a channel.conf file that's been compiled using scan?
[00:05:42] sphery: I get a slideshow using OpenGL renderer with timestretch >1.0... My dual-core 3GHz Athlon II X2 250 with nvidia GT220 and nvidia proprietary drivers is basically right on the edge of being able to use the OpenGL renderer for playback, so timestretch pushes it over the top and results in tons of dropped frames
[00:06:11] sphery: Yammeh: probably many issues... the mythtv-setup channel scanner is the only really supported way of getting channels into mythtv
[00:06:20] sphery: any reason you can't use it?
[00:07:25] yianni: Speaking of channels, can't we add a transponder manually any more?
[00:07:29] Yammeh: Maybe I'm not using it in the correct way, but it doesn't seem very easy to use..
[00:07:40] Yammeh: I'm on Input connections, I've selected my card
[00:08:02] Yammeh: click scan for channels, then it asks for details for a transponder?
[00:08:50] sphery: yianni: I don't know how, but someone on the list said they could only figure out how to do it by scanning a single transport or something
[00:09:23] sphery: ah, that was in your thread...
[00:09:32] sphery: and it was "tuned scan using the new transponder as input"
[00:09:32] yianni: Yes, he was replying to me...
[00:09:47] sphery: I'm guessing if it was possible before, it should be possible now
[00:10:09] sphery: but I have never tried using that code (since I just have OTA ATSC channels, so nothing complex like DVB-S)
[00:10:32] yianni: I'm (also) having issues with a disecq switch, the program keeps asking for input connections.
[00:11:19] yianni: The form to add a new transponder is empty. The option is there to add one but the fields are not there. No labels, nothing.
[00:12:12] yianni: I opened a ticket with all these observations but it was closed by danielk as a configuration issue.
[00:13:23] trumee is now known as trumee_afk
[00:13:49] yianni: by the way, the channels list is still empty even after copying the mythweb folders from scratch.
[00:14:55] yianni: On a more positive note, I realised that the EIT for Greek digital channels (the 4 that are available in my area) is working.
[00:16:19] Yammeh: sphery, am I trying to scan for new channels incorrectly?
[00:17:27] sphery: Yammeh: are you using DVB-S or something?
[00:17:46] Yammeh: Yes
[00:17:53] sphery: if so, the best I can do is point you to:
[00:18:01] sphery: I don't know my -S
[00:18:13] Yammeh: Okay, thanks
[00:18:38] yianni: Good luck, Yammeh.
[00:18:47] sphery: might have more luck on mythtv-users mailing list... or you can hang out here and see if any -S users show up to help
[00:19:36] Yammeh: I don't know a fat lot about satellites myself, so I'm not really a lot of help
[00:19:37] sphery: but it sounds like you and yianni and several other -S users could benefit from a nice thread on how to configure/scan -S (during which you may be able to better define/prove the bug yianni tried to report)
[00:19:47] jpabq (jpabq!~jpabq@mythtv/developer/jpabq) has quit (Quit: jpabq)
[00:20:31] sphery: hehe, well, starting a discussion in which various users--some more experienced with mythtv and some more experienced with the channel scanner and/or the "new" channel scanner in 0.25beta--can compare notes sounds like it would be very helpful to many people
[00:21:06] mzb_ is now known as mzb
[00:21:07] sphery: and would likely be a good source for working out a new page for the wiki providing a good tutorial or whatever
[00:21:23] yianni: I'll try to find some time tomorrow (it's 2 am here) when the kids are not around the tv to make some thorough and documented tests and comment on the users list.
[00:21:34] sphery: (assuming the current DVB-S page is too high-level or something)
[00:21:41] Yammeh: Hmm, it seems I can import from the channels.conf when I'm adding it from the channel editor
[00:22:09] yianni: Yammeh, do you have a diseqc or just a single lnb?
[00:22:29] Yammeh: No idea, I'm using a Sky dish to try to pick up freesat channels
[00:22:47] Yammeh: I chose LNB on the device type in MythTV setup though
[00:23:13] yianni: One satellite, then. LNB is the round thing at the centre of the dish.
[00:23:23] yianni: Technically speaking..
[00:24:23] yianni: I was ok with Hotbird, then I decided to add a diseqc and Astra too... bad plan.
[00:24:49] Yammeh: Well, I scanned Astra with scan, these are the channels I'm trying to import
[00:25:02] yianni: mythtv scan?
[00:25:08] yianni: or dvbscan
[00:25:18] Yammeh: dvb-apps, do I guess it's dvbscan
[00:26:00] yianni: It's been 2 years since I used that program..
[00:26:39] Yammeh: How do you scan for your channels then?
[00:26:40] yianni: Mythtv used to scan dvb-s ok, I had rescanned my one lnb (hotbird) without major issues.
[00:27:20] yianni: Lately though, it's been messing up. And I don't know if its the diseqc switch addition or anything else to blame.
[00:27:38] yianni: Bottom line, I can't scan for channels.
[00:28:22] yianni: Last time I tried adding one frequency from, It added only the channels on that transponder and no more.
[00:28:42] Yammeh: Well, that's my problem too
[00:28:48] yianni: Whereas it used to add other transports.
[00:29:02] wagnerrp: google offers flash applications through their marketplace?
[00:30:33] wagnerrp: sphery: you do realize this means capt'm cant upgrade any longer, right?
[00:30:57] sphery: wagnerrp: he missed his opportunity... that'll teach him!
[00:30:59] dougl (dougl! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[00:31:16] yianni: Google market has been renamed to Google Play.
[00:32:01] wagnerrp: yes, but why would they be doing flash applications?
[00:32:40] wagnerrp: people want to use flash even less than they do java
[00:32:42] Yammeh: What do you mean flash applications? Ports of old flash games?
[00:32:45] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:32:51] Yammeh: Or actually written in flash?
[00:33:31] wagnerrp: i dont know, some guy complaining that flash games hes buying on google play do not play properly through mythbrowser on his 1024x768 16:9 TV
[00:33:38] wagnerrp: theyre fat
[00:34:19] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:34:27] Yammeh: Considering google are losing flash support in the future OS, I can't see why they'd allow flash apps on the market
[00:35:47] jpabq (jpabq!~jpabq@mythtv/developer/jpabq) has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:59:07] Cardoe (Cardoe!~Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:59:54] jerry_ (jerry_! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[01:05:16] Yammeh: Thanks a lot for all your help today
[01:08:43] jpabq_ (jpabq_!~jpabq@mythtv/developer/jpabq) has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:33:33] mzb is now known as mzb_
[01:35:15] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:36:03] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, sphery talked with me when he was working on the patch. :) I'm fine with it.
[01:37:02] wagnerrp: well in other news, someone has finally done it... the Ferrari Mistress...
[01:37:10] sphery: FWIW, I sent a little note to the -users list
[01:37:25] sphery: trying to encourage 0.21-fixes and below users to update to 0.24-fixes, now
[01:38:40] sphery: our buildbot waterfall would be much nicer if it kept the column headers on screen when scrolling
[01:39:15] wagnerrp: and timestamp column as well
[01:40:08] sphery: yeah
[01:40:16] sphery: where's HTML5/CSS3 when you need it
[01:40:42] sphery: (actually, that's all doable with HTML4.x and CSS2, but since those aren't buzzwords)
[01:41:06] sphery: oh well, at least it doesn't lock up firefox like github
[01:43:38] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has quit (Quit: kormoc)
[01:48:25] lwizardl (lwizardl! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:48:27] lwizardl: hello
[01:50:38] lwizardl: If I want to take the output from my mythtv box using the composite (Yellow RCA) connection and feed that into multiple televisions for viewing the same display what would be the best option to do this ?
[01:51:18] [R]: gouging your eyes out
[01:51:23] [R]: it'll be quicker
[01:51:28] lwizardl: lol
[01:51:47] wagnerrp: get an HDMI splitter?
[01:52:10] lwizardl: i was thinking about a composite splitter
[01:52:42] wagnerrp: well you definitely dont want that
[01:52:54] wagnerrp: even if you thought you did, you would at least want an svideo one
[01:53:15] wagnerrp: but to be honest, its getting hard to find video cards with either
[01:53:46] lwizardl: yeah my box has DVI, VGA, and S-Video/RCA out on it
[01:54:01] hpeter (hpeter! has quit (Quit: hpeter)
[01:54:06] ServerSage: lwizardl: I'm just curious, what would make you want to do that?
[01:55:50] lwizardl: ServerSage, well it's not exactly related to mythtv but I wanted to take the output from my CCTV and feed it to the house televisions. figured someone might have done something similar with their mythbox
[01:56:18] ServerSage: lwizardl: I'm not sure I understand why you want to split composite to do so...
[01:56:46] ServerSage: lwizardl: Are you keeping the cctv head, and also pumping it through myth?
[01:56:49] lwizardl: ServerSage, it is what my cctv dvr has for output (no vga, etc)
[01:56:57] lwizardl: ServerSage, no
[01:57:25] wagnerrp: there are not-that-expensive systems that let you modulate multiple inputs over coaxial for distribution
[01:57:39] wagnerrp: or you can get cheaper matrix switches
[01:57:55] wagnerrp: my parents have a matrix switch in their motor home
[01:58:37] lwizardl: ServerSage, it is just the people that use mythtv seem to know lots about television based stuff so I was wondering if someone here had done something like this and if so how.
[01:58:40] ServerSage: lwizardl: Aaah, so you want to run both your myth box and your cctv into a single input on your TV.
[01:59:03] lwizardl: ServerSage, nope :)
[01:59:30] ServerSage: I'll just shut up now, clearly I'm sleep deprived and over alcoholed.
[02:01:54] lwizardl: ServerSage, lol i'll explain. I want to take my CCTV dvr unit (which only has Composite yellow for output) and then feed it into each television in the house (4 televisions total, the dvr unit only has one output). I plan to feed the CCTV into AV#2 on the televisions. which do not have or use mythtv on that connection port
[02:02:38] ServerSage: See, knew I was missing something simple. Thanks for beating it into my brain, I feel a sense of satisfaction now that I understand. Hehe.
[02:04:09] lwizardl: ServerSage, not a problem I know it is kinda offtopic and which what cause the confusion. that was my fault and I apologize for it.
[02:04:31] wagnerrp: i would suggest [myth]zoneminder
[02:04:37] ServerSage: lwizardl: *shrug* Doesn't bother me, I learned something new.
[02:04:38] wagnerrp: but thats only available from the local machine
[02:05:25] lwizardl: wagnerrp, yeah I was looking at that before. it is also used in LinuxMCE setup
[02:05:57] gigem_ (gigem_!~david@mythtv/developer/gigem) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:05:57] wagnerrp: i believe it even requires shared memory access to the zoneminder application
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[02:06:19] ServerSage: I thought they were working around that so it would work with non-shared installs.
[02:06:30] wagnerrp: who is "they"?
[02:07:06] lwizardl: would something like this work out properly ? . . . em3f0c8963ac
[02:07:32] ServerSage: Dunno, folks who kick the tires on the code. I just thought I remembered reading that when I did my zoneminder/mythzoneminder install and went through the headaches.
[02:07:46] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[02:08:07] wagnerrp: theres really only one dev who has done much with mzm, and i dont think he has any active plans for it
[02:08:21] oobe (oobe!~thingo@unaffiliated/oobe) has quit (Read error: Connection timed out)
[02:09:52] ServerSage: Gotcha, my misunderstanding.
[02:10:57] wagnerrp: now if the zoneminder people are looking to expand to more of a networked install, that would be fantastic
[02:11:22] wagnerrp: personally, i never really cared for the architecture much, so i havent looked at it in maybe 3 years
[02:12:15] wagnerrp: id rather see the capability rewritten using chunks of myth's encoder libraries and a modified backend
[02:17:51] ServerSage: I thought I read something about it.
[02:18:20] ServerSage: But, it's not exactly what I implied, so I still stand corrected.
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[04:09:22] squidly: with mythweb version 0.25 can I have it on a seperate system from the backend?
[04:09:28] oobe (oobe!~thingo@unaffiliated/oobe) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:10:05] [R]: yes
[04:11:53] sphery: squidly: just need to have php bindings--which are part of the mythtv package--installed
[04:13:07] squidly: sphery: cool. Thanks.
[04:26:53] mzb_ is now known as mzb
[04:56:22] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[07:12:33] wagnerrp: sphery: it you hit 'e' while in edit mode, it saves and exits immediately, rather than popping up the save dialog
[07:12:36] wagnerrp: is that intentional?
[07:17:52] sphery: yeah, was the "quick save and exit"
[07:17:57] sphery: for those who didn't want to be prompted
[07:18:55] wagnerrp: ah
[07:19:14] wagnerrp: im considering putting together a "split" script
[07:19:31] wagnerrp: and working it into a new capability for mythtranscode for 0.26
[07:20:12] wagnerrp: add a 'show divider' markup point in the editor
[07:20:16] wagnerrp: run mythtranscode
[07:20:49] wagnerrp: and let it chop the episode in half, split the name on some likely divider (like ';'), and pull the necessary metadata from tmdb/ttvdb
[07:21:08] wagnerrp: knowing your dislike for things that create recordings
[07:21:25] wagnerrp: what would you consider as needed for complete generation of a proper recording?
[07:22:11] wagnerrp: recorded, recordedprogram, oldrecorded, seektable, recordedcredits
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[07:50:23] lapion: wagnerrp, very good idea, the capability to split recordings into multiple programs. Keep in mind that some shows are not individually named in all guides, there is great need for manual splitting of recordings into 2 or more shows..
[07:51:31] lapion: or even into 2 or more episodes of the same show..
[07:52:18] wagnerrp: for the moment at least, im going to require it be of the same show, and have all individual subtitles listed
[07:52:46] wagnerrp: if the guide data is lacking, the user can modify the subtitle through the UI before running the task
[07:54:40] wagnerrp: if this stuff is going to be pushed back into the recording tables, better to have all the necessary metadata worked out before performing the split
[07:54:53] lapion: all information the channel in question give to the quide creators is the approximate time of the show, never the episode name or such info
[07:56:19] wagnerrp: i would expect if youre using a guide service that doesnt have such data, the channels arent giving the guide creators anything and the xmltv script is some form of grabber
[07:56:25] wagnerrp: s/grabber/scraper/
[07:57:36] lapion: some weekends there is a marathon, and then you get blocks of 2 hours of the same show listed, with multiple separate episodes, even some that continue during the following listing
[07:58:51] wagnerrp: at least with schedules direct, the episode names are almost always give
[07:59:16] wagnerrp: i.e. "Pilot; Ernest Cobb", or "The Ames Bros; Sonny Brunett"
[07:59:32] lapion: no it's the channel owners that don't provide the information to any of the guide ..
[07:59:41] wagnerrp: in any case, as mentioned, i would rather have all the final information available before inserting the guide data
[07:59:59] wagnerrp: if that means setting up a new UI for the user to manually provide such data before running the utility, so be it
[08:02:06] lapion: maybe something akin to the program finder in recordings ..
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[09:04:56] yianni: Re my mythweb-no-manual-recording-channel-list problem, I tried using the mythweb that is still on the SB (they swapped roles 5–6 months ago) and has the same problem.
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[10:21:56] Yammeh: Hi guys, have any of you had any luck using the MythTV PVR client inside xbmc to connect to MythTV?
[10:23:45] wizbit: Judas!
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[10:24:05] Yammeh: Judas why?
[10:24:24] wizbit: xbmc is not supported here
[10:24:33] Yammeh: Ah, apologies
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[10:33:22] Yammeh: Do you know if it' possible to set the backend ip to the hostname of the machine?
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[10:53:17] kenni: Yammeh: No, it's not.
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[11:07:32] Yammeh: Thanks kenni
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[11:45:24] kenni: wagnerrp: In the mythcommandlineparser isn't the error message "Received 'x' but unassociated arguments have not been enabled" more of an internal error rather than an error that should be presented to the user? A MythTV user asked me how he should enable unassociated arguments, and it took me a while before I understood what he was talking about :) Perhaps change it to something like "Received 'x' but arguments are not supported for this option"
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[12:35:04] ptarcher: Hi all, I have been playing with mythtv this weekend trying to get VAAPI playback to work with ubuntu and fglrx, but haven't had much luck
[12:35:41] ptarcher: I am running ubuntu 12.04 (because I stuffed things up on 11.10 using xorg-edgers), and also running mythtv 0.25 beta
[12:35:53] ptarcher: just wondering if anyone has had success
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[12:36:37] ptarcher: I managed to get vainfo to correctly show it can decode h264 videos, but when I tried to get mplayer and also mythtv to work decoding using vaapi I never got any video playback
[12:37:58] ptarcher: as mythtv 0.25 auto detects vaapi and tries to playback using vaapi I couldn't view video files, and mythtv would just show the 'Loading' screen
[12:38:11] ptarcher: but the sound would start playing
[12:38:42] ptarcher: this happened for both live tv, and also video playback
[12:40:39] kenni: ptarcher: TTBOMK, the VAAPI support in MythTV currently only works for some specific Intel chipsets (last generation, before Sandy Bridge), from user reports it doesn't work with the newer Intel chipsets. So getting it to work with VAAPI with non-Intel is most likely a no-go at the moment..
[12:42:04] ptarcher: kenni, thanks for the insight, should I probe mplayer people more than? seeing that mplayer to also have the same problems
[12:42:26] ptarcher: its also good to know that sandy bridge doesn't work, as I was thinking that might be a better solution to ATi
[12:50:46] kenni: ptarcher: I don't know enough about the subject to conclude if the issue is in the ATI VAAPI implementation or in the integration in the players (MythTV or mplayer). The developer who did the VAAPI integration in MythTV is not active anymore, so it's very hard to say if and when someone will look at it in MythTV.
[12:53:27] squidly: wizbit: bertaboy
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[13:25:09] ptarcher: kenni, thanks for the info, I might probe the mplayer devs, see if they can give me any pointers. Thankyou for telling me the backstory
[13:25:28] ptarcher: I am off to bed, 12:30am here, cyas
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[15:17:50] Yanc: guys, I bought a peak usb dvb-t. – anyone got any clue on how to get the remote control usable please?
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[15:43:21] skd5aner: well – all of this is basically worthless now –
[15:44:31] skd5aner: I haven't played with MythMusic in 0.25, but reading through the threads – looks like it's not getting rave reviews for UX :/
[15:49:18] skd5aner: and, from the way people are describing it, I might tend to agree – but since I haven't physically tried it yet, I'll reserve judgement
[15:49:42] skd5aner: I *want* it to be great... expectations are high
[15:58:08] ertyu-m: those are the worst kind of expectations
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[16:52:26] angeleyes: hi there I am having trouble setting up my ps3 bluray remote to my mythtv frontend, everything is connected but I cannot seem to find where to add extra keys, the up and down arrow and return work but I would like to define more keyes
[16:52:28] angeleyes: how do i do this
[16:56:28] skd5aner: ?
[16:57:40] wagnerrp: kenni: what that means is the user ran something like 'mythfrontend x'
[16:57:56] wagnerrp: its "unassociated", as there was no --option preceeding the "x'
[16:58:36] wagnerrp: however you think that would be better worded, feel free to change
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[17:20:19] kenni: wagnerrp: Ok, thanks, there's another string in there which I think should be changed as well – I'll have a look at it tomorrow. Btw, while looking at it, I noticed another minor usability issue which will most likely cause some user reports once people upgrade to 0.25. If you wanted to import guide data from a XML file in 0.24, you would usually do a "mythfilldatabase --update --file 1 file.xml". In 0.25, it is required to explicitly add --xmlfi
[17:20:37] kenni: --help doesn't give you any pointers either
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[17:21:12] kenni: only when/if you strip it all down and enter "mythfilldatabase --file", you'll get the right error
[17:21:50] kenni: would it be possible/feasible to prioritize the check of children higher than the unassociated arguments?
[17:23:02] kenni: alternatively, we should problably mention the explicit requirement for the --file option in the output of --help
[17:23:39] wagnerrp: mythfilldatabase --help file ... "Requires the user of:\n --sourceid --xmlfile"
[17:24:05] wagnerrp: im still trying to figure out this #10426 thing
[17:24:13] kenni: :)
[17:24:17] wagnerrp: it does what you say
[17:24:32] wagnerrp: but im reading through the code and for the life of my i cant figure out WHY it does what you say
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[17:25:58] kenni: hehe, I didn't know you could do a --help <option>...(hint: --help doesn't say anything about this ;))
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[17:27:18] wagnerrp: mythfilldatabase --help help ... "If another option is provided as an argument, it will provide detailed information on that argument."
[17:27:33] wagnerrp: i suppose at that point, telling people it works that way is a bit late... :)
[17:27:38] kenni: :)
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[17:31:15] Jordack: silly question. I have two tuners. HDHomeRun and HDHomePrime. the non-prime gets very few channels and I use the Scan for channels option. The Prime gets lots of channels and i use the Retrieve line up option. Can I use the same video Source for both tuners or should i setup seperate one? ( i hope i explaind that well)
[17:31:32] wagnerrp: no, different sources
[17:31:53] wagnerrp: each source should only contain channels that are tunable by each member input
[17:32:32] Jordack: thats what i thought was just making sure. thanks
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[17:33:24] Jordack: shoudl i use the same schedulesDirect line up for each source or create a new one with less channels selected? (tring to reduce the filldatabase time)
[17:34:10] wagnerrp: you can use the same SD lineup
[17:34:18] wagnerrp: however i dont know if that will reduce MFD run time
[17:34:28] wagnerrp: just how long does it take for you to run MFD?
[17:34:47] wagnerrp: you should be looking at maybe 5–10 minutes
[17:35:15] wagnerrp: and its only one once per day
[17:35:23] Jordack: the last time i ran it manaully about 3 hours :) but that was an --update-all. I just reinstalled my system it had some other odd issues going on with it
[17:35:24] wagnerrp: s/one/run/
[17:35:38] wagnerrp: no, you should be using --dd-grab-all
[17:35:41] wagnerrp: and no other options
[17:35:54] Jordack: maybe thats what i ment .
[17:40:39] Jordack: well not sure what i was doing in the past but its grab all now
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[18:18:08] Yanc: guys, after ubuntu restarts, the frontend is reporting that there is no backend set up, however when i go mythtv backend, and just press exit (without changing anything) and reload the front end it works fine.
[18:21:08] ertyu-m: is that the system starts the backend before the network problem?
[18:23:08] Yanc: ertyu-m, it could be well it yes. the network (a wifi) is being joined quite late in the process. shall i restart the backend service after the network (make it in the script itself?)
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[18:26:06] thomas____: hi there, I am having a bit of trouble getting my frontend to sleep/wake from remote. I have all of my keys mapped what do I put for the config part to make it sleep
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[18:32:11] wagnerrp: Yanc: what version of mythtv are you running?
[18:32:58] Yanc: v0.24.1-80-g1de0431
[18:34:06] wagnerrp: i may have to get that change in for trunk after all...
[18:34:13] wagnerrp: this is a laptop?
[18:34:38] Yanc: no a desktop but connected via wifi
[18:34:55] wagnerrp: if its statically positioned, why not wire it?
[18:35:44] wagnerrp: wireless is generally troublesome for mythtv if not absolutely needed
[18:36:04] wagnerrp: G is barely enough to manage HD video to a single frontend
[18:36:10] wagnerrp: and wont do two simultaneously
[18:36:48] wagnerrp: and the whole lot are going to have problems with the very limited forward caching used in mythtv, and intermittent timeouts and reconnections on wireless
[18:37:01] Yanc: hard to wire it here. its just for recording 1 only and no hd video.. once i get to watch tv its very fine :) i just find it burdensome that i need to load the backend again – but after that all fine
[18:37:46] wagnerrp: right now, there is a change in the way certain things are handled in upcoming 0.25
[18:37:58] wagnerrp: where if the network is not completely configured prior to start up
[18:38:10] wagnerrp: mythtv applications will not function properly
[18:38:14] wagnerrp: and will need to be restarted
[18:38:55] Yanc: ow ic .. so basically even if i fix it now – the next update would completely brake it ?
[18:39:48] wagnerrp: it would mean your wireless would need to be connected, and your machine would have to have an IP, before mythfrontend starts
[18:40:24] wagnerrp: for the frontend, failing to do so would mean things like the popup listener, network control socket, web server, and RAOP functions would not work
[18:40:41] wagnerrp: for the backend, it would mean no remote frontends or slave backends would be able to connect to it
[18:41:39] wagnerrp: there would also be difficulties if you dropped networks and received a new IP over DHCP
[18:41:51] wagnerrp: but previously, the backend would fail to operate properly in that case anyway
[18:42:06] Yanc: with regards to ip etc that shouldnt be a problem – am with a static ip
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[19:06:36] Zan^: I haev a weird issue with mythgame: I have set up 2 amiga systems (500 & 1200) which are identical, except for configuration file in the command
[19:06:52] Zan^: now, in the game menu both emulators show different games, why is that?
[19:07:26] Zan^: And when I run the game, myth asks which amiga emulator I want to use
[19:08:17] Zan^: So I can run all the games with whichever system, but the menu is weird...
[19:08:25] russell5: does anyone have FIOS and a cable card? Do you also have a cable box or did they let you knly have the card?
[19:09:01] wagnerrp: Verizon puts everything besides the premium channels as 'copy freely', and thus usable by mythtv
[19:09:16] wagnerrp: they are not allowed by FCC regs to require you to have a cable box to get a cablecard
[19:09:19] russell5: yeah ive noticed that
[19:09:41] wagnerrp: note, any cable box is going to come pre-installed with such a cablecard
[19:09:44] russell5: no they tried to tell me i needed to have at least 1 cable box on the account
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[19:34:26] wagnerrp: sphery: think its worth explaining those new options anyway, for non-NA users?
[19:46:03] sphery: sure, if you don't mind
[19:46:38] sphery: I just mainly wanted to get the NA side of things out there, since I know Steve is one of those
[19:51:47] wagnerrp: looks like i need to tweak --refresh-day slightly
[19:52:05] wagnerrp: its being processed as a single value
[19:52:14] wagnerrp: while the old parser would accept multiple uses of it
[20:03:21] wagnerrp: heres an interesting thought...
[20:04:00] wagnerrp: would there be any use in a special help mode that will print out a wiki/html formatted page
[20:04:15] wagnerrp: so when writing up documentation
[20:04:35] wagnerrp: you just run each application with --help _print_wiki
[20:04:42] wagnerrp: and dump the contents on the wiki
[20:05:35] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[20:06:04] lapion: df
[20:06:15] lapion: oops wrong commandline.
[20:07:16] justinh: is one of the reasons I'd be reluctant to release a theme again ;-)
[20:07:37] justinh: that & the thing about never having finished anything
[20:09:19] wagnerrp: because you were happy with how it was, and people would keep pestering you with suggestions on how to change it?
[20:10:33] wagnerrp: i would say backseat designers are the problem with most open source projects in general, not just something particular to theming
[20:12:34] ** wagnerrp goes back to what he was doing 3hrs ago and trying to figure out why child options are not being printed by the parser **
[20:12:47] wagnerrp: baffling...
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[20:22:47] wagnerrp: Beirdo: do we actually allow simultaneous syslog and file logging?
[20:23:24] sphery: wagnerrp: yes
[20:23:27] wizbit (wizbit!~wizbit@unaffiliated/wizbit) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:23:53] wagnerrp: ok, i didnt know of --syslog and --logpath should be blocking each other
[20:24:00] sphery: and db logging, too (or, I suppose that would be, "three")
[20:25:02] sphery: probably not a lot of good reason to do that, unless you want maybe critical or error messages in syslog, but want normal info in files...
[20:25:17] sphery: (using syslog to filter out the excess messages)
[20:25:50] sphery: Beirdo was mentioning how syslog could be useful for diskless frontends, using remote logging to the backend host, for example
[20:26:13] sphery: I'm surprised you haven't set that up
[20:26:32] sammyl (sammyl!442d0862@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[20:26:44] sammyl: anyone have any experience using the playstation 3 bluetooth remote and mythtv?
[20:27:32] wagnerrp: my machines all have disks... what are you talking about?
[20:28:06] sphery: more than the network disks?
[20:28:17] wagnerrp: heh, well there is that
[20:29:04] wagnerrp: logging to the virtual disk means i get to keep those logs separate between different versions
[20:29:18] wagnerrp: if i flip between two different builds, i dont have mixing between the two
[20:29:33] wagnerrp: and if i want network access, i can always access the database logs anyway
[20:29:48] sphery: true
[20:30:20] wagnerrp: my whole reason for going iscsi rather than nfs was specifically that it is a "real disk" as far as nearly all of linux is concerned
[20:30:28] wagnerrp: so there is no special handling needed for it outside the initrd
[20:30:47] sphery: yeah, I'm not a fan of nfs
[20:30:52] wagnerrp: theres all sorts of funkiness you have to deal with when doing nfsroot
[20:31:00] sphery: and it's getting more an more complex with nfs4 and beyond
[20:31:09] sphery: (beyond sounds like it could be a real mess)
[20:31:15] wagnerrp: admittedly, most of that is done by scripts packaged by the distro
[20:31:22] wagnerrp: but it can still be a real mess
[20:31:28] sphery: yeah
[20:32:01] wagnerrp: iscsi bypasses that (so would ataoe, but i couldnt find a usable freebsd target)
[20:32:26] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:32:30] wagnerrp: plus the extremely simple cloning and snapshotting from zfs is just icing
[20:37:03] k-man: wagnerrp, does iscsi only allow one connectoin at a time to the drive?
[20:37:18] k-man: ie, you can't have multiple hosts mounting it simultaneously?
[20:37:46] tmkt: so any tips on getting airplay working? I've set the variable, i've tried 2 different RAOP keys..i've had audio play, and had the option to play video ones, but nothing happened other then a bunch of errors in the frontend error log
[20:38:20] wagnerrp: k-man: no, you can connect as many devices to an iscsi target as your server is capable of handling
[20:38:47] k-man: wagnerrp, in a read/write sense?
[20:38:53] k-man: sounds pretty interesting
[20:38:56] wagnerrp: correct
[20:39:17] wagnerrp: that said, its just a disk, like any other disk
[20:39:41] k-man: i see
[20:40:14] wagnerrp: and having two separate filesystem libraries try to make simultaneous writes to files and metadata is a recipe for disaster
[20:40:59] wagnerrp: there are certain 'cluster file systems' designed specifically for this type of operation
[20:41:17] k-man: ah i see
[20:41:21] wagnerrp: allowing multiple systems simultaneous block-level access to the devices
[20:41:36] wagnerrp: but those are fairly specialized, and rarely used outside of large SAN setups
[20:42:15] wagnerrp: two systems trying to use the same EXT4 partition simultaneously is just going to result in data corruption
[20:44:49] david (david! has joined #mythtv-users
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[20:45:13] david is now known as Guest82117
[20:46:19] Guest82117: I have finished ripping all my CDs into oggs and have dumped them all onto my mythtv's hard drive. I made a few m3u playlists ( just list of files and directories ). I want mythtv only to show and play the playlists, I don't want any of my oggs to appear. Can this be done ? Any idea where to start ?
[20:48:45] Guest82117: Does mythtv support m3u ?
[20:49:39] Guest82117: give that I have found several sites claiming to provide an m3u to mythmusic convertor, I'll assume m3u is not supported.
[20:50:19] wagnerrp: mythmusic stores its own playlists in the database, to make them more rapidly available to all connected frontends
[20:50:29] wagnerrp: i dont know if it specifically has any mechanism for importing m3us
[20:50:39] wagnerrp: it does not have ability to do with you are asking
[20:50:58] wagnerrp: you can have it only show the content in a specific playlist
[20:51:07] wagnerrp: but you cant hide the songs from it all together
[20:51:14] wagnerrp: its a music library, not a simple music player
[21:01:01] Guest82117: ok
[21:03:13] Guest82117: thanks :)
[21:03:42] Guest82117: I think i'll write an import script to synchronize the database with my m3u files.
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[21:07:49] Guest82117: I am going to write a script in php ( only language I know ), should I send you a copy to put in the contrib/ directory ?
[21:08:10] wagnerrp: we dont accept new scripts in contrib
[21:08:24] wagnerrp: weve been in the progress of clearing that stuff out for about two years
[21:08:32] wagnerrp:
[21:09:00] Guest82117: ok
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[21:09:28] wagnerrp: chances are any script you make will be invalid for 0.26, and will almost certainly not work for 0.27
[21:09:47] wagnerrp: 0.26 will likely see storage group support for mythmusic (replacing direct file access and the need for shared storage)
[21:10:00] wagnerrp: while 0.27 will likely have the database embedded in mythbackend, and inaccessible to scripts
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[21:44:46] Guest82117: Done writing my script :D
[21:44:50] Guest82117: I love open source projects!
[21:49:29] Guest82117: ok, when I launch the player it lists my playlists, I select one and the music plays
[21:49:45] Guest82117: But I can't figure out how to get back to the list of playlists
[21:52:31] hadees (hadees!~hadees@ has quit (Quit: hadees)
[21:53:45] Guest82117: How do I get back to the playlist list ?
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[22:32:38] wagnerrp: kenni: anything else you noticed worth changing in the parser?
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[22:58:27] wagnerrp: sphery: you around?
[23:00:12] wagnerrp: nevermind, i found it
[23:00:55] jpabq_ (jpabq_!~jpabq@mythtv/developer/jpabq) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:02:15] sphery: glad you found it :)
[23:02:52] wagnerrp: was looking for the mailing list entry i wrote up a long while back about the new cutlist editor workflow
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[23:06:02] sphery: ahh, new complaints on that one?
[23:06:36] wagnerrp: nah, the MPEG2 transcode guy
[23:06:53] abqjp (abqjp! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:07:13] sphery: ohhh
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[23:13:51] ben1066 (ben1066!~quassel@unaffiliated/ben1066) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:13:54] ben1066: Ohi
[23:14:18] ben1066: For recording a single dvbt stream, from a standard not accelerated usb reciever
[23:14:26] ben1066: what sort of cpu power is required?
[23:14:39] wagnerrp: what is a 'not accelerated' usb receiver?
[23:14:46] ben1066: i have an old via c7 running atm as an ftp server and was wondering if I could stick it on there
[23:14:47] wagnerrp: for that matter, what is an 'accelerated' usb receiver?
[23:14:51] ben1066: as in non transcoding
[23:15:00] wagnerrp: digital tuners dont transcode
[23:15:12] wagnerrp: theyre digital
[23:15:17] ben1066: some least from what i read on :P
[23:15:22] wagnerrp: the video comes as a pre-compressed MPEG2 or MPEG4 stream
[23:15:33] wagnerrp: recompressing that would be pointless
[23:15:34] ben1066: decompressing then
[23:15:34] ben1066: :P
[23:15:43] ben1066: w/e
[23:15:50] ben1066: anyway, so it doesnt need that much power?
[23:15:52] wagnerrp: you cant buy tuners capable of decompressing video these days
[23:16:06] ben1066: i know you cant, thats why I said standard
[23:16:10] wagnerrp: no one bothers making the "full featured" cards any longer
[23:16:28] wagnerrp: those went out of style in the early 2000s
[23:16:36] ben1066: but that shouldnt matter since all I want to do is serve the files over ftp or dlna?
[23:17:11] Wakou (Wakou! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:17:12] wagnerrp: a C7 would likely be enough to run a backend on, with only a single tuner and likely limited channels
[23:17:29] ben1066: all I want to do is to record a single tuner to a file
[23:17:35] wagnerrp: but you wont want to do commercial detection or any other post processing on it
[23:17:38] ben1066: I dont watch much tv but I end up missing what I do want to watch :P
[23:17:53] wagnerrp: so... you dont want to run mythtv?
[23:17:55] ben1066: wagnerrp: it does have some hardware acceleration...
[23:18:26] wagnerrp: hardware acceleration for playback only
[23:18:29] ben1066: wagnerrp: eh what? no...I do want...
[23:18:32] wagnerrp: mythtv cannot use it for post-processing tasks
[23:18:46] wagnerrp: and that acceleration is for partial offload of MPEG2 only
[23:18:58] wagnerrp: its insufficient for dealing with anything HD
[23:19:03] wagnerrp: and wont help at all for H264
[23:19:17] ben1066: i dont want hd.. I get 4 channels if I pay rediculous amount for a tuner
[23:19:18] Hilikus (Hilikus!~hilikus@unaffiliated/hilikus) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:19:18] ben1066: :P
[23:19:18] wagnerrp: plus support for it has been removed from the soon-to-be-released 0.25 anyway
[23:19:22] Hilikus: hey guys
[23:19:55] wagnerrp: as mentioned, an ancient C7 should be enough to run the scheduler against a single tuner and a handful of channels
[23:20:00] Hilikus: i'm trying to add an rss feed to mythnetvision but after i click on save, the feed doesn't show in the list, it is just ignored, no errors or anything
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[23:20:14] wagnerrp: and recording itself is little more than a file copy
[23:20:39] ben1066: why only a handful of channels?
[23:21:07] wagnerrp: the scheduler is a very intensive bit of code
[23:21:23] Hilikus: where are these feeds stored? can i add them somewhere else, not through the frontend?
[23:21:35] ben1066: really? i would have thought it more akin to cron than something than does a lot of work...
[23:21:36] wagnerrp: the more channels you have, the more recording rules you have to match shows on those channels, the more tuners you have to place those show on
[23:21:40] wagnerrp: the longer it takes to run
[23:21:57] wagnerrp: if it happens to get triggered around the time of recording
[23:22:12] wagnerrp: a long scheduler run can cause a show to be delayed, or not get scheduled at all
[23:22:45] ben1066: its only a temporary solution anyway, I plan to switch to a celeron/pentium sandy bridge or atom based server soonish
[23:22:55] wagnerrp: if it gets triggered while you are trying to watch something, a long scheduler run can cause mysql to start blocking queries from the frontend
[23:23:28] ben1066: wagnerrp: oh nono, I dont plan on a full frontend, only mythweb and a ftp/dlna server
[23:23:32] ben1066: just enough to schedule
[23:23:34] ben1066: and stream
[23:23:44] ben1066: its really only for prerecorded stuff, not live....
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[23:24:06] wagnerrp: pre-recorded stuff will still suffer if your scheduler runs take too long
[23:24:24] wagnerrp: but with only a handful of channels, you should be fine
[23:29:43] Hilikus: mmm i tried a different feed and it worked. it must be something about this particular feed. what format is accepted by mythtv?
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[23:29:57] Hilikus: this is the one i'm trying to add unsuccessfully . . . erby=updated
[23:30:08] Hilikus: it's a normal youtube feed for a channel
[23:30:31] Hilikus: it works on firefox just fine
[23:32:10] wagnerrp: the MNV grabber scripts were designed to return something approximating standard RSS formats, to allow RSS feeds to be used directly... . . . bber_Scripts
[23:35:09] cesman (cesman!~cesman@pdpc/supporter/professional/cesman) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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[23:38:47] wagnerrp: Hilikus: did you ever tell it to 'Update RSS' from the 'm' menu?
[23:39:34] Hilikus: no, it just doesnt add
[23:39:42] Hilikus: its not that its empty
[23:39:50] Hilikus: but yes, i still tried that
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