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Saturday, January 14th, 2012, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:03] drindt (drindt!~drindt@ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
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[00:12:36] rileyp: irexec is non responsive whilst mythtv is running
[00:13:19] wagnerrp: irexec and mythtv independently and simultaneously access lircd
[00:13:35] wagnerrp: they should not affect each other
[00:14:28] rileyp: They dont normally
[00:15:56] pos (pos! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[00:16:39] rileyp: my /.lirc/files are correct and it al works well and after a suspend the irexec command work drom the destop even to start mythtv but then they all stop and wait until myth is closed
[00:16:43] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: re 10142... cute
[00:16:46] wagnerrp: :)
[00:17:29] wagnerrp: are you actually running lirc? or are you using something simplified like inputlirc?
[00:18:26] _abbenormal (_abbenormal! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:18:40] rileyp: REMOTE_MODULES="lirc_dev lirc_mceusb" so yes its an older kernel
[00:19:40] rileyp: Actually not that old
[00:20:04] rileyp: 2.6.32-26-generic
[00:20:11] russell5 (russell5! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:20:14] wagnerrp: thats pretty old
[00:20:38] wagnerrp: thats so old, centos runs that kernel
[00:27:44] emmanuelux (emmanuelux!~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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[00:38:29] ertyu-m: having trouble getting my hvr-950q to work properly: it will work for a while, then I get 0byte recordings and live tv is stuck at "TL__ Partial Lock"....can stop the backend and get a lock with azap, restarting backend and it still doesn't work until reboot the whole box
[00:45:59] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:50:45] mersault (mersault!~mersault@2607:f2c0:f00e:eb00::1774) has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:00:37] rileyp: I was missing a & when I start mythfrontend via irexec
[01:00:46] rileyp: fixered!
[01:01:33] rileyp (rileyp! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[01:10:52] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Quit: Body blow! Body blow!)
[01:15:23] Anduin (Anduin!~awithers@pdpc/supporter/professional/anduin) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[01:47:54] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v Anduin
[01:59:45] mzb: just going through my install to fix up problems that have crept in and I've got a weird one
[02:00:25] mzb: I have a power search that is set to check for duplicates with 'subtitle THEN description'
[02:00:34] mzb: but it's not picking up the duplicate
[02:00:35] Seeker` (Seeker`!~cjo20@unaffiliated/seeker) has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[02:01:02] mzb: in this case, the subtitle is blank and the description is different (truncated version of the first description)
[02:01:07] mzb: the title is identical
[02:01:43] mzb: am I doing something wrong? Why do I keep getting subjected to "Daddy Day Care"? ;))
[02:02:20] Seeker` (Seeker`! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:02:45] mzb: or am I going to have to manually include a search in my sql lookup?
[02:04:54] mzb: looking at the movies NOT recorded I can see a heap that are being matched, but for some reason "Daddy Day Care" keeps popping up
[02:05:19] mzb: (there is not a rule specifically for Daddy Day Care, ....
[02:05:26] mzb: make that "Daddy Day Camp"
[02:06:15] wagnerrp: clearly your backend is retaliating to something bad you did to it
[02:06:24] mzb: hehe
[02:06:31] davide (davide! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:06:34] mzb: revenge ... yes, you're probably right ;)
[02:06:56] davide (davide! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:07:45] mzb: I recently upgraded to a bulldozer but had to send the board back because it got bent during freight ... perhaps it's missing the power ;p
[02:08:40] wagnerrp: upgraded from what?
[02:12:14] mzb: s939 X2 4400+
[02:12:43] wagnerrp: yeah, even with BD's problems, that would be an upgrade
[02:12:53] mzb: with the bulldozer I can't tell the difference between 'idle' and 'playing SD' (using gkrellm)
[02:13:28] mzb: the only problems I've seen have been related to a bad driver (incomplete patch) in windows
[02:13:46] mzb: works brilliantly for a combined FE/BE
[02:14:07] mzb: eg: now I can enable commflagging in realtime!
[02:14:45] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[02:17:33] mzb: and with root on SSD it's sweet to use
[02:17:53] mzb: come a long way from the overclocked p3–650 ;)
[02:18:41] mzb: oh, and now I'm up to 2000 music videos! (although I need to do some pruning ... got some badly cut & re-encoded ones)
[02:23:40] Beirdo: home sweet home
[02:24:56] emmanuelux (emmanuelux!~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has quit (Read error: No route to host)
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[02:43:34] Beirdo: OK, I'm officially tired
[02:44:36] Beirdo: hmmm, to work on the quilt or not...
[02:59:17] wagnerrp: ugh... a napoleon dynamite cartoon
[03:07:59] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:17:47] Oleg_: mythtv 0.25 will be released this month?
[03:18:08] iamlindoro: Where did you get that? No.
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[07:47:56] ahhughez: I just plugged in a new playtv tuner for the first time. I think it comes up under 'backend setup -> capture cards -> DTV-B : Frontend Id == DiBcom 7000PC" does that sound right?
[07:48:41] ahhughez: and I also have /dev/dvb/adapter1 and /dev/dvb/adapter2 that are both the same Id
[07:48:51] ahhughez: is that how the dual tuner appears?
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[07:59:13] ahhughez: I think I just broke something :'(
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[08:04:22] ahhughez: is there a command in the front end to see what tuners are available?
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[08:20:04] dekarl: ahhughez, if you read the logs, yes adding two cards, one per tuner ist right for such a device
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[11:02:07] doc_tomoe: Hey guys, does anyone now if you can disable Open GL ES 2.0 in mythtv unstable builds ? Seems to make my mythfrontend unsusable (not showing anything besides a black screen) ...
[11:02:52] doc_tomoe: disable as in "is there a switch for ./configure" ?
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[14:00:13] wizbit: mythzoneminder plugin and view my webcam live
[14:00:36] wizbit: but it cannot play back events, i get the test screen
[14:06:54] wizbit: ohh i see
[14:06:55] wizbit: ERROR – Cannot open event file
[14:07:53] wizbit: events need to mounted locally? strange
[14:15:00] rsiebert_ (rsiebert_! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[14:17:17] wizbit: --zm-version=1.22.3 <--- solved
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[14:58:09] wizbit: the plugin is using a incorrect path for events using zoneminder 1.24.4
[14:58:12] wizbit: ERROR – Cannot open event file – /var/www/zm/events/3/2520/015-capture.jpg : No such file or directory
[14:58:15] wizbit: live view works
[15:01:33] wizbit: it was my fault!! i had: Use a deep filesystem hierarchy for events switched on for some reason
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[16:49:38] stuartm: so it seems Windows 7 takes bloat to a new level, according to reviews of 16GB SSDs I've been reading this just isn't enough for a bare install + updates ... !
[16:51:19] stuartm: the root partition on this machine has just about 8GB used applications, logs and all the rest – it's less than 3.5GB for a mythbuntu install
[16:52:12] stuartm: what the hell does Microsoft include in Win7 which pushes the install size so high? (and do I really care ... probably not)
[16:52:32] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[16:53:37] Seeker`: probably not disabled page file etc.
[16:53:57] Seeker`: and the hibernate files are the same size as the RAM too I'm guessing
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[18:53:25] mersault: I'm trying to debug why some of my recordings have been failing, and I'm currently testing my HDHR using hdhomerun_config FFFFFF save /tuner0 null, and I'm curious what level of network errors I should be concerned with?
[18:54:11] mersault: 3 network errors (I assume this is a single dropped packet) in over 8k of packets seems reasonable, but I'm curious what others have to say
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[18:55:02] tank-man: i would start with looking at any log files
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[19:01:10] mersault: tank-man: I have, and the comm-flaging is reporting errors about the mpeg itself
[19:01:17] mersault: hence why I'm investigating the HDHR
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[19:04:51] tank-man: what error does it say?
[19:05:30] mersault: 2012-01–12 19:11:11.714 [mpeg2video @ 0x7f7ad925bf20]invalid mb type in I Frame at 67 33
[19:05:30] mersault: 2012-01–12 19:11:11.958 [mpeg2video @ 0x7f7ad925bf20]ac-tex damaged at 118 18
[19:05:30] mersault: 2012-01–12 19:11:14.986 [ac3 @ 0x7f7ad925bf20]frame sync error
[19:05:34] mersault: that's typical
[19:05:55] mersault: So basically, some recordings are working great, but others fail
[19:06:21] mersault: it started after I moved the backend to a new host, but the new host should be working better, not worse
[19:06:42] mersault: and the recordings that do record do work better (fewer artifacts, less stuttering, etc)
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[21:06:43] drindt: my mythweb doesn't let me download a recording, where can i search for the reason?
[21:07:17] [R]: and that means what?
[21:07:57] drindt: [R], 29007_20120114183000.mpg does not exist in any recognized storage group directories for this host.
[21:08:15] drindt: but the file is present in the filesystem and also in the database including the correct path
[21:08:47] [R]: what says that?
[21:09:13] drindt: [R], it appears in the browser when i want downloading the recorded file.
[21:09:19] [R]: can you take a screenshot?
[21:09:31] drindt: sure
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[21:13:23] drindt: [R], . . . 2012011.png/
[21:15:14] [R]: the database shoudn't have a path to the file...
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[23:16:47] wagnerrp: so freebsd is now running zpool version 28
[23:17:10] wagnerrp: lets see if i can get my linux netboots migrated over to zfs that the server can manipulate
[23:17:16] wagnerrp: rather than an opaque jfs
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[23:44:18] stuarta: evening ppl
[23:45:13] wagnerrp: rare to see you around these parts
[23:45:33] stuarta: aye, normally don't have the time for -users
[23:45:53] stuarta: bored of waiting for my test osx build slave to finish
[23:46:08] stuarta: and the dev channel isn't the place to say "moo!"
[23:47:16] stuarta: compile faster you piece of antique poo
[23:47:44] wagnerrp: what CPU?
[23:48:19] stuarta: poor thing is only a 2x 1.3ghz
[23:48:23] wagnerrp: im guessing not an old PPC
[23:48:27] wagnerrp: or... perhaps it is
[23:48:33] stuarta: think it's a core or core2
[23:48:41] wagnerrp: Beirdo: looks like the server buildbots are down
[23:48:45] stuarta: can't remember at this time of night
[23:48:48] wagnerrp: the ones for doxygen and cppcheck
[23:49:00] stuarta: his slaves are down
[23:49:05] stuarta: well some of them
[23:49:12] wagnerrp: those arent run on the server?
[23:49:24] stuarta: no
[23:49:48] wagnerrp: 2x... meaning dual core or dual socket?
[23:49:55] stuarta: dual core
[23:50:16] wagnerrp: they may have made Core Duos that slow
[23:50:31] stuarta: they did, this is about 4yrs old :)
[23:50:41] wagnerrp: i dont think there were any Core 2 Duos that slow besides the ULV ones on high end netbooks
[23:50:45] stuarta: possibly 6
[23:50:57] wagnerrp: would have been 2006–2007
[23:51:03] stuarta: this is one of the original mac mini's
[23:51:14] wagnerrp: they didnt sell Cores for very long, before replacing it with the brand new Core 2
[23:51:14] stuarta: post PPC
[23:52:00] ** stuarta tries to work out how to determine useful info from the command line, and decides alcohol is more interestin **
[23:52:24] wagnerrp: gah... why wont the zfs kernel module load
[23:52:45] stuarta: off the top of my head, i can't remember if it's a core or a core2 duo. i suspect the latter
[23:53:12] wagnerrp: can it do 64-bit?
[23:53:32] stuarta: kinda
[23:53:39] stuarta: the cpu supports it
[23:53:40] wagnerrp: the Cores were 32-bit only
[23:53:57] stuarta: OSX seems to prefer 32bit
[23:54:03] wagnerrp: since they were Pentium derived, rather than the brand new Core2
[23:55:46] wagnerrp: according to wikipedia, Core Minis ran from 1.5GHz to 1.83GHz, and the Core2s started at 1.83 and went up from there
[23:56:04] wagnerrp: anything lower clocked were the old PPCs
[23:56:27] stuarta: in that case my mini doesn't exist :)
[23:56:47] wagnerrp: impressive
[23:57:23] stuarta: CPU x86 x86_32 (Genuine Intel(R) CPU 1300 @ 1.66GHz)
[23:57:27] stuarta: from configure
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[23:58:02] stuarta: so must be a core
[23:58:26] wagnerrp: a 1300 would have been a Core Solo
[23:58:55] wagnerrp: . . . 7-MHz-FSB%29
[23:59:27] wagnerrp: so... slightly faster (and a lot slower) than you thought
[23:59:29] wagnerrp: :)
[23:59:46] AndyCap: hehe mixing up model numbers and gigahurtz
[23:59:47] stuarta: oh i know it's slow

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