:: #mythtv-users

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Thursday, January 5th, 2012, 00:04 UTC
[00:04:16] sphery: slowone: yay, enjoy!
[00:05:11] jams: hehe tmpfs for mysql
[00:08:11] iamlindoro: Beirdo: Good lord, he's really not getting any better here
[00:08:30] iamlindoro: I like the insistence that his 11/15 checkout of mythweb should have the 12/2 commits in it
[00:10:09] Beirdo: yeah, amazing, isn't it?
[00:11:31] iamlindoro: I wish I could get my checkouts to have commits from the future too
[00:11:38] iamlindoro: I'd close way more tickets that way
[00:11:51] Beirdo: for sure!
[00:12:00] Beirdo: git time-machine pull
[00:12:23] bbee (bbee!~bbee@unaffiliated/bbee) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[00:12:30] iamlindoro: git pull HEAD^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[00:12:43] iamlindoro: (or is that backwards? I never remember)
[00:12:52] Beirdo: that will work, actually, but going the wrong direction :)
[00:12:58] wagnerrp: is he perhaps talking about the portage ebuilds?
[00:12:59] iamlindoro: ^^^^^^^^^^^HEAD then
[00:12:59] Beirdo: that's way in the past
[00:13:04] Beirdo: heheh :)
[00:13:09] wagnerrp: hes wanting a newer version of the mythweb ebuild with those fixes?
[00:13:12] Beirdo: wagnerrp: it's possible
[00:13:39] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: I have no doubt that he is, but that's not our problem-- Users of master are supposed to at *least* be able to check out the code
[00:13:51] iamlindoro: one wonders how he manages to get it compiled if checking it out is such a travesty
[00:14:03] russell5 (russell5! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:14:12] iamlindoro: "I'mma run the development version! I'm extremely technical!"
[00:14:56] stuartm: he's failing to understand that the UTC changes were committed in two stages and mythweb wasn't changed for at the same time as the rest of the code
[00:15:47] iamlindoro: He's failing to understand that December is after November ;)
[00:16:22] stuartm: right, I'm a few emails behind :)
[00:16:39] wagnerrp: any suggestion on a TMDB query that might return more than 20 results?
[00:16:39] Beirdo: he's "differently technically abled"
[00:17:12] wagnerrp: ive got this fancy auto-paging list i want to try out
[00:17:18] stuartm: Beirdo: that's one way to put it
[00:17:31] wagnerrp: but the paging hits at 20 items, and the largest query i can come up with does 16
[00:20:08] stuartm: does it ignore searches containing just 'the'?
[00:20:29] wagnerrp: ooh, good one
[00:20:33] wagnerrp: 123 results
[00:21:19] bbee (bbee!~bbee@2001:888:155c::11) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:21:19] bbee (bbee!~bbee@2001:888:155c::11) has quit (Changing host)
[00:21:19] bbee (bbee!~bbee@unaffiliated/bbee) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:21:36] stuartm: somehow I thought it would be much more
[00:29:38] aloril (aloril! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[00:31:20] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: He seems to actually blame your ebuild script
[00:32:19] wagnerrp: absolutely
[00:32:35] wagnerrp: the ebuild script in the repo only does the primary mythtv repository
[00:32:41] wagnerrp: it wont touch the mythweb repository
[00:32:47] Starburst2 (Starburst2!~User@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:32:47] wagnerrp: so any updating has to be done by hand
[00:34:00] stuartm: so it is your fault!
[00:34:04] stuartm: ;)
[00:34:07] wagnerrp: it is!
[00:34:20] wagnerrp: 'course ive never even run Apache on gentoo
[00:34:22] wagnerrp: much less mythweb
[00:34:24] wagnerrp: so...
[00:34:42] ** kormoc weeps at mysql on tmpfs **
[00:34:58] Starburst2: highzeth, can anyone direct me to a driver or a means to get a hauppauge wintv nova-t pci capture card working
[00:34:58] kormoc: The data… it cries out to me as it gets lost in the void...
[00:35:07] iamlindoro: kormoc: It amazes me that there's been no voice of reason in that thread
[00:35:30] Starburst2: highzeth, can anyone direct me to a driver or a means to get a hauppauge wintv nova-t pci capture card working on myth
[00:35:33] iamlindoro: kormoc: But perhaps they all feel, as I di, that there's simply no point getting yelled at for trying to help
[00:35:44] kormoc: Yeah, exactl
[00:35:47] kormoc: *exactly
[00:37:08] stuartm: wagnerrp: a year ago I would have made some comment about Gentoo users and running with scissors but I like to think I'm above such pettiness now ;)
[00:37:33] iamlindoro: stuartm: Hahaha, I am going to couch all my comments in that kind of phraseology
[00:37:46] iamlindoro: "If I weren't the better man I'd tell you what a dumbass you are!"
[00:38:36] wagnerrp: im not, i know our users are right down there at the bottom of the barrel with the users of all the other distros
[00:38:58] wagnerrp: give 'em a quick little tool for updating, theyll complain about it not doing enough
[00:39:04] stuartm: seriously though, what that guy needs is someone brave enough to tell him that he's too stupid to use Gentoo and that maybe he'd be happier with Ubuntu
[00:39:37] mycosys1 (mycosys1! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:39:37] jpabq (jpabq!~jpabq@mythtv/developer/jpabq) has quit (Quit: jpabq)
[00:39:37] mycosys (mycosys!~mycosys@unaffiliated/mycosys) has quit (Disconnected by services)
[00:39:38] mycosys1 is now known as mycosys
[00:39:38] mycosys (mycosys!~mycosys@unaffiliated/mycosys) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:39:40] wagnerrp: ive actually had a new version sitting on my hard drive for about a month and a half that is much more capable (including updating mythweb)
[00:39:49] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: "I want all the tweakability, power, and geek cred of Gentoo, and I want it all done for me!"
[00:39:51] wagnerrp: i just personally think its too messy to put up just yet
[00:39:56] stuartm: not that we don't get our share of clueless ubuntu users
[00:40:09] wagnerrp: stuartm: the difference is you expect it out of ubuntu users
[00:40:25] wagnerrp: where as the average gentoo user thinks theyre above all the rest because "i compile everything myself"
[00:40:41] wagnerrp: well, no... stuff gets compiled on your computer but someone else does it for you
[00:40:54] Beirdo: heh
[00:41:19] Beirdo: yeah, you compile crap that you've never even read, and that makes you sooo smart :)
[00:41:20] wagnerrp: seriously, all he has to do is swap the hash in one line of that file
[00:41:22] wagnerrp: and its fixed
[00:42:06] wagnerrp: there are four lines there, but the other three are for fanciness with setting versions and other stuff
[00:42:15] wagnerrp: not used for mythweb
[00:42:47] wagnerrp: personally, even if i were running mythweb on my gentoo machines, i still wouldnt bother with the ebuilds
[00:42:55] wagnerrp: i mean the things runs directly out of the repository
[00:43:01] wagnerrp: check out the repository to your web root
[00:43:02] wagnerrp: finished
[00:43:11] wagnerrp: want to update? git pull... finished
[00:43:18] aloril (aloril! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:43:44] iamlindoro: And of all things to stumble over needing a pacakge on, the non-compiled web app
[00:45:47] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:48:34] stuartm: as for the tmpfs guy, he's clearly unaware that they've invented this new thing called an SSD
[00:49:15] stuartm: "I know that if it powers off I lose data" ... but he's doing it anyway
[00:50:12] stuartm: it's not the normal shutdowns he needs to worry about, it's the powercuts or kernel panics – but I suppose his answer to that will be to buy a UPS
[00:50:44] wagnerrp: they usually claim theyre safe, because they do dumps every couple hours
[00:55:02] ** skd5aner is getting anxious waiting on 0.25 after seeing all the commits that have went in over the last several months **
[00:59:09] wagnerrp: so, ive got a TMDBv3 API written...
[00:59:30] wagnerrp: now i just need to write the underlying magic that makes what's effectively a header file work
[01:23:41] mzb (mzb! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:26:55] mzb (mzb! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:29:39] Madams9 (Madams9! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:31:16] Madams9: I have a question about mythweb. Is there anyway to get my pvr's mythweb to show up on a port other than 80 without rejiggering the whole apache server?
[01:31:18] ServerSage: Somebody please tell me I had some bad shrooms and that somebody did NOT suggest using an ATV2 as a slave backend on the mailing list...
[01:31:51] ServerSage: Madams9: You can tell apache to listen on more than 1 port. But no, you have to modify apache to do it.
[01:32:15] Madams9: How *much* of a mod is that?
[01:32:25] ServerSage: Madams9: 1 line in a config file.
[01:33:39] ServerSage: Madams9: Real question is *why* would you want to?
[01:34:47] Madams9: K, here's the deal: I had Mythtv 0.21 running on my pvr and the frontend serving up mythweb on my internet-facing file server. That worked well. Now, I've upped my pvr to ver 0.24.1. My ver 21 installation can not seem to see the backend on ver 24.1 (probably a database incompatibility?)
[01:35:18] ServerSage: You should NEVER mix versions anyway.
[01:35:29] Madams9: I'm looking for a way to get Mythweb back to my Internet interface without upgrading the file server. The file server has a hardware issue that may take some time to fix (read: replace).
[01:36:14] Madams9: I looked at upgrading the file server, but just installing a newer system would be easier and faster.
[01:36:32] ServerSage: Madams9: Perhaps I'm missing something, but why does this involve changing apache ports?
[01:37:23] Madams9: I was looking at the possibility of forwarding a port other than 80 through my router into the lan to connect to the web browser on the pvr. This would make Mythweb available outside my lan.
[01:37:58] Madams9: I have stuff running ok on the file server and it has dibs on port 80.
[01:38:14] ServerSage: Madams9: You know you can forward any port you want external to any port you want internal, right? So you can have your external IP:9080 go to your internal if you want.
[01:38:55] Madams9: That makes sense, but I can't see how to do it off the top of my head. The router is a Linksys wrt54g btw.
[01:39:22] Madams9: Would that be a port trigger?
[01:39:35] ServerSage: Madams9: Google port forwarding.
[01:40:20] Madams9: Okay, I'm looking at the port forwarding page in my router and it looks pretty obvious now that I think about it.
[01:40:28] Madams9: Let me tinker with that for a minute.
[01:40:31] ServerSage: Madams9: You can use port triggering. Same thing, except with triggering the port is only active when data is flowing.
[01:41:10] Madams9: I don't see a way to send it to a specific IP.
[01:42:00] ServerSage: Madams9: I don't have a linksys, you're on your own there.
[01:42:01] Madams9: I don't see a way to send it to a specific IP *with port triggering*.
[01:42:08] kormoc: Madams9, you can also use mod_proxy on apache to proxy a directory to another server
[01:42:29] pumbaa2 (pumbaa2! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[01:42:36] Madams9: Getting kind of deep in the apache woods for me, but let me try this first idea.
[01:42:46] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:46:19] cesman (cesman! has quit (Changing host)
[01:46:20] cesman (cesman!~cesman@pdpc/supporter/professional/cesman) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:47:26] wagnerrp: ServerSage: they sure did, and a long time user and experienced linux person at that
[01:47:44] wagnerrp: ServerSage: a slave backend with digital tuners does basically nothing
[01:48:19] wagnerrp: the master backend runs the scheduler, database, guide data downloads, and a handful of other things that need a lot of power, and for the most part cannot be turned off
[01:48:51] ServerSage: wagnerrp: I really can't imagine what an atv2 could be expected to do as a backend of any kind.
[01:48:53] wagnerrp: a slave backend does nothing more than copy files from the tuner to the hard drive, or in this case from the tuner over the network
[01:49:37] wagnerrp: at which point, its a $100, 5W device to allow you to place your HDPVR and cable box anywhere on the network you want
[01:50:26] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:50:31] wagnerrp: although why that HDPVR and cable box cant be in the basement, connected to your master backend directly... i dont know
[01:50:46] ServerSage: Well, I don't have a basement. Thats why.
[01:50:50] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has quit (Quit: kormoc)
[01:50:53] Madams9: Okay, I'm not entirely alien to port forwarding. The router I'm using has 10 slots available for forwarded ports. I'm down to my last port. Everything else is forwarding just fine. I see no way of forwarding a random external port to a different port on an internal IP on this router.
[01:51:00] wagnerrp: when youre having it do so little, its questionable why you even have it in the first place
[01:51:40] ServerSage: wagnerrp: agreed 100%. I fail to see value in slave backends other than offloading heavy lifting like commercial flagging.
[01:51:56] Madams9: And this should work.
[01:52:16] ServerSage: Madams9: Some only allow you to do 1:1 port forwarding. *shrug* May have to go either with a proxy or move the port.
[01:52:21] wagnerrp: there is no value in using a slave backend to offload commercial flagging
[01:53:08] wagnerrp: running the backend executable carries along all that dead weight code for recording, scheduling, file serving, and a bunch of other tasks that will never be run
[01:53:14] ServerSage: wagnerrp: Point taken, not a slave backend so much as a slave.
[01:53:14] wagnerrp: when all you should be running is the jobqueue
[01:53:52] wagnerrp: the purpose of a slave backend is to add additional PCI(e) slots for tuners, or additional SATA ports for hard drives
[01:54:19] wagnerrp: or in my case, my HVR-1250 wont work in my freebsd master backend
[01:54:32] wagnerrp: so ive got it stuffed into one of my frontends, as a combo machine
[01:54:51] ServerSage: You people with 40 tuners much watch a lot of TV. Hehe.
[01:55:06] wagnerrp: nah
[01:55:18] wagnerrp: MBE with one HDHR, SBE with 1 HVR-1250 and 2 PVR-150
[01:56:24] ServerSage: I simply have a MBE with an HDPVR and an HDHR. I can't imagine more than that, most TV isn't worth the hard drive space.
[01:57:29] wagnerrp: ugh...
[01:57:45] wagnerrp: the ramfs mysql thread has made it onto the wiki
[01:58:20] ServerSage: Some people have more RAM than brains.
[01:58:32] alanb99 (alanb99! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[01:58:42] iamlindoro: NO
[01:58:46] iamlindoro: instant rollback
[01:58:54] wagnerrp: lemme do it
[01:59:19] iamlindoro: all yours
[02:00:18] [R]: wagnerrp: im so confused, what does that get you in the world of myth?
[02:00:28] wagnerrp: data loss
[02:00:34] ServerSage: Doh, you beat me to it.
[02:00:35] [R]: lol
[02:00:47] [R]: seriously, what point does attempting to speed up mysql serve?
[02:01:35] wagnerrp: well, he only has the one hard drive
[02:02:01] ServerSage: [R]: I'm all for making mysql faster. But RAMFS is the answer to a question that should never have been asked.
[02:02:01] wagnerrp: and conflicting mysql and recording IO has significant potential for problem
[02:04:53] wagnerrp: beleted
[02:06:13] Madams9: Okay, fixed it thanks to the folks over in #networking. I set port 8000 in apache, forwarded port 8000 to the IP of my pvr and accessed it with http://my.domain:8000/mythweb.
[02:06:16] davide_ (davide_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:06:17] Madams9: Sweet.
[02:06:37] wagnerrp: why did you do this?
[02:07:05] Madams9: So that I can peruse the schedule and set shows to record from my desktop at work, of course.
[02:07:19] wagnerrp: but whats wrong with port 80?
[02:07:59] Madams9: I can send port 80 to one machine — either my file server or, well, some other machine. I want it to go to my file server so that I can access my files, and stuff.
[02:08:17] Madams9: I had to route around port 80 so that I could keep the file server available.
[02:08:54] wagnerrp: proxy one to the other, using directories or virtual domains
[02:09:24] wagnerrp: or even just forward port 8000 to port 80
[02:09:29] wagnerrp: forwards dont have to be 1:1
[02:09:40] Madams9: This was a lot easier. Forward one port on the router and set "Listen <ipaddress>:8000 in httpd, then restart the server. Done.
[02:09:59] Madams9: I can't figure out how to forward 8000 to 80 in my router.
[02:10:24] Madams9: If I had a spare wrt54g, I'd install ddwrt or something and it will probably do that just fine, but I'm not going to hack my only router.
[02:11:46] Madams9: The whole "forward a domain or directory" may be really good too, but a) I'm low on the learning curve here, and b) I just spent the better part of a week getting MythTV working on the pvr. I want to be done here.
[02:12:58] wagnerrp: point the port at apache, and add this to your apache config file...
[02:13:00] Madams9: And I just found Webmin runs just as it always has on https://server:1000
[02:13:36] wagnerrp: webmin does that to avoid conflicting with other web servers you may have running on the same system
[02:13:56] Madams9: Right – https. Also, security.
[02:14:11] wagnerrp: there is no security to be gained by running on port 1000
[02:14:13] Madams9: I'm trying to grok the code you pointed me to.
[02:14:25] Madams9: No, different protocol – https
[02:14:44] wagnerrp: https is port 443, not port 1000
[02:15:11] Madams9: Webmin runs on 10000
[02:15:28] Madams9: Where in the httpd.conf should I put that smidgen of code?
[02:15:36] wagnerrp: anywhere you want
[02:16:01] sraue_ (sraue_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:16:41] wagnerrp: you may have to add 'LoadModule proxy_http_module libexec/apache<ver>/' as well
[02:16:48] wagnerrp: if its not already loaded
[02:17:26] wagnerrp: basically, any request on /fserve gets forwarded to the root of the web server on the file server
[02:17:55] wagnerrp: and as long as all links on the file server are relative instead of absolute, apache should handle the rest
[02:18:28] wagnerrp: of course if the links were absolute, they wouldnt work forwarded over NAT either
[02:19:02] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[02:20:25] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Hahaha, took all of two seconds for someone on the list to notice
[02:20:28] Beirdo: nice deletion mesage
[02:21:36] Madams9: Loading the thing is giving me grief. Going back to the original solution. I'm out of here. Must eat and sleep. Thanks again for the assist. I'll be back when there is time and energy.
[02:21:41] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: be fair, it was actually like 13 minutes
[02:22:00] Madams9 (Madams9! has left #mythtv-users ("I was raided by the FBI and all I got to keep was this lousy quit message!")
[02:24:57] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[02:25:57] Beirdo: you should create a category for "retarded configuration ideas"
[02:25:58] Beirdo: heh
[02:26:02] wagnerrp: you know, if we had a forum, we could actually moderate it
[02:26:11] wagnerrp: delete all these pesky little threads
[02:26:24] Beirdo: we could moderate mailing lists too, but it's a lot more work
[02:26:31] Beirdo: and forums suck
[02:26:34] iamlindoro: It was Isaac who didn't believe in forums, I actually think we should have one
[02:27:29] Beirdo: We really should have a newsgroup :)
[02:27:48] Beirdo: but unfortunately, people have forgotten the better technology
[02:28:24] ** Beirdo continues to wait for two long-winded phone calls to end... **
[02:28:36] wagnerrp: at the same time?
[02:28:37] Beirdo: holy crap, do people ever hang up?!
[02:28:50] Beirdo: yes... I want to delete the call recordings directory
[02:28:56] Beirdo: as I've recreated it
[02:29:06] Beirdo: but asterisk is still writing into the old one
[02:29:17] wagnerrp: work asterisk?
[02:29:27] Beirdo: yup
[02:29:40] smoothifier (smoothifier!smoothifie@gateway/shell/ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:29:51] Beirdo: customer facing stuff, not internal PBX though
[02:34:27] smoothifier (smoothifier!smoothifie@gateway/shell/ has quit (Quit: leaving)
[02:34:49] vankooch_ (vankooch_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:35:14] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:37:44] vankooch_ is now known as vankooch
[02:40:07] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:49:24] Beirdo: OK, down to one call to wait for
[02:50:27] russell5 (russell5! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:54:14] Twiggy2cents: Can mythtv sort recordings by original air date?
[02:54:24] wagnerrp: huh?
[02:54:30] wagnerrp: oh, sort
[02:54:33] wagnerrp: i read start
[02:54:57] Twiggy2cents: lol
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[02:56:05] iamlindoro: Setup->Video->Playback->Page 4
[02:56:23] iamlindoro: That's in master, don't recall the layout is changed from .24
[02:56:30] iamlindoro: If it is, it would be something like:
[02:56:38] iamlindoro: Utilities/Setup->Setup->TV Settings->Playback
[02:56:52] iamlindoro: Sort Episodes: Original Airdate
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[02:57:38] Beirdo: finally
[02:59:36] Twiggy2cents: iamlindoro, is that in the main recordings list as well as the individual series/groups?
[03:00:05] iamlindoro: You could find out rather than ask ;)
[03:00:45] iamlindoro: And you could also red the help text for the setting right above it
[03:00:54] Twiggy2cents: ugh, I though this channel was here to help ;)
[03:00:58] iamlindoro: s/red/read/
[03:01:25] iamlindoro: It is
[03:01:27] Beirdo: help != spoonfeed :)
[03:01:31] iamlindoro: I just helped you find out where to get your answer
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[03:04:28] Twiggy2cents: Thanks, that worked perfect
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[03:06:47] Twiggy2cents: Sometimes when myth is loading a dvd or vob file, the please wait is delayed and can make you think that it didnt receive the lirc input(at least I think that). Is there any change in that in master.
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[03:07:46] Twiggy2cents: Also will myth respond to inputs when trying to load said files, or anytime that myth is hanging waiting for something in master.
[03:08:19] wagnerrp: yes, that has been largely resolved in master
[03:08:26] wagnerrp: no, that will not have any significant effect on recordings
[03:08:51] wagnerrp: erm... remote inputs, not recording inputs
[03:08:58] wagnerrp: not sure on that one
[03:09:09] wagnerrp: but the delays should be down to a couple seconds now
[03:09:26] Twiggy2cents: Seems that vob files load much faster than ISO's
[03:09:39] wagnerrp: because VOBs are just single video files
[03:09:48] wagnerrp: while ISOs are filesystems containing a bunch of small files
[03:09:53] Twiggy2cents: Sorry I meant VIDEO_TS
[03:10:21] wagnerrp: same thing, with ISOs and VIDEO_TSs, myth has to load a bunch of individual small files
[03:10:35] wagnerrp: and that was previously something the backend file streaming protocol was poor at
[03:10:46] Twiggy2cents: Also is bookmarking a possibility with ISO's/VIDEO_TS's?
[03:11:05] wagnerrp: dont know about that one
[03:11:23] Twiggy2cents: Or maybe automatic bookmarking like normal files, I havent tried to set a bookmark in a dvd
[03:11:42] Twiggy2cents: s/dvd/ISO...
[03:12:16] wagnerrp: since a bookmark is just a frame reference, and DVDs are more than a single video
[03:12:18] wagnerrp: im guessing no
[03:14:06] Twiggy2cents: Ohh, okay. Well thanks for the answers, I think I will watch some TV
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[07:51:35] ontae: wquery
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[09:25:12] justinh: nobody would guess port 8000!
[09:25:32] justinh: oops. stop commenting on things deep in the scrollback. Me chump
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[10:53:15] Oleg_: anyone is awake?
[10:57:09] Seeker`: I'm sure someone is
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[12:01:43] justinh: never seen anybody answer that one. LOL
[12:02:01] justinh: try just asking a proper question about mythtv instead
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[12:16:53] wagnerrp: sphery: you know, if we ever get the database migrated to an embedded thread
[12:17:20] wagnerrp: were going to have to do sanity checking to make sure the database isnt living on the same disk as recordings, or... on a tmpfs
[12:18:05] wagnerrp: blacklist certain mount types
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[12:39:20] justinh: wow. $2700 for a Raspberry pi board. Perfect frontend for such little money!
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[14:08:03] stuartm: heh, they are auctioning off the production samples to raise additional funds
[14:09:15] stuartm: Twiggy2cents: bookmarks are possible for DVDs, but only single title ones, it doesn't store the title number and therefore screws up for things like TV series
[14:09:31] stuartm: s/possible/working in 0.24/
[14:09:48] stuartm: wagnerrp: we store DVD bookmarks in their own table
[14:09:59] stuartm: and include more than just the frame number
[14:19:00] Seeker`: o/
[14:21:45] wagnerrp: ah, didnt know there was more than just the normal bookmarks in file/recordedmarkup
[14:24:20] Seeker`: is there not some way of translating between a frame and where it is on the DVD? As the OSD displays the timer wrt the full duration of the movie, even though it is multiple vobs
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[14:25:03] Seeker`: within a VIDEO_TS folder
[14:28:53] wagnerrp: somehow josh rosenberg on the mailing list has managed to disable his PID filters
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[14:40:45] Seeker`: wagnerrp: is that what pulls single channels out of a stream of many?
[14:42:02] wagnerrp: yes, and as a result, he has been recording the full 38.4Mbps mux
[14:42:35] Seeker`: nice
[14:43:15] Seeker`: bit of a convoluted way of filling a drive with random rubbish :P /dev/urandom would be faster
[14:44:01] wagnerrp: well hes concerned about 70GB for a sports game being excessive, and trying to transcode it down, only to find the transcoder barfing on the content
[14:46:43] dj_who (dj_who! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:46:53] dj_who: hi, how can i manualy search cover art for recordings just like in videos?
[14:46:59] wagnerrp: dj_who: no
[14:47:05] dj_who: mythtv 24.1 mythbuntu theme
[14:47:26] wagnerrp: in a sense, 0.24 doesnt actually support artwork for recordings
[14:48:05] dj_who: i thing supports because for one of mine myth did that automaticaly
[14:48:06] wagnerrp: there is a bit of code that allows the frontend to display artwork if available, but there is no reference to it in the database, so its all more guesswork than anything else
[14:48:26] wagnerrp: there is no mechanism to download it, there is no mechanism to select it
[14:48:33] wagnerrp: either its in the right place and it works, or it doesnt
[14:48:49] tgm4883: wagnerrp, I thought it does download it?
[14:49:02] dj_who: it does
[14:49:06] wagnerrp: no, you guys set up jamu, and jamu downloads artwork for recordings
[14:49:12] tgm4883: ah
[14:49:14] wagnerrp: but jamu != mythtv, its an external utility
[14:49:22] dj_who: but for mine 10 recordings only 2 was downloaded
[14:49:36] dj_who: and second was mismatched
[14:49:49] wagnerrp: yes, mythbuntu is preconfigured to run jamu to download that artwork and put it in the proper place for mythfrontend to use it
[14:50:03] dj_who: and i have only myth no aditional software for that
[14:50:04] wagnerrp: but in 0.24, there is no mechanism to download or manage artwork for recordings
[14:50:26] tgm4883: so he needs to look at
[14:50:35] dj_who: i instaled myth on ubuntu
[14:50:51] wagnerrp: yes, and the mythbuntu packages set jamu up automatically for you
[14:51:08] dj_who: but was nothing about jamu during configuration
[14:51:14] dj_who: oh
[14:51:33] dj_who: i'll check that
[14:52:03] dj_who: oh i've red about this
[14:52:23] dj_who: jamu is suppressed in 0.25 now i remember
[14:52:34] wagnerrp: suppressed?
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[14:52:56] dj_who: End Of Life: Jamu has be superseded by integrated metadata capabilities in the UI and the MythMetadataLookup tool.
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[14:53:10] wagnerrp: superseded or deprecated, not suppressed
[14:53:27] wagnerrp: suppressed would mean we were somehow actively blocking it from running
[14:55:26] dj_who: i understand that as : jamu funkctions from now on are done by mythmetadataalookup
[14:55:44] wagnerrp: not exactly
[14:56:08] wagnerrp: as i mentioned, jamu just placed stuff under the hope that the frontend would guess the same filename and find it
[14:56:27] wagnerrp: in 0.25, recordings now have proper support for artwork, which means database references
[14:56:56] dj_who: wierd
[14:57:14] wagnerrp: as well as hints in your recording rules and elsewhere as to what artwork to download and pull
[14:57:19] dj_who: is the 0.25 version usable now?
[14:57:25] wagnerrp: rather than the external config files jamu had to rely on
[14:58:02] Seeker`: dj_who: it isn't terminally broken
[14:58:27] Seeker`: but if you can't cope with unfinished features / random breakage it probably isn't for you
[14:59:22] dj_who: about month ago i installed this version and was working i thing but a wwwsite of backend was broken
[14:59:57] dj_who: the release date is a bit delayed
[15:00:34] Seeker`: sorry, I have no idea what you just said
[15:00:45] wagnerrp: what release date?
[15:00:54] dj_who: i'm sory
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[15:01:22] dj_who: a release date of official and stable mythtv 0.25
[15:01:22] dj_who: ;]
[15:01:39] wagnerrp: there has never been any posted release date for it to be delayed
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[15:02:15] dj_who: yes but i've look at a milestone of 0.25
[15:02:17] dj_who: ;]
[15:03:25] Seeker`: delayed compared to what dj_who ?
[15:04:20] dj_who:
[15:05:44] iamlindoro: The dates on those milestones are totally made up, and not anything used, set, or otherwise respected by our developers
[15:06:00] iamlindoro: There was never any goal to get .25 out in October, nor any discussion of doing so
[15:06:22] wagnerrp: its something arbitrarily chosen with no discussion, simply because trac requires a target date
[15:07:24] dj_who: i know but i'had hope that it has something to do with a real release date
[15:07:25] dj_who: ;]
[15:07:33] iamlindoro: It doesn't
[15:07:37] dj_who: ;]
[15:07:42] iamlindoro: no matter how much you wink
[15:10:43] dj_who: so thanks for informations
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[15:25:21] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: well i mentioned the MEMORY database engine as a reason why regardless of anything they say or want, mysql in tmpfs just shows you have no idea what youre doing
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[15:26:00] wagnerrp: i even went on to describe in basic steps what could be done to very cleanly integrate that into mythtv
[15:26:26] wagnerrp: odds on people starting to push patches to do just that?
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[15:29:22] Seeker`: Is there any particular reason that there are only 4 parental control levels, when most film rating systems seem to employ more than 4 levels
[15:40:03] Seeker`: and what benefit do people see in running mysql in ramfs?
[15:40:14] wagnerrp: none
[15:40:26] wagnerrp: it gets mysql off their recording disk
[15:40:47] wagnerrp: so when doing the seekdata updates during recording
[15:41:15] wagnerrp: it prevents the issue of IO contention between mysql's forced writes, and mythtvs own sync loop, when using file systems that have barriers enabled
[15:42:08] wagnerrp: with enough memory for the database to be cached, there is actually a performance deficit running the database in a tmpfs
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[15:42:14] Seeker`: is that ever actually an issue? or is it a 'this _might_ happen, but in practice is invisible'?
[15:42:49] wagnerrp: with barriers enabled, and the database on the same spindle as recordings, it actually can cause problems in practice
[15:43:31] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[15:43:37] wagnerrp: meaning it has become an issue in the past year or so, when barriers actually started being enforced by the kernel
[15:43:57] wagnerrp: a barrier now means the data has to be flushed to non-volatile media
[15:44:04] wagnerrp: and not just sitting in the disk's own cache
[15:44:39] Seeker`: ah, and they think that using a ramfs means that it basically just writes it to ram, rather than competing with mythtv recording writes?
[15:45:18] wagnerrp: no, they think that using a ramfs, reads and writes will be vastly faster than a disk-backed fs
[15:45:21] wagnerrp: and they will be
[15:45:42] wagnerrp: except when mysql's data is cached in memory for reading (which it will be)
[15:46:06] wagnerrp: and except that the only real heavy database insertion mythtv does is in the daily guide data update
[15:46:56] wagnerrp: in other words, it doesnt do much more than simply moving the database to a separate disk would do
[15:47:13] Seeker`: but with increased risk of data loss
[15:47:39] wagnerrp: you lose everything since the last backup
[15:47:51] jams: in no way advocating it, but it does make a big difference when starting program finder.
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[15:48:48] wagnerrp: jams: only if youve been doing heavy disk IO in the mean while, and have flushed out all of the program table since the last scheduler run
[15:48:53] Seeker`: I think my backend database is sitting on my SSD
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[15:49:13] wagnerrp: since the program finder is all reads
[15:49:17] crak (crak! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[15:50:30] wagnerrp: there is gain to be had on operations that use large temporary tables
[15:50:43] jams: program finder for me consistently takes 10–20 seconds to open when first opening it. But as you said after the data is cached it makes no difference.
[15:51:02] jams: but often that data is not cached
[15:51:10] wagnerrp: but it would be much more sensible to put just the temporary scratch space on a tmpfs, or just increase mysql's cache limits so they never get written out to disk
[15:52:35] wagnerrp: regardless, the fact is there is no information available on running mysql in a tmpfs, because no one does it, because if you do have reason to leave your database in memory, you use the MEMORY engine instead
[15:52:55] Seeker`: heh, apparently my mysql has a table cache hit rate of 0%
[15:53:25] wagnerrp: thats just its own internal cache, not the kernel's disk cache
[15:53:55] wagnerrp: any way you put it, this is a "dirty hack"
[15:54:19] justinh: just bar Josu from the ML
[15:54:31] justinh: every post he makes seems to be deply rooted in stupidity
[15:55:40] wagnerrp: josu does lots of things the wrong way, but he means well enough
[15:56:02] wagnerrp: if there were something to ban him for, it would be his softcam usage, and potential nefarious reasons for it
[15:57:46] justinh: our CEO means well enough, but all his talk of cloud based systems is making the business sick
[15:58:37] wagnerrp: in any case, i outlined for them what would be needed to properly accomplish what they are attempting
[15:59:02] wagnerrp: or at least what my limited working knowledge of mysql thinks would be 'properly'
[15:59:14] crak (crak! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:00:41] wagnerrp: i know enough that i could implement it
[16:00:47] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:00:53] wagnerrp: but i would be way in over my head in regards to actually tuning it to work well
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[16:11:29] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[16:14:32] skd5aner: 0.25 is three months late... guess that means it'll arrive in 6 more months
[16:14:54] skd5aner: HA HA! </nelson>
[16:23:34] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:25:35] jkfod (jkfod!~Greg_od@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[16:29:15] justinh: I keep telling people – every time somebody asks it automatically gets put back by another months
[16:31:58] likwid--_: mysql tmp tables in tmpfs works wonders (though i havent tried in myth cos i dont really know what kind of queries it's doing)
[16:32:33] wagnerrp: tmp tables, sure... plenty of examples and discussions on the internet about doing that
[16:33:22] wagnerrp: increasing the heap size limit so the tmp tables never get flushed in the first place would have the same effect
[16:33:51] quicksilver: if you want to spend time improving DB performance in mythtv, spend the effort moving to postgresql instead *duck*
[16:35:37] wagnerrp: would anyone who is both experiencing DB performance issues, and has the wherewithal to migrate all the mysql-specific calls to postgresql compatible versions, please stand up
[16:35:52] quicksilver: :)
[16:36:03] quicksilver: oddly, I've never had any DB performance issues
[16:36:18] quicksilver: and my DB must have 5 years worth of recording rule cruft
[16:36:26] justinh: dunno if you could call what I've seen a 'performance issue' – but the time search function in mythfrontend takes an *age* to load
[16:36:27] wagnerrp: you probably have your OS and database on a dedicated boot disk too
[16:36:29] quicksilver: but it's always seemed fine
[16:36:50] wagnerrp: justinh: jams mentioned the same thing
[16:37:06] wagnerrp: it takes an age the first time, and then once all that data is cached, it runs fast
[16:37:08] quicksilver: wagnerrp: all the machines main partitions are on a little RAID5 of consumer grade SATA 150 disks
[16:37:24] quicksilver: so not really a fast setup
[16:37:26] wagnerrp: OS and DB too?
[16:37:29] quicksilver: yup
[16:37:33] wagnerrp: what filesystem
[16:37:35] quicksilver: different partitions, but the same spindles
[16:37:47] justinh: hmm I'm not sure it ever gets faster
[16:40:41] justinh: nope. time search doesn't seem to be cached at all
[16:43:09] quicksilver: I expect wagnerrp just mean your OS disk cache
[16:43:27] wagnerrp: right
[16:43:28] quicksilver: so it will be noticeable if your rig has enough RAM to cache whichever the important tables are for that
[16:43:38] justinh: ah
[16:44:13] justinh: heh I only have 1GB in my backend
[16:45:14] wagnerrp: and people wonder why they should buy 2–4GB for their dedicated backend, when "mythbackend only uses around 200MB for itself and the shared libaries"
[16:45:17] ** quicksilver notices that sphery is called Mike Dean but assumes he's not the Mike Dean quicksilver knows. **
[16:45:39] dougl (dougl! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:45:44] ** wagnerrp ordered breakfast from Mike's brother, Jimmy **
[16:46:13] justinh: back in the day 512MB was regarded as the absolute minimum
[16:46:48] justinh: I guess I can stretch to MOARRAM at todays prices.. though lord only knows what DDR2 costs
[16:47:13] wagnerrp: not much, at least over here
[16:47:15] jams: ddr2, i would think that still falls in the cheap bucket
[16:47:27] quicksilver: quick order it before it goes (more) obsolete
[16:47:30] sid3windr: ddr2 costs at least 3x as much as ddr3 these days.. :)
[16:47:33] sid3windr: at least over here
[16:47:52] justinh: ouch. £19.99 for 2GB DDR2. 2GB of DDR3= £8.99
[16:48:15] wagnerrp: yeah, about the same here (in dollars)
[16:48:41] quicksilver: justinh: 14.00 on ebuyer
[16:48:56] sid3windr: about 3x :)
[16:49:00] wagnerrp: i could stand to get some more
[16:49:13] wagnerrp: ZFS eats up every last bit of free memory ive got
[16:49:13] justinh: quicksilver: I'm not using ebuyer
[16:49:25] wagnerrp: and the aggressively forces idle applications to swap so it can eat more
[16:49:32] justinh: ebuyer = price plus shipping, then they add the VAT
[16:49:37] quicksilver: YMMV then
[16:49:43] quicksilver: nope, that price included VAT
[16:49:49] quicksilver: it doesn't include shipping though
[16:49:58] justinh: shipping costs make it more expensive than going to my local shed
[16:50:04] quicksilver: 1.51 for shipping
[16:50:08] quicksilver: 15.51 then
[16:50:21] quicksilver: if your local shed sells 2GB for 15.51 you have a good shed :)
[16:50:36] justinh: how long would that delivery take though? sent via sh*ttylink
[16:50:54] wagnerrp: ive got about 900MB in applications running, and ZFS has pushed more than half that to swap
[16:51:03] justinh: I'm averse to using ebuyer because of Citylink
[16:51:19] quicksilver: I get all my ebuyer stuff delivered to work because there is always someone here
[16:51:30] quicksilver: but I'm pretty sure they use royal mail for small stuff like ram
[16:51:48] justinh: bought my laptop from there. I was of course out when they tried to deliver, so they left a card. I rang the depot – they had it there so I went. Then they didn't have it, then they did but they didn't know where it was...
[16:52:07] quicksilver: still, amazon have it for 14.99 with free shipping
[16:52:11] quicksilver: so amazon win, again
[16:52:19] justinh: amazon it is then
[16:52:20] quicksilver: . . . /B000JJR8I4/
[16:53:16] stuartm: you can buy direct from Crucial with free shipping, but it's a touch more expensive (even with 7% cashback via Quidco)
[16:53:45] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[16:54:01] stuartm: wow, more than a touch actually, that's shot up!
[16:54:26] justinh: meh. I don't have time to bother logging into quidco anymore
[16:54:52] justinh: I did download their toolbar but it just got in the way
[16:55:01] ** stuartm pinches every single penny **
[16:55:24] justinh: for the amount of cashback gained I'd rather not have my spending habits recorded
[16:56:05] stuartm: I can appreciate that
[16:56:56] justinh: fair enough, if you were gonna use that retailer regardless then yeah
[16:57:28] justinh: like with my laptop it was ebuyer or ebuyer, and I couldn't have it shipped to work cos it was my 1st order :-\
[16:57:33] Seeker`: do ebuyer still use citylink?
[16:57:37] justinh: and I got.. an amazing £5 cashback. LOL
[16:57:59] Seeker`: one of the places I order stuff from switched company; cant remember which. To the one with the white vans
[16:58:29] Seeker`: might have been overclockers
[16:59:49] Peitolm: wagnerrp: what are you running ZFS on? (OS wise?)
[16:59:58] wagnerrp: freebsd 8.2
[17:00:07] Peitolm: USB tuners?
[17:00:16] Peitolm: or is your recording box separate?
[17:00:17] wagnerrp: hdhomerun
[17:00:29] wagnerrp: plus a handful of tuners in a gentoo SBE
[17:00:56] Peitolm: K
[17:01:08] stuartm: justinh: I never buy anything I wasn't already looking for, even then I make sure that I'm paying the lowest price possible
[17:01:17] ** Peitolm has been trying to work out if/how to consolidate his openindiana storage and gentoo MBE **
[17:02:02] wagnerrp: well 8.3 and 9.0 will be released in the very near term, updating to zpool version 28
[17:02:06] stuartm: although there are rare exceptions, case in point the replacement DVD-Rom drive I've just bought from Play on a whim because I'm frustrated with playback issues on my production frontend
[17:02:11] wagnerrp: 8.2 is currently back on version 15
[17:02:38] Peitolm: *nods*
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[17:02:56] wagnerrp: the gentoo slave hardly ever gets used, two digital tuners (on cable with multirec) service most of my needs
[17:03:00] wagnerrp: especially in the off season
[17:03:10] Peitolm: cool
[17:03:26] Peitolm: would like to know more later, if that's o.k.?
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[17:03:41] wagnerrp: ask away
[17:03:47] Peitolm: bbl then
[17:03:49] wagnerrp: although theres not much to tell
[17:04:00] wagnerrp: mythtv builds directly on freebsd, and... thats pretty much it
[17:05:59] wagnerrp: jams: you still around?
[17:07:23] wagnerrp: guess not, nevermind then... random python question
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[18:06:47] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: If you could check my response to the mythweb ebuild thread and tell me if I got that right, I'd appreciate it.
[18:08:27] wagnerrp: will do, i was actually in the middle of typing up a response myself
[18:08:37] wagnerrp: (actually, i had the window open but hadnt typed anything)
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[18:23:17] vojta: hi, I have a question – what might be the problem that some of HD channels are working totally fine and some not (they are grainy, stopping, sound is desynched, slowing the motion down etc.) ? I am using latest mythtv 0.24.1 on ubuntu with nvidia gt210
[18:23:25] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:24:12] vojta: I am actually thinking that this is probably somehow problem of backend-decoding signal as when I try to replay the record from another pc, it has the same problems (grainy, topping etc..)
[18:47:09] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
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[18:55:53] Beirdo: hehe. wagnerrp, seems the guy thinks we are using svn for mythweb?
[18:56:11] wagnerrp: indeed
[18:57:39] stuartm: backend-decoding signal?
[18:57:49] wagnerrp: ?
[18:57:52] Beirdo: I think the clue-bat is definitely required
[19:00:38] FabriceMG (FabriceMG! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:02:49] wagnerrp: kormoc: did you ever see this pull request?
[19:03:15] wagnerrp: seems wrong
[19:03:21] wagnerrp: im running PHP 5.3 just fine
[19:10:44] vojta: stuartm, I mean like deconding the signal on backend side...
[19:11:35] stuartm: no decoding is done on the backend, it just saves the stream to disk
[19:11:48] wagnerrp: the tuner decodes the signal, the frontend decodes the audio and video data
[19:12:04] wagnerrp: im presuming you were referring to the latter
[19:12:12] vojta: allright, so it is the problem of the frontend setting for sure, right?
[19:12:35] wagnerrp: what hardware is in that frontend, besides the nvidia card?
[19:12:46] stuartm: right, but decoding the signal won't introduce grain to the picture (blocky artefacts yes, if there is a bad signal)
[19:13:28] vojta: AMD Athlon II, 2,8GHz, 2GB RAM
[19:13:46] wagnerrp: what playback profile?
[19:14:29] vojta: vdpau normal, I tried to play with filters little bit but I didn't see any effect of that..
[19:14:52] wagnerrp: try using Slim (not VDPAU, software decoding)
[19:15:14] wagnerrp: it could be the nvidia decoder is not happy with your content
[19:15:21] wagnerrp: ffmpeg's decoder may operate better
[19:17:35] vojta: I tried but no success
[19:17:54] vojta: again, completely same performance
[19:18:08] wagnerrp: try with a different video player
[19:18:14] wagnerrp: it could be the broadcast just sucks
[19:19:03] vojta: well when I tried to play the record with different player or even different system, it was the same...
[19:19:15] vojta: that's why I was thinking that this might be backend-issue
[19:20:03] wagnerrp: the backend doesnt do anything to it, just copies it unaltered straight to disk
[19:20:41] wagnerrp: the tuner could be causing the stopping, if the demodulator is incapable of compensating for a weak signal
[19:20:59] stuartm: when you say 'grainy' do you mean like film grain or larger blocky distortions?
[19:21:00] wagnerrp: but its not going to cause graininess or sync issues
[19:21:03] vojta: alright, so then it is something on the way from tuner to backend, right?
[19:22:34] stuartm: sync, picture breakup and decoding aborting can all be symptoms of poor signal quality, the video will contain unrepairable errors
[19:24:51] kormoc: wagnerrp, yeah. It shouldn't' be required but I haven't poked into 5.4 with myth web yet
[19:25:59] vojta: stuartm, allright, it seems that that is the problem
[19:26:13] wagnerrp: im using 5.3 in trunk, but i doubt anything added to fixes would have bumped the requirement
[19:26:30] wagnerrp: vojta: what is?
[19:27:42] wagnerrp: failed demodulating can result in pauses and corrupted 16x16px blocks
[19:28:11] kormoc: I'd wager he changed his error_level in his config file
[19:28:15] wagnerrp: but thats more likely a poor broadcast, cheap antenna, or potentially just a low quality demod
[19:28:34] wagnerrp: its doubtful theres actually anything wrong with it that could be fixed
[19:29:02] wagnerrp: if its graininess, thats from the broadcaster, encoded that way before it hits the airways
[19:30:03] trumee (trumee! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:32:32] stuartm: signal quality can be improved by installing a better aerial or aligning the existing one correctly, it could be a feature of a faulty tuner card or a damaged/unshielded cable between the aerial and tuner
[19:32:54] stuartm: vojta: which tuner and country?
[19:44:17] wagnerrp: awesome... the latest #mythtv result on twitter is someone complaining that their softcam is failing on Sky+
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[19:46:20] Beirdo: wunderbar
[19:51:09] dekarl-has-prese (dekarl-has-prese!51c8c614@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[19:51:55] dekarl-has-prese: justinh: this one's for you
[19:52:18] ** dekarl-has-prese -has-presents-left-over-from-christmas... **
[19:52:27] vojta: ok, thanks guys for your help, I'll try to do something with that broadcast
[19:55:53] ontae: i/window
[19:56:38] dekarl-has-prese is now known as dekarl-too
[19:59:21] dekarl-too: #10023 ^-- faster time search, and no, I'm not going to put mysql's tmp on tmpfs... loading the guide takes almost 6gb of temp space
[20:00:17] Beirdo: I think for that, if you have taken the time to tune the mysql config, the amount of temp space on disk required will be quite a lot lower
[20:00:53] Beirdo: but people would rather mess with SSDs, ramdisks, etc, and even changing filesystems rather than just setting mysql up appropriately
[20:01:05] wagnerrp: why would each description be taking 48K?
[20:01:18] wagnerrp: i could understand 32K, or 64K, but 48?
[20:03:40] sphery: Wow, the ramfs for mysql thread goes on
[20:05:11] sphery: 48kB = 16k characters * 3B/char for UTF-8
[20:05:20] wagnerrp: not 2?
[20:05:24] dekarl-too: <- utf-8 is 3 byte per character in mysql, the column can take 16k and for temp tables the max length is allocated
[20:05:35] sphery: I plan to look at that ticket "soon"
[20:05:45] sphery: (where soon means after visitors and after some work travel)
[20:07:51] sphery: note that 3B/char is the max, though
[20:08:03] sphery: and, in theory, a mostly-latin1 data set will be closer to 1B/char
[20:08:17] dekarl-too: sphery, ... on disk ...
[20:09:33] sphery: what are they using in memory? if it's utf-8, it's max 3B/char
[20:09:41] sphery: if it's Unicode, it's 2B/char
[20:10:01] sphery: I was under the impression they used utf-8 in memory. too
[20:11:02] sphery: regardless, I do plan to look at your ticket, as it's probably an easy change that will help considerably for many users
[20:11:18] sphery: "probably" = I haven't done actual testing of its effects, yet
[20:11:22] Seeker`: bah, no dev for me tonight; mythbuntu's builds are behind trunk in DBSchema
[20:11:28] sphery: (and don't expect to see problems)
[20:11:43] dekarl-too: ahh, its the memory storage engine (for temporary tables, e.g. for sorting results and stuff) with disk backing that is using the fixed row size... its not for the caching in memory
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[20:12:14] sphery: yeah, that may well be
[20:12:30] sphery: it's rather limited in format
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[20:16:52] dekarl-too: btw, sphery, credits should go to you for figuring out whats making mfdb slow ;) I just applied the fix somewhere else . . . 62ab60827d70
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[20:27:56] sphery: wagnerrp: well, as far as the tmpfs approach for MySQL data, it would allow us to use ext4 with barriers
[20:28:29] sphery: as opposed to a HDD, where the barriers--that say to wait until the data is out of the on-disk memory and on the platter--are too slow
[20:28:54] sphery: seems it goes out of the on-memory memory and into the on-memory platter very fast, so barriers aren't a problem
[20:29:10] justinh: dekarl: ooo nice work
[20:30:05] wagnerrp: sphery: they really arent a problem if you arent recording on the same drive at the same time either
[20:31:07] sphery: so for the users whose mfdb is excrutiatingly slow on ext4 w/ barriers, they're probably recording or something at the same time
[20:31:16] justinh: dekarl: simple fix too, could probably patch 0.24-fixes here with that
[20:31:25] wagnerrp: sphery: no, but it simply doesnt matter either
[20:31:38] wagnerrp: since it should be running late at night where speed isnt a big concern
[20:31:56] wagnerrp: and its just sitting there on disk io, its not sucking down CPU or anything
[20:32:26] wagnerrp: although i guess heavy disk io is more likely to kill a disk than heavy cpu a processor
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[21:00:02] sphery: mdd?
[21:01:02] wagnerrp: ?
[21:01:07] jams: i would assume thats in reference to mythdroid
[21:01:20] jams: it has a component called mdd
[21:01:31] jams: but just a guess
[21:01:53] wagnerrp: jams: have you done much work accessing web APIs other than smolt?
[21:02:04] stuartm: wagnerrp: hmm, Sky+ is just their PVR, not a service per se – I suppose they mean Sky's videoguard encrypted channels
[21:02:21] sphery: ahhh
[21:02:28] sphery: yeah, was wondering about mythtv_mdd
[21:02:30] jams: did some with tableau..but it's a bit of amess
[21:02:49] stuartm: but whatever they actually mean is not important I guess
[21:03:03] lautriv (lautriv! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:03:06] wagnerrp: ah, didnt know if you did that much
[21:03:17] trumee_ (trumee_! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:03:26] lautriv: anyone using mythtv-mdd (perl part for remote)
[21:03:43] wagnerrp: came across a strange one trying to hit the tmdb v3 api
[21:04:03] wagnerrp: i had to say i accepted 'application/json' in the headers, or else it would just give me 404s
[21:05:10] jams: i could see that
[21:05:40] jams: not for sure about the 404 part, but the json piece makes sense
[21:05:43] wagnerrp: strangely, it would only give me 404s about 90% of the time
[21:05:49] wagnerrp: it would occasionally work
[21:06:03] jams: now that makes no sense, unless their is a load balancer in play
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[21:06:18] wagnerrp: hosted on amazon, so potentially
[21:06:20] jams: it can be setup so that you don't need the header
[21:06:27] jams: ah.
[21:06:33] jams: i would guess thats the case
[21:06:50] justinh: lautriv: I'm about to play with it. mythdroid is impotent without it, it seems
[21:07:07] jams: working with amazon clouds is always unpredictable.
[21:07:49] jams: got a few apps that we run there..well outsourced to a third party and they decided to run at amazon. Can't go into details but it behaves strangly at times.
[21:08:40] lautriv: justinh, actually i passed all tests on a backend but get no permission on database from the frontends, looks like it'll parse /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt but fail while regular frontends are working since ages.
[21:09:21] justinh: lautriv: dunno. best take it up with the mythdroid guy
[21:09:56] jams: i have heard that mythdroid uses vlc to stream video.
[21:10:07] lautriv: justinh, is there anywhere an appropirate channel on IRC ?
[21:13:41] justinh: don't think so. google code or bust
[21:15:01] ** justinh looks at the archive... meh. can't be bothered **
[21:15:18] justinh: might wait til the API is upon us proper :-)
[21:26:43] lautriv: <censored> mdd seems to grab none or the wrong pass, a manual mysql -h someserver -u mythtv -p mythconverg works like expected :(
[21:27:44] blscearce (blscearce!~blscearce@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:29:46] blscearce: My myth frontend video card stopped working last night. Should I buy an nvidia 220, 430 or 520 to replace it?
[21:30:55] lautriv: blscearce, any NV will fit myth's needs
[21:31:25] blscearce: lautriv, thanks.
[21:33:21] lautriv: blscearce, i have some diskless blackboxes with just intel i815 and they work fine (except HDTV which is a speed-problem, but there are not much good channels on HD right now)
[21:44:13] loganirc (loganirc! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:44:29] loganirc: does anyone know what port I need to open in the firewall for upnp
[21:45:06] wagnerrp: loganirc: upnp operates inside your filewall, you should not be opening external access to it
[21:45:42] loganirc: yes, but the server has a firewall running
[21:45:50] wagnerrp: what for?
[21:46:14] loganirc: just an extra layer of security I suppose
[21:47:00] loganirc: sounds like it might be port 1900
[21:47:16] wagnerrp: an internal firewall is only going to protect you from yourself
[21:48:58] loganirc: probably true
[21:49:30] loganirc: I would just allow ssh external traffic to the server
[21:51:09] loganirc: o.k. so how can I check if UPnP is working now
[21:51:26] lautriv: anyone aroud who successfully installed mdd on a frontend ?
[21:51:37] wagnerrp: see if a upnp client can access it
[22:00:19] loganirc: yeah should be some way to test it
[22:06:37] loganirc: wonder if vlc would connnect or something
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[22:39:35] loganirc: o.k. so UPNP seems to work well, except I can't fast forward. I am connecting with a samsung TV
[22:40:20] loganirc: is there some way to configure that or is that a limitation of mythtv
[22:42:43] skd5aner: nice – . . . /002560.html  – although he meant from "release" to "profile"
[22:46:23] jkfod (jkfod!~Greg_od@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:50:17] skd5aner: wagnerrp: ping...
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[22:52:16] k-man: since I did an upgrade of debian and of mythtv fixes, I get this error in mythweb:
[22:52:24] k-man: any ideas where I should look to fix it?
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[22:53:40] lis0r (lis0r! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:55:12] dekarl: lis0r: a quickly google search hints at looking at "feinfo" values, maybe via dvbsnoop, but I've never done that. If you are in live tv you can enable the signal monitor with ALT+F7 (if that's not caught by your window manager) IIRC
[22:56:25] lis0r: dekarl: thanks – now if only I had a keyboard hooked up to it
[22:56:40] dekarl: the value that you are looking is the uncorrectable errors (UNC) and slightly less the count of discontinuities (only in feinfo IIRC) and the BER
[22:57:11] dekarl: got a free button on your remote? ;)
[22:57:38] skd5aner: was mythmusic that last component of MythTV proper/plugins to need conversion to Qt4?
[22:59:07] sgsax (sgsax! has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:59:44] lis0r: dekarl: sadly, not :(
[23:00:20] lis0r: my remote's a kinda crummy hama silver thingy – somewhat sparse on buttons :(
[23:01:03] lis0r: and I'm way to tired to be hacking the horrible daemon I cooked up that translates from it to mythtv compatible key presses
[23:01:52] dekarl: lis0r: why not simply hook up a usb/bt keyboard for debugging?
[23:02:18] streeter (streeter!streeter@nat/redhat/x-uhmmtotgduebctgz) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:02:34] lis0r: dekarl: my girlfriend gets cross when I pinch her keyboard :( probably should get some spare keyboards that aren't archaic PS/2 ones
[23:05:12] devinheitmueller: lis0r: here you go: . . . cr_pr_sims_t
[23:05:23] devinheitmueller: You said you only needed one button, right?
[23:05:31] lis0r: heh
[23:05:56] lis0r: I wonder if I can rig that to restore the hard drive for an image, for those occasions when the front-end decides to Linux itself 5 minutes before Dr Who starts
[23:06:30] devinheitmueller: lis0r: sure, just tie it to a macro which does "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1"....
[23:06:35] devinheitmueller: .... or something like that....
[23:06:47] devinheitmueller: ;-)
[23:07:05] lis0r: yeah, and no doubt I press Alt-F4 for extra IRC smileys, right? :P
[23:07:17] Cardoe (Cardoe!~Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:08:33] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has left #mythtv-users ()
[23:08:42] lis0r: awww
[23:08:52] skd5aner: surely not
[23:20:46] stuartm: skd5aner: yes, mythmusic should have been the last code to use qt3support
[23:21:11] skd5aner: stuartm: thanks – thought so, but just wanted to confirm (for bragging rights for you guys)
[23:22:39] stuartm: not sure how much bragging can be done, it only took us 3? years and we've finished just as QT 5 is being readied for release
[23:23:17] Oleg_: networks like showtime and hbo don't have mid-season breaks for their TV shows, but regular broadcast networks do?
[23:24:18] Oleg_: 'cause I noticed that Showtime TV shows usually have 12 episodes for each of their seasons, but CW TV shows usually have 22 episodes for each of their season
[23:24:25] jams: Oleg_- depends on the show, but yeah it happens.
[23:24:38] stuartm: the mid-season break think is to clear the schedules for sports?
[23:24:42] stuartm: s/think/thing/
[23:25:52] jams: yep. Another thing that happens is the network only orders 12 shows at a time. Depending on how they do they might order the rest.
[23:25:57] dekarl: Should we change the default SIGNALMON keybinding from Alt+F7 to something else as it isnt working on MythBuntu out of the box? e.g.
[23:26:12] stuartm: Oleg_: it's not a hard and fast rule, but generally the better the production quality the less episodes they can afford to make :)
[23:26:14] Oleg_: not 12 shows, but 12 episodes for each show
[23:26:32] jams: right
[23:28:08] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[23:31:23] Oleg_: stuartm, you mean, if they spend a lot of money for each episode, they can't afford to make more episodes for each season?
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[23:48:41] lautriv: ok, so far i got that mdd configured, but if i select video in mythweb, it tells me to create a symlink from data/video ?
[23:50:28] lautriv: nvm, found that part too.
[23:55:07] loganirc: I am accessing my mythtv via samsung tv with UPnP. which seems to work o.k. except I cannot fast forward or rewind
[23:55:36] loganirc: should FF and RW work?
[23:56:16] loganirc: ?
[23:58:02] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:58:40] iamlindoro: loganirc: That's dependent entirely on your client-- Myth's uPnP implementation supports it fine
[23:58:52] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has joined #mythtv-users

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