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Friday, December 30th, 2011, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:00] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:00:00] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[00:00:24] wagnerrp: once you refresh the page, it behaves properly
[00:00:32] darkdrgn2k: yeh... thats what i recon..
[00:00:55] wagnerrp: looks like theres also a problem with the file browser, it hides the leading '.' in hidden directories
[00:01:54] wagnerrp: no, scratch that
[00:02:21] wagnerrp: its pulling up the filesystem on the backend serving the page, rather than the host you have listed
[00:03:39] wagnerrp: well dont worry about it for now
[00:03:56] wagnerrp: theres a lot of testing and additional capability that will need to go into this thing before its ready for general use
[00:04:06] darkdrgn2k: k
[00:04:24] darkdrgn2k: (Arg how do you get the recoded programs in mythweb to sort by default catagory again)
[00:04:35] wagnerrp: it will likely be disbaled at least in part in 0.25
[00:04:44] darkdrgn2k: ooo nm
[00:04:46] darkdrgn2k: foudn it
[00:04:55] darkdrgn2k: now.. back to missing recordings
[00:05:21] kwisher (kwisher! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:09:09] darkdrgn2k: i confirmed the file name thats int he databse is in the slaves recordin directory
[00:09:25] darkdrgn2k: arg hostname is wrong..
[00:09:34] darkdrgn2k: is there any way to rescan recordings?
[00:09:42] wagnerrp: nope
[00:09:53] darkdrgn2k: so i have to change them manually?
[00:09:57] wagnerrp: generally, recordings arent supposed to move between backends
[00:10:44] darkdrgn2k: any problem doing update recorded hostname='mythttv3' where hostname='MythHD'
[00:11:35] wagnerrp: the normal danger of manual tinkering in the database
[00:11:54] darkdrgn2k: hostname is not a primary key for another table in recorded right :-P
[00:12:29] darkdrgn2k: lol looking good :)
[00:12:43] wagnerrp: i believe you can change the hostname without any other harm
[00:13:04] darkdrgn2k: well see if a temeral hole opens now and swallows me alive....
[00:13:07] Pluribus (Pluribus! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[00:16:47] slowone (slowone! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:17:37] darkdrgn2k: grr
[00:17:42] Guest8655 (Guest8655! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:17:51] darkdrgn2k: any idea why my livetv (osd and all) is showing 4:3?
[00:18:30] darkdrgn2k: wierd.. mn??!?!?
[00:18:42] Guest8655 (Guest8655! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:18:47] slowone: Hi, recently I have noticed my mytvtv menus are ghosting through to tv programs I am watching, only on the red channel. It did not do this before. video card going bad, some magic setting I missed (.24 fixes with vdpau atom front end)
[00:19:03] slowone: any ideas or advice?
[00:19:17] sphery: darkdrgn2k: if you're running unstable/development, it's because you're running unstable/development code
[00:19:26] wagnerrp: :)
[00:19:39] darkdrgn2k: sphery: then so be it :) just want to make sure its not some kinda black magic i DONT know about lol
[00:20:07] sphery: slowone: what playback profile/video renderer?
[00:22:02] sphery: oops, seems I didn't get the to address properly removed from the reply I tried to send to -users
[00:22:07] sphery: (list)
[00:22:14] slowone: 2x temporal
[00:22:39] slowone: i think
[00:22:46] sphery: that's a deinterlacer
[00:22:49] sphery: what's the video renderer
[00:23:04] sphery: or, assuming you haven't edited the profiles within it, what playback profile group are you using?
[00:23:14] slowone: then its whatever the default in deb-multimedia
[00:23:17] sphery: i.e. VDPAU Slim or ?
[00:23:28] sphery: if you're using the default that's almost definitely the problem
[00:23:38] slowone: its one of the vdpau ones I cant remember
[00:24:02] sphery: mythfrontend Utilities/Setup|Setup|TV Settings|Playbck, 3rd screen, then make sure you're using either Slim (if you don't have VDPAU) or VDPAU – Slim
[00:24:33] sphery: (technically, any VDPAU one should work fine, presuming your video card is sufficiently powerful for the selected group)
[00:24:47] slowone: one of the first get atom/ions
[00:24:50] slowone: gen*
[00:24:50] sphery: but if you're using any kind of CPU+ or anything, that will break all sorts of things
[00:25:15] slowone: i shoulda waited tell i was at home so i could check!! sorry
[00:25:17] sphery: try vdpau slim for now, then, if it works, you can bump up to medium or high until you see issues
[00:25:22] slowone: ok
[00:25:53] slowone: thanks, i will play around with vdpau settings once i get home from work
[00:25:53] sphery: anyway, what you're describing sounds like chromakey issues that I'd expect to see with an XvMC or something
[00:26:03] sphery: i.e. what you'd get with the defaults
[00:30:14] darkdrgn2k: storage groups are driving my nutz lol
[00:30:50] darkdrgn2k: does capitalization matter in hostnames for storage groups
[00:31:24] Dorward_ is now known as Dorward
[00:38:32] darkdrgn2k: is there a way to clearout the vidoe database in myth?
[00:38:52] wagnerrp: remove the storage groups, scan
[00:41:15] darkdrgn2k: 2011-12–29 19:41:02.130528 E Original query failed, but resend with empty strings in place of NULL strings worked.
[00:41:16] darkdrgn2k: ??
[00:42:10] iamlindoro: That message means "Don't use master if you're not going to read the commits"
[00:43:01] wagnerrp: if nothing else, its simple enough to 'git grep' that string, find the code, and figure out what it means
[00:43:23] iamlindoro: And then to fix it and be useful
[00:46:06] russell5 (russell5! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:47:56] darkdrgn2k: yeh.. now i got duplicat videos...
[00:48:06] darkdrgn2k: iamlindoro: understood
[00:50:41] antgel (antgel! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[00:51:01] sphery: darkdrgn2k: it means there's a bug in the code where it uses a null value in a prepared query for a column that's not allowed to be null\
[00:51:52] sphery: meaning you need to find exactly which code issued the SQL statement (meaning you need to know which sql statement failed, based on log output), and then fix the code to properly initialize its data
[01:01:11] ah (ah!~ah@unaffiliated/aidanhammond) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[01:10:18] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:10:46] [R]: oh man, had what appeared to be a ground loop on my hdpvr video... was driving me nuts... finally fixed it
[01:26:37] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:36:45] darkdrgn2k: hmm
[01:36:48] darkdrgn2k: is this normal
[01:36:48] darkdrgn2k: Mem: 5598244 5474292 123952 0 161548 4029564
[01:37:00] darkdrgn2k: its the cached that makes the high number ok right?
[01:39:52] jkfod (jkfod!~Greg_od@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:44:33] wagnerrp: cached memory is effectively free memory
[01:45:20] LedHed (LedHed! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[01:49:32] darkdrgn2k: that what i thought...
[01:49:38] darkdrgn2k: anyway to rescan covers in a folder?
[01:50:31] wagnerrp: there is a batch metadata scanner accessible through the 'm' menu
[01:50:44] wagnerrp: or you can configure it to be automatically run after a file scan
[01:50:53] wagnerrp: each new file will only be processed once
[01:51:07] wagnerrp: after which it is marked as processed, and will be ignored on further runs by the scanner
[01:51:12] darkdrgn2k: "retriece all details"
[01:51:17] darkdrgn2k: retreive even
[01:51:45] darkdrgn2k: dam thing seg faulted on me
[01:52:40] wagnerrp: post a backtrace
[01:54:00] darkdrgn2k: i dont even know where the core would be
[01:54:19] wagnerrp: normally shows up in whatever directory you ran mythfrontend from
[01:54:28] darkdrgn2k: yeh i checked not there
[01:55:04] darkdrgn2k: [68576.331769] mythfrontend[14935] general protection ip:7fc22851b5de sp:7fff5e63dd40 error:0 in[7fc2284e8000+92000]
[02:06:04] cryptide: what are my options again for using a low powered cpu for a frontend? I tried the slim profile on the playback settings and I am still unwatchable
[02:06:18] davide_ (davide_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:06:18] davide_ (davide_! has quit (Changing host)
[02:06:18] davide_ (davide_!~david@mythtv/developer/gigem) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:06:21] wagnerrp: do you have a mini-pcie slot?
[02:07:14] cryptide: wagnerrp: not sure, lemme check
[02:07:58] wagnerrp: or an expresscard slot? (not pcmcia or cardbus)
[02:11:31] russell5 (russell5! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:11:35] darrylb123 (darrylb123!cb04a906@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[02:14:16] darkdrgn2k: curiouse, what could u get for expressbus
[02:14:28] wagnerrp: a crystalhd card
[02:14:49] cryptide: wagnerrp: i'm not sure, i don't think so. The ibm site specs aren't as verbose as I'd like.
[02:14:59] darrylb123: I want to 'multicast' a sports broadcast to multiple clients. At present using Live TV takes a tuner for each client. I don't have enough tuners. I thought that if I could record the broadcast but throw away anything older than 5 minutes might be a good alternative. Any ideas
[02:15:09] wagnerrp: cryptide: what model do you have?
[02:15:26] wagnerrp: darrylb123: does it need to be live?
[02:15:35] cryptide: wagnerrp: thinkpad r50p 1832
[02:15:48] darkdrgn2k: darrylb123: you could record the channel then watch the recording, just catch up to where its recoreded to
[02:16:21] cryptide: wagnerrp: . . . GR-58525#exp
[02:16:42] wagnerrp: cryptide: no, youve got old cardbus ports
[02:16:53] wagnerrp: a crystalhd card is not an option
[02:16:58] darrylb123: not really, It is the cricket. It goes for 5 days over many hour sessions. I don't really need old sessions. I want to be able to look at the current recoding stream without having to fast forward hours to find the end of the recording.
[02:17:10] darkdrgn2k: darrylb123: or forgo myth and do vlc broadcast
[02:17:14] wagnerrp: so... if what you have isnt cutting it, youre left with nothing but upgrading
[02:18:01] cryptide: wagnerrp: ok, so is it just because my source material is HD?
[02:18:04] darkdrgn2k: darrylb123: then you can even multicast :-P
[02:18:05] wagnerrp: darrylb123: mythtv records everything. now you can tell mythtv to schedule recording everything, and then individually select the match you want to view on each frontend, but i doubt thats what youre looking for
[02:18:32] wagnerrp: as darkdrgn2k mentions, multicast through VLC is probably your best option
[02:18:34] darkdrgn2k: <cryptide>: hd is very resource intensive if it cant be offloaded to gfx card or something
[02:18:59] darkdrgn2k: like crystalhd apperntly :)
[02:19:05] wagnerrp: no, its not very resource intensive... hes just trying to do it on a midrange 6yr old laptop
[02:19:16] cryptide: hehe
[02:19:39] wagnerrp: HD MPEG2 is actually fairly easy to pull off, but hes about 25% too under powered to do it
[02:19:44] darrylb123: I thought if I could just keep truncating the recording using User Jobs it might be good enough. But it seems that User Jobs only start at the end of the recording.
[02:20:04] darkdrgn2k: <wagnerrp>: compaierd to sd its resource intensiver
[02:20:14] wagnerrp: darrylb123: truncating... i do not believe that means what you think it means
[02:20:19] darkdrgn2k: darrylb123: then seek tables and stuf would break
[02:20:36] cryptide: i wonder if stringing a giant HDMI cable down from my attic is the best option :P
[02:20:55] wagnerrp: cryptide: do you have any spare PCs laying around?
[02:21:04] wagnerrp: of any age
[02:21:27] cryptide: wagnerrp: yep a pentium d 805 2.6ghz
[02:21:41] wagnerrp: that will be marginal, but likely sufficient
[02:21:58] cryptide: i'm just not crazy about the noise
[02:22:08] wagnerrp: better option... that means youve got a case, power supply, and other stuff, and you only need to replace the guts
[02:22:35] darrylb123: <darkdrgn2k> thought that might be the case. I will look at the VLC option. It seems that VLC on Fedora is compiled with the --dvb* though.
[02:22:45] wagnerrp: go on newegg, pick up a $40 Matx board, $60 dual core Athlon II, $20 of DDR3, and a $25 nVidia card
[02:23:08] cryptide: i could just move my backend down into my entertainment center
[02:23:19] wagnerrp: $150 gets you some fairly nice guts, plenty capable of any recording you might throw at it
[02:23:25] lyricnz (lyricnz! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:23:29] wagnerrp: and at the low end of what is sufficient for bluray
[02:23:40] simcop2387 (simcop2387!~simcop238@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Excess Flood)
[02:23:52] simcop2387 (simcop2387!~simcop238@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:25:02] darkdrgn2k: cryptide: its not the backend, recording HD isnt to bad, its playing it :-P
[02:27:45] cryptide: my backend is AMD Phenom(tm) II X2 550 Processor, 4gb RAM, Radeon HD 5700
[02:28:10] cryptide: I stuck it in a closet on my second story
[02:28:14] wagnerrp: radeon... eew
[02:28:34] cryptide: it has access to the attic where my OTA antenna comes down to the HDHomeRun
[02:28:51] cryptide: wagnerrp: all of these computers have been given to me
[02:29:02] cryptide: so i use what i can
[02:29:23] wagnerrp: if you are going to use it as a frontend, you would be well advised to replace that card with a GT210 or so
[02:29:33] wagnerrp: you can readily find them on sale for $20-$25
[02:31:22] cryptide: what is bad about that card?
[02:32:10] wagnerrp: its not made by nvidia
[02:32:25] wagnerrp: more specifically, it cant use nvidia drivers
[02:32:36] wagnerrp: ATI linux drivers are traditionally garbage
[02:32:43] wagnerrp: theyre getting better now that AMD bought them
[02:32:45] cryptide: good to know
[02:32:50] wagnerrp: but theyve still got a long way to go
[02:33:07] wagnerrp: and for $25, youll save yourself a lot of headache
[02:33:25] voyo (voyo! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:33:57] cryptide: i wish this thing was so loud
[02:34:05] cryptide: wasn't*
[02:35:11] StevenR_ (StevenR_! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[02:35:56] StevenR (StevenR! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:36:14] cryptide: what are my other options for a cheap frontend? xbox or something?
[02:36:32] voyo: hi, I have trouble setup properly mythtv for multirecord, have two tunners (DVB-S2) , and dish with DiSEqC (two satelites). can someone help me with this?
[02:36:47] wagnerrp: the cheapest you might find a "frontend" is going to be a upnp box
[02:36:53] wagnerrp: which is still going to start around $100
[02:37:04] wagnerrp: versus maybe $200-$250 for a full pc
[02:37:45] voyo: I think mythtv-setup is not working properly, when Im trying to add more than one input..
[02:39:53] voyo: can someone with more than one tunner show me his dump of cardinput table please ?
[02:40:41] cryptide: wagnerrp: so that will just stream from the backend. no live or scheduling?
[02:42:04] wagnerrp: correct
[02:43:21] cryptide: wagnerrp: I have something like that setup with my roku. I got it working most of the time, but some channels the video is out of sync with the audio.
[02:44:21] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[02:45:27] cryptide: voyo: not sure what is will do for you: . . . in-3.3.2deb1
[02:48:12] voyo: cryptide: this is multirecord with one tunner or 3 cards ? can you show me yet 'capturecard' ?
[02:51:59] iamlindoro: voyo: Please don't modify your database-- you are only going to break things. You need to figure out your setup in the UI, not by blindly modifying the database
[02:52:04] cryptide: voyo: i have an hdhomerun which has two tuners. Not sure why it shows 3.
[02:53:38] voyo: iamindoro : my mythtv-setup is not working correctly. its removing previously added entries when Im trying to setup something more complex than single input for each tunnercard
[02:54:11] iamlindoro: mythtv-setup is capable of more complex setups that a single input per tuner card
[02:54:22] voyo: tnx cryptide. its slightly different, Im using DVB cards.. :(
[02:54:22] iamlindoro: in fact, mythtv-setup is capable of setting up every configuration mythtv supports
[02:55:05] darkdrgn2k: hey
[02:55:12] darkdrgn2k: what do you think of a Zotac ZBOXSD-ID12-U Barebone – Intel Atom D525 Dual-Core 1.8GHz, 2x DDR3 Memory Slots, Intel GMA 3150 w/HDMI, Gigabit Lan, Wireless 802.11n/g/b as a front end
[02:55:15] voyo: Imlindoro maybe, but its not working for me , thats why Im trying to setup this manually :(
[02:55:29] darkdrgn2k: Intel GMA 3150 has no acceleration right?
[02:55:33] wagnerrp: darkdrgn2k: not much
[02:55:45] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has quit (Quit: kormoc)
[02:55:53] iamlindoro: not working for you implies you're doing something incorrect-- so figure out where you're going wrong, we don't support you once you start manually manipulating your DB
[02:57:40] wagnerrp: darkdrgn2k: an Atom itself is next to worthless, and unusable by mythtv without hardware acceleration
[02:57:57] darkdrgn2k: and the intel has not acceleration
[02:58:00] darkdrgn2k: right
[02:58:11] darkdrgn2k: at least no nix drivers for accel
[02:58:22] wagnerrp: if you insist on such an underpowered system, you need one paired with an nVidia chip, or one of the recently released 2500/2700s
[02:58:28] wagnerrp: which support VAAPI
[02:58:36] darkdrgn2k: any suggestions for a small footprint front end?
[02:59:40] Vollstrecker_ (Vollstrecker_! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[02:59:49] wagnerrp: an older mac mini
[02:59:58] darkdrgn2k: reall? mac?
[03:00:25] voyo: iamlindoro: maybe I am doing something wrongly.. but Im not newbie with mythtv, I know db structures quite good. I suspect or it a bug in my myth version , or its some left-over in my db , which was upgraded many times (by previous myth instalations). so – Im just trying to see how it "should" look like. anyway running mythtv-setup with some verbose=database arguments shows some suspectable "delete from cardinput" :-/
[03:00:33] wagnerrp: not the latest version, but one of the older versions with nvidia graphics
[03:00:39] Vollstrecker_ (Vollstrecker_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:00:47] darkdrgn2k: voyo: if you edited the database you already did something wrong period
[03:01:13] darkdrgn2k: voyo: rememer database structure has no relational logic... you need to couple it with the logic in the code to really understand it..
[03:02:08] voyo: darkdrgn2k: I would look for Zotac IONITX-F-E board, its small ,and have vdapu support.
[03:02:33] wagnerrp: i would look for something with a worthwhile processor, but thats just me
[03:02:47] darkdrgn2k: again wagnerrp – any suggestions
[03:02:59] wagnerrp: why do you need 'small form factor'?
[03:03:25] darkdrgn2k: space next to the tv is at a premium
[03:03:34] wagnerrp: what about space behind the tv?
[03:03:49] wagnerrp: you dont have an equipment cabinet next to the tv with receivers, dvd players, etc...?
[03:03:59] voyo: darkdrgn2k: dont worry, I have backups. and I KNOW what is in MY database. (mostly). also I able to read some C code too. Im just asking how it 'should look like'.
[03:04:24] darkdrgn2k: voyo: just saying,......
[03:05:02] darkdrgn2k: able and actualy doing it are two differn tthings lol
[03:07:30] voyo: dont be such smartass... so maybe give me some good url with explanation how to setup multirecording with two DVB cards (but with capability of recording more than one form same multiplex) and yet DiSEqC – with second satelite. ?
[03:08:05] darkdrgn2k: not a smart as... im saying
[03:08:31] darkdrgn2k: when i say " the logic is in the code" and you say "i am able to read code" the two things dont go together
[03:09:14] darkdrgn2k: when i had my sat hooked up i did it
[03:09:41] darkdrgn2k: the multi recording from one transwhatever its called is a check bo
[03:09:52] darkdrgn2k: everything else is pritty strait forward.. just dont esc the wrong screens...
[03:10:15] darkdrgn2k: (TRANSPONDER thats it)
[03:10:33] darkdrgn2k: again havnet done it in over a year since SASC died
[03:10:43] darkdrgn2k: DOH! i mean since my DVB card dried..
[03:10:55] wagnerrp: uh... huh...
[03:11:01] voyo: sasc is not died. Im using it. with fresh kernel.
[03:11:24] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o iamlindoro
[03:11:32] voyo has been kicked from #mythtv-users by iamlindoro!~iamlindor@mythtv/developer/iamlindoro ("READ THE CHANNEL RULES")
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[03:11:48] Mode for #mythtv-users by iamlindoro!~iamlindor@mythtv/developer/iamlindoro : +b *!*voyo@*
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[03:12:03] ** iamlindoro dusts himself off **
[03:12:13] iamlindoro: anyone want to talk about what a jackbooted thug I am?
[03:12:35] mrguitar: I'm having an issue w/ 0.24.1. My HDHR is off and unplugged but both tuners still show as local to the server. Any ideas why?
[03:12:46] mrguitar: restarting mythbackend has no effect
[03:13:23] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: youre such a jackbooted thug, how dare you stand in the way of satellite theft
[03:13:38] iamlindoro: therrrre we go
[03:14:02] iamlindoro: mrguitar: Why wouldn't they? They're still defined in your database
[03:16:07] mrguitar: historically tuners could be defined but if they weren't available myth wouldn't still try to use them
[03:16:39] iamlindoro: That's the case with directly attached tuners, or when you tell MythTV to keep the devices open at all times
[03:17:07] iamlindoro: The two possibilities are that you've set the backend not to hold open the devices (set in mythtv-setup) or that networked tuners don't actually perform that check
[03:18:37] mrguitar: hrm. I just check in mythtv-setup and under IP Address: it shows the HDHR's device ID
[03:18:42] mrguitar: <facepalm>
[03:18:48] mrguitar: user error strikes again
[03:20:59] mrguitar: ok question number 2
[03:21:49] mrguitar: I'm adding a second hdhr and I only record OTA, is it recommended to use the same video source for all tuners?
[03:22:06] mrguitar: That's the way I've always set it up, but I just want to make sure
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[03:26:07] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: "fixes" post commit hook seems not to work.
[03:26:18] iamlindoro: at least, if the fix is the backport
[03:26:30] iamlindoro: perhaps we're only watching master for the post-commits?
[03:28:10] wagnerrp: what ticket?
[03:29:20] iamlindoro: 10176
[03:29:46] wagnerrp: ah, i see it
[03:29:49] iamlindoro: I ref'd in master, applied the same fix to .24, and "fixes"'d the commit, but nothing
[03:30:05] iamlindoro: ref got picked up, fixes didn't, I'm thinking maybe because of the branch
[03:30:36] iamlindoro: sommmmeone bannned is whoising meeeee
[03:30:50] ** iamlindoro waits for the "stupid american" remarks **
[03:30:57] iamlindoro: ah, my cloak is on, yay
[03:34:21] mrguitar: iamlindoro: ping. Am I thinking the right way about video sources?
[03:38:04] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: yep... 03:23:31, wsgi error in the logs
[03:38:07] iamlindoro: mrguitar: If your tuners are all digital, and all record the same medium, then yes, you should use one video source
[03:47:14] mrguitar: ok thanks for the sanity check
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[04:07:29] darkdrgn2k: #@$%#@ 3nvidia killing my sound when x crashes
[04:07:30] darkdrgn2k: :(
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[04:08:13] darkdrgn2k: any one know of a fix for it by any chance lol
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[04:27:34] DeviceZer0: so I was in here lastnight asking about broken timetables in my hdhr recordings....someone mentioned project I've gotten project x installed but have no idea what I need to do to "fix" my recordings
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[04:48:00] DeviceZer0: does %FILE% from: provide just the file name...or the full path/to/filename.mpg ?
[04:48:59] wagnerrp: just the file
[04:49:09] wagnerrp: hence why there is a %DIR%
[04:50:09] DeviceZer0: ok. I wasnt sure. thanks wagnerrp
[04:50:48] DeviceZer0: I want to try and figure out a solution to: run the file through projectx to a tmp dir...then move it back in place of the original file...then rerun the index command to reindex it
[04:51:03] DeviceZer0: will prob just be a file with one command per line lol
[04:51:29] DeviceZer0: any are you familar with projectx? I found this command: ProjectX.jar -tom2p file.mpg
[04:51:37] wagnerrp: nope
[04:51:40] DeviceZer0: damn.
[04:51:47] kisak: exit
[04:51:51] kisak: gah
[04:51:52] DeviceZer0: I couldnt find any of those options from the cli
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[05:48:51] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Also, it prevents VIDEO_TS and BDMV parsing/playback from working
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[06:05:23] Oleg_: Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah
[06:10:26] [R]: Oleg_: you're a few days late on both...
[06:12:25] Oleg_: yes
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[06:27:08] wagnerrp: Beirdo: does it seem odd to you that mailman would be taking half a GB of memory?
[06:33:52] Beirdo: hehe, sounds a bit high
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[07:09:05] [R]: i love watching interlaced video without a deinterlacer
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[10:19:02] dekarl: hmm doesnt like me , looks like the python bindings don't find the backend/database. Is there anything special I have to do but copy the script from the wiki into a file? (running master as of some days ago on mythbuntu)
[10:22:25] dekarl: I don't have a security PIN assigned, ahh
[10:23:53] wagnerrp: not quite the error i would expect
[10:23:56] dekarl: If find_orphans fails with HTTP error 500, check if you have an empty (denied for everyone) PIN assigned (default)
[10:24:06] wagnerrp: with no PIN assigned, the UPNP autodetection is disabled
[10:24:17] wagnerrp: and the backend will never hand out the relevant credentials
[10:24:22] wagnerrp: with a PIN of 0000, it allows all
[10:24:31] dekarl: after setting the PIN to 0000 (free for all) find_orphans works. (without backend restart)
[10:24:58] wagnerrp: i should add some error handling to fall back to the default there
[10:25:05] wagnerrp: rather than faulting out completely
[10:25:14] wagnerrp: UPNP detection is only run once
[10:25:27] wagnerrp: after which the connection data is stored to ~/.mythtv/config.xml
[10:25:40] wagnerrp: from which it gets read each subsequent run
[10:29:17] dekarl: oh cool, I have a config.xml :)
[10:29:17] dekarl: and it contains something... mythbuntu left me with an empty but existing file in /etc/mythtv that is symlinked to /home/mythtv/.mythtv
[10:33:01] prologic: hmm I'm trying out the huludesktop
[10:33:07] prologic: but am having problems getting the remote to work in it
[10:33:09] prologic: any ideas ?
[10:33:24] wagnerrp: try in #huludesktop
[10:33:41] ** wagnerrp goes to bed **
[10:34:12] prologic: funny man :)
[10:34:15] prologic: g'night wagnerrp
[10:40:20] antgel: hi all. trying to add xmltvids for new dvb channels that i've scanned in.
[10:40:37] antgel: tried tv_grab_uk_rt --list-channels | grep 'channel id' |wc -l and it only lists 46 channels
[10:41:37] antgel: yet implies that tv_grab_uk_rt --list-channels shows all available xmltvids, but it's not true.
[10:42:05] antgel: do i just have to run a tv_grab_uk_rt --configure again and answer y/n a million times?  :(
[10:45:01] dekarl: antgel: is that DVB-T or DVB-S ?
[10:45:45] dekarl: oh and yes, you have to make the channels visible in the configuration. either with an y/n orgy or by manualy editing the config
[10:46:18] dekarl: (thats a generic xmltv answer, I don't know about special _uk_rt tricks)
[10:56:15] wagnerrp: prologic: wasnt trying to be funny, hulu desktop just has nothing to do with mythtv
[10:57:35] dekarl: but #mythtv-users appears to be the only linux media related channel where people care ;)
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[10:59:16] prologic: yeah
[10:59:20] prologic: what dekarl said :0
[10:59:37] prologic: got it working anyway
[10:59:49] prologic: just trying to grab a copy of unclutter to see if it'll hide the X cursor for me :)
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[11:32:55] prologic: hmm
[11:33:02] prologic: no idea how to hide the X mouse pointer
[11:33:04] prologic: damnit :/
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[12:42:30] stuartm: prologic: hide it where? mythfrontend will hide it if configured to do so (and in 0.25 will automatically hide after a few seconds if the mouse isn't used)
[12:44:47] prologic: yeah it's okay
[12:44:53] prologic: I meant in an external app
[12:45:00] prologic: launched by mythfrontend
[12:45:09] prologic: finally got unclutter to work so all good :)
[12:46:03] prologic: after playing around with MythNetVision and I found that getting the linux hulu desktop integrated into the mythfrontend was a better way to go – better usability ihmo
[12:47:06] prologic: I think the lack of good "machine data" limits the usefulness and usability of MNV – ie: I can't expect my partner to know how to create feeds and update sitemaps, edit files, etc
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[13:59:23] Guest21648: Hi. I'm having trouble with my usb digital dual tuner. I have the drivers / firmware, and there are two device nodes (/dev/adapter0/ and /dev/adapter1/), but they don't work properly in mythtv.
[14:01:03] Guest21648: If I try to list them as mpeg2 devices, I can get through to setup to the channel scan. It looks through all of them, the signal is stuck at 99%, and the scan at 5%. It does it quickly, and I get a message saying that no new channels have been found. All of them are then added to the channel list, with their details listed as unknown.
[14:06:37] dekarl: Guest21648: that would be Freeview in the UK?
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[14:09:24] Guest21648: Yes.
[14:09:31] sphery: Guest21648: unless it's an ivtv-based analog encoder, you don't want MPEG type device
[14:10:14] Guest21648: Ah, what should I list it as? I tried HD to being with, since it should be capable of recording HD video, but it wouldn't let me scan for channels.
[14:10:55] sphery: I'm guessing (since you said "digital" tuner) you want DVB DTV capture card (v3.x)
[14:11:09] sphery: not to mention /dev/adapter*
[14:11:13] sphery: so, yeah, you want DVB
[14:11:39] sphery: you should "Delete all capture cards" to fix it (and not "Delete all capture cards on <hostname>"
[14:12:03] sphery: and, since you've done some sort of broken channel scan, also Delete all video sources
[14:13:30] sphery: FWIW,
[14:14:44] Guest21648: Thanks, done that. Which card type is DVB?
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[14:15:25] sphery: The one called "DVB DTV capture card (v3.x)"
[14:15:42] sphery: (it means Digital Video Broadcast)
[14:15:50] sphery: and Digital TV
[14:16:20] sphery: so you need to actually select the option "DVB DTV capture card (v3.x)" in mythtv-setup
[14:17:00] Guest21648: I don't seem to have that option. There's a HDHomeRun DTV tuner box? Doesn't really sound right though. I'll look at the use flags, maybe I've compiled mythtv without DVB support.
[14:17:06] sphery: what distro
[14:17:12] sphery: HDHR is not right
[14:17:12] Guest21648: Gentoo
[14:17:25] sphery: seems you built without DVB support
[14:17:29] sphery: what's your configure line?
[14:18:03] sphery: or, better, just the output of: mythbackend --version
[14:19:04] Guest21648: That'll be the problem :)
[14:19:06] Guest21648: [ebuild R ] media-tv/mythtv-0.24.1_p20110524 USE="alsa dvd (-altivec) -autostart -bluray -debug -dvb -ieee1394 -jack -lcd -lirc -perl -profile -python -vdpau -xvmc" INPUT_DEVICES="-joystick" VIDEO_CARDS="nvidia" 0 kB
[14:19:14] Guest21648: -dvb X
[14:19:41] Guest21648:
[14:20:02] Guest21648: I'll recompile with it in.
[14:20:17] sphery: you shoudn't compile without vdpau, either
[14:20:33] sphery: especially if you're using digital capture (i.e. where you can't control resolution/bitrate)
[14:20:55] sphery: and, regardless, it's good to have and never a negative
[14:21:29] sphery: (same with lirc and perl and python, imho... only issue with perl and python is you have to make sure you have the libraries used by the bindings to install them)
[14:22:11] sphery: basically, a proper configure line /should/ be: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-proc-opt
[14:22:29] sphery: if you have anything more, generally all it gets you is a broken build--that requires you to rebuild later :)
[14:24:19] Guest21648: Thanks, I've put them back in. I didn't really think about the options when I was building it. Haven't installed anything new in ages : P
[14:26:16] trijezdci (trijezdci!~trijezdci@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:27:46] Guest21648: Might run the build overnight... Alot of packages need recompiling.
[14:27:47] Guest21648: Thanks for your help!
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[14:30:21] dekarl: 0.24 from 2011-05–24, isnt that old or something?
[14:30:41] iamlindoro: pretty old alright
[14:30:42] dekarl: thinking of some freeview hd audio issues
[14:31:24] iamlindoro: Isn't freeview HD DB-T2 only?
[14:31:31] iamlindoro: er DVB-T2
[14:32:45] dekarl: offf wikipedia says "reeview HD is the first operational TV service in the world using the DVB-T2 standard."
[14:33:08] iamlindoro: Yeah-- I suspect when he says HD above he means from Freesat
[14:33:09] dekarl: hmm s/offf/ohh/ and give Freeview an F ...
[14:33:37] iamlindoro: Which I think should be okay from a .24 from that date... but still, newer fixes always a good idea
[14:34:23] dekarl: I think with HD he was refering to "source video device type in mythtv-setup" like HDHR ;)
[14:34:39] iamlindoro: heh, you're probably right, I only scanned the backlog for a few seconds
[14:35:09] dekarl: but then he said "my device should be capable of HD" and its Freeview (DVB-T(2)) we will see tomorrow or so
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[17:59:12] wagnerrp: mmmm.... . . . s-off-15286/
[18:03:29] iamlindoro: Well, he did ask "what else do I need to do"
[18:03:35] iamlindoro: you could tell him ;)
[18:04:31] iamlindoro: What astonishes me is how many people don't care that if Schedules Direct goes dead, so too will MythTV in all likelihood (or at least, the pace of development will slow to essentially "what is Mark Kendall doing")
[18:04:57] wagnerrp: heh
[18:05:02] iamlindoro: + Jean-Yves... as they are essentiallt the only two active non-US devs
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[18:07:42] wagnerrp: well lets see what the response to that is
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[18:10:21] [R]: i dont get it... is he surprised the channels changed... or is he surprised his hacky illegal downloader didnt update them? or both?
[18:11:06] wagnerrp: no, hes just asking how to update the channels when the wiki only explains how to do it with the proper legal guide downloader
[18:11:47] [R]: but it seems like he was SHOCKED that the channels were different
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[18:53:11] sphery: wagnerrp: The show you didn't care about is premiering on Jan 12--The Finder
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[19:22:12] wagnerrp: rolling netsplits?
[19:22:39] ** [R] makes a viagara joke **
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[19:24:51] iamlindoro: This is where cristel comes on and tells us that there's a problem with one of the hosts, or that anonymous is mad at them, or that they're changing all the blue ethernet cables for pretty pink ones
[19:27:40] wagnerrp: someone was hanging decorations for the new-years party, and decided to use the wrong ethernet cable for cord
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[19:32:39] sphery: maybe these are the countdowns they warned us about
[19:33:47] StevenR: hmmm. I accidentally deleted the unused transports (rather than ignore them)... I've moved house and I'm only getting half the channels I should... How do I reinstate the transports?
[19:34:32] stuartm: it seems obvious to me what is happening, the prophecy for 2012 is running a few hours early
[19:36:07] Seeker`: christel claims it wasn't her
[19:36:10] Seeker`: not sure I believe her :P
[19:37:57] stuartm: or should that be "the events prophecised for 2012 are occurring early" – /me spends his final moments pondering the grammar of his final words
[19:38:25] Seeker`: stuartm: worrying about the really important things? :P
[19:39:33] stuartm: :)
[19:40:19] slowone: nero, the backbone provider for Oregon State University which provides the hubs for freenode is currently experiencing a ddos attack.....
[19:44:44] wagnerrp: dont be foolish, nero wants to build a glorious palace in the pipes, so its burning all the existing users to make room for it
[19:44:58] iamlindoro: BURNINATE
[19:46:42] sphery: do I hear fiddle music?
[19:47:03] ** wagnerrp plays a dirge **
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[19:57:30] ** StevenR hrrms at dvb-apps' 'scan'.. which won't tune at all, and thus won't help him rebuild the missing transports (following ) **
[19:59:46] StevenR: mythtv's channel editor only seems to find two multiplexes worth of channels (only two transports currently though)
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[20:32:15] wagnerrp: hehehe
[20:32:20] wagnerrp: LANGUAGE translation
[20:33:18] knightr: wagnerrp, the link we provide on the wiki fill this in like that but we do expect to replace LANGUAGE with the name of the language... :-) :-)
[20:33:31] knightr: expect them...
[20:36:11] knightr: (just like we expect them to contact the existing translators before working on a translation in order to team up with them which is something he clearly did not do otherwise Kenni would surely have committed this without opening a ticket)
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[20:36:43] wagnerrp: details details
[20:37:04] wagnerrp: now... back to your cat herding
[20:37:05] wagnerrp: :)
[20:37:07] iamlindoro: I guess it proves they're reading the wiki
[20:37:38] knightr: yep :)
[20:38:21] iamlindoro: Now you'll just get Dutch translations with the subject "German Translation" ;)
[20:39:21] iamlindoro: Sad to see the Chinese translation has fallen to pieces
[20:39:33] iamlindoro: 1 billion people, all lazy asses ;)
[20:40:15] knightr: iamlindoro, it takes time to translate if he is alone it might take a while before we have any news from him...
[20:41:07] knightr: I just saw why you mentioned German, it looks like Kenni used it as an example...
[20:41:15] iamlindoro: yeah
[20:41:50] kenni: yep, the page already says that German will be used as an example throughout the page
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[20:43:10] kenni: (and it is in fact used :))
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[20:57:46] kenni: Beirdo: btw, I've collected a bunch of recordings from different channels, but I can see that 16GB isn't a lot for recordings these days :)
[20:57:59] kenni: Beirdo: Which ones should I prioritize? The ones from the most popular channels, regardless of how they work with the current commflagger?
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[21:08:46] ** iamlindoro wonders if he **
[21:08:48] iamlindoro: whoops!
[21:09:03] Beirdo: kenni: yeah, or if you have some that just don't work for crap, those would be good. We just want to be able to get good coverage
[21:09:18] iamlindoro: That is to say, I wonder if I'm the only one who thinks that the people involved in this Kotaku/Penny Arcade/Paul Cristoforo controller garbage are ALL jerkwads
[21:09:46] iamlindoro: (for those who care about gaming news)
[21:10:04] Beirdo: iamlindoro: haven't looked in so long..
[21:10:16] iamlindoro: It's really only this week
[21:10:19] slowone: i would agree there the whole thing was handled immaturely
[21:10:30] kenni: Beirdo: Ok, I'll see if I can identify some bad ones
[21:10:41] iamlindoro: everybody being a jerk to each other on the internet, and gamers sticking up for their own when really, the gamer was an abusive customer when the marketing guy was mildly rude
[21:10:43] iamlindoro: ref:
[21:11:25] iamlindoro: Marketing guy is obvious douche, gamer writes long provocative argument (swearing and insulting first) and cc's Penny Arcade, Kotaku, etc., then the whole internet destroys douchebag marketing guy
[21:12:25] gilles74 (gilles74! has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[21:12:28] iamlindoro: kenni: Bet you didn't know what a jerk you were being for suggesting someone be on-topic on our lists, huh?  ;)
[21:12:40] iamlindoro: Now the users will destroy you too, for stomping on their freedom ;)
[21:12:55] Beirdo: kenni: cool. Some bad, some good, and yeah, most popular would be useful too. I don't know how much we care if we have perfect behavior on a channel nobody ever watches :)
[21:13:03] kenni: Yeah, that's part of the game :)
[21:13:52] kenni: Beirdo, yep, but I can see now that 16GB is quite limiting...most of the recordings are like...2GB.. :)
[21:14:18] kenni: Beirdo: so it will only be 8–12 recordings
[21:14:43] kenni: unless I transcode them, but that will probably be a bad idea
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[21:22:51] Beirdo: hmm, yeah, there is that.
[21:23:25] Beirdo: transcoding probably isn't the best plan :)
[21:23:51] kenni: exactly
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[22:34:30] Beirdo: OK, bitlbee/irssi. Stop being a PITA
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[22:45:07] ** iamlindoro sighs **
[22:45:19] iamlindoro: you just KNOW the RG Newbury is being antagonistic just to pick a fight
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[22:45:56] iamlindoro: Anyone but me willing to explain that no, in fact, OT conversation having nothing to do with Myth is NOT okay on the lists, and that the lunatics do not in fact rule the asylum?
[22:46:02] iamlindoro: Beirdo? wagnerrp?
[22:46:14] iamlindoro: Ref: [mythtv-users] OT: Hiring some remote help (to set up a Calendar server)
[22:46:56] Beirdo: Just did :)
[22:47:06] iamlindoro: Thank you, sincerely
[22:47:08] Beirdo: Maybe too gently
[22:47:13] kenni: heh, here we go again...luckily it's bedtime around here, so I'm off :)
[22:47:21] Beirdo: Good night, kenni :)
[22:47:25] iamlindoro: night
[22:47:53] Beirdo: Geoff obviously wants a boot flying at his butt
[22:48:06] kenni: night
[22:48:24] iamlindoro: It's unfortunate, because as great as open source is, it's full of people who believe that free software means "free to do and say whatever I want, wherever I want, on whomever I want's resources"
[22:48:43] grumpyrj: and anyone who disagrees with you is right I assume?
[22:48:54] grumpyrj: is wrong I mean :-/
[22:49:14] Beirdo: Huh?
[22:49:40] iamlindoro: grumpydevil: Where me = "A MythTV developer" and them = "A user demanding to do whatever they want on mythtv servers, lists, and property," yes. I am right, and they are automatically wrong.
[22:49:45] Beirdo: grumpyrj: the mailing lists are running on our servers, we have the right to determine what's appropriate on them
[22:50:29] grumpyrj: oh, right.well that's kind of fair enough then.
[22:50:37] iamlindoro: If any user wants to set up their own infrastructure and set their own rules, they are free to do *that*.
[22:52:10] iamlindoro: The whole thread is just a pissing match anyway-- a small number of people want to prove that they can do whatever they want, which for a good deal of the past has been true. Our lists just need a little tending to for most people to have well-understood boundaries
[22:53:05] grumpyrj: well understood boundaries are good
[22:53:31] iamlindoro: It's just like when people want to take umbrage when they talk about content or cable theft on the lists and we put a stop to it-- they claim the ability to watch DVDs in MythTV is somehow proof of a double standard-- which is silly because if you want a DVD in MythTV, you own or have otherwise acquired the physical media and in most parts of the world, can watch it.
[22:54:18] grumpyrj: I completely agree. I thought you were coming from the other side of the fence.
[22:54:29] iamlindoro: Nope :)
[22:55:16] iamlindoro: We just want people to be nice, be legal (and by legal we mean, we have to enforce legality of the US because that's where most of us Myth devs live and coule be found legally liable if we didn't), and talk about MythTV :) It's a pretty simple set of rules :)
[22:55:19] natanojl (natanojl! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:57:33] grumpyrj: then as a dev, do you mind if I make a minor suggestion, just to have in the back of your mind? I'm not actually expecting you to jump or anything...
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[22:58:09] grumpyrj: I often watch stuff via dlna. It would be fantastic if myth marked vids watched via dlna as watched.
[22:58:38] Seeker`: so if someone outside of the US submitted some code that was illegal within the US, would it be accepted or not?
[22:59:09] kormoc: it's not
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[23:03:19] Beirdo: grumpyrj: if you can come up with a patch to do so...
[23:03:37] Beirdo: that's a bit more complicated than you might think at first
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[23:38:57] iamlindoro: Heh, Jay Ashworth is carrying on an off-list conversation with me
[23:39:51] iamlindoro: telling me how he has been "at this" for three decades, and that, and I'm quoting now, I "don't have to be an impolite pissant about it; there are much more sociable ways to be the Mailing List Police. Really. Promise."
[23:40:11] iamlindoro: I guess more sociable ways of policing behaviors include name-calling :)
[23:42:30] Beirdo: heh. Maybe he'd like to elaborate
[23:43:04] iamlindoro: I suspect they amount to "let people do whatever they want, it's the open source way"
[23:43:14] iamlindoro: which is what he seems to allude to in the public post
[23:44:28] ** iamlindoro celebrates the end of 13 straight days of work with a little run **
[23:45:33] iamlindoro: I will say before I go, though, that I don't think we aggressively enforce OT rules *at all*... we provide tons and tons of support for all sorts of distro issues, even if they only-kinda-barely-sorta refer to MythTV
[23:46:12] iamlindoro: basic things like mounting a disk, performance, etc. which realistically, we could also call offtopic and *really* restrict discussion to "Just MythTV"
[23:46:49] iamlindoro: Heck, we pretty much troubleshoot anything going on with the vague excuse of "it's on my MythTV box"
[23:47:26] iamlindoro: So when the poster says "This literally, absolutely has nothing to do with MythTV," it's kind of expected that we talk about being on-topic... if not then, when?
[23:47:34] kwisher: any dev's in the room?
[23:47:55] kormoc: a few
[23:48:23] kwisher: i'm having a issue with my hdhomerun prime
[23:48:43] Beirdo: iamlindoro: agreed. We let people away with too much as it is :)
[23:50:42] Seeker`: iamlindoro: the 'from' email address contains the word 'myth'; surely thats on-topic enough, I mean, it mentions myth :P
[23:50:55] iamlindoro: Seeker`: Ah, I see now the error of my ways ;)
[23:51:03] ** iamlindoro goes for that run for real **
[23:51:09] iamlindoro: gotta condition the heart before the next barrage
[23:51:15] Seeker`: have fun
[23:54:36] kwisher: I receive a "video frame buffering failed too many times" error when watching livetv on tuner1 and try to record on tuner2

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