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Saturday, December 24th, 2011, 00:09 UTC
[00:09:08] jpabq (jpabq!~jpabq@mythtv/developer/jpabq) has quit (Quit: jpabq)
[00:21:08] AndyCap: Heh, I take it samsung wanted PMPO for televisions? introducin CMR
[00:21:48] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has quit (Quit: kormoc)
[00:38:08] sphery: hehe, foot control
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[01:48:52] rsiebert: just for information: the new theme version 1.6 of blue-abstract has been released
[01:50:44] sphery: nice work
[01:57:40] Anomaly` is now known as TrollMaster
[01:58:13] TrollMaster is now known as Anomaly`
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[07:54:18] Beirdo: yawn
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[08:33:36] wagnerrp: Beirdo: nonsense! a 6yr old closed ticket is the perfect place to complain about your particular mythtv annoyance
[08:33:42] FabriceMG (FabriceMG! has joined #mythtv-users
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[08:40:46] Beirdo: heheh
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[11:02:33] dekarl: wagnerrp, beirdo: what happened to  ?
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[13:15:28] mazda01: morning. Merry Xmas Eve to all who celebrate
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[14:00:04] Scopeuk-AFK is now known as Scopeuk
[14:15:12] Scopeuk is now known as Scopeuk-AFK
[14:26:39] pyther: Good morning
[14:26:44] pyther: What are SCTE channels?
[14:38:51] Scopeuk-AFK is now known as Scopeuk
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[17:24:17] Torne (Torne!~torne@rockbox/developer/Torne) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:24:57] Torne: i just upgraded mythbuntu from jaunty to karmic (yes i know i am massively behind) and sound doesn't work any more in mythtv. I'm outputting to ALSA:pulse which used to work, and works for other alsa apps
[17:25:09] Torne: but while mythtv is running not only does *it* not make any sound, but nor can any other alsa apps
[17:25:19] Torne: they start making sound again as soon as you quit mythfrontend
[17:25:21] Torne: any guesses? :)
[17:25:36] [R]: pulse sucks... shocking isn't it
[17:26:06] Torne: it worked in the previous versoin, and everything else is able to output to the alsa pulse sink just fine
[17:26:23] Torne: it's an ugly config, i know
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[17:27:30] dekarl-too (dekarl-too! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:27:41] [R]: never really "got" the point of pulse in 99% of configs
[17:28:04] Torne: it avoids painstakingly reconfiguring ubuntu at length
[17:28:12] Torne: and it means you don' thave to quit mythfrontend for other stuff to be able to play sound
[17:29:03] [R]: alsa supports software mixing natively
[17:29:06] [R]: and has for many years
[17:29:08] dekarl-too: pyther: SCTE is the US cable organisation which makes e.g. the US cable TV standard.
[17:29:17] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[17:29:40] Torne: it's never worked for me :)
[17:30:03] [R]: infact im listening to an mp3 in mpalyer while playing a youtube video right now
[17:30:31] [R]: dmix has existed for years
[17:30:33] Torne: yes
[17:30:34] Torne: i know
[17:32:39] bixter (bixter! has joined #mythtv-users
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[17:32:58] bixter: is .25 stable enough to run all the time or should I stick with .24?
[17:33:45] Torne: ah; it's because mythtv is suspending pulseaudio :)
[17:33:55] Torne: there a way to make it not do that?
[17:34:22] [R]: bixter: well tehre is no 0.25... so...
[17:34:31] [R]: Torne: get rid of pulse
[17:34:32] [R]: :)
[17:34:44] MissionCritical (MissionCritical!~MissionCr@unaffiliated/missioncritical) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[17:34:48] KungFuJesus: wagnerrp: I'm getting errors trying to compile mythgame
[17:35:01] Torne: if you want to come to my parents' house and configure their machine such that multiple things can output audio at once without using pulseaudio then feel free
[17:35:12] Torne: otherwise, please don't give useless suggestions :)
[17:35:33] [R]: sure, i require $100/hr
[17:35:38] KungFuJesus: wagnerrp:
[17:35:38] [R]: and paid airfare
[17:35:52] wagnerrp: Torne: it should 'just work'
[17:36:01] wagnerrp: most sound card support hardware mixing in ALSA
[17:36:24] wagnerrp: and for the past couple years, ALSA will automatically enable dmix on any hardware that does not support mixing
[17:36:31] KungFuJesus: it looks like some issue with a compiler macro, as it's an "EXPORT" line for a shared library
[17:36:34] Torne: wagnerrp: yes, i am fully aware that it should just work
[17:36:37] Torne: however, it does not
[17:36:44] Torne: even if i manually configure dmix
[17:36:52] Torne: so, i long ago gave up and just let ubuntu use pulse
[17:36:54] Torne: and that worked fine
[17:36:56] wagnerrp: the problem is that all those other applications are currently configured to use pulseaudio
[17:37:11] Torne: wagnerrp: no, it doesn't even work with two instances of aplay at a time
[17:37:12] wagnerrp: so if you disable pulse, all those other applications do nothing
[17:38:15] wagnerrp: what other than mythtv do you actually have playing audio on a frontend?
[17:38:41] Torne: lots of things
[17:38:44] Torne: the frontend machine is a normal pc
[17:38:51] Torne: it gets used to browse the web, run rhythmbox, etc
[17:39:07] Torne: people complain if they have to quit mythfrontend before they can do those things
[17:39:22] [R]: you dont have to quit it unless you are using pulse crap
[17:39:29] [R]: when its at the menu, its not using the audio
[17:39:39] Torne: [R]: it is for me
[17:39:54] wagnerrp: right, mythtv only disables pulse when it is actually in playback
[17:40:05] Torne: Not this version
[17:40:10] Torne: This version is disabling it at startup
[17:40:22] Torne: clearly shown in the log
[17:40:31] Torne: also, i don't want it disabled *at all*
[17:40:33] [R]: so stop using that crap, adn yo uwont have problems
[17:40:38] Torne: [R]: See above
[17:40:38] wagnerrp: what version are you using?
[17:44:46] russell5 (russell5! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:44:56] wagnerrp: KungFuJesus: that macro should be defined in zlib.h
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[18:31:15] KungFuJesus: .24.1
[18:31:30] KungFuJesus: wagnerrp: oh you mean my zlib?
[18:31:45] KungFuJesus:
[18:32:19] wagnerrp: zlib.h
[18:33:14] KungFuJesus: I'll have a look
[18:33:14] wagnerrp: look in /usr/include/zlib.h
[18:33:53] KungFuJesus: they are all prefexed with _Z_OF
[18:33:56] KungFuJesus: prefixed*
[18:34:06] wagnerrp: what distro?
[18:34:09] KungFuJesus: Gentoo
[18:34:32] KungFuJesus: looks like we need a patch file for the ebuild :-p. Using the upstream git overlay
[18:34:37] KungFuJesus: .24.1
[18:35:20] _Anomaly is now known as Anomaly`
[18:35:21] wagnerrp: my install of gentoo has the proper macros
[18:35:33] KungFuJesus: I'm using zlib
[18:35:53] KungFuJesus: are you using 1.2.5 or something?
[18:36:03] wagnerrp: header says 1.2.5
[18:36:11] KungFuJesus: gahhh
[18:36:27] KungFuJesus: generally speaking shared libraries should never change the names of functions like that
[18:36:44] KungFuJesus: it's even more annoying when it's preproccessor sugar
[18:37:55] KungFuJesus: well the good part is there's a preprocessor macro telling you what zlib version you're using in the header, so this can be used to determine which macro you use
[18:38:05] KungFuJesus: if I write a patch can you commit it to the upstream overlay?
[18:38:52] wagnerrp: ill have to take a look at the current base stage 3
[18:39:25] KungFuJesus: base stage 3 is using your version, the issue is that I'm mixing ~amd64 with amd64, but there's no reason this can't work with a simple patch
[18:39:49] bixter (bixter! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:41:03] KungFuJesus: the reason why I favor gentoo over other distros is there usually isn't 6 months of beauracracy before something is fixed that I need to be fixed. Though my patch to lirc stagnated in the bugzilla for about 4 months...seems to vary between maintainers
[18:41:13] KungFuJesus: you seem to be a pretty active maintainer
[18:41:33] wagnerrp: as evident by the last new ebuild last month... :)
[18:41:38] KungFuJesus: heh
[18:42:00] wagnerrp: its just... it seems odd that they would do something like that
[18:42:17] wagnerrp: changing headers in a single version
[18:42:17] KungFuJesus: the very person that does that is in this channel right now :-p. I won't name names
[18:42:27] KungFuJesus: oh, I meant letting ebuilds stagnate
[18:42:33] wagnerrp: does what?
[18:42:54] wagnerrp: oh, apparently hes been pushing our recent stuff upstream
[18:43:13] KungFuJesus: but yeah, there must have been a reason to change that preprocessor macro to be more specific to zlib. Maybe another project uses it
[18:43:42] KungFuJesus: sorta...without plugins...
[18:43:51] wagnerrp: another project should know better than to use a macro already in use by a 15yr old very very base library
[18:44:12] wagnerrp: and if it were going to be a problem, it should have been a problem long ago
[18:44:33] Oleg_: what hot new features will appear in mythtv 0.25?
[18:44:37] KungFuJesus: so is blue OSD dead? I'm starting to miss it :(
[18:45:18] wagnerrp: all of the old pre-0.24 OSDs no longer exist
[18:45:37] KungFuJesus: hmm, the currently default one is too large :(
[18:45:46] Santa-G (Santa-G! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:45:54] KungFuJesus: any plans to write a mythtv-themes ebuild in the overlay?
[18:46:02] wagnerrp: nope
[18:46:28] wagnerrp: themes are now downloaded using the internal theme downloader
[18:46:50] KungFuJesus: where is that? I didn't see it in the setup screen
[18:47:20] wagnerrp: frontend setup, theme chooser
[18:47:37] KungFuJesus: didn't see it in there, what portion of the screen does it occupy?
[18:47:52] KungFuJesus: or is it a menu entry?
[18:48:12] wagnerrp: menu entry
[18:53:14] KungFuJesus: yep found it
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[19:32:51] pyther: How long should it take to run mythfilldatabase?
[19:33:20] [R]: depends on how much it has to download
[19:34:36] pyther: About 100 channels, iotop is showing a steady 600KB/s being written (looks like db access)
[19:35:45] [R]: its supposed to run in the background
[19:38:25] pyther: I'm hoping some channels get populated
[19:38:36] pyther: I used the wrong channel listing at first so had to make some manual changes
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[20:14:48] bixter: in mysql how do I know what storage group a video belongs to?
[20:16:11] [R]: theres a column for it...
[20:16:39] bixter: i checked videometadata and storagegroup. am i missing a table?
[20:17:18] [R]: wait, you said video
[20:17:23] [R]: isn't htere only 1 group for videos?
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[20:17:38] bixter: nah can have multiple groups
[20:17:58] [R]: how? what do you name them?
[20:18:43] bixter: storage groups? just keep adding them in your config as video ones
[20:18:47] wagnerrp: no, you can only have one storage group (Videos) for video
[20:18:56] bixter: i have 20 listed
[20:18:56] wagnerrp: you can define what storage group is used for recordings
[20:19:00] wagnerrp: but recordings != videos
[20:19:03] [R]: bixter: thats one group
[20:19:08] [R]: bixter: with muliptle locations... differnet thing
[20:21:07] wagnerrp: you have 20 different folders listed for storing video?
[20:22:42] bixter: right
[20:22:56] bixter: thats it multiple folders in a group
[20:23:13] bixter: so how do I know what folder a video is in?
[20:23:18] [R]: it doesnt store which directory
[20:23:22] wagnerrp: you dont care
[20:23:22] [R]: thats the whole point of storage groups
[20:23:33] wagnerrp: mythtv searches through all folders to find it at time of playback
[20:23:48] bixter: ah! k thanks
[20:23:56] wagnerrp: bixter: do note, mythtv flattens all folders listed in a storage group
[20:24:28] bixter: i thought it would store the path to save on searching everytime. cool thanks yall!
[20:24:48] wagnerrp: so if for instance, you have 20 different TV shows
[20:25:02] wagnerrp: and you listed each folder as a storage group path
[20:25:09] wagnerrp: mythtv will merge those 20 shows together into one
[20:26:01] wagnerrp: its really intended more to spread content across multiple partitions
[20:26:13] wagnerrp: rather than having to use RAID or spanning
[20:28:23] pyther: What are SCTE channels?
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[21:39:41] johnsu01: I've managed to get myth into a state where it thinks the tuner is busy recording, so I can't watch TV — but selecting the recording from the busy dialog just brings me back to the main menu
[21:39:48] johnsu01: and no recording is shown in the watch recordings area
[21:40:29] johnsu01: this is the debian-multimedia version, 0.24.1+fixes20111126–0.0
[21:40:40] [R]: restart the backend
[21:40:44] johnsu01: yeah, tried that
[21:40:52] johnsu01: both a restart and a stop then start (verified that it actually stopped)
[21:41:06] [R]: what "Busy" dialog?
[21:41:10] [R]: just go to the rescodinrg list
[21:41:12] [R]: and delete it
[21:41:16] johnsu01: there's no recording there
[21:41:17] wagnerrp: check your backend logs
[21:41:38] johnsu01: [R]: the busy dialog is what pops up to tell you the tuner is busy when you try to watch tv, and lets you choose to watch the recording in theory
[21:42:28] johnsu01: no error with regular verbosity, I'll have to try increasing it
[21:47:39] johnsu01: it seems to think it's successfully playing the recording
[21:48:47] johnsu01: system info tuner status say "Tuner 1 has an error"
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[21:58:14] johnsu01: well the show it thinks it's recording ends in 2 minutes, so we'll see what happens then
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[22:01:18] johnsu01: now we have "Error: MythTV is using all inputs, but there are no active recordings?"
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[22:10:17] johnsu01: logs show that the frontend is talking to the backend and the backend is talking to mysql
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[22:43:09] pyther: Is it possible to update just one channel?
[22:43:39] pyther: update the guide data for one channel?
[22:46:27] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[22:51:08] wagnerrp: pyther: for what purpose?
[22:52:22] pyther: wagnerrp: I have just one channel that hasn't received guide data
[22:52:42] pyther: orginally it was missing the xmlid so I filled it in, but it still says no guide data
[22:53:37] pyther: I ended up doing mythfilldatabase --refresh-today and it updated the problem channel, but all the other days still contain no data for that channel
[22:53:37] wagnerrp: when you pull data, you pull all data for the whole video source
[22:54:12] wagnerrp: the only thing running over a single channel would do would be to modestly reduce the amount of processing needed
[22:54:15] pyther: anything I could do to make sure my problem channel pulls in new data
[22:54:26] wagnerrp: 'mythfilldatabase --dd-grab-all'
[22:55:02] pyther: ok, I'll try that, how is that different than mythfilldatabase without any options?
[22:55:25] iamlindoro: mythfilldatabase with schedules direct by default fills in tomorrow, and 14 days from now
[22:55:31] iamlindoro: not everything in between
[22:55:46] iamlindoro: dd-grab-all tells it to grab everything for all days
[22:55:55] iamlindoro: and is actually better on schedules direct servers
[22:56:11] pyther: hmm I have guide data for Tue Dec 27th
[22:56:21] pyther: I'v always had like 2 weeks of guide data
[22:56:37] pyther: btw I'm using schedulesdirect
[22:56:38] iamlindoro: because it's constantly refreshing the day 14 days from now, daily
[22:56:49] iamlindoro: and then updating that day when it becomes "tomorrow"
[22:57:22] pyther: I don't think I follow
[22:57:29] iamlindoro: I don't think you do either
[22:57:42] iamlindoro: When you run mythfilldatabase, it doesn't just trash all the data
[22:58:05] iamlindoro: it adds what it gets for the day +14 from now, and replaces the day +1 from now
[22:58:20] iamlindoro: all other days are left alone
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[22:58:37] iamlindoro: thus your schedule data, say, +7 days from now won't be touched again until it's +1 days from now
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[22:59:13] iamlindoro: --dd-grab-all says "don't just download +1 and +14, download everything and replace everything I've got"
[22:59:39] pyther: ahh so since data wasn't fetched for the first time around, it won't update that channel until later
[22:59:42] pyther: got it
[22:59:44] iamlindoro: correct
[22:59:49] iamlindoro: so you would be fine right now
[23:00:00] iamlindoro: but if you are desperate to see all two weeks worth, run --dd-grab-all
[23:00:11] pyther: and I don't care about what is on that channel too much
[23:01:05] pyther: Now what are SCTE channels? I had a whole bunch found when I did a QAM scan on my cable, but none seemed usable
[23:01:46] iamlindoro: SCTE means Society of Cable Television Engineers, and basically means it's a US Cable TV channel
[23:02:17] iamlindoro: Not all usable channels have SCTE signalling, and not all SCTE signalled channels are usable in myth
[23:02:45] iamlindoro: It could be, for example, that your providers channels only fully comply with SCTE when they're broadcasting Video on Demand
[23:02:46] pyther: Was it safe to ignore all those SCTE channels?
[23:03:09] iamlindoro: As safe as ignoring any other channel-- you may have discarded something usable, can't say with actually trying to watch them
[23:03:36] pyther: I found only like 3 that were usable and they were public access channels, all the others cased myth to crash
[23:03:51] pyther: at least the ones I tried
[23:04:05] iamlindoro: what is your definition of crash?
[23:04:19] pyther: the frontend would freeze up
[23:04:31] iamlindoro: well that's not a crash, then
[23:04:46] pyther: usually the first time around it would kick me out of the tv viewer, but the second time around myth would just become unresponsive
[23:05:10] iamlindoro: Eventually Myth will time out even if it's getting nothing-- but most users won't wait that long
[23:05:11] pyther: and I'd have to go in and change the starting channel or else I'd run into the same problem all over again
[23:05:28] iamlindoro: So it's not a crash at all, just a channel that is no longer broadcasting, or lying about its encryption status
[23:05:36] pyther: iamlindoro: how long does it take?
[23:05:42] iamlindoro: Lending credence to it probably being Video On Demand content that someone has stopped watching
[23:05:50] iamlindoro: multiple minutes
[23:06:05] pyther: hmm then maybe that was exactly the case
[23:06:23] pyther: it's my understanding that Time Warner Cable will only broadcast the local channels unencrypted
[23:06:31] pyther: be nice to get basic cable unencrypted :(
[23:07:32] pyther: I wonder how well the WinTV-DCR-2650 works with myth
[23:07:50] iamlindoro: For Time Warner Cable, "not at all"
[23:08:00] iamlindoro: same as every cablecard device with TWC
[23:08:13] iamlindoro: For Comcast, FIOS, or RCN, it, the Prime, and the Ceton work great
[23:08:13] pyther: what is the deal with TWC and cable cards?
[23:08:26] pyther: They refuse to provide them?
[23:08:26] iamlindoro: They set all channels as copy-once or copy-none
[23:08:31] iamlindoro: meaning you can't use them with MythTV
[23:08:42] pyther: eww yuck
[23:09:47] pyther: so that basically means that the stream can be received once and not passed on, correct?
[23:10:10] iamlindoro: It means the stream cannot be used, period, in MythTV
[23:10:36] pyther: why because myth can record it? I'm just trying to understand the techincal reasoning
[23:10:43] iamlindoro: CableCard tuners will not pass it to any application other than Windows Media Center if it's not Copy-freely
[23:10:52] iamlindoro: It's not a technical problem, it's a DRM problem
[23:11:09] iamlindoro: For a tuner to support CableCard, it must be authorized by CableLabs
[23:11:09] pyther: ahh, so it the fault of the cable card manufactors then?
[23:11:26] iamlindoro: No, it's the fault of the cartifying body, which requires they follow their rules
[23:11:29] iamlindoro: er certifying
[23:11:44] pyther: understandable, why is Windows Media Player given an exemption?
[23:12:20] sphery: WMC follows the rules and has built-in DRM
[23:12:22] iamlindoro: It's not an exception-- they pay the many millions of dollars for a playready license, which in turn allows them to capture the content, so long as they abide by the rules-- namely, the recordings are encrypted and only watchable on windows MCE
[23:12:29] sphery: that's the whole reason Vista was so broken
[23:12:41] iamlindoro: So you can't commercial skip, edit, transcode, copy, move, or otherwise use the recordings, other than to watch them in MCE
[23:13:01] iamlindoro: and for Copy-never content, it is only watchable within a window of 60 minutes of recording
[23:13:04] iamlindoro: and then is destroyed
[23:13:12] sphery: because MS had to change the entire hardware abstraction layer--which meant all driver vendors had to throw away all their code and rewrite everything from scratch--so that MS could get end-to-end DRM support into Windows to allow things like MCE + CableCARD
[23:13:25] sphery: (and things like Blu-Ray/HD-DVD playback and ...)
[23:13:32] iamlindoro: Since MythTv imposes none of those restrictions, and has not paid millions for a PlayReady license, it cannot and will not ever support Copy-once or Copy-never content
[23:13:42] pyther: make sense
[23:13:55] pyther: makes me hate the game even more
[23:14:15] sphery: and even if we had millions, it's impossible to impose such restrictions in F/LOSS, so...
[23:14:16] pyther: more of reason to not even bother with anything other than OTA channels when I move out
[23:14:21] sphery: +1
[23:14:37] sphery: I dropped cable and satellite... I'm voting with my wallet
[23:14:41] iamlindoro: Or move someplace where the provider is customer friendly
[23:15:01] iamlindoro: ie, Comcast, FIOS, or RCN territory, where I enjoy all my channels with my Cablecard tuner, no muss, no fuss
[23:15:08] sphery: and when I convince 200 million of my closest friends to do the same, I'm sure the industry will rethink their DRM implementation/restrictions/requirements
[23:15:45] pyther: iamlindoro: it's kinda interesting though since comcast has their bandwidth caps
[23:16:05] iamlindoro: I don't have a bandwidth cap
[23:16:32] pyther: iamlindoro: did they revote their caps?
[23:16:41] iamlindoro: I've never had a bandwidth cap
[23:16:49] pyther: a while a back that was the big news thing
[23:16:51] iamlindoro: You are likely thinking of another provider
[23:16:55] pyther: . . . ctober-1.ars
[23:17:31] pyther: Is there a comcast outside of the states?
[23:17:37] iamlindoro: No
[23:17:49] sphery: I thought it only got so far as "limited market area" testing
[23:18:00] iamlindoro: That said, the vast majority of legit users would have a very, very hard time using 250 GB a month
[23:18:12] iamlindoro: My entire office of 100 doesn't use 250 GB a month
[23:18:16] sphery: yeah, I wouldn't come close to it--even with streaming pandora 24/7
[23:18:41] sphery: (and I don't use that much pandora by a long shot)
[23:19:06] pyther: I've used over 100GB some months
[23:20:00] pyther: Personally, I'm not fan of any bandwidth caps
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[23:22:04] sphery: perhaps now is the time for me to get vnstat installed on my systems so I can do real stats (just because I'm curious how much I use)
[23:23:37] pyther: sphery: if you use openwrt, in the latest release (10.03.1) there is a real nice vnstat luci-app
[23:23:55] sphery: yeah, I was wanting per-system and at-the-gateway stats
[23:24:14] pyther: ahh makes sense
[23:24:33] sphery: hehe, probably doesn't--it's kind of useless info, but I've been curious
[23:24:41] pyther: kind a hard to filter internet traffic on a per system basis
[23:24:48] pyther: since vnstat will collect all lan traffic
[23:25:05] pyther: always cool to look at the numbers
[23:25:11] sphery: mainly because I want to know exactly what I use so I have a better idea of just how much data is involved in the limits that mobile providers have
[23:25:26] pyther: I got real close to use the 150GB ATT cap a few months
[23:25:29] sphery: mainly for discussion purposes--since I don't have data plans
[23:25:50] pyther: wireless data plans are crazy expensive
[23:26:02] sphery: right, I want to know how much data goes into and out of each system
[23:26:18] sphery: the gateway will give me internet traffic
[23:26:29] sphery: (I only care about internet traffic as a combined total)
[23:27:08] pyther: I should setup vnstat on my myth box
[23:27:13] pyther: that'd be some interesting data
[23:27:25] sphery: yeah, that's what I'm thinking
[23:27:29] sphery: just curious info
[23:27:38] sphery: and it's pretty low-resource, so, why not?
[23:28:08] pyther: exactly
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